/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */ /************************************************************************* * * The Contents of this file are made available subject to the terms of * either of the following licenses * * - GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 * - Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1 * * Sun Microsystems Inc., October, 2000 * * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 * ============================================= * Copyright 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. * 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, * MA 02111-1307 USA * * * Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1 * ================================================= * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Industry Standards * Source License Version 1.1 (the "License"); You may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the * License at http://www.openoffice.org/license.html. * * Software provided under this License is provided on an "AS IS" basis, * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, * WITHOUT LIMITATION, WARRANTIES THAT THE SOFTWARE IS FREE OF DEFECTS, * MERCHANTABLE, FIT FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR NON-INFRINGING. * See the License for the specific provisions governing your rights and * obligations concerning the Software. * * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is: IBM Corporation * * Copyright: 2008 by IBM Corporation * * All Rights Reserved. * * Contributor(s): _______________________________________ * * ************************************************************************/ /************************************************************************* * @file * For LWP filter architecture prototype ************************************************************************/ #include "lwpfribptr.hxx" #include "lwpfribheader.hxx" #include "lwpfribtext.hxx" #include "lwppara.hxx" #include "lwpstory.hxx" #include "xfilter/xftextspan.hxx" #include "xfilter/xftextcontent.hxx" #include "xfilter/xftabstop.hxx" #include "xfilter/xflinebreak.hxx" #include "lwpfribsection.hxx" #include "lwpsection.hxx" #include "lwpfribbreaks.hxx" #include "lwpfribframe.hxx" #include "lwpfribtable.hxx" #include "xfilter/xfstylemanager.hxx" #include "lwphyperlinkmgr.hxx" #include "xfilter/xfhyperlink.hxx" #include "lwpfootnote.hxx" #include "lwpnotes.hxx" #include "lwpfribmark.hxx" #include "xfilter/xfchange.hxx" #include "lwpchangemgr.hxx" #include "lwpglobalmgr.hxx" #include "lwpdropcapmgr.hxx" LwpFribPtr::LwpFribPtr() : m_pFribs(nullptr),m_pXFPara(nullptr),m_pPara(nullptr) { } LwpFribPtr::~LwpFribPtr() { for (LwpFrib* pCurFrib = m_pFribs; pCurFrib;) { LwpFrib* pNextFrib = pCurFrib -> GetNext(); delete pCurFrib; pCurFrib = pNextFrib; } } void LwpFribPtr::ReadPara(LwpObjectStream* pObjStrm) { LwpFrib* pCurFrib = m_pFribs = nullptr; for(;;) { // Get the frib type sal_uInt8 FribTag = pObjStrm->QuickReaduInt8(); sal_uInt8 FribType = FribTag & ~FRIB_TAG_TYPEMASK; // Stop when we hit Elvis if (FribType == FRIB_TAG_ELVIS) break; // skip the editor ID //pObjStrm->SeekRel(sizeof(sal_uInt8)); sal_uInt8 FribEditor = pObjStrm->QuickReaduInt8(); if( FribType != FT_MAXIMUM ) { LwpFrib* pFrib = LwpFrib::CreateFrib( m_pPara, pObjStrm, FribTag,FribEditor); if(!m_pFribs) { m_pFribs = pFrib; } if(pCurFrib) { pCurFrib->SetNext(pFrib); } else//frist frib in the para { if (pFrib->GetType() == FRIB_TAG_TEXT) { LwpFribText* pText = static_cast(pFrib); if (pFrib->GetModifiers()) m_pPara->SetFirstFrib(pText->GetText(),pText->GetModifiers()->FontID); else m_pPara->SetFirstFrib(pText->GetText(),0); } } pCurFrib = pFrib; } } } void LwpFribPtr::XFConvert() { LwpFrib* pFrib = m_pFribs; while(pFrib) { sal_uInt8 nFribType = pFrib->GetType(); bool bRevisionFlag = pFrib->GetRevisionFlag(); OUString sChangeID; if (bRevisionFlag) { if ( nFribType!= FRIB_TAG_TABLE && nFribType != FRIB_TAG_FIELD && nFribType != FRIB_TAG_FRAME) { //sal_uInt8 nRevisionType = pFrib->GetRevisionType(); LwpGlobalMgr* pGlobal = LwpGlobalMgr::GetInstance(); LwpChangeMgr* pChangeMgr = pGlobal->GetLwpChangeMgr(); sChangeID = pChangeMgr->GetChangeID(pFrib); if (!sChangeID.isEmpty()) { /// if (nRevisionType == LwpFrib::REV_INSERT) /// { XFChangeStart* pChangeStart = new XFChangeStart; pChangeStart->SetChangeID(sChangeID); m_pXFPara->Add(pChangeStart); /// } /// else if (nRevisionType == LwpFrib::REV_DELETE) /// { /// XFChange* pChange = new XFChange; /// pChange->SetChangeID(sChangeID); /// m_pXFPara->Add(pChange); /// pFrib = pFrib->GetNext(); /// continue; /// } } } } switch(nFribType) { case FRIB_TAG_TEXT: { LwpFribText* textFrib= static_cast(pFrib); textFrib->XFConvert(m_pXFPara,m_pPara->GetStory()); } break; case FRIB_TAG_TAB: { LwpFribTab* tabFrib = static_cast(pFrib); if (pFrib->m_ModFlag) { XFTextSpan *pSpan = new XFTextSpan(); pSpan->SetStyleName(tabFrib->GetStyleName()); XFTabStop *pTab = new XFTabStop; pSpan->Add(pTab); m_pXFPara->Add(pSpan); } else { XFTabStop *pTab = new XFTabStop; m_pXFPara->Add(pTab); } } break; case FRIB_TAG_SECTION: { LwpFribSection* pSectionFrib = static_cast(pFrib); pSectionFrib->ParseSection(); } break; case FRIB_TAG_PAGEBREAK: { LwpFribPageBreak* pPageBreak = static_cast(pFrib); LwpPageLayout* pLayout = dynamic_cast(pPageBreak->GetLayout().obj().get()); if(pLayout) { pPageBreak->ParseLayout(); } else { if (pPageBreak->IsLastFrib()) { m_pXFPara->SetStyleName( pPageBreak->GetStyleName() ); } else { //parse pagebreak XFParagraph *pPara = new XFParagraph(); pPara->SetStyleName(pFrib->GetStyleName()); SetXFPara(pPara); m_pPara->AddXFContent(pPara); } } } break; case FRIB_TAG_COLBREAK: { XFParagraph *pPara = new XFParagraph(); pPara->SetStyleName(pFrib->GetStyleName()); SetXFPara(pPara); m_pPara->AddXFContent(pPara); } break; case FRIB_TAG_LINEBREAK: { XFLineBreak *pLineBreak = new XFLineBreak; m_pXFPara->Add(pLineBreak); } break; case FRIB_TAG_UNICODE: //fall through case FRIB_TAG_UNICODE2: //fall through case FRIB_TAG_UNICODE3: //fall through { LwpFribUnicode* unicodeFrib= static_cast(pFrib); unicodeFrib->XFConvert(m_pXFPara,m_pPara->GetStory()); } break; case FRIB_TAG_HARDSPACE: { OUString sHardSpace(sal_Unicode(0x00a0)); LwpStory *pStory = m_pPara->GetStory(); LwpHyperlinkMgr* pHyperlink = pStory ? pStory->GetHyperlinkMgr() : nullptr; if (pHyperlink && pHyperlink->GetHyperlinkFlag()) pFrib->ConvertHyperLink(m_pXFPara,pHyperlink,sHardSpace); else pFrib->ConvertChars(m_pXFPara,sHardSpace); } break; case FRIB_TAG_SOFTHYPHEN: { OUString sSoftHyphen(sal_Unicode(0x00ad)); pFrib->ConvertChars(m_pXFPara,sSoftHyphen); } break; case FRIB_TAG_FRAME: { LwpFribFrame* frameFrib= static_cast(pFrib); rtl::Reference pLayout = frameFrib->GetLayout(); if (pLayout.is() && pLayout->GetTag() == VO_DROPCAPLAYOUT) { LwpFoundry* pFoundry = m_pPara->GetFoundry(); LwpDropcapMgr* pMgr = pFoundry ? pFoundry->GetDropcapMgr() : nullptr; if (pMgr) pMgr->SetXFPara(m_pXFPara); } frameFrib->XFConvert(m_pXFPara); break; } case FRIB_TAG_CHBLOCK: { LwpFribCHBlock* chbFrib = static_cast(pFrib); chbFrib->XFConvert(m_pXFPara,m_pPara->GetStory()); } break; case FRIB_TAG_TABLE: { LwpFribTable* tableFrib = static_cast(pFrib); //tableFrib->XFConvert(m_pPara->GetXFContainer()); tableFrib->XFConvert(m_pXFPara); } break; case FRIB_TAG_BOOKMARK: { LwpFribBookMark* bookmarkFrib = static_cast(pFrib); bookmarkFrib->XFConvert(m_pXFPara); } break; case FRIB_TAG_FOOTNOTE: { LwpFribFootnote* pFootnoteFrib = static_cast(pFrib); pFootnoteFrib->XFConvert(m_pXFPara); break; } case FRIB_TAG_FIELD: { LwpFribField* fieldFrib = static_cast(pFrib); fieldFrib->XFConvert(m_pXFPara); break; } case FRIB_TAG_NOTE: { LwpFribNote* pNoteFrib = static_cast(pFrib); pNoteFrib->XFConvert(m_pXFPara); break; } case FRIB_TAG_PAGENUMBER: { LwpFribPageNumber* pagenumFrib = static_cast(pFrib); pagenumFrib->XFConvert(m_pXFPara); break; } case FRIB_TAG_DOCVAR: { LwpFribDocVar* docFrib = static_cast(pFrib); docFrib->XFConvert(m_pXFPara); break; } case FRIB_TAG_RUBYMARKER: { LwpFribRubyMarker* rubyFrib = static_cast(pFrib); rubyFrib->XFConvert(m_pXFPara); break; } case FRIB_TAG_RUBYFRAME: { LwpFribRubyFrame* rubyfrmeFrib = static_cast(pFrib); rubyfrmeFrib->XFConvert(m_pXFPara); break; } default : break; } if (bRevisionFlag )//&& pFrib->GetRevisionType() == LwpFrib::REV_INSERT) { if (nFribType!= FRIB_TAG_TABLE && nFribType != FRIB_TAG_FIELD && nFribType != FRIB_TAG_FRAME) { if (!sChangeID.isEmpty()) { XFChangeEnd* pChangeEnd = new XFChangeEnd; pChangeEnd->SetChangeID(sChangeID); m_pXFPara->Add(pChangeEnd); } } } pFrib = pFrib->GetNext(); } } void LwpFribPtr::FindLayouts() { LwpFrib* pFrib = m_pFribs; while(pFrib) { switch(pFrib->GetType()) { case FRIB_TAG_SECTION: { LwpFribSection* pSectionFrib = static_cast(pFrib); LwpSection* pSection = pSectionFrib->GetSection(); if(pSection) { LwpPageLayout* pLayout = pSection->GetPageLayout(); if(pLayout) { LwpLayout::UseWhenType eSectionType = pLayout->GetUseWhenType(); if(eSectionType==LwpLayout::StartWithinColume) { //StartWithinColume type not support now break; } LwpStory* pStory = dynamic_cast(m_pPara->GetStoryID().obj().get()); if (pStory) pStory->AddPageLayout(pSection->GetPageLayout()); } } break; } case FRIB_TAG_PAGEBREAK: { LwpFribPageBreak* pPageBreak = static_cast(pFrib); LwpPageLayout* pLayout = dynamic_cast(pPageBreak->GetLayout().obj().get()); if(pLayout) { LwpStory* pStory = dynamic_cast(m_pPara->GetStoryID().obj().get()); if (pStory) pStory->AddPageLayout(pLayout); } break; } default: break; } pFrib = pFrib->GetNext(); } } /************************************************************************** * @descr: Whether has a frib which type is nType **************************************************************************/ LwpFrib* LwpFribPtr::HasFrib(sal_uInt8 nType) { LwpFrib* pFrib = m_pFribs; while(pFrib) { if(pFrib->GetType()==nType) { return pFrib; } pFrib = pFrib->GetNext(); } return nullptr; } void LwpFribPtr::GatherAllText() { LwpFrib* pFrib = m_pFribs; while(pFrib) { switch(pFrib->GetType()) { case FRIB_TAG_TEXT: { OUString sText = static_cast(pFrib)->GetText(); m_pPara->SetAllText(sText); break; } case FRIB_TAG_UNICODE: //fall through case FRIB_TAG_UNICODE2: //fall through case FRIB_TAG_UNICODE3: //fall through : { OUString sText = static_cast(pFrib)->GetText(); m_pPara->SetAllText(sText); break; } default : break; } pFrib = pFrib->GetNext(); } } void LwpFribPtr::RegisterStyle() { LwpFrib* pFrib = m_pFribs; while(pFrib) { switch(pFrib->GetType()) { case FRIB_TAG_TEXT: { pFrib->RegisterStyle(m_pPara->GetFoundry()); OUString sText = static_cast(pFrib)->GetText(); ProcessDropcap(m_pPara->GetStory(), pFrib,sText.getLength()); break; } case FRIB_TAG_TAB: pFrib->RegisterStyle(m_pPara->GetFoundry()); break; case FRIB_TAG_SECTION: { //section registerstyle here; LwpFribSection* pSectionFrib = static_cast(pFrib); pSectionFrib->RegisterSectionStyle(); //for bullet pSectionFrib->SetSectionName(); } break; case FRIB_TAG_PAGEBREAK: { LwpFribPageBreak* breakFrib = static_cast(pFrib); breakFrib->RegisterBreakStyle(m_pPara); } break; case FRIB_TAG_COLBREAK: { LwpFribColumnBreak* breakFrib = static_cast(pFrib); breakFrib->RegisterBreakStyle(m_pPara); } break; case FRIB_TAG_UNICODE: //fall through case FRIB_TAG_UNICODE2: //fall through case FRIB_TAG_UNICODE3: //fall through : { pFrib->RegisterStyle(m_pPara->GetFoundry()); OUString sText = static_cast(pFrib)->GetText(); ProcessDropcap(m_pPara->GetStory(), pFrib,sText.getLength()); break; } case FRIB_TAG_HARDSPACE: pFrib->RegisterStyle(m_pPara->GetFoundry()); ProcessDropcap(m_pPara->GetStory(),pFrib,1); break; case FRIB_TAG_SOFTHYPHEN: pFrib->RegisterStyle(m_pPara->GetFoundry()); break; case FRIB_TAG_FRAME: { LwpFribFrame* frameFrib = static_cast(pFrib); frameFrib->SetParaDropcap(m_pPara); frameFrib->RegisterStyle(m_pPara->GetFoundry()); //register framelayout style, ,03/09/2005 //frameFrib->GetLayout()->RegisterStyle(); } break; case FRIB_TAG_CHBLOCK: break; case FRIB_TAG_TABLE: { LwpFribTable* tableFrib = static_cast(pFrib); tableFrib->RegisterNewStyle(); } break; case FRIB_TAG_FOOTNOTE: { LwpFribFootnote* pFribFootnote = static_cast(pFrib); pFribFootnote->RegisterNewStyle(); } break; case FRIB_TAG_NOTE: { LwpFribNote* pNoteFrib = static_cast(pFrib); pNoteFrib->RegisterNewStyle(); break; } case FRIB_TAG_PAGENUMBER: { pFrib->RegisterStyle(m_pPara->GetFoundry()); break; } case FRIB_TAG_DOCVAR: { LwpFribDocVar* docFrib = static_cast(pFrib); docFrib->RegisterStyle(m_pPara->GetFoundry()); break; } case FRIB_TAG_FIELD: { LwpFribField* fieldFrib = static_cast(pFrib); fieldFrib->RegisterStyle(m_pPara->GetFoundry()); break; } case FRIB_TAG_BOOKMARK: { LwpFribBookMark* bookmarkFrib = static_cast(pFrib); bookmarkFrib->RegisterStyle(m_pPara->GetFoundry()); break; } case FRIB_TAG_RUBYFRAME: { LwpFribRubyFrame* rubyfrmeFrib = static_cast(pFrib); rubyfrmeFrib->RegisterStyle(m_pPara->GetFoundry()); break; } default : break; } if (pFrib->GetRevisionFlag() && pFrib->GetType()!= FRIB_TAG_FIELD) { LwpGlobalMgr* pGlobal = LwpGlobalMgr::GetInstance(); LwpChangeMgr* pChangeMgr = pGlobal->GetLwpChangeMgr(); pChangeMgr->AddChangeFrib(pFrib); } pFrib = pFrib->GetNext(); } } void LwpFribPtr::ProcessDropcap(LwpStory* pStory,LwpFrib* pFrib,sal_uInt32 nLen) { if (pStory) { if (pStory->GetDropcapFlag()) { XFStyleManager* pXFStyleManager = LwpGlobalMgr::GetInstance()->GetXFStyleManager(); XFTextStyle* pFribStyle = pXFStyleManager->FindTextStyle(pFrib->GetStyleName()); pFribStyle->GetFont()->SetFontSize(0); LwpDropcapLayout* pObj = dynamic_cast(pStory->GetLayoutsWithMe().GetOnlyLayout().obj().get()); if (pObj) pObj->SetChars(nLen); } } } /** * @descr: If the position of pPreLayout is earlier than pNextLayout, return true, or return false, default return true * */ bool LwpFribPtr::ComparePagePosition(LwpVirtualLayout* pPreLayout, LwpVirtualLayout* pNextLayout) { if(!pPreLayout || !pNextLayout) return true; LwpFrib* pFrib = m_pFribs; LwpVirtualLayout* pLayout = nullptr; while(pFrib) { switch(pFrib->GetType()) { case FRIB_TAG_SECTION: { LwpFribSection* pSectionFrib = static_cast(pFrib); LwpSection* pSection = pSectionFrib->GetSection(); if(pSection) { pLayout = pSection->GetPageLayout(); } break; } case FRIB_TAG_PAGEBREAK: { LwpFribPageBreak* pPageBreak = static_cast(pFrib); pLayout = dynamic_cast(pPageBreak->GetLayout().obj().get()); break; } default: break; } if(pLayout) { if(pPreLayout == pLayout) return true; if(pNextLayout == pLayout) return false; } pFrib = pFrib->GetNext(); } return true; } /* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */