/************************************************************************* * * OpenOffice.org - a multi-platform office productivity suite * * $RCSfile: cell.hxx,v $ * * $Revision: 1.19 $ * * last change: $Author: rt $ $Date: 2005-09-08 17:24:26 $ * * The Contents of this file are made available subject to * the terms of GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1. * * * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 * ============================================= * Copyright 2005 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. * 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, * MA 02111-1307 USA * ************************************************************************/ #ifndef SC_CELL_HXX #define SC_CELL_HXX #include #ifndef _SVMEMPOOL_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _SVT_LISTENER_HXX #include #endif #ifndef SC_SCGLOB_HXX #include "global.hxx" #endif #ifndef SC_TOKENARRAY_HXX #include "tokenarray.hxx" #endif #ifndef SC_POSTIT_HXX #include "postit.hxx" #endif #ifndef _RTL_USTRBUF_HXX_ #include #endif #ifndef _SV_FONTCVT_HXX #include #endif #define USE_MEMPOOL #define TEXTWIDTH_DIRTY 0xffff // in addition to SCRIPTTYPE_... flags from scripttypeitem.hxx: // set (in nScriptType) if type has not been determined yet #define SC_SCRIPTTYPE_UNKNOWN 0x08 class ScDocument; class EditTextObject; class ScMatrix; class SvtBroadcaster; class ScCodeArray; class ScTokenArray; class ScProgress; class ScMultipleReadHeader; class ScMultipleWriteHeader; class ScBaseCell { protected: ScPostIt* pNote; SvtBroadcaster* pBroadcaster; USHORT nTextWidth; BYTE eCellType; // enum CellType - BYTE spart Speicher BYTE nScriptType; public: // fuer Idle-Berechnung USHORT GetTextWidth() const { return nTextWidth; } void SetTextWidth( USHORT nNew ) { nTextWidth = nNew; } BYTE GetScriptType() const { return nScriptType; } void SetScriptType( BYTE nNew ) { nScriptType = nNew; } protected: ~ScBaseCell(); // nicht virtuell -> darf nicht direkt aufgerufen werden public: inline ScBaseCell( CellType eNewType ); inline ScBaseCell( const ScBaseCell& rBaseCell, ScDocument* pDoc ); ScBaseCell* Clone(ScDocument* pDoc) const; void Delete(); // simulierter virtueller Destructor CellType GetCellType() const; void SetNote( const ScPostIt& rNote ); BOOL GetNote( ScPostIt& rNote ) const; const ScPostIt* GetNotePtr() const; inline void DeleteNote(); inline SvtBroadcaster* GetBroadcaster() const; void SetBroadcaster(SvtBroadcaster* pNew); inline void ForgetBroadcaster(); inline void SwapBroadcaster(ScBaseCell& rOther); // zum Sortieren void LoadNote( SvStream& rStream, ScDocument* pDoc ); // String- oder EditCell static ScBaseCell* CreateTextCell( const String& rString, ScDocument* ); // nOnlyNames may be one or more of SC_LISTENING_NAMES_* void StartListeningTo( ScDocument* pDoc ); void EndListeningTo( ScDocument* pDoc, ScTokenArray* pArr = NULL, ScAddress aPos = ScAddress() ); BOOL HasValueData() const; BOOL HasStringData() const; String GetStringData() const; // nur echte Strings static BOOL CellEqual( const ScBaseCell* pCell1, const ScBaseCell* pCell2 ); }; class ScValueCell : public ScBaseCell { private: double aValue; public: #ifdef USE_MEMPOOL DECL_FIXEDMEMPOOL_NEWDEL( ScValueCell ) #endif ~ScValueCell(); ScValueCell(); ScValueCell( const double& rValue ); ScValueCell( const ScValueCell& rScValueCell, ScDocument* pDoc ); ScValueCell( SvStream& rStream, USHORT nVer ); ScBaseCell* Clone(ScDocument* pDoc) const; void SetValue( const double& rValue ); double GetValue() const; void Save( SvStream& rStream ) const; }; class ScStringCell : public ScBaseCell { private: String aString; public: #ifdef USE_MEMPOOL DECL_FIXEDMEMPOOL_NEWDEL( ScStringCell ) #endif #ifdef DBG_UTIL ~ScStringCell(); #endif ScStringCell(); ScStringCell( const String& rString ); ScStringCell( const ScStringCell& rScStringCell, ScDocument* pDoc ); ScStringCell( SvStream& rStream, USHORT nVer ); ScBaseCell* Clone(ScDocument* pDoc) const; void SetString( const String& rString ); void GetString( String& rString ) const; void Save( SvStream& rStream, FontToSubsFontConverter hConv = 0 ) const; // convert symbol font after loading binary format void ConvertFont( FontToSubsFontConverter hConv ); }; class ScEditCell : public ScBaseCell { private: EditTextObject* pData; String* pString; // fuer schnelleren Zugriff von Formeln ScDocument* pDoc; // fuer EditEngine Zugriff mit Pool void SetTextObject( const EditTextObject* pObject, const SfxItemPool* pFromPool ); // not implemented ScEditCell( const ScEditCell& ); ScEditCell& operator=( const ScEditCell& ); public: #ifdef USE_MEMPOOL DECL_FIXEDMEMPOOL_NEWDEL( ScEditCell ) #endif ~ScEditCell(); // wegen pData immer! ScEditCell( ScDocument* ); ScEditCell( const EditTextObject* pObject, ScDocument*, const SfxItemPool* pFromPool /* = NULL */ ); ScEditCell( const ScEditCell& rEditCell, ScDocument* ); ScEditCell( SvStream& rStream, USHORT nVer, ScDocument* ); // fuer Zeilenumbrueche ScEditCell( const String& rString, ScDocument* ); ScBaseCell* Clone( ScDocument* ) const; void SetData( const EditTextObject* pObject, const SfxItemPool* pFromPool /* = NULL */ ); void GetData( const EditTextObject*& rpObject ) const; void GetString( String& rString ) const; const EditTextObject* GetData() const { return pData; } void Save( SvStream& rStream ) const; }; enum ScMatrixMode { MM_NONE = 0, // keine Matrixformel MM_FORMULA = 1, // Matrixformel MM_REFERENCE = 2, // Referenz auf Matrixformel (MATVALUE) MM_FAKE = 3 // Formel als Matrixformel }; class ScIndexMap; class ScFormulaCell : public ScBaseCell, public SvtListener { private: String aErgString; double nErgValue; ScTokenArray* pCode; // das neue Token-Array ScDocument* pDocument; ScMatrix* pMatrix; // Pointer auf Ergebnis-Matrix ScFormulaCell* pPrevious; ScFormulaCell* pNext; ScFormulaCell* pPreviousTrack; ScFormulaCell* pNextTrack; ULONG nFormatIndex; // durch Berechnung gesetztes Format SCCOL nMatCols; // wenn MM_FORMULA Matrixzelle SCROW nMatRows; // belegte Area USHORT nSeenInIteration; // Iteration cycle in which the cell was last encountered short nFormatType; BOOL bIsValue : 1; // Result is numerical, not textual BOOL bDirty : 1; // Must be (re)calculated BOOL bChanged : 1; // Whether something changed regarding display/representation BOOL bRunning : 1; // Already interpreting right now BOOL bCompile : 1; // Must be (re)compiled BOOL bSubTotal : 1; // Cell is part of or contains a SubTotal BOOL bIsIterCell : 1; // Cell is part of a circular reference BOOL bInChangeTrack: 1; // Cell is in ChangeTrack BOOL bTableOpDirty : 1; // Dirty flag for TableOp BOOL bNeedListening : 1; // Listeners need to be re-established after UpdateReference BYTE cMatrixFlag; // 1 = links oben, 2 = Restmatrix, 0 = keine enum ScInterpretTailParameter { SCITP_NORMAL, SCITP_FROM_ITERATION, SCITP_CLOSE_ITERATION_CIRCLE }; void InterpretTail( ScInterpretTailParameter ); public: #ifdef USE_MEMPOOL DECL_FIXEDMEMPOOL_NEWDEL( ScFormulaCell ) #endif ScAddress aPos; ~ScFormulaCell(); ScFormulaCell(); // leere Zelle, ggf. mit fertigem TokenArray ScFormulaCell( ScDocument*, const ScAddress&, const ScTokenArray* = NULL, BYTE=0 ); // mit Formel ScFormulaCell( ScDocument* pDoc, const ScAddress&, const String& rFormula, BYTE bMatInd = 0 ); // copy-ctor // nCopyFlags: 0 := nothing special // 0x0001 := readjust 3D references to point to old position even if relative ScFormulaCell( ScDocument* pDoc, const ScAddress& rPos, const ScFormulaCell& rScFormulaCell, USHORT nCopyFlags = 0 ); // lesender ctor ScFormulaCell( ScDocument* pDoc, const ScAddress&, SvStream& rStream, ScMultipleReadHeader& rHdr ); ScBaseCell* Clone(ScDocument* pDoc, const ScAddress&, BOOL bNoListening = FALSE ) const; void GetFormula( String& rFormula ) const; void GetEnglishFormula( String& rFormula, BOOL bCompileXML = FALSE ) const; void GetEnglishFormula( rtl::OUStringBuffer& rBuffer, BOOL bCompileXML = FALSE ) const; void Save( SvStream& rStream, ScMultipleWriteHeader& rHdr ) const; void SetDirty(); inline void SetDirtyVar() { bDirty = TRUE; } inline void ResetTableOpDirtyVar() { bTableOpDirty = FALSE; } void SetTableOpDirty(); BOOL IsDirtyOrInTableOpDirty() const; BOOL GetDirty() const { return bDirty; } BOOL NeedsListening() const { return bNeedListening; } void SetNeedsListening( BOOL bVar ) { bNeedListening = bVar; } void Compile(const String& rFormula, BOOL bNoListening = FALSE ); void CompileTokenArray( BOOL bNoListening = FALSE ); void CompileXML( ScProgress& rProgress ); // compile temporary string tokens void CalcAfterLoad(); void Interpret(); inline BOOL IsIterCell() const { return bIsIterCell; } inline USHORT GetSeenInIteration() const { return nSeenInIteration; } BOOL HasOneReference( ScRange& r ) const; BOOL HasRelNameReference() const; BOOL HasDBArea() const; BOOL HasColRowName() const; void UpdateReference(UpdateRefMode eUpdateRefMode, const ScRange& r, SCsCOL nDx, SCsROW nDy, SCsTAB nDz, ScDocument* pUndoDoc = NULL ); void TransposeReference(); void UpdateTranspose( const ScRange& rSource, const ScAddress& rDest, ScDocument* pUndoDoc ); void UpdateGrow( const ScRange& rArea, SCCOL nGrowX, SCROW nGrowY ); void UpdateInsertTab(SCTAB nTable); void UpdateInsertTabAbs(SCTAB nTable); BOOL UpdateDeleteTab(SCTAB nTable, BOOL bIsMove = FALSE); void UpdateMoveTab(SCTAB nOldPos, SCTAB nNewPos, SCTAB nTabNo); void UpdateRenameTab(SCTAB nTable, const String& rName); BOOL TestTabRefAbs(SCTAB nTable); void UpdateCompile( BOOL bForceIfNameInUse = FALSE ); BOOL IsRangeNameInUse(USHORT nIndex) const; void ReplaceRangeNamesInUse( const ScIndexMap& rMap ); BOOL IsSubTotal() const { return bSubTotal; } BOOL IsChanged() const { return bChanged; } void ResetChanged() { bChanged = FALSE; } BOOL IsValue(); double GetValue(); double GetValueAlways(); // ignore errors void GetString( String& rString ); const ScMatrix* GetMatrix(); BOOL GetMatrixOrigin( ScAddress& rPos ) const; void GetResultDimensions( SCSIZE& rCols, SCSIZE& rRows ); USHORT GetMatrixEdge( ScAddress& rOrgPos ); USHORT GetErrCode(); short GetFormatType() const { return nFormatType; } ULONG GetFormatIndex() const { return nFormatIndex; } void GetFormatInfo( short& nType, ULONG& nIndex ) const { nType = nFormatType; nIndex = nFormatIndex; } BYTE GetMatrixFlag() const { return cMatrixFlag; } ScTokenArray* GetCode() const { return pCode; } BOOL IsRunning() const { return bRunning; } void SetRunning( BOOL bVal ) { bRunning = bVal; } void CompileDBFormula(); void CompileDBFormula( BOOL bCreateFormulaString ); void CompileNameFormula( BOOL bCreateFormulaString ); void CompileColRowNameFormula(); ScFormulaCell* GetPrevious() const { return pPrevious; } ScFormulaCell* GetNext() const { return pNext; } void SetPrevious( ScFormulaCell* pF ) { pPrevious = pF; } void SetNext( ScFormulaCell* pF ) { pNext = pF; } ScFormulaCell* GetPreviousTrack() const { return pPreviousTrack; } ScFormulaCell* GetNextTrack() const { return pNextTrack; } void SetPreviousTrack( ScFormulaCell* pF ) { pPreviousTrack = pF; } void SetNextTrack( ScFormulaCell* pF ) { pNextTrack = pF; } virtual void Notify( SvtBroadcaster& rBC, const SfxHint& rHint); void SetCompile( BOOL bVal ) { bCompile = bVal; } ScDocument* GetDocument() const { return pDocument; } void SetMatColsRows( SCCOL nCols, SCROW nRows ) { nMatCols = nCols; nMatRows = nRows; } void GetMatColsRows( SCCOL& nCols, SCROW& nRows ) const { nCols = nMatCols; nRows = nMatRows; } // ob Zelle im ChangeTrack und nicht im echten Dokument ist void SetInChangeTrack( BOOL bVal ) { bInChangeTrack = bVal; } BOOL IsInChangeTrack() const { return bInChangeTrack; } // Zu Typ und Format das entsprechende Standardformat. // Bei Format "Standard" evtl. das in die Formelzelle // uebernommene Format. ULONG GetStandardFormat( SvNumberFormatter& rFormatter, ULONG nFormat ) const; // fuer die Importfilter! void AddRecalcMode( ScRecalcMode ); void SetDouble( double n ) { nErgValue = n; bIsValue = TRUE; } void SetString( const String& r ) { aErgString = r; bIsValue = FALSE; } void SetErrCode( USHORT n ); inline BOOL IsHyperLinkCell() const { return pCode && pCode->IsHyperLink(); } EditTextObject* CreateURLObject() ; void GetURLResult( String& rURL, String& rCellText ); }; // Iterator fuer Referenzen in einer Formelzelle class ScDetectiveRefIter { private: ScTokenArray* pCode; ScAddress aPos; public: ScDetectiveRefIter( ScFormulaCell* pCell ); BOOL GetNextRef( ScRange& rRange ); }; class ScNoteCell : public ScBaseCell { public: #ifdef USE_MEMPOOL DECL_FIXEDMEMPOOL_NEWDEL( ScNoteCell ) #endif #ifdef DBG_UTIL ~ScNoteCell(); #endif ScNoteCell(); ScNoteCell( const ScPostIt& rNote ); ScNoteCell( const ScNoteCell& rScNoteCell, ScDocument* pDoc ); ScNoteCell( SvStream& rStream, USHORT nVer ); ScBaseCell* Clone(ScDocument* pDoc) const; void Save( SvStream& rStream ) const; }; // ScBaseCell inline ScBaseCell::ScBaseCell( CellType eNewType ) : pNote( NULL ), pBroadcaster( NULL ), nTextWidth( TEXTWIDTH_DIRTY ), eCellType( eNewType ), nScriptType( SC_SCRIPTTYPE_UNKNOWN ) { } inline ScBaseCell::ScBaseCell( const ScBaseCell& rBaseCell, ScDocument* pDoc ) : pBroadcaster( NULL ), nTextWidth( rBaseCell.nTextWidth ), eCellType( rBaseCell.eCellType ), nScriptType( SC_SCRIPTTYPE_UNKNOWN ) { if (rBaseCell.pNote) pNote = new ScPostIt( *rBaseCell.pNote, pDoc ); else pNote = NULL; } inline CellType ScBaseCell::GetCellType() const { return (CellType)eCellType; } inline const ScPostIt* ScBaseCell::GetNotePtr() const { return pNote; } inline void ScBaseCell::DeleteNote() { delete pNote; pNote = NULL; } inline SvtBroadcaster* ScBaseCell::GetBroadcaster() const { return pBroadcaster; } inline void ScBaseCell::ForgetBroadcaster() { pBroadcaster = NULL; } inline void ScBaseCell::SwapBroadcaster(ScBaseCell& rOther) { SvtBroadcaster* pTemp = pBroadcaster; pBroadcaster = rOther.pBroadcaster; rOther.pBroadcaster = pTemp; } // ScValueCell inline ScValueCell::ScValueCell() : ScBaseCell( CELLTYPE_VALUE ) { aValue = 0.0; } inline ScValueCell::ScValueCell( const double& rValue ) : ScBaseCell( CELLTYPE_VALUE ) { aValue = rValue; } inline ScValueCell::ScValueCell(const ScValueCell& rScValueCell, ScDocument* pDoc) : ScBaseCell( rScValueCell, pDoc ), aValue( rScValueCell.aValue ) { } inline ScBaseCell* ScValueCell::Clone(ScDocument* pDoc) const { return new ScValueCell(*this, pDoc); } inline void ScValueCell::SetValue( const double& rValue ) { aValue = rValue; } inline double ScValueCell::GetValue() const { return aValue; } // ScStringCell inline ScStringCell::ScStringCell() : ScBaseCell( CELLTYPE_STRING ) { } inline ScStringCell::ScStringCell( const ScStringCell& rScStringCell, ScDocument* pDoc ) : ScBaseCell( rScStringCell, pDoc ), aString( rScStringCell.aString ) { } inline ScStringCell::ScStringCell( const String& rString ) : ScBaseCell( CELLTYPE_STRING ), aString( rString ) { } inline ScBaseCell* ScStringCell::Clone(ScDocument* pDoc) const { return new ScStringCell(*this, pDoc); } inline void ScStringCell::GetString( String& rString ) const { rString = aString; } inline void ScStringCell::SetString( const String& rString ) { aString = rString; } /* // ScFormulaCell inline ScBaseCell* ScFormulaCell::Clone(ScDocument* pDoc) const { return new ScFormulaCell(pDoc, *this); } */ // ScNoteCell inline ScNoteCell::ScNoteCell() : ScBaseCell( CELLTYPE_NOTE ) { } inline ScNoteCell::ScNoteCell( const ScNoteCell& rScNoteCell, ScDocument* pDoc ) : ScBaseCell( rScNoteCell, pDoc ) { } inline ScNoteCell::ScNoteCell( const ScPostIt& rNote ) : ScBaseCell( CELLTYPE_NOTE ) { ScBaseCell::SetNote(rNote); } inline ScBaseCell* ScNoteCell::Clone(ScDocument* pDoc) const { return new ScNoteCell(*this, pDoc); } #endif