Examples Dataset for Statistical Functions /text/scalc/01/ex_data_stat_func.xhp
Consider the following table A B C 1 Product Name Sales Revenue 2 pencil 20 65 3 pen 35 85 4 notebook 20 190 5 book 17 180 6 pencil-case not not
In all examples below, ranges for calculation contain the row #6, which is ignored because it contains text.
Func_Range; Range1; Criterion1[; Range2; Criterion2][; … ; [Range127; Criterion127]]
The logical relation between criteria can be defined as logical AND (conjunction). In other words, if and only if all given criteria are met, a value from the corresponding cell of the given Func_Range is taken into calculation.
Func_Range and Range1, Range2... must have the same size, otherwise the function returns err:502 - Invalid argument.
Range1 – required argument. It is a range of cells, a name of a named range, or a label of a column or a row, to which the corresponding criterion is to be applied. Criterion1 – required argument. A string expression representing a logical condition or a cell reference to such string expression. The expression can contain text, numbers, regular expressions or wildcards (if enabled in calculation options). Range2 – Optional. Range2 and all the following mean the same as Range1. Criterion2 – Optional. Criterion2 and all the following mean the same as Criterion1.
The function can have up to 255 arguments, meaning that you can specify 127 criteria ranges and criteria for them. If a cell contains TRUE, it is treated as 1, if a cell contains FALSE – as 0 (zero).