MsgBox Statement /text/sbasic/shared/03010101.xhp
MsgBox statement

MsgBox Statement

Displays a dialog box containing a message.
MsgBox prompt As String [,buttons = MB_OK [,title As String]] response = MsgBox( prompt As String [,buttons = MB_OK [,title As String]])
prompt: String expression displayed as a message in the dialog box. Line breaks can be inserted with Chr$(13). title: String expression displayed in the title bar of the dialog. If omitted, the title bar displays the name of the respective application. buttons: Any integer expression that specifies the dialog type, as well as the number and type of buttons to display, and the icon type. buttons represents a combination of bit patterns, that is, a combination of elements can be defined by adding their respective values:
Named constant Integer value Definition MB_OK 0 Display OK button only. MB_OKCANCEL 1 Display OK and Cancel buttons. MB_ABORTRETRYIGNORE 2 Display Abort, Retry, and Ignore buttons. MB_YESNOCANCEL 3 Display Yes, No, and Cancel buttons. MB_YESNO 4 Display Yes and No buttons. MB_RETRYCANCEL 5 Display Retry and Cancel buttons. MB_ICONSTOP 16 Add the Stop icon to the dialog. MB_ICONQUESTION 32 Add the Question icon to the dialog. MB_ICONEXCLAMATION 48 Add the Exclamation Point icon to the dialog. MB_ICONINFORMATION 64 Add the Information icon to the dialog. 128 First button in the dialog as default button. MB_DEFBUTTON2 256 Second button in the dialog as default button. MB_DEFBUTTON3 512 Third button in the dialog as default button.
Sub ExampleMsgBox Const sText1 = "An unexpected error occurred." Const sText2 = "The program execution will continue, however." Const sText3 = "Error" MsgBox(sText1 + Chr(13) + sText2,16,sText3) MsgBox(sText1 + Chr(13) + sText2, MB_ICONSTOP, sText3) End Sub