/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */ /************************************************************************* * * The Contents of this file are made available subject to the terms of * either of the following licenses * * - GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 * - Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1 * * Sun Microsystems Inc., October, 2000 * * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 * ============================================= * Copyright 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. * 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, * MA 02111-1307 USA * * * Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1 * ================================================= * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Industry Standards * Source License Version 1.1 (the "License"); You may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the * License at http://www.openoffice.org/license.html. * * Software provided under this License is provided on an "AS IS" basis, * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, * WITHOUT LIMITATION, WARRANTIES THAT THE SOFTWARE IS FREE OF DEFECTS, * MERCHANTABLE, FIT FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR NON-INFRINGING. * See the License for the specific provisions governing your rights and * obligations concerning the Software. * * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is: IBM Corporation * * Copyright: 2008 by IBM Corporation * * All Rights Reserved. * * Contributor(s): _______________________________________ * * ************************************************************************/ /** * @file * For LWP filter architecture prototype - cell layouts */ #include "lwpcelllayout.hxx" #include "lwpfoundry.hxx" #include "lwpobjfactory.hxx" #include "lwptblcell.hxx" #include "lwptblformula.hxx" #include "lwpholder.hxx" #include "lwpnumericfmt.hxx" #include "lwptable.hxx" #include "lwpglobalmgr.hxx" #include "xfilter/xfstylemanager.hxx" #include "xfilter/xfcell.hxx" #include "xfilter/xfcellstyle.hxx" #include "xfilter/xfcolstyle.hxx" LwpCellLayout::LwpCellLayout(LwpObjectHeader &objHdr, LwpSvStream* pStrm) : LwpMiddleLayout(objHdr, pStrm) , crowid(0) , ccolid(0) , cType(LDT_NONE) { } LwpCellLayout::~LwpCellLayout() {} /** * @short Get table layout pointer, if default cell layout, return NULL * @param LwpTableLayout * * @return */ LwpTableLayout * LwpCellLayout::GetTableLayout() { LwpRowLayout * pRow = dynamic_cast(GetParent().obj().get()); if(!pRow) { return NULL; } LwpTableLayout * pTableLayout = pRow->GetParentTableLayout(); return pTableLayout; } /** * @short Get table pointer, if default cell layout, return NULL * @param LwpTable * * @return */ LwpTable * LwpCellLayout::GetTable() { LwpTableLayout * pTableLayout = GetTableLayout(); if(!pTableLayout) { return NULL; } LwpTable *pTable = pTableLayout->GetTable(); return pTable; } /** * @short Set current cell layout to cell layout map * @param * @return */ void LwpCellLayout::SetCellMap() { // this function is called from LwpTableLayout, so it can't be NULL GetTableLayout()->SetWordProCellMap(crowid, ccolid, this); } /** * @short Get actual width of this cell layout * @param * @return width (cm) */ double LwpCellLayout::GetActualWidth() { //Get table layout LwpTableLayout * pTableLayout = GetTableLayout(); if (pTableLayout == NULL) { return GetGeometryWidth(); } OUString strColStyle = pTableLayout->GetColumnWidth(ccolid); XFStyleManager* pXFStyleManager = LwpGlobalMgr::GetInstance()->GetXFStyleManager(); XFColStyle *pStyle = static_cast(pXFStyleManager->FindStyle(strColStyle)); if(pStyle) { return pStyle->GetWidth(); } return GetGeometryWidth(); } /** * @short Apply padding to cell style * @param pCellStyle - pointer of XFCellStyle * @return */ void LwpCellLayout::ApplyPadding(XFCellStyle *pCellStyle) { double fLeft = GetMarginsValue(MARGIN_LEFT); double fRight = GetMarginsValue(MARGIN_RIGHT); double fTop = GetMarginsValue(MARGIN_TOP); double fBottom = GetMarginsValue(MARGIN_BOTTOM); pCellStyle->SetPadding((float)fLeft,(float)fRight,(float)fTop,(float)fBottom); } /** * @short Apply border to cell style according to cell position, default cell layout won't use this function * @param * @return pCellStyle - pointer of XFCellStyle */ void LwpCellLayout::ApplyBorders(XFCellStyle *pCellStyle) { // judge cell border type LwpCellBorderType eType = GetCellBorderType(crowid, ccolid, GetTableLayout()); // get left cell and judge if neighbour border is different XFBorders * pBorders = GetXFBorders(); if(!pBorders) { return; } switch (eType) { case enumNoBottomBorder: pBorders->SetWidth(enumXFBorderBottom, 0); break; case enumNoLeftBorder: pBorders->SetWidth(enumXFBorderLeft, 0); break; case enumNoLeftNoBottomBorder: pBorders->SetWidth(enumXFBorderBottom, 0); pBorders->SetWidth(enumXFBorderLeft, 0); break; case enumWholeBorder: break; default: assert(false); } pCellStyle->SetBorders(pBorders); } /** * @short Apply watermark to cell style * @param pCellStyle - pointer of XFCellStyle * @return */ void LwpCellLayout::ApplyWatermark(XFCellStyle *pCellStyle) { XFBGImage* pBGImage = GetXFBGImage(); if(pBGImage) { pCellStyle->SetBackImage(pBGImage); } } /** * @short Apply pattern fill to cell style * @param pCellStyle - pointer of XFCellStyle * @return */ void LwpCellLayout::ApplyPatternFill(XFCellStyle* pCellStyle) { XFBGImage* pXFBGImage = this->GetFillPattern(); if (pXFBGImage) { pCellStyle->SetBackImage(pXFBGImage); } } /** * @short Apply background to cell style * @param pCellStyle - pointer of XFCellStyle * @return */ void LwpCellLayout::ApplyBackGround(XFCellStyle* pCellStyle) { if (this->IsPatternFill()) { ApplyPatternFill(pCellStyle); } else { ApplyBackColor(pCellStyle); } } /** * @short Apply back color to cell style * @param pCellStyle - pointer of XFCellStyle * @return */ void LwpCellLayout::ApplyBackColor(XFCellStyle *pCellStyle) { LwpColor* pColor = GetBackColor(); if(pColor && pColor->IsValidColor()) { XFColor aXFColor(pColor->To24Color()); pCellStyle->SetBackColor(aXFColor); } } /** * @short register style of cell layout * @param pCellStyle The style of the cell, which would be applied to the cell. * @return */ void LwpCellLayout::ApplyFmtStyle(XFCellStyle *pCellStyle) { LwpLayoutNumerics* pLayoutNumerics = dynamic_cast(cLayNumerics.obj().get()); if (!pLayoutNumerics) { // if current layout doesn't have format, go to based on layout LwpCellLayout* pCellLayout = dynamic_cast(m_BasedOnStyle.obj().get()); if (pCellLayout) { pLayoutNumerics = dynamic_cast(pCellLayout->GetNumericsObject().obj().get()); } } // apply format style if (pLayoutNumerics) { XFStyle* pStyle = pLayoutNumerics->Convert(); if (pStyle) { XFStyleManager* pXFStyleManager = LwpGlobalMgr::GetInstance()->GetXFStyleManager(); m_NumfmtName = pXFStyleManager->AddStyle(pStyle)->GetStyleName(); pCellStyle->SetDataStyle(m_NumfmtName); } } return; } /** * @short get style name according to cell position, only table default cells use this function * @param nRow - default cell position row number * @param nCol - default cell position col number * @return OUString - registered cell style name */ OUString LwpCellLayout::GetCellStyleName(sal_uInt16 nRow, sal_uInt16 nCol, LwpTableLayout * pTableLayout) { // judge cell border type LwpCellBorderType eType = GetCellBorderType(nRow, nCol, pTableLayout); return m_CellStyleNames[eType]; } /** * Make the XFCell * @date 03/26/2005 * @param aTableID - ID of the table which this cell belongs to * @param bIsTopRow - whether current cell is top row * @param bIsRightCol - whether current cell is the rightest column * @return XFCell* */ XFCell* LwpCellLayout::ConvertCell(LwpObjectID aTableID, sal_uInt16 nRow, sal_uInt16 nCol) { // if cell layout is aTableID's default cell layout // it can't have any content, bypass these code LwpTable * pTable = dynamic_cast(aTableID.obj().get()); if (!pTable) { assert(false); return NULL; } XFCell * pXFCell = new XFCell(); OUString aStyleName = m_StyleName; // if cell layout is aTableID's default cell layout // we should judt its style by current position if (pTable->GetDefaultCellStyle() == GetObjectID()) { aStyleName = GetCellStyleName(nRow, nCol, pTable->GetTableLayout()); } // content of cell LwpStory* pStory = dynamic_cast(m_Content.obj().get()); if (pStory) { pStory->XFConvert(pXFCell); } ApplyProtect(pXFCell, aTableID); pXFCell->SetStyleName(aStyleName); return pXFCell; } LwpPara* LwpCellLayout::GetLastParaOfPreviousStory() { LwpObjectID* pPreStoryID = this->GetPreviousCellStory(); if (pPreStoryID && !(pPreStoryID->IsNull())) { LwpStory* pPreStory = dynamic_cast(pPreStoryID->obj(VO_STORY).get()); return dynamic_cast(pPreStory->GetLastPara().obj(VO_PARA).get()); } else { return NULL; } } /** * @short Get previous cell which used for bullet inside cell * @param * @return LwpObjectID * - object ID of cell content story */ LwpObjectID * LwpCellLayout::GetPreviousCellStory() { LwpTable *pTable = GetTable(); if (!pTable) { assert(false); return NULL; } sal_uInt16 nRow = crowid; sal_uInt16 nCol = ccolid; // if table is reset paragraph in columns, get cell on the top side of current cell if (pTable->IsNumberDown()) { if (nRow == 0) { return NULL; } nRow -=1; } else { // if not, get cell on the left side of current cell if (nCol == 0) { if (nRow == 0) { return NULL; } else { nRow--; nCol = pTable->GetColumn() - 1; } } else { nCol -=1; } } // get the object id pointer of previous cell story LwpTableLayout * pTableLayout = GetTableLayout(); if (!pTableLayout) { assert(false); return NULL; } return pTableLayout->SearchCellStoryMap(nRow, nCol); } /** * @short judge border type by cell neighbour * @param nRow * @param nCol * @param pTableLayout * @return LwpCellBorderType */ LwpCellBorderType LwpCellLayout::GetCellBorderType(sal_uInt16 nRow, sal_uInt16 nCol, LwpTableLayout * pTableLayout) { if (!pTableLayout) { assert(false); return enumWholeBorder; } // get left cell and judge if neighbour border is different XFBorders * pBorders = GetXFBorders(); if(!pBorders) { return enumWholeBorder; } XFBorder& rLeftBorder = pBorders->GetLeft(); XFBorder& rBottomBorder = pBorders->GetBottom(); bool bNoLeftBorder = false; bool bNoBottomBorder = false; LwpCellLayout * pLeftNeighbour = GetCellByRowCol(nRow, GetLeftColID(nCol), pTableLayout); if (pLeftNeighbour) { XFBorders * pNeighbourBorders = pLeftNeighbour->GetXFBorders(); if (pNeighbourBorders) { XFBorder& rRightBorder = pNeighbourBorders->GetRight(); if (rLeftBorder == rRightBorder) { // for these 2 types cell, left border should be ignored for sake of avoiding duplication border // but if left border is different with right border of left cell // we should not ignored it bNoLeftBorder = true; } delete pNeighbourBorders; } } LwpCellLayout * pBelowNeighbour = GetCellByRowCol(GetBelowRowID(nRow), nCol, pTableLayout); if (pBelowNeighbour) //&& (eType == enumRightNotLastCellBorder || eType == enumLeftNotLastCellBorder) ) { XFBorders * pBelowBorders = pBelowNeighbour->GetXFBorders(); if (pBelowBorders) { XFBorder& rTopBorder = pBelowBorders->GetTop(); if (rTopBorder == rBottomBorder) { // for these 2 types cell, bottom border should be ignored for sake of avoiding duplication border // but if bottom border is different with right border of left cell // we should not ignored it bNoBottomBorder = true; } delete pBelowBorders; } } delete pBorders; if (bNoBottomBorder) { if (bNoLeftBorder) { return enumNoLeftNoBottomBorder; } return enumNoBottomBorder; } if (bNoLeftBorder) { return enumNoLeftBorder; } return enumWholeBorder; } /** * @short Get neighbour cell by specifying ROW+COL * @param nRow * @param nCol * @return LwpCellLayout * */ LwpCellLayout * LwpCellLayout::GetCellByRowCol(sal_uInt16 nRow, sal_uInt16 nCol, LwpTableLayout * pTableLayout) { return pTableLayout->GetCellByRowCol(nRow, nCol); } /** * @short Register table's default cell layout * @param * @return */ void LwpCellLayout::RegisterDefaultCell() { XFStyleManager* pXFStyleManager = LwpGlobalMgr::GetInstance()->GetXFStyleManager(); for (sal_uInt16 eLoop = enumWholeBorder; eLoop < enumCellBorderTopLimit; eLoop++) { // register cell style XFCellStyle *pCellStyle = new XFCellStyle(); ApplyPadding(pCellStyle); ApplyBackColor(pCellStyle); ApplyWatermark(pCellStyle); ApplyFmtStyle(pCellStyle); pCellStyle->SetAlignType(enumXFAlignNone, GetVerticalAlignmentType()); XFBorders * pBorders = GetXFBorders(); if (pBorders) { switch(eLoop) { case enumNoBottomBorder: //| | // remove bottom line pBorders->SetWidth(enumXFBorderBottom, 0); break; case enumNoLeftNoBottomBorder: // | // remove left and bottom pBorders->SetWidth(enumXFBorderLeft, 0); pBorders->SetWidth(enumXFBorderBottom, 0); break; case enumWholeBorder: //|| // nothing to remove break; case enumNoLeftBorder: //| | // remove left line pBorders->SetWidth(enumXFBorderLeft, 0); break; default: assert(false); } pCellStyle->SetBorders(pBorders); } m_CellStyleNames[eLoop] = pXFStyleManager->AddStyle(pCellStyle)->GetStyleName(); } } /** * @short Register 4 types of cell style and register content styles * @param * @param * @param * @return */ void LwpCellLayout::RegisterStyle() { LwpVirtualLayout * pParent = dynamic_cast(GetParent().obj().get()); if (!pParent || pParent->GetLayoutType() != LWP_ROW_LAYOUT) { // default cell layout, we must register 4 styles for it RegisterDefaultCell(); return; } // register cell style XFCellStyle *pCellStyle = new XFCellStyle(); ApplyPadding(pCellStyle); // ApplyBackColor(pCellStyle); ApplyBackGround(pCellStyle); ApplyWatermark(pCellStyle); ApplyFmtStyle(pCellStyle); ApplyBorders(pCellStyle); pCellStyle->SetAlignType(enumXFAlignNone, GetVerticalAlignmentType()); XFStyleManager* pXFStyleManager = LwpGlobalMgr::GetInstance()->GetXFStyleManager(); m_StyleName = pXFStyleManager->AddStyle(pCellStyle)->GetStyleName(); // content object register styles rtl::Reference pObj = m_Content.obj(); if (pObj.is()) { pObj->SetFoundry(m_pFoundry); pObj->RegisterStyle(); } //register child layout style RegisterChildStyle(); } /** * @short Read cell layout * @param * @return */ void LwpCellLayout::Read() { LwpObjectStream* pStrm = m_pObjStrm; LwpMiddleLayout::Read(); // before the layout hierarchy rework if (LwpFileHeader::m_nFileRevision < 0x000b) { assert(false); } else { crowid = pStrm->QuickReaduInt16(); ccolid = (sal_uInt8) pStrm->QuickReaduInt16(); // written as a lushort sal_uInt16 type; type = pStrm->QuickReaduInt16(); pStrm->SkipExtra(); cType = (LeaderDotType)type; cLayNumerics.ReadIndexed(pStrm); cLayDiagonalLine.ReadIndexed(pStrm); pStrm->SkipExtra(); } } /** * Apply protect attribute to cell of table * @date 04/04/2005 * @param aTableID - ID of the table which the cell belongs to * @param * @return XFCell* */ void LwpCellLayout::ApplyProtect(XFCell * pCell, LwpObjectID aTableID) { bool bProtected = false; // judge current cell if (IsProtected()) { bProtected = true; } else { // judge base on LwpCellLayout * pBase = dynamic_cast(m_BasedOnStyle.obj().get()); if (pBase && pBase->IsProtected()) { bProtected = true; } else { // judge whole table LwpTable * pTable = dynamic_cast(aTableID.obj().get()); LwpTableLayout * pTableLayout = pTable ? static_cast(pTable->GetTableLayout()) : NULL; LwpSuperTableLayout * pSuper = pTableLayout ? pTableLayout->GetSuperTableLayout() : NULL; if (pSuper && pSuper->IsProtected()) { bProtected = true; } } } pCell->SetProtect(bProtected); } LwpConnectedCellLayout::LwpConnectedCellLayout(LwpObjectHeader &objHdr, LwpSvStream* pStrm) : LwpCellLayout(objHdr, pStrm) , cnumrows(0) , cnumcols(0) , m_nRealrowspan(0) , m_nRealcolspan(0) { } LwpConnectedCellLayout::~LwpConnectedCellLayout() {} /** * @short Set current connected cell layout to cell layout map * @param pCellLayoutMap - cell layout map reference * @return */ void LwpConnectedCellLayout::SetCellMap() { // this function is called from LwpTableLayout, so it can't be NULL LwpTableLayout * pTableLayout = GetTableLayout(); sal_uInt16 nRowSpan = m_nRealrowspan; for (sal_uInt16 iLoop = 0; iLoop < nRowSpan; iLoop ++) { for (sal_uInt16 jLoop = 0; jLoop < cnumcols; jLoop ++) pTableLayout->SetWordProCellMap(iLoop + crowid, jLoop + ccolid, this); } } /** * @short judge border type by cell neighbour * @param nRow * @param nCol * @param pTableLayout * @return LwpCellBorderType */ LwpCellBorderType LwpConnectedCellLayout::GetCellBorderType(sal_uInt16 nRow, sal_uInt16 nCol, LwpTableLayout * pTableLayout) { if (!pTableLayout) { assert(false); return enumWholeBorder; } sal_uInt16 nRowSpan = m_nRealrowspan; // get left cell and judge if neighbour border is different XFBorders * pBorders = GetXFBorders(); if(!pBorders) { return enumWholeBorder; } XFBorder& rLeftBorder = pBorders->GetLeft(); XFBorder& rBottomBorder = pBorders->GetBottom(); bool bNoLeftBorder = true; bool bNoBottomBorder = true; if (nCol == 0) { bNoLeftBorder = false; } else { for (sal_uInt16 iLoop=0; iLoop < nRowSpan; iLoop++) { LwpCellLayout * pLeftNeighbour = GetCellByRowCol(nRow+iLoop, GetLeftColID(nCol), pTableLayout); if (pLeftNeighbour) { boost::scoped_ptr pNeighbourBorders(pLeftNeighbour->GetXFBorders()); if (pNeighbourBorders) { XFBorder& rRightBorder = pNeighbourBorders->GetRight(); if (rLeftBorder != rRightBorder) { // if left border is different with right border of left cell // we should not ignored it bNoLeftBorder = false; break; } } } } } if ( (nRow + nRowSpan) == pTableLayout->GetTable()->GetRow() ) { bNoBottomBorder = false; } else { for (sal_uInt16 iLoop = 0; iLoop < cnumcols; iLoop ++) { LwpCellLayout * pBelowNeighbour = GetCellByRowCol(nRow + nRowSpan, nCol+iLoop, pTableLayout); if (pBelowNeighbour) { boost::scoped_ptr pBelowBorders(pBelowNeighbour->GetXFBorders()); if (pBelowBorders) { XFBorder& rTopBorder = pBelowBorders->GetTop(); if (rTopBorder != rBottomBorder) { // if bottom border is different with right border of left cell // we should not ignored it bNoBottomBorder = false; break; } } } } } delete pBorders; if (bNoBottomBorder) { if (bNoLeftBorder) { return enumNoLeftNoBottomBorder; } return enumNoBottomBorder; } if (bNoLeftBorder) { return enumNoLeftBorder; } return enumWholeBorder; } /** * @short Read connected cell layout * @param * @return */ void LwpConnectedCellLayout::Read() { LwpCellLayout::Read(); sal_uInt16 numcols; cnumrows = m_pObjStrm->QuickReaduInt16(); numcols = m_pObjStrm->QuickReaduInt16(); // written as a lushort cnumcols = (sal_uInt8)numcols; m_nRealrowspan = cnumrows; m_nRealcolspan = cnumcols; m_pObjStrm->SkipExtra(); } XFCell* LwpConnectedCellLayout::ConvertCell(LwpObjectID aTableID, sal_uInt16 nRow, sal_uInt16 nCol) { XFCell * pXFCell = LwpCellLayout::ConvertCell(aTableID, nRow, nCol); pXFCell->SetColumnSpaned(cnumcols); // if(!m_bSplitFlag) // { // } return pXFCell; } /** * @short parse connected cell layout * @param pOutputStream - output stream * @return */ void LwpConnectedCellLayout::Parse(IXFStream* /*pOutputStream*/) { } LwpHiddenCellLayout::LwpHiddenCellLayout(LwpObjectHeader &objHdr, LwpSvStream* pStrm) : LwpCellLayout(objHdr, pStrm) {} LwpHiddenCellLayout::~LwpHiddenCellLayout() {} /** * @short Set current hidden cell layout to cell layout map * @param * @return */ void LwpHiddenCellLayout::SetCellMap() { return; } /** * @short Read hidden cell layout * @param * @return */ void LwpHiddenCellLayout::Read() { LwpCellLayout::Read(); cconnectedlayout.ReadIndexed(m_pObjStrm); m_pObjStrm->SkipExtra(); } /** * @short Convert hidden cell layout * @param aTableID - Object ID of table * @return XFCell * - pointer to converted cell */ XFCell* LwpHiddenCellLayout::ConvertCell(LwpObjectID aTableID, sal_uInt16 nRow, sal_uInt16 nCol) { if (!cconnectedlayout.obj().is()) return NULL; LwpConnectedCellLayout* pConnCell = dynamic_cast(cconnectedlayout.obj().get()); if (!pConnCell || nRow < (pConnCell->GetNumrows()+pConnCell->GetRowID())) return NULL; // if the hidden cell should be displayed for limit of SODC // use the default cell layout XFCell* pXFCell = NULL; LwpTable *pTable = dynamic_cast(aTableID.obj().get()); if (pTable) { LwpCellLayout *pDefault = dynamic_cast(pTable->GetDefaultCellStyle().obj().get()); if (pDefault) { pXFCell = pDefault->ConvertCell(aTableID, nRow, nCol); } else { pXFCell = pConnCell->ConvertCell(aTableID, nRow, nCol); } pXFCell->SetColumnSpaned(pConnCell->GetNumcols()); } else { assert(false); } return pXFCell; } /** * @short parse hidden cell layout * @param pOutputStream - output stream * @return */ void LwpHiddenCellLayout::Parse(IXFStream* /*pOutputStream*/) { } LwpParallelColumnsBlock::LwpParallelColumnsBlock(LwpObjectHeader &objHdr, LwpSvStream* pStrm):LwpCellLayout(objHdr, pStrm) {} LwpParallelColumnsBlock::~LwpParallelColumnsBlock() {} void LwpParallelColumnsBlock::Read() { LwpCellLayout::Read(); m_pObjStrm->SkipExtra(); } /* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */