/************************************************************************* * * OpenOffice.org - a multi-platform office productivity suite * * $RCSfile: tokenarray.hxx,v $ * * $Revision: 1.6 $ * * last change: $Author: rt $ $Date: 2005-09-08 18:01:25 $ * * The Contents of this file are made available subject to * the terms of GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1. * * * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 * ============================================= * Copyright 2005 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. * 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, * MA 02111-1307 USA * ************************************************************************/ #ifndef SC_TOKENARRAY_HXX #define SC_TOKENARRAY_HXX #ifndef SC_TOKEN_HXX #include "token.hxx" #endif #ifndef _SOLAR_H #include #endif enum ScRecalcMode40 { // old RecalcMode up to and including SO 4.0 RC_NORMAL, RC_ALWAYS, RC_ONLOAD, // always after load RC_ONLOAD_ONCE, // once after load RC_FORCED, // also if cell isn't visible RC_ONREFMOVE // if reference was moved (since SP3, 05.11.97) }; // New (since 5.0, 14.01.98) RecalcMode access only via TokenArray // SetRecalcMode / IsRecalcMode... typedef BYTE ScRecalcMode; // Only one of the exclusive bits can be set, // handled by TokenArray SetRecalcMode... methods #define RECALCMODE_NORMAL 0x01 // exclusive #define RECALCMODE_ALWAYS 0x02 // exclusive, always #define RECALCMODE_ONLOAD 0x04 // exclusive, always after load #define RECALCMODE_ONLOAD_ONCE 0x08 // exclusive, once after load #define RECALCMODE_FORCED 0x10 // combined, also if cell isn't visible #define RECALCMODE_ONREFMOVE 0x20 // combined, if reference was moved #define RECALCMODE_EMASK 0x0F // mask of exclusive bits // If new bits are to be defined, ExportRecalcMode40 and AddRecalcMode have to // be adjusted! struct ScRawToken; class ScTokenArray { friend class ScCompiler; friend class ScTokenIterator; ScToken** pCode; // Token code array ScToken** pRPN; // RPN array USHORT nLen; // Length of token array USHORT nRPN; // Length of RPN array USHORT nIndex; // Current step index USHORT nError; // Error code short nRefs; // Count of cell references ScRecalcMode nMode; // Flags to indicate when to recalc this code BOOL bHyperLink; // If HYPERLINK() occurs in the formula. void Assign( const ScTokenArray& ); ScToken* Add( ScToken* ); void ImportRecalcMode40( ScRecalcMode40 ); ScRecalcMode40 ExportRecalcMode40() const; inline void SetCombinedBitsRecalcMode( ScRecalcMode nBits ) { nMode |= (nBits & ~RECALCMODE_EMASK); } inline ScRecalcMode GetCombinedBitsRecalcMode() const { return nMode & ~RECALCMODE_EMASK; } /** Exclusive bits already set in nMode are zero'ed, nVal may contain combined bits, but only one exclusive bit may be set! */ inline void SetMaskedRecalcMode( ScRecalcMode nBits ) { nMode = GetCombinedBitsRecalcMode() | nBits; } BOOL ImplGetReference( ScRange& rRange, BOOL bValidOnly ) const; public: ScTokenArray(); /// Assignment with references to ScToken entries (not copied!) ScTokenArray( const ScTokenArray& ); ~ScTokenArray(); ScTokenArray* Clone() const; /// True copy! void Clear(); void DelRPN(); ScToken* First() { nIndex = 0; return Next(); } ScToken* Next(); ScToken* FirstNoSpaces() { nIndex = 0; return NextNoSpaces(); } ScToken* NextNoSpaces(); ScToken* GetNextName(); ScToken* GetNextDBArea(); ScToken* GetNextReference(); ScToken* GetNextReferenceRPN(); ScToken* GetNextReferenceOrName(); ScToken* GetNextColRowName(); ScToken* GetNextOpCodeRPN( OpCode ); ScToken* PeekNext(); ScToken* PeekPrevNoSpaces(); /// Only after Reset/First/Next/Last/Prev! ScToken* PeekNextNoSpaces(); /// Only after Reset/First/Next/Last/Prev! ScToken* FirstRPN() { nIndex = 0; return NextRPN(); } ScToken* NextRPN(); ScToken* LastRPN() { nIndex = nRPN; return PrevRPN(); } ScToken* PrevRPN(); BOOL HasOpCodeRPN( OpCode ) const; /// Token of type svIndex BOOL HasName() const; /// Token of type svIndex or opcode ocColRowName BOOL HasNameOrColRowName() const; /// Exactly and only one range (valid or deleted) BOOL IsReference( ScRange& rRange ) const; /// Exactly and only one valid range (no #REF!s) BOOL IsValidReference( ScRange& rRange ) const; /// Exactly and only one multiple operation BOOL GetTableOpRefs( ScAddress& rFormula, ScAddress& rColFirstPos, ScAddress& rColRelPos, ScAddress& rRowFirstPos, ScAddress& rRowRelPos, BOOL& rbIsMode2 ) const; ScToken** GetArray() const { return pCode; } ScToken** GetCode() const { return pRPN; } USHORT GetLen() const { return nLen; } USHORT GetCodeLen() const { return nRPN; } void Reset() { nIndex = 0; } USHORT GetError() const { return nError; } void SetError( USHORT n ) { nError = n; } short GetRefs() const { return nRefs; } void SetHyperLink( BOOL bVal ) { bHyperLink = bVal; } BOOL IsHyperLink() const { return bHyperLink; } inline ScRecalcMode GetRecalcMode() const { return nMode; } /** Bits aren't set directly but validated and maybe handled according to priority if more than one exclusive bit was set. */ void AddRecalcMode( ScRecalcMode nBits ); inline void ClearRecalcMode() { nMode = RECALCMODE_NORMAL; } inline void SetRecalcModeNormal() { SetMaskedRecalcMode( RECALCMODE_NORMAL ); } inline void SetRecalcModeAlways() { SetMaskedRecalcMode( RECALCMODE_ALWAYS ); } inline void SetRecalcModeOnLoad() { SetMaskedRecalcMode( RECALCMODE_ONLOAD ); } inline void SetRecalcModeOnLoadOnce() { SetMaskedRecalcMode( RECALCMODE_ONLOAD_ONCE ); } inline void SetRecalcModeForced() { nMode |= RECALCMODE_FORCED; } inline void ClearRecalcModeForced() { nMode &= ~RECALCMODE_FORCED; } inline void SetRecalcModeOnRefMove() { nMode |= RECALCMODE_ONREFMOVE; } inline void ClearRecalcModeOnRefMove() { nMode &= ~RECALCMODE_ONREFMOVE; } inline BOOL IsRecalcModeNormal() const { return (nMode & RECALCMODE_NORMAL) != 0; } inline BOOL IsRecalcModeAlways() const { return (nMode & RECALCMODE_ALWAYS) != 0; } inline BOOL IsRecalcModeOnLoad() const { return (nMode & RECALCMODE_ONLOAD) != 0; } inline BOOL IsRecalcModeOnLoadOnce() const { return (nMode & RECALCMODE_ONLOAD_ONCE) != 0; } inline BOOL IsRecalcModeForced() const { return (nMode & RECALCMODE_FORCED) != 0; } inline BOOL IsRecalcModeOnRefMove() const { return (nMode & RECALCMODE_ONREFMOVE) != 0; } /** Get OpCode of the most outer function */ inline OpCode GetOuterFuncOpCode(); /** Determines the extent of direct adjacent references. Only use with real functions, e.g. GetOuterFuncOpCode() == ocSum ! */ BOOL GetAdjacentExtendOfOuterFuncRefs( SCCOLROW& nExtend, const ScAddress& rPos, ScDirection ); /** Operators +,-,*,/,^,&,=,<>,<,>,<=,>= with DoubleRef in Formula? */ BOOL HasMatrixDoubleRefOps(); void Load30( SvStream&, const ScAddress& ); void Load( SvStream&, USHORT, const ScAddress& ); void Store( SvStream&, const ScAddress& ) const; ScToken* AddToken( const ScRawToken& ); ScToken* AddToken( const ScToken& ); ScToken* AddOpCode( OpCode eCode ); ScToken* AddString( const sal_Unicode* pStr ); ScToken* AddString( const String& rStr ); ScToken* AddDouble( double fVal ); ScToken* AddSingleReference( const SingleRefData& rRef ); ScToken* AddDoubleReference( const ComplRefData& rRef ); ScToken* AddName( USHORT n ); ScToken* AddMatrix( ScMatrix* p ); ScToken* AddExternal( const sal_Unicode* pStr ); ScToken* AddExternal( const String& rStr ); ScToken* AddColRowName( const SingleRefData& rRef ); ScToken* AddBad( const sal_Unicode* pStr ); /// ocBad with String ScToken* AddBad( const String& rStr ); /// ocBad with String /// Assignment with references to ScToken entries (not copied!) ScTokenArray& operator=( const ScTokenArray& ); /// Make 3D references point to old referenced position even if relative void ReadjustRelative3DReferences( const ScAddress& rOldPos, const ScAddress& rNewPos ); }; inline OpCode ScTokenArray::GetOuterFuncOpCode() { if ( pRPN && nRPN ) return pRPN[nRPN-1]->GetOpCode(); return ocNone; } struct ImpTokenIterator { ImpTokenIterator* pNext; const ScTokenArray* pArr; short nPC; short nStop; DECL_FIXEDMEMPOOL_NEWDEL( ImpTokenIterator ); }; class ScTokenIterator { friend class ScInterpreter; // for Jump() ImpTokenIterator* pCur; /** Jump or subroutine call. Program counter values will be incremented before code is executed => positions are to be passed with -1 offset. @param nStart Start on code at position nStart+1 (yes, pass with offset -1) @param nNext After subroutine continue with instruction at position nNext+1 @param nStop Stop before reaching code at position nStop. If not specified the default is to either run the entire code, or to stop if an ocSep or ocClose is encountered, which are only present in ocIf or ocChose jumps. */ void Jump( short nStart, short nNext, short nStop = SHRT_MAX ); void Push( const ScTokenArray* ); void Pop(); public: ScTokenIterator( const ScTokenArray& ); ~ScTokenIterator(); void Reset(); const ScToken* First(); const ScToken* Next(); bool IsEndOfPath() const; /// if a jump or subroutine path is done bool HasStacked() const { return pCur->pNext != 0; } short GetPC() const { return pCur->nPC; } }; #endif // SC_TOKENARRAY_HXX