/* -*- js-indent-level: 8; fill-column: 100 -*- */ /* * Collabora Online toolbar */ /* global app $ w2ui _ */ /*eslint indent: [error, "tab", { "outerIIFEBody": 0 }]*/ (function(global) { var map; function _cancelSearch() { var toolbar = window.mode.isMobile() ? w2ui['searchbar'] : w2ui['actionbar']; var searchInput = L.DomUtil.get('search-input'); map.resetSelection(); toolbar.hide('cancelsearch'); toolbar.disable('searchprev'); toolbar.disable('searchnext'); searchInput.value = ''; if (window.mode.isMobile()) { searchInput.focus(); // odd, but on mobile we need to invoke it twice toolbar.hide('cancelsearch'); } map._onGotFocus(); } function getUNOCommand(unoData) { if (typeof unoData !== 'object') return unoData; if (!map._clip) return unoData.textCommand; var selectionType = map._clip._selectionType; if (!selectionType || selectionType === 'text') return unoData.textCommand; return unoData.objectCommand; } function onClose() { if (window.ThisIsAMobileApp) { window.postMobileMessage('BYE'); } else { map.fire('postMessage', {msgId: 'close', args: {EverModified: map._everModified, Deprecated: true}}); map.fire('postMessage', {msgId: 'UI_Close', args: {EverModified: map._everModified}}); } if (!map._disableDefaultAction['UI_Close']) { map.remove(); } } function onClick(e, id, item) { if (w2ui['editbar'].get(id) !== null) { var toolbar = w2ui['editbar']; item = toolbar.get(id); } else if ('actionbar' in w2ui && w2ui['actionbar'].get(id) !== null) { toolbar = w2ui['actionbar']; item = toolbar.get(id); } else if (w2ui['searchbar'].get(id) !== null) { toolbar = w2ui['searchbar']; item = toolbar.get(id); } else { throw new Error('unknown id: ' + id); } if (id === 'sidebar' || id === 'modifypage' || id === 'slidechangewindow' || id === 'customanimation' || id === 'masterslidespanel') { window.initSidebarState = true; } // In the iOS app we don't want clicking on the toolbar to pop up the keyboard. if (!window.ThisIsTheiOSApp && id !== 'zoomin' && id !== 'zoomout' && id !== 'mobile_wizard' && id !== 'insertion_mobile_wizard') { map.focus(map.canAcceptKeyboardInput()); // Maintain same keyboard state. } if (item.disabled) { return; } if (item.postmessage && item.type === 'button') { map.fire('postMessage', {msgId: 'Clicked_Button', args: {Id: item.id} }); } else if (item.uno) { if (item.unosheet && map.getDocType() === 'spreadsheet') { map.toggleCommandState(item.unosheet); } else { map.toggleCommandState(getUNOCommand(item.uno)); } } else if (id === 'print') { map.print(); } else if (id === 'save') { // Save only when not read-only. if (!map.isPermissionReadOnly()) { map.fire('postMessage', {msgId: 'UI_Save'}); if (!map._disableDefaultAction['UI_Save']) { map.save(false /* An explicit save should terminate cell edit */, false /* An explicit save should save it again */); } } } else if (id === 'repair') { app.socket.sendMessage('commandvalues command=.uno:DocumentRepair'); } else if (id === 'showsearchbar') { $('#toolbar-down').hide(); $('#tb_editbar_item_showsearchbar .w2ui-button').removeClass('over'); $('#toolbar-search').show(); L.DomUtil.get('search-input').focus(); } else if ((id === 'presentation' || id === 'fullscreen-presentation') && map.getDocType() === 'presentation') { map.fire('fullscreen'); } else if (id === 'insertannotation') { map.insertComment(); } else if (id === 'insertgraphic' || item.id === 'localgraphic') { L.DomUtil.get('insertgraphic').click(); } else if (item.id === 'remotegraphic') { map.fire('postMessage', {msgId: 'UI_InsertGraphic'}); } else if (id === 'fontcolor' && typeof e.color === 'undefined') { map.fire('mobilewizard', {data: getColorPickerData('Font Color')}); } else if (id === 'backcolor' && typeof e.color === 'undefined') { map.fire('mobilewizard', {data: getColorPickerData('Highlight Color')}); } else if (id === 'fontcolor' && typeof e.color !== 'undefined') { onColorPick(id, e.color); } else if (id === 'backcolor' && typeof e.color !== 'undefined') { onColorPick(id, e.color); } else if (id === 'backgroundcolor' && typeof e.color !== 'undefined') { onColorPick(id, e.color); } else if (id === 'fold' || id === 'hamburger-tablet') { map.uiManager.toggleMenubar(); } else if (id === 'close' || id === 'closemobile') { map.uiManager.enterReadonlyOrClose(); } else if (id === 'link') { map.showHyperlinkDialog(); } else if (id === 'languagecode') { map.fire('languagedialog'); } } function _setBorders(left, right, bottom, top, horiz, vert, color) { var params = { OuterBorder: { type : '[]any', value : [ { type : 'com.sun.star.table.BorderLine2', value : { Color : { type : 'com.sun.star.util.Color', value : color }, InnerLineWidth : { type : 'short', value : 0 }, OuterLineWidth : { type : 'short', value : left }, LineDistance : { type : 'short', value : 0 }, LineStyle : { type : 'short', value : 0 }, LineWidth : { type : 'unsigned long', value : 0 } } }, { type : 'com.sun.star.table.BorderLine2', value : { Color : { type : 'com.sun.star.util.Color', value : color }, InnerLineWidth : { type : 'short', value : 0 }, OuterLineWidth : { type : 'short', value : right }, LineDistance : { type : 'short', value : 0 }, LineStyle : { type : 'short', value : 0 }, LineWidth : { type : 'unsigned long', value : 0 } } }, { type : 'com.sun.star.table.BorderLine2', value : { Color : { type : 'com.sun.star.util.Color', value : color }, InnerLineWidth : { type : 'short', value : 0 }, OuterLineWidth : { type : 'short', value : bottom }, LineDistance : { type : 'short', value : 0 }, LineStyle : { type : 'short', value : 0 }, LineWidth : { type : 'unsigned long', value : 0 } } }, { type : 'com.sun.star.table.BorderLine2', value : { Color : { type : 'com.sun.star.util.Color', value : color }, InnerLineWidth : { type : 'short', value : 0 }, OuterLineWidth : { type : 'short', value : top }, LineDistance : { type : 'short', value : 0 }, LineStyle : { type : 'short', value : 0 }, LineWidth : { type : 'unsigned long', value : 0 } } }, { type : 'long', value : 0 }, { type : 'long', value : 0 }, { type : 'long', value : 0 }, { type : 'long', value : 0 }, { type : 'long', value : 0 } ] }, InnerBorder: { type : '[]any', value : [ { type : 'com.sun.star.table.BorderLine2', value : { Color : { type : 'com.sun.star.util.Color', value : color }, InnerLineWidth : { type : 'short', value : 0 }, OuterLineWidth : { type : 'short', value : horiz }, LineDistance : { type : 'short', value : 0 }, LineStyle : { type : 'short', value : 0 }, LineWidth : { type : 'unsigned long', value : 0 } } }, { type : 'com.sun.star.table.BorderLine2', value : { Color : { type : 'com.sun.star.util.Color', value : color }, InnerLineWidth : { type : 'short', value : 0 }, OuterLineWidth : { type : 'short', value : vert }, LineDistance : { type : 'short', value : 0 }, LineStyle : { type : 'short', value : 0 }, LineWidth : { type : 'unsigned long', value : 0 } } }, { type : 'short', value : 0 }, { type : 'short', value : 127 }, { type : 'long', value : 0 } ] }}; map.sendUnoCommand('.uno:SetBorderStyle', params); } // close the popup function closePopup() { if ($('#w2ui-overlay-editbar').length > 0) { $('#w2ui-overlay-editbar').removeData('keepOpen')[0].hide(); } map.focus(); } function setBorderStyle(num, color) { if (color === undefined) color = 0; // black else if (color.startsWith('#')) color = parseInt('0x' + color.substring(1, color.length)); switch (num) { case 0: map.sendUnoCommand('.uno:FormatCellBorders'); break; case 1: _setBorders(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, color); break; case 2: _setBorders(1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, color); break; case 3: _setBorders(0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, color); break; case 4: _setBorders(1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, color); break; case 5: _setBorders(0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, color); break; case 6: _setBorders(0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, color); break; case 7: _setBorders(0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, color); break; case 8: _setBorders(1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, color); break; case 9: _setBorders(0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, color); break; case 10: _setBorders(1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, color); break; case 11: _setBorders(1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, color); break; case 12: _setBorders(1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, color); break; default: console.log('ignored border: ' + num); } // TODO we may consider keeping it open in the future if we add border color // and style to this popup too closePopup(); } global.setBorderStyle = setBorderStyle; function getBorderStyleMenuHtml() { return '' + '' + '' + '' + '' + '' + '' + '
' + _('More...') + '
'; } global.getBorderStyleMenuHtml = getBorderStyleMenuHtml; function setConditionalFormatIconSet(num) { var params = { IconSet: { type : 'short', value : num }}; map.sendUnoCommand('.uno:IconSetFormatDialog', params); closePopup(); } global.setConditionalFormatIconSet = setConditionalFormatIconSet; function getConditionalFormatMenuHtml() { return '' + '' + '' + '' + // iconset07 deliberately left out, see the .css for the reason '' + '' + '' + '
'; } global.getConditionalFormatMenuHtml = getConditionalFormatMenuHtml; function getInsertTablePopupHtml() { return '

'; } function insertTable() { var rows = 10; var cols = 10; var $grid = $('.inserttable-grid'); var $status = $('#inserttable-status'); // init for (var r = 0; r < rows; r++) { var $row = $('
').addClass('row'); $grid.append($row); for (var c = 0; c < cols; c++) { var $col = $('
').addClass('col'); $row.append($col); } } // events $grid.on({ mouseover: function () { var col = $(this).index() + 1; var row = $(this).parent().index() + 1; $('.col').removeClass('bright'); $('.row:nth-child(-n+' + row + ') .col:nth-child(-n+' + col + ')') .addClass('bright'); $status.html(col + 'x' + row); }, click: function() { var col = $(this).index() + 1; var row = $(this).parent().index() + 1; $('.col').removeClass('bright'); $status.html('
'); var msg = 'uno .uno:InsertTable {' + ' "Columns": { "type": "long","value": ' + col + ' }, "Rows": { "type": "long","value": ' + row + ' }}'; app.socket.sendMessage(msg); closePopup(); } }, '.col'); } var shapes = { 'insertshapes': { 'Basic Shapes': [ {img: 'basicshapes_rectangle', uno: 'BasicShapes.rectangle'}, {img: 'basicshapes_round-rectangle', uno: 'BasicShapes.round-rectangle'}, {img: 'basicshapes_quadrat', uno: 'BasicShapes.quadrat'}, {img: 'basicshapes_round-quadrat', uno: 'BasicShapes.round-quadrat'}, {img: 'basicshapes_circle', uno: 'BasicShapes.circle'}, {img: 'basicshapes_ellipse', uno: 'BasicShapes.ellipse'}, {img: 'basicshapes_circle-pie', uno: 'BasicShapes.circle-pie'}, {img: 'basicshapes_isosceles-triangle', uno: 'BasicShapes.isosceles-triangle'}, {img: 'basicshapes_right-triangle', uno: 'BasicShapes.right-triangle'}, {img: 'basicshapes_trapezoid', uno: 'BasicShapes.trapezoid'}, {img: 'basicshapes_diamond', uno: 'BasicShapes.diamond'}, {img: 'basicshapes_parallelogram', uno: 'BasicShapes.parallelogram'}, {img: 'basicshapes_pentagon', uno: 'BasicShapes.pentagon'}, {img: 'basicshapes_hexagon', uno: 'BasicShapes.hexagon'}, {img: 'basicshapes_octagon', uno: 'BasicShapes.octagon'}, {img: 'basicshapes_cross', uno: 'BasicShapes.cross'}, {img: 'basicshapes_ring', uno: 'BasicShapes.ring'}, {img: 'basicshapes_block-arc', uno: 'BasicShapes.block-arc'}, {img: 'basicshapes_can', uno: 'BasicShapes.can'}, {img: 'basicshapes_cube', uno: 'BasicShapes.cube'}, {img: 'basicshapes_paper', uno: 'BasicShapes.paper'}, {img: 'basicshapes_frame', uno: 'BasicShapes.frame'} ], 'Symbol Shapes': [ {img: 'symbolshapes', uno: 'SymbolShapes.smiley'}, {img: 'symbolshapes_sun', uno: 'SymbolShapes.sun'}, {img: 'symbolshapes_moon', uno: 'SymbolShapes.moon'}, {img: 'symbolshapes_lightning', uno: 'SymbolShapes.lightning'}, {img: 'symbolshapes_heart', uno: 'SymbolShapes.heart'}, {img: 'symbolshapes_flower', uno: 'SymbolShapes.flower'}, {img: 'symbolshapes_cloud', uno: 'SymbolShapes.cloud'}, {img: 'symbolshapes_forbidden', uno: 'SymbolShapes.forbidden'}, {img: 'symbolshapes_puzzle', uno: 'SymbolShapes.puzzle'}, {img: 'symbolshapes_bracket-pair', uno: 'SymbolShapes.bracket-pair'}, {img: 'symbolshapes_left-bracket', uno: 'SymbolShapes.left-bracket'}, {img: 'symbolshapes_right-bracket', uno: 'SymbolShapes.right-bracket'}, {img: 'symbolshapes_brace-pair', uno: 'SymbolShapes.brace-pair'}, {img: 'symbolshapes_left-brace', uno: 'SymbolShapes.left-brace'}, {img: 'symbolshapes_right-brace', uno: 'SymbolShapes.right-brace'}, {img: 'symbolshapes_quad-bevel', uno: 'SymbolShapes.quad-bevel'}, {img: 'symbolshapes_octagon-bevel', uno: 'SymbolShapes.octagon-bevel'}, {img: 'symbolshapes_diamond-bevel', uno: 'SymbolShapes.diamond-bevel'} ], 'Block Arrows': [ {img: 'arrowshapes_left-arrow', uno: 'ArrowShapes.left-arrow'}, {img: 'arrowshapes_right-arrow', uno: 'ArrowShapes.right-arrow'}, {img: 'arrowshapes_up-arrow', uno: 'ArrowShapes.up-arrow'}, {img: 'arrowshapes_down-arrow', uno: 'ArrowShapes.down-arrow'}, {img: 'arrowshapes_left-right-arrow', uno: 'ArrowShapes.left-right-arrow'}, {img: 'arrowshapes_up-down-arrow', uno: 'ArrowShapes.up-down-arrow'}, {img: 'arrowshapes_up-right-arrow', uno: 'ArrowShapes.up-right-arrow'}, {img: 'arrowshapes_up-right-down-arrow', uno: 'ArrowShapes.up-right-down-arrow'}, {img: 'arrowshapes_quad-arrow', uno: 'ArrowShapes.quad-arrow'}, {img: 'arrowshapes_corner-right-arrow', uno: 'ArrowShapes.corner-right-arrow'}, {img: 'arrowshapes_split-arrow', uno: 'ArrowShapes.split-arrow'}, {img: 'arrowshapes_striped-right-arrow', uno: 'ArrowShapes.striped-right-arrow'}, {img: 'arrowshapes_notched-right-arrow', uno: 'ArrowShapes.notched-right-arrow'}, {img: 'arrowshapes_pentagon-right', uno: 'ArrowShapes.pentagon-right'}, {img: 'arrowshapes_chevron', uno: 'ArrowShapes.chevron'}, {img: 'arrowshapes_right-arrow-callout', uno: 'ArrowShapes.right-arrow-callout'}, {img: 'arrowshapes_left-arrow-callout', uno: 'ArrowShapes.left-arrow-callout'}, {img: 'arrowshapes_up-arrow-callout', uno: 'ArrowShapes.up-arrow-callout'}, {img: 'arrowshapes_down-arrow-callout', uno: 'ArrowShapes.down-arrow-callout'}, {img: 'arrowshapes_left-right-arrow-callout', uno: 'ArrowShapes.left-right-arrow-callout'}, {img: 'arrowshapes_up-down-arrow-callout', uno: 'ArrowShapes.up-down-arrow-callout'}, {img: 'arrowshapes_up-right-arrow-callout', uno: 'ArrowShapes.up-right-arrow-callout'}, {img: 'arrowshapes_quad-arrow-callout', uno: 'ArrowShapes.quad-arrow-callout'}, {img: 'arrowshapes_circular-arrow', uno: 'ArrowShapes.circular-arrow'}, {img: 'arrowshapes_split-round-arrow', uno: 'ArrowShapes.split-round-arrow'}, {img: 'arrowshapes_s-sharped-arrow', uno: 'ArrowShapes.s-sharped-arrow'} ], 'Stars and Banners': [ {img: 'starshapes_bang', uno: 'StarShapes.bang'}, {img: 'starshapes_star4', uno: 'StarShapes.star4'}, {img: 'starshapes_star5', uno: 'StarShapes.star5'}, {img: 'starshapes_star6', uno: 'StarShapes.star6'}, {img: 'starshapes_star8', uno: 'StarShapes.star8'}, {img: 'starshapes_star12', uno: 'StarShapes.star12'}, {img: 'starshapes_star24', uno: 'StarShapes.star24'}, {img: 'starshapes_concave-star6', uno: 'StarShapes.concave-star6'}, {img: 'starshapes_vertical-scroll', uno: 'StarShapes.vertical-scroll'}, {img: 'starshapes_horizontal-scroll', uno: 'StarShapes.horizontal-scroll'}, {img: 'starshapes_signet', uno: 'StarShapes.signet'}, {img: 'starshapes_doorplate', uno: 'StarShapes.doorplate'} ], 'Callouts': [ {img: 'calloutshapes_rectangular-callout', uno: 'CalloutShapes.rectangular-callout'}, {img: 'calloutshapes_round-rectangular-callout', uno: 'CalloutShapes.round-rectangular-callout'}, {img: 'calloutshapes_round-callout', uno: 'CalloutShapes.round-callout'}, {img: 'calloutshapes_cloud-callout', uno: 'CalloutShapes.cloud-callout'}, {img: 'calloutshapes_line-callout-1', uno: 'CalloutShapes.line-callout-1'}, {img: 'calloutshapes_line-callout-2', uno: 'CalloutShapes.line-callout-2'}, {img: 'calloutshapes_line-callout-3', uno: 'CalloutShapes.line-callout-3'} ], 'Flowchart': [ {img: 'flowchartshapes_flowchart-process', uno: 'FlowchartShapes.flowchart-process'}, {img: 'flowchartshapes_flowchart-alternate-process', uno: 'FlowchartShapes.flowchart-alternate-process'}, {img: 'flowchartshapes_flowchart-decision', uno: 'FlowchartShapes.flowchart-decision'}, {img: 'flowchartshapes_flowchart-data', uno: 'FlowchartShapes.flowchart-data'}, {img: 'flowchartshapes_flowchart-predefined-process', uno: 'FlowchartShapes.flowchart-predefined-process'}, {img: 'flowchartshapes_flowchart-internal-storage', uno: 'FlowchartShapes.flowchart-internal-storage'}, {img: 'flowchartshapes_flowchart-document', uno: 'FlowchartShapes.flowchart-document'}, {img: 'flowchartshapes_flowchart-multidocument', uno: 'FlowchartShapes.flowchart-multidocument'}, {img: 'flowchartshapes_flowchart-terminator', uno: 'FlowchartShapes.flowchart-terminator'}, {img: 'flowchartshapes_flowchart-preparation', uno: 'FlowchartShapes.flowchart-preparation'}, {img: 'flowchartshapes_flowchart-manual-input', uno: 'FlowchartShapes.flowchart-manual-input'}, {img: 'flowchartshapes_flowchart-manual-operation', uno: 'FlowchartShapes.flowchart-manual-operation'}, {img: 'flowchartshapes_flowchart-connector', uno: 'FlowchartShapes.flowchart-connector'}, {img: 'flowchartshapes_flowchart-off-page-connector', uno: 'FlowchartShapes.flowchart-off-page-connector'}, {img: 'flowchartshapes_flowchart-card', uno: 'FlowchartShapes.flowchart-card'}, {img: 'flowchartshapes_flowchart-punched-tape', uno: 'FlowchartShapes.flowchart-punched-tape'}, {img: 'flowchartshapes_flowchart-summing-junction', uno: 'FlowchartShapes.flowchart-summing-junction'}, {img: 'flowchartshapes_flowchart-or', uno: 'FlowchartShapes.flowchart-or'}, {img: 'flowchartshapes_flowchart-collate', uno: 'FlowchartShapes.flowchart-collate'}, {img: 'flowchartshapes_flowchart-sort', uno: 'FlowchartShapes.flowchart-sort'}, {img: 'flowchartshapes_flowchart-extract', uno: 'FlowchartShapes.flowchart-extract'}, {img: 'flowchartshapes_flowchart-merge', uno: 'FlowchartShapes.flowchart-merge'}, {img: 'flowchartshapes_flowchart-stored-data', uno: 'FlowchartShapes.flowchart-stored-data'}, {img: 'flowchartshapes_flowchart-delay', uno: 'FlowchartShapes.flowchart-delay'}, {img: 'flowchartshapes_flowchart-sequential-access', uno: 'FlowchartShapes.flowchart-sequential-access'}, {img: 'flowchartshapes_flowchart-magnetic-disk', uno: 'FlowchartShapes.flowchart-magnetic-disk'}, {img: 'flowchartshapes_flowchart-direct-access-storage', uno: 'FlowchartShapes.flowchart-direct-access-storage'}, {img: 'flowchartshapes_flowchart-display', uno: 'FlowchartShapes.flowchart-display'} ] }, 'insertconnectors': { 'Connectors': [ {img: 'connectors_connector', uno: 'Connector'}, {img: 'connectors_connectorarrows', uno: 'ConnectorArrows'}, {img: 'connectors_connectorarrowend', uno: 'ConnectorArrowEnd'}, {img: 'connectors_connectorlinearrowend', uno: 'ConnectorLineArrowEnd'}, {img: 'connectors_connectorcurvearrowend', uno: 'ConnectorCurveArrowEnd'}, {img: 'connectors_connectorlinesarrowend', uno: 'ConnectorLinesArrowEnd'}, {img: 'connectors_connectorline', uno: 'ConnectorLine'}, {img: 'connectors_connectorcurve', uno: 'ConnectorCurve'}, {img: 'connectors_connectorlines', uno: 'ConnectorLines'}, {img: 'connectors_connectorlinearrows', uno: 'ConnectorLineArrows'}, {img: 'connectors_connectorcurvearrows', uno: 'ConnectorCurvearrows'} ] } }; function createShapesPanel(shapeType) { var $grid = $('
').addClass('insertshape-grid'); var collection = shapes[shapeType]; for (var s in collection) { var $rowHeader = $('
').addClass('row-header cool-font').append(_(s)); $grid.append($rowHeader); var $row = $('
').addClass('row'); $grid.append($row); for (var idx = 0; idx < collection[s].length; ++idx) { var shape = collection[s][idx]; var $col = $('
').addClass('col w2ui-icon').addClass(shape.img); $col.data('uno', shape.uno); $row.append($col); } } $grid.on({ click: function(e) { map.sendUnoCommand('.uno:' + $(e.target).data().uno); map._docLayer._closeMobileWizard(); } }); return $grid.get(0); } function insertShapes(shapeType) { var width = 10; var $grid = $('.insertshape-grid'); if (window.mode.isDesktop() || window.mode.isTablet()) $grid.css('margin-botttom', '0px'); if ($grid.children().length > 0) return; var collection = shapes[shapeType]; for (var s in collection) { var $rowHeader = $('
').addClass('row-header cool-font').append(_(s)); $grid.append($rowHeader); var rows = Math.ceil(collection[s].length / width); var idx = 0; for (var r = 0; r < rows; r++) { var $row = $('
').addClass('row'); $grid.append($row); for (var c = 0; c < width; c++) { if (idx >= collection[s].length) { break; } var shape = collection[s][idx++]; var $col = $('
').addClass('col w2ui-icon').addClass(shape.img); $col.data('uno', shape.uno); $row.append($col); } if (idx >= collection[s].length) break; } } $grid.on({ click: function(e) { map.sendUnoCommand('.uno:' + $(e.target).data().uno); closePopup(); } }); } function getShapesPopupHtml() { return '
'; } function showColorPicker(id) { var it = w2ui['editbar'].get(id); var obj = w2ui['editbar']; var el = '#tb_editbar_item_' + id; if (it.transparent == null) it.transparent = true; $(el).w2color({ color: it.color, transparent: it.transparent }, function (color) { if (color != null) { obj.colorClick({ name: obj.name, item: it, color: color }); } closePopup(); }); } function getColorPickerHTML(id) { return '
'; } function getColorPickerData(type) { var uno; if (type === 'Font Color') { if (map.getDocType() === 'spreadsheet' || map.getDocType() === 'presentation') uno = '.uno:Color'; else uno = '.uno:FontColor'; } else if (type === 'Highlight Color') { if (map.getDocType() === 'spreadsheet') uno = '.uno:BackgroundColor'; else if (map.getDocType() === 'presentation') uno = '.uno:CharBackColor'; else uno = '.uno:BackColor'; } var data = { id: 'colorpicker', type: 'window', text: _(type), enabled: 'true', children: [ { type: 'toolitem', text: '', command: uno, nosubmenu: true } ], vertical: 'true' }; return data; } function onColorPick(id, color) { if (!map.isPermissionEdit()) { return; } // no fill or automatic color is -1 if (color === '') { color = -1; } // transform from #FFFFFF to an Int else { color = parseInt(color.replace('#', ''), 16); } var command = {}; var fontcolor, backcolor; if (id === 'fontcolor') { fontcolor = {'text': 'FontColor', 'spreadsheet': 'Color', 'presentation': 'Color'}[map.getDocType()]; command[fontcolor] = {}; command[fontcolor].type = 'long'; command[fontcolor].value = color; var uno = '.uno:' + fontcolor; } // "backcolor" can be used in Writer and Impress and translates to "Highlighting" while // "backgroundcolor" can be used in Writer and Calc and translates to "Background color". else if (id === 'backcolor') { backcolor = {'text': 'BackColor', 'presentation': 'CharBackColor'}[map.getDocType()]; command[backcolor] = {}; command[backcolor].type = 'long'; command[backcolor].value = color; uno = '.uno:' + backcolor; } else if (id === 'backgroundcolor') { backcolor = {'text': 'BackgroundColor', 'spreadsheet': 'BackgroundColor'}[map.getDocType()]; command[backcolor] = {}; command[backcolor].type = 'long'; command[backcolor].value = color; uno = '.uno:' + backcolor; } map.sendUnoCommand(uno, command); map.focus(); } function hideTooltip(toolbar, id) { if (toolbar.touchStarted) { setTimeout(function() { toolbar.tooltipHide(id, {}); }, 5000); toolbar.touchStarted = false; } } function setupSearchInput() { $('#search-input').off('input', onSearchInput).on('input', onSearchInput); $('#search-input').off('keydown', onSearchKeyDown).on('keydown', onSearchKeyDown); $('#search-input').off('focus', onSearchFocus).on('focus', onSearchFocus); $('#search-input').off('blur', onSearchBlur).on('blur', onSearchBlur); } function unoCmdToToolbarId(commandname) { var id = commandname.toLowerCase().substr(5); var selectionType = 'text'; if (map._clip && map._clip._selectionType) selectionType = map._clip._selectionType; if (map.getDocType() === 'spreadsheet') { switch (id) { case 'alignleft': id = 'leftpara'; break; case 'alignhorizontalcenter': id = 'centerpara'; break; case 'alignright': id = 'rightpara'; break; } } else if (selectionType == 'complex') { // ignore the text align state messages. if (id === 'leftpara' || id === 'rightpara' || id === 'centerpara') { id = ''; } // convert the object align statemessages to align button ids. switch (id) { case 'objectalignleft': id = 'leftpara'; break; case 'aligncenter': id = 'centerpara'; break; case 'objectalignright': id = 'rightpara'; break; } } else if (id === 'objectalignleft' || id === 'aligncenter' || id === 'objectalignright') { // selectionType is 'text', so ignore object align state messages. id = ''; } if (id === 'hyperlinkdialog') id = 'link'; return id; } function updateSearchButtons() { var toolbar = window.mode.isMobile() ? w2ui['searchbar'] : w2ui['actionbar']; // conditionally disabling until, we find a solution for tdf#108577 if (L.DomUtil.get('search-input').value === '') { toolbar.disable('searchprev'); toolbar.disable('searchnext'); toolbar.hide('cancelsearch'); } else { toolbar.enable('searchprev'); toolbar.enable('searchnext'); toolbar.show('cancelsearch'); } } function onSearchInput() { updateSearchButtons(); if (map.getDocType() === 'text') { // perform the immediate search in Writer map.search(L.DomUtil.get('search-input').value, false, '', 0, true /* expand search */); } } function onSearchKeyDown(e) { var entry = L.DomUtil.get('search-input'); if ((e.keyCode === 71 && e.ctrlKey) || e.keyCode === 114 || e.keyCode === 13) { if (e.shiftKey) { map.search(entry.value, true); } else { map.search(entry.value); } e.preventDefault(); } else if (e.ctrlKey && e.keyCode === 70) { entry.focus(); entry.select(); e.originalEvent.preventDefault(); } else if (e.keyCode === 27) { _cancelSearch(); } } function onSearchFocus() { // Start searching. map.fire('searchstart'); updateSearchButtons(); } function onSearchBlur() { map._onGotFocus(); } function onInsertFile() { var insertGraphic = L.DomUtil.get('insertgraphic'); if ('files' in insertGraphic) { for (var i = 0; i < insertGraphic.files.length; i++) { var file = insertGraphic.files[i]; map.insertFile(file); } } // Set the value to null everytime so that onchange event is triggered, // even if the same file is selected insertGraphic.value = null; return false; } function onInsertBackground() { var selectBackground = L.DomUtil.get('selectbackground'); if ('files' in selectBackground) { for (var i = 0; i < selectBackground.files.length; i++) { var file = selectBackground.files[i]; map.selectBackground(file); } } // Set the value to null everytime so that onchange event is triggered, // even if the same file is selected selectBackground.value = null; return false; } function onWopiProps(e) { if (e.DisableCopy) { $('input#formulaInput').bind('copy', function(evt) { evt.preventDefault(); }); $('input#addressInput').bind('copy', function(evt) { evt.preventDefault(); }); } } function processStateChangedCommand(commandName, state) { var toolbar = w2ui['editbar']; var color, div; if (!commandName) return; if (commandName === '.uno:AssignLayout') { $('.styles-select').val(state).trigger('change'); } else if (commandName === '.uno:FontColor' || commandName === '.uno:Color') { // confusingly, the .uno: command is named differently in Writer, Calc and Impress color = parseInt(state); if (color === -1) { color = 'transparent'; } else { color = color.toString(16); color = '#' + Array(7 - color.length).join('0') + color; } $('#tb_editbar_item_fontcolor .w2ui-tb-image').css('box-shadow', 'inset 0 -2px #ffffff, inset 0px -6px ' + color); $('#tb_editbar_item_fontcolor .w2ui-tb-caption').css('display', 'none'); div = L.DomUtil.get('fontcolorindicator'); if (div) { L.DomUtil.setStyle(div, 'background', color); } } else if (commandName === '.uno:BackColor' || commandName === '.uno:BackgroundColor' || commandName === '.uno:CharBackColor') { // confusingly, the .uno: command is named differently in Writer, Calc and Impress color = parseInt(state); if (color === -1) { color = 'transparent'; } else { color = color.toString(16); color = '#' + Array(7 - color.length).join('0') + color; } //writer $('#tb_editbar_item_backcolor .w2ui-tb-image').css('box-shadow', 'inset 0 -2px #ffffff, inset 0px -6px ' + color); $('#tb_editbar_item_backcolor .w2ui-tb-caption').css('display', 'none'); //calc? $('#tb_editbar_item_backgroundcolor .w2ui-tb-image').css('box-shadow', 'inset 0 -2px #ffffff, inset 0px -6px ' + color); $('#tb_editbar_item_backgroundcolor .w2ui-tb-caption').css('display', 'none'); div = L.DomUtil.get('backcolorindicator'); if (div) { L.DomUtil.setStyle(div, 'background', color); } } else if (commandName === '.uno:LanguageStatus') { var code = state; var split = code.split(';'); if (split.length > 1) { code = split[1]; } w2ui['editbar'].set('languagecode', {text: code}); } else if (commandName === '.uno:ModifiedStatus') { if (state === 'true') { w2ui['editbar'].set('save', {img:'savemodified'}); } else { w2ui['editbar'].set('save', {img:'save'}); } } else if (commandName === '.uno:DocumentRepair') { if (state === 'true') { toolbar.enable('repair'); } else { toolbar.disable('repair'); } } else if (commandName === '.uno:FormatPaintbrush') { if (state === 'true') $('.leaflet-pane.leaflet-map-pane').addClass('bucket-cursor'); else $('.leaflet-pane.leaflet-map-pane').removeClass('bucket-cursor'); } if (commandName === '.uno:SpacePara1' || commandName === '.uno:SpacePara15' || commandName === '.uno:SpacePara2') { toolbar.refresh(); } var id = unoCmdToToolbarId(commandName); // id is set to '' by unoCmdToToolbarId() if the statechange message should be ignored. if (id === '') return; if (state === 'true') { if (map.isPermissionEdit()) { toolbar.enable(id); } toolbar.check(id); } else if (state === 'false') { if (map.isPermissionEdit()) { toolbar.enable(id); } toolbar.uncheck(id); } // Change the toolbar button states if we are in editmode // If in non-edit mode, will be taken care of when permission is changed to 'edit' else if (map.isPermissionEdit() && (state === 'enabled' || state === 'disabled')) { var toolbarUp = toolbar; if (state === 'enabled') { toolbarUp.enable(id); } else { toolbarUp.uncheck(id); toolbarUp.disable(id); } } } function onCommandStateChanged(e) { processStateChangedCommand(e.commandName, e.state); } function onUpdateParts(e) { $('#document-container').addClass(e.docType + '-doctype'); if (e.docType === 'text') { var current = e.currentPage; var count = e.pages; } else { current = e.selectedPart; count = e.parts; } var toolbar = w2ui['actionbar']; if (!toolbar) { return; } if (!window.mode.isMobile()) { if (e.docType === 'presentation') { toolbar.set('prev', {hint: _('Previous slide')}); toolbar.set('next', {hint: _('Next slide')}); } else { toolbar.hide('presentation'); toolbar.hide('insertpage'); toolbar.hide('duplicatepage'); toolbar.hide('deletepage'); } } if (app.file.fileBasedView) { toolbar.enable('prev'); toolbar.enable('next'); return; } if (e.docType !== 'spreadsheet') { if (current === 0) { toolbar.disable('prev'); } else { toolbar.enable('prev'); } if (current === count - 1) { toolbar.disable('next'); } else { toolbar.enable('next'); } } } function onCommandResult(e) { var commandName = e.commandName; if (commandName === '.uno:Save') { if (e.success) { // Saved a new version; the document is modified. map._everModified = true; // document is saved for rename if (map._renameFilename) { var renameFilename = map._renameFilename; map._renameFilename = ''; map.renameFile(renameFilename); } } var postMessageObj = { success: e.success }; if (!e.success) { // add the result reason string if failed postMessageObj['result'] = e.result && e.result.value; } map.fire('postMessage', {msgId: 'Action_Save_Resp', args: postMessageObj}); } else if ((commandName === '.uno:Undo' || commandName === '.uno:Redo') && e.success === true && e.result.value && !isNaN(e.result.value)) { /*UNDO_CONFLICT*/ $('#tb_editbar_item_repair').w2overlay({ html: '
' + _('Conflict Undo/Redo with multiple users. Please use document repair to resolve') + '
'}); } } function onUpdatePermission(e) { var toolbar = w2ui['editbar']; if (toolbar) { // always enabled items var enabledButtons = ['closemobile', 'undo', 'redo', 'hamburger-tablet']; // copy the first array var items = toolbar.items.slice(); for (var idx in items) { var found = enabledButtons.filter(function(id) { return id === items[idx].id; }); var alwaysEnable = found.length !== 0; if (e.perm === 'edit') { var unoCmd = map.getDocType() === 'spreadsheet' ? items[idx].unosheet : getUNOCommand(items[idx].uno); var keepDisabled = map['stateChangeHandler'].getItemValue(unoCmd) === 'disabled'; if (!keepDisabled || alwaysEnable) { toolbar.enable(items[idx].id); } $('.main-nav').removeClass('readonly'); $('#toolbar-down').removeClass('readonly'); } else if (!alwaysEnable) { $('.main-nav').addClass('readonly'); $('#toolbar-down').addClass('readonly'); toolbar.disable(items[idx].id); } } if (e.perm === 'edit') { toolbar.set('closemobile', {img: 'editmode'}); } else { toolbar.set('closemobile', {img: 'closemobile'}); } } } function editorUpdate(e) { // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars var docLayer = map._docLayer; if (e.target.checked) { var editorId = docLayer._editorId; docLayer._followUser = false; docLayer._followEditor = true; if (editorId !== -1 && editorId !== docLayer._viewId) { map._goToViewId(editorId); docLayer._followThis = editorId; } var userlistItem = w2ui['actionbar'].get('userlist'); if (userlistItem !== null) { $('.selected-user').removeClass('selected-user'); } } else { docLayer._followEditor = false; docLayer._followThis = -1; } $('#tb_actionbar_item_userlist').w2overlay(''); } global.editorUpdate = editorUpdate; $(document).ready(function() { // Attach insert file action $('#insertgraphic').on('change', onInsertFile); $('#selectbackground').on('change', onInsertBackground); }); function setupToolbar(e) { map = e; map.on('focussearch', function () { var entry = L.DomUtil.get('search-input'); entry.focus(); entry.select(); }); map.on('search', function (e) { var searchInput = L.DomUtil.get('search-input'); var toolbar = w2ui['actionbar']; if (e.count === 0) { toolbar.disable('searchprev'); toolbar.disable('searchnext'); toolbar.hide('cancelsearch'); L.DomUtil.addClass(searchInput, 'search-not-found'); $('#findthis').addClass('search-not-found'); map.resetSelection(); setTimeout(function () { $('#findthis').removeClass('search-not-found'); L.DomUtil.removeClass(searchInput, 'search-not-found'); }, 800); } }); map.on('hyperlinkclicked', function (e) { if (e.url) { if (e.coordinates) { var strTwips = e.coordinates.match(/\d+/g); var topLeftTwips = new L.Point(parseInt(strTwips[6]), parseInt(strTwips[1])); var offset = new L.Point(parseInt(strTwips[2]), parseInt(strTwips[3])); var bottomRightTwips = topLeftTwips.add(offset); var cellCursor = new L.LatLngBounds( map._docLayer._twipsToLatLng(topLeftTwips, map.getZoom()), map._docLayer._twipsToLatLng(bottomRightTwips, map.getZoom())); //click pos tweak cellCursor._northEast.lng = cellCursor._southWest.lng; map._docLayer._closeURLPopUp(); map._docLayer._showURLPopUp(cellCursor._northEast, e.url); } else { map.fire('warn', {url: e.url, map: map, cmd: 'openlink'}); } } }); map.on('updatepermission', onUpdatePermission); map.on('wopiprops', onWopiProps); map.on('commandresult', onCommandResult); map.on('updateparts pagenumberchanged', onUpdateParts); if (map.options.wopi && L.Params.closeButtonEnabled && !window.mode.isMobile()) { $('#closebuttonwrapper').css('display', 'block'); } else if (!L.Params.closeButtonEnabled) { $('#closebuttonwrapper').hide(); } else if (L.Params.closeButtonEnabled && !window.mode.isMobile()) { $('#closebuttonwrapper').css('display', 'block'); } $('#closebutton').click(onClose); } function updateVisibilityForToolbar(toolbar, context) { if (!toolbar) return; var toShow = []; var toHide = []; toolbar.items.forEach(function(item) { if (window.ThisIsTheiOSApp && window.mode.isTablet() && item.iosapptablet === false) { toHide.push(item.id); } else if (((window.mode.isMobile() && item.mobile === false) || (window.mode.isTablet() && item.tablet === false) || (window.mode.isDesktop() && item.desktop === false) || (!window.ThisIsAMobileApp && item.mobilebrowser === false)) && !item.hidden) { toHide.push(item.id); } else if (((window.mode.isMobile() && item.mobile === true) || (window.mode.isTablet() && item.tablet === true) || (window.mode.isDesktop() && item.desktop === true) || (window.ThisIsAMobileApp && item.mobilebrowser === true)) && item.hidden) { toShow.push(item.id); } if (context && item.context) { if (item.context.indexOf(context) >= 0) toShow.push(item.id); else toHide.push(item.id); } else if (!context && item.context) { if (item.context.indexOf('default') >= 0) toShow.push(item.id); else toHide.push(item.id); } }); console.log('explicitly hiding: ' + toHide); console.log('explicitly showing: ' + toShow); toHide.forEach(function(item) { toolbar.hide(item); }); toShow.forEach(function(item) { toolbar.show(item); }); } global.onClose = onClose; global.setupToolbar = setupToolbar; global.onClick = onClick; global.hideTooltip = hideTooltip; global.insertTable = insertTable; global.getInsertTablePopupHtml = getInsertTablePopupHtml; global.getShapesPopupHtml = getShapesPopupHtml; global.insertShapes = insertShapes; global.createShapesPanel = createShapesPanel; global.onUpdatePermission = onUpdatePermission; global.setupSearchInput = setupSearchInput; global.getUNOCommand = getUNOCommand; global.unoCmdToToolbarId = unoCmdToToolbarId; global.onCommandStateChanged = onCommandStateChanged; global.processStateChangedCommand = processStateChangedCommand; global.showColorPicker = showColorPicker; global.getColorPickerHTML = getColorPickerHTML; global.updateVisibilityForToolbar = updateVisibilityForToolbar; global.onUpdateParts = onUpdateParts; }(window));