<% Option Explicit Response.Expires = 0 Response.Buffer = True %> <% ' get new picture Dim sCurrPic,aPictureArray, nUpper, nCurrPic aPictureArray = File_getDataVirtual( csFilePicture, ".", ";" ) nUpper = CInt( (UBound(aPictureArray) - 1 ) / 2) sCurrPic = Request( "CurrPic" ) ' check if + or - was pressed select case Request( "Auswahl" ) case "+" if isNumeric( sCurrPic ) then sCurrPic = CStr( CLng( sCurrPic ) + 1 ) end if case "-" if isNumeric( sCurrPic ) then sCurrPic = CStr( CLng( sCurrPic ) - 1 ) end if end select ' save picture name if isNumeric( sCurrPic ) then if (CInt( sCurrPic ) > 0) and ( CInt( sCurrPic ) <= nUpper ) then call File_writeVirtual( "currpic.txt", ".", sCurrPic ) end if end if ' return to edit page Response.Redirect( "./editpic.asp" ) %>