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If not, see ' ' for a copy of the LGPLv3 License. ' '/************************************************************************ '* '* owner : wolfram.garten@oracle.com '* '* short description : update and resouce test for numberformatter '* '\*********************************************************************** '///Setting Variables.. dim sSeperatorCurr as string ' which kind of Separator is used dim iCategoryCount as integer ' number of Category entries dim sCategoryText as string ' names of Category entries dim sFormatText as string ' variable for format string text dim sFormatCode as string ' variable for format code text line dim iLanguageCount as integer ' number of language entries dim sLanguageText as string ' name sof language entries dim iCount as integer ' count variable for/next dim sCell as string ' Cell-Content '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- '///Setting Preconditions for tests sub sNumberformatterPreconditions printlog "Setting up some preconditions for starting the testcases now.." select case gApplication case "WRITER" : '/// Case Writer: Kontext "DocumentWriter" printlog "Application is " & gApplication '/// Press CTRL+F12 to insert via shortcut a table DocumentWriter.TypeKeys "", true Kontext "TabelleEinfuegenWriter" '/// Leave the insert table dialog with OK TabelleEinfuegenWriter.OK printlog "Table inserted" Kontext "DocumentWriter" '/// Type 0 in the first cell DocumentWriter.TypeKeys "0", true Call sNumberformatterOpenDialog 'opening Dialog case "CALC" : '/// Case Calc: '/// Calc with Chart in inplace mode: Kontext "DokumentChart" if DokumentChart.Exists(1) then printlog "Application is " & gApplication & " with inserted Chart." DokumentChart.TypeKeys "",2,true 'selecting data serie '/// Opening Number Formatter Dialog using Menu DokumentChart.UseMenu hMenuSelectNr(5) hMenuSelectNr(1) Kontext '/// Selecting correct Tab page active.SetPage TabDataSeriesLabels Kontext "TabDataSeriesLabels" AsPercentage.Check PercentageFormat.Click Kontext "TabChartAxisNumbers" Sourceformat.uncheck '/// fLocaleString function gets English from t_locale_strings1.inc Language.Select (fLocaleString ("LocaleNumFormLanEng")) else '/// Calc without Chart: Kontext "DocumentCalc" 'just Calc without Chart printlog "Application is " & gApplication '/// Inserting 0 in first cell DocumentCalc.TypeKeys "0", true DocumentCalc.TypeKeys "", true DocumentCalc.TypeKeys "", true Call sNumberformatterOpenDialog 'opening Dialog endif case else : warnlog "This testcase can only be tested in Writer,Calc or Chart!" end select end sub '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub sNumberformatterOpenDialog select case gApplication case "WRITER" : '/// Case Writer: Kontext "DocumentWriter" '///Open Context Menu DocumentWriter.TypeKeys "", true sleep (1) '///Open Number Formatter DocumentWriter.TypeKeys "",11, true sleep (1) DocumentWriter.TypeKeys "", true sleep (1) printlog "Opening number formatter dialog." Kontext "TabChartAxisNumbers" Language.Select (fLocaleString ("LocaleNumFormLanEng")) case "CALC" : '/// Calc with Chart in inplace mode Kontext "DokumentChart" if DokumentChart.Exists(1) then printlog "Application is " & gApplication & " with inserted Chart." '/// Opening Numberformatter using menu DocumentCalc.TypeKeys "",2,true 'selecting data serie DocumentCalc.UseMenu hMenuSelectNr(5) hMenuSelectNr(1) Kontext "TabDataSeriesLabels" AsPercentage.Check PercentageFormat.Click Kontext "TabChartAxisNumbers" Sourceformat.uncheck Language.Select (fLocaleString ("LocaleNumFormLanEng")) else '/// Calc Kontext "DocumentCalc" '///Open Context Menu DocumentCalc.TypeKeys "", true '///Open Number Format DocumentCalc.TypeKeys "",3, true DocumentCalc.TypeKeys "", true Kontext Active.SetPage TabChartAxisNumbers printlog "Opening number formatter dialog." Kontext "TabChartAxisNumbers" '/// fLocaleString function gets English from t_locale_strings1.inc Language.Select (fLocaleString ("LocaleNumFormLanEng")) endif case else : warnlog "This testcase can only be tested in Writer and Calc!" end select end sub '------------------------------------------------------------------------------ testcase tNumberformatterPre '/// Setting some preconditions for the testcases: '/// Setting Measuring to cm by calling fSetMeasurementToCM Call fSetMeasurementToCM '///Getting the decimal separator with GetDecimalSeperator printlog "looking for used Separator..." sSeperatorCurr = GetDecimalSeperator endcase '------------------------------------------------------------------------------ testcase tNumberformatter 'This part is only for testing a testrun with Chart and can be deleted when checked in!!! 'Call hNewDocument 'DocumentCalc.UseMenu 'hMenuSelectNr(4) 'hMenuSelectNr(17) 'hMenuSelectNr(1) 'Kontext "OLEObjektInsert" 'OLEObjektInsert.OK 'printlog "Chart inserted" 'Kontext "DokumentChart" 'Check this one out if above is checked in: '/// Calling new document Call hNewDocument '/// Calling Subroutine for getting preconditions Call sNumberformatterPreconditions Kontext "TabChartAxisNumbers" '/// Checking if Category entries in dialog are correct iCategoryCount = Category.GetItemCount '/// In the Category section list box 11 entries should be available. if iCategoryCount = 11 then printlog "All 11 entries present." else warnlog "Warning: Only " & iCategoryCount & " listed!" endif 'Checking if listbox comes up when switching category to Currency '/// Select Currency in the Category section list box (entry 5) Category.Select(5) '/// In the Format section '/// A drop down list box should be visible if FormatCurrency.IsVisible then printlog "FormatCurrency available" else warnlog "Drop Down listbox did not come up" endif 'Checking if ZahlenFormat fits to selected Category '/// The content should match to the category currency FormatString.Select(1) 'selecting entry sFormatText = FormatString.GetSelText 'getting text into variable 'comparing '/// Comparing with given value "-$1,234" if sFormatText = "-$1,234" then printlog "Text fitting to Format: " & sFormatText else warnlog "Text not fitting to Format: " & sFormatText endif '/// Select Percent in the Category section list box Category.Select(4) '/// In the Format section '/// No drop down list box should be visible 'Checking if NO listbox comes up when switching category to Percent if FormatCurrency.IsVisible then warnlog "FormatCurrency should not be available!" else printlog "Drop Down listbox did not come up." endif '/// The content should match to the category percent 'Checking if ZahlenFormat fits to selected Category FormatString.Select(1) sFormatText = FormatString.GetSelText if sFormatText = "-13%" then printlog "Text fitting to Format, " & sFormatText else warnlog "Text not fitting to Format: " & sFormatText endif '/// Set the category to All Category.Select(1) '/// Choose a language Lithuanian from the drop down list box for Language Language.Select (fLocaleString ("LocaleNumFormLanLith")) '/// In the Category list box the entry should Number should be selected sCategoryText = Category.GetSelIndex if sCategoryText = 3 then '3 = number entry in Category printlog sCategoryText & " is selected." else warnlog "Wrong entry selected:" & sCategoryText & "!" endif '/// In the Format list box '/// the entry Bendras should be selected sFormatText = FormatString.GetSelText if sFormatText = "Bendras" then printlog sFormatText & " is selected." else warnlog "Wrong entry in Format box selected: " & sformatText & "!" endif '/// Select the entry -1,234 (or -1.234 depending on the locale used) FormatString.Select(4) '/// Does the checkbox Thousands separator get taged ? if ThousandsSeparator.IsChecked then printlog "Thousands Separator checked." else warnlog "Warning! Thousands Separator does not get checked!" endif '/// Changed the format code to #,##0 (or #.##0) ? sFormatCode = FormatCode.GetText if sFormatCode = "#.##0" then sFormatCode = "#,##0" printlog "FormatCode changed to " & sFormatCode & "." else sFormatCode = "#.##0" printlog "FormatCode changed to " & sFormatCode & "." endif '/// Set the Language back to Default (English (USA) and choose the category Currency. '/// Gets the string "English" from t_locale_Strings1.inc in the correct language and sets the '/// language box to it Language.Select (fLocaleString ("LocaleNumFormLanEng")) printlog "Language set to Default." Category.Select (5) '/// Category set to Currency printlog "Category set to Currency." '/// Is the fourth entry in the format string box selected ? if FormatString.GetSelIndex = 4 then printlog "Fourth entry selected, good." else warnlog "Warning! Not the fourth entry selected!" endif '/// Does the Decimal Places Spinfield change to 2? if DecimalPlaces.GetText = "2" then printlog "Decimal places = 2, good." else warnlog "Warning: Decimal places is not 2!" endif '/// are the check boxes Negative numbers red and Thousands separator tagged ? if NegativNumbersRed.IsChecked then printlog "Negative numbers red is checked." else warnlog "Warning: Negative numbers red is NOT checked!" endif if ThousandsSeparator.IsChecked then printlog "ThousandsSeparator is checked." else warnlog "Warning: ThousandsSeparator is NOT checked!" endif '/// Change the Language field under Format to $ English (USA) if it is not set to this value yet. if FormatCurrency.GetSelText = "$ " & (fLocaleString ("LocaleNumFormLanEng")) then printlog "Format already set to English." else printlog "Setting Format to English..." '/// Getting correct L10N string from global/t_local_strings1.inc FormatCurrency.Select "$ " & (fLocaleString ("LocaleNumFormLanEng")) endif '/// Compares the Format String match this one : [$$-409]#,##0.00;[RED]-[$$-409]#,##0.00 sFormatCode = FormatCode.GetText if sFormatCode = "[$$-409]#,##0.00;[RED]-[$$-409]#,##0.00" then printlog "Format Code is correct: " & sFormatCode else warnlog "Format Code wrong: " & sFormatCode & "!" endif '/// Change the Language Dropdown list box to show Dutch (Netherlands). printlog "Selecting Dutch..." Language.Select (fLocaleString ("LocaleNumFormLanDutch")) '/// Has the content of the format Listbox changed to show also Euro and Netherlands old fl currency values ? FormatString.Select (15) sFormatText = FormatString.GetSelText '/// Checking for the string "fl 1.234-" if sFormatText = "fl 1.234-" then printlog "Format String also shows " & sFormatText else warnlog "Format String does not show fl 1.234- but " & sFormatText endif '/// Reset the language to Default and change the Category to Date Language.Select (fLocaleString ("LocaleNumFormLanEng")) printlog "Language set to English." Category.Select (6) printlog "Category set to Currency." '/// Checking if the Options Decimal places, leading zeroes, negative numnbers red, '/// thousands seperator and so on are disabled ? if DecimalPlaces.isEnabled = False AND LeadingZeroes.isEnabled = False AND NegativNumbersRed.isEnabled = False AND ThousandsSeparator.isEnabled = False then printlog "Options disabled." else warnlog "Not all options disabled!" endif '/// Checking the Date formats in the format section ? sFormatText = FormatString.GetSelText if sFormatText = "12/31/99" then printlog "Format is correctly set to Date, " & sFormatText else warnlog "Format NOT correct: " & sFormatText endif '/// Change the Category to Time. Does the Format List box show time formats ? Category.Select (7) printlog "Category Time selected." FormatString.Select(1) sFormatText = FormatString.GetSelText if sFormatText = "13:37" then printlog "Format is correctly set to time, " & sFormatText else warnlog "Format NOT correct: " & sFormatText endif '/// Change the Category to Scientific. Are there two formats shown ? Category.Select (8) printlog "Category Scientific selected." sFormatText = FormatString.GetSelText if FormatString.GetSelText = "-1.23E+003" then printlog "Format is correctly set to Scientific, " & sFormatText else warnlog "Format NOT correct: " & sFormatText endif '/// Change to the Category Fraction. Are there Fraction formats shown ? Category.Select (9) printlog "Category Fraction selected." sFormatText = FormatString.GetSelText if sFormatText = "-1234 1/8" then printlog "Format is correctly set to Fraction, " & sFormatText else warnlog "Format NOT correct: " & sFormatText endif '/// Change to Boolean Value. Is there one entry showing in the format section saying TRUE ? Category.Select (10) printlog "Category Boolean Value selected." if FormatString.GetSelText = "TRUE" then printlog "Format is correctly set to Boolean Value." else warnlog "Format NOT correct!" endif '/// Change to Category Text. Is there an @-sign shown in the Format section ? Category.Select (11) printlog "Category Text selected." if FormatString.GetSelText = "@" then printlog "Format is correctly set to Text." else warnlog "Format NOT correct!" endif '/// Closing Number Formatter Dialog printlog "Closing number formatter dialog..." if TabChartAxisNumbers.exists(1) then TabChartAxisNumbers.Cancel else printlog "No dialog left, ok." endif '/// Closing Data Series Dialog Kontext "TabDataSeriesLabels" printlog "Closing data series dialog..." if TabDataSeriesLabels.exists(1) then TabDataSeriesLabels.Cancel else printlog "No dialog left, ok." endif '/// Closing document Call hCloseDocument endcase '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- testcase tUserDefinedNumberformatter '/// Open an new doc for writer and calc '/// for chart this should be disabled Call hNewDocument 'opening new doc '/// Start with the step 2. under preconditions Call sNumberformatterPreconditions '/Calling Subroutine for getting preconditions '/// Change to Category User-defined Kontext "TabChartAxisNumbers" Language.Select (fLocaleString ("LocaleNumFormLanEng")) Category.Select(2) printlog "Selecting Category user-defined." if AddButton.IsEnabled then warnlog "Button should be disabled!" else printlog "Button disabled before typing, good." endif '/// Enter the following Format string into the Format code line : [~jewish]yyyy-mm-dd and click on the green confirmation hook. FormatCode.SetText "[~jewish]yyyy-mm-dd" printlog "Entering text in Format Code line..." '/// Did this Icon change from grey to green as you began typing ? if AddButton.IsEnabled then AddButton.Click printlog "Add Button clicked." else warnlog "AddButton is not enabled." endif '/// Changed the Category from User-defined to Date ? if Category.GetSelIndex = 6 then printlog "Category changed to Date, correct." else warnlog "Category must change to Date." endif '/// Changed the Format Preview from 05/18/03 to 5663-02-21 ? QAErrorLog "#i84085#-Number formatter: Preview box cannot be accessed by testool" '/// Change back to User-defined and select the Format entered previously. Category.Select(2) printlog "Changed to User-defined." FormatString.Select(1) 'qaerrorlog "#i83551#-Bad focus behaviour in number formatter dialog." '/// Click on the little note button next to the format code line. Can you enter a comment now into a newly visible line under the format code line ? EditCommentButton.Click if Comment.IsEnabled then printlog "Comment Field made writable." Comment.SetText "Test-Text" else warnlog "Comment Field not made writable!" endif '/// Can you close this line by hitting the note button again and is the comment kept ? EditCommentButton.Click '/// Is the third Icon in the Format Code line (the X) colored Red ? if RemoveButton.IsEnabled then printlog "Remove button is active." else warnlog "Remove button not active!" endif '/// Click on the Red X-Icon. Did the Category change to Date and the Format to the default one for the given locale (the third one from top for Englisch (USA)) ? RemoveButton.Click '/// Change back to the User-defined category. Is the previously created Number format still available ? Category.Select(2) '/// Closing Number Formatter Dialog printlog "Closing number formatter dialog..." if TabChartAxisNumbers.exists(1) then TabChartAxisNumbers.Cancel else printlog "No dialog left, ok." endif '/// Closing Data Series Dialog Kontext "TabDataSeriesLabels" printlog "Closing data series dialog..." if TabDataSeriesLabels.exists(1) then TabDataSeriesLabels.Cancel else printlog "No dialog left, ok." endif '/// Closing Document Call hCloseDocument endcase '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- testcase tButtonsNumberformatter printlog "Testing some buttons now..." '/// Opening new document Call hNewDocument 'opening new doc printlog "Setting some preconditions" Call sNumberformatterPreconditions '/Calling Subroutine for getting preconditions '/// Number format opened Kontext "TabChartAxisNumbers" '/// Change to Category Date Category.Select (6) printlog "Changing to date..." '/// Click on Cancel. Does the Number formatter dialog get closed ? TabChartAxisNumbers.Cancel 'canceling Dialog if TabChartAxisNumbers.Exists(1) then warnlog "Dialog should have been closed now." else printlog "Ok, Dialog closed." endif '/// Open the Number formatter dialog again. Press the ESC key on the Keyboard. Does the dialog close ? Call sNumberformatterOpenDialog 'opening Dialog printlog "testing closing with ESC." Kontext "TabChartAxisNumbers" if TabChartAxisNumbers.Exists(1) then printlog "Dialog should be open now." else warnlog "Warning, Dialog not opened." endif Kontext "TabChartAxisNumbers" TabChartAxisNumbers.TypeKeys "", true 'using Escape to close the Dialog sleep (1) if TabchartAxisNumbers.Exists(1) then warnlog "ESC should have closed the dialog..." else printlog "Fine, Dialog closed." endif '/// Open the Number formatter dialog again. Change to Category Date. Click on Ok. '/// Does the dialog close and shows the cell you have formatted the date 12/30/99 ? Call sNumberformatterOpenDialog 'opening Dialog printlog "Assigning date.." Kontext "TabChartAxisNumbers" Category.Select (6) 'category date TabChartAxisNumbers.OK 'closing dialog if TabChartAxisNumbers.Exists(1) then 'checking if dialog is closed warnlog "OK should have closed the dialog..." else printlog "Fine, Dialog closed with ok." endif select case gApplication 'opening Dialog again case "WRITER" :Kontext "DocumentWriter" EditSelectAll case "CALC" :Kontext "DocumentCalc" case "CHART" :printlog "Chart" case else :warnlog "This onyl runs in Writer and Calc!" exit sub end select EditCopy 'getting content into clipboard '/// Copying for comparing the content sleep(2) sCell = GetClipboardtext 'clipboard into variable if sCell = "12/30/99" then printlog "Cell is formattted correctly, " & sCell else warnlog "Formatting is wrong: " & sCell endif select case gApplication 'for selection in Writer, different context menu case "WRITER" :Kontext "DocumentWriter" DocumentWriter.TypeKeys "" 'deselecting case "CALC" :Kontext "DocumentCalc" case "CHART" :printlog "Chart" case else :warnlog "This onyl runs in Writer and Calc!" exit sub end select '/// Open the Number formatter dialog again. Change to Category Time. Press the RETURN Key. '/// Does the dialog close and shows the cell you have formatted the time 12:00:00 AM ? Call sNumberformatterOpenDialog 'opening Dialog Kontext "TabChartAxisNumbers" Category.Select (7) 'selecting Time TabChartAxisNumbers.TypeKeys "", true if TabChartAxisNumbers.Exists(1) then warnlog "Return should have closed the dialog..." else printlog "Fine, Dialog closed with ok." endif '/// Select case gApplication for selection in Writer, selecting to get content into clipboard select case gApplication 'opening Dialog again case "WRITER" :Kontext "DocumentWriter" EditSelectAll case "CALC" :Kontext "DocumentCalc" case "CHART" :printlog "Chart" case else :warnlog "This onyl runs in Writer and Calc!" exit sub end select EditCopy '/// Getting content into clipboard to compare sleep(2) sCell = GetClipboardtext 'clipboard into variable if sCell = "12:00:00 AM" then printlog "Cell is formattted correctly: " & sCell else warnlog "Formatting is wrong: " & sCell endif '/// Open the Number formatter dialog again. Change to Category Percent. '/// The Format area shows Percent formats. Click on the Reset Button. Does the Category changes back to Time ? 'Resetting status for getting correct context menu select case gApplication 'for selection in Writer, different context menu case "WRITER" :Kontext "DocumentWriter" DocumentWriter.TypeKeys "" 'deselecting case "CALC" :Kontext "DocumentCalc" case "CHART" :printlog "Chart" case else :warnlog "This onyl runs in Writer and Calc!" exit sub end select Call sNumberformatterOpenDialog 'opening Dialog Kontext "TabChartAxisNumbers" Category.Select (4) 'selecting percent printlog "Selecting percent." FormatString.Select (1) sFormatText = FormatString.GetSelText if sFormatText = "-13%" then 'checking if Percent is set in format box printlog "Fine, switched to percent, " & sFormatText else warnlog "Format Box shows wrong value, " & sFormatText endif if gApplication ="CALC" then 'checking Application for using Reset button Zurueck.Click if Category.GetSelIndex = 7.then printlog "Reset to Time." else warnlog "Reset did not succeed!" endif else Category.Select (7) 'setting the Category for other Application endif TabChartAxisNumbers.OK 'closing dialog printlog "Dialog closed." '/// Open the Number formatter dialog again. Change to Category Percent. '/// The Format area shows Percent formats. Press the Keys ALT+R . Does the Category changes back to Time ? Call sNumberformatterOpenDialog 'opening Dialog Kontext "TabChartAxisNumbers" Category.Select (4) 'selecting percent FormatString.Select (1) sFormatText = FormatString.GetSelText if sFormatText = "-13%" then 'checking entry of Format box printlog "Fine, switched to percent, " & sFormatText else warnlog "Format Box shows wrong value: " & sFormatText endif if gApplication = "CALC" then TabChartAxisNumbers.TypeKeys "", true 'using ALT+R to reset back from percent to time if Category.GetSelIndex = 7 then printlog "ALT-R changed back to Time." else warnlog "ALT-R did not change Category back to time." endif else Category.Select (7) 'setting back to Time manually, no Reset button endif if TabChartAxisNumbers.Exists(1) then TabChartAxisNumbers.Cancel else printlog "No dialog left, ok." endif '///Closing Number Formatter Dialog printlog "Closing number formatter dialog..." if TabChartAxisNumbers.exists(1) then TabChartAxisNumbers.Cancel else printlog "No dialog left, ok." endif '///Closing Data Series Dialog Kontext "TabDataSeriesLabels" printlog "Closing data series dialog..." if TabDataSeriesLabels.exists(1) then TabDataSeriesLabels.Cancel else printlog "No dialog left, ok." endif Call hCloseDocument endcase ' '\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ ' sub sNumberformatterGetLanguage '/// When adapting the test for a new language you will need this script to get the names out of the language dropdown box '/// This routine is to be run isloated from the rest, the found languages from the dropdownbox willbe written into '/// The result file. Simply copy'n'paste the needed words into global/tools/inc/t_locale_strings1.inc '/// The test needs to be run once after the office has bben set to the needed language '/// This sub routine is only for getting a list of the used languages out of the Numberformatter/Language. '/// The list depends upon the used locale and is written into the result file '/// This is not part of the normal test run. This is for getting new languages into t_locale_strings1.inc Call hNewDocument 'new doc Kontext "DocumentWriter" '///Insert a table/// DocumentWriter.TypeKeys "", true Kontext "TabelleEinfuegenWriter" TabelleEinfuegenWriter.OK 'insert table printlog "Table inserted" Kontext "DocumentWriter" DocumentWriter.TypeKeys "0", true 'insert value Kontext "DocumentWriter" '///Open Context Menu/// DocumentWriter.TypeKeys "", true 'Context menu '///Open Number Format/// DocumentWriter.TypeKeys "",11, true DocumentWriter.TypeKeys "", true printlog "Opening number formatter dialog." Kontext "TabChartAxisNumbers" iLanguageCount = Language.GetItemCount 'getting number of entries for iCount = 1 to iLanguageCount Language.Select (iCount) sLanguageText = Language.GetSelText printlog sLanguageText 'printing entries next iCount TabChartAxisNumbers.Close 'closing dialog Call hCloseDocument end sub '\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\