Export as PDF /text/shared/01/ref_pdf_export.xhp Sun Microsystems, Inc. UFI: happened to find the new spec http://specs.openoffice.org/appwide/pdf_export/PDFExport.sxw
PDF;exporting as PDF portable document format exporting;to PDF Export as PDF Saves the current file to Portable Document Format (PDF). A PDF file can be viewed and printed on any platform with the original formatting intact, provided that supporting software is installed.
Click the icon to export the current document without an Options dialog. Choose the menu command for the PDF Options dialog: Pages Sets the export options for the pages included in the PDF file. All Exports all defined print ranges. If no print range is defined, exports the entire document. Range Exports the pages you type in the box. To export a range of pages, use the format 3-6. To export single pages, use the format 7;9;11. If you want, you can export a combination of page ranges and single pages, by using a format like 3-6;8;10;12. Selection Exports the current selection. Images Sets the PDF export options for images inside your document. Lossless compression Selects a lossless compression of images. All pixels are preserved. JPEG compression Selects a JPEG compression of images. With a high quality level, almost all pixels are preserved. With a low quality level, some pixels get lost and artefacts are introduced, but file sizes are reduced. Quality Selects the quality level for JPEG compression. Reduce image resolution Selects to resample or down-size the images to a lower number of pixels per inch. Select the target resolution for the images. General Sets general PDF export options. Tagged PDF Selects to export special tags into the corresponding PDF tags. This can increase file sizes by huge amounts. Some tags that are exported are table of contents, hyperlinks, and controls. Export notes Selects to export notes of Writer and Calc documents as PDF notes. Use transition effects Selects to export Impress slide transition effect to respective PDF effects. Submit forms in format: Select the format of submitting forms from within the PDF file. This setting overrides the control's URL property that you set in the document. There is only one common setting valid for the whole PDF document: PDF (sends the whole document), FDF (sends the control contents), HTML, and XML. Export Exports the current file in PDF format.