Commit message (Expand)AuthorAgeFilesLines
* Fix toolbar up section after w2ui reworkaccessibility/darshan/change-table-layout-in-toolbarDarshan-upadhyay111010 days3-1/+10
* Fix calc-mobile top toolbar and formula bar which are brokenPedro Pinto Silva10 days2-9/+17
* Mobile: Hamburger and back btn: Fix height after table to divPedro Pinto Silva10 days1-3/+2
* Mobile: remove legacy hamburger (opened state) rules (css refactor)Pedro Pinto Silva10 days1-4/+0
* Adjust table elements for mobile view.Darshan-upadhyay111010 days2-0/+4
* Change table layout to CSS base table structureDarshan-upadhyay111010 days2-12/+10
* css: fix button-box alignmentSzymon Kłos10 days1-0/+2
* fix(browser): Emit proper UI_PickLink post messageJulius Härtl10 days1-1/+1
* macro: open document without macros enabledPranam Lashkari10 days1-2/+2
* calc: zoom: Stop leaving blank areas with freezesSkyler Grey10 days1-2/+2
* Make freeze shadow appear/disappear mid-pinch-zoomSkyler Grey10 days5-23/+48
* Make freeze shadow move with a pinch-zoomSkyler Grey10 days1-0/+5
* Custom properties dialog: fix grid and misalignmentsPedro Pinto Silva10 days1-23/+11
* calc: Implement hiding the grid linesHubert Figuière10 days6-1/+24
* browser: preview: fix invalidate previews when resizeHenry Castro10 days2-0/+20
* browser: preview: remove unused code '_isPreviewVisible'Henry Castro10 days2-17/+8
* browser: preview: remove accessor hackHenry Castro10 days2-3/+4
* browser: preview: replace missing 'preview_placeholder.svg'Henry Castro10 days1-1/+1
* browser: preview: simplify 'updateAllPreviews'Henry Castro10 days1-17/+6
* Fix broken conditional compilation for WASM.Michael Meeks11 days3-1/+5
* test: cleanup logging accounting post fork, for more helpful tests.Michael Meeks11 days5-0/+17
* test: allow an exitTest to work in Kit and propagate its result.Michael Meeks11 days5-3/+63
* test: abort a test whose kit has a segfault by default.Michael Meeks11 days3-0/+7
* test: create UnitSyntheticLok - to stub and override LOK behavior.Michael Meeks11 days5-14/+265
* DocumentManagerInterface - remove un-helpful abstract base.Michael Meeks11 days4-225/+35
* Simplify Document creation, and coupling to KitWebSocket.Michael Meeks11 days5-25/+19
* fix: zotero options not visible when viewId is zeroRashesh Padia11 days1-1/+1
* Remove "updateResolvedState" function.Gökay Şatır11 days1-10/+0
* Fix typo. Causes JS error.Gökay Şatır11 days1-1/+1
* cool#8806 clipboard: fix paste special of images in FirefoxMiklos Vajna11 days1-0/+5
* wsd: test: give up attempting to connect if the test finishedAshod Nakashian12 days1-0/+7
* Don't log warnings about version mismatch for admin consoleAron Budea13 days1-1/+2
* Cypress: Fix mobile/impress/apply_font_text_spec.jsNeil Guertin13 days1-0/+6
* Cypress: Join subFolder and fileName into filePathNeil Guertin13 days26-228/+244
* browser: Add correct class to Share / See History buttons in ImpressAron Budea13 days1-0/+2
* Cypress: Retry selectTextOfShapeNeil Guertin13 days3-20/+35
* css: fix insert shape popupSzymon Kłos13 days1-0/+1
* annotation: avoid resizing editing commentPranam Lashkari2024-04-251-1/+2
* annotation: fixed comments could not expandPranam Lashkari2024-04-251-5/+2
* annotation: fixed thread scrolling to root comment on actionPranam Lashkari2024-04-251-8/+11
* annotation: avoid explicit unselect before selectPranam Lashkari2024-04-251-7/+1
* annotation: make comment section scrollable with mousePranam Lashkari2024-04-251-0/+14
* do invalidation tests without spellcheckingCaolán McNamara2024-04-253-12/+12
* cool#8648 clipboard: fix idle testsMiklos Vajna2024-04-251-1/+4
* Use app.file.textCursor.rectangle instead of map._docLayer._visibleCursor.Gökay Şatır2024-04-257-70/+74
* Use "app.file.textCursor.visible" instead of "map._isCursorVisible".Gökay Şatır2024-04-256-13/+11
* Rename app.file.cursor to app.file.textCursor.Gökay Şatır2024-04-254-9/+9
* cool#8806 clipboard: improve detection of HTML that's just an imageMiklos Vajna2024-04-252-7/+51
* killpoco: remove lots of redundant JSON includes.Michael Meeks2024-04-2521-40/+22
* Cypress: Remove beforeAll and rewrite document loading helpersNeil Guertin2024-04-2526-460/+353