path: root/bf_sw/source/ui/utlui/sw_utlui.src
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'bf_sw/source/ui/utlui/sw_utlui.src')
1 files changed, 832 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/bf_sw/source/ui/utlui/sw_utlui.src b/bf_sw/source/ui/utlui/sw_utlui.src
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c2dd99ef3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bf_sw/source/ui/utlui/sw_utlui.src
@@ -0,0 +1,832 @@
+ * This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
+ *
+ * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at
+ *
+ * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice:
+ *
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+ * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
+ * with this work for additional information regarding copyright
+ * ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
+ * License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
+ * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
+ * the License at .
+ */
+#include "globals.hrc"
+#include "utlui.hrc"
+#include "helpid.h"
+#include "comcore.hrc"
+ Diverses
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ /* ### ACHTUNG: Neuer Text in Resource? berschriften : berschriften */
+ Text [ de ] = "Überschriften" ;
+ Text [ en-US ] = "Headings" ;
+ Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
+ Text[ pt ] = "Títulos";
+ Text[ ru ] = "Заголовки";
+ Text[ el ] = "Επικεφαλίδες";
+ Text[ nl ] = "Koppen";
+ Text[ fr ] = "Titres";
+ Text[ es ] = "Encabezados";
+ Text[ fi ] = "Otsikot";
+ Text[ ca ] = "Encapçalaments";
+ Text[ it ] = "Intestazioni";
+ Text[ sk ] = "Nadpisy";
+ Text[ da ] = "Overskrifter";
+ Text[ sv ] = "Överskrifter";
+ Text[ pl ] = "Nagłówek";
+ Text[ pt-BR ] = "Títulos";
+ Text[ th ] = "หัวข้อ";
+ Text[ ja ] = "見出し";
+ Text[ ko ] = "제목";
+ Text[ zh-CN ] = "标题";
+ Text[ zh-TW ] = "標頭";
+ Text[ tr ] = "Başlık";
+ Text[ hi-IN ] = "शीर्षकें";
+ Text[ ar ] = "عناوين";
+ Text[ he ] = "Überschriften";
+ Text [ de ] = "Tabellen" ;
+ Text [ en-US ] = "Tables" ;
+ Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
+ Text[ pt ] = "Tabelas";
+ Text[ ru ] = "Таблицы";
+ Text[ el ] = "Πίνακες";
+ Text[ nl ] = "Tabellen";
+ Text[ fr ] = "Tableaux";
+ Text[ es ] = "Tablas";
+ Text[ fi ] = "Taulukot";
+ Text[ ca ] = "Taules";
+ Text[ it ] = "Tabelle";
+ Text[ sk ] = "Tabuľky";
+ Text[ da ] = "Tabeller";
+ Text[ sv ] = "Tabeller";
+ Text[ pl ] = "Tabele";
+ Text[ pt-BR ] = "Tabelas";
+ Text[ th ] = "ตาราง";
+ Text[ ja ] = "表";
+ Text[ ko ] = "표";
+ Text[ zh-CN ] = "表格";
+ Text[ zh-TW ] = "表格";
+ Text[ tr ] = "Tablo";
+ Text[ hi-IN ] = "सारणी";
+ Text[ ar ] = "جداول";
+ Text[ he ] = "‮טבלאות‬";
+ Text [ de ] = "Textrahmen" ;
+ Text [ en-US ] = "Text frame" ;
+ Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
+ Text[ pt ] = "Molduras de texto";
+ Text[ ru ] = "Врезка";
+ Text[ el ] = "Πλαίσιο κειμένου";
+ Text[ nl ] = "Tekstkader";
+ Text[ fr ] = "Cadres texte";
+ Text[ es ] = "Marco de texto";
+ Text[ fi ] = "Tekstikehys";
+ Text[ ca ] = "Marc de text";
+ Text[ it ] = "Cornice";
+ Text[ sk ] = "Ohraničenie textu";
+ Text[ da ] = "Tekstbokse";
+ Text[ sv ] = "Textram";
+ Text[ pl ] = "Ramka tekstowa";
+ Text[ pt-BR ] = "Moldura de texto";
+ Text[ th ] = "กรอบข้อความ";
+ Text[ ja ] = "テキスト枠";
+ Text[ ko ] = "텍스트 프레임";
+ Text[ zh-CN ] = "文本框";
+ Text[ zh-TW ] = "文字方塊";
+ Text[ tr ] = "Metin kutusu";
+ Text[ hi-IN ] = "टेक्स्ट् फ्रेम";
+ Text[ ar ] = "كوادر نص";
+ Text[ he ] = "Textrahmen";
+ Text [ de ] = "Grafiken" ;
+ Text [ en-US ] = "Graphics" ;
+ Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
+ Text[ pt ] = "Imagens";
+ Text[ ru ] = "Графические объекты";
+ Text[ el ] = "Γραφικά";
+ Text[ nl ] = "Afbeeldingen";
+ Text[ fr ] = "Images";
+ Text[ es ] = "Imágenes";
+ Text[ fi ] = "Grafiikka";
+ Text[ ca ] = "Gràfics";
+ Text[ it ] = "Immagini";
+ Text[ sk ] = "Obrázky";
+ Text[ da ] = "Grafik";
+ Text[ sv ] = "Grafik";
+ Text[ pl ] = "Grafika";
+ Text[ pt-BR ] = "Figura";
+ Text[ th ] = "กราฟิค";
+ Text[ ja ] = "図";
+ Text[ ko ] = "그림";
+ Text[ zh-CN ] = "图形";
+ Text[ zh-TW ] = "圖形";
+ Text[ tr ] = "Grafik";
+ Text[ hi-IN ] = "सुचित्र";
+ Text[ ar ] = "صور";
+ Text[ he ] = "‮גרפיקה‬";
+ Text [ de ] = "OLE-Objekte" ;
+ Text [ en-US ] = "OLE objects" ;
+ Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
+ Text[ pt ] = "Objectos OLE";
+ Text[ ru ] = "OLE объекты";
+ Text[ el ] = "Αντικείμενα OLE";
+ Text[ nl ] = "OLE-objecten";
+ Text[ fr ] = "Objets OLE";
+ Text[ es ] = "Objetos OLE";
+ Text[ fi ] = "OLE-objektit";
+ Text[ ca ] = "Objectes OLE";
+ Text[ it ] = "Oggetti OLE";
+ Text[ sk ] = "Objekty OLE";
+ Text[ da ] = "OLE-objekter";
+ Text[ sv ] = "OLE-objekt";
+ Text[ pl ] = "Obiekty OLE";
+ Text[ pt-BR ] = "Objetos OLE";
+ Text[ th ] = "วัตถุ OLE ";
+ Text[ ja ] = "OLE オブジェクト";
+ Text[ ko ] = "OLE 개체";
+ Text[ zh-CN ] = "OLE-对象";
+ Text[ zh-TW ] = "OLE 物件";
+ Text[ tr ] = "OLE nesnesi";
+ Text[ hi-IN ] = "OLE वस्तु";
+ Text[ ar ] = "كائنات OLE";
+ Text[ he ] = "OLE-Objekte";
+ Text [ de ] = "Textmarken" ;
+ Text [ en-US ] = "Bookmarks" ;
+ Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
+ Text[ pt ] = "Marcadores de texto";
+ Text[ ru ] = "Закладки";
+ Text[ el ] = "Σημάδια κειμένου";
+ Text[ nl ] = "Tekstmarkeringen";
+ Text[ fr ] = "Repères de texte";
+ Text[ es ] = "Marcas de texto";
+ Text[ fi ] = "Kirjanmerkit";
+ Text[ ca ] = "Adreces d'interès";
+ Text[ it ] = "Segnalibri";
+ Text[ sk ] = "Záložky";
+ Text[ da ] = "Tekstmarkeringer";
+ Text[ sv ] = "Bokmärken";
+ Text[ pl ] = "Zakładki";
+ Text[ pt-BR ] = "Marcadores";
+ Text[ th ] = "ที่คั่น";
+ Text[ ja ] = "テキストマーク";
+ Text[ ko ] = "책갈피";
+ Text[ zh-CN ] = "书签";
+ Text[ zh-TW ] = "內文標籤";
+ Text[ tr ] = "Metin işareti";
+ Text[ hi-IN ] = "पृष्ठसंकेतें";
+ Text[ ar ] = "إشارات مرجعية";
+ Text[ he ] = "Textmarken";
+ Text [ de ] = "Bereiche" ;
+ Text [ en-US ] = "Sections" ;
+ Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
+ Text[ pt ] = "Categorias";
+ Text[ ru ] = "Разделы";
+ Text[ el ] = "Ενότητες";
+ Text[ nl ] = "Bereiken";
+ Text[ fr ] = "Sections";
+ Text[ es ] = "Secciones";
+ Text[ fi ] = "Osat";
+ Text[ ca ] = "Seccions";
+ Text[ it ] = "Sezioni";
+ Text[ sk ] = "Sekcie";
+ Text[ da ] = "Områder";
+ Text[ sv ] = "Områden";
+ Text[ pl ] = "Sekcje";
+ Text[ pt-BR ] = "Seções";
+ Text[ th ] = "ส่วน";
+ Text[ ja ] = "範囲";
+ Text[ ko ] = "구역";
+ Text[ zh-CN ] = "区域";
+ Text[ zh-TW ] = "區域";
+ Text[ tr ] = "Bölüm";
+ Text[ hi-IN ] = "विभाग";
+ Text[ ar ] = "نطاقات";
+ Text[ he ] = "‮חלקי מסמך‬";
+ Text [ de ] = "Hyperlinks" ;
+ Text [ en-US ] = "Hyperlinks" ;
+ Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
+ Text[ pt ] = "Hiperligações";
+ Text[ ru ] = "Гиперссылки";
+ Text[ el ] = "Υπερ-συνδέσεις";
+ Text[ nl ] = "Hyperlinks";
+ Text[ fr ] = "Hyperliens";
+ Text[ es ] = "Hiperenlaces";
+ Text[ fi ] = "Hyperlinkit";
+ Text[ ca ] = "Hiperenllaços";
+ Text[ it ] = "Hyperlink";
+ Text[ sk ] = "Hypertextové odkazy";
+ Text[ da ] = "Hyperlinks";
+ Text[ sv ] = "Hyperlänkar";
+ Text[ pl ] = "Hiperłącza";
+ Text[ pt-BR ] = "Hiperlinks";
+ Text[ th ] = "เชื่อมโยงหลายมิติ";
+ Text[ ja ] = "ハイパーリンク";
+ Text[ ko ] = "하이퍼링크";
+ Text[ zh-CN ] = "超链接";
+ Text[ zh-TW ] = "超連結";
+ Text[ tr ] = "Hiperlink";
+ Text[ hi-IN ] = "हाइपरलिंक";
+ Text[ ar ] = "ارتباطات تشعبية";
+ Text[ he ] = "Hyperlinks";
+ Text [ de ] = "Referenzen" ;
+ Text [ en-US ] = "References" ;
+ Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
+ Text[ pt ] = "Referências";
+ Text[ ru ] = "Ссылки";
+ Text[ el ] = "Παραπομπές";
+ Text[ nl ] = "Verwijzingen";
+ Text[ fr ] = "Références";
+ Text[ es ] = "Referencias";
+ Text[ fi ] = "Viitteet";
+ Text[ ca ] = "Referències";
+ Text[ it ] = "Riferimenti";
+ Text[ sk ] = "Odkazy";
+ Text[ da ] = "Referencer";
+ Text[ sv ] = "Referenser";
+ Text[ pl ] = "Odwołania";
+ Text[ pt-BR ] = "Referências";
+ Text[ th ] = "อ้างอิง";
+ Text[ ja ] = "参照";
+ Text[ ko ] = "참조";
+ Text[ zh-CN ] = "引用";
+ Text[ zh-TW ] = "參照";
+ Text[ tr ] = "Referanslar";
+ Text[ hi-IN ] = "रेफरेन्स ";
+ Text[ ar ] = "مراجع";
+ Text[ he ] = "Referenzen";
+ Text [ de ] = "Verzeichnisse" ;
+ Text [ en-US ] = "Indexes" ;
+ Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
+ Text[ pt ] = "Indices";
+ Text[ ru ] = "Указатели";
+ Text[ el ] = "Ευρετήρια";
+ Text[ nl ] = "Indices";
+ Text[ fr ] = "Index";
+ Text[ es ] = "Índices";
+ Text[ fi ] = "Hakemistot";
+ Text[ ca ] = "Índexs";
+ Text[ it ] = "Indici";
+ Text[ sk ] = "Obsahy";
+ Text[ da ] = "Indeks";
+ Text[ sv ] = "Förteckningar";
+ Text[ pl ] = "Indeksy";
+ Text[ pt-BR ] = "Índices";
+ Text[ th ] = "ดัชนี";
+ Text[ ja ] = "目次と索引";
+ Text[ ko ] = "색인";
+ Text[ zh-CN ] = "目录";
+ Text[ zh-TW ] = "目錄";
+ Text[ tr ] = "Dizin";
+ Text[ hi-IN ] = "अनुक्रमणिका";
+ Text[ ar ] = "فهارس";
+ Text[ he ] = "Verzeichnisse";
+ Text [ de ] = "Zeichenobjekte" ;
+ Text [ en-US ] = "Draw objects" ;
+ Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
+ Text[ pt ] = "Objectos de desenho";
+ Text[ ru ] = "Графические объекты";
+ Text[ el ] = "Αντικείμενα σχεδίασης";
+ Text[ nl ] = "Tekenobjecten";
+ Text[ fr ] = "Objets de dessin";
+ Text[ es ] = "Objetos de dibujo";
+ Text[ fi ] = "Piirrosobjektit";
+ Text[ ca ] = "Objectes de dibuix";
+ Text[ it ] = "Oggetti di disegno";
+ Text[ sk ] = "Kresby";
+ Text[ da ] = "Tegneobjekter";
+ Text[ sv ] = "Ritobjekt";
+ Text[ pl ] = "Obiekty rysunkowe";
+ Text[ pt-BR ] = "Objetos de desenho";
+ Text[ th ] = "วาดวัตถุ";
+ Text[ ja ] = "図形描画オブジェクト";
+ Text[ ko ] = "그리기 개체";
+ Text[ zh-CN ] = "绘图对象";
+ Text[ zh-TW ] = "繪圖物件";
+ Text[ tr ] = "Çizim nesnesi";
+ Text[ hi-IN ] = "वस्तुओं को खींचना";
+ Text[ ar ] = "كائنات رسومية";
+ Text[ he ] = "Zeichenobjekte";
+ Text [ de ] = "Notizen" ;
+ Text [ en-US ] = "Notes" ;
+ Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
+ Text[ pt ] = "Anotações";
+ Text[ ru ] = "Примечания";
+ Text[ el ] = "Σημειώσεις";
+ Text[ nl ] = "Aantekeningen";
+ Text[ fr ] = "Notes";
+ Text[ es ] = "Notas";
+ Text[ fi ] = "Huomautukset";
+ Text[ ca ] = "Notes";
+ Text[ it ] = "Note";
+ Text[ sk ] = "Poznámky";
+ Text[ da ] = "Noter";
+ Text[ sv ] = "Anteckningar";
+ Text[ pl ] = "Notatki";
+ Text[ pt-BR ] = "Anotações";
+ Text[ th ] = "บันทึกย่อ";
+ Text[ ja ] = "コメント";
+ Text[ ko ] = "메모";
+ Text[ zh-CN ] = "备注";
+ Text[ zh-TW ] = "備註";
+ Text[ tr ] = "Notlar";
+ Text[ hi-IN ] = "सूचना";
+ Text[ ar ] = "ملاحظات";
+ Text[ he ] = "‮הערות‬";
+ /* ### ACHTUNG: Neuer Text in Resource? berschrift : berschrift */
+ Text [ de ] = "Überschrift" ;
+ Text [ en-US ] = "Heading" ;
+ Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
+ Text[ pt ] = "Título";
+ Text[ ru ] = "Заголовок";
+ Text[ el ] = "Επικεφαλίδα";
+ Text[ nl ] = "Kop";
+ Text[ fr ] = "Titre";
+ Text[ es ] = "Encabezado";
+ Text[ fi ] = "Otsikko";
+ Text[ ca ] = "Encapçalament";
+ Text[ it ] = "Intestazione";
+ Text[ sk ] = "Nadpis";
+ Text[ da ] = "Overskrift";
+ Text[ sv ] = "Överskrift";
+ Text[ pl ] = "Nagłówek";
+ Text[ pt-BR ] = "Título";
+ Text[ th ] = "หัวข้อ";
+ Text[ ja ] = "見出し";
+ Text[ ko ] = "제목";
+ Text[ zh-CN ] = "标题";
+ Text[ zh-TW ] = "標頭";
+ Text[ tr ] = "Başlık";
+ Text[ hi-IN ] = "शीर्षक";
+ Text[ ar ] = "عنوان";
+ Text[ he ] = "Überschrift";
+ Text [ de ] = "Tabelle" ;
+ Text [ en-US ] = "Table" ;
+ Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
+ Text[ pt ] = "Tabela";
+ Text[ ru ] = "Таблица";
+ Text[ el ] = "Πίνακας";
+ Text[ nl ] = "Tabel";
+ Text[ fr ] = "Tableau";
+ Text[ es ] = "Tabla";
+ Text[ fi ] = "Taulukko";
+ Text[ ca ] = "Taula";
+ Text[ it ] = "Tabella";
+ Text[ sk ] = "Tabuľka";
+ Text[ da ] = "Tabel";
+ Text[ sv ] = "Tabell";
+ Text[ pl ] = "Tabela";
+ Text[ pt-BR ] = "Tabela";
+ Text[ th ] = "ตาราง";
+ Text[ ja ] = "表";
+ Text[ ko ] = "표";
+ Text[ zh-CN ] = "表格";
+ Text[ zh-TW ] = "表格";
+ Text[ tr ] = "Tablo";
+ Text[ hi-IN ] = "सारणी";
+ Text[ ar ] = "جدول";
+ Text[ he ] = "‮טבלה‬";
+ Text [ de ] = "Textrahmen" ;
+ Text [ en-US ] = "Text frame" ;
+ Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
+ Text[ pt ] = "Moldura de texto";
+ Text[ ru ] = "Врезка";
+ Text[ el ] = "Πλαίσιο κειμένου";
+ Text[ nl ] = "Tekstkader";
+ Text[ fr ] = "Cadre texte";
+ Text[ es ] = "Marco de texto";
+ Text[ fi ] = "Tekstikehys";
+ Text[ ca ] = "Marc de text";
+ Text[ it ] = "Cornice";
+ Text[ sk ] = "Ohraničenie textu";
+ Text[ da ] = "Tekstboks";
+ Text[ sv ] = "Textram";
+ Text[ pl ] = "Ramka tekstowa";
+ Text[ pt-BR ] = "Moldura de texto";
+ Text[ th ] = "กรอบข้อความ";
+ Text[ ja ] = "テキスト枠";
+ Text[ ko ] = "텍스트 프레임";
+ Text[ zh-CN ] = "文本框";
+ Text[ zh-TW ] = "文字方塊";
+ Text[ tr ] = "Metin kutusu";
+ Text[ hi-IN ] = "टेक्स्ट् फ्रेम";
+ Text[ ar ] = "كادر نص";
+ Text[ he ] = "Textrahmen";
+ Text [ de ] = "Grafik" ;
+ Text [ en-US ] = "Graphics" ;
+ Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
+ Text[ pt ] = "Imagem";
+ Text[ ru ] = "Графический объект";
+ Text[ el ] = "Γραφικό";
+ Text[ nl ] = "Afbeelding";
+ Text[ fr ] = "Image";
+ Text[ es ] = "Imagen";
+ Text[ fi ] = "Grafiikka";
+ Text[ ca ] = "Gràfics";
+ Text[ it ] = "Immagine";
+ Text[ sk ] = "Obrázky";
+ Text[ da ] = "Grafik";
+ Text[ sv ] = "Grafik";
+ Text[ pl ] = "Grafika";
+ Text[ pt-BR ] = "Figura";
+ Text[ th ] = "กราฟิค";
+ Text[ ja ] = "図";
+ Text[ ko ] = "그림";
+ Text[ zh-CN ] = "图形";
+ Text[ zh-TW ] = "圖形";
+ Text[ tr ] = "Grafik";
+ Text[ hi-IN ] = "सुचित्र ";
+ Text[ ar ] = "صورة";
+ Text[ he ] = "‮גרפיקה‬";
+ Text [ de ] = "OLE-Objekt" ;
+ Text [ en-US ] = "OLE object" ;
+ Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
+ Text[ pt ] = "Objecto OLE";
+ Text[ ru ] = "OLE объект";
+ Text[ el ] = "Αντικείμενο OLE";
+ Text[ nl ] = "OLE-object";
+ Text[ fr ] = "Objet OLE";
+ Text[ es ] = "Objeto OLE";
+ Text[ fi ] = "OLE-objekti";
+ Text[ ca ] = "Objecte OLE";
+ Text[ it ] = "Oggetto OLE";
+ Text[ sk ] = "Objekt OLE";
+ Text[ da ] = "OLE-objekt";
+ Text[ sv ] = "OLE-objekt";
+ Text[ pl ] = "Obiekt OLE";
+ Text[ pt-BR ] = "Objeto OLE";
+ Text[ th ] = "วัตถุ OLE ";
+ Text[ ja ] = "OLE オブジェクト";
+ Text[ ko ] = "OLE 개체";
+ Text[ zh-CN ] = "OLE-对象";
+ Text[ zh-TW ] = "OLE 物件";
+ Text[ tr ] = "OLE nesnesi";
+ Text[ hi-IN ] = "OLE वस्तु";
+ Text[ ar ] = "كائن OLE";
+ Text[ he ] = "OLE‮אוביקט ‬";
+ Text [ de ] = "Textmarke" ;
+ Text [ en-US ] = "Bookmark" ;
+ Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
+ Text[ pt ] = "Marcador de texto";
+ Text[ ru ] = "Закладка";
+ Text[ el ] = "Σημάδι κειμένου";
+ Text[ nl ] = "Tekstmarkering";
+ Text[ fr ] = "Repère de texte";
+ Text[ es ] = "Marca de texto";
+ Text[ fi ] = "Kirjanmerkki";
+ Text[ ca ] = "Adreça d'interès";
+ Text[ it ] = "Segnalibro";
+ Text[ sk ] = "Záložka";
+ Text[ da ] = "Tekstmarkering";
+ Text[ sv ] = "Bokmärke";
+ Text[ pl ] = "Zakładka";
+ Text[ pt-BR ] = "Marcador";
+ Text[ th ] = "ที่คั่น";
+ Text[ ja ] = "テキストマーク";
+ Text[ ko ] = "책갈피";
+ Text[ zh-CN ] = "书签";
+ Text[ zh-TW ] = "內文標籤";
+ Text[ tr ] = "Metin işareti";
+ Text[ hi-IN ] = "पृष्ठसंकेत ";
+ Text[ ar ] = "إشارة مرجعية";
+ Text[ he ] = "‮סימניה‬";
+ Text [ de ] = "Bereich" ;
+ Text [ en-US ] = "Section" ;
+ Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
+ Text[ pt ] = "Área";
+ Text[ ru ] = "Раздел";
+ Text[ el ] = "Ενότητα";
+ Text[ nl ] = "Bereik";
+ Text[ fr ] = "Section";
+ Text[ es ] = "Sección";
+ Text[ fi ] = "Osa";
+ Text[ ca ] = "Secció";
+ Text[ it ] = "Area";
+ Text[ sk ] = "Sekcia";
+ Text[ da ] = "Område";
+ Text[ sv ] = "Kategori";
+ Text[ pl ] = "Sekcja";
+ Text[ pt-BR ] = "Seção";
+ Text[ th ] = "ส่วน";
+ Text[ ja ] = "範囲";
+ Text[ ko ] = "구역";
+ Text[ zh-CN ] = "区域";
+ Text[ zh-TW ] = "區域";
+ Text[ tr ] = "Bölüm";
+ Text[ hi-IN ] = "विभाग";
+ Text[ ar ] = "نطاق";
+ Text[ he ] = "‮מיקטע‬";
+ Text [ de ] = "Hyperlink" ;
+ Text [ en-US ] = "Hyperlink" ;
+ Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
+ Text[ pt ] = "Hiperligação";
+ Text[ ru ] = "Гиперссылка";
+ Text[ el ] = "Υπερ-σύνδεση";
+ Text[ nl ] = "Hyperlink";
+ Text[ fr ] = "Hyperlien";
+ Text[ es ] = "Hiperenlace";
+ Text[ fi ] = "Hyperlinkki";
+ Text[ ca ] = "Hiperenllaç";
+ Text[ it ] = "Hyperlink";
+ Text[ sk ] = "Hypertextový odkaz";
+ Text[ da ] = "Hyperlink";
+ Text[ sv ] = "Hyperlänk";
+ Text[ pl ] = "Hiperłącze";
+ Text[ pt-BR ] = "Hiperlink";
+ Text[ th ] = "เชื่อมโยงหลายมิติ";
+ Text[ ja ] = "ハイパーリンク";
+ Text[ ko ] = "하이퍼링크";
+ Text[ zh-CN ] = "超链接";
+ Text[ zh-TW ] = "超連結";
+ Text[ tr ] = "Hiperlink";
+ Text[ hi-IN ] = "हाइपरलिंक ";
+ Text[ ar ] = "ارتباط تشعبي";
+ Text[ he ] = "‮היפר לינק‬";
+ Text [ de ] = "Referenz" ;
+ Text [ en-US ] = "Reference" ;
+ Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
+ Text[ pt ] = "Referência";
+ Text[ ru ] = "Ссылка";
+ Text[ el ] = "Παραπομπή";
+ Text[ nl ] = "Verwijzing";
+ Text[ fr ] = "Référence";
+ Text[ es ] = "Referencia";
+ Text[ fi ] = "Viite";
+ Text[ ca ] = "Referència";
+ Text[ it ] = "Riferimento";
+ Text[ sk ] = "Odkaz";
+ Text[ da ] = "Reference";
+ Text[ sv ] = "Referens";
+ Text[ pl ] = "Odwołanie";
+ Text[ pt-BR ] = "Referência";
+ Text[ th ] = "อ้างอิง";
+ Text[ ja ] = "参照";
+ Text[ ko ] = "참조";
+ Text[ zh-CN ] = "引用";
+ Text[ zh-TW ] = "參照";
+ Text[ tr ] = "Referans";
+ Text[ hi-IN ] = "रेफरेन्स";
+ Text[ ar ] = "مرجع";
+ Text[ he ] = "‮הפניה‬";
+ Text [ de ] = "Verzeichnis" ;
+ Text [ en-US ] = "Index" ;
+ Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
+ Text[ pt ] = "Índice";
+ Text[ ru ] = "Указатель";
+ Text[ el ] = "Ευρετήριο";
+ Text[ nl ] = "Index";
+ Text[ fr ] = "Index";
+ Text[ es ] = "Índice";
+ Text[ fi ] = "Hakemisto";
+ Text[ ca ] = "Índex";
+ Text[ it ] = "Indice";
+ Text[ sk ] = "Obsah";
+ Text[ da ] = "Indeks";
+ Text[ sv ] = "Förteckning";
+ Text[ pl ] = "Indeks";
+ Text[ pt-BR ] = "Índice";
+ Text[ th ] = "ดัชนี";
+ Text[ ja ] = "索引";
+ Text[ ko ] = "색인";
+ Text[ zh-CN ] = "目录";
+ Text[ zh-TW ] = "目錄";
+ Text[ tr ] = "Dizin";
+ Text[ hi-IN ] = "अनुक्रमणिका";
+ Text[ ar ] = "فهرس";
+ Text[ he ] = "‮אינדקס‬";
+ Text [ de ] = "Notiz" ;
+ Text [ en-US ] = "Note" ;
+ Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
+ Text[ pt ] = "Anotação";
+ Text[ ru ] = "Примечание";
+ Text[ el ] = "Σημείωση";
+ Text[ nl ] = "Aantekening";
+ Text[ fr ] = "Note";
+ Text[ es ] = "Nota";
+ Text[ fi ] = "Huomautus";
+ Text[ ca ] = "Nota";
+ Text[ it ] = "Nota";
+ Text[ sk ] = "Poznámka";
+ Text[ da ] = "Note";
+ Text[ sv ] = "Anteckning";
+ Text[ pl ] = "Notatka";
+ Text[ pt-BR ] = "Anotações";
+ Text[ th ] = "บันทึกย่อ";
+ Text[ ja ] = "メモ";
+ Text[ ko ] = "메모";
+ Text[ zh-CN ] = "备注";
+ Text[ zh-TW ] = "備註";
+ Text[ tr ] = "Not";
+ Text[ hi-IN ] = "टिप्पणी ";
+ Text[ ar ] = "ملاحظة";
+ Text[ he ] = "‮הערה‬";
+ Text [ de ] = "Zeichenobjekt" ;
+ Text [ en-US ] = "Draw object" ;
+ Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
+ Text[ pt ] = "Objecto de desenho";
+ Text[ ru ] = "Графический объект";
+ Text[ el ] = "Aντικείμενο σχεδίασης";
+ Text[ nl ] = "Tekenobject";
+ Text[ fr ] = "Objet de dessin";
+ Text[ es ] = "Objeto de dibujo";
+ Text[ fi ] = "Piirrosobjekti";
+ Text[ ca ] = "Objecte de dibuix";
+ Text[ it ] = "Oggetto di disegno";
+ Text[ sk ] = "Kresba ";
+ Text[ da ] = "Tegneobjekt";
+ Text[ sv ] = "Ritobjekt";
+ Text[ pl ] = "Obiekt rysunkowy";
+ Text[ pt-BR ] = "Objeto de desenho";
+ Text[ th ] = "วาดวัตถุ";
+ Text[ ja ] = "図形描画オブジェクト";
+ Text[ ko ] = "그리기 개체";
+ Text[ zh-CN ] = "绘图对象";
+ Text[ zh-TW ] = "繪圖物件";
+ Text[ tr ] = "Çizim nesnesi";
+ Text[ hi-IN ] = "वस्तु खींचो";
+ Text[ ar ] = "كائن رسومي";
+ Text[ he ] = "‮אוביקט ‪Draw‬";
+ Text [ de ] = "Weitere Formate..." ;
+ Text [ en-US ] = "Additional formats..." ;
+ Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
+ Text[ pt ] = "Outros formatos...";
+ Text[ ru ] = "Дополнительные форматы...";
+ Text[ el ] = "Επιπρόσθετες μορφές...";
+ Text[ nl ] = "Andere formaten...";
+ Text[ fr ] = "Autres formats...";
+ Text[ es ] = "Otros formatos...";
+ Text[ fi ] = "Lisämuotoilut...";
+ Text[ ca ] = "Formats addicionals...";
+ Text[ it ] = "Ulteriori formati...";
+ Text[ sk ] = "Ďalšie formáty...";
+ Text[ da ] = "Yderligere formater...";
+ Text[ sv ] = "Ytterligare format...";
+ Text[ pl ] = "Dodatkowe formaty...";
+ Text[ pt-BR ] = "Formatos Adicionais...";
+ Text[ th ] = "รูปแบบเพิ่มเติม...";
+ Text[ ja ] = "その他の書式...";
+ Text[ ko ] = "추가 서식...";
+ Text[ zh-CN ] = "其它的格式...";
+ Text[ zh-TW ] = "其它格式...";
+ Text[ tr ] = "Diğer formatlar...";
+ Text[ hi-IN ] = "अधिकतरा रचना...";
+ Text[ ar ] = "...تنسيقات إضافية";
+ Text[ he ] = "Weitere Formate...";
+#define IMGLIST_IDS\
+ IdList = \
+ { \
+ IMG_DB ;\
+ }; \
+ IdCount = 5
+ Text [ de ] = "SEL" ;
+ Text [ en-US ] = "SEL";
+ Text[ pt ] = "SEL";
+ Text[ ru ] = "SEL";
+ Text[ el ] = "SEL";
+ Text[ nl ] = "SEL";
+ Text[ fr ] = "SEL";
+ Text[ es ] = "SEL";
+ Text[ fi ] = "SEL";
+ Text[ ca ] = "SEL";
+ Text[ it ] = "SEL";
+ Text[ sk ] = "SEL";
+ Text[ da ] = "SEL";
+ Text[ sv ] = "SEL";
+ Text[ pl ] = "SEL";
+ Text[ pt-BR ] = "SEL";
+ Text[ th ] = "SEL";
+ Text[ ja ] = "SEL";
+ Text[ ko ] = "SEL";
+ Text[ zh-CN ] = "SEL";
+ Text[ zh-TW ] = "SEL";
+ Text[ tr ] = "SEL";
+ Text[ hi-IN ] = "SEL";
+ Text[ ar ] = "SEL";
+ Text[ he ] = "SEL";
+ Text [ de ] = "HYP" ;
+ Text [ en-US ] = "HYP";
+ Text[ pt ] = "HYP";
+ Text[ ru ] = "HYP";
+ Text[ el ] = "HYP";
+ Text[ nl ] = "HYP";
+ Text[ fr ] = "HYP";
+ Text[ es ] = "HYP";
+ Text[ fi ] = "HYP";
+ Text[ ca ] = "HYP";
+ Text[ it ] = "HYP";
+ Text[ sk ] = "HYP";
+ Text[ da ] = "HYP";
+ Text[ sv ] = "HYP";
+ Text[ pl ] = "HYP";
+ Text[ pt-BR ] = "HYP";
+ Text[ th ] = "HYP";
+ Text[ ja ] = "HYP";
+ Text[ ko ] = "HYP";
+ Text[ zh-CN ] = "HYP";
+ Text[ zh-TW ] = "HYP";
+ Text[ tr ] = "HYP";
+ Text[ hi-IN ] = "HYP";
+ Text[ ar ] = "HYP";
+ Text[ he ] = "HYP";