/// /// /// var assert = require('assert').strict; describe('Bounds parse() tests', function () { describe('Bounds.parse() call with an empty string argument', function () { it('should return undefined', function () { assert.equal(cool.Bounds.parse(''), undefined); }); }); describe('Bounds.parse() call with an string argument with 3 numbers', function () { it('should return undefined', function () { assert.equal(cool.Bounds.parse('10 20 30'), undefined); }); }); describe('Bounds.parse() call with an string argument with 4 numbers', function () { var bounds = cool.Bounds.parse('10 20 30 40'); it('should return a valid Bounds', function () { assert.ok(bounds instanceof cool.Bounds); assert.ok(bounds.isValid()); }); it('and the Bounds should be correct in position and size', function () { assert.ok(bounds.equals(new cool.Bounds(new cool.Point(10, 20), new cool.Point(40, 60)))); }); }); describe('Bounds constructor call', function () { it('correctness check with PointConstructable[] argument', function () { var bounds = new cool.Bounds( [ [10, 20], { x: 5, y: 50 }, [1, 2], { x: -1, y: 7 }, ]); var expected = new cool.Bounds(new cool.Point(-1, 2), new cool.Point(10, 50)); assert.deepEqual(expected, bounds); }); }); });