path: root/bf_sc/source/core/tool/sc_scmatrix.cxx
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Diffstat (limited to 'bf_sc/source/core/tool/sc_scmatrix.cxx')
1 files changed, 508 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/bf_sc/source/core/tool/sc_scmatrix.cxx b/bf_sc/source/core/tool/sc_scmatrix.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6e2d047fa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bf_sc/source/core/tool/sc_scmatrix.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,508 @@
+/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
+ * This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
+ *
+ * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at
+ *
+ * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice:
+ *
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+ * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
+ * with this work for additional information regarding copyright
+ * ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
+ * License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
+ * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
+ * the License at .
+ */
+#ifdef _MSC_VER
+#pragma hdrstop
+#include <tools/debug.hxx>
+#include <math.h>
+#include "scmatrix.hxx"
+#include <rtl/math.hxx>
+namespace binfilter {
+/*N*/ void ScMatrix::CreateMatrix(USHORT nC, USHORT nR) // nur fuer ctor
+/*N*/ {
+/*N*/ nAnzCol = nC;
+/*N*/ nAnzRow = nR;
+/*N*/ ULONG nCount = (ULONG) nAnzCol * nAnzRow;
+/*N*/ if ( !nCount || nCount > GetElementsMax() )
+/*N*/ {
+/*N*/ DBG_ERRORFILE("ScMatrix::CreateMatrix: dimension error");
+/*N*/ nAnzCol = nAnzRow = 1;
+/*N*/ pMat = new MatValue[1];
+/*N*/ }
+/*N*/ else
+/*N*/ pMat = new MatValue[nCount];
+/*N*/ bIsString = NULL;
+/*N*/ }
+/*N*/ ScMatrix::~ScMatrix()
+/*N*/ {
+/*N*/ DeleteIsString();
+/*N*/ delete [] pMat;
+/*N*/ }
+/*N*/ ScMatrix* ScMatrix::Clone() const
+/*N*/ {
+/*N*/ ScMatrix* pScMat = new ScMatrix(nAnzCol, nAnzRow);
+/*N*/ MatCopy(*pScMat);
+/*N*/ return pScMat;
+/*N*/ }
+// File format: USHORT columns, USHORT rows, (columns*rows) entries:
+// BYTE type ( CELLTYPE_NONE, CELLTYPE_VALUE, CELLTYPE_STRING ); nothing, double or String
+/*N*/ ScMatrix::ScMatrix(SvStream& rStream)
+/*N*/ {
+/*N*/ USHORT nC, nR;
+/*N*/ rStream >> nC;
+/*N*/ rStream >> nR;
+/*N*/ CreateMatrix(nC, nR);
+/*N*/ DBG_ASSERT( pMat, "pMat == NULL" );
+/*N*/ String aMatStr;
+/*N*/ double fVal;
+/*N*/ rtl_TextEncoding eCharSet = rStream.GetStreamCharSet();
+/*N*/ ULONG nCount = (ULONG) nAnzCol * nAnzRow;
+/*N*/ ULONG nReadCount = (ULONG) nC * nR;
+/*N*/ for (ULONG i=0; i<nReadCount; i++)
+/*N*/ {
+/*N*/ BYTE nType;
+/*N*/ rStream >> nType;
+/*N*/ if ( nType == CELLTYPE_VALUE )
+/*N*/ {
+/*N*/ if ( i < nCount )
+/*N*/ rStream >> pMat[i].fVal;
+/*N*/ else
+/*N*/ rStream >> fVal;
+/*N*/ }
+/*N*/ else
+/*N*/ {
+/*N*/ // For unknown types read and forget string (upwards compatibility)
+/*N*/ if ( nType != CELLTYPE_NONE )
+/*N*/ aMatStr = rStream.ReadUniOrByteString( eCharSet );
+/*N*/ if ( i < nCount )
+/*N*/ {
+/*N*/ if (!bIsString)
+/*N*/ ResetIsString(); // init string flags
+/*N*/ bIsString[i] = ( nType == CELLTYPE_NONE ? SC_MATVAL_EMPTY : SC_MATVAL_STRING );
+/*N*/ if ( nType == CELLTYPE_STRING )
+/*N*/ pMat[i].pS = new String(aMatStr);
+/*N*/ else
+/*N*/ pMat[i].pS = NULL;
+/*N*/ }
+/*N*/ }
+/*N*/ }
+/*N*/ }
+/*N*/ void ScMatrix::ResetIsString()
+/*N*/ {
+/*N*/ ULONG nCount = (ULONG) nAnzCol * nAnzRow;
+/*N*/ if (bIsString)
+/*N*/ {
+/*N*/ for (ULONG i = 0; i < nCount; i++)
+/*N*/ {
+/*N*/ if ( bIsString[i] )
+/*N*/ delete pMat[i].pS;
+/*N*/ }
+/*N*/ }
+/*N*/ else
+/*N*/ bIsString = new BYTE[nCount];
+/*N*/ memset( bIsString, 0, nCount * sizeof( BYTE ) );
+/*N*/ }
+/*N*/ void ScMatrix::DeleteIsString()
+/*N*/ {
+/*N*/ if ( bIsString )
+/*N*/ {
+/*?*/ ULONG nCount = (ULONG) nAnzCol * nAnzRow;
+/*?*/ for ( ULONG i = 0; i < nCount; i++ )
+/*?*/ {
+/*?*/ if ( bIsString[i] )
+/*?*/ delete pMat[i].pS;
+/*?*/ }
+/*?*/ delete [] bIsString;
+/*?*/ bIsString = NULL;
+/*N*/ }
+/*N*/ }
+/*N*/ void ScMatrix::PutDouble(double fVal, USHORT nC, USHORT nR)
+/*N*/ {
+/*N*/ if (nC < nAnzCol && nR < nAnzRow)
+/*N*/ PutDouble( fVal, (ULONG) nC * nAnzRow + nR );
+/*N*/ else
+/*N*/ DBG_ERRORFILE("ScMatrix::PutDouble: dimension error");
+/*N*/ }
+/*N*/ void ScMatrix::PutString(const String& rStr, USHORT nC, USHORT nR)
+/*N*/ {
+/*N*/ if (nC < nAnzCol && nR < nAnzRow)
+/*N*/ PutString( rStr, (ULONG) nC * nAnzRow + nR );
+/*N*/ else
+/*N*/ DBG_ERRORFILE("ScMatrix::PutString: dimension error");
+/*N*/ }
+/*N*/ void ScMatrix::PutString(const String& rStr, ULONG nIndex)
+/*N*/ {
+/*N*/ if (bIsString == NULL)
+/*N*/ ResetIsString();
+/*N*/ if ( bIsString[nIndex] && pMat[nIndex].pS )
+/*N*/ *(pMat[nIndex].pS) = rStr;
+/*N*/ else
+/*N*/ pMat[nIndex].pS = new String(rStr);
+/*N*/ bIsString[nIndex] = SC_MATVAL_STRING;
+/*N*/ }
+/*N*/ void ScMatrix::PutStringEntry( const String* pStr, BYTE bFlag, ULONG nIndex )
+/*N*/ {
+/*N*/ DBG_ASSERT( bFlag, "ScMatrix::PutStringEntry: bFlag == 0" );
+/*N*/ if (bIsString == NULL)
+/*N*/ ResetIsString();
+/*N*/ if ( bIsString[nIndex] && pMat[nIndex].pS )
+/*N*/ {
+/*N*/ if ( pStr )
+/*N*/ *(pMat[nIndex].pS) = *pStr;
+/*N*/ else
+/*N*/ pMat[nIndex].pS->Erase();
+/*N*/ }
+/*N*/ else
+/*N*/ pMat[nIndex].pS = (pStr ? new String(*pStr) : NULL);
+/*N*/ bIsString[nIndex] = bFlag;
+/*N*/ }
+/*N*/ void ScMatrix::PutEmpty(USHORT nC, USHORT nR)
+/*N*/ {
+/*N*/ if (nC < nAnzCol && nR < nAnzRow)
+/*N*/ PutEmpty( (ULONG) nC * nAnzRow + nR );
+/*N*/ else
+/*N*/ DBG_ERRORFILE("ScMatrix::PutString: dimension error");
+/*N*/ }
+/*N*/ void ScMatrix::PutEmpty(ULONG nIndex)
+/*N*/ {
+/*N*/ if (bIsString == NULL)
+/*N*/ ResetIsString();
+/*N*/ if ( bIsString[nIndex] && pMat[nIndex].pS )
+/*N*/ delete pMat[nIndex].pS;
+/*N*/ bIsString[nIndex] = SC_MATVAL_EMPTY;
+/*N*/ pMat[nIndex].pS = NULL;
+/*N*/ pMat[nIndex].fVal = 0.0;
+/*N*/ }
+/*N*/ double ScMatrix::GetDouble(USHORT nC, USHORT nR) const
+/*N*/ {
+/*N*/ if (nC < nAnzCol && nR < nAnzRow)
+/*N*/ return GetDouble( (ULONG) nC * nAnzRow + nR );
+/*N*/ else
+/*N*/ {
+/*N*/ DBG_ERRORFILE("ScMatrix::GetDouble: dimension error");
+/*N*/ return 0.0;
+/*N*/ }
+/*N*/ }
+/*N*/ const String& ScMatrix::GetString(USHORT nC, USHORT nR) const
+/*N*/ {
+/*N*/ if (nC < nAnzCol && nR < nAnzRow)
+/*N*/ {
+/*N*/ ULONG nIndex = (ULONG) nC * nAnzRow + nR;
+/*N*/ if ( IsString( nIndex ) )
+/*N*/ return GetString( nIndex );
+/*N*/ else
+/*N*/ DBG_ERRORFILE("ScMatrix::GetString: access error, no string");
+/*N*/ }
+/*N*/ else
+/*N*/ DBG_ERRORFILE("ScMatrix::GetString: dimension error");
+/*N*/ return ScGlobal::GetEmptyString();
+/*N*/ }
+/*N*/ const MatValue* ScMatrix::Get(USHORT nC, USHORT nR, BOOL& bString) const
+/*N*/ {
+/*N*/ if (nC < nAnzCol && nR < nAnzRow)
+/*N*/ {
+/*N*/ ULONG nIndex = (ULONG) nC * nAnzRow + nR;
+/*N*/ if (bIsString && bIsString[nIndex])
+/*N*/ bString = TRUE;
+/*N*/ else
+/*N*/ bString = FALSE;
+/*N*/ return &pMat[nIndex];
+/*N*/ }
+/*N*/ else
+/*N*/ DBG_ERRORFILE("ScMatrix::Get: dimension error");
+/*N*/ return NULL;
+/*N*/ }
+/*N*/ void ScMatrix::MatCopy(ScMatrix& mRes) const
+/*N*/ {
+/*N*/ if (nAnzCol != mRes.nAnzCol || nAnzRow != mRes.nAnzRow)
+/*N*/ {
+/*N*/ DBG_ERRORFILE("ScMatrix::MatCopy: dimension error");
+/*N*/ }
+/*N*/ else
+/*N*/ {
+/*N*/ if (bIsString)
+/*N*/ {
+/*N*/ mRes.ResetIsString();
+/*N*/ for (USHORT i = 0; i < nAnzCol; i++)
+/*N*/ {
+/*N*/ ULONG nStart = (ULONG) i * nAnzRow;
+/*N*/ for (USHORT j = 0; j < nAnzRow; j++)
+/*N*/ {
+/*N*/ if ( bIsString[nStart+j] )
+/*N*/ mRes.PutStringEntry( pMat[nStart+j].pS,
+/*N*/ bIsString[nStart+j], nStart+j );
+/*N*/ else
+/*N*/ mRes.pMat[nStart+j].fVal = pMat[nStart+j].fVal;
+/*N*/ }
+/*N*/ }
+/*N*/ }
+/*N*/ else
+/*N*/ {
+/*N*/ mRes.DeleteIsString();
+/*N*/ ULONG nCount = (ULONG) nAnzCol * nAnzRow;
+/*N*/ for (ULONG i = 0; i < nCount; i++)
+/*N*/ mRes.pMat[i].fVal = pMat[i].fVal;
+/*N*/ }
+/*N*/ }
+/*N*/ }
+/*N*/ void ScMatrix::MatTrans(ScMatrix& mRes) const
+/*N*/ {
+/*N*/ if (nAnzCol != mRes.nAnzRow || nAnzRow != mRes.nAnzCol)
+/*N*/ {
+/*N*/ DBG_ERRORFILE("ScMatrix::MatTrans: dimension error");
+/*N*/ }
+/*N*/ else
+/*N*/ {
+/*N*/ if (bIsString)
+/*N*/ {
+/*N*/ mRes.ResetIsString();
+/*N*/ for ( ULONG i = 0; i < nAnzCol; i++ )
+/*N*/ {
+/*N*/ ULONG nStart = i * nAnzRow;
+/*N*/ for ( ULONG j = 0; j < nAnzRow; j++ )
+/*N*/ {
+/*N*/ if ( bIsString[nStart+j] )
+/*N*/ mRes.PutStringEntry( pMat[nStart+j].pS,
+/*N*/ bIsString[nStart+j], j*mRes.nAnzRow+i );
+/*N*/ else
+/*N*/ mRes.pMat[j*mRes.nAnzRow+i].fVal = pMat[nStart+j].fVal;
+/*N*/ }
+/*N*/ }
+/*N*/ }
+/*N*/ else
+/*N*/ {
+/*N*/ mRes.DeleteIsString();
+/*N*/ for ( ULONG i = 0; i < nAnzCol; i++ )
+/*N*/ {
+/*N*/ ULONG nStart = i * nAnzRow;
+/*N*/ for ( ULONG j = 0; j < nAnzRow; j++ )
+/*N*/ {
+/*N*/ mRes.pMat[j*mRes.nAnzRow+i].fVal = pMat[nStart+j].fVal;
+/*N*/ }
+/*N*/ }
+/*N*/ }
+/*N*/ }
+/*N*/ }
+/*N*/ void ScMatrix::FillDouble( double fVal, USHORT nC1, USHORT nR1,
+/*N*/ USHORT nC2, USHORT nR2 )
+/*N*/ {
+/*N*/ if (nC2 < nAnzCol && nR2 < nAnzRow)
+/*N*/ {
+/*N*/ if ( nC1 == 0 && nR1 == 0 && nC2 == nAnzCol-1 && nR2 == nAnzRow-1 )
+/*N*/ {
+/*N*/ ULONG nEnd = (ULONG) nAnzCol * nAnzRow;
+/*N*/ for ( ULONG j=0; j<nEnd; j++ )
+/*N*/ pMat[j].fVal = fVal;
+/*N*/ }
+/*N*/ else
+/*N*/ {
+/*N*/ for ( USHORT i=nC1; i<=nC2; i++ )
+/*N*/ {
+/*N*/ ULONG nOff1 = (ULONG) i * nAnzRow + nR1;
+/*N*/ ULONG nOff2 = nOff1 + nR2 - nR1;
+/*N*/ for ( ULONG j=nOff1; j<=nOff2; j++ )
+/*N*/ pMat[j].fVal = fVal;
+/*N*/ }
+/*N*/ }
+/*N*/ }
+/*N*/ else
+/*N*/ DBG_ERRORFILE("ScMatrix::FillDouble: dimension error");
+/*N*/ }
+/*N*/ void ScMatrix::FillDoubleLowerLeft( double fVal, USHORT nC2 )
+/*N*/ {
+/*N*/ if (nC2 < nAnzCol && nC2 < nAnzRow)
+/*N*/ {
+/*N*/ for ( USHORT i=1; i<=nC2; i++ )
+/*N*/ {
+/*N*/ ULONG nOff1 = (ULONG) i * nAnzRow;
+/*N*/ ULONG nOff2 = nOff1 + i;
+/*N*/ for ( ULONG j=nOff1; j<nOff2; j++ )
+/*N*/ pMat[j].fVal = fVal;
+/*N*/ }
+/*N*/ }
+/*N*/ else
+/*N*/ DBG_ERRORFILE("ScMatrix::FillDoubleLowerLeft: dimension error");
+/*N*/ }
+/*N*/ void ScMatrix::CompareEqual()
+/*N*/ {
+/*N*/ ULONG n = (ULONG) nAnzCol * nAnzRow;
+/*N*/ if ( bIsString )
+/*N*/ {
+/*N*/ for ( ULONG j=0; j<n; j++ )
+/*N*/ if ( !bIsString[j]) // else: #WERT!
+/*N*/ pMat[j].fVal = (pMat[j].fVal == 0.0);
+/*N*/ }
+/*N*/ else
+/*N*/ {
+/*N*/ for ( ULONG j=0; j<n; j++ )
+/*N*/ pMat[j].fVal = (pMat[j].fVal == 0.0);
+/*N*/ }
+/*N*/ }
+/*N*/ void ScMatrix::CompareNotEqual()
+/*N*/ {
+/*N*/ ULONG n = (ULONG) nAnzCol * nAnzRow;
+/*N*/ if ( bIsString )
+/*N*/ {
+/*N*/ for ( ULONG j=0; j<n; j++ )
+/*N*/ if ( !bIsString[j]) // else: #WERT!
+/*N*/ pMat[j].fVal = (pMat[j].fVal != 0.0);
+/*N*/ }
+/*N*/ else
+/*N*/ {
+/*N*/ for ( ULONG j=0; j<n; j++ )
+/*N*/ pMat[j].fVal = (pMat[j].fVal != 0.0);
+/*N*/ }
+/*N*/ }
+/*N*/ void ScMatrix::CompareLess()
+/*N*/ {
+/*N*/ ULONG n = (ULONG) nAnzCol * nAnzRow;
+/*N*/ if ( bIsString )
+/*N*/ {
+/*N*/ for ( ULONG j=0; j<n; j++ )
+/*N*/ if ( !bIsString[j]) // else: #WERT!
+/*N*/ pMat[j].fVal = (pMat[j].fVal < 0.0);
+/*N*/ }
+/*N*/ else
+/*N*/ {
+/*N*/ for ( ULONG j=0; j<n; j++ )
+/*N*/ pMat[j].fVal = (pMat[j].fVal < 0.0);
+/*N*/ }
+/*N*/ }
+/*N*/ void ScMatrix::CompareGreater()
+/*N*/ {
+/*N*/ ULONG n = (ULONG) nAnzCol * nAnzRow;
+/*N*/ if ( bIsString )
+/*N*/ {
+/*N*/ for ( ULONG j=0; j<n; j++ )
+/*N*/ if ( !bIsString[j]) // else: #WERT!
+/*N*/ pMat[j].fVal = (pMat[j].fVal > 0.0);
+/*N*/ }
+/*N*/ else
+/*N*/ {
+/*N*/ for ( ULONG j=0; j<n; j++ )
+/*N*/ pMat[j].fVal = (pMat[j].fVal > 0.0);
+/*N*/ }
+/*N*/ }
+/*N*/ void ScMatrix::CompareLessEqual()
+/*N*/ {
+/*N*/ ULONG n = (ULONG) nAnzCol * nAnzRow;
+/*N*/ if ( bIsString )
+/*N*/ {
+/*N*/ for ( ULONG j=0; j<n; j++ )
+/*N*/ if ( !bIsString[j]) // else: #WERT!
+/*N*/ pMat[j].fVal = (pMat[j].fVal <= 0.0);
+/*N*/ }
+/*N*/ else
+/*N*/ {
+/*N*/ for ( ULONG j=0; j<n; j++ )
+/*N*/ pMat[j].fVal = (pMat[j].fVal <= 0.0);
+/*N*/ }
+/*N*/ }
+/*N*/ void ScMatrix::CompareGreaterEqual()
+/*N*/ {
+/*N*/ ULONG n = (ULONG) nAnzCol * nAnzRow;
+/*N*/ if ( bIsString )
+/*N*/ {
+/*N*/ for ( ULONG j=0; j<n; j++ )
+/*N*/ if ( !bIsString[j]) // else: #WERT!
+/*N*/ pMat[j].fVal = (pMat[j].fVal >= 0.0);
+/*N*/ }
+/*N*/ else
+/*N*/ {
+/*N*/ for ( ULONG j=0; j<n; j++ )
+/*N*/ pMat[j].fVal = (pMat[j].fVal >= 0.0);
+/*N*/ }
+/*N*/ }
+/*N*/ BOOL ScMatrix::And()
+/*N*/ {
+/*N*/ ULONG n = (ULONG) nAnzCol * nAnzRow;
+/*N*/ BOOL bAnd = TRUE;
+/*N*/ if ( bIsString )
+/*N*/ {
+/*N*/ for ( ULONG j=0; bAnd && j<n; j++ )
+/*N*/ if ( bIsString[j] )
+/*N*/ bAnd = FALSE; // we're assuming a CompareMat
+/*N*/ else
+/*N*/ bAnd = (pMat[j].fVal != 0.0);
+/*N*/ }
+/*N*/ else
+/*N*/ {
+/*N*/ for ( ULONG j=0; bAnd && j<n; j++ )
+/*N*/ bAnd = (pMat[j].fVal != 0.0);
+/*N*/ }
+/*N*/ return bAnd;
+/*N*/ }
+/*N*/ BOOL ScMatrix::Or()
+/*N*/ {
+/*N*/ ULONG n = (ULONG) nAnzCol * nAnzRow;
+/*N*/ BOOL bOr = FALSE;
+/*N*/ if ( bIsString )
+/*N*/ {
+/*N*/ for ( ULONG j=0; !bOr && j<n; j++ )
+/*N*/ if ( !bIsString[j] )
+/*N*/ bOr = (pMat[j].fVal != 0.0);
+/*N*/ }
+/*N*/ else
+/*N*/ {
+/*N*/ for ( ULONG j=0; !bOr && j<n; j++ )
+/*N*/ bOr = (pMat[j].fVal != 0.0);
+/*N*/ }
+/*N*/ return bOr;
+/*N*/ }
+/* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */