/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4; fill-column: 100 -*- */ /* * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #pragma once #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "Common.hpp" #include #include "NetUtil.hpp" #include #include #include #include #if ENABLE_SSL #include #endif #include "Log.hpp" #include "Util.hpp" // This is a partial implementation of RFC 6455 // The WebSocket Protocol. namespace http { /// A client socket for asynchronous Web-Socket protocol. class WebSocketSession final : public WebSocketHandler { public: enum class Protocol { HttpUnencrypted, HttpSsl, }; private: WebSocketSession(const std::string& hostname, Protocol protocolType, int portNumber) : WebSocketHandler(/* isClient = */ true, /* isMasking = */ true) , _host(hostname) , _port(std::to_string(portNumber)) , _protocol(protocolType) , _disconnected(true) , _shutdown(false) { } /// Returns the given protocol's scheme. static const char* getProtocolScheme(Protocol protocol) { switch (protocol) { case Protocol::HttpUnencrypted: return "ws"; case Protocol::HttpSsl: return "wss"; } return ""; } public: /// Destroy WebSocketSession. /// Note: must never be called with the owning poll thread still active. ~WebSocketSession() { shutdown(); } /// Create a new HTTP WebSocketSession to the given host. /// The port defaults to the protocol's default port. static std::shared_ptr create(const std::string& host, Protocol protocol, int port = 0) { port = (port > 0 ? port : getDefaultPort(protocol)); return std::shared_ptr(new WebSocketSession(host, protocol, port)); } /// Create a new HTTP WebSocketSession to the given URI. /// The @uri must include the scheme, e.g. https://domain.com:9980 static std::shared_ptr create(const std::string& uri) { std::string scheme; std::string host; std::string port; if (!net::parseUri(uri, scheme, host, port)) { LOG_ERR("Invalid URI while creating WebSocketSession: " << uri); return nullptr; } const std::string lowerScheme = Util::toLower(scheme); if (!Util::startsWith(lowerScheme, "http") && !Util::startsWith(lowerScheme, "ws")) { LOG_ERR("Unsupported scheme in URI while creating WebSocketSession: " << uri); return nullptr; } const bool secure = Util::startsWith(lowerScheme, "https") || Util::startsWith(lowerScheme, "wss"); const int portInt = port.empty() ? 0 : std::stoi(port); return create(host, secure ? Protocol::HttpSsl : Protocol::HttpUnencrypted, portInt); } /// Create a WebSocketSession and make a request to given @url. static std::shared_ptr create(std::shared_ptr socketPoll, const std::string& uri, const std::string& url) { auto session = create(uri); if (session) { http::Request req(url); session->asyncRequest(req, socketPoll); } return session; } /// Returns the given protocol's default port. static int getDefaultPort(Protocol protocol) { switch (protocol) { case Protocol::HttpUnencrypted: return 80; case Protocol::HttpSsl: return 443; } return 0; } /// Returns the current protocol scheme. const char* getProtocolScheme() const { return getProtocolScheme(_protocol); } const std::string& host() const { return _host; } const std::string& port() const { return _port; } Protocol protocol() const { return _protocol; } bool secure() const { return _protocol == Protocol::HttpSsl; } bool asyncRequest(http::Request& req, std::shared_ptr socketPoll) { LOG_TRC("asyncRequest: " << req.getVerb() << ' ' << host() << ':' << port() << ' ' << req.getUrl()); if (!socketPoll) { LOG_ERR("Invalid SocketPoll instance while creating asyncRequest in WebSocketSession."); return false; } _socketPoll = socketPoll; return wsRequest(req, host(), port(), secure(), *socketPoll); } /// Poll for messages and invoke the given callback. /// Returns only when the callback returns true, or, /// when no new messages are received within the given timeout. std::vector poll(const std::function&)>& cb, std::chrono::milliseconds timeout, const std::string& context = std::string()) { LOG_DBG(context << "Polling for " << timeout); // Note: ideally, this lock will be timed, but that // might prove expensive and we don't expect draining // the queue to take anywhere close to the timeout. std::unique_lock lock(_inMutex); do { // Drain the queue, first. while (!_inQueue.isEmpty()) { std::vector message = _inQueue.pop(); if (cb(message)) return message; } // Timed wait, if we must. } while (_inCv.wait_for(lock, timeout, [this]() { return !_inQueue.isEmpty(); })); LOG_DBG(context << "Giving up polling after " << timeout); return std::vector(); } /// Wait until the given prefix is matched and return the payload. std::vector waitForMessage(const std::string& prefix, std::chrono::milliseconds timeout, const std::string& context = std::string()) { LOG_DBG(context << "Waiting for [" << prefix << "] for " << timeout); return poll( [&](const std::vector& message) { return matchMessage(prefix, message, context); }, timeout, context); } /// Send a text message to our peer. void sendMessage(const std::string& msg) { { std::unique_lock lock(_outMutex); _outQueue.put(std::vector(msg.data(), msg.data() + msg.size())); } const auto pollPtr = _socketPoll.lock(); if (pollPtr) pollPtr->wakeup(); } /// Shutdown the WebSocket, either asynchronously or synchronously, /// depending on whether we have a SocketPoll or not. void shutdownWS() { if (!_disconnected) { const auto pollPtr = _socketPoll.lock(); if (pollPtr && pollPtr->isAlive()) { // Delegate, never call shutdown when our poller is active. LOG_TRC("WebSocketSession: queueing shutdown"); std::weak_ptr weakptr = std::static_pointer_cast(shared_from_this()); pollPtr->addCallback([weakptr]() { auto ws = weakptr.lock(); if (ws) { LOG_TRC("WebSocketSession: shutdown"); ws->shutdown(true, "Shutting down"); } }); } else { LOG_TRC("WebSocketSession: shutdown"); shutdown(true, "Shutting down"); } } } /// Flags to shutdown after sending all the data. void asyncShutdown() { _shutdown = true; if (!_disconnected) { std::unique_lock lock(_outMutex); if (_outQueue.isEmpty()) { shutdownWS(); } } } /// Wait until disconnected. /// Returns true iff we are disconnected, otherwise false, /// if we timed out without disconnecting. bool waitForDisconnection(const std::chrono::milliseconds timeout) { std::unique_lock lock(_outMutex); if (_disconnected) return true; _disconnectCv.wait_for(lock, timeout, [this]() { return _disconnected.load(); }); return _disconnected; } private: void handleMessage(const std::vector& data) override { LOG_DBG("Got message: " << LOOLProtocol::getAbbreviatedMessage(data)); { std::unique_lock lock(_inMutex); _inQueue.put(data); } _inCv.notify_one(); } bool matchMessage(const std::string& prefix, const std::vector& message, const std::string& context) { const auto header = LOOLProtocol::getFirstLine(message); const bool match = LOOLProtocol::matchPrefix(prefix, header); LOG_DBG(context << (match ? "Matched" : "Skipped") << " message [" << prefix << "]: " << header); return match; } int getPollEvents(std::chrono::steady_clock::time_point /*now*/, int64_t& /*timeoutMaxMicroS*/) override { std::unique_lock lock(_outMutex); if (!_outQueue.isEmpty()) return POLLIN | POLLOUT; return POLLIN; } void performWrites(std::size_t capacity) override { LOG_TRC("WebSocketSession: performing writes, up to " << capacity << " bytes."); std::unique_lock lock(_outMutex); std::size_t wrote = 0; try { // Drain the queue, for efficient communication. while (capacity > wrote && !_outQueue.isEmpty()) { std::vector item = _outQueue.get(); const auto size = item.size(); assert(size && "Zero-sized messages must never be queued for sending."); sendTextMessage(item.data(), size); wrote += size; LOG_TRC("WebSocketSession: wrote " << size << ", total " << wrote << " bytes."); } if (_shutdown && _outQueue.isEmpty()) { LOG_DBG("WebSocketSession: shutting down after sending all the data, as flagged."); shutdownWS(); } } catch (const std::exception& ex) { LOG_ERR("WebSocketSession: Failed to send message: " << ex.what()); } LOG_TRC("WebSocketSession: performed write, wrote " << wrote << " bytes."); } // Make these inaccessible since they must only be called from the poll thread. using WebSocketHandler::sendBinaryMessage; using WebSocketHandler::sendMessage; using WebSocketHandler::sendTextMessage; using WebSocketHandler::shutdown; void onConnect(const std::shared_ptr& socket) override { _disconnected = false; WebSocketHandler::onConnect(socket); } void onDisconnect() override { { std::unique_lock lock(_outMutex); _disconnected = true; } _disconnectCv.notify_all(); } private: const std::string _host; const std::string _port; const Protocol _protocol; Request _request; MessageQueue _inQueue; //< The incoming message queue. std::condition_variable _inCv; //< The incoming queue cond_var. std::mutex _inMutex; //< The incoming queue lock. MessageQueueBase> _outQueue; //< The outgoing message queue. std::mutex _outMutex; //< The outgoing queue lock. std::condition_variable _disconnectCv; //< Traps disconnections. std::mutex _disconnectMutex; //< The disconnection event lock. std::atomic_bool _disconnected; //< True iff we are disconnected. std::atomic_bool _shutdown; //< Whether we should shutdown after sending all the data. std::weak_ptr _socketPoll; }; } // namespace http /* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */