/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */ /************************************************************************* * * The Contents of this file are made available subject to the terms of * either of the following licenses * * - GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 * - Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1 * * Sun Microsystems Inc., October, 2000 * * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 * ============================================= * Copyright 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. * 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, * MA 02111-1307 USA * * * Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1 * ================================================= * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Industry Standards * Source License Version 1.1 (the "License"); You may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the * License at http://www.openoffice.org/license.html. * * Software provided under this License is provided on an "AS IS" basis, * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, * WITHOUT LIMITATION, WARRANTIES THAT THE SOFTWARE IS FREE OF DEFECTS, * MERCHANTABLE, FIT FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR NON-INFRINGING. * See the License for the specific provisions governing your rights and * obligations concerning the Software. * * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is: IBM Corporation * * Copyright: 2008 by IBM Corporation * * All Rights Reserved. * * Contributor(s): _______________________________________ * * ************************************************************************/ /************************************************************************* * @file * For LWP filter architecture prototype ************************************************************************/ /************************************************************************* * Change History Jan 2005 Created ************************************************************************/ #include "lwppara.hxx" #include "lwpglobalmgr.hxx" #include "lwpfilehdr.hxx" #include "lwpparaproperty.hxx" #include "lwptools.hxx" #include "lwpparastyle.hxx" #include "xfilter/xffont.hxx" #include "xfilter/xftextstyle.hxx" #include "xfilter/xfstylemanager.hxx" #include "xfilter/xfparagraph.hxx" #include "xfilter/xftextcontent.hxx" #include "xfilter/xftextspan.hxx" #include "xfilter/xfmargins.hxx" #include "xfilter/xftabstop.hxx" #include "xfilter/xflinebreak.hxx" #include "xfilter/xfsection.hxx" #include "xfilter/xfsectionstyle.hxx" #include "xfilter/xfcolor.hxx" #include "xfilter/xfhyperlink.hxx" #include "xfilter/xfliststyle.hxx" #include "lwpcharsetmgr.hxx" #include "lwpsection.hxx" #include "lwplayout.hxx" #include "lwpusewhen.hxx" #include "lwpbulletstylemgr.hxx" #include "lwpstory.hxx" #include "lwpsilverbullet.hxx" #include "xfilter/xflist.hxx" #include "xfilter/xfframe.hxx" #include "lwpdivinfo.hxx" #include "lwpdoc.hxx" #include "lwpholder.hxx" #include "lwppagehint.hxx" #include "lwpdropcapmgr.hxx" #include "lwptable.hxx" LwpPara::LwpPara(LwpObjectHeader& objHdr, LwpSvStream* pStrm) : LwpDLVList(objHdr, pStrm) , m_nOrdinal(0) , m_nFlags(0) , m_nLevel(0) , m_pProps(NULL) , m_pBreaks(NULL) , m_pIndentOverride(NULL) , m_FontID(0) , m_AllText("") , m_bHasBullet(false) , m_pSilverBullet(NULL) , m_pBullOver(NULL) , m_bBullContinue(false) , m_SectionStyleName("") , m_bHasDropcap(false) , m_nLines(0) , m_nChars(0) , m_pDropcapLayout(NULL) , m_BelowSpacing(0) , m_pXFContainer(NULL) { } LwpPara::~LwpPara() { if (m_pBreaks) { delete m_pBreaks; m_pBreaks = NULL; } /* if (m_pParaNumbering) { delete m_pParaNumbering; m_pParaNumbering = NULL; }*/ if (m_pBullOver) { delete m_pBullOver; m_pBullOver = NULL; } if(m_pIndentOverride) { delete m_pIndentOverride; } LwpParaProperty* pNextProp; while(m_pProps) { pNextProp = m_pProps->GetNext(); delete m_pProps; m_pProps = pNextProp; } } void LwpPara::Read() { LwpDLVList::Read(); bool Simple; bool Notify = false; if(LwpFileHeader::m_nFileRevision<0x0006) Simple = false; else if(LwpFileHeader::m_nFileRevision<0x000B) Simple = m_pObjStrm->QuickReaduInt8(); else { sal_uInt8 Flag = m_pObjStrm->QuickReaduInt8(); const int DISK_SIMPLE = 1; const int DISK_NOTIFY = 2; Simple = (Flag & DISK_SIMPLE) ? sal_True : sal_False; Notify = (Flag & DISK_NOTIFY) ? sal_True : sal_False; } if(!Simple) { m_nOrdinal = m_pObjStrm->QuickReaduInt32(); if(LwpFileHeader::m_nFileRevision<0x000B) { // TODO: to process assert(false); /*pCForked3NotifyList Notify = new CForked3NotifyList(this); Notify->GetExtraList()->QuickRead(pFile); Notify->QuickRead(pFile); if(Notify->GetExtraList()->IsEmpty() && Notify->IsEmpty()) delete Notify; else cNotifyList = Notify;*/ } else { if (Notify) { LwpForked3NotifyList* pNotifyList = new LwpForked3NotifyList(); pNotifyList->GetExtraList().Read(m_pObjStrm); pNotifyList->Read(m_pObjStrm); delete pNotifyList; } } } else m_nOrdinal = 0x0001; m_nFlags = m_pObjStrm->QuickReaduInt16(); m_ParaStyle.ReadIndexed(m_pObjStrm); if(!Simple) { m_Hint.Read(m_pObjStrm); } m_Story.ReadIndexed(m_pObjStrm); if(!Simple) { if(LwpFileHeader::m_nFileRevision<0x000B) { // TODO: to process assert(false); /*PropList = new CParaPropListProperty(this); PropList->GetList()->QuickRead(pFile); if(PropList->GetList()->IsEmpty()) { delete PropList; PropList = LNULL; }*/ } m_nLevel = m_pObjStrm->QuickReaduInt16(); // test if (m_nLevel > 9) { m_nLevel = 9; } // test ends } else m_nLevel = 0x0001; m_Fribs.SetPara(this);//add by 2/1, for silver bullet m_Fribs.ReadPara(m_pObjStrm); m_pProps = LwpParaProperty::ReadPropertyList(m_pObjStrm,this); } void LwpPara::Parse(IXFStream* pOutputStream) { m_pXFContainer = new XFContentContainer; XFConvert(m_pXFContainer); m_pXFContainer->ToXml(pOutputStream); m_pXFContainer->Reset(); delete m_pXFContainer; m_pXFContainer = NULL; } void LwpPara::XFConvert(XFContentContainer* pCont) { m_pXFContainer = pCont; LwpStory *pStory = dynamic_cast(m_Story.obj().get()); if (pStory && pStory->GetDropcapFlag()) { ParseDropcapContent(); return; } //Add the break before para if (m_pBreaks && m_nOrdinal!=0) AddBreakBefore(pCont); //Create an XFPara for this VO_PARA XFParagraph *pPara = new XFParagraph; pPara->SetStyleName(m_StyleName); if(!m_SectionStyleName.isEmpty()) { XFSection* pSection = CreateXFSection(); if (pStory) pStory->AddXFContent(pSection); //pSection->Add(pPara); m_pXFContainer = pSection; } if (m_bHasBullet && m_pSilverBullet) { XFContentContainer* pListItem = AddBulletList(m_pXFContainer); if (pListItem) { pListItem->Add(pPara); } } else { LwpBulletStyleMgr* pBulletStyleMgr = this->GetBulletStyleMgr(); if (pBulletStyleMgr) { pBulletStyleMgr->SetCurrentSilverBullet(LwpObjectID()); pBulletStyleMgr->SetContinueFlag(false); } m_pXFContainer->Add(pPara); } m_Fribs.SetXFPara(pPara); m_Fribs.XFConvert(); if (m_pBreaks) AddBreakAfter(m_pXFContainer); } bool LwpPara::RegisterMasterPage(XFParaStyle* pBaseStyle) { bool bSuccess = false; //get story LwpStory* pStory = dynamic_cast(m_Story.obj().get()); //if pagelayout is modified, register the pagelayout if(pStory && pStory->IsPMModified()) { bool bNewSection = pStory->IsNeedSection(); LwpPageLayout* pLayout = pStory->GetCurrentLayout(); if(bNewSection) { RegisterNewSectionStyle(pLayout); } bSuccess = true; //register master page style XFParaStyle* pOverStyle = new XFParaStyle(); *pOverStyle = *pBaseStyle; pOverStyle->SetStyleName( ""); pOverStyle->SetMasterPage(pLayout->GetStyleName()); if (!m_ParentStyleName.isEmpty()) pOverStyle->SetParentStyleName(m_ParentStyleName); XFStyleManager* pXFStyleManager = LwpGlobalMgr::GetInstance()->GetXFStyleManager(); m_StyleName = pXFStyleManager->AddStyle(pOverStyle)->GetStyleName(); } return bSuccess; } /** * @short register paragraph style */ void LwpPara::RegisterStyle() { //1 reg autostyle // m_Fribs.SetPara(this); // m_Fribs.RegisterStyle(); //2 reg para style if (!m_pFoundry) return; XFParaStyle* pBaseStyle = static_cast(m_pFoundry->GetStyleManager()->GetStyle(m_ParaStyle)); if (pBaseStyle == NULL) return; m_StyleName = pBaseStyle->GetStyleName();//such intf to be added m_ParentStyleName = m_StyleName; XFStyleManager* pXFStyleManager = LwpGlobalMgr::GetInstance()->GetXFStyleManager(); if (GetParaStyle()->GetIndent()) { std::auto_ptr pIndentOverride(GetParaStyle()->GetIndent()->clone()); delete m_pIndentOverride; m_pIndentOverride = pIndentOverride.release(); } XFParaStyle* pOverStyle = NULL; bool noSpacing = true; bool noIndent = true; LwpParaProperty* pBulletProps = NULL, *pNumberingProps = NULL; if (m_pProps != NULL) { pOverStyle = new XFParaStyle; *pOverStyle = *pBaseStyle; pOverStyle->SetStyleName(""); LwpParaProperty* pProps = m_pProps; sal_uInt32 PropType; LwpParaStyle& rParaStyle = dynamic_cast(*m_ParaStyle.obj()); while (pProps) { PropType = pProps->GetType(); switch(PropType) { case PP_LOCAL_ALIGN: { if (!rParaStyle.GetAlignment()) OverrideAlignment(NULL,static_cast(pProps)->GetAlignment(),pOverStyle); else { boost::scoped_ptr const pAlign( rParaStyle.GetAlignment()->clone()); OverrideAlignment(pAlign.get(), static_cast(pProps)->GetAlignment(), pOverStyle); } } break; case PP_LOCAL_INDENT: { noIndent = false; if (!rParaStyle.GetIndent()) OverrideIndent(NULL,static_cast(pProps)->GetIndent(),pOverStyle); else { OverrideIndent(m_pIndentOverride,static_cast(pProps)->GetIndent(),pOverStyle); } } break; case PP_LOCAL_SPACING: { noSpacing = false; if (!rParaStyle.GetSpacing()) OverrideSpacing(NULL,static_cast(pProps)->GetSpacing(),pOverStyle); else { boost::scoped_ptr const pSpacing(rParaStyle.GetSpacing()->clone()); OverrideSpacing(pSpacing.get(), static_cast(pProps)->GetSpacing(), pOverStyle); } } break; case PP_LOCAL_BORDER: { OverrideParaBorder(pProps, pOverStyle); break; } case PP_LOCAL_BREAKS: { OverrideParaBreaks(pProps, pOverStyle); break; } case PP_LOCAL_BULLET: { pBulletProps = pProps; // OverrideParaBullet(pProps); break; } case PP_LOCAL_NUMBERING: { pNumberingProps = pProps; // OverrideParaNumbering(pProps); break; } //end case PP_LOCAL_TABRACK: { //, 01/28/05 /*LwpTabOverride* pTabOverride=rParaStyle.GetTabOverride(); if(!pTabOverride) { OverrideTab(NULL,static_cast(pProps)->GetTab(),pOverStyle); } else { OverrideTab(pTabOverride,static_cast(pProps)->GetTab(),pOverStyle); }*/ break; } case PP_LOCAL_BACKGROUND: { /* LwpBackgroundOverride aBackground; if (!rParaStyle.GetBackground()) OverrideBackground(NULL,static_cast(pProps)->GetBackground(),pOverStyle); else { aBackground = *(rParaStyle.GetaBackground()); OverrideBackground(&aBackground,static_cast(pProps)->GetBackground(),pOverStyle); } */ // modified by , 06/03/2005 LwpBackgroundOverride* pBGOver = static_cast(pProps)->GetBackground(); if (pBGOver) { LwpBackgroundStuff& rBGStuff = pBGOver->GetBGStuff(); if (!rBGStuff.IsTransparent() ) { if (rBGStuff.IsPatternFill()) { XFBGImage* pXFBGImage = rBGStuff.GetFillPattern(); pOverStyle->SetBackImage(pXFBGImage); } else { LwpColor* pColor = rBGStuff.GetFillColor(); if (pColor && pColor->IsValidColor()) { XFColor aXFColor( pColor->To24Color()); pOverStyle->SetBackColor( aXFColor ); } } } } // end modified break; } default: break; } pProps = pProps->GetNext(); } if (noIndent && m_pIndentOverride) { if (m_pIndentOverride->IsUseRelative() && GetParent()) { OverrideIndent(NULL,m_pIndentOverride,pOverStyle); } } if (!m_ParentStyleName.isEmpty()) pOverStyle->SetParentStyleName(m_ParentStyleName); m_StyleName = pXFStyleManager->AddStyle(pOverStyle)->GetStyleName(); } else //use named style { if (m_pIndentOverride) { if (m_pIndentOverride->IsUseRelative() && GetParent()) { pOverStyle = new XFParaStyle; *pOverStyle = *pBaseStyle; OverrideIndent(NULL,m_pIndentOverride,pOverStyle); if (!m_ParentStyleName.isEmpty()) pOverStyle->SetParentStyleName(m_ParentStyleName); m_StyleName = pXFStyleManager->AddStyle(pOverStyle)->GetStyleName(); } } } if (IsInCell()) { XFParaStyle* pOldStyle = pXFStyleManager->FindParaStyle(m_StyleName); if (pOldStyle->GetNumberRight()) { pOverStyle = new XFParaStyle; *pOverStyle = *pOldStyle; pOverStyle->SetAlignType(enumXFAlignStart); if (!m_ParentStyleName.isEmpty()) pOverStyle->SetParentStyleName(m_ParentStyleName); m_StyleName = pXFStyleManager->AddStyle(pOverStyle)->GetStyleName(); } } // override bullet and numbering OverrideParaBullet(pBulletProps); OverrideParaNumbering(pNumberingProps); //add by //register bullet style LwpBulletStyleMgr* pBulletStyleMgr = this->GetBulletStyleMgr(); if (pBulletStyleMgr) { // if has bullet or numbering if (m_bHasBullet) { //if it's normal bullet if (m_pSilverBullet) { if (m_pSilverBullet->HasName()) { m_aBulletStyleName = m_pSilverBullet->GetBulletStyleName(); } else if (!m_pBullOver->IsEditable()) { m_aBulletStyleName = pBulletStyleMgr->RegisterBulletStyle(this, m_pBullOver, m_pIndentOverride); } // test codes if (m_pSilverBullet->IsBulletOrdered()) { OUString aPreBullStyleName; LwpNumberingOverride* pNumbering = this->GetParaNumbering(); sal_uInt16 nPosition = pNumbering->GetPosition(); bool bLesser = m_pSilverBullet->IsLesserLevel(nPosition); /*sal_Bool bResetSection =*/ m_pSilverBullet->IsNewSection(nPosition); bool bHeading; LwpPara* pPara = this; LwpPara* pPrePara = NULL; LwpSilverBullet* pParaSilverBullet = NULL; sal_uInt16 nNum = 0, nLevel = 0, nFoundLevel = 0xffff, nFoundBound = 0; nFoundBound = nLevel = pNumbering->GetLevel(); if (nPosition == pNumbering->GetPosition()) { nFoundBound++; } bHeading = pNumbering->IsHeading(); while(true) { /*// When we hit the hint paragraph, we can stop and check the hint. if (qNumberHint && (qPara == qNumberHint->GetPara()) && qNumberHint->Lookup(qSilverBullet, Level, Position, &Offset)) { Num += Offset; break; }*/ pParaSilverBullet = pPara->GetSilverBullet(); pNumbering = pPara->GetParaNumbering(); if (pPara->GetObjectID() != this->GetObjectID()) { if (!pParaSilverBullet) { break; } /* If lesser, stop when we hit an outline style whose level is * higher than our current level. */ // restart based on Outline level? if (pNumbering && bLesser && (bHeading ? pNumbering->IsHeading() : sal_True)) { if (nFoundLevel != 0xffff) { if (pNumbering->GetLevel() < nFoundLevel) { break; } if ((pNumbering->GetLevel() == nFoundLevel) && (pParaSilverBullet->GetObjectID() != m_pSilverBullet->GetObjectID() || pNumbering->GetPosition() != nPosition)) { break; } } else { if (pNumbering && pNumbering->GetLevel() < nFoundBound && pParaSilverBullet && (pParaSilverBullet->GetObjectID() != m_pSilverBullet->GetObjectID() || pNumbering->GetPosition() != nPosition)) { nFoundBound = pNumbering->GetLevel(); } } } /*if (qSpecificStyle && qSpecificStyle == qPara->GetParaStyle(LTRUE)) break; // See if we crossed a section boundary if (ResetSection) { CurrPos.SetPara(qPara); if (CurrPos <= SectionPos) break; }*/ } // Don't bump the number if this bullet is skipped if (m_pBullOver->IsSkip()) ; else if ( pParaSilverBullet && pParaSilverBullet->GetObjectID() == m_pSilverBullet->GetObjectID() && pNumbering && nPosition == pNumbering->GetPosition()) { if (bLesser) { if (nFoundLevel != 0xffff) { if (nFoundLevel == pNumbering->GetLevel()) { aPreBullStyleName = pPara->GetBulletStyleName(); nNum++; } } else if (pNumbering->GetLevel() <= nLevel) { if (pNumbering->GetLevel() >= nFoundBound) { break; } nFoundLevel = pNumbering->GetLevel(); aPreBullStyleName = pPara->GetBulletStyleName(); nNum++; } } else { aPreBullStyleName = pPara->GetBulletStyleName(); nNum++; } } pPrePara = dynamic_cast(pPara->GetPrevious().obj(VO_PARA).get()); if (!pPrePara) { LwpStory* pStory = pPara->GetStory(); pPrePara = pStory->GetLastParaOfPreviousStory(); if (!pPrePara) { break; } } pPara = pPrePara; } nNum = nNum ? nNum : 1; if (nNum > 1) { m_aBulletStyleName = aPreBullStyleName; m_bBullContinue = true; } else { m_bBullContinue = false; if (this->IsInCell()) { XFListStyle* pOldStyle = static_cast(pXFStyleManager->FindStyle(m_aBulletStyleName)); if (pOldStyle) { XFListStyle* pNewStyle = new XFListStyle(*pOldStyle); m_aBulletStyleName = pXFStyleManager->AddStyle(pNewStyle)->GetStyleName(); } } } LwpStory* pMyStory = this->GetStory(); if (pMyStory) { if (pMyStory->IsBullStyleUsedBefore(m_aBulletStyleName, m_pParaNumbering->GetPosition())) { //m_bBullContinue = sal_True; } else { pMyStory->AddBullStyleName2List(m_aBulletStyleName, m_pParaNumbering->GetPosition()); } } } // end of test codes } } } //end add if (noSpacing) { LwpPara* pPrePara = dynamic_cast(GetPrevious().obj().get()); if (pPrePara && pPrePara->GetBelowSpacing()!=0) { pOverStyle = new XFParaStyle; *pOverStyle = *GetXFParaStyle(); XFMargins* pMargin = &pOverStyle->GetMargins(); pMargin->SetTop(pMargin->GetTop()+pPrePara->GetBelowSpacing()); if (!m_ParentStyleName.isEmpty()) pOverStyle->SetParentStyleName(m_ParentStyleName); m_StyleName = pXFStyleManager->AddStyle(pOverStyle)->GetStyleName(); } } //register tab style if(m_Fribs.HasFrib(FRIB_TAG_TAB)) { XFParaStyle* pParaStyle = new XFParaStyle; *pParaStyle = *GetXFParaStyle(); //pOverStyle->SetStyleName(""); this->RegisterTabStyle(pParaStyle); if (!m_ParentStyleName.isEmpty()) pParaStyle->SetParentStyleName(m_ParentStyleName); m_StyleName = pXFStyleManager->AddStyle(pParaStyle)->GetStyleName(); } //register master page; RegisterMasterPage(GetXFParaStyle()); // reg auto style,lay here for pagebreak need overrided para style m_Fribs.SetPara(this); m_Fribs.RegisterStyle(); if (m_bHasDropcap) { GatherDropcapInfo(); XFParaStyle* pStyle = new XFParaStyle; *pStyle = *GetXFParaStyle(); pStyle->SetDropCap(m_nChars-1,m_nLines); if (!m_ParentStyleName.isEmpty()) pStyle->SetParentStyleName(m_ParentStyleName); m_StyleName = pXFStyleManager->AddStyle(pStyle)->GetStyleName(); } // maybe useful for futer version // deleted because Leader of Table is not supported in this version //AddTabStyleForTOC(); } void LwpPara::RegisterNewSectionStyle(LwpPageLayout *pLayout) { if( !pLayout ) return; XFSectionStyle* pSectStyle= new XFSectionStyle(); XFColumns* pColumns = pLayout->GetXFColumns(); if(pColumns) { pSectStyle->SetColumns(pColumns); } XFStyleManager* pXFStyleManager = LwpGlobalMgr::GetInstance()->GetXFStyleManager(); m_SectionStyleName = pXFStyleManager->AddStyle(pSectStyle)->GetStyleName(); } XFSection* LwpPara::CreateXFSection() { XFSection* pXFSection = new XFSection(); pXFSection->SetStyleName(m_SectionStyleName); m_SectionStyleName = ""; return pXFSection; } /************************************************************************** * @descr: register tab style * @param: * @param: * @return: **************************************************************************/ void LwpPara::RegisterTabStyle(XFParaStyle* pXFParaStyle) { LwpTabOverride aFinaOverride; LwpTabOverride* pBase = NULL; //get the tabrack from the current layout LwpStory* pStory = dynamic_cast(m_Story.obj().get()); LwpMiddleLayout* pLayout = pStory ? pStory->GetTabLayout() : NULL; if(pLayout) { pBase = pLayout->GetTabOverride(); if(pBase) { pBase->Override(&aFinaOverride); } } //get the tabrack from the base parastyle LwpParaStyle* pParaStyle = GetParaStyle(); pBase = pParaStyle->GetTabOverride(); if(pBase) { pBase->Override(&aFinaOverride); } //get the tabrack from the local property pBase = GetLocalTabOverride(); if(pBase) { pBase->Override(&aFinaOverride); } LwpParaStyle::ApplyTab(pXFParaStyle, &aFinaOverride); } /** * @short parse dropcap text */ void LwpPara::ParseDropcapContent() { if (!GetFoundry()) return; XFParagraph* pDropcap = GetFoundry()->GetDropcapMgr()->GetXFPara(); if (pDropcap) { m_Fribs.SetXFPara(pDropcap); m_Fribs.XFConvert(); } } /** * @short add paragraph break attribute */ void LwpPara::AddBreakBefore(XFContentContainer* pCont) { if (!m_pBreaks) return; if (m_pBreaks->IsPageBreakBefore()) { XFParagraph *pPara = new XFParagraph(); pPara->SetStyleName(m_BefPageBreakName); pCont->Add(pPara); } else if (m_pBreaks->IsColumnBreakBefore()) { XFParagraph *pPara = new XFParagraph(); pPara->SetStyleName(m_BefColumnBreakName); pCont->Add(pPara); } } void LwpPara::AddBreakAfter(XFContentContainer* pCont) { if (!m_pBreaks) return; if (m_pBreaks->IsPageBreakAfter()) { XFParagraph *pPara = new XFParagraph(); pPara->SetStyleName(m_AftPageBreakName); pCont->Add(pPara); } else if (m_pBreaks->IsColumnBreakAfter()) { XFParagraph *pPara = new XFParagraph(); pPara->SetStyleName(m_AftColumnBreakName); pCont->Add(pPara); } } LwpBulletStyleMgr* LwpPara::GetBulletStyleMgr() { if (m_pFoundry) { return m_pFoundry->GetBulletStyleMgr(); } return NULL; } XFContentContainer* LwpPara::AddBulletList(XFContentContainer* pCont) { LwpBulletStyleMgr* pBulletStyleMgr = GetBulletStyleMgr(); if (!pBulletStyleMgr) { assert(false); return NULL; } sal_uInt16 nLevel = m_nLevel; bool bOrdered = false; /*LwpStory* pMyStory =*/ GetStory(); pBulletStyleMgr->SetContinueFlag(m_bBullContinue); if (m_pSilverBullet->IsBulletOrdered()) { bOrdered = true; } if (m_pSilverBullet->HasName()) { nLevel = m_pParaNumbering->GetPosition(); m_nLevel = nLevel;//add by ,for get para level // m_aBulletStyleName = m_pSilverBullet->GetBulletStyleName(); } return ( pBulletStyleMgr->AddBulletList(pCont, bOrdered, m_aBulletStyleName, nLevel, m_pBullOver->IsSkip()) ); } LwpNumberingOverride* LwpPara::GetParaNumbering() { return m_pParaNumbering.get(); } void LwpForked3NotifyList::Read(LwpObjectStream* pObjStrm) { m_PersistentList.Read(pObjStrm); } void LwpNotifyListPersistent::Read(LwpObjectStream* pObjStrm) { m_Head.ReadIndexed(pObjStrm); pObjStrm->SkipExtra(); } void LwpPara::Release() {} /* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */