/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4; fill-column: 100 -*- */ /* * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include class UnitWOPITemplate : public WopiTestServer { enum class Phase { LoadTemplate, SaveDoc, CloseDoc, Polling } _phase; bool _savedTemplate; public: UnitWOPITemplate() : WopiTestServer("UnitWOPITemplate") , _phase(Phase::LoadTemplate) , _savedTemplate(false) { } virtual bool handleHttpRequest(const Poco::Net::HTTPRequest& request, Poco::MemoryInputStream& /*message*/, std::shared_ptr& socket) override { const Poco::URI uriReq(request.getURI()); LOG_TST("Fake wopi host " << request.getMethod() << " request: " << uriReq.toString()); // CheckFileInfo if (request.getMethod() == "GET" && uriReq.getPath() == "/wopi/files/10") { LOG_TST("Fake wopi host request, handling CheckFileInfo: " << uriReq.getPath()); Poco::LocalDateTime now; Poco::JSON::Object::Ptr fileInfo = new Poco::JSON::Object(); fileInfo->set("BaseFileName", "test.odt"); fileInfo->set("TemplateSource", helpers::getTestServerURI() + "/test.ott"); fileInfo->set("Size", getFileContent().size()); fileInfo->set("Version", "1.0"); fileInfo->set("OwnerId", "test"); fileInfo->set("UserId", "test"); fileInfo->set("UserFriendlyName", "test"); fileInfo->set("UserCanWrite", "true"); fileInfo->set("PostMessageOrigin", "localhost"); fileInfo->set("LastModifiedTime", Util::getIso8601FracformatTime(getFileLastModifiedTime())); fileInfo->set("EnableOwnerTermination", "true"); std::ostringstream jsonStream; fileInfo->stringify(jsonStream); std::string responseString = jsonStream.str(); const std::string mimeType = "application/json; charset=utf-8"; std::ostringstream oss; oss << "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n" << "Last-Modified: " << Util::getHttpTime(getFileLastModifiedTime()) << "\r\n" << "User-Agent: " << WOPI_AGENT_STRING << "\r\n" << "Content-Length: " << responseString.size() << "\r\n" << "Content-Type: " << mimeType << "\r\n" << "\r\n" << responseString; socket->send(oss.str()); socket->shutdown(); return true; } else if ((request.getMethod() == "OPTIONS" || request.getMethod() == "HEAD" || request.getMethod() == "PROPFIND") && uriReq.getPath() == "/test.ott") { LOG_TST("Fake wopi host request, handling " << request.getMethod() << " on " << uriReq.getPath()); std::ostringstream oss; oss << "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n" << "Allow: GET\r\n" << "User-Agent: " << WOPI_AGENT_STRING << "\r\n" << "\r\n"; socket->send(oss.str()); socket->shutdown(); return true; } // Get the template else if (request.getMethod() == "GET" && uriReq.getPath() == "/test.ott") { LOG_TST("Fake wopi host request, handling template GetFile: " << uriReq.getPath()); HttpHelper::sendFileAndShutdown(socket, TDOC "/test.ott", ""); return true; } // Save template else if (request.getMethod() == "POST" && uriReq.getPath() == "/wopi/files/10/contents") { LOG_TST("Fake wopi host request, handling PutFile: " << uriReq.getPath()); if (!_savedTemplate) { // First, we expect to get a PutFile right after loading. LOK_ASSERT_EQUAL(static_cast(Phase::SaveDoc), static_cast(_phase)); _savedTemplate = true; _phase = Phase::CloseDoc; } else { // This is the save at shutting down. LOK_ASSERT_EQUAL(static_cast(Phase::Polling), static_cast(_phase)); exitTest(TestResult::Ok); } const std::streamsize size = request.getContentLength(); LOK_ASSERT( size > 0 ); std::ostringstream oss; oss << "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n" << "User-Agent: " << WOPI_AGENT_STRING << "\r\n" << "\r\n" << "{\"LastModifiedTime\": \"" << Util::getHttpTime(getFileLastModifiedTime()) << "\" }"; socket->send(oss.str()); socket->shutdown(); return true; } return false; } void invokeWSDTest() override { switch (_phase) { case Phase::LoadTemplate: { _phase = Phase::SaveDoc; initWebsocket("/wopi/files/10?access_token=anything"); WSD_CMD("load url=" + getWopiSrc()); SocketPoll::wakeupWorld(); break; } case Phase::CloseDoc: { _phase = Phase::Polling; WSD_CMD("closedocument"); break; } case Phase::Polling: { exitTest(TestResult::Ok); break; } case Phase::SaveDoc: { break; } } } }; UnitBase *unit_create_wsd(void) { return new UnitWOPITemplate(); } /* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */