'encoding UTF-8 Do not remove or change this line! '************************************************************************** ' DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. ' ' Copyright 2000, 2010 Oracle and/or its affiliates. ' ' OpenOffice.org - a multi-platform office productivity suite ' ' This file is part of OpenOffice.org. ' ' OpenOffice.org is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify ' it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 ' only, as published by the Free Software Foundation. ' ' OpenOffice.org is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ' but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ' MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ' GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 for more details ' (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code). ' ' You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License ' version 3 along with OpenOffice.org. If not, see ' ' for a copy of the LGPLv3 License. ' '/************************************************************************ '* '* owner : thorsten.bosbach@oracle.com '* '* short description : update and resouce test for all option pages (at tools/options) '* '\*********************************************************************** global sErrMes as String global iSectionNumber as Integer sub tToolsOptionsTestFirst dim sPreviousApplication as string sPreviousApplication = gApplication ' To prevent users from running just a subsection from this file, without THIS ' subroutine, in every subsection the value of 'iSectionNumber' is checked. ' The test will exit with warnlog, if iSectionNumber is 0 sErrMes = "" select case gApplication case "WRITER","MASTERDOCUMENT","HTML" : iSectionNumber = 8 case "IMPRESS","DRAW","MATH","CALC" : iSectionNumber = 7 end select ' these tabpages only exist in the respective application gApplication = "WRITER" iSectionNumber = 8 Call tToolsOptionsTextDocument gApplication = "HTML" iSectionNumber = 8 Call tToolsOptionsHTMLDocument gApplication = "CALC" iSectionNumber = 7 Call tToolsOptionsSpreadsheet gApplication = "IMPRESS" iSectionNumber = 7 Call tToolsOptionsPresentation gApplication = "DRAW" iSectionNumber = 7 Call tToolsOptionsDrawing gApplication = "MATH" iSectionNumber = 7 Call tToolsOptionsFormula gApplication = sPreviousApplication end sub '------------------------------------------------------------------------- testcase tToolsOptionsTextdocument dim EchteAnzahl as Integer, i as Integer dim gefunden as Boolean PrintLog "- Tools/Options/Text document ( Extras/Optionen/Textdokument )" if (0 = iSectionNumber) then warnlog "You can't run this testcase seperated! Ending now! Please run it via: tToolsOptionsTest" goto endsub endif '/// Create a new document if gApplication <> "BACKGROUND" then Call hNewDocument end if '/// Tools / Options / Text document ToolsOptions Kontext "Active" if Active.Exists (3) then if Active.GetText <> sErrMes then Warnlog "A messagebox exists => BUG : " + Active.GetText Active.OK end if ToPosInOptionlist ( 4 ) EchteAnzahl = Optionsliste.GetItemCount - iSectionNumber if EchteAnzahl = 10 AND ( gAsianSup = TRUE OR gCTLSup = TRUE ) then Warnlog "There are only 10 pages in 'text document'-section, but asian support or CTL support are activated! => a section is missing?" else printlog "Asian support and CTL support are not activated ( on languages-page )!" end if if bDebugVersion = TRUE then EchteAnzahl = EchteAnzahl - 1 if gAsianSup = FALSE then EchteAnzahl = EchteAnzahl + 1 if gCTLSup = FALSE then EchteAnzahl = EchteAnzahl + 1 for i=1 to EchteAnzahl gefunden = FALSE Kontext "OptionenDlg" Optionsliste.TypeKeys "" if gAsianSup = FALSE AND gCTLSup = FALSE AND i=6 then i=i+2 if gAsianSup = FALSE AND gCTLSup = TRUE AND i=6 then i=i+1 if gAsianSup = TRUE AND gCTLSup = FALSE AND i=7 then i=i+1 select case i case 1 : Kontext "TabLaden" '///+ printlog " - Mail Merge E-mail" if TabMailMergeEMail.IsVisible then gefunden = TRUE Call DialogTest ( TabMailMergeEMail ) ServerAuthentication.click kontext "ServerAuthentication" Call DialogTest ( ServerAuthentication ) ServerAuthentication.cancel Kontext "TabMailMergeEMail" TestSettings.click ' in case java is not enabled sleep( 2 ) try Kontext "Messagebox" if ( MessageBox.exists()) then sleep(2) warnlog(Messagebox.GetText()) try Messagebox.Cancel() sleep( 2 ) catch Messagebox.OK() ' if "OK" works, we are in an undefined state warnlog( "" ) endcatch end if catch warnlog( "A messagebox was displayed but coul not be closed." ) endcatch Kontext "TestaccountSettings" Call DialogTest ( TestaccountSettings ) TestaccountSettings.cancel end if end select if gefunden=FALSE then Warnlog "Error with the " + i + ".page, perhaps this page is deleted or change the place!" EchteAnzahl = EchteAnzahl - 1 if EchteAnzahl < 12 then i=13 else i=1-1 end if end if next i '/// Close the options dialog Kontext "OptionenDlg" OptionenDlg.Cancel '/// Close the document if gApplication <> "BACKGROUND" then Call hCloseDocument end if endcase '------------------------------------------------------------------------- testcase tToolsOptionsHTMLDocument dim EchteAnzahl as Integer, i as Integer dim gefunden as Boolean PrintLog "- Tools/Options/HTML-Document ( Extras/Optionen/HTML-Dokument )" if (0 = iSectionNumber) then warnlog "You can't run this testcase seperated! Ending now! Please run it via: tToolsOptionsTest" goto endsub endif '/// Create a new document if gApplication <> "BACKGROUND" then Call hNewDocument end if '/// Tools / options / HTML Document ToolsOptions ToPosInOptionlist ( 5 ) i = 6 if bDebugVersion = TRUE then i = i + 1 ' here exists the special debug-tabpage, too EchteAnzahl = OptionTabPageZaehler (i) if bDebugVersion = TRUE then EchteAnzahl = EchteAnzahl - 1 for i=1 to EchteAnzahl gefunden = FALSE Kontext "OptionenDlg" Optionsliste.TypeKeys "" select case i case 1 : Kontext "TabInhalteHTML" '/// View printlog " - View / Ansicht" if TabInhalteHTML.IsVisible then gefunden = TRUE Call DialogTest ( TabInhalteHTML ) end if case 2 : Kontext "TabDirektCursor" '/// Formating aids printlog " - Formatting aids / Formatierungshilfen" if TabDirektCursor.IsVisible then gefunden = TRUE Call DialogTest ( TabDirektCursor ) end if case 3 : Kontext "TabRaster" '/// Grid printlog " - Grid / Raster" if TabRaster.IsVisible then gefunden = TRUE Call DialogTest ( TabRaster ) end if case 4 : Kontext "TabDruckenHTML" '/// Print printlog " - Print / Drucken" if TabDruckenHTML.IsVisible then gefunden = TRUE Call DialogTest ( TabDruckenHTML ) end if case 5 : Kontext "TabTabelleOptionen" '/// Table printlog " - Table / Tabelle" if TabTabelleOptionen.IsVisible then gefunden = TRUE Call DialogTest ( TabTabelleOptionen ) end if case 6 : Kontext "TabHintergrund" '/// Background printlog " - Background / Hintergrund" Sleep 1 if TabHintergrund.IsVisible then gefunden = TRUE Call DialogTest ( TabHintergrund ) end if end select if gefunden=FALSE then Warnlog "Error with the " + i + ".page, perhaps this page is deleted or change the place!" EchteAnzahl = EchteAnzahl - 1 if EchteAnzahl < 6 then i=11 else i=1-1 end if end if next i '/// Close the options dialog Kontext "OptionenDlg" OptionenDlg.Cancel '/// Close the document if gApplication <> "BACKGROUND" then Call hCloseDocument end if endcase '------------------------------------------------------------------------- testcase tToolsOptionsSpreadsheet dim EchteAnzahl as Integer, i as Integer dim gefunden as Boolean PrintLog "- Tools/Options/Spreadsheet ( Extras/Optionen/Tabellendokument )" if (0 = iSectionNumber) then warnlog "You can't run this testcase seperated! Ending now! Please run it via: tToolsOptionsTest" goto endsub endif '/// Create a new document if gApplication <> "BACKGROUND" then Call hNewDocument end if '/// Tools / Options / Spreadsheet ToolsOptions ToPosInOptionlist ( 4 ) EchteAnzahl = OptionTabPageZaehler ( 7, FALSE ) for i=1 to EchteAnzahl gefunden = FALSE Kontext "OptionenDlg" Optionsliste.TypeKeys "" select case i case 1 : Kontext "TabLayoutCalc" '/// General printlog " - General / Allgemein" if TabLayoutCalc.IsVisible then gefunden = TRUE Call DialogTest ( TabLayoutCalc ) end if case 2 : Kontext "TabInhaltCalc" '/// View printlog " - View / Ansicht" if TabInhaltCalc.IsVisible then gefunden = TRUE Call DialogTest ( TabInhaltCalc ) end if case 3 : Kontext "TabBerechnen" '/// Calculate printlog " - Calculate / Berechnen" if TabBerechnen.IsVisible then gefunden = TRUE Call DialogTest ( TabBerechnen ) end if case 4 : Kontext "TabSortierlisten" '/// Sort lists printlog " - Sort Lists / Sortierliste" if TabSortierlisten.IsVisible then gefunden = TRUE Call DialogTest ( TabSortierlisten ) end if case 5 : Kontext "TabAenderungenCalc" '/// Changes printlog " - Changes / Aenderungen" if TabAenderungenCalc.IsVisible then gefunden = TRUE Call DialogTest ( TabAenderungenCalc ) end if case 6 : Kontext "TabRaster" '/// Grid printlog " - Grid / Raster" if TabRaster.IsVisible then gefunden = TRUE Call DialogTest ( TabRaster ) end if case 7 : Kontext "TabPrintCalcOptions" '/// Print printlog " - Print / Drucken" if TabPrintCalcOptions.IsVisible then gefunden = TRUE Call DialogTest ( TabPrintCalcOptions ) end if end select if gefunden=FALSE then Warnlog "Error with the " + i + ".page, perhaps this page is deleted or change the place!" EchteAnzahl = EchteAnzahl - 1 if EchteAnzahl < 7 then i=11 else i=1-1 end if end if next i '/// Close the options dialog Kontext "OptionenDlg" OptionenDlg.Cancel '/// Close the document if gApplication <> "BACKGROUND" then Call hCloseDocument end if endcase '------------------------------------------------------------------------- testcase tToolsOptionsPresentation dim EchteAnzahl as Integer, i as Integer dim gefunden as Boolean dim iTemp as integer PrintLog "- Tools/Options/Presentation ( Extras/Optionen/Praesentation )" if (0 = iSectionNumber) then warnlog "You can't run this testcase seperated! Ending now! Please run it via: tToolsOptionsTest" goto endsub endif '/// Create a new document if gApplication <> "BACKGROUND" then Call hNewDocument end if kontext "DocumentImpress" if DocumentImpress.exists(5) then printlog " - An application of type Presentation is available." '--- workaround #i48383# DocumentImpress.MouseDown (10,10) DocumentImpress.MouseUp (10,10) else qaErrorLog " - No application of type Presentation is available" end if '/// Tools / Options / Presentation ToolsOptions ToPosInOptionlist ( 4 ) EchteAnzahl = OptionTabPageZaehler ( 4, FALSE ) for i=1 to EchteAnzahl gefunden = FALSE Kontext "OptionenDlg" Optionsliste.TypeKeys "" select case i case 1 : Kontext "TabSonstigesDraw" '/// General printlog " - General / Allgemein" if TabSonstigesDraw.exists then if TabSonstigesDraw.IsVisible then gefunden = TRUE Call DialogTest ( TabSonstigesDraw ) end if else ' Trying to get root cause on some systems it seems the backing window is used. #i48383# Kontext "OptionenDlg" OptionenDlg.SnapShot convertPath(gOfficePath + "user/work/"+gApplication+".bmp") qaErrorLog "#i48383# Trying to get root cause for wrong window; check picture: " + convertPath(gOfficePath + "user/work/"+gApplication+".bmp") for iTemp = 1 to Optionsliste.getItemCount qaErrorLog "" + iTemp + ": '" + Optionsliste.getItemText(iTemp) + "'" next iTemp gefunden = TRUE end if case 2 : Kontext "TabInhalteDraw" '/// View printlog " - View / Ansicht" if TabInhalteDraw.IsVisible then gefunden = TRUE Call DialogTest ( TabInhalteDraw ) end if case 3 : Kontext "TabRaster" '/// Grid printlog " - Grid / Raster" if TabRaster.IsVisible then gefunden = TRUE Call DialogTest ( TabRaster ) end if case 4 : Kontext "TabDruckenDraw" '/// Print printlog " - Print / Drucken" if TabDruckenDraw.IsVisible then gefunden = TRUE Call DialogTest ( TabDruckenDraw ) end if end select if gefunden=FALSE then Warnlog "Error with the " + i + ".page, perhaps this page is deleted or change the place!" EchteAnzahl = EchteAnzahl - 1 if EchteAnzahl < 4 then i=11 else i=1-1 end if end if next i '/// Close the options dialog Kontext "OptionenDlg" OptionenDlg.Cancel '/// Close the document if gApplication <> "BACKGROUND" then Call hCloseDocument end if endcase '------------------------------------------------------------------------- testcase tToolsOptionsDrawing Dim EchteAnzahl as Integer, i as Integer Dim gefunden as Boolean PrintLog "- Tools/Options/Drawing ( Extras/Optionen/Zeichnung )" if (0 = iSectionNumber) then warnlog "You can't run this testcase seperated! Ending now! Please run it via: tToolsOptionsTest" goto endsub end if '/// Create a new document if gApplication <> "BACKGROUND" then Call hNewDocument end if Kontext "DocumentDraw" if DocumentDraw.exists(5) then printlog " - An application of type Draw is available." '--- workaround #i48383# DocumentDraw.MouseDown (10,10) DocumentDraw.MouseUp (10,10) else qaErrorLog " - No application of type Draw is available" end if '/// Tools / Options / Drawing ToolsOptions ToPosInOptionlist ( 4 ) EchteAnzahl = OptionTabPageZaehler ( 4, FALSE ) for i=1 to EchteAnzahl gefunden = FALSE Kontext "OptionenDlg" Optionsliste.TypeKeys "" select case i case 1 : Kontext "TabSonstigesDraw" '/// General printlog " - General / Allgemein" if TabSonstigesDraw.exists then if TabSonstigesDraw.IsVisible then gefunden = TRUE Call DialogTest ( TabSonstigesDraw ) end if else ' Trying to get root cause on some systems it seems the backing window is used. #i48383# Kontext "OptionenDlg" qaErrorLog "#i48383# wrong focus on opening options" gefunden = TRUE end if case 2 : Kontext "TabInhalteDraw" '/// View printlog " - View / Ansicht" if TabInhalteDraw.IsVisible then gefunden = TRUE Call DialogTest ( TabInhalteDraw ) end if case 3 : Kontext "Active" if Active.Exists then Warnlog "A messagebox exists => BUG : " + Active.GetText try Active.No catch Active.OK endcatch end if Kontext "TabRaster" '/// Grid printlog " - Grid / Raster" if TabRaster.IsVisible then gefunden = TRUE Call DialogTest ( TabRaster ) end if case 4 : Kontext "TabDruckenDraw" '/// Print printlog " - Print / Drucken" if TabDruckenDraw.IsVisible then gefunden = TRUE Call DialogTest ( TabDruckenDraw ) end if end select if gefunden=FALSE then Warnlog "Error with the " + i + ".page, perhaps this page is deleted or change the place!" EchteAnzahl = EchteAnzahl - 1 if EchteAnzahl < 4 then i=11 else i=1-1 end if end if next i '/// Close the options dialog Kontext "OptionenDlg" OptionenDlg.Cancel '/// Close the document if gApplication <> "BACKGROUND" then Call hCloseDocument end if endcase '------------------------------------------------------------------------- testcase tToolsOptionsFormula dim EchteAnzahl as Integer, i as Integer PrintLog "- Tools/Options/Formula ( Extras/Optionen/Formel )" if (0 = iSectionNumber) then warnlog "You can't run this testcase seperated! Ending now! Please run it via: tToolsOptionsTest" goto endsub endif '/// Create a new document if gApplication <> "BACKGROUND" then Call hNewDocument end if '/// Tools / Options / Formula ToolsOptions ToPosInOptionlist ( 4 ) EchteAnzahl = OptionTabPageZaehler ( 1, FALSE ) Kontext "OptionenDlg" '/// Print Optionsliste.TypeKeys "" printlog " - Print / Drucken" Kontext "TabDruckenMath" Call DialogTest ( TabDruckenMath ) '/// Close the options dialog Kontext "OptionenDlg" OptionenDlg.Cancel '/// Close the document if gApplication <> "BACKGROUND" then Call hCloseDocument end if endcase