/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */ /* * This file is part of the LibreOffice project. * * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. * * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice: * * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed * with this work for additional information regarding copyright * ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache * License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 . */ #include #include #include #include #include "xbmread.hxx" enum XBMFormat { XBM10, XBM11 }; enum ReadState { XBMREAD_OK, XBMREAD_ERROR, XBMREAD_NEED_MORE }; class XBMReader : public GraphicReader { SvStream& rIStm; Bitmap aBmp1; Bitmap::ScopedWriteAccess pAcc1; std::unique_ptr pHexTable; BitmapColor aWhite; BitmapColor aBlack; long nLastPos; long nWidth; long nHeight; bool bStatus; void InitTable(); OString FindTokenLine( SvStream* pInStm, const char* pTok1, const char* pTok2 ); int ParseDefine( const sal_Char* pDefine ); bool ParseData( SvStream* pInStm, const OString& aLastLine, XBMFormat eFormat ); public: explicit XBMReader( SvStream& rStm ); ReadState ReadXBM( Graphic& rGraphic ); }; XBMReader::XBMReader( SvStream& rStm ) : rIStm ( rStm ), nLastPos ( rStm.Tell() ), nWidth ( 0 ), nHeight ( 0 ), bStatus ( true ) { pHexTable.reset( new short[ 256 ] ); maUpperName = "SVIXBM"; InitTable(); } void XBMReader::InitTable() { memset( pHexTable.get(), 0, sizeof( short ) * 256 ); pHexTable[(int)'0'] = 0; pHexTable[(int)'1'] = 1; pHexTable[(int)'2'] = 2; pHexTable[(int)'3'] = 3; pHexTable[(int)'4'] = 4; pHexTable[(int)'5'] = 5; pHexTable[(int)'6'] = 6; pHexTable[(int)'7'] = 7; pHexTable[(int)'8'] = 8; pHexTable[(int)'9'] = 9; pHexTable[(int)'A'] = 10; pHexTable[(int)'B'] = 11; pHexTable[(int)'C'] = 12; pHexTable[(int)'D'] = 13; pHexTable[(int)'E'] = 14; pHexTable[(int)'F'] = 15; pHexTable[(int)'X'] = 0; pHexTable[(int)'a'] = 10; pHexTable[(int)'b'] = 11; pHexTable[(int)'c'] = 12; pHexTable[(int)'d'] = 13; pHexTable[(int)'e'] = 14; pHexTable[(int)'f'] = 15; pHexTable[(int)'x'] = 0; pHexTable[(int)' '] = -1; pHexTable[(int)','] = -1; pHexTable[(int)'}'] = -1; pHexTable[(int)'\n'] = -1; pHexTable[(int)'\t'] = -1; pHexTable[(int)'\0'] = -1; } OString XBMReader::FindTokenLine( SvStream* pInStm, const char* pTok1, const char* pTok2 ) { OString aRet; sal_Int32 nPos1, nPos2; bStatus = false; do { if( !pInStm->ReadLine( aRet ) ) break; if( pTok1 ) { if( ( nPos1 = aRet.indexOf( pTok1 ) ) != -1 ) { bStatus = true; if( pTok2 ) { bStatus = false; if( ( ( nPos2 = aRet.indexOf( pTok2 ) ) != -1 ) && ( nPos2 > nPos1 ) ) { bStatus = true; } } } } } while( !bStatus ); return aRet; } int XBMReader::ParseDefine( const sal_Char* pDefine ) { sal_Int32 nRet = 0; const char* pTmp = pDefine; unsigned char cTmp; // move to end pTmp += ( strlen( pDefine ) - 1 ); cTmp = *pTmp--; // search last digit while (pHexTable[ cTmp ] == -1 && pTmp >= pDefine) cTmp = *pTmp--; // move before number while (pHexTable[ cTmp ] != -1 && pTmp >= pDefine) cTmp = *pTmp--; // move to start of number pTmp += 2; // read Hex if( ( pTmp[0] == '0' ) && ( ( pTmp[1] == 'X' ) || ( pTmp[1] == 'x' ) ) ) { pTmp += 2; nRet = OString(pTmp, strlen(pTmp)).toInt32(16); } else // read decimal { nRet = OString(pTmp, strlen(pTmp)).toInt32(); } return nRet; } bool XBMReader::ParseData( SvStream* pInStm, const OString& aLastLine, XBMFormat eFormat ) { OString aLine; long nRow = 0; long nCol = 0; long nBits = ( eFormat == XBM10 ) ? 16 : 8; long nBit; sal_uInt16 nValue; sal_uInt16 nDigits; bool bFirstLine = true; while( nRow < nHeight ) { if( bFirstLine ) { sal_Int32 nPos; // delete opening curly bracket if( (nPos = ( aLine = aLastLine ).indexOf('{') ) != -1 ) aLine = aLine.copy(nPos + 1); bFirstLine = false; } else if( !pInStm->ReadLine( aLine ) ) break; if (!aLine.isEmpty()) { const sal_Int32 nCount = comphelper::string::getTokenCount(aLine, ','); for( sal_Int32 i = 0; ( i < nCount ) && ( nRow < nHeight ); ++i ) { const OString aToken(aLine.getToken(i, ',')); const sal_Int32 nLen = aToken.getLength(); bool bProcessed = false; nBit = nDigits = nValue = 0; for (sal_Int32 n = 0; n < nLen; ++n) { const unsigned char cChar = aToken[n]; const short nTable = pHexTable[ cChar ]; if( rtl::isAsciiHexDigit( cChar ) || !nTable ) { nValue = ( nValue << 4 ) + nTable; nDigits++; bProcessed = true; } else if( ( nTable < 0 ) && nDigits ) { bProcessed = true; break; } } if( bProcessed ) { while( ( nCol < nWidth ) && ( nBit < nBits ) ) pAcc1->SetPixel( nRow, nCol++, ( nValue & ( 1 << nBit++ ) ) ? aBlack : aWhite ); if( nCol == nWidth ) { nCol = 0; nRow++; } } } } } return true; } ReadState XBMReader::ReadXBM( Graphic& rGraphic ) { ReadState eReadState; sal_uInt8 cDummy; // check if we can read ALL rIStm.Seek( STREAM_SEEK_TO_END ); rIStm.ReadUChar( cDummy ); // if we cannot read all // we return and wait for new data if ( rIStm.GetError() != ERRCODE_IO_PENDING ) { rIStm.Seek( nLastPos ); bStatus = false; OString aLine = FindTokenLine( &rIStm, "#define", "_width" ); if ( bStatus ) { int nValue; if ( ( nValue = ParseDefine( aLine.getStr() ) ) > 0 ) { nWidth = nValue; aLine = FindTokenLine( &rIStm, "#define", "_height" ); // if height was not received, we search again // from start of the file if ( !bStatus ) { rIStm.Seek( nLastPos ); aLine = FindTokenLine( &rIStm, "#define", "_height" ); } } else bStatus = false; if ( bStatus ) { if ( ( nValue = ParseDefine( aLine.getStr() ) ) > 0 ) { nHeight = nValue; aLine = FindTokenLine( &rIStm, "static", "_bits" ); if ( bStatus ) { XBMFormat eFormat = XBM10; if (aLine.indexOf("short") != -1) eFormat = XBM10; else if (aLine.indexOf("char") != -1) eFormat = XBM11; else bStatus = false; //xbms are a minimum of one character per 8 pixels, so if the file isn't //even that long, its not all there if (rIStm.remainingSize() < (static_cast(nWidth) * nHeight) / 8) bStatus = false; if ( bStatus && nWidth && nHeight ) { aBmp1 = Bitmap( Size( nWidth, nHeight ), 1 ); pAcc1 = Bitmap::ScopedWriteAccess(aBmp1); if( pAcc1 ) { aWhite = pAcc1->GetBestMatchingColor( Color( COL_WHITE ) ); aBlack = pAcc1->GetBestMatchingColor( Color( COL_BLACK ) ); bStatus = ParseData( &rIStm, aLine, eFormat ); } else bStatus = false; } } } } } if (bStatus && pAcc1) { Bitmap aBlackBmp( Size( pAcc1->Width(), pAcc1->Height() ), 1 ); pAcc1.reset(); aBlackBmp.Erase( Color( COL_BLACK ) ); rGraphic = BitmapEx( aBlackBmp, aBmp1 ); eReadState = XBMREAD_OK; } else eReadState = XBMREAD_ERROR; } else { rIStm.ResetError(); eReadState = XBMREAD_NEED_MORE; } return eReadState; } VCL_DLLPUBLIC bool ImportXBM( SvStream& rStm, Graphic& rGraphic ) { std::shared_ptr pContext = rGraphic.GetContext(); rGraphic.SetContext(nullptr); XBMReader* pXBMReader = dynamic_cast( pContext.get() ); if (!pXBMReader) { pContext = std::make_shared( rStm ); pXBMReader = static_cast( pContext.get() ); } bool bRet = true; ReadState eReadState = pXBMReader->ReadXBM( rGraphic ); if( eReadState == XBMREAD_ERROR ) { bRet = false; } else if( eReadState == XBMREAD_NEED_MORE ) rGraphic.SetContext( pContext ); return bRet; } /* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */