.TH COOLCONFIG "1" "Nov 2021" "coolconfig" "User Commands" .SH NAME coolconfig \- Configuration tool for Collabora Online. .SH SYNOPSIS coolconfig COMMAND [OPTIONS] .SH COMMANDS AND OPTIONS .PP .SS "General options:" \fB\-h\fR, \fB\-\-help\fR Show this usage information. .PP \fB\-\-config\-file\fR=\fIpath\fR Specify configuration file path manually. The default is usually \fI/etc/coolwsd/coolwsd.xml\fR. .SS "anonymize" The \fBanonymize\fR command helps to read anonymized logs. If you know a document and/or a user had an issue, you can find their session in the logs by running this command with the username and/or document name and get the anonymized hash, which you use to search the logs with. .PP anonymize [string\-1]...[string\-n] .PP \fB\-\-anonymization\-salt\fR=\fIsalt\fR Anonymize strings with the given 64-bit salt instead of the one in the config file. .PP .SS "migrateconfig" The \fBmigrateconfig\fR command migrates config file of Collabora Online 6.4 or older to the new format. .PP migrateconfig [\-\-old\-config\-file=] [\-\-config\-file=] [\-\-write] .PP \fB\-\-old\-config\-file\fR=\fIpath\fR Specify file path for the old configuration manually. The default is \fI/etc/loolwsd/loolwsd.xml\fR. .PP \fB\-\-write\fR Write migrated configuration. Without this option no changes are written to the config file, only information about differences between old and new config is printed. .PP \fBExample:\fR coolconfig migrateconfig \-\-old\-config\-file=/etc/loolwsd/loolwsd.xml \-\-config\-file=/etc/coolwsd/coolwsd.xml \-\-write .PP .SS "set" The \fBset\fR command changes an existing configuration setting in the config file. The is the XPath expression of the config item in the config XML file (coolwsd.xml). .PP set .PP \fBExample:\fR coolconfig set logging.level trace .PP .SS "set\-admin\-password" The \fBset\-admin\-password\fR command sets the user name and password of the administrator who can access Collabora Online's admin console. .PP set\-admin\-password .PP \fB\-\-pwd\-salt\-length\fR=\fInumber\fR Length of the salt to use to hash password. .PP \fB\-\-pwd\-iterations\fR=\fInumber\fR Number of iterations to do in PKDBF2 password hashing. .PP \fB\-\-pwd\-hash\-length\fR=\fInumber\fR Length of password hash to generate. .PP .SS "update\-system\-template" The \fBupdate\-system\-template\fR command updates Collabora Online's system template. It is used typically when new fonts are added to the system, that need to be used with Collabora Online. .PP update\-system\-template .PP .SH "SEE ALSO" coolforkit(1), coolconvert(1), coolwsd(1), coolwsd-systemplate-setup(1), coolwsd-generate-proof-key(1), coolmount(1)