/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */ /************************************************************************* * * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. * * Copyright 2000, 2010 Oracle and/or its affiliates. * * OpenOffice.org - a multi-platform office productivity suite * * This file is part of OpenOffice.org. * * OpenOffice.org is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 * only, as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * OpenOffice.org is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 for more details * (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code). * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * version 3 along with OpenOffice.org. If not, see * * for a copy of the LGPLv3 License. * ************************************************************************/ #ifndef SVX_FRMSELIMPL_HXX #define SVX_FRMSELIMPL_HXX #include #include #include #include #include namespace svx { namespace a11y { class AccFrameSelector; } // ============================================================================ class FrameBorder { public: explicit FrameBorder( FrameBorderType eType ); inline FrameBorderType GetType() const { return meType; } inline bool IsEnabled() const { return mbEnabled; } void Enable( FrameSelFlags nFlags ); inline FrameBorderState GetState() const { return meState; } void SetState( FrameBorderState eState ); inline bool IsSelected() const { return mbSelected; } inline void Select( bool bSelect ) { mbSelected = bSelect; } const editeng::SvxBorderLine& GetCoreStyle() const { return maCoreStyle; } void SetCoreStyle( const editeng::SvxBorderLine* pStyle ); inline void SetUIColorPrim( const Color& rColor ) {maUIStyle.SetColorPrim( rColor ); } inline void SetUIColorSecn( const Color& rColor ) {maUIStyle.SetColorSecn( rColor ); } inline void SetUIColorGap( bool bUseIt, const Color& rColor ) {maUIStyle.SetColorGap(bUseIt, rColor);} inline const frame::Style& GetUIStyle() const { return maUIStyle; } inline void ClearFocusArea() { maFocusArea.Clear(); } void AddFocusPolygon( const Polygon& rFocus ); void MergeFocusToPolyPolygon( PolyPolygon& rPPoly ) const; inline void ClearClickArea() { maClickArea.Clear(); } void AddClickRect( const Rectangle& rRect ); bool ContainsClickPoint( const Point& rPos ) const; Rectangle GetClickBoundRect() const; void SetKeyboardNeighbors( FrameBorderType eLeft, FrameBorderType eRight, FrameBorderType eTop, FrameBorderType eBottom ); FrameBorderType GetKeyboardNeighbor( sal_uInt16 nKeyCode ) const; private: const FrameBorderType meType; /// Frame border type (position in control). FrameBorderState meState; /// Frame border state (on/off/don't care). editeng::SvxBorderLine maCoreStyle; /// Core style from application. frame::Style maUIStyle; /// Internal style to draw lines. FrameBorderType meKeyLeft; /// Left neighbor for keyboard control. FrameBorderType meKeyRight; /// Right neighbor for keyboard control. FrameBorderType meKeyTop; /// Upper neighbor for keyboard control. FrameBorderType meKeyBottom; /// Lower neighbor for keyboard control. PolyPolygon maFocusArea; /// Focus drawing areas. PolyPolygon maClickArea; /// Mouse click areas. bool mbEnabled; /// true = Border enabled in control. bool mbSelected; /// true = Border selected in control. }; // ============================================================================ typedef std::vector< FrameBorder* > FrameBorderPtrVec; struct FrameSelectorImpl : public Resource { typedef ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::accessibility::XAccessible > XAccessibleRef; typedef std::vector< a11y::AccFrameSelector* > AccessibleImplVec; typedef std::vector< XAccessibleRef > XAccessibleRefVec; FrameSelector& mrFrameSel; /// The control itself. VirtualDevice maVirDev; /// For all buffered drawing operations. ImageList maILArrows; /// Arrows in current system colors. Color maBackCol; /// Background color. Color maArrowCol; /// Selection arrow color. Color maMarkCol; /// Selection marker color. Color maHCLineCol; /// High contrast line color. Point maVirDevPos; /// Position of virtual device in the control. Point maMousePos; /// Last mouse pointer position. FrameBorder maLeft; /// All data of left frame border. FrameBorder maRight; /// All data of right frame border. FrameBorder maTop; /// All data of top frame border. FrameBorder maBottom; /// All data of bottom frame border. FrameBorder maHor; /// All data of inner horizontal frame border. FrameBorder maVer; /// All data of inner vertical frame border. FrameBorder maTLBR; /// All data of top-left to bottom-right frame border. FrameBorder maBLTR; /// All data of bottom-left to top-right frame border. editeng::SvxBorderLine maCurrStyle; /// Current style and color for new borders. frame::Array maArray; /// Frame link array to draw an array of frame borders. FrameSelFlags mnFlags; /// Flags for enabled frame borders. FrameBorderPtrVec maAllBorders; /// Pointers to all frame borders. FrameBorderPtrVec maEnabBorders; /// Pointers to enables frame borders. Link maSelectHdl; /// Selection handler. long mnCtrlSize; /// Size of the control (always square). long mnArrowSize; /// Size of an arrow image. long mnLine1; /// Middle of left/top frame borders. long mnLine2; /// Middle of inner frame borders. long mnLine3; /// Middle of right/bottom frame borders. long mnFocusOffs; /// Offset from frame border middle to draw focus. bool mbHor; /// true = Inner horizontal frame border enabled. bool mbVer; /// true = Inner vertical frame border enabled. bool mbTLBR; /// true = Top-left to bottom-right frame border enabled. bool mbBLTR; /// true = Bottom-left to top-right frame border enabled. bool mbFullRepaint; /// Used for repainting (false = only copy virtual device). bool mbAutoSelect; /// true = Auto select a frame border, if focus reaches control. bool mbClicked; /// true = The control has been clicked at least one time. bool mbHCMode; /// true = High contrast mode. a11y::AccFrameSelector* mpAccess; /// Pointer to accessibility object of the control. XAccessibleRef mxAccess; /// Reference to accessibility object of the control. AccessibleImplVec maChildVec; /// Pointers to accessibility objects for frame borders. XAccessibleRefVec mxChildVec; /// References to accessibility objects for frame borders. explicit FrameSelectorImpl( FrameSelector& rFrameSel ); ~FrameSelectorImpl(); // initialization --------------------------------------------------------- /** Initializes the control, enables/disables frame borders according to flags. */ void Initialize( FrameSelFlags nFlags ); /** Fills all color members from current style settings. */ void InitColors(); /** Creates the image list with selection arrows regarding current style settings. */ void InitArrowImageList(); /** Initializes global coordinates. */ void InitGlobalGeometry(); /** Initializes coordinates of all frame borders. */ void InitBorderGeometry(); /** Initializes click areas of all enabled frame borders. */ void InitClickAreas(); /** Draws the entire control into the internal virtual device. */ void InitVirtualDevice(); // frame border access ---------------------------------------------------- /** Returns the object representing the specified frame border. */ const FrameBorder& GetBorder( FrameBorderType eBorder ) const; /** Returns the object representing the specified frame border (write access). */ FrameBorder& GetBorderAccess( FrameBorderType eBorder ); // drawing ---------------------------------------------------------------- /** Draws the background of the entire control (the gray areas between borders). */ void DrawBackground(); /** Draws selection arrows for the specified frame border. */ void DrawArrows( const FrameBorder& rBorder ); /** Draws arrows in current selection state for all enabled frame borders. */ void DrawAllArrows(); /** Returns the color that has to be used to draw a frame border. */ Color GetDrawLineColor( const Color& rColor ) const; /** Draws all frame borders. */ void DrawAllFrameBorders(); /** Draws all contents of the control. */ void DrawVirtualDevice(); /** Copies contents of the virtual device to the control. */ void CopyVirDevToControl(); /** Draws tracking rectangles for all selected frame borders. */ void DrawAllTrackingRects(); /** Converts a mouse position to the virtual device position. */ Point GetDevPosFromMousePos( const Point& rMousePos ) const; /** Invalidates the control. @param bFullRepaint true = Full repaint; false = update selection only. */ void DoInvalidate( bool bFullRepaint ); // frame border state and style ------------------------------------------- /** Sets the state of the specified frame border. */ void SetBorderState( FrameBorder& rBorder, FrameBorderState eState ); /** Sets the core style of the specified frame border, or hides the frame border, if pStyle is 0. */ void SetBorderCoreStyle( FrameBorder& rBorder, const editeng::SvxBorderLine* pStyle ); /** Sets the color of the specified frame border. */ void SetBorderColor( FrameBorder& rBorder, const Color& rColor ); /** Changes the state of a frame border after a control event (mouse/keyboard). */ void ToggleBorderState( FrameBorder& rBorder ); // frame border selection ------------------------------------------------- /** Selects a frame border and schedules redraw. */ void SelectBorder( FrameBorder& rBorder, bool bSelect ); /** Grabs focus without auto-selection of a frame border, if no border selected. */ void SilentGrabFocus(); /** Returns true, if all selected frame borders are equal (or if nothing is selected). */ bool SelectedBordersEqual() const; }; // ============================================================================ /** Dummy predicate for frame border iterators to use all borders in a container. */ struct FrameBorderDummy_Pred { inline bool operator()( const FrameBorder* ) const { return true; } }; /** Predicate for frame border iterators to use only visible borders in a container. */ struct FrameBorderVisible_Pred { inline bool operator()( const FrameBorder* pBorder ) const { return pBorder->GetState() == FRAMESTATE_SHOW; } }; /** Predicate for frame border iterators to use only selected borders in a container. */ struct FrameBorderSelected_Pred { inline bool operator()( const FrameBorder* pBorder ) const { return pBorder->IsSelected(); } }; /** Template class for all types of frame border iterators. */ template< typename Cont, typename Iter, typename Pred > class FrameBorderIterBase { public: typedef Cont container_type; typedef Iter iterator_type; typedef Pred predicate_type; typedef typename Cont::value_type value_type; typedef FrameBorderIterBase< Cont, Iter, Pred > this_type; explicit FrameBorderIterBase( container_type& rCont ); inline bool Is() const { return maIt != maEnd; } this_type& operator++(); inline value_type operator*() const { return *maIt; } private: iterator_type maIt; iterator_type maEnd; predicate_type maPred; }; /** Iterator for constant svx::FrameBorder containers, iterates over all borders. */ typedef FrameBorderIterBase< const FrameBorderPtrVec, FrameBorderPtrVec::const_iterator, FrameBorderDummy_Pred > FrameBorderCIter; /** Iterator for mutable svx::FrameBorder containers, iterates over all borders. */ typedef FrameBorderIterBase< FrameBorderPtrVec, FrameBorderPtrVec::iterator, FrameBorderDummy_Pred > FrameBorderIter; /** Iterator for constant svx::FrameBorder containers, iterates over visible borders. */ typedef FrameBorderIterBase< const FrameBorderPtrVec, FrameBorderPtrVec::const_iterator, FrameBorderVisible_Pred > VisFrameBorderCIter; /** Iterator for mutable svx::FrameBorder containers, iterates over visible borders. */ typedef FrameBorderIterBase< FrameBorderPtrVec, FrameBorderPtrVec::iterator, FrameBorderVisible_Pred > VisFrameBorderIter; /** Iterator for constant svx::FrameBorder containers, iterates over selected borders. */ typedef FrameBorderIterBase< const FrameBorderPtrVec, FrameBorderPtrVec::const_iterator, FrameBorderSelected_Pred > SelFrameBorderCIter; /** Iterator for mutable svx::FrameBorder containers, iterates over selected borders. */ typedef FrameBorderIterBase< FrameBorderPtrVec, FrameBorderPtrVec::iterator, FrameBorderSelected_Pred > SelFrameBorderIter; // ============================================================================ } // namespace svx #endif /* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */