Data Navigator /text/shared/01/xformsdata.xhp UFI: Xforms Data Navigator DEDR: Reviewed
data structure of XForms removing;models/instances models in XForms Data Navigator;display options Data Navigator Specifies the data structure of the current XForms document.
Model name Selects the XForms model that you want to use. Models Adds, edits, and removes XForms models.UFI: DV told me there should be a Rename also Add Opens the Add Item dialog where you can add an XForm model. Edit Opens the Edit Item dialog where you can edit the selected XForm model. Remove Deletes the selected XForm model. You cannot delete the last model. Show Details Switches the display to show or hide details.UFI: not explained in spec Instance Lists the items that belong to the current instance. Submissions Lists the submissions.UFI. it's not in the spec Bindings Lists the bindings for the XForm.UFI. it's not in the spec You can open the context menu of a control and choose Change Data Binding.UFI: DV told me this dialog may be removed Instances This button has submenus to add, to edit, and to remove instances.UFI: DV told me there should be a Rename also Add Opens the Add Item dialog where you can add a new instance. Edit Opens the Edit Item dialog where you can modify the current instance. Remove Deletes the current instance. You cannot delete the last instance. Show data types Switches the display to show more or less details.UFI: not explained in spec Add Item Adds a new item.UFI: not explained in spec; not visible in build m65 Edit Item Edits the selected item. Remove Item Removes the selected item.