359 1 10 100 1 10 False 6 Watermark True 0 0 dialog False vertical 24 False end gtk-help True True True True False True 0 True gtk-ok True True True True True True False True 1 gtk-cancel True True True True False True 2 False True end 1 True False vertical 6 True False 6 6 True False end Text 0 0 True True True True Enter the watermark text to be displayed as image in the page background. 1 0 True False end Font 0 1 True False end Angle 0 2 True False end Transparency 0 3 True False end Color True Color 0 4 True True True angle_adj Select the rotation angle for the watermark. The text will be rotated by this angle in counterclockwise direction. 1 2 True True True transparenct_adj 50 Select the transparency level for the watermark. A 0% value produces an opaque watermark and a value of 100% is totally transparent (invisible). 1 3 True True True 0 True Select a color from the drop-down box. 1 4 True False True True True Select the font from the list. 1 1 True True 0 True True 0 help ok cancel Insert a watermark text in the current page style background.