/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */ /* * This file is part of the LibreOffice project. * * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. * * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice: * * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed * with this work for additional information regarding copyright * ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache * License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 . */ #include #include #ifdef DBG_UTIL #include #endif #include #include SwRect::SwRect( const tools::Rectangle &rRect ) : m_Point( rRect.Left(), rRect.Top() ) { m_Size.setWidth( rRect.IsWidthEmpty() ? 0 : rRect.Right() - rRect.Left() + 1); m_Size.setHeight(rRect.IsHeightEmpty() ? 0 : rRect.Bottom() - rRect.Top() + 1); } Point SwRect::Center() const { return Point( Left() + Width() / 2, Top() + Height() / 2 ); } SwRect& SwRect::Union( const SwRect& rRect ) { if ( Top() > rRect.Top() ) Top( rRect.Top() ); if ( Left() > rRect.Left() ) Left( rRect.Left() ); long n = rRect.Right(); if ( Right() < n ) Right( n ); n = rRect.Bottom(); if ( Bottom() < n ) Bottom( n ); return *this; } SwRect& SwRect::Intersection( const SwRect& rRect ) { // any similarity between me and given element? if ( IsOver( rRect ) ) { // get smaller right and lower, and greater left and upper edge if ( Left() < rRect.Left() ) Left( rRect.Left() ); if ( Top() < rRect.Top() ) Top( rRect.Top() ); long n = rRect.Right(); if ( Right() > n ) Right( n ); n = rRect.Bottom(); if ( Bottom() > n ) Bottom( n ); } else // Def.: if intersection is empty, set only SSize to 0 SSize(0, 0); return *this; } SwRect& SwRect::Intersection_( const SwRect& rRect ) { // get smaller right and lower, and greater left and upper edge if ( Left() < rRect.Left() ) Left( rRect.Left() ); if ( Top() < rRect.Top() ) Top( rRect.Top() ); long n = rRect.Right(); if ( Right() > n ) Right( n ); n = rRect.Bottom(); if ( Bottom() > n ) Bottom( n ); return *this; } bool SwRect::IsInside( const SwRect& rRect ) const { const long nRight = Right(); const long nBottom = Bottom(); const long nrRight = rRect.Right(); const long nrBottom= rRect.Bottom(); return (Left() <= rRect.Left()) && (rRect.Left()<= nRight) && (Left() <= nrRight) && (nrRight <= nRight) && (Top() <= rRect.Top()) && (rRect.Top() <= nBottom) && (Top() <= nrBottom) && (nrBottom <= nBottom); } bool SwRect::IsInside( const Point& rPoint ) const { return (Left() <= rPoint.X()) && (Top() <= rPoint.Y()) && (Right() >= rPoint.X()) && (Bottom()>= rPoint.Y()); } // mouse moving of table borders bool SwRect::IsNear( const Point& rPoint, long nTolerance ) const { bool bIsNearby = (((Left() - nTolerance) <= rPoint.X()) && ((Top() - nTolerance) <= rPoint.Y()) && ((Right() + nTolerance) >= rPoint.X()) && ((Bottom() + nTolerance) >= rPoint.Y())); return IsInside(rPoint) || bIsNearby; } bool SwRect::IsOver( const SwRect& rRect ) const { return (Top() <= rRect.Bottom()) && (Left() <= rRect.Right()) && (Right() >= rRect.Left()) && (Bottom()>= rRect.Top()); } void SwRect::Justify() { if ( m_Size.getHeight() < 0 ) { m_Point.setY(m_Point.getY() + m_Size.getHeight() + 1); m_Size.setHeight(-m_Size.getHeight()); } if ( m_Size.getWidth() < 0 ) { m_Point.setX(m_Point.getX() + m_Size.getWidth() + 1); m_Size.setWidth(-m_Size.getWidth()); } } // Similar to the inline methods, but we need the function pointers void SwRect::Width_( const long nNew ) { m_Size.setWidth(nNew); } void SwRect::Height_( const long nNew ) { m_Size.setHeight(nNew); } void SwRect::Left_( const long nLeft ){ m_Size.AdjustWidth(m_Point.getX() - nLeft ); m_Point.setX(nLeft); } void SwRect::Right_( const long nRight ){ m_Size.setWidth(nRight - m_Point.getX()); } void SwRect::Top_( const long nTop ){ m_Size.AdjustHeight(m_Point.getY() - nTop ); m_Point.setY(nTop); } void SwRect::Bottom_( const long nBottom ){ m_Size.setHeight(nBottom - m_Point.getY()); } long SwRect::Width_() const{ return m_Size.getWidth(); } long SwRect::Height_() const{ return m_Size.getHeight(); } long SwRect::Left_() const{ return m_Point.getX(); } long SwRect::Right_() const{ return m_Point.getX() + m_Size.getWidth(); } long SwRect::Top_() const{ return m_Point.getY(); } long SwRect::Bottom_() const{ return m_Point.getY() + m_Size.getHeight(); } void SwRect::AddWidth( const long nAdd ) { m_Size.AdjustWidth(nAdd ); } void SwRect::AddHeight( const long nAdd ) { m_Size.AdjustHeight(nAdd ); } void SwRect::SubLeft( const long nSub ){ m_Size.AdjustWidth(nSub ); m_Point.setX(m_Point.getX() - nSub); } void SwRect::AddRight( const long nAdd ){ m_Size.AdjustWidth(nAdd ); } void SwRect::SubTop( const long nSub ){ m_Size.AdjustHeight(nSub ); m_Point.setY(m_Point.getY() - nSub); } void SwRect::AddBottom( const long nAdd ){ m_Size.AdjustHeight(nAdd ); } void SwRect::SetPosX( const long nNew ){ m_Point.setX(nNew); } void SwRect::SetPosY( const long nNew ){ m_Point.setY(nNew); } const Size SwRect::Size_() const { return SSize(); } const Size SwRect::SwappedSize() const { return Size( m_Size.getHeight(), m_Size.getWidth() ); } const Point SwRect::TopLeft() const { return Pos(); } const Point SwRect::TopRight() const { return Point( m_Point.getX() + m_Size.getWidth(), m_Point.getY() ); } const Point SwRect::BottomLeft() const { return Point( m_Point.getX(), m_Point.getY() + m_Size.getHeight() ); } const Point SwRect::BottomRight() const { return Point( m_Point.getX() + m_Size.getWidth(), m_Point.getY() + m_Size.getHeight() ); } long SwRect::GetLeftDistance( long nLimit ) const { return m_Point.getX() - nLimit; } long SwRect::GetBottomDistance( long nLim ) const { return nLim - m_Point.getY() - m_Size.getHeight();} long SwRect::GetTopDistance( long nLimit ) const { return m_Point.getY() - nLimit; } long SwRect::GetRightDistance( long nLim ) const { return nLim - m_Point.getX() - m_Size.getWidth(); } bool SwRect::OverStepLeft( long nLimit ) const { return nLimit > m_Point.getX() && m_Point.getX() + m_Size.getWidth() > nLimit; } bool SwRect::OverStepBottom( long nLimit ) const { return nLimit > m_Point.getY() && m_Point.getY() + m_Size.getHeight() > nLimit; } bool SwRect::OverStepTop( long nLimit ) const { return nLimit > m_Point.getY() && m_Point.getY() + m_Size.getHeight() > nLimit; } bool SwRect::OverStepRight( long nLimit ) const { return nLimit > m_Point.getX() && m_Point.getX() + m_Size.getWidth() > nLimit; } void SwRect::SetLeftAndWidth( long nLeft, long nNew ) { m_Point.setX(nLeft); m_Size.setWidth(nNew); } void SwRect::SetTopAndHeight( long nTop, long nNew ) { m_Point.setY(nTop); m_Size.setHeight(nNew); } void SwRect::SetRightAndWidth( long nRight, long nNew ) { m_Point.setX(nRight - nNew); m_Size.setWidth(nNew); } void SwRect::SetBottomAndHeight( long nBottom, long nNew ) { m_Point.setY(nBottom - nNew); m_Size.setHeight(nNew); } void SwRect::SetUpperLeftCorner( const Point& rNew ) { m_Point = rNew; } void SwRect::SetUpperRightCorner( const Point& rNew ) { m_Point = Point(rNew.X() - m_Size.getWidth(), rNew.Y()); } void SwRect::SetLowerLeftCorner( const Point& rNew ) { m_Point = Point(rNew.X(), rNew.Y() - m_Size.getHeight()); } void SwRect::dumpAsXmlAttributes(xmlTextWriterPtr writer) const { xmlTextWriterWriteFormatAttribute(writer, BAD_CAST("left"), "%li", Left()); xmlTextWriterWriteFormatAttribute(writer, BAD_CAST("top"), "%li", Top()); xmlTextWriterWriteFormatAttribute(writer, BAD_CAST("width"), "%li", Width()); xmlTextWriterWriteFormatAttribute(writer, BAD_CAST("height"), "%li", Height()); xmlTextWriterWriteFormatAttribute(writer, BAD_CAST("bottom"), "%li", Bottom()); xmlTextWriterWriteFormatAttribute(writer, BAD_CAST("right"), "%li", Right()); } #ifdef DBG_UTIL SvStream& WriteSwRect(SvStream &rStream, const SwRect &rRect) { rStream.WriteChar('[').WriteInt32(rRect.Top()). WriteChar('/').WriteInt32(rRect.Left()). WriteChar(',').WriteInt32(rRect.Width()). WriteChar('x').WriteInt32(rRect.Height()). WriteCharPtr("] "); return rStream; } #endif /* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */