/* -*- js-indent-level: 8 -*- */ /* * Copyright the Collabora Online contributors. * * SPDX-License-Identifier: MPL-2.0 * * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ /* global _ */ var errorMessages = {}; var lang = window.coolParams.get('lang'); if (lang) { String.locale = lang; } else { String.locale = 'en-US'; } errorMessages.diskfull = _('No disk space left on server.'); errorMessages.emptyhosturl = _('The host URL is empty. The coolwsd server is probably misconfigured, please contact the administrator.'); errorMessages.limitreached = _('This is an unsupported version of {productname}. To avoid the impression that it is suitable for deployment in enterprises, this message appears when more than {docs} documents or {connections} connections are in use concurrently.'); errorMessages.infoandsupport = _('More information and support'); errorMessages.limitreachedprod = _('This service is limited to %0 documents, and %1 connections total by the admin. This limit has been reached. Please try again later.'); errorMessages.serviceunavailable = _('Service is unavailable. Please try again later and report to your administrator if the issue persists.'); errorMessages.unauthorized = _('Unauthorized WOPI host. Please try again later and report to your administrator if the issue persists.'); errorMessages.wrongwopisrc = _('Wrong or missing WOPISrc parameter, please contact support.'); errorMessages.sessionexpiry = _('Your session will expire in %time. Please save your work and refresh the session (or webpage) to continue. You might need to login again.'); errorMessages.sessionexpired = _('Your session has expired. Further changes to the document might not be saved. Please refresh the session (or webpage) to continue. You might need to login again.'); errorMessages.faileddocloading = _('Failed to load the document. Please ensure the file type is supported and not corrupted, and try again.'); errorMessages.invalidLink = _('Invalid link: \'%url\''); errorMessages.leaving = _('You are leaving the document. The following web page will open in a new tab: '); errorMessages.docloadtimeout = _('Failed to load the document. This document is either malformed or is taking more resources than allowed. Please contact the administrator.'); errorMessages.docunloadingretry = _('Cleaning up the document from the last session.'); errorMessages.docunloadinggiveup = _('We are in the process of cleaning up this document from the last session, please try again later.'); errorMessages.clusterconfiguration = _('Your %productName cluster appear to be mis-configured or scaling rapidly - please contact your system administrator. Continuing with editing may result in multiple users not seeing each other, conflicts in the document storage and/or copy/paste problems. Expected serverId %0 for routeToken %1 but connected to serverId %2'); errorMessages.websocketproxyfailure = _('Failed to establish socket connection or socket connection closed unexpectedly. The reverse proxy might be misconfigured, please contact the administrator. For more info on proxy configuration please checkout https://sdk.collaboraonline.com/docs/installation/Proxy_settings.html'); errorMessages.websocketgenericfailure = _('Failed to establish socket connection or socket connection closed unexpectedly.'); if (window.ThisIsAMobileApp) { errorMessages.storage = { loadfailed: _('Failed to load document.'), savediskfull: _('Save failed due to no disk space left. Document will now be read-only.'), savetoolarge: _('The document is too large or no disk space left to save. Document will now be read-only.'), saveunauthorized: _('Document cannot be saved due to expired or invalid access token.'), savefailed: _('Document cannot be saved.'), renamefailed: _('Document cannot be renamed.') }; } else { errorMessages.storage = { loadfailed: _('Failed to read document from storage, please try to load the document again.'), savediskfull: _('Save failed due to no storage space left. Document will now be read-only. Please make sure enough disk space is available and try to save again.'), savetoolarge: _('Save failed because the document is too large or exceeds the remaining storage space. The document will now be read-only but you may still download it now to preserve a copy locally.'), saveunauthorized: _('Document cannot be saved due to expired or invalid access token.'), savefailed: _('Document cannot be saved, please check your permissions.'), renamefailed: _('Document cannot be renamed, please check your permissions.'), saveasfailed: _('Document cannot be exported. Please try again.') }; } errorMessages.uploadfile = { notfound: _('Uploading file to server failed, file not found.'), toolarge: _('Uploading file to server failed, the file is too large.') }; if (typeof window !== 'undefined') { window.errorMessages = errorMessages; }