path: root/bf_sc/source/ui/src/sc_globstr.src
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'bf_sc/source/ui/src/sc_globstr.src')
1 files changed, 3939 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/bf_sc/source/ui/src/sc_globstr.src b/bf_sc/source/ui/src/sc_globstr.src
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ca8c58fef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bf_sc/source/ui/src/sc_globstr.src
@@ -0,0 +1,3939 @@
+ * This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
+ *
+ * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at
+ *
+ * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice:
+ *
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+ * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
+ * with this work for additional information regarding copyright
+ * ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
+ * License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
+ * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
+ * the License at .
+ */
+#include "globstr.hrc"
+#include "bf_sc.hrc"
+ {
+ Text [ de ] = "Attribute" ;
+ Text [ en-US ] = "Attributes" ;
+ Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
+ Text[ pt ] = "Atributos";
+ Text[ ru ] = "Атрибуты";
+ Text[ el ] = "Ιδιότητες";
+ Text[ nl ] = "Attributen";
+ Text[ fr ] = "Attributs";
+ Text[ es ] = "Atributos";
+ Text[ fi ] = "Määritteet";
+ Text[ ca ] = "Atributs";
+ Text[ it ] = "Attributi";
+ Text[ da ] = "Attributter";
+ Text[ sv ] = "Attribut";
+ Text[ pl ] = "Atrybuty";
+ Text[ pt-BR ] = "Atributos";
+ Text[ th ] = "คุณลักษณะ";
+ Text[ ja ] = "属性";
+ Text[ ko ] = "속성";
+ Text[ zh-CN ] = "属性";
+ Text[ zh-TW ] = "屬性";
+ Text[ tr ] = "Öznitelikler";
+ Text[ hi-IN ] = "ऐट्रिब्यूट्स";
+ Text[ ar ] = "السمات";
+ Text[ he ] = "‮תכונות‬";
+ };
+ {
+ Text [ de ] = "Attribute/Linien" ;
+ Text [ en-US ] = "Attributes/Lines" ;
+ Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
+ Text[ pt ] = "Atributos/Linhas";
+ Text[ ru ] = "Атрибуты/Линии";
+ Text[ el ] = "Ιδιότητες/Γραμμές";
+ Text[ nl ] = "Attributen/lijnen";
+ Text[ fr ] = "Attributs/lignes";
+ Text[ es ] = "Atributos/Líneas";
+ Text[ fi ] = "Määritteet/rivit";
+ Text[ ca ] = "Atributs/Línies";
+ Text[ it ] = "Attributi/Linee";
+ Text[ da ] = "Attributter/Linjer";
+ Text[ sv ] = "Attribut/Linjer";
+ Text[ pl ] = "Atrybuty/Linie";
+ Text[ pt-BR ] = "Atributos/Linhas";
+ Text[ th ] = "คุณลักษณะ/บรรทัด";
+ Text[ ja ] = "属性/線";
+ Text[ ko ] = "속성/선";
+ Text[ zh-CN ] = "属性/线条";
+ Text[ zh-TW ] = "屬性/線條";
+ Text[ tr ] = "Öznitelikler/Çizgiler";
+ Text[ hi-IN ] = "ऐट्रिब्यूट्स/रेखाएँ";
+ Text[ ar ] = "السمات/الخطوط";
+ Text[ he ] = "Attribute/Linien";
+ };
+ {
+ Text [ de ] = "Spaltenbreite" ;
+ Text [ en-US ] = "Column Width" ;
+ Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
+ Text[ pt ] = "Largura da coluna";
+ Text[ ru ] = "Ширина столбца";
+ Text[ el ] = "Πλάτος στήλης";
+ Text[ nl ] = "Kolombreedte";
+ Text[ fr ] = "Largeur de colonne";
+ Text[ es ] = "Ancho de columna";
+ Text[ fi ] = "Sarakkeen leveys";
+ Text[ ca ] = "Amplada de la columna";
+ Text[ it ] = "Larghezza colonna";
+ Text[ da ] = "Kolonnebredde";
+ Text[ sv ] = "Kolumnbredd";
+ Text[ pl ] = "Szerokość kolumny";
+ Text[ pt-BR ] = "Largura da Coluna";
+ Text[ th ] = "ความกว้างคอลัมน์";
+ Text[ ja ] = "列幅";
+ Text[ ko ] = "열 너비";
+ Text[ zh-CN ] = "列宽";
+ Text[ zh-TW ] = "欄寬";
+ Text[ tr ] = "Sütun genişliği";
+ Text[ hi-IN ] = "स्तंभ चौड़ाई";
+ Text[ ar ] = "عرض الأعمدة";
+ Text[ he ] = "Spaltenbreite";
+ };
+ {
+ Text [ de ] = "optimale Spaltenbreite" ;
+ Text [ en-US ] = "Optimal Column Width" ;
+ Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
+ Text[ pt ] = "Largura ideal da coluna";
+ Text[ ru ] = "Оптимальная ширина столбца";
+ Text[ el ] = "βέλτιστο πλάτος στήλης";
+ Text[ nl ] = "optimale kolombreedte";
+ Text[ fr ] = "Largeur de colonne optimale";
+ Text[ es ] = "Ancho de columna óptimo";
+ Text[ fi ] = "Optimaalinen palstaleveys";
+ Text[ ca ] = "Amplada òptima de la columna";
+ Text[ it ] = "Larghezza colonna ottimale";
+ Text[ da ] = "Optimal kolonnebredde";
+ Text[ sv ] = "optimal kolumnbredd";
+ Text[ pl ] = "Optymalna szerokość kolumn";
+ Text[ pt-BR ] = "Otimizar Largura da Coluna";
+ Text[ th ] = "ความกว้างคอลัมน์ที่เหมาะที่สุด";
+ Text[ ja ] = "最適な列幅";
+ Text[ ko ] = "최적의 열 너비";
+ Text[ zh-CN ] = "最佳列宽";
+ Text[ zh-TW ] = "最適欄寬";
+ Text[ tr ] = "Optimum Sütun genişliği";
+ Text[ hi-IN ] = "योग्य स्तंभ चौड़ाई";
+ Text[ ar ] = "العرض الأمثل للعمود";
+ Text[ he ] = "‮רוחב טור מיטבי‬";
+ };
+ {
+ /* ### ACHTUNG: Neuer Text in Resource? Zeilenhhe : Zeilenhhe */
+ Text [ de ] = "Zeilenhöhe" ;
+ Text [ en-US ] = "Row height" ;
+ Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
+ Text[ pt ] = "Altura da linha";
+ Text[ ru ] = "Высота строки";
+ Text[ el ] = "Ύψος γραμμής";
+ Text[ nl ] = "Rijhoogte";
+ Text[ fr ] = "Hauteur de ligne";
+ Text[ es ] = "Altura de fila";
+ Text[ fi ] = "Rivin korkeus";
+ Text[ ca ] = "Alçada de la fila";
+ Text[ it ] = "Altezza riga";
+ Text[ da ] = "Rækkehøjde";
+ Text[ sv ] = "Radhöjd";
+ Text[ pl ] = "Wysokość wierszy";
+ Text[ pt-BR ] = "Altura da linha";
+ Text[ th ] = "ความสูงของแถว";
+ Text[ ja ] = "行の高さ";
+ Text[ ko ] = "행 높이";
+ Text[ zh-CN ] = "行高";
+ Text[ zh-TW ] = "列高";
+ Text[ tr ] = "Satır yüksekliği";
+ Text[ hi-IN ] = "पंक्ति ऊँचाई";
+ Text[ ar ] = "ارتفاع الصف";
+ Text[ he ] = "Zeilenhöhe";
+ };
+ {
+ /* ### ACHTUNG: Neuer Text in Resource? optimale Zeilenhhe : optimale Zeilenhhe */
+ Text [ de ] = "optimale Zeilenhöhe" ;
+ Text [ en-US ] = "Optimal Row Height" ;
+ Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
+ Text[ pt ] = "Altura ideal da linha";
+ Text[ ru ] = "Оптимальная высота строки";
+ Text[ el ] = "Βέλτιστο ύψος γραμμής";
+ Text[ nl ] = "optimale rijhoogte";
+ Text[ fr ] = "Hauteur de ligne optimale";
+ Text[ es ] = "Altura óptima de fila";
+ Text[ fi ] = "Optimaalinen rivikorkeus";
+ Text[ ca ] = "Alçada òptima de la fila";
+ Text[ it ] = "Altezza riga ottimale";
+ Text[ da ] = "Optimal rækkehøjde";
+ Text[ sv ] = "optimal radhöjd";
+ Text[ pl ] = "Optymalna wysokość wierszy";
+ Text[ pt-BR ] = "Otimizar Altura da Linha";
+ Text[ th ] = "ความสูงของแถวที่เหมาะที่สุด";
+ Text[ ja ] = "最適な行の高さ";
+ Text[ ko ] = "최적의 행 높이";
+ Text[ zh-CN ] = "最佳行高";
+ Text[ zh-TW ] = "最適列高";
+ Text[ tr ] = "Optimum satır yüksekliği";
+ Text[ hi-IN ] = "योग्य पंक्ति ऊँचाई";
+ Text[ ar ] = "الارتفاع الأمثل للصف";
+ Text[ he ] = "‮גובה שורה מיטבי‬";
+ };
+ {
+ Text [ de ] = "Zusammenfassen" ;
+ Text [ en-US ] = "Merge" ;
+ Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
+ Text[ pt ] = "Intercalar";
+ Text[ ru ] = "Объединить";
+ Text[ el ] = "Συγκέντρωση";
+ Text[ nl ] = "Samenvatten";
+ Text[ fr ] = "Fusionner";
+ Text[ es ] = "Unir";
+ Text[ fi ] = "Yhdistä";
+ Text[ ca ] = "Fusiona";
+ Text[ it ] = "Unisci";
+ Text[ da ] = "Flet";
+ Text[ sv ] = "Sammanfoga";
+ Text[ pl ] = "Scal";
+ Text[ pt-BR ] = "Mesclar";
+ Text[ th ] = "ผสาน";
+ Text[ ja ] = "結合";
+ Text[ ko ] = "병합";
+ Text[ zh-CN ] = "合并";
+ Text[ zh-TW ] = "合併";
+ Text[ tr ] = "Birleştir";
+ Text[ hi-IN ] = "मिलाओ";
+ Text[ ar ] = "دمج";
+ Text[ he ] = "Zusammenfassen";
+ };
+ {
+ Text [ de ] = "Zusammenfassung aufheben" ;
+ Text [ en-US ] = "Split" ;
+ Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
+ Text[ pt ] = "Dividir";
+ Text[ ru ] = "Разбить";
+ Text[ el ] = "Κατάργηση συγχώνευσης";
+ Text[ nl ] = "Samenvatting opheffen";
+ Text[ fr ] = "Diviser";
+ Text[ es ] = "Dividir";
+ Text[ fi ] = "Jaa";
+ Text[ ca ] = "Divideix";
+ Text[ it ] = "Dividi";
+ Text[ da ] = "Opdel";
+ Text[ sv ] = "Dela";
+ Text[ pl ] = "Podziel";
+ Text[ pt-BR ] = "Dividir";
+ Text[ th ] = "แยก";
+ Text[ ja ] = "結合の解除";
+ Text[ ko ] = "분할";
+ Text[ zh-CN ] = "取消合并";
+ Text[ zh-TW ] = "取消合併";
+ Text[ tr ] = "Böl";
+ Text[ hi-IN ] = "अलगाना";
+ Text[ ar ] = "إزالة الضم";
+ Text[ he ] = "Zusammenfassung aufheben";
+ };
+ {
+ Text [ de ] = "Eingabe" ;
+ Text [ en-US ] = "Input" ;
+ Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
+ Text[ pt ] = "Entrada";
+ Text[ ru ] = "Ввод";
+ Text[ el ] = "Εισαγωγή";
+ Text[ nl ] = "Invoer";
+ Text[ fr ] = "Saisie";
+ Text[ es ] = "Entrada";
+ Text[ fi ] = "Syötä";
+ Text[ ca ] = "Entrada";
+ Text[ it ] = "Digitazione";
+ Text[ da ] = "Input";
+ Text[ sv ] = "Inmatning";
+ Text[ pl ] = "Wejście";
+ Text[ pt-BR ] = "Entrada";
+ Text[ th ] = "ป้อนค่า";
+ Text[ ja ] = "入力";
+ Text[ ko ] = "입력";
+ Text[ zh-CN ] = "输入";
+ Text[ zh-TW ] = "輸入";
+ Text[ tr ] = "Girdi";
+ Text[ hi-IN ] = "इनपुट्";
+ Text[ ar ] = "إدخال";
+ Text[ he ] = "Eingabe";
+ };
+ {
+ /* ### ACHTUNG: Neuer Text in Resource? Datenbankbereiche ndern : Datenbankbereiche ndern */
+ Text [ de ] = "Datenbankbereiche ändern" ;
+ Text [ en-US ] = "Change Database Range" ;
+ Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
+ Text[ pt ] = "Modificar área da base de dados";
+ Text[ ru ] = "Изменить диапазон базы данных";
+ Text[ el ] = "Αλλαγή περιοχών βάσης δεδομένων";
+ Text[ nl ] = "Databasebereik wijzigen";
+ Text[ fr ] = "Modifier les plages de base de données";
+ Text[ es ] = "Modificar el área de la base de datos";
+ Text[ fi ] = "Muuta tietokanta-aluetta";
+ Text[ ca ] = "Canvia l'àrea de la base de dades";
+ Text[ it ] = "Modifica aree database";
+ Text[ da ] = "Modificer databaseområde";
+ Text[ sv ] = "Ändra databasområden";
+ Text[ pl ] = "Zmień zakres bazy danych";
+ Text[ pt-BR ] = "Alterar o Intervalo do Banco de Dados";
+ Text[ th ] = "เปลี่ยนช่วงฐานข้อมูล";
+ Text[ ja ] = "データベース範囲の変更";
+ Text[ ko ] = "데이터베이스 범위 수정";
+ Text[ zh-CN ] = "更改数据库区域";
+ Text[ zh-TW ] = "變更資料庫區域";
+ Text[ tr ] = "Veritabanı aralığını değiştir";
+ Text[ hi-IN ] = "लेखासंचय फैलाव बदलो";
+ Text[ ar ] = "تعديل نطاقات قاعدة بيانات";
+ Text[ he ] = "Datenbankbereiche ändern";
+ };
+ {
+ Text [ de ] = "Importieren" ;
+ Text [ en-US ] = "Importing" ;
+ Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
+ Text[ pt ] = "Importar";
+ Text[ ru ] = "Импорт";
+ Text[ el ] = "Εισαγωγή";
+ Text[ nl ] = "Importeren";
+ Text[ fr ] = "Importer";
+ Text[ es ] = "Importar";
+ Text[ fi ] = "Tuodaan";
+ Text[ ca ] = "S'està important";
+ Text[ it ] = "Importa";
+ Text[ da ] = "Importerer";
+ Text[ sv ] = "Importera";
+ Text[ pl ] = "Importowanie";
+ Text[ pt-BR ] = "Importando";
+ Text[ th ] = "นำเข้า";
+ Text[ ja ] = "インポート";
+ Text[ ko ] = "가져오기";
+ Text[ zh-CN ] = "输入";
+ Text[ zh-TW ] = "匯入";
+ Text[ tr ] = "İçe aktarıyor";
+ Text[ hi-IN ] = "निर्यात करना";
+ Text[ ar ] = "استيراد";
+ Text[ he ] = "Importieren";
+ };
+ {
+ Text [ de ] = "Zellvorlage anwenden" ;
+ Text [ en-US ] = "Apply Cell Style" ;
+ Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
+ Text[ pt ] = "Aplicar estilo de célula";
+ Text[ ru ] = "Применить стиль ячейки";
+ Text[ el ] = "Εφαρμογή στυλ κελιών";
+ Text[ nl ] = "Celopmaakprofiel gebruiken";
+ Text[ fr ] = "Appliquer un style de cellule";
+ Text[ es ] = "Aplicar estilo de celda";
+ Text[ fi ] = "Käytä solun tyyli";
+ Text[ ca ] = "Aplica l'estil de la";
+ Text[ it ] = "Applica modello di cella";
+ Text[ da ] = "Anvend celletypografi";
+ Text[ sv ] = "Använd cellmall";
+ Text[ pl ] = "Zastosuj styl komórki";
+ Text[ pt-BR ] = "Aplicar Estilo de Célula";
+ Text[ th ] = "ใช้ลักษณะเซลล์";
+ Text[ ja ] = "セルスタイルを適用";
+ Text[ ko ] = "셀 스타일 적용";
+ Text[ zh-CN ] = "使用单元格样式";
+ Text[ zh-TW ] = "使用儲存格樣式";
+ Text[ tr ] = "Hücre biçimini uygula";
+ Text[ hi-IN ] = "कोष्ठ शैली लागू करो";
+ Text[ ar ] = "استخدام نمط خلية";
+ Text[ he ] = "Zellvorlage anwenden";
+ };
+ {
+ Text [ de ] = "Spuren aktualisieren" ;
+ Text [ en-US ] = "Refresh Traces" ;
+ Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
+ Text[ pt ] = "Actualizar setas";
+ Text[ ru ] = "Обновить стрелки";
+ Text[ el ] = "Ανανέωση ιχνών";
+ Text[ nl ] = "Sporen bijwerken";
+ Text[ fr ] = "Actualiser les repères";
+ Text[ es ] = "Actualizar rastros";
+ Text[ fi ] = "Jäljitä uudelleen";
+ Text[ ca ] = "Refresca els rastres";
+ Text[ it ] = "Aggiorna tracce";
+ Text[ da ] = "Opdater spor";
+ Text[ sv ] = "Uppdatera spår";
+ Text[ pl ] = "Odśwież ślady";
+ Text[ pt-BR ] = "Atualizar Setas";
+ Text[ th ] = "ฟื้นฟูตัวติดตาม";
+ Text[ ja ] = "トレースの更新";
+ Text[ ko ] = "추적 새로 고침";
+ Text[ zh-CN ] = "更新追踪箭头";
+ Text[ zh-TW ] = "更新追蹤箭號";
+ Text[ tr ] = "İzleri güncelle";
+ Text[ hi-IN ] = "जाचँ नवीकरण";
+ Text[ ar ] = "تحديث الآثار";
+ Text[ he ] = "Spuren aktualisieren";
+ };
+ {
+ /* ### ACHTUNG: Neuer Text in Resource? Matrixformel einfgen : Matrixformel einfgen */
+ Text [ de ] = "Matrixformel einfügen" ;
+ Text [ en-US ] = "Insert Array Formula" ;
+ Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
+ Text[ pt ] = "Inserir fórmula matriz";
+ Text[ ru ] = "Вставить формулу массива";
+ Text[ el ] = "Εισαγωγή τύπου πινάκων";
+ Text[ nl ] = "Matrixformule invoegen";
+ Text[ fr ] = "Insérer une formule de matrice";
+ Text[ es ] = "Insertar una fórmula de matriz";
+ Text[ fi ] = "Lisää taulukkokaava";
+ Text[ ca ] = "Insereix la fórmula de la matriu";
+ Text[ it ] = "Inserisci formula di matrice";
+ Text[ da ] = "Indsæt matrixformel";
+ Text[ sv ] = "Infoga matrisformel";
+ Text[ pl ] = "Wstaw formułę macierzy";
+ Text[ pt-BR ] = "Inserir Fórmula de Matriz";
+ Text[ th ] = "แทรกสูตรแถวลำดับ";
+ Text[ ja ] = "行列式の挿入";
+ Text[ ko ] = "행렬 수식 삽입";
+ Text[ zh-CN ] = "插入矩阵公式";
+ Text[ zh-TW ] = "插入矩陣公式";
+ Text[ tr ] = "Matriks formulü ekle";
+ Text[ hi-IN ] = "श्रेणी सूत्र को जोड़ो";
+ Text[ ar ] = "إدراج صيغة مصفوفة";
+ Text[ he ] = "Matrixformel einfügen";
+ };
+ {
+ Text [ de ] = "Bereichsnamen bearbeiten" ;
+ Text [ en-US ] = "Edit range names" ;
+ Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
+ Text[ pt ] = "Editar nomes";
+ Text[ ru ] = "Изменение имен диапазона";
+ Text[ el ] = "Επεξεργασία ονομάτων περιοχών";
+ Text[ nl ] = "Bereiknaam bewerken";
+ Text[ fr ] = "Éditer les noms de plage";
+ Text[ es ] = "Editar nombres de área";
+ Text[ fi ] = "Muuta alueiden nimiä";
+ Text[ ca ] = "Edita els noms d'àrea";
+ Text[ it ] = "Modifica nomi";
+ Text[ da ] = "Rediger områdenavne";
+ Text[ sv ] = "Redigera områdesnamn";
+ Text[ pl ] = "Edytuj nazwy zakresów";
+ Text[ pt-BR ] = "Editar nomes de intervalo";
+ Text[ th ] = "แก้ไขชื่อช่วง";
+ Text[ ja ] = "範囲名の編集";
+ Text[ ko ] = "범위 이름 편집";
+ Text[ zh-CN ] = "编辑区域名称";
+ Text[ zh-TW ] = "編輯區域名稱";
+ Text[ tr ] = "Aralık adlarını düzenle";
+ Text[ hi-IN ] = "फैलाव नामों का संपादन";
+ Text[ ar ] = "تحرير أسماء نطاقات";
+ Text[ he ] = "Bereichsnamen bearbeiten";
+ };
+ {
+ Text [ de ] = "unbenannt" ;
+ Text [ en-US ] = "unnamed" ;
+ Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
+ Text[ pt ] = "Sem nome";
+ Text[ ru ] = "документ";
+ Text[ el ] = "Δίχως όνομα";
+ Text[ nl ] = "naamloos";
+ Text[ fr ] = "Sans nom";
+ Text[ es ] = "Sin nombre";
+ Text[ fi ] = "nimetön";
+ Text[ ca ] = "sense nom";
+ Text[ it ] = "Senza nome";
+ Text[ da ] = "ikke-navngivet";
+ Text[ sv ] = "namnlös";
+ Text[ pl ] = "bez nazwy";
+ Text[ pt-BR ] = "sem nome";
+ Text[ th ] = "ไม่มีชื่อ";
+ Text[ ja ] = "無題";
+ Text[ ko ] = "이름 없음";
+ Text[ zh-CN ] = "未命名";
+ Text[ zh-TW ] = "未命名";
+ Text[ tr ] = "adsız";
+ Text[ hi-IN ] = "नाम रहित";
+ Text[ ar ] = "بدون عنوان";
+ Text[ he ] = "unbenannt";
+ };
+ {
+ Text [ de ] = "Import" ;
+ Text [ en-US ] = "Import" ;
+ Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
+ Text[ pt ] = "Importar";
+ Text[ ru ] = "Импорт";
+ Text[ el ] = "Εισαγωγή";
+ Text[ nl ] = "Import";
+ Text[ fr ] = "Import";
+ Text[ es ] = "Importación";
+ Text[ fi ] = "Tuo";
+ Text[ ca ] = "Importa";
+ Text[ it ] = "Importa";
+ Text[ da ] = "Import";
+ Text[ sv ] = "Import";
+ Text[ pl ] = "Importuj";
+ Text[ pt-BR ] = "Importar";
+ Text[ th ] = "นำเข้า";
+ Text[ ja ] = "インポート";
+ Text[ ko ] = "가져오기";
+ Text[ zh-CN ] = "输入";
+ Text[ zh-TW ] = "匯入";
+ Text[ tr ] = "İçe aktar";
+ Text[ hi-IN ] = "आयात";
+ Text[ ar ] = "استيراد";
+ Text[ he ] = "Import";
+ };
+ {
+ /* ### ACHTUNG: Neuer Text in Resource? Kann keine Zeilen einfgen : Kann keine Zeilen einfgen */
+ Text [ de ] = "Kann keine Zeilen einfügen" ;
+ Text [ en-US ] = "Unable to insert rows" ;
+ Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
+ Text[ pt ] = "Impossível inserir linhas";
+ Text[ ru ] = "Невозможно вставить строки";
+ Text[ el ] = "Δεν είναι δυνατόν να γίνει προσθήκη γραμμής";
+ Text[ nl ] = "Rij invoegen onmogelijk";
+ Text[ fr ] = "Insertion de lignes impossible";
+ Text[ es ] = "No puede insertar filas";
+ Text[ fi ] = "Rivien lisääminen ei onnistu";
+ Text[ ca ] = "No es poden inserir files";
+ Text[ it ] = "Impossibile inserire riga";
+ Text[ da ] = "Kan ikke indsætte rækker";
+ Text[ sv ] = "Kan ej infoga rad";
+ Text[ pl ] = "Nie można wstawić wierszy";
+ Text[ pt-BR ] = "Não é possível inserir linhas";
+ Text[ th ] = "ไม่สามารถแทรกแถว";
+ Text[ ja ] = "列の挿入はできません。";
+ Text[ ko ] = "행 삽입이 불가능";
+ Text[ zh-CN ] = "无法插入行";
+ Text[ zh-TW ] = "無法插入欄";
+ Text[ tr ] = "Satır eklenemiyor";
+ Text[ hi-IN ] = "पंक्तियों को जोड़ना संभव नहीं है";
+ Text[ ar ] = "غير قادر على إدراج صفوف";
+ Text[ he ] = "Kann keine Zeilen einfügen";
+ };
+ {
+ /* ### ACHTUNG: Neuer Text in Resource? Keine Operationen auszufhren : Keine Operationen auszufhren */
+ Text [ de ] = "Keine Operationen auszuführen" ;
+ Text [ en-US ] = "No operations to execute" ;
+ Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
+ Text[ pt ] = "Não tenho operações para executar";
+ Text[ ru ] = "Нет операций для выполнения";
+ Text[ el ] = "Δεν υπάρχουν εντολές για εκτέλεση";
+ Text[ nl ] = "Geen bewerking uit te voeren";
+ Text[ fr ] = "Aucune opération à exécuter";
+ Text[ es ] = "Ninguna operación por hacer";
+ Text[ fi ] = "Ei suoritettavia toimintoja";
+ Text[ ca ] = "No hi ha cap operació per executar";
+ Text[ it ] = "Non c'è niente da fare";
+ Text[ da ] = "Ingen operationer til at udføre";
+ Text[ sv ] = "Inga operationer att utföra";
+ Text[ pl ] = "Brak operacji do wykonania";
+ Text[ pt-BR ] = "Nenhuma operação a executar";
+ Text[ th ] = "ไม่มีการปฏิบัติการ";
+ Text[ ja ] = "実行する演算はありません。";
+ Text[ ko ] = "실행할 작업이 없습니다.";
+ Text[ zh-CN ] = "不执行操作";
+ Text[ zh-TW ] = "不執行動作";
+ Text[ tr ] = "Yürütülecek işlem yok";
+ Text[ hi-IN ] = "चलाने केलिए कोई कार्य नहीं";
+ Text[ ar ] = "لا توجد عمليات للتنفيذ";
+ Text[ he ] = "Keine Operationen auszuführen";
+ };
+ {
+ Text [ de ] = "Fehler beim Importieren!" ;
+ Text [ en-US ] = "Error while importing data!" ;
+ Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
+ Text[ pt ] = "Erro ao importar dados!";
+ Text[ ru ] = "Ошибка импорта данных!";
+ Text[ el ] = "Σφάλμα κατά την εισαγωγή!";
+ Text[ nl ] = "Fout bij importeren!";
+ Text[ fr ] = "Erreur lors de l'import des données !";
+ Text[ es ] = "¡Error al importar datos!";
+ Text[ fi ] = "Virhe tietoja tuotaessa.";
+ Text[ ca ] = "S'ha produït un error en importar les dades.";
+ Text[ it ] = "Errore durante l'importazione dei dati!";
+ Text[ da ] = "Fejl ved import!";
+ Text[ sv ] = "Fel vid import av data!";
+ Text[ pl ] = "Błąd podczas importowania danych!";
+ Text[ pt-BR ] = "Erro ao importar dados!";
+ Text[ th ] = "เกิดความผิดพลาดขณะนำเข้าข้อมูล!";
+ Text[ ja ] = "インポート時のエラー。";
+ Text[ ko ] = "데이터를 가져오는 동안 오류!";
+ Text[ zh-CN ] = "输入时发生错误!";
+ Text[ zh-TW ] = "匯入時發生錯誤!";
+ Text[ tr ] = "Veri içe aktarımında hata!";
+ Text[ hi-IN ] = "ड़ॉटा को निर्यात करने के समय गलती!";
+ Text[ ar ] = "حدث خطأ أثناء استيراد البيانات!";
+ Text[ he ] = "Fehler beim Importieren";
+ };
+ {
+ /* ### ACHTUNG: Neuer Text in Resource? Kann nicht in zusammengefate Bereiche einfgen : Kann nicht in zusammengefate Bereiche einfgen */
+ Text [ de ] = "Kann nicht in zusammengefasste Bereiche einfügen" ;
+ Text [ en-US ] = "Inserting into merged ranges not possible" ;
+ Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
+ Text[ pt ] = "Impossível inserir em áreas intercaladas.";
+ Text[ ru ] = "Невозможно вставить в объединенные области";
+ Text[ el ] = "Δεν είναι δυνατόν να γίνει προσθήκη σε συγχωνευμένες περιοχές";
+ Text[ nl ] = "Invoegen in samengevoegde bereiken onmogelijk!";
+ Text[ fr ] = "Insertion impossible dans des plages contant des cellules fusionnées";
+ Text[ es ] = "No es posible insertar en áreas fusionadas";
+ Text[ fi ] = "Yhdistettyihin alueisiin liittäminen ei ole mahdollista";
+ Text[ ca ] = "No és possible inserir en àrees fusionades";
+ Text[ it ] = "Impossibile inserire nelle aree unite";
+ Text[ da ] = "Kan ikke indsætte i flettede områder";
+ Text[ sv ] = "Kan inte infoga i sammanfattade områden";
+ Text[ pl ] = "Nie można wstawiać do scalonych zakresów";
+ Text[ pt-BR ] = "Não é possível inserir em intervalos mesclados";
+ Text[ th ] = "แทรกในช่วงที่ผสานไม่ได้";
+ Text[ ja ] = "結合した範囲に挿入できません。";
+ Text[ ko ] = "병합된 범위에 삽입할 수 없습니다.";
+ Text[ zh-CN ] = "无法插入到合并的区域内";
+ Text[ zh-TW ] = "無法在合併的區域內插入";
+ Text[ tr ] = "Birleştirilmiş aralıklara ekleme yapılamaz";
+ Text[ hi-IN ] = "Inserting into merged ranges not possible";
+ Text[ ar ] = "لا يستطيع الإدراج في نطاقات مدمجة";
+ Text[ he ] = "Kann nicht in zusammengefasste Bereiche einfügen";
+ };
+ {
+ Text [ de ] = "Zusammenfassungen nicht verschachteln !" ;
+ Text [ en-US ] = "Cell merge not possible if cells already merged" ;
+ Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
+ Text[ pt ] = "Não é permitido inserir células em células intercaladas!";
+ Text[ ru ] = "Невозможно объединение уже объединенных ячеек!";
+ Text[ el ] = "Δεν είναι δυνατόν να γίνει συγχώνευση κελιών τα οποία είναι ήδη συγχωνευμένα!";
+ Text[ nl ] = "Overlappen van samengevoegde cellen niet geoorloofd!";
+ Text[ fr ] = "Insertion de cellules dans des cellules fusionnées : échec !";
+ Text[ es ] = "¡La inserción de celdas fusionadas en otras celdas fusionadas no es posible!";
+ Text[ fi ] = "Solujen yhdistäminen ei onnistu, jos solut on jo yhdistetty";
+ Text[ ca ] = "No és possible fusionar les cel.les si ja estan fusionades";
+ Text[ it ] = "Non inserire celle raggruppate in celle raggruppate!";
+ Text[ da ] = "Det er ikke tilladt at overlappe flettede celler!";
+ Text[ sv ] = "Inte tillåtet att överlappa sammanfattade celler!";
+ Text[ pl ] = "Nie można scalać już scalonych komórek";
+ Text[ pt-BR ] = "Não é possível mesclar células que já foram mescladas!";
+ Text[ th ] = "ผสานเซลล์ไม่ได้ถ้าได้ผสานเซลล์แล้ว";
+ Text[ ja ] = "統合したものは重ねられません。";
+ Text[ ko ] = "셀 병합을 중복할 수 없습니다.";
+ Text[ zh-CN ] = "不允许复合合并!";
+ Text[ zh-TW ] = "不允許複合合併!";
+ Text[ tr ] = "Birleştirilmiş hücreler birleştirilemez!";
+ Text[ hi-IN ] = "अगर कोष्ठ को पहिले से ही मिलाया है, तो कोष्ठ को मिलाना संभव नहीं है";
+ Text[ ar ] = "ممنوع تراكب الخلايا المدمجة !";
+ Text[ he ] = "Zusammenfassungen nicht verschachteln ";
+ };
+ {
+ /* ### ACHTUNG: Neuer Text in Resource? Bereiche mit zusammengefaten Zellen knnen nur ohne Formate sortiert werden. : Bereiche mit zusammengefaten Zellen knnen nur ohne Formate sortiert werden. */
+ Text [ de ] = "Bereiche mit zusammengefassten Zellen können nur ohne Formate sortiert werden." ;
+ Text [ en-US ] = "Ranges containing merged cells can only be sorted without formats." ;
+ Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
+ Text[ pt ] = "As áreas contendo células unidas só podem ser ordenadas sem formato.";
+ Text[ ru ] = "Сортировка областей с объединенными ячейками возможна только без формата.";
+ Text[ el ] = "Η ταξινόμηση περιοχών, οι οποίες περιέχουν συγχωνευμένα κελιά, είναι δυνατόν να γίνει μόνο χωρίς τη μορφοποίηση.";
+ Text[ nl ] = "Bereiken met samengevatte cellen kunnen alleen maar zonder opmaak worden gesorteerd.";
+ Text[ fr ] = "Tri dans des plages contant des cellules fusionnées uniquement possible sans format";
+ Text[ es ] = "Las áreas con celdas fusionadas sólo se pueden ordenar sin formato.";
+ Text[ fi ] = "Yhdistettyjä soluja sisältävät alueet voi järjestää vain ilman muotoja.";
+ Text[ ca ] = "Les àrees que contenen cel.les fusionades només es poden ordenar sense formats.";
+ Text[ it ] = "Le aree con celle raggruppate possono essere ordinate solo senza formati.";
+ Text[ da ] = "Områder med flettede celler kan kun sorteres uden formater.";
+ Text[ sv ] = "Områden med sammanslagna celler kan bara sorteras utan format.";
+ Text[ pl ] = "Zakresy zawierające scalone komórki mogą być sortowane tylko bez formató????w.";
+ Text[ pt-BR ] = "Os intervalos contendo células mescladas só podem ser ordenados sem formato.";
+ Text[ th ] = "ช่วงมีเซลล์ที่ผสานสามารถเรียงลำดับโดยไม่มีรูปแบบเท่านั้น";
+ Text[ ja ] = "結合したセルを含む範囲は、書式なしの時のみ並べ替えできます。";
+ Text[ ko ] = "병합된 셀을 포함하고 있는 범위는 서식이 없을 때만 정렬될 수 있습니다.";
+ Text[ zh-CN ] = "只有在不带格式的条件下才能排序含有合并单元格的区域。";
+ Text[ zh-TW ] = "只有在不帶格式的條件下才能排序含有合併的儲存格區域。";
+ Text[ tr ] = "Birleştirilmiş hücre içeren aralıklar yalnızca formatsız olarak sıralanabilir.";
+ Text[ hi-IN ] = "फैलाव में रहनेवाला मिलाया हुआ कोष्ठों को केवल रचना के बिना ही सोर्ट कर सकते है ।";
+ Text[ ar ] = "لا يمكن فرز النطاقات ذات الخلايا المدمجة إلا بدون تنسيقات.";
+ Text[ he ] = "Bereiche mit zusammengefassten Zellen können nur ohne Formate sortiert werden.";
+ };
+ {
+ Text [ de ] = "Ergebnis" ;
+ Text [ en-US ] = "Result" ;
+ Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
+ Text[ pt ] = "Resultado";
+ Text[ ru ] = "Результат";
+ Text[ el ] = "Αποτέλεσμα";
+ Text[ nl ] = "Resultaat";
+ Text[ fr ] = "Résultat";
+ Text[ es ] = "Resultado";
+ Text[ fi ] = "Tulos";
+ Text[ ca ] = "Resultat";
+ Text[ it ] = "Risultato";
+ Text[ da ] = "Resultat";
+ Text[ sv ] = "Resultat";
+ Text[ pl ] = "Wynik";
+ Text[ pt-BR ] = "Resultado";
+ Text[ th ] = "ผลลัพธ์";
+ Text[ ja ] = "結果";
+ Text[ ko ] = "결과";
+ Text[ zh-CN ] = "结果";
+ Text[ zh-TW ] = "結果";
+ Text[ tr ] = "Sonuç";
+ Text[ hi-IN ] = "नतीजा";
+ Text[ ar ] = "النتيجة";
+ Text[ he ] = "Ergebnis";
+ };
+ {
+ Text [ de ] = "Tabelle" ;
+ Text [ en-US ] = "Sheet" ;
+ Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
+ Text[ pt ] = "Folha";
+ Text[ ru ] = "Лист";
+ Text[ el ] = "Φύλλο";
+ Text[ nl ] = "Werkblad";
+ Text[ fr ] = "Feuille";
+ Text[ es ] = "Hoja";
+ Text[ fi ] = "Taulukko";
+ Text[ ca ] = "Full";
+ Text[ it ] = "Tabella";
+ Text[ da ] = "Ark";
+ Text[ sv ] = "Tabell";
+ Text[ pl ] = "Arkusz";
+ Text[ pt-BR ] = "Planilha";
+ Text[ th ] = "แผ่นงาน";
+ Text[ ja ] = "表";
+ Text[ ko ] = "시트";
+ Text[ zh-CN ] = "工作表";
+ Text[ zh-TW ] = "工作表";
+ Text[ tr ] = "Tablo";
+ Text[ hi-IN ] = "शीट्";
+ Text[ ar ] = "الجدول";
+ Text[ he ] = "Tabelle";
+ };
+ {
+ Text [ de ] = "#REF!" ;
+ Text [ en-US ] = "#REF!" ;
+ Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
+ Text[ pt ] = "#REF!";
+ Text[ ru ] = "#ССЫЛ!";
+ Text[ el ] = "#REF!";
+ Text[ nl ] = "#REF!";
+ Text[ fr ] = "#REF !";
+ Text[ es ] = "#REF!";
+ Text[ fi ] = "#VIITTAUS!";
+ Text[ ca ] = "#REF!";
+ Text[ it ] = "#RIF!";
+ Text[ da ] = "#REF!";
+ Text[ sv ] = "#REF!";
+ Text[ pl ] = "#ODWOŁANIE!";
+ Text[ pt-BR ] = "#REF!";
+ Text[ th ] = "#REF!";
+ Text[ ja ] = "#REF!";
+ Text[ ko ] = "#REF!";
+ Text[ zh-CN ] = "#REF!";
+ Text[ zh-TW ] = "#REF!";
+ Text[ tr ] = "#REF!";
+ Text[ hi-IN ] = "#REF!";
+ Text[ ar ] = "#REF!";
+ Text[ he ] = "#REF!";
+ };
+ {
+ Text [ de ] = "Gesamt" ;
+ Text [ en-US ] = "Total" ;
+ Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
+ Text[ pt ] = "Total";
+ Text[ ru ] = "Итог";
+ Text[ el ] = "Σύνολο";
+ Text[ nl ] = "Totaal";
+ Text[ fr ] = "Total";
+ Text[ es ] = "Total";
+ Text[ fi ] = "Yhteensä";
+ Text[ ca ] = "Total";
+ Text[ it ] = "Totale";
+ Text[ da ] = "Total";
+ Text[ sv ] = "Totalt";
+ Text[ pl ] = "Suma";
+ Text[ pt-BR ] = "Total";
+ Text[ th ] = "ผลรวม";
+ Text[ ja ] = "合計";
+ Text[ ko ] = "총";
+ Text[ zh-CN ] = "总共";
+ Text[ zh-TW ] = "總計";
+ Text[ tr ] = "Toplam";
+ Text[ hi-IN ] = "कुलजोड़";
+ Text[ ar ] = "إجمالي";
+ Text[ he ] = "Gesamt";
+ };
+ {
+ Text [ de ] = "Daten" ;
+ Text [ en-US ] = "Data" ;
+ Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
+ Text[ pt ] = "Dados";
+ Text[ ru ] = "Данные";
+ Text[ el ] = "Δεδομένα";
+ Text[ nl ] = "Gegevens";
+ Text[ fr ] = "Données";
+ Text[ es ] = "Datos";
+ Text[ fi ] = "Tiedot";
+ Text[ ca ] = "Dades";
+ Text[ it ] = "Dati";
+ Text[ da ] = "Data";
+ Text[ sv ] = "Data";
+ Text[ pl ] = "Dane";
+ Text[ pt-BR ] = "Dados";
+ Text[ th ] = "ข้อมูล";
+ Text[ ja ] = "データ";
+ Text[ ko ] = "데이터";
+ Text[ zh-CN ] = "数据";
+ Text[ zh-TW ] = "資料";
+ Text[ tr ] = "Veri";
+ Text[ hi-IN ] = "डॉटा";
+ Text[ ar ] = "البيانات";
+ Text[ he ] = "Daten";
+ };
+ {
+ Text [ de ] = "SUMME" ;
+ Text [ en-US ] = "SUM" ;
+ Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
+ Text[ pt ] = "SOMA";
+ Text[ ru ] = "СУММА";
+ Text[ el ] = "SUM";
+ Text[ nl ] = "SOM";
+ Text[ fr ] = "SOMME";
+ Text[ es ] = "SUMA";
+ Text[ fi ] = "SUMMA";
+ Text[ ca ] = "SUM";
+ Text[ it ] = "SOMMA";
+ Text[ da ] = "SUM";
+ Text[ sv ] = "SUMMA";
+ Text[ pl ] = "SUM";
+ Text[ pt-BR ] = "SOMA";
+ Text[ th ] = "ผลรวม";
+ Text[ ja ] = "SUM";
+ Text[ ko ] = "합계";
+ Text[ zh-CN ] = "总计";
+ Text[ zh-TW ] = "小計";
+ Text[ tr ] = "TOPLAM";
+ Text[ hi-IN ] = "SUM";
+ Text[ ar ] = "المجموع";
+ Text[ he ] = "SUMME";
+ };
+ {
+ Text [ de ] = "ANZAHL" ;
+ Text [ en-US ] = "COUNT" ;
+ Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
+ Text[ pt ] = "CONTAR.NÚMEROS";
+ Text[ ru ] = "КОЛИЧЕСТВО";
+ Text[ el ] = "ΠΛΗΘΟΣ";
+ Text[ nl ] = "AANTAL";
+ Text[ fr ] = "NB";
+ Text[ es ] = "CANTIDAD";
+ Text[ fi ] = "LASKE";
+ Text[ ca ] = "COUNT";
+ Text[ it ] = "CONTA.NUMERI";
+ Text[ da ] = "TÆL";
+ Text[ sv ] = "ANTAL";
+ Text[ pl ] = "COUNT";
+ Text[ pt-BR ] = "CONT.NÚM";
+ Text[ th ] = "นับ";
+ Text[ ja ] = "COUNT";
+ Text[ ko ] = "값";
+ Text[ zh-CN ] = "数目";
+ Text[ zh-TW ] = "數目";
+ Text[ tr ] = "SAY";
+ Text[ hi-IN ] = "COUNT";
+ Text[ ar ] = "العدد";
+ Text[ he ] = "ANZAHL";
+ };
+ {
+ Text [ de ] = "MITTELWERT" ;
+ Text [ en-US ] = "AVERAGE" ;
+ Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
+ Text[ pt ] = "MÉDIA";
+ Text[ ru ] = "СРЗНАЧ";
+ Text[ el ] = "AVERAGE";
+ Text[ nl ] = "GEMIDDELDE";
+ Text[ fr ] = "MOYENNE";
+ Text[ es ] = "PROMEDIO";
+ Text[ fi ] = "KESKIARVO";
+ Text[ ca ] = "AVERAGE";
+ Text[ it ] = "MEDIA";
+ Text[ da ] = "MIDDEL";
+ Text[ sv ] = "MEDEL";
+ Text[ pl ] = "AVERAGE";
+ Text[ pt-BR ] = "MÉDIA";
+ Text[ th ] = "เฉลี่ย";
+ Text[ ja ] = "AVERAGE";
+ Text[ ko ] = "AVERAGE";
+ Text[ zh-CN ] = "平均值";
+ Text[ zh-TW ] = "平均值";
+ Text[ tr ] = "ORTALAMA ";
+ Text[ hi-IN ] = "AVERAGE";
+ Text[ ar ] = "AVERAGE";
+ Text[ he ] = "MITTELWERT";
+ };
+ {
+ Text [ de ] = "MAX" ;
+ Text [ en-US ] = "MAX" ;
+ Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
+ Text[ pt ] = "MÁX";
+ Text[ ru ] = "МАКС";
+ Text[ el ] = "MAX";
+ Text[ nl ] = "MAX";
+ Text[ fr ] = "MAX";
+ Text[ es ] = "MAX";
+ Text[ fi ] = "MAKS";
+ Text[ ca ] = "MAX";
+ Text[ it ] = "MAX";
+ Text[ da ] = "MAKS";
+ Text[ sv ] = "MAX";
+ Text[ pl ] = "MAX";
+ Text[ pt-BR ] = "MÁXIMO";
+ Text[ th ] = "มากที่สุด";
+ Text[ ja ] = "MAX";
+ Text[ ko ] = "최대";
+ Text[ zh-CN ] = "最大";
+ Text[ zh-TW ] = "最大";
+ Text[ tr ] = "MAX";
+ Text[ hi-IN ] = "MAX";
+ Text[ ar ] = "MAX";
+ Text[ he ] = "MAX";
+ };
+ {
+ Text [ de ] = "MIN" ;
+ Text [ en-US ] = "MIN" ;
+ Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
+ Text[ pt ] = "MÍN";
+ Text[ ru ] = "МИН";
+ Text[ el ] = "MIN";
+ Text[ nl ] = "MIN";
+ Text[ fr ] = "MIN";
+ Text[ es ] = "MIN";
+ Text[ fi ] = "MIN";
+ Text[ ca ] = "MIN";
+ Text[ it ] = "MIN";
+ Text[ da ] = "MIN";
+ Text[ sv ] = "MIN";
+ Text[ pl ] = "MIN";
+ Text[ pt-BR ] = "MÍNIMO";
+ Text[ th ] = "น้อยที่สุด";
+ Text[ ja ] = "MIN";
+ Text[ ko ] = "최소";
+ Text[ zh-CN ] = "最小";
+ Text[ zh-TW ] = "最小";
+ Text[ tr ] = "MİN";
+ Text[ hi-IN ] = "MIN";
+ Text[ ar ] = "أدنى";
+ Text[ he ] = "MIN";
+ };
+ {
+ Text [ de ] = "PRODUKT" ;
+ Text [ en-US ] = "PRODUCT" ;
+ Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
+ Text[ pt ] = "PRODUTO";
+ Text[ ru ] = "ПРОИЗВЕДЕНИЕ";
+ Text[ el ] = "ΓΙΝΟΜΕΝΟ";
+ Text[ nl ] = "PRODUCT";
+ Text[ fr ] = "PRODUIT";
+ Text[ es ] = "PRODUCTO";
+ Text[ fi ] = "TULO";
+ Text[ ca ] = "PRODUCT";
+ Text[ it ] = "PRODOTTO";
+ Text[ da ] = "PRODUKT";
+ Text[ sv ] = "PRODUKT";
+ Text[ pl ] = "PRODUCT";
+ Text[ pt-BR ] = "MULT";
+ Text[ th ] = "ผลิตภัณฑ์";
+ Text[ ja ] = "PRODUCT";
+ Text[ ko ] = "PRODUCT";
+ Text[ zh-CN ] = "乘积";
+ Text[ zh-TW ] = "乘積";
+ Text[ tr ] = "ÇARPIM";
+ Text[ hi-IN ] = "PRODUCT";
+ Text[ ar ] = "المُنْتَج";
+ Text[ he ] = "PRODUKT";
+ };
+ {
+ Text [ de ] = "ANZAHL2" ;
+ Text [ en-US ] = "COUNTA" ;
+ Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
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+ Text[ ru ] = "КОЛИЧЕСТВОA";
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+ Text[ nl ] = "AANTAL2";
+ Text[ fr ] = "NBVAL";
+ Text[ es ] = "CONTARA";
+ Text[ fi ] = "LASKE_A";
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+ Text[ sv ] = "ANTALV";
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+ Text[ pt-BR ] = "CONT.VALORES";
+ Text[ th ] = "นับA";
+ Text[ ja ] = "COUNTA";
+ Text[ ko ] = "카운트2";
+ Text[ zh-CN ] = "数目 2";
+ Text[ zh-TW ] = "數目 2";
+ Text[ tr ] = "SAYA";
+ Text[ hi-IN ] = "COUNTA";
+ Text[ ar ] = "العدد2";
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+ Text[ es ] = "DevNorm";
+ Text[ fi ] = "KESKIHAJONTA";
+ Text[ ca ] = "STDEV";
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+ Text[ sv ] = "STDAV";
+ Text[ pl ] = "STDEV";
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+ Text[ th ] = "STDEV";
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+ Text[ zh-TW ] = "標準偏差(抽樣)";
+ Text[ tr ] = "STSAPMA";
+ Text[ hi-IN ] = "STDEV";
+ Text[ ar ] = "STDEV";
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+ Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
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+ Text[ sv ] = "STDAVP";
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+ Text[ pt-BR ] = "DESVPADP";
+ Text[ th ] = "STDEVP";
+ Text[ ja ] = "STDEVP";
+ Text[ ko ] = "STDEVP";
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+ Text[ zh-TW ] = "標準偏差(全部基數)";
+ Text[ tr ] = "STSAPMAP";
+ Text[ hi-IN ] = "STDEVP";
+ Text[ ar ] = "STDEVP";
+ Text[ he ] = "STABWN";
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+ Text [ en-US ] = "VAR" ;
+ Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
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+ Text[ nl ] = "VAR";
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+ Text[ es ] = "VAR";
+ Text[ fi ] = "VAR";
+ Text[ ca ] = "VAR";
+ Text[ it ] = "VAR";
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+ Text[ sv ] = "VARIANS";
+ Text[ pl ] = "VAR";
+ Text[ pt-BR ] = "VAR";
+ Text[ th ] = "VAR";
+ Text[ ja ] = "VAR";
+ Text[ ko ] = "분산";
+ Text[ zh-CN ] = "方差";
+ Text[ zh-TW ] = "方差";
+ Text[ tr ] = "DEĞİŞKEN";
+ Text[ hi-IN ] = "VAR";
+ Text[ ar ] = "VAR";
+ Text[ he ] = "VARIANZ";
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+ Text [ en-US ] = "VARP" ;
+ Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
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+ Text[ el ] = "VARP";
+ Text[ nl ] = "VARP";
+ Text[ fr ] = "VAR.P";
+ Text[ es ] = "VARP";
+ Text[ fi ] = "VARP";
+ Text[ ca ] = "VARP";
+ Text[ it ] = "VAR.POP";
+ Text[ da ] = "VARIANSP";
+ Text[ sv ] = "VARIANSER";
+ Text[ pl ] = "VARP";
+ Text[ pt-BR ] = "VARP";
+ Text[ th ] = "VARP";
+ Text[ ja ] = "VARP";
+ Text[ ko ] = "VARP";
+ Text[ zh-CN ] = "方差(全部基数)";
+ Text[ zh-TW ] = "方差(全部基數)";
+ Text[ tr ] = "DEĞİŞKENP";
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+ Text[ es ] = "Hoja";
+ Text[ fi ] = "Taulukko";
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+ Text[ da ] = "Ark";
+ Text[ sv ] = "Tabell";
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+ Text[ th ] = "แผ่นงาน";
+ Text[ ja ] = "表";
+ Text[ ko ] = "시트";
+ Text[ zh-CN ] = "工作表";
+ Text[ zh-TW ] = "工作表";
+ Text[ tr ] = "Tablo";
+ Text[ hi-IN ] = "शीट्";
+ Text[ ar ] = "الجدول";
+ Text[ he ] = "Tabelle";
+ };
+ {
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+ Text [ en-US ] = "Column" ;
+ Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
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+ Text[ ru ] = "Столбец";
+ Text[ el ] = "Στήλη";
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+ Text[ fr ] = "Colonne";
+ Text[ es ] = "Columna";
+ Text[ fi ] = "Sarake";
+ Text[ ca ] = "Columna";
+ Text[ it ] = "Colonna";
+ Text[ da ] = "Kolonne";
+ Text[ sv ] = "Kolumn";
+ Text[ pl ] = "Kolumna";
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+ Text[ th ] = "คอลัมน์";
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+ Text[ ko ] = "단";
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+ Text[ tr ] = "Sütun";
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+ Text[ ar ] = "العمود";
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+ Text[ fi ] = "Rivi";
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+ Text[ sv ] = "Rad";
+ Text[ pl ] = "Wiersz";
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+ Text[ th ] = "แถว";
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+ Text[ ko ] = "페이지";
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+ Text[ hi-IN ] = "पृष्ठ";
+ Text[ ar ] = "صفحة";
+ Text[ he ] = "‮דף‬";
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+ {
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+ Text [ en-US ] = "Load document" ;
+ Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
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+ Text[ fr ] = "Charger un document";
+ Text[ es ] = "Cargar documento";
+ Text[ fi ] = "Lataa asiakirja";
+ Text[ ca ] = "Carrega el document";
+ Text[ it ] = "Carica documento";
+ Text[ da ] = "Indlæs dokument";
+ Text[ sv ] = "Ladda dokument";
+ Text[ pl ] = "Ładuj dokument";
+ Text[ pt-BR ] = "Carregar documento";
+ Text[ th ] = "บรรจุเอกสาร";
+ Text[ ja ] = "ドキュメントの読み込み";
+ Text[ ko ] = "문서 로드";
+ Text[ zh-CN ] = "装入文档";
+ Text[ zh-TW ] = "載入文件";
+ Text[ tr ] = "Belgeyi yükle";
+ Text[ hi-IN ] = "लेखपत्र लोड़ करो";
+ Text[ ar ] = "تحميل ملف";
+ Text[ he ] = "‮טעינת מסמך‬";
+ };
+ {
+ Text [ de ] = "Dokument speichern" ;
+ Text [ en-US ] = "Save document" ;
+ Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
+ Text[ pt ] = "Guardar documento";
+ Text[ ru ] = "Сохранить документ";
+ Text[ el ] = "Αποθήκευση εγγράφου";
+ Text[ nl ] = "Document opslaan";
+ Text[ fr ] = "Enregistrer le document";
+ Text[ es ] = "Guardar documento";
+ Text[ fi ] = "Tallenna asiakirja";
+ Text[ ca ] = "Desa el document";
+ Text[ it ] = "Salva documento";
+ Text[ da ] = "Gem dokument";
+ Text[ sv ] = "Spara dokument";
+ Text[ pl ] = "Zapisz dokument";
+ Text[ pt-BR ] = "Salvar documento";
+ Text[ th ] = "บันทึกเอกสาร";
+ Text[ ja ] = "ドキュメントの保存";
+ Text[ ko ] = "문서 저장";
+ Text[ zh-CN ] = "存盘文档";
+ Text[ zh-TW ] = "儲存文件";
+ Text[ tr ] = "Belgeyi kaydet";
+ Text[ hi-IN ] = "लेखपत्र संचित करो";
+ Text[ ar ] = "حفظ المستند";
+ Text[ he ] = "Dokument speichern";
+ };
+ {
+ Text [ de ] = "Unbekannter Filter: " ;
+ Text [ en-US ] = "Unknown filter: " ;
+ Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
+ Text[ pt ] = "Filtro desconhecido: ";
+ Text[ ru ] = "Неизвестный фильтр: ";
+ Text[ el ] = "Άγνωστο φίλτρο: ";
+ Text[ nl ] = "Onbekende filter:";
+ Text[ fr ] = "Filtre inconnu : ";
+ Text[ es ] = "Filtro desconocido: ";
+ Text[ fi ] = "Tuntematon suodatin: ";
+ Text[ ca ] = "Filtre desconegut: ";
+ Text[ it ] = "Filtro sconosciuto: ";
+ Text[ da ] = "Ukendt filter: ";
+ Text[ sv ] = "Okänt filter: ";
+ Text[ pl ] = "Nieznany filtr: ";
+ Text[ pt-BR ] = "Filtro desconhecido: ";
+ Text[ th ] = "ไม่รู้จักตัวกรอง: ";
+ Text[ ja ] = "不明なフィルタ: ";
+ Text[ ko ] = "알 수 없는 필터: ";
+ Text[ zh-CN ] = "不明的筛选: ";
+ Text[ zh-TW ] = "不明的篩選: ";
+ Text[ tr ] = "Bilinmeyen filtre: ";
+ Text[ hi-IN ] = "अज्ञात फिल्टर: ";
+ Text[ ar ] = "فلتر غير معروف: ";
+ Text[ he ] = "Unbekannter Filter:";
+ };
+ {
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+ Text [ en-US ] = "#NAME?" ;
+ Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
+ Text[ pt ] = "#NOME?";
+ Text[ ru ] = "#ИМЯ?";
+ Text[ el ] = "#NAME?";
+ Text[ nl ] = "#NAAM?";
+ Text[ fr ] = "#NOM ?";
+ Text[ es ] = "#NOMBRE?";
+ Text[ fi ] = "#NIMI?";
+ Text[ ca ] = "#NAME?";
+ Text[ it ] = "#NOME?";
+ Text[ da ] = "#NAVN?";
+ Text[ sv ] = "#NAMN?";
+ Text[ pl ] = "#NAZWA?";
+ Text[ pt-BR ] = "#NOME?";
+ Text[ th ] = "#ชื่อ?";
+ Text[ ja ] = "#NAME?";
+ Text[ ko ] = "#이름?";
+ Text[ zh-CN ] = "#NAME?";
+ Text[ zh-TW ] = "#NAME?";
+ Text[ tr ] = "#AD?";
+ Text[ hi-IN ] = "#NAME?";
+ Text[ ar ] = "#NAME?";
+ Text[ he ] = "#NAME?";
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+ {
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+ Text [ en-US ] = "#ADDIN?" ;
+ Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
+ Text[ pt ] = "#ADDIN?";
+ Text[ ru ] = "#ADDIN?";
+ Text[ el ] = "#ADDIN?";
+ Text[ nl ] = "#ADDIN?";
+ Text[ fr ] = "#ADDIN?";
+ Text[ es ] = "#ADDIN?";
+ Text[ fi ] = "#LISÄOSA?";
+ Text[ ca ] = "#ADDIN?";
+ Text[ it ] = "#ADDIN?";
+ Text[ da ] = "#ADDIN?";
+ Text[ sv ] = "#ADDIN?";
+ Text[ pl ] = "#DODATEK?";
+ Text[ pt-BR ] = "#ADDIN?";
+ Text[ th ] = "#ADDIN?";
+ Text[ ja ] = "#ADDIN?";
+ Text[ ko ] = "#ADDIN?";
+ Text[ zh-CN ] = "#ADDIN?";
+ Text[ zh-TW ] = "#ADDIN?";
+ Text[ tr ] = "#ADDIN?";
+ Text[ hi-IN ] = "#ADDIN?";
+ Text[ ar ] = "#ADDIN?";
+ Text[ he ] = "#ADDIN?";
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+ {
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+ Text [ en-US ] = "#MACRO?" ;
+ Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
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+ Text[ ru ] = "#МАКРОС?";
+ Text[ el ] = "#MACRO?";
+ Text[ nl ] = "#MACRO?";
+ Text[ fr ] = "#MACRO?";
+ Text[ es ] = "#MACRO?";
+ Text[ fi ] = "#MAKRO?";
+ Text[ ca ] = "#MACRO?";
+ Text[ it ] = "#MACRO?";
+ Text[ da ] = "#MAKRO?";
+ Text[ sv ] = "#MAKRO?";
+ Text[ pl ] = "#MAKRO?";
+ Text[ pt-BR ] = "#MACRO?";
+ Text[ th ] = "#MACRO?";
+ Text[ ja ] = "#MACRO?";
+ Text[ ko ] = "#MACRO?";
+ Text[ zh-CN ] = "#宏?";
+ Text[ zh-TW ] = "#巨集?";
+ Text[ tr ] = "#MAKRO?";
+ Text[ hi-IN ] = "#MACRO?";
+ Text[ ar ] = "#MACRO?";
+ Text[ he ] = "#MAKRO?";
+ };
+ {
+ Text [ de ] = "#WERT!" ;
+ Text [ en-US ] = "#VALUE!" ;
+ Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
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+ Text[ ru ] = "#ЗНАЧЕН!";
+ Text[ el ] = "#VALUE!";
+ Text[ nl ] = "#WAARDE!";
+ Text[ fr ] = "#VALEUR !";
+ Text[ es ] = "#VALOR!";
+ Text[ fi ] = "#ARVO!";
+ Text[ ca ] = "#VALUE!";
+ Text[ it ] = "#VALORE!";
+ Text[ da ] = "#VÆRDI!";
+ Text[ sv ] = "#VÄRDE!";
+ Text[ pl ] = "#WARTOŚĆ!";
+ Text[ pt-BR ] = "#VALOR!";
+ Text[ th ] = "#ค่า!";
+ Text[ ja ] = "#VALUE!";
+ Text[ ko ] = "#VALUE!";
+ Text[ zh-CN ] = "#VALUE!";
+ Text[ zh-TW ] = "#VALUE!";
+ Text[ tr ] = "#DEĞER!";
+ Text[ hi-IN ] = "#VALUE!";
+ Text[ ar ] = "#VALUE!";
+ Text[ he ] = "#WERT";
+ };
+ {
+ Text [ de ] = "Szenario" ;
+ Text [ en-US ] = "Scenario" ;
+ Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
+ Text[ pt ] = "Cenário";
+ Text[ ru ] = "Сценарий";
+ Text[ el ] = "Σενάριο";
+ Text[ nl ] = "Scenario";
+ Text[ fr ] = "Scénario";
+ Text[ es ] = "Escenario";
+ Text[ fi ] = "Skenaario";
+ Text[ ca ] = "Escenari";
+ Text[ it ] = "Scenario";
+ Text[ da ] = "Scenario";
+ Text[ sv ] = "Scenario";
+ Text[ pl ] = "Scenariusz";
+ Text[ pt-BR ] = "Cenário";
+ Text[ th ] = "สถานการณ์สมมติ";
+ Text[ ja ] = "シナリオ";
+ Text[ ko ] = "시나리오";
+ Text[ zh-CN ] = "方案";
+ Text[ zh-TW ] = "分析藍本";
+ Text[ tr ] = "Senaryo";
+ Text[ hi-IN ] = "विवरण";
+ Text[ ar ] = "السيناريو";
+ Text[ he ] = "Szenario";
+ };
+ // Texte fuer Ueberschriften bei Teilergebnis etc.
+ {
+ Text [ de ] = "Summe" ;
+ Text [ en-US ] = "Sum" ;
+ Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
+ Text[ pt ] = "Soma";
+ Text[ ru ] = "Сумма";
+ Text[ el ] = "Άθροισμα";
+ Text[ nl ] = "Som";
+ Text[ fr ] = "Somme";
+ Text[ es ] = "Suma";
+ Text[ fi ] = "Summa";
+ Text[ ca ] = "Suma";
+ Text[ it ] = "Somma";
+ Text[ da ] = "Sum";
+ Text[ sv ] = "Summa";
+ Text[ pl ] = "Suma";
+ Text[ pt-BR ] = "Soma";
+ Text[ th ] = "ผลรวม";
+ Text[ ja ] = "合計";
+ Text[ ko ] = "합계";
+ Text[ zh-CN ] = "总计";
+ Text[ zh-TW ] = "小計";
+ Text[ tr ] = "Toplam";
+ Text[ hi-IN ] = "जोड़";
+ Text[ ar ] = "مجموع";
+ Text[ he ] = "‮סכום‬";
+ };
+ {
+ Text [ de ] = "Anzahl" ;
+ Text [ en-US ] = "Count" ;
+ Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
+ Text[ pt ] = "Contar números";
+ Text[ ru ] = "Количество";
+ Text[ el ] = "Πλήθος";
+ Text[ nl ] = "Aantal";
+ Text[ fr ] = "Nombre";
+ Text[ es ] = "Cantidad";
+ Text[ fi ] = "LASKE";
+ Text[ ca ] = "Compta";
+ Text[ it ] = "ContaNumeri";
+ Text[ da ] = "Tæl";
+ Text[ sv ] = "Antal";
+ Text[ pl ] = "Liczba";
+ Text[ pt-BR ] = "Contagem";
+ Text[ th ] = "นับ";
+ Text[ ja ] = "総数";
+ Text[ ko ] = "값";
+ Text[ zh-CN ] = "数目";
+ Text[ zh-TW ] = "數目";
+ Text[ tr ] = "Say";
+ Text[ hi-IN ] = "गिनती";
+ Text[ ar ] = "عدد";
+ Text[ he ] = "Anzahl";
+ };
+ {
+ Text [ de ] = "Anzahl2" ;
+ Text [ en-US ] = "CountA" ;
+ Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
+ Text[ pt ] = "Contar valores";
+ Text[ ru ] = "Количество2";
+ Text[ el ] = "Πλήθος2";
+ Text[ nl ] = "Aantal2";
+ Text[ fr ] = "Nombre2";
+ Text[ es ] = "Cantidad2";
+ Text[ fi ] = "LaskeA";
+ Text[ ca ] = "CountA";
+ Text[ it ] = "ContaValori";
+ Text[ da ] = "Tælv";
+ Text[ sv ] = "Antalv";
+ Text[ pl ] = "Liczba2";
+ Text[ pt-BR ] = "Cont.Valores";
+ Text[ th ] = "นับA";
+ Text[ ja ] = "総数2";
+ Text[ ko ] = "카운트2";
+ Text[ zh-CN ] = "数目2";
+ Text[ zh-TW ] = "數目 2";
+ Text[ tr ] = "SayA";
+ Text[ hi-IN ] = "गिनती ए";
+ Text[ ar ] = "عدد الأرقام";
+ Text[ he ] = "Anzahl2";
+ };
+ {
+ Text [ de ] = "Mittelwert" ;
+ Text [ en-US ] = "Average" ;
+ Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
+ Text[ pt ] = "Média";
+ Text[ ru ] = "Среднее значение";
+ Text[ el ] = "Μέση τιμή";
+ Text[ nl ] = "Gemiddelde";
+ Text[ fr ] = "Moyenne";
+ Text[ es ] = "Promedio";
+ Text[ fi ] = "Keskiarvo";
+ Text[ ca ] = "Mitjana";
+ Text[ it ] = "Media";
+ Text[ da ] = "Middel";
+ Text[ sv ] = "Medel";
+ Text[ pl ] = "Średnia";
+ Text[ pt-BR ] = "Média";
+ Text[ th ] = "เฉลี่ย";
+ Text[ ja ] = "平均値";
+ Text[ ko ] = "평균값";
+ Text[ zh-CN ] = "平均值";
+ Text[ zh-TW ] = "平均值";
+ Text[ tr ] = "Ortalama ";
+ Text[ hi-IN ] = "माध्य";
+ Text[ ar ] = "المعدل";
+ Text[ he ] = "Mittelwert";
+ };
+ {
+ Text [ de ] = "Max" ;
+ Text [ en-US ] = "Max" ;
+ Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
+ Text[ pt ] = "Máx.";
+ Text[ ru ] = "Максимум";
+ Text[ el ] = "Μεγ";
+ Text[ nl ] = "Max";
+ Text[ fr ] = "Max";
+ Text[ es ] = "Máx";
+ Text[ fi ] = "MAKS";
+ Text[ ca ] = "Màx";
+ Text[ it ] = "Max";
+ Text[ da ] = "Maks";
+ Text[ sv ] = "Max";
+ Text[ pl ] = "Maks";
+ Text[ pt-BR ] = "Máx";
+ Text[ th ] = "มากที่สุด";
+ Text[ ja ] = "最大";
+ Text[ ko ] = "최대";
+ Text[ zh-CN ] = "最大";
+ Text[ zh-TW ] = "最大";
+ Text[ tr ] = "Max";
+ Text[ hi-IN ] = "अधिकतम";
+ Text[ ar ] = "أقصى";
+ Text[ he ] = "Max";
+ };
+ {
+ Text [ de ] = "Min" ;
+ Text [ en-US ] = "Min" ;
+ Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
+ Text[ pt ] = "Mín.";
+ Text[ ru ] = "Минимум";
+ Text[ el ] = "Ελαχ";
+ Text[ nl ] = "Min";
+ Text[ fr ] = "Min";
+ Text[ es ] = "Mín";
+ Text[ fi ] = "MIN";
+ Text[ ca ] = "Mín";
+ Text[ it ] = "Min";
+ Text[ da ] = "Min";
+ Text[ sv ] = "Min";
+ Text[ pl ] = "Min";
+ Text[ pt-BR ] = "Mín";
+ Text[ th ] = "น้อยที่สุด";
+ Text[ ja ] = "最小";
+ Text[ ko ] = "최소";
+ Text[ zh-CN ] = "最小";
+ Text[ zh-TW ] = "最小";
+ Text[ tr ] = "Min";
+ Text[ hi-IN ] = "न्यूनतम";
+ Text[ ar ] = "أدنى";
+ Text[ he ] = "Min";
+ };
+ {
+ Text [ de ] = "Produkt" ;
+ Text [ en-US ] = "Product" ;
+ Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
+ Text[ pt ] = "Produto";
+ Text[ ru ] = "Произведение";
+ Text[ el ] = "Γινόμενο";
+ Text[ nl ] = "Product";
+ Text[ fr ] = "Produit";
+ Text[ es ] = "Producto";
+ Text[ fi ] = "Tulo";
+ Text[ ca ] = "Producte";
+ Text[ it ] = "Prodotto";
+ Text[ da ] = "Produkt";
+ Text[ sv ] = "Produkt";
+ Text[ pl ] = "Iloczyn";
+ Text[ pt-BR ] = "Produto";
+ Text[ th ] = "ผลิตภัณฑ์";
+ Text[ ja ] = "積";
+ Text[ ko ] = "곱";
+ Text[ zh-CN ] = "乘积";
+ Text[ zh-TW ] = "乘積";
+ Text[ tr ] = "Çarpım";
+ Text[ hi-IN ] = "Product";
+ Text[ ar ] = "حاصل الضرب";
+ Text[ he ] = "Produkt";
+ };
+ {
+ Text [ de ] = "StAbw" ;
+ Text [ en-US ] = "StDev" ;
+ Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
+ Text[ pt ] = "DesvP";
+ Text[ ru ] = "Смещенное отклонение";
+ Text[ el ] = "StDev";
+ Text[ nl ] = "StAfw";
+ Text[ fr ] = "Ecartype";
+ Text[ es ] = "DevNorm";
+ Text[ fi ] = "KESKIHAJONTA";
+ Text[ ca ] = "StDev";
+ Text[ it ] = "Dev.St";
+ Text[ da ] = "Stdafv";
+ Text[ sv ] = "StdAv";
+ Text[ pl ] = "OdchStd";
+ Text[ pt-BR ] = "DesvPad";
+ Text[ th ] = "StDev";
+ Text[ ja ] = "標準偏差(標本)";
+ Text[ ko ] = "StDev";
+ Text[ zh-CN ] = "标准偏差(抽样)";
+ Text[ zh-TW ] = "標準偏差(抽樣)";
+ Text[ tr ] = "StSapma";
+ Text[ hi-IN ] = "StDev";
+ Text[ ar ] = "StDev";
+ Text[ he ] = "StAbw";
+ };
+ {
+ Text [ de ] = "Varianz" ;
+ Text [ en-US ] = "Var" ;
+ Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
+ Text[ pt ] = "Variância";
+ Text[ ru ] = "Смещенная дисперсия";
+ Text[ el ] = "Var";
+ Text[ nl ] = "Variantie";
+ Text[ fr ] = "Var";
+ Text[ es ] = "VAR";
+ Text[ fi ] = "Var";
+ Text[ ca ] = "Var";
+ Text[ it ] = "Varianza";
+ Text[ da ] = "Varians";
+ Text[ sv ] = "Varians";
+ Text[ pl ] = "Wariancja";
+ Text[ pt-BR ] = "Var";
+ Text[ th ] = "Var";
+ Text[ ja ] = "分散";
+ Text[ ko ] = "분산";
+ Text[ zh-CN ] = "方差";
+ Text[ zh-TW ] = "方差";
+ Text[ tr ] = "Değişken";
+ Text[ hi-IN ] = "Var";
+ Text[ ar ] = "Var";
+ Text[ he ] = "Varianz";
+ };
+ /* String STR_GOALSEEK
+ {
+ Text [ de ] = "ZIELWERTSUCHE";
+ Text [ en-US ] = "GOAL SEEK";
+ };
+ {
+ Text [ de ] = "Kein Diagramm an dieser Position gefunden." ;
+ Text [ en-US ] = "No chart found at this position." ;
+ Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
+ Text[ pt ] = "Nenhum gráfico encontrado nesta posição.";
+ Text[ ru ] = "Диаграмма в этой позиции не найдена.";
+ Text[ el ] = "Δεν βρέθηκε διάγραμμα σε αυτή τη θέση.";
+ Text[ nl ] = "Geen diagram op deze positie gevonden.";
+ Text[ fr ] = "Aucun diagramme trouvé à cet emplacement";
+ Text[ es ] = "No se ha encontrado ningún diagrama en esta posición.";
+ Text[ fi ] = "Tästä sijainnista ei löytynyt kaaviota.";
+ Text[ ca ] = "No s'ha trobat cap diagrama en aquesta posició.";
+ Text[ it ] = "Non è stato trovato nessun diagramma in questa posizione.";
+ Text[ da ] = "Der blev ikke fundet et diagram på denne position..";
+ Text[ sv ] = "Inget diagram i denna position.";
+ Text[ pl ] = "W tym miejscu nie znaleziono żadnego wykresu.";
+ Text[ pt-BR ] = "Não há gráfico nesta posição.";
+ Text[ th ] = "ไม่พบแผนภูมิที่ตำแหน่งนี้";
+ Text[ ja ] = "この位置にグラフはありません。";
+ Text[ ko ] = "이 위치에서 차트를 찾지 못했습니다.";
+ Text[ zh-CN ] = "在这个位置没有找到图表。";
+ Text[ zh-TW ] = "在這個位置沒有找到圖表。";
+ Text[ tr ] = "Bu konumda bir şema bulunamadı.";
+ Text[ hi-IN ] = "इस स्थान में कोई चार्ट प्राप्त नहीं हुआ ।";
+ Text[ ar ] = "تعذر العثور على رسم بياني في هذا الموضع.";
+ Text[ he ] = "Kein Diagramm an dieser Position gefunden.";
+ };
+ {
+ Text [ de ] = "Err:" ;
+ Text [ en-US ] = "Err:" ;
+ Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
+ Text[ pt ] = "Err:";
+ Text[ ru ] = "Ошибка:";
+ Text[ el ] = "Σφάλμα:";
+ Text[ nl ] = "Err:";
+ Text[ fr ] = "Err :";
+ Text[ es ] = "Err:";
+ Text[ fi ] = "Virhe:";
+ Text[ ca ] = "Err:";
+ Text[ it ] = "Err:";
+ Text[ da ] = "Err:";
+ Text[ sv ] = "Err:";
+ Text[ pl ] = "Błąd:";
+ Text[ pt-BR ] = "Err:";
+ Text[ th ] = "Err:";
+ Text[ ja ] = "エラー:";
+ Text[ ko ] = "오류:";
+ Text[ zh-CN ] = "错误:";
+ Text[ zh-TW ] = "錯誤:";
+ Text[ tr ] = "Hata:";
+ Text[ hi-IN ] = "गलती:";
+ Text[ ar ] = "خطأ:";
+ Text[ he ] = "Err:";
+ };
+ String STR_NV_STR
+ {
+ Text [ de ] = "#NV" ;
+ // Text[danish_wrong] = "#IKKE TILGNGELIG"; /* zu lang, muss in eine Zelle passen */
+ Text [ en-US ] = "#N/A" ;
+ Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
+ Text[ pt ] = "#ND";
+ Text[ ru ] = "#Н/Д";
+ Text[ el ] = "#N/A";
+ Text[ nl ] = "#NB";
+ Text[ fr ] = "#NA";
+ Text[ es ] = "#N/A";
+ Text[ fi ] = "#N/A";
+ Text[ ca ] = "#N/A";
+ Text[ it ] = "#N/D";
+ Text[ da ] = "#IKKE.TILGÆNGELIG";
+ Text[ sv ] = "#Saknas";
+ Text[ pl ] = "#NIE DOTYCZY";
+ Text[ pt-BR ] = "#N/D";
+ Text[ th ] = "#N/A";
+ Text[ ja ] = "#N/A";
+ Text[ ko ] = "#N/A";
+ Text[ zh-CN ] = "#N/V";
+ Text[ zh-TW ] = "#N/V";
+ Text[ tr ] = "#YOK";
+ Text[ hi-IN ] = "#N/A";
+ Text[ ar ] = "#N/A";
+ Text[ he ] = "#NV";
+ };
+ {
+ Text [ de ] = "#BEZUG!" ;
+ // Text[danish_wrong] = "#IKKE TILGNGELIG"; /* zu lang, muss in eine Zelle passen */
+ Text [ en-US ] = "#REF!" ;
+ Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
+ Text[ pt ] = "#REF!";
+ Text[ ru ] = "#ССЫЛ!";
+ Text[ el ] = "#REF!";
+ Text[ nl ] = "#VERW!";
+ Text[ fr ] = "#REF!";
+ Text[ es ] = "#REF!";
+ Text[ fi ] = "#VIITTAUS!";
+ Text[ ca ] = "#REF!";
+ Text[ it ] = "#RIF!";
+ Text[ da ] = "#REF!";
+ Text[ sv ] = "#REF!";
+ Text[ pl ] = "#ODWOŁANIE!";
+ Text[ pt-BR ] = "#REF!";
+ Text[ th ] = "#REF!";
+ Text[ ja ] = "#REF!";
+ Text[ ko ] = "#REF!";
+ Text[ zh-CN ] = "#REF!";
+ Text[ zh-TW ] = "#REF!";
+ Text[ tr ] = "#REF!";
+ Text[ hi-IN ] = "#REF!";
+ Text[ ar ] = "#REF!";
+ Text[ he ] = "#BEZUG";
+ };
+ {
+ Text [ de ] = "\\" ;
+ Text [ en-US ] = "\\" ;
+ Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
+ Text[ pt ] = "\\";
+ Text[ ru ] = "\\";
+ Text[ el ] = "\\";
+ Text[ nl ] = "\\";
+ Text[ fr ] = "\\";
+ Text[ es ] = "\\";
+ Text[ fi ] = "\\";
+ Text[ ca ] = "\\";
+ Text[ it ] = "\\";
+ Text[ da ] = "\\";
+ Text[ sv ] = "\\";
+ Text[ pl ] = "\\";
+ Text[ pt-BR ] = "\\\\ ";
+ Text[ th ] = "\\";
+ Text[ ja ] = "\\";
+ Text[ ko ] = "\\";
+ Text[ zh-CN ] = "\\";
+ Text[ zh-TW ] = "\\";
+ Text[ tr ] = "\\";
+ Text[ hi-IN ] = "\\";
+ Text[ ar ] = "\\";
+ Text[ he ] = "\\";
+ };
+ {
+ Text [ de ] = "SEITE" ;
+ Text [ en-US ] = "PAGE" ;
+ Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
+ Text[ pt ] = "PÁGINA";
+ Text[ ru ] = "СТРАНИЦА";
+ Text[ el ] = "ΣΕΛΙΔΑ";
+ Text[ nl ] = "PAGINA";
+ Text[ fr ] = "PAGE";
+ Text[ es ] = "PÁGINA";
+ Text[ fi ] = "SIVU";
+ Text[ ca ] = "PAGE";
+ Text[ it ] = "Pagina";
+ Text[ da ] = "SIDE";
+ Text[ sv ] = "SIDA";
+ Text[ pl ] = "STRONA";
+ Text[ pt-BR ] = "PÁGINA";
+ Text[ th ] = "หน้า";
+ Text[ ja ] = "ページ";
+ Text[ ko ] = "페이지";
+ Text[ zh-CN ] = "页";
+ Text[ zh-TW ] = "頁";
+ Text[ tr ] = "SAYFA";
+ Text[ hi-IN ] = "PAGE";
+ Text[ ar ] = "صفحة";
+ Text[ he ] = "SEITE";
+ };
+ {
+ Text [ de ] = "SEITEN" ;
+ Text [ en-US ] = "PAGES" ;
+ Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
+ Text[ pt ] = "PÁGINAS";
+ Text[ ru ] = "СТРАНИЦЫ";
+ Text[ el ] = "PAGES";
+ Text[ nl ] = "PAGINA'S";
+ Text[ fr ] = "PAGES";
+ Text[ es ] = "PÁGINAS";
+ Text[ fi ] = "SIVUT";
+ Text[ ca ] = "PAGES";
+ Text[ it ] = "PAGINE";
+ Text[ da ] = "SIDER";
+ Text[ sv ] = "SIDOR";
+ Text[ pl ] = "STRONY";
+ Text[ pt-BR ] = "PÁGINAS";
+ Text[ th ] = "หน้า";
+ Text[ ja ] = "ページ";
+ Text[ ko ] = "페이지";
+ Text[ zh-CN ] = "页";
+ Text[ zh-TW ] = "頁";
+ Text[ tr ] = "SAYFALAR";
+ Text[ hi-IN ] = "PAGES";
+ Text[ ar ] = "صفحات";
+ Text[ he ] = "SEITEN";
+ };
+ {
+ Text [ de ] = "DATUM" ;
+ Text [ en-US ] = "DATE" ;
+ Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
+ Text[ pt ] = "DATA";
+ Text[ ru ] = "ДАТА";
+ Text[ el ] = "ΗΜΕΡΟΜΗΝΙΑ";
+ Text[ nl ] = "DATUM";
+ Text[ fr ] = "DATE";
+ Text[ es ] = "FECHA";
+ Text[ fi ] = "PÄIVÄYS";
+ Text[ ca ] = "DATE";
+ Text[ it ] = "DATA";
+ Text[ da ] = "DATO";
+ Text[ sv ] = "DATUM";
+ Text[ pl ] = "DATA";
+ Text[ pt-BR ] = "DATA";
+ Text[ th ] = "วันที่";
+ Text[ ja ] = "日付";
+ Text[ ko ] = "DATE";
+ Text[ zh-CN ] = "日期";
+ Text[ zh-TW ] = "日期";
+ Text[ tr ] = "DATE";
+ Text[ hi-IN ] = "DATE";
+ Text[ ar ] = "التاريخ";
+ Text[ he ] = "‮תאריך‬";
+ };
+ {
+ Text [ de ] = "ZEIT" ;
+ Text [ en-US ] = "TIME" ;
+ Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
+ Text[ pt ] = "HORA";
+ Text[ ru ] = "ВРЕМЯ";
+ Text[ el ] = "ΩΡΑ";
+ Text[ nl ] = "TIJD";
+ Text[ fr ] = "TEMPS";
+ Text[ es ] = "HORA";
+ Text[ fi ] = "AIKA";
+ Text[ ca ] = "TIME";
+ Text[ it ] = "ORARIO";
+ Text[ da ] = "TID";
+ Text[ sv ] = "KLOCKSLAG";
+ Text[ pl ] = "CZAS";
+ Text[ pt-BR ] = "TEMPO";
+ Text[ th ] = "เวลา";
+ Text[ ja ] = "時間";
+ Text[ ko ] = "시간";
+ Text[ zh-CN ] = "时间";
+ Text[ zh-TW ] = "時間";
+ Text[ tr ] = "SAAT";
+ Text[ hi-IN ] = "TIME";
+ Text[ ar ] = "الوقت";
+ Text[ he ] = "ZEIT";
+ };
+ {
+ Text [ de ] = "DATEI" ;
+ Text [ en-US ] = "FILE" ;
+ Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
+ Text[ pt ] = "FICHEIRO";
+ Text[ ru ] = "ФАЙЛ";
+ Text[ el ] = "ΑΡΧΕΙΟ";
+ Text[ nl ] = "BESTAND";
+ Text[ fr ] = "FICHIER";
+ Text[ es ] = "ARCHIVO";
+ Text[ fi ] = "TIEDOSTO";
+ Text[ ca ] = "FILE";
+ Text[ it ] = "FILE";
+ Text[ da ] = "FIL";
+ Text[ sv ] = "FIL";
+ Text[ pl ] = "PLIK";
+ Text[ pt-BR ] = "ARQUIVO";
+ Text[ th ] = "แฟ้ม";
+ Text[ ja ] = "ファイル";
+ Text[ ko ] = "파일";
+ Text[ zh-CN ] = "文件";
+ Text[ zh-TW ] = "檔案";
+ Text[ tr ] = "DOSYA";
+ Text[ hi-IN ] = "FILE";
+ Text[ ar ] = "الملف";
+ Text[ he ] = "DATEI";
+ };
+ {
+ Text [ de ] = "TABELLE" ;
+ Text [ en-US ] = "SHEET" ;
+ Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
+ Text[ pt ] = "FOLHA";
+ Text[ ru ] = "ЛИСТ";
+ Text[ el ] = "ΦΥΛΛΟ";
+ Text[ nl ] = "WERKBLAD";
+ Text[ fr ] = "FEUILLE";
+ Text[ es ] = "HOJA";
+ Text[ fi ] = "TAULUKKO";
+ Text[ ca ] = "SHEET";
+ Text[ it ] = "TABELLA";
+ Text[ da ] = "TABEL";
+ Text[ sv ] = "TABELL";
+ Text[ pl ] = "ARKUSZ";
+ Text[ pt-BR ] = "PLANILHA";
+ Text[ th ] = "แผ่นงาน";
+ Text[ ja ] = "表";
+ Text[ ko ] = "시트";
+ Text[ zh-CN ] = "工作表";
+ Text[ zh-TW ] = "工作表";
+ Text[ tr ] = "TABLO";
+ Text[ hi-IN ] = "SHEET";
+ Text[ ar ] = "الجدول";
+ Text[ he ] = "TABELLE";
+ };
+ {
+ /* ### ACHTUNG: Neuer Text in Resource? Gesperrte Zellen knnen nicht gendert werden. : Gesperrte Zellen knnen nicht gendert werden. */
+ Text [ de ] = "Gesperrte Zellen können nicht geändert werden." ;
+ Text [ en-US ] = "Protected cells can not be modified." ;
+ Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
+ Text[ pt ] = "Células protegidas não podem ser modificadas.";
+ Text[ ru ] = "Невозможно изменить защищенные ячейки.";
+ Text[ el ] = "Δεν είναι δυνατόν να τροποποιηθούν προστατευόμενα κελιά.";
+ Text[ nl ] = "Beveiligde cellen kunnen niet worden gewijzigd.";
+ Text[ fr ] = "Impossible de modifier les cellules protégées";
+ Text[ es ] = "Las celdas protegidas no se pueden modificar.";
+ Text[ fi ] = "Suojattuja soluja ei voi muokata.";
+ Text[ ca ] = "Les cel.les protegides no es poden modificar.";
+ Text[ it ] = "Impossibile modificare le celle protette.";
+ Text[ da ] = "Låste celler kan ikke ændres.";
+ Text[ sv ] = "Skyddade celler kan inte ändras.";
+ Text[ pl ] = "Chronionych komórek nie można modyfikować.";
+ Text[ pt-BR ] = "Células protegidas não podem ser modificadas.";
+ Text[ th ] = "ไม่สามารถดัดแปลงเซลล์ที่ป้องกัน";
+ Text[ ja ] = "保護されたセルは変更できません。";
+ Text[ ko ] = "잠겨있는 셀은 변경할 수 없습니다.";
+ Text[ zh-CN ] = "无法更改锁定的单元格。";
+ Text[ zh-TW ] = "無法變更鎖定的儲存格。";
+ Text[ tr ] = "Korumalı hücreler değiştirilemez.";
+ Text[ hi-IN ] = "रक्षित कोष्ठों को नहीं सुधार सकते है ।";
+ Text[ ar ] = "لا يمكن تعديل الخلايا المحمية.";
+ Text[ he ] = "Gesperrte Zellen können nicht geändert werden.";
+ };
+ {
+ /* ### ACHTUNG: Neuer Text in Resource? Teil einer Matrix kann nicht gendert werden. : Teil einer Matrix kann nicht gendert werden. */
+ Text [ de ] = "Sie können nicht nur einen Teil einer Matrix ändern." ;
+ // Text[norwegian] = "Protected cells cannot be modified.";
+ // Text[italian] = "Impossibile modificare le celle protette.";
+ // Text[portuguese_brazilian] = "Clulas protegidas no podem ser modificadas.";
+ // Text[portuguese] = "Clulas protegidas no podem ser modificadas.";
+ // Text[finnish] = "Suojattuja soluja ei voi muokata.";
+ // Text[danish] = "Beskyttede celler kan ikke ndres.";
+ // Text[french] = "Les cellules protges ne peuvent pas tre modifies";
+ // Text[swedish] = "Skyddade celler kan inte ndras.";
+ // Text[dutch] = "Beschermde cellen kunnen niet worden gewijzigd.";
+ // Text[spanish] = "Las celdas protegidas no pueden modificarse.";
+ Text [ en-US ] = "You cannot change only part of an array." ;
+ Text [ x-comment ] = "EM Dec 2002: In other words, you can only change the whole thing.";
+ Text[ pt ] = "Impossível alterar uma parte da matriz.";
+ Text[ ru ] = "Невозможно изменить часть массива.";
+ Text[ el ] = "Δεν είναι δυνατόν να τροποποιηθεί τμήμα μιας μήτρας.";
+ Text[ nl ] = "Een deel van een matrix kan niet worden gewijzigd.";
+ Text[ fr ] = "Il n'est pas possible de ne modifier qu'une partie d'une matrice.";
+ Text[ es ] = "No se puede modificar sólo una parte de la matriz.";
+ Text[ fi ] = "Osaa taulukosta ei voi muokata.";
+ Text[ ca ] = "No es pot modificar una part d'una matriu.";
+ Text[ it ] = "Non è possibile modificare solo una parte della matrice.";
+ Text[ da ] = "Det er ikke muligt at ændre en del af en matrix.";
+ Text[ sv ] = "Du kan inte ändra bara en del av en matris.";
+ Text[ pl ] = "Część macierzy nie może być zmodyfikowana.";
+ Text[ pt-BR ] = "Parte de uma matriz não pode ser modificada.";
+ Text[ th ] = "ไม่สามารถดัดแปลงส่วนของแถวลำดับ";
+ Text[ ja ] = "行列は部分変更できません。";
+ Text[ ko ] = "행렬의 일부 만을 변경할 수 없습니다.";
+ Text[ zh-CN ] = "您无法只更改矩阵的一部分。";
+ Text[ zh-TW ] = "無法僅變更陣列的一部份。";
+ Text[ tr ] = "Bir döngünün sadece belirli bölümünü değiştiremezsiniz.";
+ Text[ hi-IN ] = "श्रेणी का केवल एक भाग को नहीं सुधार सकते है ।";
+ Text[ ar ] = "لا يمكن تعديل جزء من صفيف.";
+ Text[ he ] = "Sie können nicht nur einen Teil einer Matrix ändern.";
+ };
+ {
+ Text [ de ] = "Gitterfarbe" ;
+ Text [ en-US ] = "Grid color" ;
+ Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
+ Text[ pt ] = "Cor da grelha";
+ Text[ ru ] = "Цвет сетки";
+ Text[ el ] = "Χρώμα πλέγματος";
+ Text[ nl ] = "Rasterkleur";
+ Text[ fr ] = "Couleur de la grille";
+ Text[ es ] = "Color de la cuadrícula";
+ Text[ fi ] = "Ruudukon väri";
+ Text[ ca ] = "Color de la graella";
+ Text[ it ] = "Colore griglia";
+ Text[ da ] = "Gitterfarve";
+ Text[ sv ] = "Gitterfärg";
+ Text[ pl ] = "Kolor siatki";
+ Text[ pt-BR ] = "Cor da grade";
+ Text[ th ] = "สีเส้นตาราง";
+ Text[ ja ] = "グリッド線の色";
+ Text[ ko ] = "눈금선 색상";
+ Text[ zh-CN ] = "网格线颜色";
+ Text[ zh-TW ] = "網格線顏色";
+ Text[ tr ] = "Kılavuz çizgi rengi";
+ Text[ hi-IN ] = "जाल का रंग";
+ Text[ ar ] = "لون الشبكة";
+ Text[ he ] = "Gitterfarbe";
+ };
+ {
+ Text [ de ] = "Der Zieldatenbankbereich existiert nicht." ;
+ Text [ en-US ] = "The target database range does not exist." ;
+ Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
+ Text[ pt ] = "A área da base de dados de destino não existe.";
+ Text[ ru ] = "Не существует диапазон базы данных назначения.";
+ Text[ el ] = "Δεν υπάρχει περιοχή βάσης δεδομένων προορισμού.";
+ Text[ nl ] = "Het doeldatabasebereik bestaat niet.";
+ Text[ fr ] = "La plage cible de la base de données n'existe pas.";
+ Text[ es ] = "El área de la base de datos destino no existe.";
+ Text[ fi ] = "Kohdetietokanta-aluetta ei ole.";
+ Text[ ca ] = "L'àrea de la base de dades de destinació no existeix.";
+ Text[ it ] = "L'area dati di destinazione non esiste.";
+ Text[ da ] = "Måldatabaseområdet eksisterer ikke.";
+ Text[ sv ] = "Måldatabasområdet existerar inte.";
+ Text[ pl ] = "Docelowy zakres w bazie danych nie istnieje.";
+ Text[ pt-BR ] = "O intervalo de destino do banco de dados não existe.";
+ Text[ th ] = "ไม่มีช่วงฐานข้อมูลเป้าหมายอยู่";
+ Text[ ja ] = "ターゲットデータベースがありません。";
+ Text[ ko ] = "대상 데이터베이스 범위가 없습니다.";
+ Text[ zh-CN ] = "这个目标数据区域已经存在。";
+ Text[ zh-TW ] = "這個目標資料庫區域已經存在。";
+ Text[ tr ] = "Hedef veritabanı aralığı mevcut değil.";
+ Text[ hi-IN ] = "लक्ष का लेखासंचय फैलाव अस्तित्व में नहीं है ।";
+ Text[ ar ] = "نطاق قاعدة البيانات الهدف غير موجود.";
+ Text[ he ] = "Der Zieldatenbankbereich existiert nicht.";
+ };
+ {
+ Text [ de ] = "MEHRFACHOPERATION" ;
+ Text [ en-US ] = "MULTIPLE.OPERATIONS" ;
+ Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
+ Text[ pt ] = "OPERAÇÃO.MÚLTIPLA";
+ Text[ ru ] = "СОВМЕЩ.ОПЕРАЦИИ";
+ Text[ el ] = "ΠΟΛΛΑΠΛΕΣ.ΠΡΑΞΕΙΣ";
+ Text[ nl ] = "MEERVOUD.OPERATIE";
+ Text[ fr ] = "OPERATION.MULTIPLE";
+ Text[ es ] = "OPERACIÓN.MÚLTIPLE";
+ Text[ da ] = "MULTIOPERATION";
+ Text[ sv ] = "MULTIPEL.OPERATION";
+ Text[ th ] = "หลาย.ปฏิบัติการ";
+ Text[ ja ] = "複数演算";
+ Text[ ko ] = "다중 연산";
+ Text[ zh-CN ] = "多重计算";
+ Text[ zh-TW ] = "樞紐分析表";
+ Text[ tr ] = "ÇOKLU.İŞLEMLER";
+ Text[ ar ] = "عمليات متعددة";
+ };
+ String STR_AREA
+ {
+ Text [ de ] = "Bereich" ;
+ Text [ en-US ] = "Range" ;
+ Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
+ Text[ pt ] = "Área";
+ Text[ ru ] = "Диапазон";
+ Text[ el ] = "Περιοχή";
+ Text[ nl ] = "Bereik";
+ Text[ fr ] = "Plage";
+ Text[ es ] = "Área";
+ Text[ fi ] = "Alue";
+ Text[ ca ] = "àrea";
+ Text[ it ] = "Area";
+ Text[ da ] = "Område";
+ Text[ sv ] = "Område";
+ Text[ pl ] = "Zakres";
+ Text[ pt-BR ] = "Intervalo";
+ Text[ th ] = "ช่วง";
+ Text[ ja ] = "範囲";
+ Text[ ko ] = "범위";
+ Text[ zh-CN ] = "区域";
+ Text[ zh-TW ] = "區域";
+ Text[ tr ] = "Aralık";
+ Text[ hi-IN ] = "फैलाव";
+ Text[ ar ] = "النطاق";
+ Text[ he ] = "Bereich";
+ };
+ String STR_NO
+ {
+ Text [ de ] = "Nein" ;
+ Text [ en-US ] = "No" ;
+ Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
+ Text[ pt ] = "Não";
+ Text[ ru ] = "Нет";
+ Text[ el ] = "Όχι";
+ Text[ nl ] = "Nee";
+ Text[ fr ] = "Non";
+ Text[ es ] = "No";
+ Text[ fi ] = "Ei";
+ Text[ ca ] = "No";
+ Text[ it ] = "No";
+ Text[ da ] = "Nej";
+ Text[ sv ] = "Nej";
+ Text[ pl ] = "Nie";
+ Text[ pt-BR ] = "Não";
+ Text[ th ] = "ไม่ใช่";
+ Text[ ja ] = "いいえ";
+ Text[ ko ] = "아니오";
+ Text[ zh-CN ] = "否";
+ Text[ zh-TW ] = "否";
+ Text[ tr ] = "Hayır";
+ Text[ hi-IN ] = "नहीं";
+ Text[ ar ] = "لا";
+ Text[ he ] = "‮לא‬";
+ };
+ {
+ Text [ de ] = "Schutz" ;
+ Text [ en-US ] = "Protection" ;
+ Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
+ Text[ pt ] = "Protecção";
+ Text[ ru ] = "Защита";
+ Text[ el ] = "Προστασία";
+ Text[ nl ] = "Beveiliging";
+ Text[ fr ] = "Protection";
+ Text[ es ] = "Protección";
+ Text[ fi ] = "Suojaus";
+ Text[ ca ] = "Protecció";
+ Text[ it ] = "Protezione";
+ Text[ da ] = "Beskyttelse";
+ Text[ sv ] = "Skydd";
+ Text[ pl ] = "Ochrona";
+ Text[ pt-BR ] = "Proteção";
+ Text[ th ] = "การป้องกัน";
+ Text[ ja ] = "保護";
+ Text[ ko ] = "보호";
+ Text[ zh-CN ] = "保护";
+ Text[ zh-TW ] = "保護";
+ Text[ tr ] = "Koruma";
+ Text[ hi-IN ] = "रक्षा";
+ Text[ ar ] = "الحماية";
+ Text[ he ] = "Schutz";
+ };
+ String STR_PRINT
+ {
+ Text [ de ] = "Drucken" ;
+ Text [ en-US ] = "Print" ;
+ Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
+ Text[ pt ] = "Imprimir";
+ Text[ ru ] = "Печать";
+ Text[ el ] = "Εκτύπωση";
+ Text[ nl ] = "Afdrukken";
+ Text[ fr ] = "Imprimer";
+ Text[ es ] = "Imprimir";
+ Text[ fi ] = "Tulosta";
+ Text[ ca ] = "Imprimeix";
+ Text[ it ] = "Stampa";
+ Text[ da ] = "Udskriv";
+ Text[ sv ] = "Skriv ut";
+ Text[ pl ] = "Drukuj";
+ Text[ pt-BR ] = "Imprimir";
+ Text[ th ] = "พิมพ์";
+ Text[ ja ] = "印刷";
+ Text[ ko ] = "인쇄";
+ Text[ zh-CN ] = "打印";
+ Text[ zh-TW ] = "列印";
+ Text[ tr ] = "Yazdır";
+ Text[ hi-IN ] = "छपाई";
+ Text[ ar ] = "طباعة";
+ Text[ he ] = "‮הדפסה‬";
+ };
+ {
+ Text [ de ] = " (verschachtelt)" ;
+ Text [ en-US ] = "(nested)" ;
+ Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
+ Text[ pt ] = "(em cascata)";
+ Text[ ru ] = "(вложенный)";
+ Text[ el ] = "(Αλλεπάλληλη σύνδεση)";
+ Text[ nl ] = "(grijpen in elkaar)";
+ Text[ fr ] = "(en cascade)";
+ Text[ es ] = "(en cascada)";
+ Text[ fi ] = "(sisäkkäin)";
+ Text[ ca ] = "(imbricat)";
+ Text[ it ] = "(a cascata)";
+ Text[ da ] = "(indskudt)";
+ Text[ sv ] = "(sammanflätad)";
+ Text[ pl ] = "(zagnieżdżone)";
+ Text[ pt-BR ] = "(aninhadas)";
+ Text[ th ] = "(ซ้อนกัน)";
+ Text[ ja ] = "(重なり合った)";
+ Text[ ko ] = "(찬합식)";
+ Text[ zh-CN ] = "(复合的)";
+ Text[ zh-TW ] = "(複合的)";
+ Text[ tr ] = "(yuvalanmış)";
+ Text[ hi-IN ] = "(नेस्टेड्)";
+ Text[ ar ] = "(تراكب)";
+ Text[ he ] = " (verschachtelt)";
+ };
+ {
+ /* ### ACHTUNG: Neuer Text in Resource? ungltig : ungltig */
+ Text [ de ] = "ungültig" ;
+ Text [ en-US ] = "invalid" ;
+ Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
+ Text[ pt ] = "incorrecto";
+ Text[ ru ] = "недействительный";
+ Text[ el ] = "μη έγκυρο";
+ Text[ nl ] = "ongeldig";
+ Text[ fr ] = "incorrect";
+ Text[ es ] = "incorrecto";
+ Text[ fi ] = "virheellinen";
+ Text[ ca ] = "no vàlid";
+ Text[ it ] = "non valido";
+ Text[ da ] = "ugyldig";
+ Text[ sv ] = "ogiltig";
+ Text[ pl ] = "nieprawidłowy";
+ Text[ pt-BR ] = "inválido";
+ Text[ th ] = "ไม่ถูกต้อง";
+ Text[ ja ] = "無効";
+ Text[ ko ] = "잘못됨";
+ Text[ zh-CN ] = "无效";
+ Text[ zh-TW ] = "無效";
+ Text[ tr ] = "geçersiz";
+ Text[ hi-IN ] = "अमान्य";
+ Text[ ar ] = "غير صالح";
+ Text[ he ] = "ungültig";
+ };
+ {
+ Text [ de ] = "Funktion bearbeiten" ;
+ Text [ en-US ] = "Edit Function" ;
+ Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
+ Text[ pt ] = "Editar função";
+ Text[ ru ] = "Правка функции";
+ Text[ el ] = "Επεξεργασία συνάρτησης";
+ Text[ nl ] = "Functie bewerken";
+ Text[ fr ] = "Éditer une fonction";
+ Text[ es ] = "Editar función";
+ Text[ fi ] = "Muuta funktiota";
+ Text[ ca ] = "Edita la funció";
+ Text[ it ] = "Modifica funzione";
+ Text[ da ] = "Rediger funktion";
+ Text[ sv ] = "Redigera funktion";
+ Text[ pl ] = "Edytuj funkcję";
+ Text[ pt-BR ] = "Editar Função";
+ Text[ th ] = "แก้ไขฟังก์ชั่น";
+ Text[ ja ] = "関数の編集";
+ Text[ ko ] = "함수 편집";
+ Text[ zh-CN ] = "编辑函数";
+ Text[ zh-TW ] = "編輯函數";
+ Text[ tr ] = "Fonksiyonu düzenle";
+ Text[ hi-IN ] = "फंक्शन का संपादन";
+ Text[ ar ] = "تحرير دالة";
+ Text[ he ] = "Funktion bearbeiten";
+ };
+ String STR_NOTES
+ {
+ Text [ de ] = "Notizen" ;
+ Text [ en-US ] = "Notes" ;
+ Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
+ Text[ pt ] = "Anotações";
+ Text[ ru ] = "Примечания";
+ Text[ el ] = "Σημειώσεις";
+ Text[ nl ] = "Aantekeningen";
+ Text[ fr ] = "Notes";
+ Text[ es ] = "Notas";
+ Text[ fi ] = "Huomautukset";
+ Text[ ca ] = "Notes";
+ Text[ it ] = "Note";
+ Text[ da ] = "Noter";
+ Text[ sv ] = "Anteckningar";
+ Text[ pl ] = "Notatki";
+ Text[ pt-BR ] = "Anotações";
+ Text[ th ] = "บันทึกย่อ";
+ Text[ ja ] = "コメント";
+ Text[ ko ] = "메모";
+ Text[ zh-CN ] = "备注";
+ Text[ zh-TW ] = "備註";
+ Text[ tr ] = "Notlar";
+ Text[ hi-IN ] = "टिप्पणी";
+ Text[ ar ] = "ملاحظات";
+ Text[ he ] = "‮הערות‬";
+ };
+ {
+ Text [ de ] = "Textimport" ;
+ Text [ en-US ] = "Import text files" ;
+ Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
+ Text[ pt ] = "Importar ficheiros de texto";
+ Text[ ru ] = "Импорт текстовых файлов";
+ Text[ el ] = "Εισαγωγή κειμένου";
+ Text[ nl ] = "Tekstimport";
+ Text[ fr ] = "Import de texte";
+ Text[ es ] = "Importar texto";
+ Text[ fi ] = "Tuo tekstitiedostot";
+ Text[ ca ] = "Importa fitxers de text";
+ Text[ it ] = "Importazione testo";
+ Text[ da ] = "Tekstimport";
+ Text[ sv ] = "Textimport";
+ Text[ pl ] = "Importuj pliki tekstowe";
+ Text[ pt-BR ] = "Importar arquivos texto";
+ Text[ th ] = "นำเข้าแฟ้มข้อความ";
+ Text[ ja ] = "テキストのインポート";
+ Text[ ko ] = "텍스트 파일 가져오기";
+ Text[ zh-CN ] = "输入文字";
+ Text[ zh-TW ] = "匯入文字";
+ Text[ tr ] = "Metin içe aktarımı";
+ Text[ hi-IN ] = "टेक्स्ट् फाइलों को आयात करो";
+ Text[ ar ] = "استيراد نص";
+ Text[ he ] = "Textimport";
+ };
+ {
+ Text [ de ] = "Textexport" ;
+ Text [ en-US ] = "Export of text files" ;
+ Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
+ Text[ pt ] = "Exportar texto";
+ Text[ ru ] = "Экспорт текста";
+ Text[ el ] = "Εξαγωγή κειμένου";
+ Text[ nl ] = "Export van tekst";
+ Text[ fr ] = "Export de texte";
+ Text[ es ] = "Exportación de texto";
+ Text[ fi ] = "Tekstitiedostojen vienti";
+ Text[ ca ] = "Exportació dels fitxers de text";
+ Text[ it ] = "Esportazione testo";
+ Text[ da ] = "Teksteksport";
+ Text[ sv ] = "Textexport";
+ Text[ pl ] = "Eksport plików tekstowych";
+ Text[ pt-BR ] = "Exportar arquivos texto";
+ Text[ th ] = "ส่งแฟ้มข้อความออก";
+ Text[ ja ] = "テキストのエクスポート";
+ Text[ ko ] = "텍스트 내보내기";
+ Text[ zh-CN ] = "输出文字";
+ Text[ zh-TW ] = "匯出文字";
+ Text[ tr ] = "Dışa aktar (metin)";
+ Text[ hi-IN ] = "Export of text files";
+ Text[ ar ] = "تصدير نص";
+ Text[ he ] = "Textexport";
+ };
+ {
+ Text [ de ] = "Lotusimport" ;
+ Text [ en-US ] = "Import Lotus files" ;
+ Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
+ Text[ pt ] = "Importar Lotus";
+ Text[ ru ] = "Импорт файлов Lotus";
+ Text[ el ] = "Εισαγωγή αρχείου Lotus";
+ Text[ nl ] = "Lotus-import";
+ Text[ fr ] = "Import Lotus";
+ Text[ es ] = "Importación Lotus";
+ Text[ fi ] = "Tuo Lotus-tiedostot";
+ Text[ ca ] = "Importa fitxers de Lotus";
+ Text[ it ] = "Importazione Lotus";
+ Text[ da ] = "Lotusimport";
+ Text[ sv ] = "Lotusimport";
+ Text[ pl ] = "Importuj pliki Lotus";
+ Text[ pt-BR ] = "Importar arquivos Lotus";
+ Text[ th ] = "นำเข้าแฟ้มโลตัส";
+ Text[ ja ] = "Lotus のインポート";
+ Text[ ko ] = "Lotus파일 가져오기";
+ Text[ zh-CN ] = "输入 Lotus 文档";
+ Text[ zh-TW ] = "匯入 Lotus 檔案";
+ Text[ tr ] = "Lotus dosyaları içe aktarımı";
+ Text[ hi-IN ] = "Import Lotus files";
+ Text[ ar ] = "استيراد ملفات Lotus";
+ Text[ he ] = "Lotusimport";
+ };
+ {
+ Text [ de ] = "DBaseimport" ;
+ Text [ en-US ] = "Import DBase files" ;
+ Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
+ Text[ pt ] = "Importar ficheiros de DBase";
+ Text[ ru ] = "Импорт файлов DBase";
+ Text[ el ] = "Εισαγωγή αρχεία DBase";
+ Text[ nl ] = "DBase-import";
+ Text[ fr ] = "Import dBase";
+ Text[ es ] = "Importación DBase";
+ Text[ fi ] = "Tuo DBase-tiedostot";
+ Text[ ca ] = "Importa fitxers de dBase";
+ Text[ it ] = "Importazione DBase";
+ Text[ da ] = "DBase import";
+ Text[ sv ] = "DBaseimport";
+ Text[ pl ] = "Importuj pliki DBase";
+ Text[ pt-BR ] = "Importar arquivos DBase";
+ Text[ th ] = "นำเข้าแฟ้มดีเบส";
+ Text[ ja ] = "DBase のインポート";
+ Text[ ko ] = "DBase 파일 가져오기";
+ Text[ zh-CN ] = "输入 DBase 文件";
+ Text[ zh-TW ] = "匯入 DBase 檔案";
+ Text[ tr ] = "DBase dosyaları içe aktarımı";
+ Text[ hi-IN ] = "Import DBase files";
+ Text[ ar ] = "استيراد ملفات DBase";
+ Text[ he ] = "DBaseimport";
+ };
+ {
+ Text [ de ] = "DBase-Export" ;
+ Text [ en-US ] = "DBase export";
+ Text[ pt ] = "Exportar DBase";
+ Text[ ru ] = "Экспорт DBase";
+ Text[ el ] = "Εξαγωγή DBase";
+ Text[ nl ] = "DBase-export";
+ Text[ fr ] = "Export DBase";
+ Text[ es ] = "Exportación DBase";
+ Text[ fi ] = "DBase-vienti";
+ Text[ ca ] = "Exportació cap a dBase";
+ Text[ it ] = "Esportazione DBase";
+ Text[ da ] = "DBase eksport";
+ Text[ sv ] = "DBase-export";
+ Text[ pl ] = "Eksport DBase";
+ Text[ pt-BR ] = "Exportar DBase";
+ Text[ th ] = "ส่ง DBase ออก";
+ Text[ ja ] = "DBase のエクスポート";
+ Text[ ko ] = "DBase 내보내기";
+ Text[ zh-CN ] = "DBase 输出";
+ Text[ zh-TW ] = "DBase 匯出";
+ Text[ tr ] = "Dışa aktar (DBase)";
+ Text[ hi-IN ] = "DBase निर्यात";
+ Text[ ar ] = "تصديرDBase ";
+ Text[ he ] = "DBase-Export";
+ };
+ {
+ Text [ de ] = "Dif-Export" ;
+ Text [ en-US ] = "Dif Export" ;
+ Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
+ Text[ pt ] = "Exportar Dif";
+ Text[ ru ] = "Экспорт Dif";
+ Text[ el ] = "Εξαγωγή Dif";
+ Text[ nl ] = "Dif-Export";
+ Text[ fr ] = "Export Dif";
+ Text[ es ] = "Exportar Dif";
+ Text[ fi ] = "Dif-vienti";
+ Text[ ca ] = "Exportació DIF";
+ Text[ it ] = "Esporta Dif";
+ Text[ da ] = "Dif-eksport";
+ Text[ sv ] = "Dif-export";
+ Text[ pl ] = "Eksport formatu Dif";
+ Text[ pt-BR ] = "Exportar Dif";
+ Text[ th ] = "ส่ง Dif ออก";
+ Text[ ja ] = "Dif エクスポート";
+ Text[ ko ] = "Dif 내보내기";
+ Text[ zh-CN ] = "存盘成 DIF 格式";
+ Text[ zh-TW ] = "儲存成 DIF 格式";
+ Text[ tr ] = "Dışa aktar (Dif)";
+ Text[ hi-IN ] = "Dif निर्यात";
+ Text[ ar ] = "تصدير Dif";
+ Text[ he ] = "Dif-Export";
+ };
+ {
+ Text [ de ] = "Dif-Import" ;
+ Text [ en-US ] = "Dif Import" ;
+ Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
+ Text[ pt ] = "Importar Dif";
+ Text[ ru ] = "Импорт Dif";
+ Text[ el ] = "Εισαγωγή Dif";
+ Text[ nl ] = "Dif-Import";
+ Text[ fr ] = "Import Dif";
+ Text[ es ] = "Importar Dif";
+ Text[ fi ] = "Dif-tuonti";
+ Text[ ca ] = "Importació DIF";
+ Text[ it ] = "Importa Dif";
+ Text[ da ] = "Dif-import";
+ Text[ sv ] = "Dif-import";
+ Text[ pl ] = "Import formatu Dif";
+ Text[ pt-BR ] = "Importar Dif";
+ Text[ th ] = "นำเข้า Dif ";
+ Text[ ja ] = "Dif のインポート";
+ Text[ ko ] = "Dif 가져오기";
+ Text[ zh-CN ] = "输入 DIF";
+ Text[ zh-TW ] = "匯入 DIF";
+ Text[ tr ] = "Dif içe aktarımı";
+ Text[ hi-IN ] = "Dif आयात";
+ Text[ ar ] = "استيراد Dif";
+ Text[ he ] = "Dif-Import";
+ };
+ {
+ Text [ de ] = "Standard" ;
+ Text [ en-US ] = "Default" ;
+ Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
+ Text[ pt ] = "Padrão";
+ Text[ ru ] = "Обычный";
+ Text[ el ] = "Προεπιλογή";
+ Text[ nl ] = "Standaard";
+ Text[ fr ] = "Standard";
+ Text[ es ] = "Predeterminado";
+ Text[ fi ] = "Oletus";
+ Text[ ca ] = "Per defecte";
+ Text[ it ] = "Standard";
+ Text[ da ] = "Standard";
+ Text[ sv ] = "Standard";
+ Text[ pl ] = "Domyślnie";
+ Text[ pt-BR ] = "Padrão";
+ Text[ th ] = "ค่าเริ่มต้น";
+ Text[ ja ] = "標準";
+ Text[ ko ] = "기본값";
+ Text[ zh-CN ] = "标准";
+ Text[ zh-TW ] = "標準";
+ Text[ tr ] = "Varsayılan";
+ Text[ hi-IN ] = "अनुपस्थिति";
+ Text[ ar ] = "افتراضي";
+ Text[ he ] = "‮ברירת מחדל‬";
+ };
+ {
+ Text [ de ] = "Ergebnis" ;
+ Text [ en-US ] = "Result" ;
+ Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
+ Text[ pt ] = "Resultado";
+ Text[ ru ] = "Результат";
+ Text[ el ] = "Αποτέλεσμα";
+ Text[ nl ] = "Resultaat";
+ Text[ fr ] = "Résultat";
+ Text[ es ] = "Resultado";
+ Text[ fi ] = "Tulos";
+ Text[ ca ] = "Resultat";
+ Text[ it ] = "Risultato";
+ Text[ da ] = "Resultat";
+ Text[ sv ] = "Resultat";
+ Text[ pl ] = "Wynik";
+ Text[ pt-BR ] = "Resultado";
+ Text[ th ] = "ผลลัพธ์";
+ Text[ ja ] = "結果";
+ Text[ ko ] = "결과";
+ Text[ zh-CN ] = "结果";
+ Text[ zh-TW ] = "結果";
+ Text[ tr ] = "Sonuç";
+ Text[ hi-IN ] = "नतीजा";
+ Text[ ar ] = "النتيجة";
+ Text[ he ] = "Ergebnis";
+ };
+ {
+ Text [ de ] = "Ergebnis2" ;
+ Text [ en-US ] = "Result2" ;
+ Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
+ Text[ pt ] = "Resultado2";
+ Text[ ru ] = "Результат2";
+ Text[ el ] = "Αποτέλεσμα 2";
+ Text[ nl ] = "Resultaat2";
+ Text[ fr ] = "Résultat2";
+ Text[ es ] = "Resultado2";
+ Text[ fi ] = "Tulos2";
+ Text[ ca ] = "Resultat2";
+ Text[ it ] = "Risultato2";
+ Text[ da ] = "Resultat2";
+ Text[ sv ] = "Resultat2";
+ Text[ pl ] = "Wynik2";
+ Text[ pt-BR ] = "Resultado2";
+ Text[ th ] = "ผลลัพธ์2";
+ Text[ ja ] = "結果2";
+ Text[ ko ] = "결과2";
+ Text[ zh-CN ] = "结果 2";
+ Text[ zh-TW ] = "結果 2";
+ Text[ tr ] = "Sonuç2";
+ Text[ hi-IN ] = "नतीजा2";
+ Text[ ar ] = "نتيجة2";
+ Text[ he ] = "Ergebnis2";
+ };
+ {
+ /* ### ACHTUNG: Neuer Text in Resource? berschrift : berschrift */
+ Text [ de ] = "Überschrift" ;
+ Text [ en-US ] = "Heading" ;
+ Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
+ Text[ pt ] = "Título";
+ Text[ ru ] = "Заголовок";
+ Text[ el ] = "Επικεφαλίδα";
+ Text[ nl ] = "Kop";
+ Text[ fr ] = "Titre";
+ Text[ es ] = "Encabezado";
+ Text[ fi ] = "Otsikko";
+ Text[ ca ] = "Encapçalament";
+ Text[ it ] = "Intestazione";
+ Text[ da ] = "Overskrift";
+ Text[ sv ] = "Rubrik";
+ Text[ pl ] = "Nagłówek";
+ Text[ pt-BR ] = "Título";
+ Text[ th ] = "หัวเรื่อง";
+ Text[ ja ] = "見出し";
+ Text[ ko ] = "제목";
+ Text[ zh-CN ] = "标题";
+ Text[ zh-TW ] = "標頭";
+ Text[ tr ] = "Başlık";
+ Text[ hi-IN ] = "शीर्षक";
+ Text[ ar ] = "العنوان";
+ Text[ he ] = "Überschrift";
+ };
+ {
+ /* ### ACHTUNG: Neuer Text in Resource? berschrift1 : berschrift1 */
+ Text [ de ] = "Überschrift1" ;
+ Text [ en-US ] = "Heading1" ;
+ Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
+ Text[ pt ] = "Título1";
+ Text[ ru ] = "Заголовок1";
+ Text[ el ] = "Επικεφαλίδα1";
+ Text[ nl ] = "Kop1";
+ Text[ fr ] = "Titre1";
+ Text[ es ] = "Encabezado1";
+ Text[ fi ] = "Otsikko1";
+ Text[ ca ] = "Encapçalament1";
+ Text[ it ] = "Intestazione1";
+ Text[ da ] = "Overskrift1";
+ Text[ sv ] = "Överskrift1";
+ Text[ pl ] = "Nagłówek1";
+ Text[ pt-BR ] = "Título1";
+ Text[ th ] = "หัวเรื่อง1";
+ Text[ ja ] = "見出し1";
+ Text[ ko ] = "제목1";
+ Text[ zh-CN ] = "标题 1";
+ Text[ zh-TW ] = "標頭 1";
+ Text[ tr ] = "Başlık1";
+ Text[ hi-IN ] = "शीर्षक1";
+ Text[ ar ] = "العنوان 1";
+ Text[ he ] = "Überschrift1";
+ };
+ {
+ Text [ de ] = "Bericht" ;
+ Text [ en-US ] = "Report" ;
+ Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
+ Text[ pt ] = "Relatório";
+ Text[ ru ] = "Отчет";
+ Text[ el ] = "Αναφορά";
+ Text[ nl ] = "Bericht";
+ Text[ fr ] = "Compte rendu";
+ Text[ es ] = "Informe";
+ Text[ fi ] = "Raportti";
+ Text[ ca ] = "Informe";
+ Text[ it ] = "Rapporto";
+ Text[ da ] = "Rapport";
+ Text[ sv ] = "Rapport";
+ Text[ pl ] = "Raport";
+ Text[ pt-BR ] = "Relatório";
+ Text[ th ] = "รายงาน";
+ Text[ ja ] = "レポート";
+ Text[ ko ] = "보고서";
+ Text[ zh-CN ] = "报表";
+ Text[ zh-TW ] = "報表";
+ Text[ tr ] = "Rapor";
+ Text[ hi-IN ] = "रिपोर्ट";
+ Text[ ar ] = "التقرير";
+ Text[ he ] = "‮דו\"ח‬";
+ };
+ {
+ Text [ de ] = "Bericht1" ;
+ Text [ en-US ] = "Report1" ;
+ Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
+ Text[ pt ] = "Relatório1";
+ Text[ ru ] = "Отчет1";
+ Text[ el ] = "Αναφορά1";
+ Text[ nl ] = "Bericht1";
+ Text[ fr ] = "Compte rendu1";
+ Text[ es ] = "Informe1";
+ Text[ fi ] = "Raportti1";
+ Text[ ca ] = "Informe1";
+ Text[ it ] = "Rapporto1";
+ Text[ da ] = "Rapport1";
+ Text[ sv ] = "Rapport1";
+ Text[ pl ] = "Raport1";
+ Text[ pt-BR ] = "Relatório1";
+ Text[ th ] = "รายงาน1";
+ Text[ ja ] = "レポート 1";
+ Text[ ko ] = "보고서1";
+ Text[ zh-CN ] = "报表 1";
+ Text[ zh-TW ] = "報表 1";
+ Text[ tr ] = "Rapor1";
+ Text[ hi-IN ] = "रिपोर्ट1";
+ Text[ ar ] = "التقرير1";
+ Text[ he ] = "Bericht1";
+ };
+ {
+ /* ### ACHTUNG: Neuer Text in Resource? Tabelle einfgen : Tabelle einfgen */
+ Text [ de ] = "Tabellen einfügen" ;
+ Text [ en-US ] = "Insert Sheet" ;
+ Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
+ Text[ pt ] = "Inserir folha";
+ Text[ ru ] = "Вставить лист";
+ Text[ el ] = "Εισαγωγή πίνακα";
+ Text[ nl ] = "Werkblad invoegen";
+ Text[ fr ] = "Insérer une feuille";
+ Text[ es ] = "Insertar hoja";
+ Text[ fi ] = "Lisää taulukko";
+ Text[ ca ] = "Insereix un full";
+ Text[ it ] = "Inserisci tabella";
+ Text[ da ] = "Indsæt ark";
+ Text[ sv ] = "Infoga tabeller";
+ Text[ pl ] = "Wstaw arkusz";
+ Text[ pt-BR ] = "Inserir Planilha";
+ Text[ th ] = "แทรกแผ่นงาน";
+ Text[ ja ] = "表の挿入";
+ Text[ ko ] = "시트 삽입";
+ Text[ zh-CN ] = "插入工作表";
+ Text[ zh-TW ] = "插入工作表";
+ Text[ tr ] = "Tablo ekle";
+ Text[ hi-IN ] = "शीट् जोड़ो";
+ Text[ ar ] = "إدراج جداول";
+ Text[ he ] = "Tabellen einfügen";
+ };
+ {
+ Text [ de ] = "Tabelle umbenennen" ;
+ Text [ en-US ] = "Rename Sheet" ;
+ Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
+ Text[ pt ] = "Mudar nome da folha";
+ Text[ ru ] = "Переименовать лист";
+ Text[ el ] = "Μετονομασία πίνακα";
+ Text[ nl ] = "Werkbladnaam wijzigen";
+ Text[ fr ] = "Renommer la feuille";
+ Text[ es ] = "Cambiar nombre a la hoja";
+ Text[ fi ] = "Nimeä taulukko uudelleen";
+ Text[ ca ] = "Reanomena el full";
+ Text[ it ] = "Rinomina tabella";
+ Text[ da ] = "Omdøb ark";
+ Text[ sv ] = "Byt namn på tabell";
+ Text[ pl ] = "Zmień nazwę arkusza";
+ Text[ pt-BR ] = "Renomear Planilha";
+ Text[ th ] = "เปลี่ยนชื่อแผ่นงาน";
+ Text[ ja ] = "表名の変更";
+ Text[ ko ] = "시트 이름 바꾸기";
+ Text[ zh-CN ] = "重命名工作表";
+ Text[ zh-TW ] = "重新命名工作表";
+ Text[ tr ] = "Tabloyu yeniden adlandır";
+ Text[ hi-IN ] = "शीट् को पुनः नाम दो";
+ Text[ ar ] = "إعادة تسمية الجدول";
+ Text[ he ] = "Tabelle umbenennen";
+ };
+ {
+ /* ### ACHTUNG: Neuer Text in Resource? Tabelle anhngen : Tabelle anhngen */
+ Text [ de ] = "Tabelle anhängen" ;
+ Text [ en-US ] = "Append sheet" ;
+ Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
+ Text[ pt ] = "Anexar folha";
+ Text[ ru ] = "Прикрепить лист";
+ Text[ el ] = "Προσκόλληση πίνακα";
+ Text[ nl ] = "Werkblad toevoegen";
+ Text[ fr ] = "Annexer la feuille";
+ Text[ es ] = "Adjuntar hoja";
+ Text[ fi ] = "Liitä taulukko";
+ Text[ ca ] = "Afegeix un full";
+ Text[ it ] = "Allega tabella";
+ Text[ da ] = "Vedhæft ark";
+ Text[ sv ] = "Tillfoga tabell";
+ Text[ pl ] = "Dołącz arkusz";
+ Text[ pt-BR ] = "Anexar planilha";
+ Text[ th ] = "ผนวกแผ่นงาน";
+ Text[ ja ] = "表の添付";
+ Text[ ko ] = "시트 첨부";
+ Text[ zh-CN ] = "附加工作表";
+ Text[ zh-TW ] = "附加工作表";
+ Text[ tr ] = "Tablo ekle";
+ Text[ hi-IN ] = "शीट् जोड़ो";
+ Text[ ar ] = "إرفاق جدول";
+ Text[ he ] = "Tabelle anhängen";
+ };
+ {
+ Text [ de ] = "Tabelle einblenden" ;
+ Text [ en-US ] = "Show Sheet" ;
+ Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
+ Text[ pt ] = "Mostrar folha";
+ Text[ ru ] = "Показать лист";
+ Text[ el ] = "Εμφάνιση πίνακα";
+ Text[ nl ] = "Werkblad weergeven";
+ Text[ fr ] = "Afficher la feuille";
+ Text[ es ] = "Mostrar hoja";
+ Text[ fi ] = "Näytä taulukko";
+ Text[ ca ] = "Mostra el full";
+ Text[ it ] = "Mostra tabella";
+ Text[ da ] = "Vis ark";
+ Text[ sv ] = "Visa tabell";
+ Text[ pl ] = "Pokaż arkusz";
+ Text[ pt-BR ] = "Mostrar Planilha";
+ Text[ th ] = "แสดงแผ่นงาน";
+ Text[ ja ] = "表の表示";
+ Text[ ko ] = "시트 표시";
+ Text[ zh-CN ] = "显示工作表";
+ Text[ zh-TW ] = "顯示工作表";
+ Text[ tr ] = "Tabloyu görüntüle";
+ Text[ hi-IN ] = "शीट् दिखाओ";
+ Text[ ar ] = "إظهار الجدول";
+ Text[ he ] = "Tabelle einblenden";
+ };
+ {
+ Text [ de ] = "Tabelle ausblenden" ;
+ Text [ en-US ] = "Hide sheet" ;
+ Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
+ Text[ pt ] = "Ocultar folha";
+ Text[ ru ] = "Скрыть лист";
+ Text[ el ] = "Απόκρυψη πίνακα";
+ Text[ nl ] = "Werkblad verbergen";
+ Text[ fr ] = "Masquer feuille";
+ Text[ es ] = "Ocultar hoja";
+ Text[ fi ] = "Piilota taulukko";
+ Text[ ca ] = "Oculta el full";
+ Text[ it ] = "Nacondi la tabella";
+ Text[ da ] = "Skjul ark";
+ Text[ sv ] = "Dölj tabell";
+ Text[ pl ] = "Ukryj arkusz";
+ Text[ pt-BR ] = "Ocultar planilha";
+ Text[ th ] = "ซ่อนแผ่นงาน";
+ Text[ ja ] = "表の非表示";
+ Text[ ko ] = "시트 숨기기";
+ Text[ zh-CN ] = "隐入工作表";
+ Text[ zh-TW ] = "隱入工作表";
+ Text[ tr ] = "Tabloyu gizle";
+ Text[ hi-IN ] = "शीट् छिपाओ";
+ Text[ ar ] = "إخفاء الجدول";
+ Text[ he ] = "Tabelle ausblenden";
+ };
+ {
+ Text [ de ] = "Haupttitel" ;
+ Text [ en-US ] = "Main Title" ;
+ Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
+ Text[ pt ] = "Título principal";
+ Text[ ru ] = "Главный заголовок";
+ Text[ el ] = "Κύριος τίτλος";
+ Text[ nl ] = "Hoofdtitel";
+ Text[ fr ] = "Titre principal";
+ Text[ es ] = "Título principal";
+ Text[ fi ] = "Pääotsikko";
+ Text[ ca ] = "Títol principal";
+ Text[ it ] = "Titolo principale";
+ Text[ da ] = "Hovedoverskrift";
+ Text[ sv ] = "Huvudrubrik";
+ Text[ pl ] = "Tytuł główny";
+ Text[ pt-BR ] = "Título Principal";
+ Text[ th ] = "ชื่อเรื่องหลัก";
+ Text[ ja ] = "メインタイトル";
+ Text[ ko ] = "주 제목";
+ Text[ zh-CN ] = "主标题";
+ Text[ zh-TW ] = "主標題";
+ Text[ tr ] = "Ana başlık";
+ Text[ hi-IN ] = "मुख्य शीर्षक";
+ Text[ ar ] = "العنوان الرئيسي";
+ Text[ he ] = "Haupttitel";
+ };
+ {
+ Text [ de ] = "Untertitel" ;
+ Text [ en-US ] = "Subtitle" ;
+ Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
+ Text[ pt ] = "Subtítulo";
+ Text[ ru ] = "Подзаголовок";
+ Text[ el ] = "Υπότιτλος";
+ Text[ nl ] = "Ondertitel";
+ Text[ fr ] = "Sous-titre";
+ Text[ es ] = "Subtítulo";
+ Text[ fi ] = "Alaotsikko";
+ Text[ ca ] = "Subtítol";
+ Text[ it ] = "Sottotitolo";
+ Text[ da ] = "Undertitel";
+ Text[ sv ] = "Underrubrik";
+ Text[ pl ] = "Podtytuł";
+ Text[ pt-BR ] = "Subtítulo";
+ Text[ th ] = "ชื่อเรื่องย่อย";
+ Text[ ja ] = "サブタイトル";
+ Text[ ko ] = "부제";
+ Text[ zh-CN ] = "分标题";
+ Text[ zh-TW ] = "分標題";
+ Text[ tr ] = "Alt başlık";
+ Text[ hi-IN ] = "अधीन शीर्षक";
+ Text[ ar ] = "عنوان فرعي";
+ Text[ he ] = "Untertitel";
+ };
+ {
+ Text [ de ] = "X-Achsentitel" ;
+ Text [ en-US ] = "X axis title" ;
+ Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
+ Text[ pt ] = "Título do eixo X";
+ Text[ ru ] = "Заголовок оси X";
+ Text[ el ] = "Τίτλος άξονα Χ";
+ Text[ nl ] = "Titel X-as";
+ Text[ fr ] = "Titre de l'axe X";
+ Text[ es ] = "Título del eje X";
+ Text[ fi ] = "X-akselin otsikko";
+ Text[ ca ] = "Títol de l'eix X";
+ Text[ it ] = "Titolo asse X";
+ Text[ da ] = "X-aksetitel";
+ Text[ sv ] = "X-axelrubrik";
+ Text[ pl ] = "Tytuł osi X";
+ Text[ pt-BR ] = "Título do eixo X";
+ Text[ th ] = "ชื่อเรื่องแกนX ";
+ Text[ ja ] = "X軸タイトル";
+ Text[ ko ] = "X축 제목";
+ Text[ zh-CN ] = "X 轴标题";
+ Text[ zh-TW ] = "X-軸標題";
+ Text[ tr ] = "X-Ekseni değeri";
+ Text[ hi-IN ] = "X अक्षरेखा शीर्षक";
+ Text[ ar ] = "عنوان المحور س";
+ Text[ he ] = "X-Achsentitel";
+ };
+ {
+ Text [ de ] = "Y-Achsentitel" ;
+ Text [ en-US ] = "Y axis title" ;
+ Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
+ Text[ pt ] = "Título do eixo Y";
+ Text[ ru ] = "Заголовок оси Y";
+ Text[ el ] = "Τίτλος άξονα Y";
+ Text[ nl ] = "Titel Y-as";
+ Text[ fr ] = "Titre de l'axe Y";
+ Text[ es ] = "Título del eje Y";
+ Text[ fi ] = "Y-akselin otsikko";
+ Text[ ca ] = "Títol de l'eix Y";
+ Text[ it ] = "Titolo asse Y";
+ Text[ da ] = "Y-aksetitel";
+ Text[ sv ] = "Y-axelrubrik";
+ Text[ pl ] = "Tytuł osi Y";
+ Text[ pt-BR ] = "Título do eixo Y";
+ Text[ th ] = "ชื่อเรื่องแกนY ";
+ Text[ ja ] = "Y軸タイトル";
+ Text[ ko ] = "Y 축 제목";
+ Text[ zh-CN ] = "Y 轴标题";
+ Text[ zh-TW ] = "Y-軸標題";
+ Text[ tr ] = "Y-Ekseni değeri";
+ Text[ hi-IN ] = "Y अक्षरेखा शीर्षक";
+ Text[ ar ] = "عنوان المحور ص";
+ Text[ he ] = "Y-Achsentitel";
+ };
+ {
+ Text [ de ] = "Z-Achsentitel" ;
+ Text [ en-US ] = "Z axis title" ;
+ Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
+ Text[ pt ] = "Título do eixo Z";
+ Text[ ru ] = "Заголовок оси Z";
+ Text[ el ] = "Τίτλος άξονα Z";
+ Text[ nl ] = "Titel Z-as";
+ Text[ fr ] = "Titre de l'axe Z";
+ Text[ es ] = "Título del eje Z";
+ Text[ fi ] = "Z-akselin otsikko";
+ Text[ ca ] = "Títol de l'eix Z";
+ Text[ it ] = "Titolo asse Z";
+ Text[ da ] = "Z-aksetitel";
+ Text[ sv ] = "Z-axelrubrik";
+ Text[ pl ] = "Tytuł osi Z";
+ Text[ pt-BR ] = "Título do eixo Z";
+ Text[ th ] = "ชื่อเรื่องแกนZ ";
+ Text[ ja ] = "Z軸タイトル";
+ Text[ ko ] = "Z축 제목";
+ Text[ zh-CN ] = "Z 轴标题";
+ Text[ zh-TW ] = "Z-軸標題";
+ Text[ tr ] = "Z-Ekseni değeri";
+ Text[ hi-IN ] = "Z अक्षरेखा शीर्षक";
+ Text[ ar ] = "عنوان المحور ع";
+ Text[ he ] = "Z-Achsentitel";
+ };
+ {
+ Text [ de ] = "Vorhandene Definition von # ersetzen?" ;
+ Text [ en-US ] = "Replace existing definition of #?" ;
+ Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
+ Text[ pt ] = "Substituir definição existente de #?";
+ Text[ ru ] = "Заменить существующее определение #?";
+ Text[ el ] = "Αντικατάσταση υπάρχον ορισμού για #;";
+ Text[ nl ] = "Bestaande definitie van # vervangen?";
+ Text[ fr ] = "Remplacer la définition existante de # ?";
+ Text[ es ] = "¿Reemplazar la definición existente de #?";
+ Text[ fi ] = "Korvataanko kohteen # tämänhetkinen määritelmä?";
+ Text[ ca ] = "Voleu reemplaçar la definició existent de #?";
+ Text[ it ] = "Sostituire la definizione presente di #?";
+ Text[ da ] = "Skal de eksisterende definitioner erstattes af #?";
+ Text[ sv ] = "Ersätta existerande definition av #?";
+ Text[ pl ] = "Czy zamienić istniejącą definicję #?";
+ Text[ pt-BR ] = "Substituir a definição existente de #?";
+ Text[ th ] = "แทนที่คำนิยามของ # ที่มีอยู่หรือไม่?";
+ Text[ ja ] = "既存の定義を # に置き換えますか。";
+ Text[ ko ] = "#의 기존 정의를 바꾸시겠습니까?";
+ Text[ zh-CN ] = "替换现存的定义 # ?";
+ Text[ zh-TW ] = "代替現存的定義 # ?";
+ Text[ tr ] = "Mevcut # tanımı değiştirilsin mi?";
+ Text[ hi-IN ] = "# का अस्तित्व में रहनेवाला परिभाषा को प्रतिस्थापित करना है ?";
+ Text[ ar ] = "هل تريد استبدال تعريف # الموجود؟";
+ Text[ he ] = "Vorhandene Definition von # ersetzen?";
+ };
+ {
+ /* ### ACHTUNG: Neuer Text in Resource? Verbindungen knnen nicht oberhalb der Quelldaten eingefgt werden. : Verbindungen knnen nicht oberhalb der Quelldaten eingefgt werden. */
+ Text [ de ] = "Verbindungen können nicht oberhalb der Quelldaten eingefügt werden." ;
+ Text [ en-US ] = "References can not be inserted above the source data." ;
+ Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
+ Text[ pt ] = "Impossível inserir referências acima dos dados-fonte.";
+ Text[ ru ] = "Невозможно вставить связь над исходными данными.";
+ Text[ el ] = "Δεν είναι δυνατόν να εισαχθούν συνδέσεις πάνω από τα δεδομένα προέλευσης.";
+ Text[ nl ] = "Verbindingen kunnen niet boven brongegevens worden ingevoegd.";
+ Text[ fr ] = "Impossible d'insérer des liaisons au-dessus des données de source.";
+ Text[ es ] = "Las referencias no se pueden insertar sobre los datos fuente.";
+ Text[ fi ] = "Viitteitä ei voi lisätä lähdetietojen yläpuolelle.";
+ Text[ ca ] = "No es poden inserir referències sobre les dades font.";
+ Text[ it ] = "Non è possibile inserire collegamenti al di sopra dei dati sorgente";
+ Text[ da ] = "Forbindelser kan ikke indsættes ovenfor kildedata.";
+ Text[ sv ] = "Förbindelser kan inte infogas ovanför källdata.";
+ Text[ pl ] = "Adresów nie można wpisać powyżej danych źródłowych.";
+ Text[ pt-BR ] = "Referências não podem ser inseridas acima da origem de dados.";
+ Text[ th ] = "ไม่สามารถแทรกการอ้างอิงเหนือแหล่งข้อมูลได้";
+ Text[ ja ] = "ソースデータの上に参照を挿入できません。";
+ Text[ ko ] = "참조를 원본 데이터 위로 삽입할 수 없습니다.";
+ Text[ zh-CN ] = "无法在源数据之上加入链接。";
+ Text[ zh-TW ] = "無法在源資料之上加入捷徑。";
+ Text[ tr ] = "Referanslar, kaynak verilerinin üstüne eklenemez.";
+ Text[ hi-IN ] = "मूल ड़ॉटा के ऊपर रेफरेन्स को नहीं जोड़ सकते है ।";
+ Text[ ar ] = "لا يمكن إدراج الاتصالات فوق بيانات المصدر.";
+ Text[ he ] = "Verbindungen können nicht oberhalb der Quelldaten eingefügt werden.";
+ };
+ {
+ Text [ de ] = "Szenario nicht gefunden" ;
+ Text [ en-US ] = "Scenario not found" ;
+ Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
+ Text[ pt ] = "Cenário não encontrado";
+ Text[ ru ] = "Сценарий не найден";
+ Text[ el ] = "Το σενάριο δεν βρέθηκε";
+ Text[ nl ] = "Scenario niet gevonden";
+ Text[ fr ] = "Scénario non trouvé";
+ Text[ es ] = "No se ha encontrado el escenario";
+ Text[ fi ] = "Skenaariota ei löytynyt";
+ Text[ ca ] = "No s'ha trobat l'escenari";
+ Text[ it ] = "Scenario non trovato";
+ Text[ da ] = "Scenario blev ikke fundet";
+ Text[ sv ] = "Hittar inte scenario";
+ Text[ pl ] = "Scenariusza nie znaleziono";
+ Text[ pt-BR ] = "Cenário não encontrado";
+ Text[ th ] = "ไม่พบสถานการณ์สมมติ";
+ Text[ ja ] = "シナリオが見つかりません。";
+ Text[ ko ] = "시나리오를 찾지 못했습니다.";
+ Text[ zh-CN ] = "没有找到方案";
+ Text[ zh-TW ] = "沒有找到分析藍本";
+ Text[ tr ] = "Senaryo bulunamadı";
+ Text[ hi-IN ] = "विवरण नहीं मिला";
+ Text[ ar ] = "تعذر العثور على السيناريو";
+ Text[ he ] = "Szenario nicht gefunden";
+ };
+ {
+ Text [ de ] = "Ausblenden" ;
+ Text [ en-US ] = "Hide" ;
+ Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
+ Text[ pt ] = "Ocultar";
+ Text[ ru ] = "Скрыть";
+ Text[ el ] = "Απόκρυψη";
+ Text[ nl ] = "Verbergen";
+ Text[ fr ] = "Masquer";
+ Text[ es ] = "Ocultar";
+ Text[ fi ] = "Piilota";
+ Text[ ca ] = "Oculta";
+ Text[ it ] = "Nascondi";
+ Text[ da ] = "Skjul";
+ Text[ sv ] = "Dölj";
+ Text[ pl ] = "Ukryj";
+ Text[ pt-BR ] = "Ocultar";
+ Text[ th ] = "ซ่อน";
+ Text[ ja ] = "非表示";
+ Text[ ko ] = "숨기기";
+ Text[ zh-CN ] = "隐入";
+ Text[ zh-TW ] = "隱入";
+ Text[ tr ] = "Gizle";
+ Text[ hi-IN ] = "छिपाओ";
+ Text[ ar ] = "إخفاء";
+ Text[ he ] = "Ausblenden";
+ };
+ {
+ Text [ de ] = "Platzhalter" ;
+ Text [ en-US ] = "Placeholders" ;
+ Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
+ Text[ pt ] = "Marcador de posição";
+ Text[ ru ] = "Поля подстановки";
+ Text[ el ] = "Σύμβολα κράτησης θέσης";
+ Text[ nl ] = "Plaatsvervanger";
+ Text[ fr ] = "Substituant";
+ Text[ es ] = "Comodín";
+ Text[ fi ] = "Paikkamerkit";
+ Text[ ca ] = "Marcadors";
+ Text[ it ] = "Segnaposto";
+ Text[ da ] = "Pladsholdere";
+ Text[ sv ] = "Platshållare";
+ Text[ pl ] = "Znaki-wypełniacze";
+ Text[ pt-BR ] = "Marcadores de posição";
+ Text[ th ] = "ตัวยึดตำแหน่ง";
+ Text[ ja ] = "イメージ枠";
+ Text[ ko ] = "플레이스홀더";
+ Text[ zh-CN ] = "通配符";
+ Text[ zh-TW ] = "萬用字元";
+ Text[ tr ] = "Genel arama karakterleri";
+ Text[ hi-IN ] = "स्थानधारक";
+ Text[ ar ] = "عناصر نائبة";
+ Text[ he ] = "Platzhalter";
+ };
+ {
+ Text [ de ] = "Formeln" ;
+ Text [ en-US ] = "Formulas" ;
+ Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
+ Text[ pt ] = "Fórmulas";
+ Text[ ru ] = "Формулы";
+ Text[ el ] = "Τύποι";
+ Text[ nl ] = "Formules";
+ Text[ fr ] = "Formules";
+ Text[ es ] = "Fórmulas";
+ Text[ fi ] = "Kaavat";
+ Text[ ca ] = "Fórmules";
+ Text[ it ] = "Formule";
+ Text[ da ] = "Formler";
+ Text[ sv ] = "Formler";
+ Text[ pl ] = "Formuły";
+ Text[ pt-BR ] = "Fórmulas";
+ Text[ th ] = "สูตร";
+ Text[ ja ] = "数式";
+ Text[ ko ] = "수식";
+ Text[ zh-CN ] = "公式";
+ Text[ zh-TW ] = "公式";
+ Text[ tr ] = "Formüller";
+ Text[ hi-IN ] = "सूत्र";
+ Text[ ar ] = "الصيغ";
+ Text[ he ] = "Formeln";
+ };
+ {
+ /* ### ACHTUNG: Neuer Text in Resource? Die Verknpfung konnte nicht aktualisiert werden. : Die Verknpfung konnte nicht aktualisiert werden. */
+ Text [ de ] = "Die Verknüpfung konnte nicht aktualisiert werden." ;
+ Text [ en-US ] = "The link could not be updated." ;
+ Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
+ Text[ pt ] = "Impossível actualizar a ligação.";
+ Text[ ru ] = "Невозможно обновить ссылку.";
+ Text[ el ] = "Δεν ήταν δυνατόν να ενημερωθεί η σύνδεση";
+ Text[ nl ] = "De koppeling kan niet bijgewerkt worden.";
+ Text[ fr ] = "Impossible d'actualiser le lien !";
+ Text[ es ] = "No se pudo actualizar el vínculo.";
+ Text[ fi ] = "Linkkiä ei voitu päivittää.";
+ Text[ ca ] = "No s'ha pogut actualitzar l'enllaç.";
+ Text[ it ] = "Non è stato possibile aggiornare il collegamento";
+ Text[ da ] = "Det var ikke muligt at opdatere kæden.";
+ Text[ sv ] = "Länken kunde inte uppdateras.";
+ Text[ pl ] = "Łącze nie mogło zostać zaktualizowane.";
+ Text[ pt-BR ] = "Não foi possível atualizar o vínculo.";
+ Text[ th ] = "ไม่สามารถปรับปรุงการเชื่อมโยง";
+ Text[ ja ] = "リンクは更新できませんでした。";
+ Text[ ko ] = "이 링크는 업데이트할 수 없습니다.";
+ Text[ zh-CN ] = "无法更新链接。";
+ Text[ zh-TW ] = "無法更新捷徑。";
+ Text[ tr ] = "Bağlantı güncellenemedi.";
+ Text[ hi-IN ] = "लिंक को अपडेट् नहीं कर सकते है । ";
+ Text[ ar ] = "تعذر تحديث الارتباط.";
+ Text[ he ] = "Die Verknüpfung konnte nicht aktualisiert werden.";
+ };
+ {
+ Text [ de ] = "Datei:" ;
+ Text [ en-US ] = "File:" ;
+ Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
+ Text[ pt ] = "Ficheiro:";
+ Text[ ru ] = "Файл:";
+ Text[ el ] = "Αρχείο:";
+ Text[ nl ] = "Bestand:";
+ Text[ fr ] = "Fichier :";
+ Text[ es ] = "Archivo:";
+ Text[ fi ] = "Tiedosto:";
+ Text[ ca ] = "Fitxer:";
+ Text[ it ] = "File:";
+ Text[ da ] = "Fil:";
+ Text[ sv ] = "Fil:";
+ Text[ pl ] = "Plik:";
+ Text[ pt-BR ] = "Arquivo:";
+ Text[ th ] = "แฟ้ม:";
+ Text[ ja ] = "ファイル:";
+ Text[ ko ] = "파일:";
+ Text[ zh-CN ] = "文件:";
+ Text[ zh-TW ] = "檔案:";
+ Text[ tr ] = "Dosya:";
+ Text[ hi-IN ] = "फाइल:";
+ Text[ ar ] = "الملف:";
+ Text[ he ] = "‮קובץ:‬";
+ };
+ {
+ Text [ de ] = "Tabelle:" ;
+ Text [ en-US ] = "Sheet:" ;
+ Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
+ Text[ pt ] = "Folha:";
+ Text[ ru ] = "Лист:";
+ Text[ el ] = "Πίνακας:";
+ Text[ nl ] = "Werkblad:";
+ Text[ fr ] = "Feuille :";
+ Text[ es ] = "Hoja:";
+ Text[ fi ] = "Taulukko:";
+ Text[ ca ] = "Full:";
+ Text[ it ] = "Tabella:";
+ Text[ da ] = "Ark:";
+ Text[ sv ] = "Tabell:";
+ Text[ pl ] = "Arkusz:";
+ Text[ pt-BR ] = "Planilha:";
+ Text[ th ] = "แผ่นงาน:";
+ Text[ ja ] = "表:";
+ Text[ ko ] = "시트:";
+ Text[ zh-CN ] = "工作表:";
+ Text[ zh-TW ] = "工作表:";
+ Text[ tr ] = "Tablo:";
+ Text[ hi-IN ] = "शीट्:";
+ Text[ ar ] = "الجدول:";
+ Text[ he ] = "Tabelle:";
+ };
+ {
+ Text [ de ] = "Erstellt" ;
+ Text [ en-US ] = "Created" ;
+ Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
+ Text[ pt ] = "Criado";
+ Text[ ru ] = "Создан";
+ Text[ el ] = "Δημιουργήθηκε";
+ Text[ nl ] = "Gemaakt";
+ Text[ fr ] = "Créé";
+ Text[ es ] = "Creado el";
+ Text[ fi ] = "Luotu";
+ Text[ ca ] = "Creat";
+ Text[ it ] = "Creato";
+ Text[ da ] = "Oprettet";
+ Text[ sv ] = "Skapad";
+ Text[ pl ] = "Utworzony";
+ Text[ pt-BR ] = "Criado em";
+ Text[ th ] = "สร้าง";
+ Text[ ja ] = "作成日時";
+ Text[ ko ] = "만들어졌음";
+ Text[ zh-CN ] = "已经制作";
+ Text[ zh-TW ] = "已經製作";
+ Text[ tr ] = "Oluşturuldu";
+ Text[ hi-IN ] = "उत्पन्न किया";
+ Text[ ar ] = "تم الإنشاء";
+ Text[ he ] = "‮נוצר‬";
+ };
+ {
+ /* ### ACHTUNG: Neuer Text in Resource? Verndert : Verndert */
+ Text [ de ] = "Verändert" ;
+ Text [ en-US ] = "Modified" ;
+ Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
+ Text[ pt ] = "Modificado";
+ Text[ ru ] = "Изменен";
+ Text[ el ] = "Τροποποίηση";
+ Text[ nl ] = "Gewijzigd";
+ Text[ fr ] = "Modifié";
+ Text[ es ] = "Modificado";
+ Text[ fi ] = "Muokattu";
+ Text[ ca ] = "Modificat";
+ Text[ it ] = "Modificato";
+ Text[ da ] = "Ændret";
+ Text[ sv ] = "Förändrad";
+ Text[ pl ] = "Zmodyfikowany";
+ Text[ pt-BR ] = "Modificado em";
+ Text[ th ] = "ดัดแปลง";
+ Text[ ja ] = "変更日時";
+ Text[ ko ] = "변경됨";
+ Text[ zh-CN ] = "已经修改";
+ Text[ zh-TW ] = "已經修改";
+ Text[ tr ] = "Değiştirildi";
+ Text[ hi-IN ] = "सुधार किया";
+ Text[ ar ] = "معدل";
+ Text[ he ] = "‮עודכן‬";
+ };
+ {
+ Text [ de ] = "Ausgedruckt" ;
+ Text [ en-US ] = "Printed" ;
+ Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
+ Text[ pt ] = "Impresso";
+ Text[ ru ] = "Напечатан";
+ Text[ el ] = "Εκτυπώθηκε(-αν)";
+ Text[ nl ] = "Afgedrukt";
+ Text[ fr ] = "Imprimé";
+ Text[ es ] = "Impreso";
+ Text[ fi ] = "Tulostettu";
+ Text[ ca ] = "Imprès";
+ Text[ it ] = "Stampato";
+ Text[ da ] = "Udskrevet";
+ Text[ sv ] = "Utskrivet";
+ Text[ pl ] = "Wydrukowany";
+ Text[ pt-BR ] = "Impresso em";
+ Text[ th ] = "พิมพ์";
+ Text[ ja ] = "印刷日時";
+ Text[ ko ] = "인쇄됨";
+ Text[ zh-CN ] = "已经打印的";
+ Text[ zh-TW ] = "已經列印的";
+ Text[ tr ] = "Yazdırıldı";
+ Text[ hi-IN ] = "छपाई किया";
+ Text[ ar ] = "مطبوع";
+ Text[ he ] = "‮הודפס‬";
+ };
+ {
+ Text [ de ] = "Thema" ;
+ Text [ en-US ] = "Subject" ;
+ Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
+ Text[ pt ] = "Assunto";
+ Text[ ru ] = "Тема";
+ Text[ el ] = "Θέμα";
+ Text[ nl ] = "Onderwerp";
+ Text[ fr ] = "Sujet";
+ Text[ es ] = "Asunto";
+ Text[ fi ] = "Aihe";
+ Text[ ca ] = "Assumpte";
+ Text[ it ] = "Argomento";
+ Text[ da ] = "Emne";
+ Text[ sv ] = "Tema";
+ Text[ pl ] = "Temat";
+ Text[ pt-BR ] = "Assunto";
+ Text[ th ] = "ชื่อเรื่อง";
+ Text[ ja ] = "テーマ";
+ Text[ ko ] = "주제";
+ Text[ zh-CN ] = "主题";
+ Text[ zh-TW ] = "主題";
+ Text[ tr ] = "Konu";
+ Text[ hi-IN ] = "विषय";
+ Text[ ar ] = "الموضوع";
+ Text[ he ] = "‮נושא‬";
+ };
+ {
+ /* ### ACHTUNG: Neuer Text in Resource? Schlsselworte : Schlsselworte */
+ Text [ de ] = "Schlüsselworte" ;
+ Text [ en-US ] = "Key words" ;
+ Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
+ Text[ pt ] = "Palavras-chave";
+ Text[ ru ] = "Ключевые слова";
+ Text[ el ] = "Λέξεις κλειδιά";
+ Text[ nl ] = "Sleutelwoorden";
+ Text[ fr ] = "Mots-clés";
+ Text[ es ] = "Palabras clave";
+ Text[ fi ] = "Avainsanat";
+ Text[ ca ] = "Paraules clau";
+ Text[ it ] = "Parole chiave";
+ Text[ da ] = "Nøgleord";
+ Text[ sv ] = "Nyckelord";
+ Text[ pl ] = "Słowa kluczowe";
+ Text[ pt-BR ] = "Palavras-chave";
+ Text[ th ] = "คำสำคัญ";
+ Text[ ja ] = "キーワード";
+ Text[ ko ] = "키워드";
+ Text[ zh-CN ] = "关键字";
+ Text[ zh-TW ] = "關鍵字";
+ Text[ tr ] = "Anahtar sözcükler";
+ Text[ hi-IN ] = "प्रधान शब्द";
+ Text[ ar ] = "الكلمات الأساسية";
+ Text[ he ] = "‮מילות מפתח‬";
+ };
+ {
+ Text [ de ] = "Bemerkungen" ;
+ Text [ en-US ] = "Comments" ;
+ Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
+ Text[ pt ] = "Observações";
+ Text[ ru ] = "Комментарии";
+ Text[ el ] = "Παρατηρήσεις";
+ Text[ nl ] = "Opmerkingen";
+ Text[ fr ] = "Commentaires";
+ Text[ es ] = "Observaciones";
+ Text[ fi ] = "Huomautukset";
+ Text[ ca ] = "Comentaris";
+ Text[ it ] = "Annotazioni";
+ Text[ da ] = "Kommentarer";
+ Text[ sv ] = "Anmärkningar";
+ Text[ pl ] = "Komentarze";
+ Text[ pt-BR ] = "Comentários";
+ Text[ th ] = "ข้อคิดเห็น";
+ Text[ ja ] = "コメント";
+ Text[ ko ] = "설명";
+ Text[ zh-CN ] = "评语";
+ Text[ zh-TW ] = "評語";
+ Text[ tr ] = "Açıklamalar";
+ Text[ hi-IN ] = "अपवाद";
+ Text[ ar ] = "ملاحظات";
+ Text[ he ] = "‮הערות‬";
+ };
+ String STR_ON
+ {
+ Text [ de ] = "am" ;
+ Text [ en-US ] = "on" ;
+ Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
+ Text[ pt ] = "em";
+ Text[ ru ] = "в";
+ Text[ el ] = "τις";
+ Text[ nl ] = "op";
+ Text[ fr ] = "le";
+ Text[ es ] = "en";
+ Text[ fi ] = "käytössä";
+ Text[ ca ] = "el";
+ Text[ it ] = "il";
+ Text[ da ] = "på";
+ Text[ sv ] = "på";
+ Text[ pl ] = "w";
+ Text[ pt-BR ] = "em";
+ Text[ th ] = "บน";
+ Text[ ja ] = "日付";
+ Text[ ko ] = "작동";
+ Text[ zh-CN ] = "在";
+ Text[ zh-TW ] = "在";
+ Text[ tr ] = "tarih";
+ Text[ hi-IN ] = "में";
+ Text[ ar ] = "في";
+ Text[ he ] = "am";
+ };
+ {
+ Text [ de ] = "Diese Datei enthält Verknüpfungen zu anderen Dateien.\nSollen diese aktualisiert werden?" ;
+ Text [ en-US ] = "This file contains links to other files.\nShould they be updated?" ;
+ Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
+ Text[ pt ] = "Este ficheiro contém ligações a outros ficheiros.\nActualizar?";
+ Text[ ru ] = "Этот файл содержит ссылки на другие файлы.\nОбновить их?";
+ Text[ el ] = "Το αρχείο αυτό περιέχει συνδέσεις προς άλλα αρχεία.\nΘέλετε να γίνει ενημέρωση αυτών;";
+ Text[ nl ] = "Dit bestand bevat koppelingen naar andere bestanden.\n Wilt u deze bijwerken?";
+ Text[ fr ] = "Ce fichier contient des liens vers d'autres fichiers. Les actualiser ?";
+ Text[ es ] = "Este archivo está vinculado a otros archivos.\n¿Desea usted actualizarlos?";
+ Text[ fi ] = "Tämä tiedosto sisältää linkkejä toisiin tiedostoihin.\nPäivitetänkö linkit?";
+ Text[ ca ] = "Aquest fitxer conté enllaços a altres fitxers.\nVoleu actualitzar-los?";
+ Text[ it ] = "Il file corrente contiene collegamenti ad altri file.\nVolete aggiornarli?";
+ Text[ da ] = "Denne fil indeholder kæder til andre filer.\nSkal de opdateres?";
+ Text[ sv ] = "Den här filen innehåller länkar till andra filer.\nSkall de uppdateras?";
+ Text[ pl ] = "W tym pliku znajdują się łącza do innych plików.\nCzy wykonać aktualizację?";
+ Text[ pt-BR ] = "Este arquivo contém vínculos para outros arquivos.\nDevem eles ser atualizados?";
+ Text[ th ] = "แฟ้มนี้มีการเชื่อมโยงไปยังแฟ้มอื่น\nจะปรับปรุงแฟ้มหรือไม่?";
+ Text[ ja ] = "このデータにはほかのデータへのリンクがあります。\nリンクを更新しますか。";
+ Text[ ko ] = "이 파일은 다른 파일과 연결되어 있습니다.\n이 파일을 업데이트하시겠습니까?";
+ Text[ zh-CN ] = "此文件内含有指向其他文件的链接。\n要更新这些链接吗?";
+ Text[ zh-TW ] = "這個檔案含有指向其他檔案的捷徑。\n要更新這個檔案?";
+ Text[ tr ] = "Bu dosyada başka dosyalara bağlantılar mevcut.\nBağlantılar güncellensin mi?";
+ Text[ hi-IN ] = "इस फाइल में अन्य फाइलों के लिए लिंक्स है ।\nउनको अपडेट् करना है?";
+ Text[ ar ] = "يحتوي هذا الملف على ارتباطات مع ملفات أخرى.\nهل تريد تحديثها؟";
+ Text[ he ] = "Diese Datei enthält Verknüpfungen zu anderen Dateien.\nSollen diese aktualisiert werden?";
+ };
+ {
+ /* ### ACHTUNG: Neuer Text in Resource? Diese Datei enthlt Abfragen, deren Ergebnisse nicht mitgespeichert wurden.\nSollen diese Abfragen wiederholt werden? : Diese Datei enthlt Abfragen, deren Ergebnisse nicht mitgespeichert wurden.\nSollen diese Abfragen wiederholt werden? */
+ Text [ de ] = "Diese Datei enthält Abfragen, deren Ergebnisse nicht mitgespeichert wurden.\nSollen diese Abfragen wiederholt werden?" ;
+ Text [ en-US ] = "This file contains queries. The results of these queries were not saved.\nDo you want these queries to be repeated?" ;
+ Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
+ Text[ pt ] = "Este ficheiro contém consultas com resultados não guardados.\nRepeti-las?";
+ Text[ ru ] = "Этот файл содержит запросы, результаты которых сохранены не будут.\nПовторить эти запросы?";
+ Text[ el ] = "Το αρχείο αυτό περιέχει ερωτήματα, τα αποτελέσματα των οποίων δεν αποθηκεύτηκαν.\nΘέλετε να επαναληφθούν τα ερωτήματα αυτά;";
+ Text[ nl ] = "Dit bestand bevat query's waarvan de resultaten niet zijn opgeslagen.\nWilt u deze query's herhalen?";
+ Text[ fr ] = "Ce fichier contient des requêtes dont les résultats n'ont pas été enregistrés avec celles-ci.\nRépéter les requêtes ?";
+ Text[ es ] = "Este archivo contiene consultas cuyos resultados no se guardaron.\n¿Desea repetir las consultas?";
+ Text[ fi ] = "Tämä tiedosto sisältää kyselyitä. Kyselyiden tuloksia ei tallennettu.\nHaluatko suorittaa kyselyt uudelleen?";
+ Text[ ca ] = "Aquest fitxer conté consultes. Els resultats d'aquestes consultes no s'han desat.\nVoleu repetir-les?";
+ Text[ it ] = "Questo file contiene ricerche i cui risultati non sono stati salvati.\nRipetere le ricerche?";
+ Text[ da ] = "Denne fil indeholder forespørgsler, resultaterne er ikke blevet gemt.\nSkal denne forespørgsel gentages?";
+ Text[ sv ] = "Den här filen innehåller sökningar vars resultat inte har sparats.\nSkall dessa sökningar upprepas?";
+ Text[ pl ] = "Plik zawiera kwerendy, których wyniki nie zostały zapisane.\nCzy powtórzyć te kwerendy?";
+ Text[ pt-BR ] = "Este arquivo contém consultas. Os resultados dessas consultas não foram salvos.\nDeseja que estas consultas sejam repetidas?";
+ Text[ th ] = "แฟ้มนี้มีแบบสอบถาม ไม่ได้บันทึกผลลัพธ์ของแบบสอบถาม\nคุณต้องการทำแบบสอบถามซ้ำหรือไม่?";
+ Text[ ja ] = "このファイルには結果が保存されなかったクエリーがあります。\nこのクエリーをやり直しますか。";
+ Text[ ko ] = "이 파일에는 쿼리가 포함되어 있습니다. 이 쿼리의 결과가 저장되지 않았습니다.\n이 쿼리를 반복하시겠습니까?";
+ Text[ zh-CN ] = "这个文件含有一些查询,它们的结果无法被存盘的。\n要重复执行这个查询吗?";
+ Text[ zh-TW ] = "這個檔案含有一些查詢,它們的結果無法被儲存。\n要重複執行這個查詢?";
+ Text[ tr ] = "Bu dosya, sonuçları kaydedilmeyen sorgular içeriyor.\nBU sorgular yinelensin mi?";
+ Text[ hi-IN ] = "इस फाइल में जानकारी है । इन जानकारियों का नतीजों को संचित नहीं किया है ।\nआप इन जानकारियों को दुहराना चाहते है?";
+ Text[ ar ] = "يحتوي هذا الملف على استفسارات لم يتم حفظ نتائجها.\nهل تريد تكرار هذه الاستفسارات؟";
+ Text[ he ] = "Diese Datei enthält Abfragen, deren Ergebnisse nicht mitgespeichert wurden.\nSollen diese Abfragen wiederholt werden?";
+ };
+ {
+ /* ### ACHTUNG: Neuer Text in Resource? Die Tabelle konnte nicht eingefgt werden. : Die Tabelle konnte nicht eingefgt werden. */
+ Text [ de ] = "Die Tabelle konnte nicht eingefügt werden." ;
+ Text [ en-US ] = "The table could not be inserted." ;
+ Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
+ Text[ pt ] = "Impossível inserir tabela.";
+ Text[ ru ] = "Невозможно вставить таблицу.";
+ Text[ el ] = "Δεν ήταν δυνατόν να γίνει εισαγωγή του πίνακα.";
+ Text[ nl ] = "De tabel kan niet worden ingevoegd";
+ Text[ fr ] = "Impossible d'insérer la table.";
+ Text[ es ] = "No se pudo insertar la tabla.";
+ Text[ fi ] = "Taulukkoa ei voitu lisätä.";
+ Text[ ca ] = "No s'ha pogut inserir la taula.";
+ Text[ it ] = "Non è stato possibile inserire la tabella";
+ Text[ da ] = "Det var ikke muligt at indsætte tabellen.";
+ Text[ sv ] = "Tabellen kunde inte infogas.";
+ Text[ pl ] = "Tabela nie mogła zostać wstawiona.";
+ Text[ pt-BR ] = "Não foi possível inserir a tabela.";
+ Text[ th ] = "ไม่สามารถแทรกตาราง";
+ Text[ ja ] = "表を挿入できませんでした。";
+ Text[ ko ] = "표를 삽입하지 못했습니다.";
+ Text[ zh-CN ] = "无法输入这个工作表。";
+ Text[ zh-TW ] = "無法輸入這個工作表。";
+ Text[ tr ] = "Tablo eklenemedi.";
+ Text[ hi-IN ] = "सारणी को नहीं जोड़ सकते है ।";
+ Text[ ar ] = "تعذر إدراج الجدول.";
+ Text[ he ] = "Die Tabelle konnte nicht eingefügt werden.";
+ };
+ {
+ Text [ de ] = "berechnen" ;
+ Text [ en-US ] = "calculating" ;
+ Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
+ Text[ pt ] = "calcular";
+ Text[ ru ] = "вычисление";
+ Text[ el ] = "υπολογισμός";
+ Text[ nl ] = "berekenen";
+ Text[ fr ] = "calculer";
+ Text[ es ] = "calcular";
+ Text[ fi ] = "lasketaan";
+ Text[ ca ] = "s'està calculant";
+ Text[ it ] = "calcola";
+ Text[ da ] = "beregner";
+ Text[ sv ] = "beräkna";
+ Text[ pl ] = "Obliczanie";
+ Text[ pt-BR ] = "calculando";
+ Text[ th ] = "คำนวณ";
+ Text[ ja ] = "計算";
+ Text[ ko ] = "계산";
+ Text[ zh-CN ] = "计算";
+ Text[ zh-TW ] = "計算";
+ Text[ tr ] = "hesaplanıyor";
+ Text[ hi-IN ] = "गणना करना";
+ Text[ ar ] = "حساب";
+ Text[ he ] = "berechnen";
+ };
+ {
+ /* ### ACHTUNG: Neuer Text in Resource? Zeilenhhen anpassen : Zeilenhhen anpassen */
+ Text [ de ] = "Zeilenhöhen anpassen" ;
+ Text [ en-US ] = "Adapt row height" ;
+ Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
+ Text[ pt ] = "Ajustar altura das linhas";
+ Text[ ru ] = "Подбор высоты строки";
+ Text[ el ] = "Προσαρμογή ύψους γραμμής";
+ Text[ nl ] = "Rijhoogte aanpassen";
+ Text[ fr ] = "Adapter la hauteur des lignes";
+ Text[ es ] = "Ajustar altura de filas";
+ Text[ fi ] = "Sovita rivikorkeus";
+ Text[ ca ] = "Adapta l'alçada de la fila";
+ Text[ it ] = "Adatta altezza riga";
+ Text[ da ] = "Tilpas rækkehøjde";
+ Text[ sv ] = "Anpassa radhöjder";
+ Text[ pl ] = "Dostosuj wysokość wierszy";
+ Text[ pt-BR ] = "Adaptar a altura da linha";
+ Text[ th ] = "ปรับความสูงของแถว";
+ Text[ ja ] = "行の高さを調整";
+ Text[ ko ] = "새로운 높이 조정";
+ Text[ zh-CN ] = "调整行高";
+ Text[ zh-TW ] = "調整欄高";
+ Text[ tr ] = "Satır yüksekliklerini ayarla";
+ Text[ hi-IN ] = "पंक्ति ऊँचाई स्वीकार करो";
+ Text[ ar ] = "ملاءمة ارتفاع الصفوف";
+ Text[ he ] = "Zeilenhöhen anpassen";
+ };
+ {
+ /* ### ACHTUNG: Neuer Text in Resource? Die maximale Anzahl ungltiger Zellen wurde berschritten.\nEs wurden nicht alle ungltigen Zellen markiert. : Die maximale Anzahl ungltiger Zellen wurde berschritten.\nEs wurden nicht alle ungltigen Zellen markiert. */
+ Text [ de ] = "Die maximale Anzahl ungültiger Zellen wurde überschritten.\nEs wurden nicht alle ungültigen Zellen markiert." ;
+ Text [ en-US ] = "The maximum number of invalid cells has been exceeded.\nNot all invalid cells have been marked." ;
+ Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
+ Text[ pt ] = "O número máximo de células incorrectas foi ultrapassado.\nNem todas as células incorrectas foram marcadas.";
+ Text[ ru ] = "Превышено максимальное число недопустимых ячеек.\nВыделены не все недопустимые ячейки.";
+ Text[ el ] = "Υπέρβαση του μέγιστου αριθμού μη έγκυρων κελιών. Δεν \nεκτελέστηκε η σήμανση όλων των μη έγκυρων κελιών.";
+ Text[ nl ] = "Het maximale aantal ongeldige cellen is overschreden.\nNiet alle ongeldige cellen zijn gemarkeerd.";
+ Text[ fr ] = "Le nombre maximal de cellules non valides a été dépassé.\nToutes les cellules invalides n'ont pas été marquées.";
+ Text[ es ] = "El número máximo de celdas no válidas se ha excedido.\nNo se marcaron todas las celdas no válidas.";
+ Text[ fi ] = "Virheellisten solujen enimmäismäärä on ylitetty.\nKaikkia virheellisiä soluja ei ole merkitty.";
+ Text[ ca ] = "S'ha excedit el nombre màxim de cel.les no vàlides.\\No s'han marcat totes les cel.les no vàlides.";
+ Text[ it ] = "Il numero massimo di celle non valido è stato superato.\nNon sono state selezionate tutte le celle non valide.";
+ Text[ da ] = "Det maksimale antal ugyldige celler blev overskredet.\\Alle ugyldige celler blev ikke markeret.";
+ Text[ sv ] = "Det maximala antalet ogiltiga celler överskreds.\nAlla ogiltiga celler blev inte markerade.";
+ Text[ pl ] = "Została przekroczona maksymalna liczba nieprawidłowych komórek.\nNie wszystkie nieprawidłowe komórki zostały zaznaczone.";
+ Text[ pt-BR ] = "O número máximo de células inválidas foi excedido.\nNem todas as células inválidas foram marcadas.";
+ Text[ th ] = "เกินจำนวนที่มากที่สุดของเซลล์ที่ไม่ถูกต้อง\nไม่ทำเครื่องหมายเซลล์ที่ไม่ถูกต้องทั้งหมด";
+ Text[ ja ] = "無効なセルの最大数を超えています。\n選択されていない無効なセルがあります。";
+ Text[ ko ] = "유효하지 않은 셀의 최대 개수를 초과하였습니다. \n유효하지 않은 셀이 모두 선택되지는 않았습니다.";
+ Text[ zh-CN ] = "已经超过最多无效单元格的数目。\n没有选中全部无效的单元格。";
+ Text[ zh-TW ] = "已經超過最多無效儲存格的數目。\n沒有選取全部無效的儲存格。";
+ Text[ tr ] = "Maksimum geçersiz hücre sayısı aşıldı.\nGeçersiz hücrelerin tümüü seçilmedi.";
+ Text[ hi-IN ] = "अमान्य कोष्ठों की अधिकतम संख्या सीमा से बाहर है ।\nसब अमान्य कोष्ठों को चिह्नित नहीं किया जाएगा ।";
+ Text[ ar ] = "تم تجاوز العدد الأقصى للخلايا الغير صالحة.\nلم يتم تحديد كل الخلايا الغير صالحة.";
+ Text[ he ] = "Die maximale Anzahl ungültiger Zellen wurde überschritten.\nEs wurden nicht alle ungültigen Zellen markiert.";
+ };
+ // Vorlagen fuer Pivottabellen
+ {
+ Text [ de ] = "Wollen Sie den Inhalt von # ersetzen?" ;
+ Text [ en-US ] = "Do you want to replace the contents of #?" ;
+ Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
+ Text[ pt ] = "Deseja substituir o conteúdo de #?";
+ Text[ ru ] = "Заменить содержимое #?";
+ Text[ el ] = "Θέλετε πραγματικά να γίνει αντικατάσταση του περιεχομένου του #;";
+ Text[ nl ] = "Wilt u de inhoud van # vervangen?";
+ Text[ fr ] = "Souhaitez-vous remplacer le contenu de # ?";
+ Text[ es ] = "¿Desea reemplazar el contenido de #?";
+ Text[ fi ] = "Haluatko korvata kohteen # sisällön?";
+ Text[ ca ] = "Voleu reemplaçar el contingut de #?";
+ Text[ it ] = "Sostituire il contenuto di #?";
+ Text[ da ] = "Vil du erstatte indholdet af #?";
+ Text[ sv ] = "Vill du ersätta innehållet i #?";
+ Text[ pl ] = "Czy chcesz zamienić zawartość #?";
+ Text[ pt-BR ] = "Deseja substituir o conteúdo de #?";
+ Text[ th ] = "คุณต้องการแทนที่เนื้อหา # หรือไม่?";
+ Text[ ja ] = "# の内容を置換しますか。";
+ Text[ ko ] = "#의 내용을 바꾸시겠습니까?";
+ Text[ zh-CN ] = "您要替换 # 的内容?";
+ Text[ zh-TW ] = "您要代替 # 的內容?";
+ Text[ tr ] = "# içeriğini değiştirmek istiyor musunuz?";
+ Text[ hi-IN ] = "आप # के विषयों को प्रतिस्थापित करना चाहते है?";
+ Text[ ar ] = "هل تريد استبدال محتويات #؟";
+ Text[ he ] = "Wollen Sie den Inhalt von # ersetzen?";
+ };
+ {
+ Text [ de ] = "Breite:" ;
+ Text [ en-US ] = "Width:" ;
+ Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
+ Text[ pt ] = "Largura:";
+ Text[ ru ] = "Ширина:";
+ Text[ el ] = "Πλάτος:";
+ Text[ nl ] = "Breedte:";
+ Text[ fr ] = "Largeur :";
+ Text[ es ] = "Ancho:";
+ Text[ fi ] = "Leveys:";
+ Text[ ca ] = "Amplada:";
+ Text[ it ] = "Larghezza:";
+ Text[ da ] = "Bredde:";
+ Text[ sv ] = "Bredd:";
+ Text[ pl ] = "Szerokość:";
+ Text[ pt-BR ] = "Largura:";
+ Text[ th ] = "ความกว้าง:";
+ Text[ ja ] = "幅:";
+ Text[ ko ] = "너비:";
+ Text[ zh-CN ] = "宽度:";
+ Text[ zh-TW ] = "寬度:";
+ Text[ tr ] = "Genişlik:";
+ Text[ hi-IN ] = "चौड़ाई:";
+ Text[ ar ] = "العرض:";
+ Text[ he ] = "‮רוחב‬";
+ };
+ {
+ Text [ de ] = "<leer>" ;
+ Text [ en-US ] = "<empty>" ;
+ Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
+ Text[ pt ] = "<vazio>";
+ Text[ ru ] = "<пусто>";
+ Text[ el ] = "<κενό>";
+ Text[ nl ] = "<leeg>";
+ Text[ fr ] = "<vide>";
+ Text[ es ] = "<vacío>";
+ Text[ fi ] = "<tyhjä>";
+ Text[ ca ] = "<buit>";
+ Text[ it ] = "<vuoto>";
+ Text[ da ] = "<tom>";
+ Text[ sv ] = "<tom>";
+ Text[ pl ] = "<pusty>";
+ Text[ pt-BR ] = "<vazio>";
+ Text[ th ] = "<ว่าง>";
+ Text[ ja ] = "<空白>";
+ Text[ ko ] = "<빈>";
+ Text[ zh-CN ] = "<空缺>";
+ Text[ zh-TW ] = "<空缺>";
+ Text[ tr ] = "<boş>";
+ Text[ hi-IN ] = "<खाली>";
+ Text[ ar ] = "<فارغ>";
+ Text[ he ] = "<leer>";
+ };
+ {
+ Text [ de ] = "Zelle #1 von '#2' zu '#3' geändert" ;
+ Text [ en-US ] = "Cell #1 changed from '#2' to '#3'" ;
+ Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
+ Text[ pt ] = "Célula #1 modificada de '#2' para '#3'";
+ Text[ ru ] = "Ячейка #1 изменена с '#2' на '#3'";
+ Text[ el ] = "Το κελί #1 άλλαξε από '#2' σε '#3'";
+ Text[ nl ] = "Cel #1 van '#2' in '#3' gewijzigd";
+ Text[ fr ] = "Cellule #1 modifiée de '#2' en '#3'";
+ Text[ es ] = "Celda #1 cambiada de '#2' a '#3' ";
+ Text[ fi ] = "Solu #1 muutettu kohteesta '#2' kohteeseen '#3'";
+ Text[ ca ] = "La #1 ha canviat de '#2' a '#3'";
+ Text[ it ] = "Riga #1 di '#2' modificata in '#3'";
+ Text[ da ] = "Celle #1 blev ændret fra '#2' til '#3'";
+ Text[ sv ] = "Cell #1 har ändrats från '#2' till '#3'";
+ Text[ pl ] = "Komórka #1 została zmieniona z '#2' na '#3' ";
+ Text[ pt-BR ] = "Célula #1 modificada de '#2' para '#3'";
+ Text[ th ] = "เซลล์ #1 เปลี่ยนจาก '#2' เป็น '#3'";
+ Text[ ja ] = "セル #1 は「#2」から「#3」に変更になりました。";
+ Text[ ko ] = "셀 #1은(는) '#2'에서 '#3'로 변경됨";
+ Text[ zh-CN ] = "单元格 #1 从 '#2' 改变成 '#3'";
+ Text[ zh-TW ] = "儲存格#1從<#2>變更成<#3>";
+ Text[ tr ] = "#1 hücresi, '#2' den #3' e değiştirildi";
+ Text[ hi-IN ] = "कोष्ठ #1 को '#2' से '#3' में परिवर्तन किया";
+ Text[ ar ] = "تم تغيير الخلية #1 من '#2' إلى '#3'";
+ Text[ he ] = "Zelle #1 von '#2' zu '#3' geändert";
+ };
+ {
+ Text [ de ] = "#1 eingefügt" ;
+ Text [ en-US ] = "#1 inserted" ;
+ Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
+ Text[ pt ] = "#1 inserido";
+ Text[ ru ] = "#1 вставлена";
+ Text[ el ] = "#1 εισάχθηκαν";
+ Text[ nl ] = "#1 ingevoegd";
+ Text[ fr ] = "#1 inséré";
+ Text[ es ] = "#1 insertada";
+ Text[ fi ] = "#1 lisätty";
+ Text[ ca ] = "#1 inserit";
+ Text[ it ] = "#1 inserito";
+ Text[ da ] = "#1 indsat";
+ Text[ sv ] = "#1 infogad";
+ Text[ pl ] = "Wstawiono #1";
+ Text[ pt-BR ] = "#1 inserido";
+ Text[ th ] = "แทรก #1 ";
+ Text[ ja ] = "#1 は挿入されました。";
+ Text[ ko ] = "#1 삽입";
+ Text[ zh-CN ] = "已经加入 #1";
+ Text[ zh-TW ] = "已經加入 #1";
+ Text[ tr ] = "#1 eklendi";
+ Text[ hi-IN ] = "#1 जोड़ा";
+ Text[ ar ] = "تم إدراج #1";
+ Text[ he ] = "#1 eingefügt";
+ };
+ {
+ Text [ de ] = "#1 gelöscht" ;
+ Text [ en-US ] = "#1deleted" ;
+ Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
+ Text[ pt ] = "#1 eliminado";
+ Text[ ru ] = "#1 удалена";
+ Text[ el ] = "#1 έχει διαγραφεί";
+ Text[ nl ] = "#1 gewist";
+ Text[ fr ] = "#1 supprimé";
+ Text[ es ] = "#1 borrado";
+ Text[ fi ] = "#1 poistettu";
+ Text[ ca ] = "#1suprimit";
+ Text[ it ] = "#1 cancellato";
+ Text[ da ] = "#1 slettet";
+ Text[ sv ] = "#1 raderad";
+ Text[ pl ] = "Usunięto #1";
+ Text[ pt-BR ] = "#1 excluído";
+ Text[ th ] = "ลบ #1";
+ Text[ ja ] = "#1 は削除されました。";
+ Text[ ko ] = "#1 삭제됨";
+ Text[ zh-CN ] = "已经删除 #1";
+ Text[ zh-TW ] = "已經刪除 #1";
+ Text[ tr ] = "#1 silindi";
+ Text[ hi-IN ] = "#1मिटाया";
+ Text[ ar ] = "تم حذف #1";
+ Text[ he ] = "#1 gelöscht";
+ };
+ {
+ Text [ de ] = "Bereich von #1 nach #2 verschoben" ;
+ Text [ en-US ] = "Range moved from #1 to #2" ;
+ Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
+ Text[ pt ] = "Mover área #1 para #2";
+ Text[ ru ] = "Область перемещена из #1 в #2";
+ Text[ el ] = "Μετακίνηση περιοχής από #1 προς #2";
+ Text[ nl ] = "Bereik van #1 naar #2 verplaatst";
+ Text[ fr ] = "Plage déplacée de #1 vers #2";
+ Text[ es ] = "Área desplazada de #1 a #2";
+ Text[ fi ] = "Alue siirretty kohteesta #1 kohteeseen #2";
+ Text[ ca ] = "L'àrea s'ha mogut de #1 a #2";
+ Text[ it ] = "Area spostata da #1 a #2";
+ Text[ da ] = "Område flyttet fra #1 til #2";
+ Text[ sv ] = "Område flyttat från #1 till #2";
+ Text[ pl ] = "Zakres przeniesiony z #1 do #2 ";
+ Text[ pt-BR ] = "Intervalo movido de #1 para #2";
+ Text[ th ] = "ย้ายช่วงจาก #1 ไปยัง #2";
+ Text[ ja ] = "範囲は #1 から #2 へ移動しました。";
+ Text[ ko ] = "#1 에서 #2로 범위 이동";
+ Text[ zh-CN ] = "区域从 #1 移动到 #2";
+ Text[ zh-TW ] = "區域從 #1 移動到 #2";
+ Text[ tr ] = "Aralık taşındı; eski konum #1 yeni konum #2";
+ Text[ hi-IN ] = "फैलाव को #1 से #2 को स्थान परिवर्तन किया है";
+ Text[ ar ] = "إزاحة النطاق من #1 إلى #2";
+ Text[ he ] = "Bereich von #1 nach #2 verschoben";
+ };
+ {
+ Text [ de ] = "Mit dieser Aktion wird die Aufzeichnung von Änderungen beendet.\nDie Information über Änderungen geht hierdurch verloren.\n\nAufzeichnung beenden?\n\n" ;
+ Text [ en-US ] = "This action will exit the change recording mode.\nAny information about changes will be lost.\n\nExit change recording mode?\n\n" ;
+ Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
+ Text[ pt ] = "Com esta acção será cancelado o registo das modificações.\nAs informações sobre modificações prévias desaparecerão.\n\nCancelar?\n\n";
+ Text[ ru ] = "Режим записи изменений будет отключен.\nВся накопленная информация об изменениях будет удалена.\n\nОтключить режим записи изменений?\n\n";
+ Text[ el ] = "Με αυτή την ενέργεια τερματίζεται η καταγραφή των αλλαγών.\nΟι πληροφορίες σχετικά με τις αλλαγές πρόκειται να χαθούν.\n\nΝα τερματιστεί η εγγραφή;\n\n";
+ Text[ nl ] = "Door deze activiteit wordt het registreren van wijzigingen beëindigd.\\ nDe informatie over wijzigingen gaat hierdoor verloren.\n\nRegistratie beëindigen?\n\n";
+ Text[ fr ] = "Cette opération met fin à l'enregistrement des modifications.\nToute information concernant les modifications sera perdue.\n\nQuitter l'enregistrement ?\n\n";
+ Text[ es ] = "Esta acción finalizará la grabación de las modificaciones.\nLa información relativa a las modificaciones se perderá.\n\n¿Desea finalizar la grabación?\n\n";
+ Text[ fi ] = "Tämän toiminnon avulla poistutaan muutosten nauhoitustilasta.\nKaikki muutostiedot menetetään.\n\nHaluatko poistua muutosten nauhoitustilasta?\n\n";
+ Text[ ca ] = "Aquesta acció sortirà dels canvis del registre.\nEs perdrà tota la informació sobre els canvis.\n\nVoleu sortir dels canvis del registre?\n\n";
+ Text[ it ] = "Con questa operazione si termina la registrazione delle modifiche.\nL'informazione relativa alle modifiche andrà persa.\n\nTerminare la registrazione?\n\n";
+ Text[ da ] = "Denne handling afslutter registreringen af ændringer.\nAlle informationer om ændringer vil herigennem gå tabt.\nVil du afslutte registreringen?";
+ Text[ sv ] = "Den här åtgärden avslutar registreringen av ändringar.\nInformationen om ändringar går då förlorad.\n\nVill du avsluta registreringen?\n\n";
+ Text[ pl ] = "Ta akcja kończy rejestrowanie zmian.\nProwadzi to do utraty informacji o zmianach.\n\nCzy wyjść z trybu rejestrowania zmian?\n\n";
+ Text[ pt-BR ] = "Esta ação sairá do modo de gravação de alteração.\nQualquer informação sobre modificações serão perdidas.\n\nSair do modo de gravação de alteração?\n\n";
+ Text[ th ] = "การกระทำนี้จะออกจากการเปลี่ยนแปลงระเบียน\nข้อมูลเกี่ยวกับการเปลี่ยนแปลงหายไป.\n\nออกจากการเปลี่ยนแปลงระเบียนหรือไม่?\n\n";
+ Text[ ja ] = "変更の記録をこのアクションで終了します。\n同時に変更した情報も完全に失われます。\n\n記録を終了しますか。\n\n";
+ Text[ ko ] = "이 작동을 실행하면 변경 기록이 종료됩니다.\n그러면 변경 내용 정보가 손실됩니다.\n\n변경 기록을 종료하시겠습니까?\n\n";
+ Text[ zh-CN ] = "这个操作会中断更改记录。\n更改内容就会遗失。\n\n您还是要中断记录吗?\n\n";
+ Text[ zh-TW ] = "這個動作會結束修改。\n修改內容就會流失。\n\n您還是要繼續?\n\n";
+ Text[ tr ] = "Bu işlem ile değişikliklerin izlenmesi sona erdirilecek.\nDaha önceki değişiklikler ile ilgili tüm bilgiler kaybolacak.\n\nKayıt durdurulsun mu?\n\n";
+ Text[ hi-IN ] = "इस कार्य से रेकोर्डिंग प्रकार को बदलने से निर्गम कर सकते है ।\nपरिवर्तनों के बारे में कोई सूचना है तो वह नष्ट होगा ।\n\nरेकोर्डिंग प्रकार को बदलने से निर्गम करे?\n\n";
+ Text[ ar ] = "هذا الإجراء سوف يؤدي إلى إنهاء عملية تسجيل التغييرات.\nسوف يؤدي هذا بدوره إلى ضياع المعلومات الخاصة بالتغييرات.\n\nهل تريد إنهاء التسجيل؟\n\n";
+ Text[ he ] = "Mit dieser Aktion wird die Aufzeichnung von Änderungen beendet.\nDie Information über Änderungen geht hierdurch verloren.\n\nAufzeichnung beenden?\n\n";
+ };
+ /*
+ String STR_
+ {
+ Text [ de ] = "";
+ Text [ en-US ] = "";
+ };