/************************************************************************* * * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. * * Copyright 2000, 2010 Oracle and/or its affiliates. * * OpenOffice.org - a multi-platform office productivity suite * * This file is part of OpenOffice.org. * * OpenOffice.org is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 * only, as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * OpenOffice.org is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 for more details * (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code). * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * version 3 along with OpenOffice.org. If not, see * * for a copy of the LGPLv3 License. * ************************************************************************/ %{ // Suppress any warnings from generated code: #if defined __GNUC__ #pragma GCC system_header #elif defined __SUNPRO_CC #pragma disable_warn #elif defined _MSC_VER #pragma warning(push, 1) #endif static char const Revision[] = "$Revision: 1.9 $" ; /* XX XX XXXX XXXXXX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XXXXXX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XXXX XXXXXX XXXX XX XXX XX XX XX XX XXXX XXX XX XX XXX XXX XX XXXXX XX XXX XX XX XX XX X XX XX XX XX XX XX X XXX XX XX X XX XX XX X XX XX XX XX XX XXXXXXX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XXXXX XX XX XX XX XXXX XXXX XXX XXX XX XXXX XXXX XXXXX XXXX XXXX */ /* length of buffer for reading with lex */ /**/ /* enlarge token buffer to tokenize whole strings */ #undef YYLMAX #define YYLMAX 64000 int exclude_bracelevel=0; /* count braces in that start state */ static YY_BUFFER_STATE InputFiles[127]; // for recursive parse static int nInputFileDepth = 0; #include #include #include #include int alloc_cnt = 0; static bool bVerbose = false; void freestring( char const * ); //forward char* dot2underline( char* str ) { size_t len=strlen(str); for( size_t i=0; i base if( base == NULL || suffix == NULL ) return; if( strlen(suffix) == 0 ) return; if( (strlen(suffix)+1) > strlen(base) ) return; char * pos=strstr( base, suffix); if( pos && (pos-1 >= base) && ( *(pos-1) == '.') ) if( *(pos+strlen(suffix)) == '\0' ) //only if at end of base *(pos-1)= '\0'; return; } int level = 0; char levelbuffer[512]; void adjust_levelbuffer() { int i; for(i=0; i(ptr)), ptr = NULL; } void makestring(char** newstr, char* oldstr) { alloc_cnt++; adjust_levelbuffer(); if ( bVerbose ) fprintf(stdout,"%sinfo: makestring on line %d\n",levelbuffer,__LINE__); strcpy( (*newstr=(char*)malloc(strlen(oldstr)+1)), oldstr); if( *newstr==NULL ) { fprintf( stderr, "error: cannot malloc for makestring() alloc_cnt==%d \n", alloc_cnt); exit(1); } } #ifndef WNT int strcmpi(char const * stra, char const * strb) { // like strcmp() but case insensitive size_t i; char a,b; for(i=0; ;i++){ a = (char) tolower(stra[i]); b = (char) tolower(strb[i]); if( a < b ) return -1; if( a > b ) return 1; if( a == '\0' && b == '\0' ) return 0; } } #endif /* variables for listfile ( with project + pathname of src file ) */ char* listfilename; #define MAXSRCFILES 2048 char* filename_tab[MAXSRCFILES]; char* project_tab[MAXSRCFILES]; int tab_entries = 0; //int fileno = 0; /* currently used filenumber */ /* globale variablen */ FILE* outfile; char const *filename = ""; //incl. path //char *basename = ""; char const *project = ""; char const *subpath = ""; //from project name downwards like source\ui\xxx.src int firstprint = 1; int in_define = 0; class ident_ring { #define MAXRING 2 //nicht aendern wg externer Abfrage ->size() == 2 char* ring[MAXRING]; int ringpos; int last; int broken; public: ident_ring() { last = ringpos = -1; for(int i=0; i' #define TOK_OPENPAREN '(' #define TOK_CLOSEPAREN ')' #define TOK_PLUS '+' #define TOK_MINUS '-' #define TOK_STAR '*' #define TOK_SLASH '/' // #define TOK_POSorSIZE 146 #define TOK_POSSIZE 147 #define TOK_TEXTTAG 148 #define TOK_IDNUM 149 // #define TOK_EXTRADATA 151 #define TOK_TEXT 152 #define TOK_MESSAGE 153 #define TOK_HELPTEXT 154 #define TOK_TRUE 155 #define TOK_FALSE 156 // #define TOK_RESID 180 // #define TOK_STRING 190 // #define TOK_INVALID (-1) token lasttoken = TOK_INVALID; #define UNDEF (-1) char *globalID = const_cast< char * >(""); char const *globalKLASSE = NULL; void reset_globalID() { // if( globalID && (strlen(globalID) > 0 ) ) { freestring( globalID ); globalID = const_cast< char * >(""); } } //-------------------------------------------------------------------- class resource { private: resource ( const resource& ); //copy-ctor soll keiner benutzen void operator=( const resource& ); // zuweisung auch nicht public: resource(); ~resource(); public: int lineno; token lasttoken; //before opening { char const *klasse ; char *localID; char *helpID; int residfound; }; resource *ares ; /* aktuell bearbeitete resource */ resource::~resource() { if( klasse != NULL ) freestring(klasse); if( localID != NULL ) freestring(localID); if( helpID != NULL ) freestring(helpID); } resource::resource() { lineno = UNDEF; lasttoken= TOK_INVALID; klasse = NULL ; localID = NULL ; helpID = NULL ; residfound= 0; } int residfound = 0; // "Identifier = " auf momentanem level gefunden #define MAXSTACK 32 resource* stack[MAXSTACK]; /* resource stack */ #define EMPTYSTACK (-1) int stackptr = EMPTYSTACK; void push_resource( resource* r ) { stackptr++; if( stackptr >= MAXSTACK ) { fprintf( stderr, "error: resource stack is full %d \n", stackptr); exit(1); } stack[ stackptr ] = r; } resource* pop_resource() { if( stackptr < 0 ) { fprintf( stderr, "error: pop resource from empty stack \n"); exit(1); } return stack[ stackptr-- ]; } /* forward */ int eat_comment(); int eat_cpp_comment(); /*===================================================*/ // // '+' im identifier wg basic\source\classes\sb.src // // '<' im identifier wg sc subtdlg.src // // '&' im identifier wg scerror.src so2..nocode.src svxerr.src scwarngs.src //string (\"[^"]*\") alter einfacher string ohne " %} /* 89012 */ %option never-interactive simple ([^\n\"]*) %p 7000 string \"{simple}((((\\\\)*(\\\"))?){simple})*\" %x MACRO_STATE %x EXCLUDE_STATE resfilelist ([Ff][Ii][Ll][Ee][Ll][Ii][Ss][Tt]) resstringlist ([Ss][Tt][Rr][Ii][Nn][Gg][Ll][Ii][Ss][Tt]) resstring ([Ss][Tt][Rr][Ii][Nn][Gg]) identifier ([a-z_A-Z]+[a-z_A-Z<+&0-9]*) number (([0-9]+)|(0x[0-9a-fA-F]+)) residentifier ([Ii][Dd][Ee][Nn][Tt][Ii][Ff][Ii][Ee][Rr]) w ([ \t\n]*) wspecial ([\\ \t\n]*) texttag (([Tt][Ii][Tt][Ll][Ee])|([Tt][Ee][Xx][Tt])|([Mm][Ee][Ss][Ss][Aa][Gg][Ee])) qhelptag (([Qq][Uu][Ii][Cc][Kk])?([Hh][Ee][Ll][Pp][Tt][Ee][Xx][Tt])) langtag ([a-zA-Z_]+) helptag ([Hh][Ee][Ll][Pp][Ii][Dd]) helpid ([a-zA-Z_0-9]+) num2tag (([Pp][Oo][Ss])|([Ss][Ii][Zz][Ee])) num4tag (([Pp][Oo][Ss][Ss][Ii][Zz][Ee])) %% [ \t] { /* forget whitespace */; } ^[ \t]*#include.*\.src[">].* { char NewFile[255]; //long names??? int i, j, GetIt; GetIt = 0; j = 0; nInputFileDepth++; // nicht schoen aber geht... for (i = 0; yytext[i+1] != 0; i++) { if ( GetIt == 1 ) { if ( yytext[i] == '"' || yytext[i] == '>' ) GetIt = 0; else NewFile[j++] = yytext[i]; } if ( yytext[i] == '"' || yytext[i] == '<' ) GetIt = 1; } NewFile[j] = '\0'; FILE* pFile = NULL; pFile = fopen( NewFile, "r" ); if( pFile == NULL ) { fprintf( stdout, "warning: could not open inputfile %s \n", NewFile ); // try the new *_tmpl.src version instead // this hack was introduced to allow localisation of included src files const char* sStrTmpl = "_tmpl"; j -= 4; for ( i = 0 ; i <5 ; i++,j++ ) { NewFile[j+5] = NewFile[j]; NewFile[j] = sStrTmpl[i]; } NewFile[j+4] = '\0'; fprintf( stderr, "trying inputfile %s \n", NewFile ); pFile = fopen( NewFile, "r" ); if( pFile == NULL ) { fprintf( stderr, "error: could not open inputfile %s \n", NewFile ); exit(1); } } InputFiles[ nInputFileDepth ] = yy_create_buffer( pFile, YY_BUF_SIZE ); yy_switch_to_buffer( InputFiles[ nInputFileDepth ] ); if ( bVerbose ) fprintf( stdout, "%s //ATTENTION!! %s gets included here\n", yytext, NewFile ); fprintf( outfile, "// %s //ATTENTION!! %s gets included here\n\n", yytext, NewFile ); } ^[ \t]*#include.* { fprintf( outfile, "%s\n\n", yytext ); } ^[ \t]*#(if|ifdef|ifndef|elif).* { ; } ^[ \t]*#else { ; } ^[ \t]*#endif { ; } ^[ \t]*#(undef|error|pragma).* { ; } ^[ \t]*#define { fprintf( outfile, "%s", yytext ); BEGIN MACRO_STATE; } "/*" { eat_comment(); } "//" { eat_cpp_comment(); } \n { fprintf( outfile, "%s\n", yytext ); BEGIN INITIAL; } \\\n { fprintf( outfile, "\\\n" ); ;/* macro schadet nicht, koennte gebraucht werden */ } . { fprintf( outfile, "%s", yytext ); ;/* ignore all this unused input */ } ";" {ring->set_zero(); lasttoken = TOK_SEMICOLON; } "=" {ring->set_zero(); lasttoken = TOK_EQUAL; } "[" {ring->set_broken(); lasttoken = TOK_OPENBRACKET; } "]" {ring->set_broken(); lasttoken = TOK_CLOSEBRACKET; } "{" { exclude_bracelevel += 1; if ( bVerbose ) fprintf( stdout,"info: lev %d : found {\n", exclude_bracelevel ); } \\\n | "{" { // define continues // or a brace opens a block if( in_define && !strcmp(yytext,"\\\n") ) { if( in_define++ == 1 ) ;// keep on working else goto blockend; } level++; if( ares != NULL ){ if( level > 1 ) dotappend( globalID, ares->localID ); ares->residfound = residfound; push_resource( ares ); } ares = new resource; residfound = 0; ares->residfound = 0; ares->lineno = yylineno; ares->lasttoken = lasttoken; if( ring->size() == 2 ) { ares->klasse = ring->extract_last(); ares->localID = ring->extract_actual(); } else if(ring->size() == 1) { ares->klasse = ring->extract_actual(); } if( level==1 ){ //Ausnahme: Resource auf Ebene 1 globalID= ares->localID; ares->localID = NULL; globalKLASSE= ares->klasse; } if ( bVerbose ) fprintf(stdout,"info: { level: %d\n", level); lasttoken = TOK_OPENBRACE; ring->set_zero(); } "}" { //----------------------------- exclude_bracelevel -= 1; if ( bVerbose ) fprintf( stdout,"info: lev %d : found }\n", exclude_bracelevel ); if( exclude_bracelevel==1 ) { BEGIN INITIAL; exclude_bracelevel=0; } } \n | "}" { if ( bVerbose ) fprintf(stdout,"info: } level: %d\n",level); if( !strcmp(yytext,"}") ) ; else if( in_define && (!strcmp(yytext,"\n") )) { if( in_define==1 ) { //no continuation line for #define in_define=0; goto blockend; } else { //there was a continuation line for #define in_define=0; } } else goto blockend; // ares ausgeben if( ares != NULL ) { #define LEER "leer" char const * globklasse = globalKLASSE==NULL ? LEER:globalKLASSE; char const * local = ares->localID==NULL ? LEER:ares->localID; char const * klasse = ares->klasse==NULL ? LEER:ares->klasse; char const * glob = globalID==NULL ? LEER:globalID; //wg. Starview-Klasse String in ehdl.c und doc.c // wenn generierte C++-Quellen compiliert werden // //if( !strcmp(globklasse,"String" )) globklasse = "string"; //if( !strcmp(klasse,"String" )) klasse = "string"; //--------------------------------------------------- // generate the body of a new C main program, // which is filled with printf statements // to compute (via preproseccor & compiler) // the codenumbers for resource names like menu$RID_SVX$xyz if( firstprint ) { firstprint=0; fprintf(outfile, "#include \"starview.hid\" \n\n"); fprintf(outfile, " int main() { \n\n\n"); } char globunder[256]; strcpy(globunder,glob); dot2underline( globunder ); char const * globsuffix = strrchr(glob,'.'); globsuffix = globsuffix==NULL ? glob:globsuffix+1; if( ares->helpID ) { fprintf( outfile,"\n\t printf(\"%s \\t %cs %cu \\n\",\n", ares->helpID,'%','%'); fprintf(outfile,"\t\"HelpID\", (%s) ); \n", ares->helpID); } else if( ares->localID ) { fprintf( outfile,"\n\t printf(\"%s:%s:%s:%s \\t %cs %cu %cs %cu \\n\",\n", project,klasse,globunder,local,'%','%','%','%'); fprintf( outfile,"\t\"Norm %s\", (%s), \"%s\", (%s) );\n", globklasse,globsuffix, klasse,local); } else if( (strcmpi("MenuItem",klasse)==0) || (strcmpi("ToolBoxItem",klasse)==0) ) { ; //no output (99% is a separator) } else { fprintf( outfile,"\n\t printf(\"%s:%s:%s \\t %cs %cu %cs \\n\",\n", project,klasse,globunder,'%','%','%'); fprintf( outfile,"\t\"Norm %s\", (%s), \"%s\" );\n", globklasse,globsuffix, klasse); } delete ares; } // ein level zurueck if( level == 1) { reset_globalID(); globalKLASSE = NULL; } level--; ares = pop_resource(); residfound = ares->residfound; dotsubtract( globalID, ares->localID ); // lasttoken = TOK_CLOSEBRACE; ring->set_zero(); blockend: ; } "," {ring->set_broken(); lasttoken = TOK_KOMMA; } "<" {ring->set_broken(); lasttoken = TOK_LESS; } ">" {ring->set_broken(); lasttoken = TOK_GREATER; } "(" {ring->set_broken(); lasttoken = TOK_OPENPAREN; } ")" {ring->set_broken(); lasttoken = TOK_CLOSEPAREN; } "+" {ring->set_broken(); lasttoken = TOK_PLUS; } "-" {ring->set_broken(); lasttoken = TOK_MINUS; } "*" {ring->set_broken(); lasttoken = TOK_STAR; } "/" {ring->set_broken(); lasttoken = TOK_SLASH; } {helptag}{w}"="{w}{helpid}{w}";" { // extract text for helpid and put to ares char* pos = strchr(yytext,'='); size_t offset = strspn(pos+1," \t\n"); char* start = pos+1+offset; size_t offset2= strcspn( start, "; \t\n"); char* end = start+offset2; *end = '\0'; char *helpid; makestring( &helpid, start ); ares->helpID = helpid; } {residentifier}{w}"="[ \t\n]*({identifier}|{number}) { ring->set_zero(); lasttoken = TOK_RESID; residfound=1; //extract resource id and store as localID char *after = strrchr(yytext,'='); char *resid = after + strspn(after,"= \t\n"); char *localID; makestring( &localID, resid ); ares->localID = localID; } {resfilelist} | {resstring} | {resstringlist} { BEGIN EXCLUDE_STATE; exclude_bracelevel = 1; if ( bVerbose ) fprintf( stdout,"info: lev %d : found exclusion\n", exclude_bracelevel ); } ^[ \t]*#define | {number} | {identifier} { /* identifier/number in einem ring ablegen */ char *identifier; char *def=strstr(yytext,"#define"); if( def ) { in_define = 1; makestring( &identifier, def+1 ); } else makestring( &identifier, yytext ); ring->set( identifier ); lasttoken = TOK_IDNUM; } {string} { ring->set_broken(); lasttoken = TOK_STRING; if ( bVerbose ) fprintf(stdout, "%6s %11s %8d %s \n",project,filename,yylineno, yytext); } . { if ( bVerbose ) fprintf( stdout,"warning: unused input on line %d of %s \n%s\n", yylineno, filename, yytext); } \n { ; //do nothing, ignore } %% void makeversion( char* version ) { char const *pos = strpbrk( Revision, "0123456789." ); size_t siz = strspn( pos, "0123456789." ); if( pos && siz ) { strncpy(version, pos, siz); strcat( version, " "); } else strcpy( version," unknown " ); } int main( int argc, char* argv[] ) { static char const *Compiler = "HID-Compiler "; static char const *Author = "OG "; static char HIDCompiler[100]; static char Version[100]; // check for switches given on the command line if ( ( argc > 0 ) && ( 0 == strcmp( argv[0], "-verbose" ) ) ) { bVerbose = true; for ( size_t i=0; i