/* -*- Mode: JS; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */ /* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * - Presentation Engine - * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * / /** * WARNING: any comment that should not be striped out by the script * generating the C++ header file must start with a '/' and exactly 5 '*' * not striped examples: '/*****', '/***** *' * striped examples: '/** ***' (not contiguous), '/******' (more than 5) * * NOTE: This file combines several works, under different * licenses. See the @licstart / @licend sections below. */ /*! Hammer.JS - v2.0.7 - 2016-04-22 * http://hammerjs.github.io/ * * Copyright (c) 2016 Jorik Tangelder; * Licensed under the MIT license */ (function(window, document, exportName, undefined) { 'use strict'; var VENDOR_PREFIXES = ['', 'webkit', 'Moz', 'MS', 'ms', 'o']; var TEST_ELEMENT = document.createElement('div'); var TYPE_FUNCTION = 'function'; var round = Math.round; var abs = Math.abs; var now = Date.now; /** * polyfill for IE11 */ if (!Math.trunc) { Math.trunc = function (v) { return v < 0 ? Math.ceil(v) : Math.floor(v); }; } /** * set a timeout with a given scope * @param {Function} fn * @param {Number} timeout * @param {Object} context * @returns {number} */ function setTimeoutContext(fn, timeout, context) { return setTimeout(bindFn(fn, context), timeout); } /** * if the argument is an array, we want to execute the fn on each entry * if it aint an array we don't want to do a thing. * this is used by all the methods that accept a single and array argument. * @param {*|Array} arg * @param {String} fn * @param {Object} [context] * @returns {Boolean} */ function invokeArrayArg(arg, fn, context) { if (Array.isArray(arg)) { each(arg, context[fn], context); return true; } return false; } /** * walk objects and arrays * @param {Object} obj * @param {Function} iterator * @param {Object} context */ function each(obj, iterator, context) { var i; if (!obj) { return; } if (obj.forEach) { obj.forEach(iterator, context); } else if (obj.length !== undefined) { i = 0; while (i < obj.length) { iterator.call(context, obj[i], i, obj); i++; } } else { for (i in obj) { obj.hasOwnProperty(i) && iterator.call(context, obj[i], i, obj); } } } /** * wrap a method with a deprecation warning and stack trace * @param {Function} method * @param {String} name * @param {String} message * @returns {Function} A new function wrapping the supplied method. */ function deprecate(method, name, message) { var deprecationMessage = 'DEPRECATED METHOD: ' + name + '\n' + message + ' AT \n'; return function() { var e = new Error('get-stack-trace'); var stack = e && e.stack ? e.stack.replace(/^[^\(]+?[\n$]/gm, '') .replace(/^\s+at\s+/gm, '') .replace(/^Object.\s*\(/gm, '{anonymous}()@') : 'Unknown Stack Trace'; var log = window.console && (window.console.warn || window.console.log); if (log) { log.call(window.console, deprecationMessage, stack); } return method.apply(this, arguments); }; } /** * extend object. * means that properties in dest will be overwritten by the ones in src. * @param {Object} target * @param {...Object} objects_to_assign * @returns {Object} target */ var assign; if (typeof Object.assign !== 'function') { assign = function assign(target) { if (target === undefined || target === null) { throw new TypeError('Cannot convert undefined or null to object'); } var output = Object(target); for (var index = 1; index < arguments.length; index++) { var source = arguments[index]; if (source !== undefined && source !== null) { for (var nextKey in source) { if (source.hasOwnProperty(nextKey)) { output[nextKey] = source[nextKey]; } } } } return output; }; } else { assign = Object.assign; } /** * extend object. * means that properties in dest will be overwritten by the ones in src. * @param {Object} dest * @param {Object} src * @param {Boolean} [merge=false] * @returns {Object} dest */ var extend = deprecate(function extend(dest, src, merge) { var keys = Object.keys(src); var i = 0; while (i < keys.length) { if (!merge || (merge && dest[keys[i]] === undefined)) { dest[keys[i]] = src[keys[i]]; } i++; } return dest; }, 'extend', 'Use `assign`.'); /** * merge the values from src in the dest. * means that properties that exist in dest will not be overwritten by src * @param {Object} dest * @param {Object} src * @returns {Object} dest */ var merge = deprecate(function merge(dest, src) { return extend(dest, src, true); }, 'merge', 'Use `assign`.'); /** * simple class inheritance * @param {Function} child * @param {Function} base * @param {Object} [properties] */ function inherit(child, base, properties) { var baseP = base.prototype, childP; childP = child.prototype = Object.create(baseP); childP.constructor = child; childP._super = baseP; if (properties) { assign(childP, properties); } } /** * simple function bind * @param {Function} fn * @param {Object} context * @returns {Function} */ function bindFn(fn, context) { return function boundFn() { return fn.apply(context, arguments); }; } /** * let a boolean value also be a function that must return a boolean * this first item in args will be used as the context * @param {Boolean|Function} val * @param {Array} [args] * @returns {Boolean} */ function boolOrFn(val, args) { if (typeof val == TYPE_FUNCTION) { return val.apply(args ? args[0] || undefined : undefined, args); } return val; } /** * use the val2 when val1 is undefined * @param {*} val1 * @param {*} val2 * @returns {*} */ function ifUndefined(val1, val2) { return (val1 === undefined) ? val2 : val1; } /** * addEventListener with multiple events at once * @param {EventTarget} target * @param {String} types * @param {Function} handler */ function addEventListeners(target, types, handler) { each(splitStr(types), function(type) { target.addEventListener(type, handler, false); }); } /** * removeEventListener with multiple events at once * @param {EventTarget} target * @param {String} types * @param {Function} handler */ function removeEventListeners(target, types, handler) { each(splitStr(types), function(type) { target.removeEventListener(type, handler, false); }); } /** * find if a node is in the given parent * @method hasParent * @param {HTMLElement} node * @param {HTMLElement} parent * @return {Boolean} found */ function hasParent(node, parent) { while (node) { if (node == parent) { return true; } node = node.parentNode; } return false; } /** * small indexOf wrapper * @param {String} str * @param {String} find * @returns {Boolean} found */ function inStr(str, find) { return str.indexOf(find) > -1; } /** * split string on whitespace * @param {String} str * @returns {Array} words */ function splitStr(str) { return str.trim().split(/\s+/g); } /** * find if an array contains the object using indexOf or a simple polyFill * @param {Array} src * @param {String} find * @param {String} [findByKey] * @return {Boolean|Number} false when not found, or the index */ function inArray(src, find, findByKey) { if (src.indexOf && !findByKey) { return src.indexOf(find); } else { var i = 0; while (i < src.length) { if ((findByKey && src[i][findByKey] == find) || (!findByKey && src[i] === find)) { return i; } i++; } return -1; } } /** * convert array-like objects to real arrays * @param {Object} obj * @returns {Array} */ function toArray(obj) { return Array.prototype.slice.call(obj, 0); } /** * unique array with objects based on a key (like 'id') or just by the array's value * @param {Array} src [{id:1},{id:2},{id:1}] * @param {String} [key] * @param {Boolean} [sort=False] * @returns {Array} [{id:1},{id:2}] */ function uniqueArray(src, key, sort) { var results = []; var values = []; var i = 0; while (i < src.length) { var val = key ? src[i][key] : src[i]; if (inArray(values, val) < 0) { results.push(src[i]); } values[i] = val; i++; } if (sort) { if (!key) { results = results.sort(); } else { results = results.sort(function sortUniqueArray(a, b) { return a[key] > b[key]; }); } } return results; } /** * get the prefixed property * @param {Object} obj * @param {String} property * @returns {String|Undefined} prefixed */ function prefixed(obj, property) { // tml: Have to check for obj being undefined if (obj === undefined) { return undefined; } var prefix, prop; var camelProp = property[0].toUpperCase() + property.slice(1); var i = 0; while (i < VENDOR_PREFIXES.length) { prefix = VENDOR_PREFIXES[i]; prop = (prefix) ? prefix + camelProp : property; if (prop in obj) { return prop; } i++; } return undefined; } /** * get a unique id * @returns {number} uniqueId */ var _uniqueId = 1; function uniqueId() { return _uniqueId++; } /** * get the window object of an element * @param {HTMLElement} element * @returns {DocumentView|Window} */ function getWindowForElement(element) { var doc = element.ownerDocument || element; return (doc.defaultView || doc.parentWindow || window); } var MOBILE_REGEX = /mobile|tablet|ip(ad|hone|od)|android/i; var SUPPORT_TOUCH = ('ontouchstart' in window); var SUPPORT_POINTER_EVENTS = prefixed(window, 'PointerEvent') !== undefined; var SUPPORT_ONLY_TOUCH = SUPPORT_TOUCH && MOBILE_REGEX.test(navigator.userAgent); var INPUT_TYPE_TOUCH = 'touch'; var INPUT_TYPE_PEN = 'pen'; var INPUT_TYPE_MOUSE = 'mouse'; var INPUT_TYPE_KINECT = 'kinect'; var COMPUTE_INTERVAL = 25; var INPUT_START = 1; var INPUT_MOVE = 2; var INPUT_END = 4; var INPUT_CANCEL = 8; var DIRECTION_NONE = 1; var DIRECTION_LEFT = 2; var DIRECTION_RIGHT = 4; var DIRECTION_UP = 8; var DIRECTION_DOWN = 16; var DIRECTION_HORIZONTAL = DIRECTION_LEFT | DIRECTION_RIGHT; var DIRECTION_VERTICAL = DIRECTION_UP | DIRECTION_DOWN; var DIRECTION_ALL = DIRECTION_HORIZONTAL | DIRECTION_VERTICAL; var PROPS_XY = ['x', 'y']; var PROPS_CLIENT_XY = ['clientX', 'clientY']; /** * create new input type manager * @param {Manager} manager * @param {Function} callback * @returns {Input} * @constructor */ function Input(manager, callback) { var self = this; this.manager = manager; this.callback = callback; this.element = manager.element; this.target = manager.options.inputTarget; // smaller wrapper around the handler, for the scope and the enabled state of the manager, // so when disabled the input events are completely bypassed. this.domHandler = function(ev) { if (boolOrFn(manager.options.enable, [manager])) { self.handler(ev); } }; this.init(); } Input.prototype = { /** * should handle the inputEvent data and trigger the callback * @virtual */ handler: function() { }, /** * bind the events */ init: function() { this.evEl && addEventListeners(this.element, this.evEl, this.domHandler); this.evTarget && addEventListeners(this.target, this.evTarget, this.domHandler); this.evWin && addEventListeners(getWindowForElement(this.element), this.evWin, this.domHandler); }, /** * unbind the events */ destroy: function() { this.evEl && removeEventListeners(this.element, this.evEl, this.domHandler); this.evTarget && removeEventListeners(this.target, this.evTarget, this.domHandler); this.evWin && removeEventListeners(getWindowForElement(this.element), this.evWin, this.domHandler); } }; /** * create new input type manager * called by the Manager constructor * @param {Hammer} manager * @returns {Input} */ function createInputInstance(manager) { var Type; var inputClass = manager.options.inputClass; if (inputClass) { Type = inputClass; } else if (!SUPPORT_TOUCH && SUPPORT_POINTER_EVENTS) { Type = PointerEventInput; } else if (SUPPORT_ONLY_TOUCH) { Type = TouchInput; } else if (!SUPPORT_TOUCH) { Type = MouseInput; } else { Type = TouchMouseInput; } return new (Type)(manager, inputHandler); } /** * handle input events * @param {Manager} manager * @param {String} eventType * @param {Object} input */ function inputHandler(manager, eventType, input) { var pointersLen = input.pointers.length; var changedPointersLen = input.changedPointers.length; var isFirst = (eventType & INPUT_START && (pointersLen - changedPointersLen === 0)); var isFinal = (eventType & (INPUT_END | INPUT_CANCEL) && (pointersLen - changedPointersLen === 0)); input.isFirst = !!isFirst; input.isFinal = !!isFinal; if (isFirst) { manager.session = {}; } // source event is the normalized value of the domEvents // like 'touchstart, mouseup, pointerdown' input.eventType = eventType; // compute scale, rotation etc computeInputData(manager, input); // emit secret event manager.emit('hammer.input', input); manager.recognize(input); manager.session.prevInput = input; } /** * extend the data with some usable properties like scale, rotate, velocity etc * @param {Object} manager * @param {Object} input */ function computeInputData(manager, input) { var session = manager.session; var pointers = input.pointers; var pointersLength = pointers.length; // store the first input to calculate the distance and direction if (!session.firstInput) { session.firstInput = simpleCloneInputData(input); } // to compute scale and rotation we need to store the multiple touches if (pointersLength > 1 && !session.firstMultiple) { session.firstMultiple = simpleCloneInputData(input); } else if (pointersLength === 1) { session.firstMultiple = false; } var firstInput = session.firstInput; var firstMultiple = session.firstMultiple; var offsetCenter = firstMultiple ? firstMultiple.center : firstInput.center; var center = input.center = getCenter(pointers); input.timeStamp = now(); input.deltaTime = input.timeStamp - firstInput.timeStamp; input.angle = getAngle(offsetCenter, center); input.distance = getDistance(offsetCenter, center); computeDeltaXY(session, input); input.offsetDirection = getDirection(input.deltaX, input.deltaY); var overallVelocity = getVelocity(input.deltaTime, input.deltaX, input.deltaY); input.overallVelocityX = overallVelocity.x; input.overallVelocityY = overallVelocity.y; input.overallVelocity = (abs(overallVelocity.x) > abs(overallVelocity.y)) ? overallVelocity.x : overallVelocity.y; input.scale = firstMultiple ? getScale(firstMultiple.pointers, pointers) : 1; input.rotation = firstMultiple ? getRotation(firstMultiple.pointers, pointers) : 0; input.maxPointers = !session.prevInput ? input.pointers.length : ((input.pointers.length > session.prevInput.maxPointers) ? input.pointers.length : session.prevInput.maxPointers); computeIntervalInputData(session, input); // find the correct target var target = manager.element; if (hasParent(input.srcEvent.target, target)) { target = input.srcEvent.target; } input.target = target; } function computeDeltaXY(session, input) { var center = input.center; var offset = session.offsetDelta || {}; var prevDelta = session.prevDelta || {}; var prevInput = session.prevInput || {}; if (input.eventType === INPUT_START || prevInput.eventType === INPUT_END) { prevDelta = session.prevDelta = { x: prevInput.deltaX || 0, y: prevInput.deltaY || 0 }; offset = session.offsetDelta = { x: center.x, y: center.y }; } input.deltaX = prevDelta.x + (center.x - offset.x); input.deltaY = prevDelta.y + (center.y - offset.y); } /** * velocity is calculated every x ms * @param {Object} session * @param {Object} input */ function computeIntervalInputData(session, input) { var last = session.lastInterval || input, deltaTime = input.timeStamp - last.timeStamp, velocity, velocityX, velocityY, direction; if (input.eventType != INPUT_CANCEL && (deltaTime > COMPUTE_INTERVAL || last.velocity === undefined)) { var deltaX = input.deltaX - last.deltaX; var deltaY = input.deltaY - last.deltaY; var v = getVelocity(deltaTime, deltaX, deltaY); velocityX = v.x; velocityY = v.y; velocity = (abs(v.x) > abs(v.y)) ? v.x : v.y; direction = getDirection(deltaX, deltaY); session.lastInterval = input; } else { // use latest velocity info if it doesn't overtake a minimum period velocity = last.velocity; velocityX = last.velocityX; velocityY = last.velocityY; direction = last.direction; } input.velocity = velocity; input.velocityX = velocityX; input.velocityY = velocityY; input.direction = direction; } /** * create a simple clone from the input used for storage of firstInput and firstMultiple * @param {Object} input * @returns {Object} clonedInputData */ function simpleCloneInputData(input) { // make a simple copy of the pointers because we will get a reference if we don't // we only need clientXY for the calculations var pointers = []; var i = 0; while (i < input.pointers.length) { pointers[i] = { clientX: round(input.pointers[i].clientX), clientY: round(input.pointers[i].clientY) }; i++; } return { timeStamp: now(), pointers: pointers, center: getCenter(pointers), deltaX: input.deltaX, deltaY: input.deltaY }; } /** * get the center of all the pointers * @param {Array} pointers * @return {Object} center contains `x` and `y` properties */ function getCenter(pointers) { var pointersLength = pointers.length; // no need to loop when only one touch if (pointersLength === 1) { return { x: round(pointers[0].clientX), y: round(pointers[0].clientY) }; } var x = 0, y = 0, i = 0; while (i < pointersLength) { x += pointers[i].clientX; y += pointers[i].clientY; i++; } return { x: round(x / pointersLength), y: round(y / pointersLength) }; } /** * calculate the velocity between two points. unit is in px per ms. * @param {Number} deltaTime * @param {Number} x * @param {Number} y * @return {Object} velocity `x` and `y` */ function getVelocity(deltaTime, x, y) { return { x: x / deltaTime || 0, y: y / deltaTime || 0 }; } /** * get the direction between two points * @param {Number} x * @param {Number} y * @return {Number} direction */ function getDirection(x, y) { if (x === y) { return DIRECTION_NONE; } if (abs(x) >= abs(y)) { return x < 0 ? DIRECTION_LEFT : DIRECTION_RIGHT; } return y < 0 ? DIRECTION_UP : DIRECTION_DOWN; } /** * calculate the absolute distance between two points * @param {Object} p1 {x, y} * @param {Object} p2 {x, y} * @param {Array} [props] containing x and y keys * @return {Number} distance */ function getDistance(p1, p2, props) { if (!props) { props = PROPS_XY; } var x = p2[props[0]] - p1[props[0]], y = p2[props[1]] - p1[props[1]]; return Math.sqrt((x * x) + (y * y)); } /** * calculate the angle between two coordinates * @param {Object} p1 * @param {Object} p2 * @param {Array} [props] containing x and y keys * @return {Number} angle */ function getAngle(p1, p2, props) { if (!props) { props = PROPS_XY; } var x = p2[props[0]] - p1[props[0]], y = p2[props[1]] - p1[props[1]]; return Math.atan2(y, x) * 180 / Math.PI; } /** * calculate the rotation degrees between two pointersets * @param {Array} start array of pointers * @param {Array} end array of pointers * @return {Number} rotation */ function getRotation(start, end) { return getAngle(end[1], end[0], PROPS_CLIENT_XY) + getAngle(start[1], start[0], PROPS_CLIENT_XY); } /** * calculate the scale factor between two pointersets * no scale is 1, and goes down to 0 when pinched together, and bigger when pinched out * @param {Array} start array of pointers * @param {Array} end array of pointers * @return {Number} scale */ function getScale(start, end) { return getDistance(end[0], end[1], PROPS_CLIENT_XY) / getDistance(start[0], start[1], PROPS_CLIENT_XY); } var MOUSE_INPUT_MAP = { mousedown: INPUT_START, mousemove: INPUT_MOVE, mouseup: INPUT_END }; var MOUSE_ELEMENT_EVENTS = 'mousedown'; var MOUSE_WINDOW_EVENTS = 'mousemove mouseup'; /** * Mouse events input * @constructor * @extends Input */ function MouseInput() { this.evEl = MOUSE_ELEMENT_EVENTS; this.evWin = MOUSE_WINDOW_EVENTS; this.pressed = false; // mousedown state Input.apply(this, arguments); } inherit(MouseInput, Input, { /** * handle mouse events * @param {Object} ev */ handler: function MEhandler(ev) { // console.log('==> MouseInput handler'); var eventType = MOUSE_INPUT_MAP[ev.type]; // on start we want to have the left mouse button down if (eventType & INPUT_START && ev.button === 0) { this.pressed = true; } if (eventType & INPUT_MOVE && ev.which !== 1) { eventType = INPUT_END; } // mouse must be down if (!this.pressed) { return; } if (eventType & INPUT_END) { this.pressed = false; } this.callback(this.manager, eventType, { pointers: [ev], changedPointers: [ev], pointerType: INPUT_TYPE_MOUSE, srcEvent: ev }); } }); var POINTER_INPUT_MAP = { pointerdown: INPUT_START, pointermove: INPUT_MOVE, pointerup: INPUT_END, pointercancel: INPUT_CANCEL, pointerout: INPUT_CANCEL }; // in IE10 the pointer types is defined as an enum var IE10_POINTER_TYPE_ENUM = { 2: INPUT_TYPE_TOUCH, 3: INPUT_TYPE_PEN, 4: INPUT_TYPE_MOUSE, 5: INPUT_TYPE_KINECT // see https://twitter.com/jacobrossi/status/480596438489890816 }; var POINTER_ELEMENT_EVENTS = 'pointerdown'; var POINTER_WINDOW_EVENTS = 'pointermove pointerup pointercancel'; // IE10 has prefixed support, and case-sensitive if (window.MSPointerEvent && !window.PointerEvent) { POINTER_ELEMENT_EVENTS = 'MSPointerDown'; POINTER_WINDOW_EVENTS = 'MSPointerMove MSPointerUp MSPointerCancel'; } /** * Pointer events input * @constructor * @extends Input */ function PointerEventInput() { this.evEl = POINTER_ELEMENT_EVENTS; this.evWin = POINTER_WINDOW_EVENTS; Input.apply(this, arguments); this.store = (this.manager.session.pointerEvents = []); } inherit(PointerEventInput, Input, { /** * handle mouse events * @param {Object} ev */ handler: function PEhandler(ev) { // console.log('==> PointerEventInput handler'); var store = this.store; var removePointer = false; var eventTypeNormalized = ev.type.toLowerCase().replace('ms', ''); var eventType = POINTER_INPUT_MAP[eventTypeNormalized]; var pointerType = IE10_POINTER_TYPE_ENUM[ev.pointerType] || ev.pointerType; var isTouch = (pointerType == INPUT_TYPE_TOUCH); // get index of the event in the store var storeIndex = inArray(store, ev.pointerId, 'pointerId'); // start and mouse must be down if (eventType & INPUT_START && (ev.button === 0 || isTouch)) { if (storeIndex < 0) { store.push(ev); storeIndex = store.length - 1; } } else if (eventType & (INPUT_END | INPUT_CANCEL)) { removePointer = true; } // it not found, so the pointer hasn't been down (so it's probably a hover) if (storeIndex < 0) { return; } // update the event in the store store[storeIndex] = ev; this.callback(this.manager, eventType, { pointers: store, changedPointers: [ev], pointerType: pointerType, srcEvent: ev }); if (removePointer) { // remove from the store store.splice(storeIndex, 1); } } }); var SINGLE_TOUCH_INPUT_MAP = { touchstart: INPUT_START, touchmove: INPUT_MOVE, touchend: INPUT_END, touchcancel: INPUT_CANCEL }; var SINGLE_TOUCH_TARGET_EVENTS = 'touchstart'; var SINGLE_TOUCH_WINDOW_EVENTS = 'touchstart touchmove touchend touchcancel'; /** * Touch events input * @constructor * @extends Input */ function SingleTouchInput() { this.evTarget = SINGLE_TOUCH_TARGET_EVENTS; this.evWin = SINGLE_TOUCH_WINDOW_EVENTS; this.started = false; Input.apply(this, arguments); } inherit(SingleTouchInput, Input, { handler: function TEhandler(ev) { // console.log('==> SingleTouchInput handler'); var type = SINGLE_TOUCH_INPUT_MAP[ev.type]; // should we handle the touch events? if (type === INPUT_START) { this.started = true; } if (!this.started) { return; } var touches = normalizeSingleTouches.call(this, ev, type); // when done, reset the started state if (type & (INPUT_END | INPUT_CANCEL) && touches[0].length - touches[1].length === 0) { this.started = false; } this.callback(this.manager, type, { pointers: touches[0], changedPointers: touches[1], pointerType: INPUT_TYPE_TOUCH, srcEvent: ev }); } }); /** * @this {TouchInput} * @param {Object} ev * @param {Number} type flag * @returns {undefined|Array} [all, changed] */ function normalizeSingleTouches(ev, type) { var all = toArray(ev.touches); var changed = toArray(ev.changedTouches); if (type & (INPUT_END | INPUT_CANCEL)) { all = uniqueArray(all.concat(changed), 'identifier', true); } return [all, changed]; } var TOUCH_INPUT_MAP = { touchstart: INPUT_START, touchmove: INPUT_MOVE, touchend: INPUT_END, touchcancel: INPUT_CANCEL }; var TOUCH_TARGET_EVENTS = 'touchstart touchmove touchend touchcancel'; /** * Multi-user touch events input * @constructor * @extends Input */ function TouchInput() { this.evTarget = TOUCH_TARGET_EVENTS; this.targetIds = {}; Input.apply(this, arguments); } inherit(TouchInput, Input, { handler: function MTEhandler(ev) { // console.log('==> TouchInput handler'); var type = TOUCH_INPUT_MAP[ev.type]; var touches = getTouches.call(this, ev, type); if (!touches) { return; } this.callback(this.manager, type, { pointers: touches[0], changedPointers: touches[1], pointerType: INPUT_TYPE_TOUCH, srcEvent: ev }); } }); /** * @this {TouchInput} * @param {Object} ev * @param {Number} type flag * @returns {undefined|Array} [all, changed] */ function getTouches(ev, type) { var allTouches = toArray(ev.touches); var targetIds = this.targetIds; // when there is only one touch, the process can be simplified if (type & (INPUT_START | INPUT_MOVE) && allTouches.length === 1) { targetIds[allTouches[0].identifier] = true; return [allTouches, allTouches]; } var i, targetTouches, changedTouches = toArray(ev.changedTouches), changedTargetTouches = [], target = this.target; // get target touches from touches targetTouches = allTouches.filter(function(touch) { return hasParent(touch.target, target); }); // collect touches if (type === INPUT_START) { i = 0; while (i < targetTouches.length) { targetIds[targetTouches[i].identifier] = true; i++; } } // filter changed touches to only contain touches that exist in the collected target ids i = 0; while (i < changedTouches.length) { if (targetIds[changedTouches[i].identifier]) { changedTargetTouches.push(changedTouches[i]); } // cleanup removed touches if (type & (INPUT_END | INPUT_CANCEL)) { delete targetIds[changedTouches[i].identifier]; } i++; } if (!changedTargetTouches.length) { return; } return [ // merge targetTouches with changedTargetTouches so it contains ALL touches, including 'end' and 'cancel' uniqueArray(targetTouches.concat(changedTargetTouches), 'identifier', true), changedTargetTouches ]; } /** * Combined touch and mouse input * * Touch has a higher priority then mouse, and while touching no mouse events are allowed. * This because touch devices also emit mouse events while doing a touch. * * @constructor * @extends Input */ var DEDUP_TIMEOUT = 2500; var DEDUP_DISTANCE = 25; function TouchMouseInput() { Input.apply(this, arguments); var handler = bindFn(this.handler, this); this.touch = new TouchInput(this.manager, handler); this.mouse = new MouseInput(this.manager, handler); this.primaryTouch = null; this.lastTouches = []; } inherit(TouchMouseInput, Input, { /** * handle mouse and touch events * @param {Hammer} manager * @param {String} inputEvent * @param {Object} inputData */ handler: function TMEhandler(manager, inputEvent, inputData) { // console.log('==> TouchMouseInput handler'); var isTouch = (inputData.pointerType == INPUT_TYPE_TOUCH), isMouse = (inputData.pointerType == INPUT_TYPE_MOUSE); if (isMouse && inputData.sourceCapabilities && inputData.sourceCapabilities.firesTouchEvents) { return; } // when we're in a touch event, record touches to de-dupe synthetic mouse event if (isTouch) { recordTouches.call(this, inputEvent, inputData); } else if (isMouse && isSyntheticEvent.call(this, inputData)) { return; } this.callback(manager, inputEvent, inputData); }, /** * remove the event listeners */ destroy: function destroy() { this.touch.destroy(); this.mouse.destroy(); } }); function recordTouches(eventType, eventData) { if (eventType & INPUT_START) { this.primaryTouch = eventData.changedPointers[0].identifier; setLastTouch.call(this, eventData); } else if (eventType & (INPUT_END | INPUT_CANCEL)) { setLastTouch.call(this, eventData); } } function setLastTouch(eventData) { var touch = eventData.changedPointers[0]; if (touch.identifier === this.primaryTouch) { var lastTouch = {x: touch.clientX, y: touch.clientY}; this.lastTouches.push(lastTouch); var lts = this.lastTouches; var removeLastTouch = function() { var i = lts.indexOf(lastTouch); if (i > -1) { lts.splice(i, 1); } }; setTimeout(removeLastTouch, DEDUP_TIMEOUT); } } function isSyntheticEvent(eventData) { var x = eventData.srcEvent.clientX, y = eventData.srcEvent.clientY; for (var i = 0; i < this.lastTouches.length; i++) { var t = this.lastTouches[i]; var dx = Math.abs(x - t.x), dy = Math.abs(y - t.y); if (dx <= DEDUP_DISTANCE && dy <= DEDUP_DISTANCE) { return true; } } return false; } var PREFIXED_TOUCH_ACTION = prefixed(TEST_ELEMENT.style, 'touchAction'); var NATIVE_TOUCH_ACTION = PREFIXED_TOUCH_ACTION !== undefined; // magical touchAction value var TOUCH_ACTION_COMPUTE = 'compute'; var TOUCH_ACTION_AUTO = 'auto'; var TOUCH_ACTION_MANIPULATION = 'manipulation'; // not implemented var TOUCH_ACTION_NONE = 'none'; var TOUCH_ACTION_PAN_X = 'pan-x'; var TOUCH_ACTION_PAN_Y = 'pan-y'; var TOUCH_ACTION_MAP = getTouchActionProps(); /** * Touch Action * sets the touchAction property or uses the js alternative * @param {Manager} manager * @param {String} value * @constructor */ function TouchAction(manager, value) { this.manager = manager; this.set(value); } TouchAction.prototype = { /** * set the touchAction value on the element or enable the polyfill * @param {String} value */ set: function(value) { // find out the touch-action by the event handlers if (value == TOUCH_ACTION_COMPUTE) { value = this.compute(); } if (NATIVE_TOUCH_ACTION && this.manager.element.style && TOUCH_ACTION_MAP[value]) { this.manager.element.style[PREFIXED_TOUCH_ACTION] = value; } this.actions = value.toLowerCase().trim(); }, /** * just re-set the touchAction value */ update: function() { this.set(this.manager.options.touchAction); }, /** * compute the value for the touchAction property based on the recognizer's settings * @returns {String} value */ compute: function() { var actions = []; each(this.manager.recognizers, function(recognizer) { if (boolOrFn(recognizer.options.enable, [recognizer])) { actions = actions.concat(recognizer.getTouchAction()); } }); return cleanTouchActions(actions.join(' ')); }, /** * this method is called on each input cycle and provides the preventing of the browser behavior * @param {Object} input */ preventDefaults: function(input) { var srcEvent = input.srcEvent; var direction = input.offsetDirection; // if the touch action did prevented once this session if (this.manager.session.prevented) { srcEvent.preventDefault(); return; } var actions = this.actions; var hasNone = inStr(actions, TOUCH_ACTION_NONE) && !TOUCH_ACTION_MAP[TOUCH_ACTION_NONE]; var hasPanY = inStr(actions, TOUCH_ACTION_PAN_Y) && !TOUCH_ACTION_MAP[TOUCH_ACTION_PAN_Y]; var hasPanX = inStr(actions, TOUCH_ACTION_PAN_X) && !TOUCH_ACTION_MAP[TOUCH_ACTION_PAN_X]; if (hasNone) { //do not prevent defaults if this is a tap gesture var isTapPointer = input.pointers.length === 1; var isTapMovement = input.distance < 2; var isTapTouchTime = input.deltaTime < 250; if (isTapPointer && isTapMovement && isTapTouchTime) { return; } } if (hasPanX && hasPanY) { // `pan-x pan-y` means browser handles all scrolling/panning, do not prevent return; } if (hasNone || (hasPanY && direction & DIRECTION_HORIZONTAL) || (hasPanX && direction & DIRECTION_VERTICAL)) { return this.preventSrc(srcEvent); } }, /** * call preventDefault to prevent the browser's default behavior (scrolling in most cases) * @param {Object} srcEvent */ preventSrc: function(srcEvent) { this.manager.session.prevented = true; srcEvent.preventDefault(); } }; /** * when the touchActions are collected they are not a valid value, so we need to clean things up. * * @param {String} actions * @returns {*} */ function cleanTouchActions(actions) { // none if (inStr(actions, TOUCH_ACTION_NONE)) { return TOUCH_ACTION_NONE; } var hasPanX = inStr(actions, TOUCH_ACTION_PAN_X); var hasPanY = inStr(actions, TOUCH_ACTION_PAN_Y); // if both pan-x and pan-y are set (different recognizers // for different directions, e.g. horizontal pan but vertical swipe?) // we need none (as otherwise with pan-x pan-y combined none of these // recognizers will work, since the browser would handle all panning if (hasPanX && hasPanY) { return TOUCH_ACTION_NONE; } // pan-x OR pan-y if (hasPanX || hasPanY) { return hasPanX ? TOUCH_ACTION_PAN_X : TOUCH_ACTION_PAN_Y; } // manipulation if (inStr(actions, TOUCH_ACTION_MANIPULATION)) { return TOUCH_ACTION_MANIPULATION; } return TOUCH_ACTION_AUTO; } function getTouchActionProps() { if (!NATIVE_TOUCH_ACTION) { return false; } var touchMap = {}; var cssSupports = window.CSS && window.CSS.supports; ['auto', 'manipulation', 'pan-y', 'pan-x', 'pan-x pan-y', 'none'].forEach(function(val) { // If css.supports is not supported but there is native touch-action assume it supports // all values. This is the case for IE 10 and 11. touchMap[val] = cssSupports ? window.CSS.supports('touch-action', val) : true; }); return touchMap; } /** * Recognizer flow explained; * * All recognizers have the initial state of POSSIBLE when an input session starts. * The definition of an input session is from the first input until the last input, with all it's movement in it. * * Example session for mouse-input: mousedown -> mousemove -> mouseup * * On each recognizing cycle (see Manager.recognize) the .recognize() method is executed * which determines with state it should be. * * If the recognizer has the state FAILED, CANCELLED or RECOGNIZED (equals ENDED), it is reset to * POSSIBLE to give it another change on the next cycle. * * Possible * | * +-----+---------------+ * | | * +-----+-----+ | * | | | * Failed Cancelled | * +-------+------+ * | | * Recognized Began * | * Changed * | * Ended/Recognized */ var STATE_POSSIBLE = 1; var STATE_BEGAN = 2; var STATE_CHANGED = 4; var STATE_ENDED = 8; var STATE_RECOGNIZED = STATE_ENDED; var STATE_CANCELLED = 16; var STATE_FAILED = 32; /** * Recognizer * Every recognizer needs to extend from this class. * @constructor * @param {Object} options */ function Recognizer(options) { this.options = assign({}, this.defaults, options || {}); this.id = uniqueId(); this.manager = null; // default is enable true this.options.enable = ifUndefined(this.options.enable, true); this.state = STATE_POSSIBLE; this.simultaneous = {}; this.requireFail = []; } Recognizer.prototype = { /** * @virtual * @type {Object} */ defaults: {}, /** * set options * @param {Object} options * @return {Recognizer} */ set: function(options) { assign(this.options, options); // also update the touchAction, in case something changed about the directions/enabled state this.manager && this.manager.touchAction.update(); return this; }, /** * recognize simultaneous with another recognizer. * @param {Recognizer} otherRecognizer * @returns {Recognizer} this */ recognizeWith: function(otherRecognizer) { if (invokeArrayArg(otherRecognizer, 'recognizeWith', this)) { return this; } var simultaneous = this.simultaneous; otherRecognizer = getRecognizerByNameIfManager(otherRecognizer, this); if (!simultaneous[otherRecognizer.id]) { simultaneous[otherRecognizer.id] = otherRecognizer; otherRecognizer.recognizeWith(this); } return this; }, /** * drop the simultaneous link. It doesn't remove the link on the other recognizer. * @param {Recognizer} otherRecognizer * @returns {Recognizer} this */ dropRecognizeWith: function(otherRecognizer) { if (invokeArrayArg(otherRecognizer, 'dropRecognizeWith', this)) { return this; } otherRecognizer = getRecognizerByNameIfManager(otherRecognizer, this); delete this.simultaneous[otherRecognizer.id]; return this; }, /** * recognizer can only run when another is failing * @param {Recognizer} otherRecognizer * @returns {Recognizer} this */ requireFailure: function(otherRecognizer) { if (invokeArrayArg(otherRecognizer, 'requireFailure', this)) { return this; } var requireFail = this.requireFail; otherRecognizer = getRecognizerByNameIfManager(otherRecognizer, this); if (inArray(requireFail, otherRecognizer) === -1) { requireFail.push(otherRecognizer); otherRecognizer.requireFailure(this); } return this; }, /** * drop the requireFailure link. It does not remove the link on the other recognizer. * @param {Recognizer} otherRecognizer * @returns {Recognizer} this */ dropRequireFailure: function(otherRecognizer) { if (invokeArrayArg(otherRecognizer, 'dropRequireFailure', this)) { return this; } otherRecognizer = getRecognizerByNameIfManager(otherRecognizer, this); var index = inArray(this.requireFail, otherRecognizer); if (index > -1) { this.requireFail.splice(index, 1); } return this; }, /** * has require failures boolean * @returns {boolean} */ hasRequireFailures: function() { return this.requireFail.length > 0; }, /** * if the recognizer can recognize simultaneous with another recognizer * @param {Recognizer} otherRecognizer * @returns {Boolean} */ canRecognizeWith: function(otherRecognizer) { return !!this.simultaneous[otherRecognizer.id]; }, /** * You should use `tryEmit` instead of `emit` directly to check * that all the needed recognizers has failed before emitting. * @param {Object} input */ emit: function(input) { var self = this; var state = this.state; function emit(event) { self.manager.emit(event, input); } // 'panstart' and 'panmove' if (state < STATE_ENDED) { emit(self.options.event + stateStr(state)); } emit(self.options.event); // simple 'eventName' events if (input.additionalEvent) { // additional event(panleft, panright, pinchin, pinchout...) emit(input.additionalEvent); } // panend and pancancel if (state >= STATE_ENDED) { emit(self.options.event + stateStr(state)); } }, /** * Check that all the require failure recognizers has failed, * if true, it emits a gesture event, * otherwise, setup the state to FAILED. * @param {Object} input */ tryEmit: function(input) { if (this.canEmit()) { return this.emit(input); } // it's failing anyway this.state = STATE_FAILED; }, /** * can we emit? * @returns {boolean} */ canEmit: function() { var i = 0; while (i < this.requireFail.length) { if (!(this.requireFail[i].state & (STATE_FAILED | STATE_POSSIBLE))) { return false; } i++; } return true; }, /** * update the recognizer * @param {Object} inputData */ recognize: function(inputData) { // make a new copy of the inputData // so we can change the inputData without messing up the other recognizers var inputDataClone = assign({}, inputData); // is it enabled and allow recognizing? if (!boolOrFn(this.options.enable, [this, inputDataClone])) { this.reset(); this.state = STATE_FAILED; return; } // reset when we've reached the end if (this.state & (STATE_RECOGNIZED | STATE_CANCELLED | STATE_FAILED)) { this.state = STATE_POSSIBLE; } this.state = this.process(inputDataClone); // the recognizer has recognized a gesture // so trigger an event if (this.state & (STATE_BEGAN | STATE_CHANGED | STATE_ENDED | STATE_CANCELLED)) { this.tryEmit(inputDataClone); } }, /** * return the state of the recognizer * the actual recognizing happens in this method * @virtual * @param {Object} inputData * @returns {Const} STATE */ process: function(inputData) { }, // jshint ignore:line /** * return the preferred touch-action * @virtual * @returns {Array} */ getTouchAction: function() { }, /** * called when the gesture isn't allowed to recognize * like when another is being recognized or it is disabled * @virtual */ reset: function() { } }; /** * get a usable string, used as event postfix * @param {Const} state * @returns {String} state */ function stateStr(state) { if (state & STATE_CANCELLED) { return 'cancel'; } else if (state & STATE_ENDED) { return 'end'; } else if (state & STATE_CHANGED) { return 'move'; } else if (state & STATE_BEGAN) { return 'start'; } return ''; } /** * direction cons to string * @param {Const} direction * @returns {String} */ function directionStr(direction) { if (direction == DIRECTION_DOWN) { return 'down'; } else if (direction == DIRECTION_UP) { return 'up'; } else if (direction == DIRECTION_LEFT) { return 'left'; } else if (direction == DIRECTION_RIGHT) { return 'right'; } return ''; } /** * get a recognizer by name if it is bound to a manager * @param {Recognizer|String} otherRecognizer * @param {Recognizer} recognizer * @returns {Recognizer} */ function getRecognizerByNameIfManager(otherRecognizer, recognizer) { var manager = recognizer.manager; if (manager) { return manager.get(otherRecognizer); } return otherRecognizer; } /** * This recognizer is just used as a base for the simple attribute recognizers. * @constructor * @extends Recognizer */ function AttrRecognizer() { Recognizer.apply(this, arguments); } inherit(AttrRecognizer, Recognizer, { /** * @namespace * @memberof AttrRecognizer */ defaults: { /** * @type {Number} * @default 1 */ pointers: 1 }, /** * Used to check if it the recognizer receives valid input, like input.distance > 10. * @memberof AttrRecognizer * @param {Object} input * @returns {Boolean} recognized */ attrTest: function(input) { var optionPointers = this.options.pointers; return optionPointers === 0 || input.pointers.length === optionPointers; }, /** * Process the input and return the state for the recognizer * @memberof AttrRecognizer * @param {Object} input * @returns {*} State */ process: function(input) { var state = this.state; var eventType = input.eventType; var isRecognized = state & (STATE_BEGAN | STATE_CHANGED); var isValid = this.attrTest(input); // on cancel input and we've recognized before, return STATE_CANCELLED if (isRecognized && (eventType & INPUT_CANCEL || !isValid)) { return state | STATE_CANCELLED; } else if (isRecognized || isValid) { if (eventType & INPUT_END) { return state | STATE_ENDED; } else if (!(state & STATE_BEGAN)) { return STATE_BEGAN; } return state | STATE_CHANGED; } return STATE_FAILED; } }); /** * Pan * Recognized when the pointer is down and moved in the allowed direction. * @constructor * @extends AttrRecognizer */ function PanRecognizer() { AttrRecognizer.apply(this, arguments); this.pX = null; this.pY = null; } inherit(PanRecognizer, AttrRecognizer, { /** * @namespace * @memberof PanRecognizer */ defaults: { event: 'pan', threshold: 10, pointers: 1, direction: DIRECTION_ALL }, getTouchAction: function() { var direction = this.options.direction; var actions = []; if (direction & DIRECTION_HORIZONTAL) { actions.push(TOUCH_ACTION_PAN_Y); } if (direction & DIRECTION_VERTICAL) { actions.push(TOUCH_ACTION_PAN_X); } return actions; }, directionTest: function(input) { var options = this.options; var hasMoved = true; var distance = input.distance; var direction = input.direction; var x = input.deltaX; var y = input.deltaY; // lock to axis? if (!(direction & options.direction)) { if (options.direction & DIRECTION_HORIZONTAL) { direction = (x === 0) ? DIRECTION_NONE : (x < 0) ? DIRECTION_LEFT : DIRECTION_RIGHT; hasMoved = x != this.pX; distance = Math.abs(input.deltaX); } else { direction = (y === 0) ? DIRECTION_NONE : (y < 0) ? DIRECTION_UP : DIRECTION_DOWN; hasMoved = y != this.pY; distance = Math.abs(input.deltaY); } } input.direction = direction; return hasMoved && distance > options.threshold && direction & options.direction; }, attrTest: function(input) { return AttrRecognizer.prototype.attrTest.call(this, input) && (this.state & STATE_BEGAN || (!(this.state & STATE_BEGAN) && this.directionTest(input))); }, emit: function(input) { this.pX = input.deltaX; this.pY = input.deltaY; var direction = directionStr(input.direction); if (direction) { input.additionalEvent = this.options.event + direction; } this._super.emit.call(this, input); } }); /** * Pinch * Recognized when two or more pointers are moving toward (zoom-in) or away from each other (zoom-out). * @constructor * @extends AttrRecognizer */ function PinchRecognizer() { AttrRecognizer.apply(this, arguments); } inherit(PinchRecognizer, AttrRecognizer, { /** * @namespace * @memberof PinchRecognizer */ defaults: { event: 'pinch', threshold: 0, pointers: 2 }, getTouchAction: function() { return [TOUCH_ACTION_NONE]; }, attrTest: function(input) { return this._super.attrTest.call(this, input) && (Math.abs(input.scale - 1) > this.options.threshold || this.state & STATE_BEGAN); }, emit: function(input) { if (input.scale !== 1) { var inOut = input.scale < 1 ? 'in' : 'out'; input.additionalEvent = this.options.event + inOut; } this._super.emit.call(this, input); } }); /** * Press * Recognized when the pointer is down for x ms without any movement. * @constructor * @extends Recognizer */ function PressRecognizer() { Recognizer.apply(this, arguments); this._timer = null; this._input = null; } inherit(PressRecognizer, Recognizer, { /** * @namespace * @memberof PressRecognizer */ defaults: { event: 'press', pointers: 1, time: 251, // minimal time of the pointer to be pressed threshold: 9 // a minimal movement is ok, but keep it low }, getTouchAction: function() { return [TOUCH_ACTION_AUTO]; }, process: function(input) { var options = this.options; var validPointers = input.pointers.length === options.pointers; var validMovement = input.distance < options.threshold; var validTime = input.deltaTime > options.time; this._input = input; // we only allow little movement // and we've reached an end event, so a tap is possible if (!validMovement || !validPointers || (input.eventType & (INPUT_END | INPUT_CANCEL) && !validTime)) { this.reset(); } else if (input.eventType & INPUT_START) { this.reset(); this._timer = setTimeoutContext(function() { this.state = STATE_RECOGNIZED; this.tryEmit(); }, options.time, this); } else if (input.eventType & INPUT_END) { return STATE_RECOGNIZED; } return STATE_FAILED; }, reset: function() { clearTimeout(this._timer); }, emit: function(input) { if (this.state !== STATE_RECOGNIZED) { return; } if (input && (input.eventType & INPUT_END)) { this.manager.emit(this.options.event + 'up', input); } else { this._input.timeStamp = now(); this.manager.emit(this.options.event, this._input); } } }); /** * Rotate * Recognized when two or more pointer are moving in a circular motion. * @constructor * @extends AttrRecognizer */ function RotateRecognizer() { AttrRecognizer.apply(this, arguments); } inherit(RotateRecognizer, AttrRecognizer, { /** * @namespace * @memberof RotateRecognizer */ defaults: { event: 'rotate', threshold: 0, pointers: 2 }, getTouchAction: function() { return [TOUCH_ACTION_NONE]; }, attrTest: function(input) { return this._super.attrTest.call(this, input) && (Math.abs(input.rotation) > this.options.threshold || this.state & STATE_BEGAN); } }); /** * Swipe * Recognized when the pointer is moving fast (velocity), with enough distance in the allowed direction. * @constructor * @extends AttrRecognizer */ function SwipeRecognizer() { AttrRecognizer.apply(this, arguments); } inherit(SwipeRecognizer, AttrRecognizer, { /** * @namespace * @memberof SwipeRecognizer */ defaults: { event: 'swipe', threshold: 10, velocity: 0.3, direction: DIRECTION_HORIZONTAL | DIRECTION_VERTICAL, pointers: 1 }, getTouchAction: function() { return PanRecognizer.prototype.getTouchAction.call(this); }, attrTest: function(input) { var direction = this.options.direction; var velocity; if (direction & (DIRECTION_HORIZONTAL | DIRECTION_VERTICAL)) { velocity = input.overallVelocity; } else if (direction & DIRECTION_HORIZONTAL) { velocity = input.overallVelocityX; } else if (direction & DIRECTION_VERTICAL) { velocity = input.overallVelocityY; } return this._super.attrTest.call(this, input) && direction & input.offsetDirection && input.distance > this.options.threshold && input.maxPointers == this.options.pointers && abs(velocity) > this.options.velocity && input.eventType & INPUT_END; }, emit: function(input) { var direction = directionStr(input.offsetDirection); if (direction) { this.manager.emit(this.options.event + direction, input); } this.manager.emit(this.options.event, input); } }); /** * A tap is recognized when the pointer is doing a small tap/click. Multiple taps are recognized if they occur * between the given interval and position. The delay option can be used to recognize multi-taps without firing * a single tap. * * The eventData from the emitted event contains the property `tapCount`, which contains the amount of * multi-taps being recognized. * @constructor * @extends Recognizer */ function TapRecognizer() { Recognizer.apply(this, arguments); // previous time and center, // used for tap counting this.pTime = false; this.pCenter = false; this._timer = null; this._input = null; this.count = 0; } inherit(TapRecognizer, Recognizer, { /** * @namespace * @memberof PinchRecognizer */ defaults: { event: 'tap', pointers: 1, taps: 1, interval: 300, // max time between the multi-tap taps time: 250, // max time of the pointer to be down (like finger on the screen) threshold: 9, // a minimal movement is ok, but keep it low posThreshold: 10 // a multi-tap can be a bit off the initial position }, getTouchAction: function() { return [TOUCH_ACTION_MANIPULATION]; }, process: function(input) { var options = this.options; var validPointers = input.pointers.length === options.pointers; var validMovement = input.distance < options.threshold; var validTouchTime = input.deltaTime < options.time; this.reset(); if ((input.eventType & INPUT_START) && (this.count === 0)) { return this.failTimeout(); } // we only allow little movement // and we've reached an end event, so a tap is possible if (validMovement && validTouchTime && validPointers) { if (input.eventType != INPUT_END) { return this.failTimeout(); } var validInterval = this.pTime ? (input.timeStamp - this.pTime < options.interval) : true; var validMultiTap = !this.pCenter || getDistance(this.pCenter, input.center) < options.posThreshold; this.pTime = input.timeStamp; this.pCenter = input.center; if (!validMultiTap || !validInterval) { this.count = 1; } else { this.count += 1; } this._input = input; // if tap count matches we have recognized it, // else it has begun recognizing... var tapCount = this.count % options.taps; if (tapCount === 0) { // no failing requirements, immediately trigger the tap event // or wait as long as the multitap interval to trigger if (!this.hasRequireFailures()) { return STATE_RECOGNIZED; } else { this._timer = setTimeoutContext(function() { this.state = STATE_RECOGNIZED; this.tryEmit(); }, options.interval, this); return STATE_BEGAN; } } } return STATE_FAILED; }, failTimeout: function() { this._timer = setTimeoutContext(function() { this.state = STATE_FAILED; }, this.options.interval, this); return STATE_FAILED; }, reset: function() { clearTimeout(this._timer); }, emit: function() { if (this.state == STATE_RECOGNIZED) { this._input.tapCount = this.count; this.manager.emit(this.options.event, this._input); } } }); /** * Simple way to create a manager with a default set of recognizers. * @param {HTMLElement} element * @param {Object} [options] * @constructor */ function Hammer(element, options) { options = options || {}; options.recognizers = ifUndefined(options.recognizers, Hammer.defaults.preset); return new Manager(element, options); } /** * @const {string} */ Hammer.VERSION = '2.0.7'; /** * default settings * @namespace */ Hammer.defaults = { /** * set if DOM events are being triggered. * But this is slower and unused by simple implementations, so disabled by default. * @type {Boolean} * @default false */ domEvents: false, /** * The value for the touchAction property/fallback. * When set to `compute` it will magically set the correct value based on the added recognizers. * @type {String} * @default compute */ touchAction: TOUCH_ACTION_COMPUTE, /** * @type {Boolean} * @default true */ enable: true, /** * EXPERIMENTAL FEATURE -- can be removed/changed * Change the parent input target element. * If Null, then it is being set the to main element. * @type {Null|EventTarget} * @default null */ inputTarget: null, /** * force an input class * @type {Null|Function} * @default null */ inputClass: null, /** * Default recognizer setup when calling `Hammer()` * When creating a new Manager these will be skipped. * @type {Array} */ preset: [ // RecognizerClass, options, [recognizeWith, ...], [requireFailure, ...] [RotateRecognizer, {enable: false}], [PinchRecognizer, {enable: false}, ['rotate']], [SwipeRecognizer, {direction: DIRECTION_HORIZONTAL}], [PanRecognizer, {direction: DIRECTION_HORIZONTAL}, ['swipe']], [TapRecognizer], [TapRecognizer, {event: 'doubletap', taps: 2}, ['tap']], [PressRecognizer] ], /** * Some CSS properties can be used to improve the working of Hammer. * Add them to this method and they will be set when creating a new Manager. * @namespace */ cssProps: { /** * Disables text selection to improve the dragging gesture. Mainly for desktop browsers. * @type {String} * @default 'none' */ userSelect: 'none', /** * Disable the Windows Phone grippers when pressing an element. * @type {String} * @default 'none' */ touchSelect: 'none', /** * Disables the default callout shown when you touch and hold a touch target. * On iOS, when you touch and hold a touch target such as a link, Safari displays * a callout containing information about the link. This property allows you to disable that callout. * @type {String} * @default 'none' */ touchCallout: 'none', /** * Specifies whether zooming is enabled. Used by IE10> * @type {String} * @default 'none' */ contentZooming: 'none', /** * Specifies that an entire element should be draggable instead of its contents. Mainly for desktop browsers. * @type {String} * @default 'none' */ userDrag: 'none', /** * Overrides the highlight color shown when the user taps a link or a JavaScript * clickable element in iOS. This property obeys the alpha value, if specified. * @type {String} * @default 'rgba(0,0,0,0)' */ tapHighlightColor: 'rgba(0,0,0,0)' } }; var STOP = 1; var FORCED_STOP = 2; /** * Manager * @param {HTMLElement} element * @param {Object} [options] * @constructor */ function Manager(element, options) { this.options = assign({}, Hammer.defaults, options || {}); this.options.inputTarget = this.options.inputTarget || element; this.handlers = {}; this.session = {}; this.recognizers = []; this.oldCssProps = {}; this.element = element; this.input = createInputInstance(this); this.touchAction = new TouchAction(this, this.options.touchAction); toggleCssProps(this, true); each(this.options.recognizers, function(item) { var recognizer = this.add(new (item[0])(item[1])); item[2] && recognizer.recognizeWith(item[2]); item[3] && recognizer.requireFailure(item[3]); }, this); } Manager.prototype = { /** * set options * @param {Object} options * @returns {Manager} */ set: function(options) { assign(this.options, options); // Options that need a little more setup if (options.touchAction) { this.touchAction.update(); } if (options.inputTarget) { // Clean up existing event listeners and reinitialize this.input.destroy(); this.input.target = options.inputTarget; this.input.init(); } return this; }, /** * stop recognizing for this session. * This session will be discarded, when a new [input]start event is fired. * When forced, the recognizer cycle is stopped immediately. * @param {Boolean} [force] */ stop: function(force) { this.session.stopped = force ? FORCED_STOP : STOP; }, /** * run the recognizers! * called by the inputHandler function on every movement of the pointers (touches) * it walks through all the recognizers and tries to detect the gesture that is being made * @param {Object} inputData */ recognize: function(inputData) { var session = this.session; if (session.stopped) { return; } // run the touch-action polyfill this.touchAction.preventDefaults(inputData); var recognizer; var recognizers = this.recognizers; // this holds the recognizer that is being recognized. // so the recognizer's state needs to be BEGAN, CHANGED, ENDED or RECOGNIZED // if no recognizer is detecting a thing, it is set to `null` var curRecognizer = session.curRecognizer; // reset when the last recognizer is recognized // or when we're in a new session if (!curRecognizer || (curRecognizer && curRecognizer.state & STATE_RECOGNIZED)) { curRecognizer = session.curRecognizer = null; } var i = 0; while (i < recognizers.length) { recognizer = recognizers[i]; // find out if we are allowed try to recognize the input for this one. // 1. allow if the session is NOT forced stopped (see the .stop() method) // 2. allow if we still haven't recognized a gesture in this session, or the this recognizer is the one // that is being recognized. // 3. allow if the recognizer is allowed to run simultaneous with the current recognized recognizer. // this can be setup with the `recognizeWith()` method on the recognizer. if (session.stopped !== FORCED_STOP && ( // 1 !curRecognizer || recognizer == curRecognizer || // 2 recognizer.canRecognizeWith(curRecognizer))) { // 3 recognizer.recognize(inputData); } else { recognizer.reset(); } // if the recognizer has been recognizing the input as a valid gesture, we want to store this one as the // current active recognizer. but only if we don't already have an active recognizer if (!curRecognizer && recognizer.state & (STATE_BEGAN | STATE_CHANGED | STATE_ENDED)) { curRecognizer = session.curRecognizer = recognizer; } i++; } }, /** * get a recognizer by its event name. * @param {Recognizer|String} recognizer * @returns {Recognizer|Null} */ get: function(recognizer) { if (recognizer instanceof Recognizer) { return recognizer; } var recognizers = this.recognizers; for (var i = 0; i < recognizers.length; i++) { if (recognizers[i].options.event == recognizer) { return recognizers[i]; } } return null; }, /** * add a recognizer to the manager * existing recognizers with the same event name will be removed * @param {Recognizer} recognizer * @returns {Recognizer|Manager} */ add: function(recognizer) { if (invokeArrayArg(recognizer, 'add', this)) { return this; } // remove existing var existing = this.get(recognizer.options.event); if (existing) { this.remove(existing); } this.recognizers.push(recognizer); recognizer.manager = this; this.touchAction.update(); return recognizer; }, /** * remove a recognizer by name or instance * @param {Recognizer|String} recognizer * @returns {Manager} */ remove: function(recognizer) { if (invokeArrayArg(recognizer, 'remove', this)) { return this; } recognizer = this.get(recognizer); // let's make sure this recognizer exists if (recognizer) { var recognizers = this.recognizers; var index = inArray(recognizers, recognizer); if (index !== -1) { recognizers.splice(index, 1); this.touchAction.update(); } } return this; }, /** * bind event * @param {String} events * @param {Function} handler * @returns {EventEmitter} this */ on: function(events, handler) { if (events === undefined) { return; } if (handler === undefined) { return; } var handlers = this.handlers; each(splitStr(events), function(event) { handlers[event] = handlers[event] || []; handlers[event].push(handler); }); return this; }, /** * unbind event, leave emit blank to remove all handlers * @param {String} events * @param {Function} [handler] * @returns {EventEmitter} this */ off: function(events, handler) { if (events === undefined) { return; } var handlers = this.handlers; each(splitStr(events), function(event) { if (!handler) { delete handlers[event]; } else { handlers[event] && handlers[event].splice(inArray(handlers[event], handler), 1); } }); return this; }, /** * emit event to the listeners * @param {String} event * @param {Object} data */ emit: function(event, data) { // we also want to trigger dom events if (this.options.domEvents) { triggerDomEvent(event, data); } // no handlers, so skip it all var handlers = this.handlers[event] && this.handlers[event].slice(); if (!handlers || !handlers.length) { return; } data.type = event; data.preventDefault = function() { data.srcEvent.preventDefault(); }; var i = 0; while (i < handlers.length) { handlers[i](data); i++; } }, /** * destroy the manager and unbinds all events * it doesn't unbind dom events, that is the user own responsibility */ destroy: function() { this.element && toggleCssProps(this, false); this.handlers = {}; this.session = {}; this.input.destroy(); this.element = null; } }; /** * add/remove the css properties as defined in manager.options.cssProps * @param {Manager} manager * @param {Boolean} add */ function toggleCssProps(manager, add) { var element = manager.element; if (!element.style) { return; } var prop; each(manager.options.cssProps, function(value, name) { prop = prefixed(element.style, name); if (add) { manager.oldCssProps[prop] = element.style[prop]; element.style[prop] = value; } else { element.style[prop] = manager.oldCssProps[prop] || ''; } }); if (!add) { manager.oldCssProps = {}; } } /** * trigger dom event * @param {String} event * @param {Object} data */ function triggerDomEvent(event, data) { var gestureEvent = document.createEvent('Event'); gestureEvent.initEvent(event, true, true); gestureEvent.gesture = data; data.target.dispatchEvent(gestureEvent); } assign(Hammer, { INPUT_START: INPUT_START, INPUT_MOVE: INPUT_MOVE, INPUT_END: INPUT_END, INPUT_CANCEL: INPUT_CANCEL, STATE_POSSIBLE: STATE_POSSIBLE, STATE_BEGAN: STATE_BEGAN, STATE_CHANGED: STATE_CHANGED, STATE_ENDED: STATE_ENDED, STATE_RECOGNIZED: STATE_RECOGNIZED, STATE_CANCELLED: STATE_CANCELLED, STATE_FAILED: STATE_FAILED, DIRECTION_NONE: DIRECTION_NONE, DIRECTION_LEFT: DIRECTION_LEFT, DIRECTION_RIGHT: DIRECTION_RIGHT, DIRECTION_UP: DIRECTION_UP, DIRECTION_DOWN: DIRECTION_DOWN, DIRECTION_HORIZONTAL: DIRECTION_HORIZONTAL, DIRECTION_VERTICAL: DIRECTION_VERTICAL, DIRECTION_ALL: DIRECTION_ALL, Manager: Manager, Input: Input, TouchAction: TouchAction, TouchInput: TouchInput, MouseInput: MouseInput, PointerEventInput: PointerEventInput, TouchMouseInput: TouchMouseInput, SingleTouchInput: SingleTouchInput, Recognizer: Recognizer, AttrRecognizer: AttrRecognizer, Tap: TapRecognizer, Pan: PanRecognizer, Swipe: SwipeRecognizer, Pinch: PinchRecognizer, Rotate: RotateRecognizer, Press: PressRecognizer, on: addEventListeners, off: removeEventListeners, each: each, merge: merge, extend: extend, assign: assign, inherit: inherit, bindFn: bindFn, prefixed: prefixed }); // this prevents errors when Hammer is loaded in the presence of an AMD // style loader but by script tag, not by the loader. var freeGlobal = (typeof window !== 'undefined' ? window : (typeof self !== 'undefined' ? self : {})); // jshint ignore:line freeGlobal.Hammer = Hammer; if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) { define(function() { return Hammer; }); } else if (typeof module != 'undefined' && module.exports) { module.exports = Hammer; } else { window[exportName] = Hammer; } })(window, document, 'Hammer'); /***** * @licstart * * The following is the license notice for the part of JavaScript code of this * page included between the '@jessyinkstart' and the '@jessyinkend' notes. */ /***** ****************************************************************** * * Copyright 2008-2013 Hannes Hochreiner * * The JavaScript code included between the start note '@jessyinkstart' * and the end note '@jessyinkend' is subject to the terms of the Mozilla * Public License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with * this file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. * * Alternatively, you can redistribute and/or that part of this file * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/. */ /***** * You can find the complete source code of the JessyInk project at: * @source http://code.google.com/p/jessyink/ */ /***** * @licend * * The above is the license notice for the part of JavaScript code of this * page included between the '@jessyinkstart' and the '@jessyinkend' notes. */ /***** * @jessyinkstart * * The following code is a derivative work of some parts of the JessyInk * project. * @source http://code.google.com/p/jessyink/ */ /** Convenience function to get an element depending on whether it has a * property with a particular name. * * @param node element of the document * @param name attribute name * * @returns Array array containing all the elements of the tree with root * 'node' that own the property 'name' */ function getElementsByProperty( node, name ) { var elements = []; if( node.getAttribute( name ) ) elements.push( node ); for( var counter = 0; counter < node.childNodes.length; ++counter ) { if( node.childNodes[counter].nodeType == 1 ) { var subElements = getElementsByProperty( node.childNodes[counter], name ); elements = elements.concat( subElements ); } } return elements; } /** Event handler for key press. * * @param aEvt the event */ function onKeyDown( aEvt ) { if ( !aEvt ) aEvt = window.event; var code = aEvt.keyCode || aEvt.charCode; // console.log('===> onKeyDown: ' + code); // Handle arrow keys in iOS WebKit (including Mobile Safari) if (code == 0 && aEvt.key != undefined) { switch (aEvt.key) { case 'UIKeyInputLeftArrow': code = LEFT_KEY; break; case 'UIKeyInputUpArrow': code = UP_KEY; break; case 'UIKeyInputRightArrow': code = RIGHT_KEY; break; case 'UIKeyInputDownArrow': code = DOWN_KEY; break; } // console.log(' now: ' + code); } if( !processingEffect && keyCodeDictionary[currentMode] && keyCodeDictionary[currentMode][code] ) { return keyCodeDictionary[currentMode][code](); } else { document.onkeypress = onKeyPress; return null; } } //Set event handler for key down. document.onkeydown = onKeyDown; /** Event handler for key press. * * @param aEvt the event */ function onKeyPress( aEvt ) { document.onkeypress = null; if ( !aEvt ) aEvt = window.event; var str = String.fromCharCode( aEvt.keyCode || aEvt.charCode ); if ( !processingEffect && charCodeDictionary[currentMode] && charCodeDictionary[currentMode][str] ) return charCodeDictionary[currentMode][str](); return null; } /** Function to supply the default key code dictionary. * * @returns Object default key code dictionary */ function getDefaultKeyCodeDictionary() { var keyCodeDict = {}; keyCodeDict[SLIDE_MODE] = {}; keyCodeDict[INDEX_MODE] = {}; // slide mode keyCodeDict[SLIDE_MODE][LEFT_KEY] = function() { return aSlideShow.rewindEffect(); }; keyCodeDict[SLIDE_MODE][RIGHT_KEY] = function() { return dispatchEffects(1); }; keyCodeDict[SLIDE_MODE][UP_KEY] = function() { return aSlideShow.rewindEffect(); }; keyCodeDict[SLIDE_MODE][DOWN_KEY] = function() { return skipEffects(1); }; keyCodeDict[SLIDE_MODE][PAGE_UP_KEY] = function() { return aSlideShow.rewindAllEffects(); }; keyCodeDict[SLIDE_MODE][PAGE_DOWN_KEY] = function() { return skipAllEffects(); }; keyCodeDict[SLIDE_MODE][HOME_KEY] = function() { return aSlideShow.displaySlide( 0, true ); }; keyCodeDict[SLIDE_MODE][END_KEY] = function() { return aSlideShow.displaySlide( theMetaDoc.nNumberOfSlides - 1, true ); }; keyCodeDict[SLIDE_MODE][SPACE_KEY] = function() { return dispatchEffects(1); }; // The ESC key can't actually be handled on iOS, it seems to be hardcoded to work like the home button? But try anyway. keyCodeDict[SLIDE_MODE][ESCAPE_KEY] = function() { return aSlideShow.exitSlideShowInApp(); }; keyCodeDict[SLIDE_MODE][Q_KEY] = function() { return aSlideShow.exitSlideShowInApp(); }; // index mode keyCodeDict[INDEX_MODE][LEFT_KEY] = function() { return indexSetPageSlide( theSlideIndexPage.selectedSlideIndex - 1 ); }; keyCodeDict[INDEX_MODE][RIGHT_KEY] = function() { return indexSetPageSlide( theSlideIndexPage.selectedSlideIndex + 1 ); }; keyCodeDict[INDEX_MODE][UP_KEY] = function() { return indexSetPageSlide( theSlideIndexPage.selectedSlideIndex - theSlideIndexPage.indexColumns ); }; keyCodeDict[INDEX_MODE][DOWN_KEY] = function() { return indexSetPageSlide( theSlideIndexPage.selectedSlideIndex + theSlideIndexPage.indexColumns ); }; keyCodeDict[INDEX_MODE][PAGE_UP_KEY] = function() { return indexSetPageSlide( theSlideIndexPage.selectedSlideIndex - theSlideIndexPage.getTotalThumbnails() ); }; keyCodeDict[INDEX_MODE][PAGE_DOWN_KEY] = function() { return indexSetPageSlide( theSlideIndexPage.selectedSlideIndex + theSlideIndexPage.getTotalThumbnails() ); }; keyCodeDict[INDEX_MODE][HOME_KEY] = function() { return indexSetPageSlide( 0 ); }; keyCodeDict[INDEX_MODE][END_KEY] = function() { return indexSetPageSlide( theMetaDoc.nNumberOfSlides - 1 ); }; keyCodeDict[INDEX_MODE][ENTER_KEY] = function() { return toggleSlideIndex(); }; keyCodeDict[INDEX_MODE][SPACE_KEY] = function() { return toggleSlideIndex(); }; keyCodeDict[INDEX_MODE][ESCAPE_KEY] = function() { return abandonIndexMode(); }; return keyCodeDict; } /** Function to supply the default char code dictionary. * * @returns Object char code dictionary */ function getDefaultCharCodeDictionary() { var charCodeDict = {}; charCodeDict[SLIDE_MODE] = {}; charCodeDict[INDEX_MODE] = {}; // slide mode charCodeDict[SLIDE_MODE]['i'] = function () { return toggleSlideIndex(); }; // index mode charCodeDict[INDEX_MODE]['i'] = function () { return toggleSlideIndex(); }; charCodeDict[INDEX_MODE]['-'] = function () { return theSlideIndexPage.decreaseNumberOfColumns(); }; charCodeDict[INDEX_MODE]['='] = function () { return theSlideIndexPage.increaseNumberOfColumns(); }; charCodeDict[INDEX_MODE]['+'] = function () { return theSlideIndexPage.increaseNumberOfColumns(); }; charCodeDict[INDEX_MODE]['0'] = function () { return theSlideIndexPage.resetNumberOfColumns(); }; return charCodeDict; } function slideOnMouseUp( aEvt ) { if (!aEvt) aEvt = window.event; var nOffset = 0; if( aEvt.button == 0 ) nOffset = 1; else if( aEvt.button == 2 ) nOffset = -1; if( 0 != nOffset ) dispatchEffects( nOffset ); return true; // the click has been handled } document.handleClick = slideOnMouseUp; /** Event handler for mouse wheel events in slide mode. * based on http://adomas.org/javascript-mouse-wheel/ * * @param aEvt the event */ function slideOnMouseWheel(aEvt) { var delta = 0; if (!aEvt) aEvt = window.event; if (aEvt.wheelDelta) { // IE Opera delta = aEvt.wheelDelta/120; } else if (aEvt.detail) { // MOZ delta = -aEvt.detail/3; } if (delta > 0) skipEffects(-1); else if (delta < 0) skipEffects(1); if (aEvt.preventDefault) aEvt.preventDefault(); aEvt.returnValue = false; } //Mozilla if( window.addEventListener ) { window.addEventListener( 'DOMMouseScroll', function( aEvt ) { return mouseHandlerDispatch( aEvt, MOUSE_WHEEL ); }, false ); } //Opera Safari OK - may not work in IE window.onmousewheel = function( aEvt ) { return mouseHandlerDispatch( aEvt, MOUSE_WHEEL ); }; /** Function to handle all mouse events. * * @param aEvt event * @param anAction type of event (e.g. mouse up, mouse wheel) */ function mouseHandlerDispatch( aEvt, anAction ) { if( !aEvt ) aEvt = window.event; var retVal = true; if ( mouseHandlerDictionary[currentMode] && mouseHandlerDictionary[currentMode][anAction] ) { var subRetVal = mouseHandlerDictionary[currentMode][anAction]( aEvt ); if( subRetVal != null && subRetVal != undefined ) retVal = subRetVal; } if( aEvt.preventDefault && !retVal ) aEvt.preventDefault(); aEvt.returnValue = retVal; return retVal; } //Set mouse event handler. document.onmouseup = function( aEvt ) { return mouseHandlerDispatch( aEvt, MOUSE_UP ); }; /** mouseClickHelper * * @return {Object} * a mouse click handler */ function mouseClickHelper( aEvt ) { // In case text is selected we stay on the current slide. // Anyway if we are dealing with Firefox there is an issue: // Firefox supports a naive way of selecting svg text, if you click // on text the current selection is set to the whole text fragment // wrapped by the related element. // That means until you click on text you never move to the next slide. // In order to avoid this case we do not test the status of current // selection, when the presentation is running on a mozilla browser. if( !Detect.isMozilla ) { var aWindowObject = document.defaultView; if( aWindowObject ) { var aTextSelection = aWindowObject.getSelection(); var sSelectedText = aTextSelection.toString(); if( sSelectedText ) { DBGLOG( 'text selection: ' + sSelectedText ); if( sLastSelectedText !== sSelectedText ) { bTextHasBeenSelected = true; sLastSelectedText = sSelectedText; } else { bTextHasBeenSelected = false; } return null; } else if( bTextHasBeenSelected ) { bTextHasBeenSelected = false; sLastSelectedText = ''; return null; } } else { log( 'error: HyperlinkElement.handleClick: invalid window object.' ); } } var aSlideAnimationsHandler = theMetaDoc.aMetaSlideSet[nCurSlide].aSlideAnimationsHandler; if( aSlideAnimationsHandler ) { var aCurrentEventMultiplexer = aSlideAnimationsHandler.aEventMultiplexer; if( aCurrentEventMultiplexer ) { if( aCurrentEventMultiplexer.hasRegisteredMouseClickHandlers() ) { return aCurrentEventMultiplexer.notifyMouseClick( aEvt ); } } } return slideOnMouseUp( aEvt ); } /** Function to supply the default mouse handler dictionary. * * @returns Object default mouse handler dictionary */ function getDefaultMouseHandlerDictionary() { var mouseHandlerDict = {}; mouseHandlerDict[SLIDE_MODE] = {}; mouseHandlerDict[INDEX_MODE] = {}; // slide mode mouseHandlerDict[SLIDE_MODE][MOUSE_UP] = mouseClickHelper; mouseHandlerDict[SLIDE_MODE][MOUSE_WHEEL] = function( aEvt ) { return slideOnMouseWheel( aEvt ); }; // index mode mouseHandlerDict[INDEX_MODE][MOUSE_UP] = function( ) { return toggleSlideIndex(); }; return mouseHandlerDict; } /** Function to set the page and active slide in index view. * * @param nIndex index of the active slide * * NOTE: To force a redraw, * set INDEX_OFFSET to -1 before calling indexSetPageSlide(). * * This is necessary for zooming (otherwise the index might not * get redrawn) and when switching to index mode. * * INDEX_OFFSET = -1 * indexSetPageSlide(activeSlide); */ function indexSetPageSlide( nIndex ) { var aMetaSlideSet = theMetaDoc.aMetaSlideSet; nIndex = getSafeIndex( nIndex, 0, aMetaSlideSet.length - 1 ); //calculate the offset var nSelectedThumbnailIndex = nIndex % theSlideIndexPage.getTotalThumbnails(); var offset = nIndex - nSelectedThumbnailIndex; if( offset < 0 ) offset = 0; //if different from kept offset, then record and change the page if( offset != INDEX_OFFSET ) { INDEX_OFFSET = offset; displayIndex( INDEX_OFFSET ); } //set the selected thumbnail and the current slide theSlideIndexPage.setSelection( nSelectedThumbnailIndex ); } /***** * @jessyinkend * * The above code is a derivative work of some parts of the JessyInk project. * @source http://code.google.com/p/jessyink/ */ /***** * @licstart * * The following is the license notice for the part of JavaScript code of this * page included between the '@dojostart' and the '@dojoend' notes. */ /***** ********************************************************************** * * The 'New' BSD License: * ********************** * Copyright (c) 2005-2012, The Dojo Foundation * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation * and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * Neither the name of the Dojo Foundation nor the names of its contributors * may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software * without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS 'AS IS' AND * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED * WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR * SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER * CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, * OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * ****************************************************************************/ /***** * @licend * * The above is the license notice for the part of JavaScript code of this * page included between the '@dojostart' and the '@dojoend' notes. */ /***** * @dojostart * * The following code is a derivative work of some part of the dojox.gfx library. * @source http://svn.dojotoolkit.org/src/dojox/trunk/_base/sniff.js */ function has( name ) { return has.cache[name]; } has.cache = {}; has.add = function( name, test ) { has.cache[name] = test; }; function configureDetectionTools() { if( !navigator ) { log( 'error: configureDetectionTools: configuration failed' ); return null; } var n = navigator, dua = n.userAgent, dav = n.appVersion, tv = parseFloat(dav); has.add('air', dua.indexOf('AdobeAIR') >= 0); has.add('khtml', dav.indexOf('Konqueror') >= 0 ? tv : undefined); has.add('webkit', parseFloat(dua.split('WebKit/')[1]) || undefined); has.add('chrome', parseFloat(dua.split('Chrome/')[1]) || undefined); has.add('safari', dav.indexOf('Safari')>=0 && !has('chrome') ? parseFloat(dav.split('Version/')[1]) : undefined); has.add('mac', dav.indexOf('Macintosh') >= 0); has.add('quirks', document.compatMode == 'BackCompat'); has.add('ios', /iPhone|iPod|iPad/.test(dua)); has.add('android', parseFloat(dua.split('Android ')[1]) || undefined); if(!has('webkit')){ // Opera if(dua.indexOf('Opera') >= 0){ // see http://dev.opera.com/articles/view/opera-ua-string-changes and http://www.useragentstring.com/pages/Opera/ // 9.8 has both styles; <9.8, 9.9 only old style has.add('opera', tv >= 9.8 ? parseFloat(dua.split('Version/')[1]) || tv : tv); } // Mozilla and firefox if(dua.indexOf('Gecko') >= 0 && !has('khtml') && !has('webkit')){ has.add('mozilla', tv); } if(has('mozilla')){ //We really need to get away from this. Consider a sane isGecko approach for the future. has.add('ff', parseFloat(dua.split('Firefox/')[1] || dua.split('Minefield/')[1]) || undefined); } // IE if(document.all && !has('opera')){ var isIE = parseFloat(dav.split('MSIE ')[1]) || undefined; //In cases where the page has an HTTP header or META tag with //X-UA-Compatible, then it is in emulation mode. //Make sure isIE reflects the desired version. //document.documentMode of 5 means quirks mode. //Only switch the value if documentMode's major version //is different from isIE major version. var mode = document.documentMode; if(mode && mode != 5 && Math.floor(isIE) != mode){ isIE = mode; } has.add('ie', isIE); } // Wii has.add('wii', typeof opera != 'undefined' && opera.wiiremote); } var detect = { // isFF: Number|undefined // Version as a Number if client is FireFox. undefined otherwise. Corresponds to // major detected FireFox version (1.5, 2, 3, etc.) isFF: has('ff'), // isIE: Number|undefined // Version as a Number if client is MSIE(PC). undefined otherwise. Corresponds to // major detected IE version (6, 7, 8, etc.) isIE: has('ie'), // isKhtml: Number|undefined // Version as a Number if client is a KHTML browser. undefined otherwise. Corresponds to major // detected version. isKhtml: has('khtml'), // isWebKit: Number|undefined // Version as a Number if client is a WebKit-derived browser (Konqueror, // Safari, Chrome, etc.). undefined otherwise. isWebKit: has('webkit'), // isMozilla: Number|undefined // Version as a Number if client is a Mozilla-based browser (Firefox, // SeaMonkey). undefined otherwise. Corresponds to major detected version. isMozilla: has('mozilla'), // isMoz: Number|undefined // Version as a Number if client is a Mozilla-based browser (Firefox, // SeaMonkey). undefined otherwise. Corresponds to major detected version. isMoz: has('mozilla'), // isOpera: Number|undefined // Version as a Number if client is Opera. undefined otherwise. Corresponds to // major detected version. isOpera: has('opera'), // isSafari: Number|undefined // Version as a Number if client is Safari or iPhone. undefined otherwise. isSafari: has('safari'), // isChrome: Number|undefined // Version as a Number if client is Chrome browser. undefined otherwise. isChrome: has('chrome'), // isMac: Boolean // True if the client runs on Mac isMac: has('mac'), // isIos: Boolean // True if client is iPhone, iPod, or iPad isIos: has('ios'), // isAndroid: Number|undefined // Version as a Number if client is android browser. undefined otherwise. isAndroid: has('android'), // isWii: Boolean // True if client is Wii isWii: has('wii'), // isQuirks: Boolean // Page is in quirks mode. isQuirks: has('quirks'), // isAir: Boolean // True if client is Adobe Air isAir: has('air') }; return detect; } /***** * @dojoend * * The above code is a derivative work of some part of the dojox.gfx library. * @source http://svn.dojotoolkit.org/src/dojox/trunk/_base/sniff.js */ /***** * @licstart * * The following is the license notice for the part of JavaScript code of this * file included between the '@svgpathstart' and the '@svgpathend' notes. */ /***** ********************************************************************** * * Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. * * The Chromium Authors can be found at * http://src.chromium.org/svn/trunk/src/AUTHORS * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are * met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer * in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the * distribution. * * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from * this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * 'AS IS' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT * OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * ****************************************************************************/ /***** * @licend * * The above is the license notice for the part of JavaScript code of this * file included between the '@svgpathstart' and the '@svgpathend' notes. */ /***** * @svgpathstart * * The following code is a derivative work of some part of the SVGPathSeg API. * * This API is a drop-in replacement for the SVGPathSeg and SVGPathSegList APIs that were removed from * SVG2 (https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-svg/2015Jun/0044.html), including the latest spec * changes which were implemented in Firefox 43 and Chrome 46. * * @source https://github.com/progers/pathseg */ (function() { 'use strict'; if (!('SVGPathSeg' in window)) { // Spec: http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG11/single-page.html#paths-InterfaceSVGPathSeg window.SVGPathSeg = function(type, typeAsLetter, owningPathSegList) { this.pathSegType = type; this.pathSegTypeAsLetter = typeAsLetter; this._owningPathSegList = owningPathSegList; } window.SVGPathSeg.prototype.classname = 'SVGPathSeg'; window.SVGPathSeg.PATHSEG_UNKNOWN = 0; window.SVGPathSeg.PATHSEG_CLOSEPATH = 1; window.SVGPathSeg.PATHSEG_MOVETO_ABS = 2; window.SVGPathSeg.PATHSEG_MOVETO_REL = 3; window.SVGPathSeg.PATHSEG_LINETO_ABS = 4; window.SVGPathSeg.PATHSEG_LINETO_REL = 5; window.SVGPathSeg.PATHSEG_CURVETO_CUBIC_ABS = 6; window.SVGPathSeg.PATHSEG_CURVETO_CUBIC_REL = 7; window.SVGPathSeg.PATHSEG_CURVETO_QUADRATIC_ABS = 8; window.SVGPathSeg.PATHSEG_CURVETO_QUADRATIC_REL = 9; window.SVGPathSeg.PATHSEG_ARC_ABS = 10; window.SVGPathSeg.PATHSEG_ARC_REL = 11; window.SVGPathSeg.PATHSEG_LINETO_HORIZONTAL_ABS = 12; window.SVGPathSeg.PATHSEG_LINETO_HORIZONTAL_REL = 13; window.SVGPathSeg.PATHSEG_LINETO_VERTICAL_ABS = 14; window.SVGPathSeg.PATHSEG_LINETO_VERTICAL_REL = 15; window.SVGPathSeg.PATHSEG_CURVETO_CUBIC_SMOOTH_ABS = 16; window.SVGPathSeg.PATHSEG_CURVETO_CUBIC_SMOOTH_REL = 17; window.SVGPathSeg.PATHSEG_CURVETO_QUADRATIC_SMOOTH_ABS = 18; window.SVGPathSeg.PATHSEG_CURVETO_QUADRATIC_SMOOTH_REL = 19; // Notify owning PathSegList on any changes so they can be synchronized back to the path element. window.SVGPathSeg.prototype._segmentChanged = function() { if (this._owningPathSegList) this._owningPathSegList.segmentChanged(this); } window.SVGPathSegClosePath = function(owningPathSegList) { window.SVGPathSeg.call(this, window.SVGPathSeg.PATHSEG_CLOSEPATH, 'z', owningPathSegList); } window.SVGPathSegClosePath.prototype = Object.create(window.SVGPathSeg.prototype); window.SVGPathSegClosePath.prototype.toString = function() { return '[object SVGPathSegClosePath]'; } window.SVGPathSegClosePath.prototype._asPathString = function() { return this.pathSegTypeAsLetter; } window.SVGPathSegClosePath.prototype.clone = function() { return new window.SVGPathSegClosePath(undefined); } window.SVGPathSegMovetoAbs = function(owningPathSegList, x, y) { window.SVGPathSeg.call(this, window.SVGPathSeg.PATHSEG_MOVETO_ABS, 'M', owningPathSegList); this._x = x; this._y = y; } window.SVGPathSegMovetoAbs.prototype = Object.create(window.SVGPathSeg.prototype); window.SVGPathSegMovetoAbs.prototype.toString = function() { return '[object SVGPathSegMovetoAbs]'; } window.SVGPathSegMovetoAbs.prototype._asPathString = function() { return this.pathSegTypeAsLetter + ' ' + this._x + ' ' + this._y; } window.SVGPathSegMovetoAbs.prototype.clone = function() { return new window.SVGPathSegMovetoAbs(undefined, this._x, this._y); } Object.defineProperty(window.SVGPathSegMovetoAbs.prototype, 'x', { get: function() { return this._x; }, set: function(x) { this._x = x; this._segmentChanged(); }, enumerable: true }); Object.defineProperty(window.SVGPathSegMovetoAbs.prototype, 'y', { get: function() { return this._y; }, set: function(y) { this._y = y; this._segmentChanged(); }, enumerable: true }); window.SVGPathSegMovetoRel = function(owningPathSegList, x, y) { window.SVGPathSeg.call(this, window.SVGPathSeg.PATHSEG_MOVETO_REL, 'm', owningPathSegList); this._x = x; this._y = y; } window.SVGPathSegMovetoRel.prototype = Object.create(window.SVGPathSeg.prototype); window.SVGPathSegMovetoRel.prototype.toString = function() { return '[object SVGPathSegMovetoRel]'; } window.SVGPathSegMovetoRel.prototype._asPathString = function() { return this.pathSegTypeAsLetter + ' ' + this._x + ' ' + this._y; } window.SVGPathSegMovetoRel.prototype.clone = function() { return new window.SVGPathSegMovetoRel(undefined, this._x, this._y); } Object.defineProperty(window.SVGPathSegMovetoRel.prototype, 'x', { get: function() { return this._x; }, set: function(x) { this._x = x; this._segmentChanged(); }, enumerable: true }); Object.defineProperty(window.SVGPathSegMovetoRel.prototype, 'y', { get: function() { return this._y; }, set: function(y) { this._y = y; this._segmentChanged(); }, enumerable: true }); window.SVGPathSegLinetoAbs = function(owningPathSegList, x, y) { window.SVGPathSeg.call(this, window.SVGPathSeg.PATHSEG_LINETO_ABS, 'L', owningPathSegList); this._x = x; this._y = y; } window.SVGPathSegLinetoAbs.prototype = Object.create(window.SVGPathSeg.prototype); window.SVGPathSegLinetoAbs.prototype.toString = function() { return '[object SVGPathSegLinetoAbs]'; } window.SVGPathSegLinetoAbs.prototype._asPathString = function() { return this.pathSegTypeAsLetter + ' ' + this._x + ' ' + this._y; } window.SVGPathSegLinetoAbs.prototype.clone = function() { return new window.SVGPathSegLinetoAbs(undefined, this._x, this._y); } Object.defineProperty(window.SVGPathSegLinetoAbs.prototype, 'x', { get: function() { return this._x; }, set: function(x) { this._x = x; this._segmentChanged(); }, enumerable: true }); Object.defineProperty(window.SVGPathSegLinetoAbs.prototype, 'y', { get: function() { return this._y; }, set: function(y) { this._y = y; this._segmentChanged(); }, enumerable: true }); window.SVGPathSegLinetoRel = function(owningPathSegList, x, y) { window.SVGPathSeg.call(this, window.SVGPathSeg.PATHSEG_LINETO_REL, 'l', owningPathSegList); this._x = x; this._y = y; } window.SVGPathSegLinetoRel.prototype = Object.create(window.SVGPathSeg.prototype); window.SVGPathSegLinetoRel.prototype.toString = function() { return '[object SVGPathSegLinetoRel]'; } window.SVGPathSegLinetoRel.prototype._asPathString = function() { return this.pathSegTypeAsLetter + ' ' + this._x + ' ' + this._y; } window.SVGPathSegLinetoRel.prototype.clone = function() { return new window.SVGPathSegLinetoRel(undefined, this._x, this._y); } Object.defineProperty(window.SVGPathSegLinetoRel.prototype, 'x', { get: function() { return this._x; }, set: function(x) { this._x = x; this._segmentChanged(); }, enumerable: true }); Object.defineProperty(window.SVGPathSegLinetoRel.prototype, 'y', { get: function() { return this._y; }, set: function(y) { this._y = y; this._segmentChanged(); }, enumerable: true }); window.SVGPathSegCurvetoCubicAbs = function(owningPathSegList, x, y, x1, y1, x2, y2) { window.SVGPathSeg.call(this, window.SVGPathSeg.PATHSEG_CURVETO_CUBIC_ABS, 'C', owningPathSegList); this._x = x; this._y = y; this._x1 = x1; this._y1 = y1; this._x2 = x2; this._y2 = y2; } window.SVGPathSegCurvetoCubicAbs.prototype = Object.create(window.SVGPathSeg.prototype); window.SVGPathSegCurvetoCubicAbs.prototype.toString = function() { return '[object SVGPathSegCurvetoCubicAbs]'; } window.SVGPathSegCurvetoCubicAbs.prototype._asPathString = function() { return this.pathSegTypeAsLetter + ' ' + this._x1 + ' ' + this._y1 + ' ' + this._x2 + ' ' + this._y2 + ' ' + this._x + ' ' + this._y; } window.SVGPathSegCurvetoCubicAbs.prototype.clone = function() { return new window.SVGPathSegCurvetoCubicAbs(undefined, this._x, this._y, this._x1, this._y1, this._x2, this._y2); } Object.defineProperty(window.SVGPathSegCurvetoCubicAbs.prototype, 'x', { get: function() { return this._x; }, set: function(x) { this._x = x; this._segmentChanged(); }, enumerable: true }); Object.defineProperty(window.SVGPathSegCurvetoCubicAbs.prototype, 'y', { get: function() { return this._y; }, set: function(y) { this._y = y; this._segmentChanged(); }, enumerable: true }); Object.defineProperty(window.SVGPathSegCurvetoCubicAbs.prototype, 'x1', { get: function() { return this._x1; }, set: function(x1) { this._x1 = x1; this._segmentChanged(); }, enumerable: true }); Object.defineProperty(window.SVGPathSegCurvetoCubicAbs.prototype, 'y1', { get: function() { return this._y1; }, set: function(y1) { this._y1 = y1; this._segmentChanged(); }, enumerable: true }); Object.defineProperty(window.SVGPathSegCurvetoCubicAbs.prototype, 'x2', { get: function() { return this._x2; }, set: function(x2) { this._x2 = x2; this._segmentChanged(); }, enumerable: true }); Object.defineProperty(window.SVGPathSegCurvetoCubicAbs.prototype, 'y2', { get: function() { return this._y2; }, set: function(y2) { this._y2 = y2; this._segmentChanged(); }, enumerable: true }); window.SVGPathSegCurvetoCubicRel = function(owningPathSegList, x, y, x1, y1, x2, y2) { window.SVGPathSeg.call(this, window.SVGPathSeg.PATHSEG_CURVETO_CUBIC_REL, 'c', owningPathSegList); this._x = x; this._y = y; this._x1 = x1; this._y1 = y1; this._x2 = x2; this._y2 = y2; } window.SVGPathSegCurvetoCubicRel.prototype = Object.create(window.SVGPathSeg.prototype); window.SVGPathSegCurvetoCubicRel.prototype.toString = function() { return '[object SVGPathSegCurvetoCubicRel]'; } window.SVGPathSegCurvetoCubicRel.prototype._asPathString = function() { return this.pathSegTypeAsLetter + ' ' + this._x1 + ' ' + this._y1 + ' ' + this._x2 + ' ' + this._y2 + ' ' + this._x + ' ' + this._y; } window.SVGPathSegCurvetoCubicRel.prototype.clone = function() { return new window.SVGPathSegCurvetoCubicRel(undefined, this._x, this._y, this._x1, this._y1, this._x2, this._y2); } Object.defineProperty(window.SVGPathSegCurvetoCubicRel.prototype, 'x', { get: function() { return this._x; }, set: function(x) { this._x = x; this._segmentChanged(); }, enumerable: true }); Object.defineProperty(window.SVGPathSegCurvetoCubicRel.prototype, 'y', { get: function() { return this._y; }, set: function(y) { this._y = y; this._segmentChanged(); }, enumerable: true }); Object.defineProperty(window.SVGPathSegCurvetoCubicRel.prototype, 'x1', { get: function() { return this._x1; }, set: function(x1) { this._x1 = x1; this._segmentChanged(); }, enumerable: true }); Object.defineProperty(window.SVGPathSegCurvetoCubicRel.prototype, 'y1', { get: function() { return this._y1; }, set: function(y1) { this._y1 = y1; this._segmentChanged(); }, enumerable: true }); Object.defineProperty(window.SVGPathSegCurvetoCubicRel.prototype, 'x2', { get: function() { return this._x2; }, set: function(x2) { this._x2 = x2; this._segmentChanged(); }, enumerable: true }); Object.defineProperty(window.SVGPathSegCurvetoCubicRel.prototype, 'y2', { get: function() { return this._y2; }, set: function(y2) { this._y2 = y2; this._segmentChanged(); }, enumerable: true }); window.SVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticAbs = function(owningPathSegList, x, y, x1, y1) { window.SVGPathSeg.call(this, window.SVGPathSeg.PATHSEG_CURVETO_QUADRATIC_ABS, 'Q', owningPathSegList); this._x = x; this._y = y; this._x1 = x1; this._y1 = y1; } window.SVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticAbs.prototype = Object.create(window.SVGPathSeg.prototype); window.SVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticAbs.prototype.toString = function() { return '[object SVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticAbs]'; } window.SVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticAbs.prototype._asPathString = function() { return this.pathSegTypeAsLetter + ' ' + this._x1 + ' ' + this._y1 + ' ' + this._x + ' ' + this._y; } window.SVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticAbs.prototype.clone = function() { return new window.SVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticAbs(undefined, this._x, this._y, this._x1, this._y1); } Object.defineProperty(window.SVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticAbs.prototype, 'x', { get: function() { return this._x; }, set: function(x) { this._x = x; this._segmentChanged(); }, enumerable: true }); Object.defineProperty(window.SVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticAbs.prototype, 'y', { get: function() { return this._y; }, set: function(y) { this._y = y; this._segmentChanged(); }, enumerable: true }); Object.defineProperty(window.SVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticAbs.prototype, 'x1', { get: function() { return this._x1; }, set: function(x1) { this._x1 = x1; this._segmentChanged(); }, enumerable: true }); Object.defineProperty(window.SVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticAbs.prototype, 'y1', { get: function() { return this._y1; }, set: function(y1) { this._y1 = y1; this._segmentChanged(); }, enumerable: true }); window.SVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticRel = function(owningPathSegList, x, y, x1, y1) { window.SVGPathSeg.call(this, window.SVGPathSeg.PATHSEG_CURVETO_QUADRATIC_REL, 'q', owningPathSegList); this._x = x; this._y = y; this._x1 = x1; this._y1 = y1; } window.SVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticRel.prototype = Object.create(window.SVGPathSeg.prototype); window.SVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticRel.prototype.toString = function() { return '[object SVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticRel]'; } window.SVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticRel.prototype._asPathString = function() { return this.pathSegTypeAsLetter + ' ' + this._x1 + ' ' + this._y1 + ' ' + this._x + ' ' + this._y; } window.SVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticRel.prototype.clone = function() { return new window.SVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticRel(undefined, this._x, this._y, this._x1, this._y1); } Object.defineProperty(window.SVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticRel.prototype, 'x', { get: function() { return this._x; }, set: function(x) { this._x = x; this._segmentChanged(); }, enumerable: true }); Object.defineProperty(window.SVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticRel.prototype, 'y', { get: function() { return this._y; }, set: function(y) { this._y = y; this._segmentChanged(); }, enumerable: true }); Object.defineProperty(window.SVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticRel.prototype, 'x1', { get: function() { return this._x1; }, set: function(x1) { this._x1 = x1; this._segmentChanged(); }, enumerable: true }); Object.defineProperty(window.SVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticRel.prototype, 'y1', { get: function() { return this._y1; }, set: function(y1) { this._y1 = y1; this._segmentChanged(); }, enumerable: true }); window.SVGPathSegArcAbs = function(owningPathSegList, x, y, r1, r2, angle, largeArcFlag, sweepFlag) { window.SVGPathSeg.call(this, window.SVGPathSeg.PATHSEG_ARC_ABS, 'A', owningPathSegList); this._x = x; this._y = y; this._r1 = r1; this._r2 = r2; this._angle = angle; this._largeArcFlag = largeArcFlag; this._sweepFlag = sweepFlag; } window.SVGPathSegArcAbs.prototype = Object.create(window.SVGPathSeg.prototype); window.SVGPathSegArcAbs.prototype.toString = function() { return '[object SVGPathSegArcAbs]'; } window.SVGPathSegArcAbs.prototype._asPathString = function() { return this.pathSegTypeAsLetter + ' ' + this._r1 + ' ' + this._r2 + ' ' + this._angle + ' ' + (this._largeArcFlag ? '1' : '0') + ' ' + (this._sweepFlag ? '1' : '0') + ' ' + this._x + ' ' + this._y; } window.SVGPathSegArcAbs.prototype.clone = function() { return new window.SVGPathSegArcAbs(undefined, this._x, this._y, this._r1, this._r2, this._angle, this._largeArcFlag, this._sweepFlag); } Object.defineProperty(window.SVGPathSegArcAbs.prototype, 'x', { get: function() { return this._x; }, set: function(x) { this._x = x; this._segmentChanged(); }, enumerable: true }); Object.defineProperty(window.SVGPathSegArcAbs.prototype, 'y', { get: function() { return this._y; }, set: function(y) { this._y = y; this._segmentChanged(); }, enumerable: true }); Object.defineProperty(window.SVGPathSegArcAbs.prototype, 'r1', { get: function() { return this._r1; }, set: function(r1) { this._r1 = r1; this._segmentChanged(); }, enumerable: true }); Object.defineProperty(window.SVGPathSegArcAbs.prototype, 'r2', { get: function() { return this._r2; }, set: function(r2) { this._r2 = r2; this._segmentChanged(); }, enumerable: true }); Object.defineProperty(window.SVGPathSegArcAbs.prototype, 'angle', { get: function() { return this._angle; }, set: function(angle) { this._angle = angle; this._segmentChanged(); }, enumerable: true }); Object.defineProperty(window.SVGPathSegArcAbs.prototype, 'largeArcFlag', { get: function() { return this._largeArcFlag; }, set: function(largeArcFlag) { this._largeArcFlag = largeArcFlag; this._segmentChanged(); }, enumerable: true }); Object.defineProperty(window.SVGPathSegArcAbs.prototype, 'sweepFlag', { get: function() { return this._sweepFlag; }, set: function(sweepFlag) { this._sweepFlag = sweepFlag; this._segmentChanged(); }, enumerable: true }); window.SVGPathSegArcRel = function(owningPathSegList, x, y, r1, r2, angle, largeArcFlag, sweepFlag) { window.SVGPathSeg.call(this, window.SVGPathSeg.PATHSEG_ARC_REL, 'a', owningPathSegList); this._x = x; this._y = y; this._r1 = r1; this._r2 = r2; this._angle = angle; this._largeArcFlag = largeArcFlag; this._sweepFlag = sweepFlag; } window.SVGPathSegArcRel.prototype = Object.create(window.SVGPathSeg.prototype); window.SVGPathSegArcRel.prototype.toString = function() { return '[object SVGPathSegArcRel]'; } window.SVGPathSegArcRel.prototype._asPathString = function() { return this.pathSegTypeAsLetter + ' ' + this._r1 + ' ' + this._r2 + ' ' + this._angle + ' ' + (this._largeArcFlag ? '1' : '0') + ' ' + (this._sweepFlag ? '1' : '0') + ' ' + this._x + ' ' + this._y; } window.SVGPathSegArcRel.prototype.clone = function() { return new window.SVGPathSegArcRel(undefined, this._x, this._y, this._r1, this._r2, this._angle, this._largeArcFlag, this._sweepFlag); } Object.defineProperty(window.SVGPathSegArcRel.prototype, 'x', { get: function() { return this._x; }, set: function(x) { this._x = x; this._segmentChanged(); }, enumerable: true }); Object.defineProperty(window.SVGPathSegArcRel.prototype, 'y', { get: function() { return this._y; }, set: function(y) { this._y = y; this._segmentChanged(); }, enumerable: true }); Object.defineProperty(window.SVGPathSegArcRel.prototype, 'r1', { get: function() { return this._r1; }, set: function(r1) { this._r1 = r1; this._segmentChanged(); }, enumerable: true }); Object.defineProperty(window.SVGPathSegArcRel.prototype, 'r2', { get: function() { return this._r2; }, set: function(r2) { this._r2 = r2; this._segmentChanged(); }, enumerable: true }); Object.defineProperty(window.SVGPathSegArcRel.prototype, 'angle', { get: function() { return this._angle; }, set: function(angle) { this._angle = angle; this._segmentChanged(); }, enumerable: true }); Object.defineProperty(window.SVGPathSegArcRel.prototype, 'largeArcFlag', { get: function() { return this._largeArcFlag; }, set: function(largeArcFlag) { this._largeArcFlag = largeArcFlag; this._segmentChanged(); }, enumerable: true }); Object.defineProperty(window.SVGPathSegArcRel.prototype, 'sweepFlag', { get: function() { return this._sweepFlag; }, set: function(sweepFlag) { this._sweepFlag = sweepFlag; this._segmentChanged(); }, enumerable: true }); window.SVGPathSegLinetoHorizontalAbs = function(owningPathSegList, x) { window.SVGPathSeg.call(this, window.SVGPathSeg.PATHSEG_LINETO_HORIZONTAL_ABS, 'H', owningPathSegList); this._x = x; } window.SVGPathSegLinetoHorizontalAbs.prototype = Object.create(window.SVGPathSeg.prototype); window.SVGPathSegLinetoHorizontalAbs.prototype.toString = function() { return '[object SVGPathSegLinetoHorizontalAbs]'; } window.SVGPathSegLinetoHorizontalAbs.prototype._asPathString = function() { return this.pathSegTypeAsLetter + ' ' + this._x; } window.SVGPathSegLinetoHorizontalAbs.prototype.clone = function() { return new window.SVGPathSegLinetoHorizontalAbs(undefined, this._x); } Object.defineProperty(window.SVGPathSegLinetoHorizontalAbs.prototype, 'x', { get: function() { return this._x; }, set: function(x) { this._x = x; this._segmentChanged(); }, enumerable: true }); window.SVGPathSegLinetoHorizontalRel = function(owningPathSegList, x) { window.SVGPathSeg.call(this, window.SVGPathSeg.PATHSEG_LINETO_HORIZONTAL_REL, 'h', owningPathSegList); this._x = x; } window.SVGPathSegLinetoHorizontalRel.prototype = Object.create(window.SVGPathSeg.prototype); window.SVGPathSegLinetoHorizontalRel.prototype.toString = function() { return '[object SVGPathSegLinetoHorizontalRel]'; } window.SVGPathSegLinetoHorizontalRel.prototype._asPathString = function() { return this.pathSegTypeAsLetter + ' ' + this._x; } window.SVGPathSegLinetoHorizontalRel.prototype.clone = function() { return new window.SVGPathSegLinetoHorizontalRel(undefined, this._x); } Object.defineProperty(window.SVGPathSegLinetoHorizontalRel.prototype, 'x', { get: function() { return this._x; }, set: function(x) { this._x = x; this._segmentChanged(); }, enumerable: true }); window.SVGPathSegLinetoVerticalAbs = function(owningPathSegList, y) { window.SVGPathSeg.call(this, window.SVGPathSeg.PATHSEG_LINETO_VERTICAL_ABS, 'V', owningPathSegList); this._y = y; } window.SVGPathSegLinetoVerticalAbs.prototype = Object.create(window.SVGPathSeg.prototype); window.SVGPathSegLinetoVerticalAbs.prototype.toString = function() { return '[object SVGPathSegLinetoVerticalAbs]'; } window.SVGPathSegLinetoVerticalAbs.prototype._asPathString = function() { return this.pathSegTypeAsLetter + ' ' + this._y; } window.SVGPathSegLinetoVerticalAbs.prototype.clone = function() { return new window.SVGPathSegLinetoVerticalAbs(undefined, this._y); } Object.defineProperty(window.SVGPathSegLinetoVerticalAbs.prototype, 'y', { get: function() { return this._y; }, set: function(y) { this._y = y; this._segmentChanged(); }, enumerable: true }); window.SVGPathSegLinetoVerticalRel = function(owningPathSegList, y) { window.SVGPathSeg.call(this, window.SVGPathSeg.PATHSEG_LINETO_VERTICAL_REL, 'v', owningPathSegList); this._y = y; } window.SVGPathSegLinetoVerticalRel.prototype = Object.create(window.SVGPathSeg.prototype); window.SVGPathSegLinetoVerticalRel.prototype.toString = function() { return '[object SVGPathSegLinetoVerticalRel]'; } window.SVGPathSegLinetoVerticalRel.prototype._asPathString = function() { return this.pathSegTypeAsLetter + ' ' + this._y; } window.SVGPathSegLinetoVerticalRel.prototype.clone = function() { return new window.SVGPathSegLinetoVerticalRel(undefined, this._y); } Object.defineProperty(window.SVGPathSegLinetoVerticalRel.prototype, 'y', { get: function() { return this._y; }, set: function(y) { this._y = y; this._segmentChanged(); }, enumerable: true }); window.SVGPathSegCurvetoCubicSmoothAbs = function(owningPathSegList, x, y, x2, y2) { window.SVGPathSeg.call(this, window.SVGPathSeg.PATHSEG_CURVETO_CUBIC_SMOOTH_ABS, 'S', owningPathSegList); this._x = x; this._y = y; this._x2 = x2; this._y2 = y2; } window.SVGPathSegCurvetoCubicSmoothAbs.prototype = Object.create(window.SVGPathSeg.prototype); window.SVGPathSegCurvetoCubicSmoothAbs.prototype.toString = function() { return '[object SVGPathSegCurvetoCubicSmoothAbs]'; } window.SVGPathSegCurvetoCubicSmoothAbs.prototype._asPathString = function() { return this.pathSegTypeAsLetter + ' ' + this._x2 + ' ' + this._y2 + ' ' + this._x + ' ' + this._y; } window.SVGPathSegCurvetoCubicSmoothAbs.prototype.clone = function() { return new window.SVGPathSegCurvetoCubicSmoothAbs(undefined, this._x, this._y, this._x2, this._y2); } Object.defineProperty(window.SVGPathSegCurvetoCubicSmoothAbs.prototype, 'x', { get: function() { return this._x; }, set: function(x) { this._x = x; this._segmentChanged(); }, enumerable: true }); Object.defineProperty(window.SVGPathSegCurvetoCubicSmoothAbs.prototype, 'y', { get: function() { return this._y; }, set: function(y) { this._y = y; this._segmentChanged(); }, enumerable: true }); Object.defineProperty(window.SVGPathSegCurvetoCubicSmoothAbs.prototype, 'x2', { get: function() { return this._x2; }, set: function(x2) { this._x2 = x2; this._segmentChanged(); }, enumerable: true }); Object.defineProperty(window.SVGPathSegCurvetoCubicSmoothAbs.prototype, 'y2', { get: function() { return this._y2; }, set: function(y2) { this._y2 = y2; this._segmentChanged(); }, enumerable: true }); window.SVGPathSegCurvetoCubicSmoothRel = function(owningPathSegList, x, y, x2, y2) { window.SVGPathSeg.call(this, window.SVGPathSeg.PATHSEG_CURVETO_CUBIC_SMOOTH_REL, 's', owningPathSegList); this._x = x; this._y = y; this._x2 = x2; this._y2 = y2; } window.SVGPathSegCurvetoCubicSmoothRel.prototype = Object.create(window.SVGPathSeg.prototype); window.SVGPathSegCurvetoCubicSmoothRel.prototype.toString = function() { return '[object SVGPathSegCurvetoCubicSmoothRel]'; } window.SVGPathSegCurvetoCubicSmoothRel.prototype._asPathString = function() { return this.pathSegTypeAsLetter + ' ' + this._x2 + ' ' + this._y2 + ' ' + this._x + ' ' + this._y; } window.SVGPathSegCurvetoCubicSmoothRel.prototype.clone = function() { return new window.SVGPathSegCurvetoCubicSmoothRel(undefined, this._x, this._y, this._x2, this._y2); } Object.defineProperty(window.SVGPathSegCurvetoCubicSmoothRel.prototype, 'x', { get: function() { return this._x; }, set: function(x) { this._x = x; this._segmentChanged(); }, enumerable: true }); Object.defineProperty(window.SVGPathSegCurvetoCubicSmoothRel.prototype, 'y', { get: function() { return this._y; }, set: function(y) { this._y = y; this._segmentChanged(); }, enumerable: true }); Object.defineProperty(window.SVGPathSegCurvetoCubicSmoothRel.prototype, 'x2', { get: function() { return this._x2; }, set: function(x2) { this._x2 = x2; this._segmentChanged(); }, enumerable: true }); Object.defineProperty(window.SVGPathSegCurvetoCubicSmoothRel.prototype, 'y2', { get: function() { return this._y2; }, set: function(y2) { this._y2 = y2; this._segmentChanged(); }, enumerable: true }); window.SVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticSmoothAbs = function(owningPathSegList, x, y) { window.SVGPathSeg.call(this, window.SVGPathSeg.PATHSEG_CURVETO_QUADRATIC_SMOOTH_ABS, 'T', owningPathSegList); this._x = x; this._y = y; } window.SVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticSmoothAbs.prototype = Object.create(window.SVGPathSeg.prototype); window.SVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticSmoothAbs.prototype.toString = function() { return '[object SVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticSmoothAbs]'; } window.SVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticSmoothAbs.prototype._asPathString = function() { return this.pathSegTypeAsLetter + ' ' + this._x + ' ' + this._y; } window.SVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticSmoothAbs.prototype.clone = function() { return new window.SVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticSmoothAbs(undefined, this._x, this._y); } Object.defineProperty(window.SVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticSmoothAbs.prototype, 'x', { get: function() { return this._x; }, set: function(x) { this._x = x; this._segmentChanged(); }, enumerable: true }); Object.defineProperty(window.SVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticSmoothAbs.prototype, 'y', { get: function() { return this._y; }, set: function(y) { this._y = y; this._segmentChanged(); }, enumerable: true }); window.SVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticSmoothRel = function(owningPathSegList, x, y) { window.SVGPathSeg.call(this, window.SVGPathSeg.PATHSEG_CURVETO_QUADRATIC_SMOOTH_REL, 't', owningPathSegList); this._x = x; this._y = y; } window.SVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticSmoothRel.prototype = Object.create(window.SVGPathSeg.prototype); window.SVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticSmoothRel.prototype.toString = function() { return '[object SVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticSmoothRel]'; } window.SVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticSmoothRel.prototype._asPathString = function() { return this.pathSegTypeAsLetter + ' ' + this._x + ' ' + this._y; } window.SVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticSmoothRel.prototype.clone = function() { return new window.SVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticSmoothRel(undefined, this._x, this._y); } Object.defineProperty(window.SVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticSmoothRel.prototype, 'x', { get: function() { return this._x; }, set: function(x) { this._x = x; this._segmentChanged(); }, enumerable: true }); Object.defineProperty(window.SVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticSmoothRel.prototype, 'y', { get: function() { return this._y; }, set: function(y) { this._y = y; this._segmentChanged(); }, enumerable: true }); // Add createSVGPathSeg* functions to window.SVGPathElement. // Spec: http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG11/single-page.html#paths-Interfacewindow.SVGPathElement. window.SVGPathElement.prototype.createSVGPathSegClosePath = function() { return new window.SVGPathSegClosePath(undefined); } window.SVGPathElement.prototype.createSVGPathSegMovetoAbs = function(x, y) { return new window.SVGPathSegMovetoAbs(undefined, x, y); } window.SVGPathElement.prototype.createSVGPathSegMovetoRel = function(x, y) { return new window.SVGPathSegMovetoRel(undefined, x, y); } window.SVGPathElement.prototype.createSVGPathSegLinetoAbs = function(x, y) { return new window.SVGPathSegLinetoAbs(undefined, x, y); } window.SVGPathElement.prototype.createSVGPathSegLinetoRel = function(x, y) { return new window.SVGPathSegLinetoRel(undefined, x, y); } window.SVGPathElement.prototype.createSVGPathSegCurvetoCubicAbs = function(x, y, x1, y1, x2, y2) { return new window.SVGPathSegCurvetoCubicAbs(undefined, x, y, x1, y1, x2, y2); } window.SVGPathElement.prototype.createSVGPathSegCurvetoCubicRel = function(x, y, x1, y1, x2, y2) { return new window.SVGPathSegCurvetoCubicRel(undefined, x, y, x1, y1, x2, y2); } window.SVGPathElement.prototype.createSVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticAbs = function(x, y, x1, y1) { return new window.SVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticAbs(undefined, x, y, x1, y1); } window.SVGPathElement.prototype.createSVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticRel = function(x, y, x1, y1) { return new window.SVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticRel(undefined, x, y, x1, y1); } window.SVGPathElement.prototype.createSVGPathSegArcAbs = function(x, y, r1, r2, angle, largeArcFlag, sweepFlag) { return new window.SVGPathSegArcAbs(undefined, x, y, r1, r2, angle, largeArcFlag, sweepFlag); } window.SVGPathElement.prototype.createSVGPathSegArcRel = function(x, y, r1, r2, angle, largeArcFlag, sweepFlag) { return new window.SVGPathSegArcRel(undefined, x, y, r1, r2, angle, largeArcFlag, sweepFlag); } window.SVGPathElement.prototype.createSVGPathSegLinetoHorizontalAbs = function(x) { return new window.SVGPathSegLinetoHorizontalAbs(undefined, x); } window.SVGPathElement.prototype.createSVGPathSegLinetoHorizontalRel = function(x) { return new window.SVGPathSegLinetoHorizontalRel(undefined, x); } window.SVGPathElement.prototype.createSVGPathSegLinetoVerticalAbs = function(y) { return new window.SVGPathSegLinetoVerticalAbs(undefined, y); } window.SVGPathElement.prototype.createSVGPathSegLinetoVerticalRel = function(y) { return new window.SVGPathSegLinetoVerticalRel(undefined, y); } window.SVGPathElement.prototype.createSVGPathSegCurvetoCubicSmoothAbs = function(x, y, x2, y2) { return new window.SVGPathSegCurvetoCubicSmoothAbs(undefined, x, y, x2, y2); } window.SVGPathElement.prototype.createSVGPathSegCurvetoCubicSmoothRel = function(x, y, x2, y2) { return new window.SVGPathSegCurvetoCubicSmoothRel(undefined, x, y, x2, y2); } window.SVGPathElement.prototype.createSVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticSmoothAbs = function(x, y) { return new window.SVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticSmoothAbs(undefined, x, y); } window.SVGPathElement.prototype.createSVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticSmoothRel = function(x, y) { return new window.SVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticSmoothRel(undefined, x, y); } if (!('getPathSegAtLength' in window.SVGPathElement.prototype)) { // Add getPathSegAtLength to SVGPathElement. // Spec: https://www.w3.org/TR/SVG11/single-page.html#paths-__svg__SVGPathElement__getPathSegAtLength // This polyfill requires SVGPathElement.getTotalLength to implement the distance-along-a-path algorithm. window.SVGPathElement.prototype.getPathSegAtLength = function(distance) { if (distance === undefined || !isFinite(distance)) throw 'Invalid arguments.'; var measurementElement = document.createElementNS('http://www.w3.org/2000/svg', 'path'); measurementElement.setAttribute('d', this.getAttribute('d')); var lastPathSegment = measurementElement.pathSegList.numberOfItems - 1; // If the path is empty, return 0. if (lastPathSegment <= 0) return 0; do { measurementElement.pathSegList.removeItem(lastPathSegment); if (distance > measurementElement.getTotalLength()) break; lastPathSegment--; } while (lastPathSegment > 0); return lastPathSegment; } } } // Checking for SVGPathSegList in window checks for the case of an implementation without the // SVGPathSegList API. // The second check for appendItem is specific to Firefox 59+ which removed only parts of the // SVGPathSegList API (e.g., appendItem). In this case we need to re-implement the entire API // so the polyfill data (i.e., _list) is used throughout. if (!('SVGPathSegList' in window) || !('appendItem' in window.SVGPathSegList.prototype)) { // Spec: http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG11/single-page.html#paths-InterfaceSVGPathSegList window.SVGPathSegList = function(pathElement) { this._pathElement = pathElement; this._list = this._parsePath(this._pathElement.getAttribute('d')); // Use a MutationObserver to catch changes to the path's 'd' attribute. this._mutationObserverConfig = { 'attributes': true, 'attributeFilter': ['d'] }; this._pathElementMutationObserver = new MutationObserver(this._updateListFromPathMutations.bind(this)); this._pathElementMutationObserver.observe(this._pathElement, this._mutationObserverConfig); } window.SVGPathSegList.prototype.classname = 'SVGPathSegList'; Object.defineProperty(window.SVGPathSegList.prototype, 'numberOfItems', { get: function() { this._checkPathSynchronizedToList(); return this._list.length; }, enumerable: true }); // The length property was not specified but was in Firefox 58. Object.defineProperty(window.SVGPathSegList.prototype, 'length', { get: function() { this._checkPathSynchronizedToList(); return this._list.length; }, enumerable: true }); // Add the pathSegList accessors to window.SVGPathElement. // Spec: http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG11/single-page.html#paths-InterfaceSVGAnimatedPathData Object.defineProperty(window.SVGPathElement.prototype, 'pathSegList', { get: function() { if (!this._pathSegList) this._pathSegList = new window.SVGPathSegList(this); return this._pathSegList; }, enumerable: true }); // FIXME: The following are not implemented and simply return window.SVGPathElement.pathSegList. Object.defineProperty(window.SVGPathElement.prototype, 'normalizedPathSegList', { get: function() { return this.pathSegList; }, enumerable: true }); Object.defineProperty(window.SVGPathElement.prototype, 'animatedPathSegList', { get: function() { return this.pathSegList; }, enumerable: true }); Object.defineProperty(window.SVGPathElement.prototype, 'animatedNormalizedPathSegList', { get: function() { return this.pathSegList; }, enumerable: true }); // Process any pending mutations to the path element and update the list as needed. // This should be the first call of all public functions and is needed because // MutationObservers are not synchronous so we can have pending asynchronous mutations. window.SVGPathSegList.prototype._checkPathSynchronizedToList = function() { this._updateListFromPathMutations(this._pathElementMutationObserver.takeRecords()); } window.SVGPathSegList.prototype._updateListFromPathMutations = function(mutationRecords) { if (!this._pathElement) return; var hasPathMutations = false; mutationRecords.forEach(function(record) { if (record.attributeName == 'd') hasPathMutations = true; }); if (hasPathMutations) this._list = this._parsePath(this._pathElement.getAttribute('d')); } // Serialize the list and update the path's 'd' attribute. window.SVGPathSegList.prototype._writeListToPath = function() { this._pathElementMutationObserver.disconnect(); this._pathElement.setAttribute('d', window.SVGPathSegList._pathSegArrayAsString(this._list)); this._pathElementMutationObserver.observe(this._pathElement, this._mutationObserverConfig); } // When a path segment changes the list needs to be synchronized back to the path element. window.SVGPathSegList.prototype.segmentChanged = function(pathSeg) { this._writeListToPath(); } window.SVGPathSegList.prototype.clear = function() { this._checkPathSynchronizedToList(); this._list.forEach(function(pathSeg) { pathSeg._owningPathSegList = null; }); this._list = []; this._writeListToPath(); } window.SVGPathSegList.prototype.initialize = function(newItem) { this._checkPathSynchronizedToList(); this._list = [newItem]; newItem._owningPathSegList = this; this._writeListToPath(); return newItem; } window.SVGPathSegList.prototype._checkValidIndex = function(index) { if (isNaN(index) || index < 0 || index >= this.numberOfItems) throw 'INDEX_SIZE_ERR'; } window.SVGPathSegList.prototype.getItem = function(index) { this._checkPathSynchronizedToList(); this._checkValidIndex(index); return this._list[index]; } window.SVGPathSegList.prototype.insertItemBefore = function(newItem, index) { this._checkPathSynchronizedToList(); // Spec: If the index is greater than or equal to numberOfItems, then the new item is appended to the end of the list. if (index > this.numberOfItems) index = this.numberOfItems; if (newItem._owningPathSegList) { // SVG2 spec says to make a copy. newItem = newItem.clone(); } this._list.splice(index, 0, newItem); newItem._owningPathSegList = this; this._writeListToPath(); return newItem; } window.SVGPathSegList.prototype.replaceItem = function(newItem, index) { this._checkPathSynchronizedToList(); if (newItem._owningPathSegList) { // SVG2 spec says to make a copy. newItem = newItem.clone(); } this._checkValidIndex(index); this._list[index] = newItem; newItem._owningPathSegList = this; this._writeListToPath(); return newItem; } window.SVGPathSegList.prototype.removeItem = function(index) { this._checkPathSynchronizedToList(); this._checkValidIndex(index); var item = this._list[index]; this._list.splice(index, 1); this._writeListToPath(); return item; } window.SVGPathSegList.prototype.appendItem = function(newItem) { this._checkPathSynchronizedToList(); if (newItem._owningPathSegList) { // SVG2 spec says to make a copy. newItem = newItem.clone(); } this._list.push(newItem); newItem._owningPathSegList = this; // TODO: Optimize this to just append to the existing attribute. this._writeListToPath(); return newItem; }; window.SVGPathSegList.prototype.matrixTransform = function(aSVGMatrix) { this._checkPathSynchronizedToList(); var nLength = this._list.length; for( var i = 0; i < nLength; ++i ) { var nX; var aPathSeg = this._list[i]; switch( aPathSeg.pathSegTypeAsLetter ) { case 'C': nX = aPathSeg._x2; aPathSeg._x2 = aSVGMatrix.a * nX + aSVGMatrix.c * aPathSeg._y2 + aSVGMatrix.e; aPathSeg._y2 = aSVGMatrix.b * nX + aSVGMatrix.d * aPathSeg._y2 + aSVGMatrix.f; // fall through intended case 'Q': nX = aPathSeg._x1; aPathSeg._x1 = aSVGMatrix.a * nX + aSVGMatrix.c * aPathSeg._y1 + aSVGMatrix.e; aPathSeg._y1 = aSVGMatrix.b * nX + aSVGMatrix.d * aPathSeg._y1 + aSVGMatrix.f; // fall through intended case 'M': case 'L': nX = aPathSeg._x; aPathSeg._x = aSVGMatrix.a * nX + aSVGMatrix.c * aPathSeg._y + aSVGMatrix.e; aPathSeg._y = aSVGMatrix.b * nX + aSVGMatrix.d * aPathSeg._y + aSVGMatrix.f; break; default: log( 'SVGPathSeg.matrixTransform: unexpected path segment type: ' + aPathSeg.pathSegTypeAsLetter ); } } this._writeListToPath(); }; window.SVGPathSegList.prototype.changeOrientation = function() { this._checkPathSynchronizedToList(); var aPathSegList = this._list; var nLength = aPathSegList.length; if( nLength == 0 ) return; var nCurrentX = 0; var nCurrentY = 0; var aPathSeg = aPathSegList[0]; if( aPathSeg.pathSegTypeAsLetter == 'M' ) { nCurrentX = aPathSeg.x; nCurrentY = aPathSeg.y; aPathSegList.shift(); --nLength; } var i; for( i = 0; i < nLength; ++i ) { aPathSeg = aPathSegList[i]; switch( aPathSeg.pathSegTypeAsLetter ) { case 'C': var nX = aPathSeg._x1; aPathSeg._x1 = aPathSeg._x2; aPathSeg._x2 = nX; var nY = aPathSeg._y1; aPathSeg._y1 = aPathSeg._y2; aPathSeg._y2 = nY; // fall through intended case 'M': case 'L': case 'Q': var aPoint = { x: aPathSeg._x, y: aPathSeg._y }; aPathSeg._x = nCurrentX; aPathSeg._y = nCurrentY; nCurrentX = aPoint.x; nCurrentY = aPoint.y; break; default: log( 'SVGPathSegList.changeOrientation: unexpected path segment type: ' + aPathSeg.pathSegTypeAsLetter ); } } aPathSegList.reverse(); var aMovePathSeg = new window.SVGPathSegMovetoAbs( this, nCurrentX, nCurrentY ); aPathSegList.unshift( aMovePathSeg ); this._writeListToPath(); }; window.SVGPathSegList._pathSegArrayAsString = function(pathSegArray) { var string = ''; var first = true; pathSegArray.forEach(function(pathSeg) { if (first) { first = false; string += pathSeg._asPathString(); } else { string += ' ' + pathSeg._asPathString(); } }); return string; } // This closely follows SVGPathParser::parsePath from Source/core/svg/SVGPathParser.cpp. window.SVGPathSegList.prototype._parsePath = function(string) { if (!string || string.length == 0) return []; var owningPathSegList = this; var Builder = function() { this.pathSegList = []; } Builder.prototype.appendSegment = function(pathSeg) { this.pathSegList.push(pathSeg); } var Source = function(string) { this._string = string; this._currentIndex = 0; this._endIndex = this._string.length; this._previousCommand = window.SVGPathSeg.PATHSEG_UNKNOWN; this._skipOptionalSpaces(); } Source.prototype._isCurrentSpace = function() { var character = this._string[this._currentIndex]; return character <= ' ' && (character == ' ' || character == '\n' || character == '\t' || character == '\r' || character == '\f'); } Source.prototype._skipOptionalSpaces = function() { while (this._currentIndex < this._endIndex && this._isCurrentSpace()) this._currentIndex++; return this._currentIndex < this._endIndex; } Source.prototype._skipOptionalSpacesOrDelimiter = function() { if (this._currentIndex < this._endIndex && !this._isCurrentSpace() && this._string.charAt(this._currentIndex) != ',') return false; if (this._skipOptionalSpaces()) { if (this._currentIndex < this._endIndex && this._string.charAt(this._currentIndex) == ',') { this._currentIndex++; this._skipOptionalSpaces(); } } return this._currentIndex < this._endIndex; } Source.prototype.hasMoreData = function() { return this._currentIndex < this._endIndex; } Source.prototype.peekSegmentType = function() { var lookahead = this._string[this._currentIndex]; return this._pathSegTypeFromChar(lookahead); } Source.prototype._pathSegTypeFromChar = function(lookahead) { switch (lookahead) { case 'Z': case 'z': return window.SVGPathSeg.PATHSEG_CLOSEPATH; case 'M': return window.SVGPathSeg.PATHSEG_MOVETO_ABS; case 'm': return window.SVGPathSeg.PATHSEG_MOVETO_REL; case 'L': return window.SVGPathSeg.PATHSEG_LINETO_ABS; case 'l': return window.SVGPathSeg.PATHSEG_LINETO_REL; case 'C': return window.SVGPathSeg.PATHSEG_CURVETO_CUBIC_ABS; case 'c': return window.SVGPathSeg.PATHSEG_CURVETO_CUBIC_REL; case 'Q': return window.SVGPathSeg.PATHSEG_CURVETO_QUADRATIC_ABS; case 'q': return window.SVGPathSeg.PATHSEG_CURVETO_QUADRATIC_REL; case 'A': return window.SVGPathSeg.PATHSEG_ARC_ABS; case 'a': return window.SVGPathSeg.PATHSEG_ARC_REL; case 'H': return window.SVGPathSeg.PATHSEG_LINETO_HORIZONTAL_ABS; case 'h': return window.SVGPathSeg.PATHSEG_LINETO_HORIZONTAL_REL; case 'V': return window.SVGPathSeg.PATHSEG_LINETO_VERTICAL_ABS; case 'v': return window.SVGPathSeg.PATHSEG_LINETO_VERTICAL_REL; case 'S': return window.SVGPathSeg.PATHSEG_CURVETO_CUBIC_SMOOTH_ABS; case 's': return window.SVGPathSeg.PATHSEG_CURVETO_CUBIC_SMOOTH_REL; case 'T': return window.SVGPathSeg.PATHSEG_CURVETO_QUADRATIC_SMOOTH_ABS; case 't': return window.SVGPathSeg.PATHSEG_CURVETO_QUADRATIC_SMOOTH_REL; default: return window.SVGPathSeg.PATHSEG_UNKNOWN; } } Source.prototype._nextCommandHelper = function(lookahead, previousCommand) { // Check for remaining coordinates in the current command. if ((lookahead == '+' || lookahead == '-' || lookahead == '.' || (lookahead >= '0' && lookahead <= '9')) && previousCommand != window.SVGPathSeg.PATHSEG_CLOSEPATH) { if (previousCommand == window.SVGPathSeg.PATHSEG_MOVETO_ABS) return window.SVGPathSeg.PATHSEG_LINETO_ABS; if (previousCommand == window.SVGPathSeg.PATHSEG_MOVETO_REL) return window.SVGPathSeg.PATHSEG_LINETO_REL; return previousCommand; } return window.SVGPathSeg.PATHSEG_UNKNOWN; } Source.prototype.initialCommandIsMoveTo = function() { // If the path is empty it is still valid, so return true. if (!this.hasMoreData()) return true; var command = this.peekSegmentType(); // Path must start with moveTo. return command == window.SVGPathSeg.PATHSEG_MOVETO_ABS || command == window.SVGPathSeg.PATHSEG_MOVETO_REL; } // Parse a number from an SVG path. This very closely follows genericParseNumber(...) from Source/core/svg/SVGParserUtilities.cpp. // Spec: http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG11/single-page.html#paths-PathDataBNF Source.prototype._parseNumber = function() { var exponent = 0; var integer = 0; var frac = 1; var decimal = 0; var sign = 1; var expsign = 1; var startIndex = this._currentIndex; this._skipOptionalSpaces(); // Read the sign. if (this._currentIndex < this._endIndex && this._string.charAt(this._currentIndex) == '+') this._currentIndex++; else if (this._currentIndex < this._endIndex && this._string.charAt(this._currentIndex) == '-') { this._currentIndex++; sign = -1; } if (this._currentIndex == this._endIndex || ((this._string.charAt(this._currentIndex) < '0' || this._string.charAt(this._currentIndex) > '9') && this._string.charAt(this._currentIndex) != '.')) // The first character of a number must be one of [0-9+-.]. return undefined; // Read the integer part, build right-to-left. var startIntPartIndex = this._currentIndex; while (this._currentIndex < this._endIndex && this._string.charAt(this._currentIndex) >= '0' && this._string.charAt(this._currentIndex) <= '9') this._currentIndex++; // Advance to first non-digit. if (this._currentIndex != startIntPartIndex) { var scanIntPartIndex = this._currentIndex - 1; var multiplier = 1; while (scanIntPartIndex >= startIntPartIndex) { integer += multiplier * (this._string.charAt(scanIntPartIndex--) - '0'); multiplier *= 10; } } // Read the decimals. if (this._currentIndex < this._endIndex && this._string.charAt(this._currentIndex) == '.') { this._currentIndex++; // There must be a least one digit following the . if (this._currentIndex >= this._endIndex || this._string.charAt(this._currentIndex) < '0' || this._string.charAt(this._currentIndex) > '9') return undefined; while (this._currentIndex < this._endIndex && this._string.charAt(this._currentIndex) >= '0' && this._string.charAt(this._currentIndex) <= '9') { frac *= 10; decimal += (this._string.charAt(this._currentIndex) - '0') / frac; this._currentIndex += 1; } } // Read the exponent part. if (this._currentIndex != startIndex && this._currentIndex + 1 < this._endIndex && (this._string.charAt(this._currentIndex) == 'e' || this._string.charAt(this._currentIndex) == 'E') && (this._string.charAt(this._currentIndex + 1) != 'x' && this._string.charAt(this._currentIndex + 1) != 'm')) { this._currentIndex++; // Read the sign of the exponent. if (this._string.charAt(this._currentIndex) == '+') { this._currentIndex++; } else if (this._string.charAt(this._currentIndex) == '-') { this._currentIndex++; expsign = -1; } // There must be an exponent. if (this._currentIndex >= this._endIndex || this._string.charAt(this._currentIndex) < '0' || this._string.charAt(this._currentIndex) > '9') return undefined; while (this._currentIndex < this._endIndex && this._string.charAt(this._currentIndex) >= '0' && this._string.charAt(this._currentIndex) <= '9') { exponent *= 10; exponent += (this._string.charAt(this._currentIndex) - '0'); this._currentIndex++; } } var number = integer + decimal; number *= sign; if (exponent) number *= Math.pow(10, expsign * exponent); if (startIndex == this._currentIndex) return undefined; this._skipOptionalSpacesOrDelimiter(); return number; } Source.prototype._parseArcFlag = function() { if (this._currentIndex >= this._endIndex) return undefined; var flag = false; var flagChar = this._string.charAt(this._currentIndex++); if (flagChar == '0') flag = false; else if (flagChar == '1') flag = true; else return undefined; this._skipOptionalSpacesOrDelimiter(); return flag; } Source.prototype.parseSegment = function() { var lookahead = this._string[this._currentIndex]; var command = this._pathSegTypeFromChar(lookahead); if (command == window.SVGPathSeg.PATHSEG_UNKNOWN) { // Possibly an implicit command. Not allowed if this is the first command. if (this._previousCommand == window.SVGPathSeg.PATHSEG_UNKNOWN) return null; command = this._nextCommandHelper(lookahead, this._previousCommand); if (command == window.SVGPathSeg.PATHSEG_UNKNOWN) return null; } else { this._currentIndex++; } this._previousCommand = command; switch (command) { case window.SVGPathSeg.PATHSEG_MOVETO_REL: return new window.SVGPathSegMovetoRel(owningPathSegList, this._parseNumber(), this._parseNumber()); case window.SVGPathSeg.PATHSEG_MOVETO_ABS: return new window.SVGPathSegMovetoAbs(owningPathSegList, this._parseNumber(), this._parseNumber()); case window.SVGPathSeg.PATHSEG_LINETO_REL: return new window.SVGPathSegLinetoRel(owningPathSegList, this._parseNumber(), this._parseNumber()); case window.SVGPathSeg.PATHSEG_LINETO_ABS: return new window.SVGPathSegLinetoAbs(owningPathSegList, this._parseNumber(), this._parseNumber()); case window.SVGPathSeg.PATHSEG_LINETO_HORIZONTAL_REL: return new window.SVGPathSegLinetoHorizontalRel(owningPathSegList, this._parseNumber()); case window.SVGPathSeg.PATHSEG_LINETO_HORIZONTAL_ABS: return new window.SVGPathSegLinetoHorizontalAbs(owningPathSegList, this._parseNumber()); case window.SVGPathSeg.PATHSEG_LINETO_VERTICAL_REL: return new window.SVGPathSegLinetoVerticalRel(owningPathSegList, this._parseNumber()); case window.SVGPathSeg.PATHSEG_LINETO_VERTICAL_ABS: return new window.SVGPathSegLinetoVerticalAbs(owningPathSegList, this._parseNumber()); case window.SVGPathSeg.PATHSEG_CLOSEPATH: this._skipOptionalSpaces(); return new window.SVGPathSegClosePath(owningPathSegList); case window.SVGPathSeg.PATHSEG_CURVETO_CUBIC_REL: var points = {x1: this._parseNumber(), y1: this._parseNumber(), x2: this._parseNumber(), y2: this._parseNumber(), x: this._parseNumber(), y: this._parseNumber()}; return new window.SVGPathSegCurvetoCubicRel(owningPathSegList, points.x, points.y, points.x1, points.y1, points.x2, points.y2); case window.SVGPathSeg.PATHSEG_CURVETO_CUBIC_ABS: var points = {x1: this._parseNumber(), y1: this._parseNumber(), x2: this._parseNumber(), y2: this._parseNumber(), x: this._parseNumber(), y: this._parseNumber()}; return new window.SVGPathSegCurvetoCubicAbs(owningPathSegList, points.x, points.y, points.x1, points.y1, points.x2, points.y2); case window.SVGPathSeg.PATHSEG_CURVETO_CUBIC_SMOOTH_REL: var points = {x2: this._parseNumber(), y2: this._parseNumber(), x: this._parseNumber(), y: this._parseNumber()}; return new window.SVGPathSegCurvetoCubicSmoothRel(owningPathSegList, points.x, points.y, points.x2, points.y2); case window.SVGPathSeg.PATHSEG_CURVETO_CUBIC_SMOOTH_ABS: var points = {x2: this._parseNumber(), y2: this._parseNumber(), x: this._parseNumber(), y: this._parseNumber()}; return new window.SVGPathSegCurvetoCubicSmoothAbs(owningPathSegList, points.x, points.y, points.x2, points.y2); case window.SVGPathSeg.PATHSEG_CURVETO_QUADRATIC_REL: var points = {x1: this._parseNumber(), y1: this._parseNumber(), x: this._parseNumber(), y: this._parseNumber()}; return new window.SVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticRel(owningPathSegList, points.x, points.y, points.x1, points.y1); case window.SVGPathSeg.PATHSEG_CURVETO_QUADRATIC_ABS: var points = {x1: this._parseNumber(), y1: this._parseNumber(), x: this._parseNumber(), y: this._parseNumber()}; return new window.SVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticAbs(owningPathSegList, points.x, points.y, points.x1, points.y1); case window.SVGPathSeg.PATHSEG_CURVETO_QUADRATIC_SMOOTH_REL: return new window.SVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticSmoothRel(owningPathSegList, this._parseNumber(), this._parseNumber()); case window.SVGPathSeg.PATHSEG_CURVETO_QUADRATIC_SMOOTH_ABS: return new window.SVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticSmoothAbs(owningPathSegList, this._parseNumber(), this._parseNumber()); case window.SVGPathSeg.PATHSEG_ARC_REL: var points = {x1: this._parseNumber(), y1: this._parseNumber(), arcAngle: this._parseNumber(), arcLarge: this._parseArcFlag(), arcSweep: this._parseArcFlag(), x: this._parseNumber(), y: this._parseNumber()}; return new window.SVGPathSegArcRel(owningPathSegList, points.x, points.y, points.x1, points.y1, points.arcAngle, points.arcLarge, points.arcSweep); case window.SVGPathSeg.PATHSEG_ARC_ABS: var points = {x1: this._parseNumber(), y1: this._parseNumber(), arcAngle: this._parseNumber(), arcLarge: this._parseArcFlag(), arcSweep: this._parseArcFlag(), x: this._parseNumber(), y: this._parseNumber()}; return new window.SVGPathSegArcAbs(owningPathSegList, points.x, points.y, points.x1, points.y1, points.arcAngle, points.arcLarge, points.arcSweep); default: throw 'Unknown path seg type.' } } var builder = new Builder(); var source = new Source(string); if (!source.initialCommandIsMoveTo()) return []; while (source.hasMoreData()) { var pathSeg = source.parseSegment(); if (!pathSeg) return []; builder.appendSegment(pathSeg); } return builder.pathSegList; } } }()); /***** * @svgpathend * * The above code is a derivative work of some part of the SVGPathSeg API. * * This API is a drop-in replacement for the SVGPathSeg and SVGPathSegList APIs that were removed from * SVG2 (https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-svg/2015Jun/0044.html), including the latest spec * changes which were implemented in Firefox 43 and Chrome 46. * * @source https://github.com/progers/pathseg */ /***** * @licstart * * The following is the license notice for the part of JavaScript code of * this page included between the '@libreofficestart' and the '@libreofficeend' * notes. */ /***** ****************************************************************** * * This file is part of the LibreOffice project. * * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. * * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice: * * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed * with this work for additional information regarding copyright * ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache * License, Version 2.0 (the 'License'); you may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 . * ************************************************************************/ /***** * @licend * * The above is the license notice for the part of JavaScript code of * this page included between the '@libreofficestart' and the '@libreofficeend' * notes. */ /***** * @libreofficestart * * Several parts of the following code are the result of the porting, * started on August 2011, of the C++ code included in the source * files placed under the folder '/slideshow/source' and * sub-folders. This got later rebased onto the AL2-licensed versions * of those files in early 2013. * @source https://cgit.freedesktop.org/libreoffice/core/tree/slideshow/source * */ window.onload = init; // ooo elements var aOOOElemMetaSlides = 'ooo:meta_slides'; var aOOOElemMetaSlide = 'ooo:meta_slide'; var aOOOElemTextField = 'ooo:text_field'; var aPresentationClipPathId = 'presentation_clip_path'; var aPresentationClipPathShrinkId = 'presentation_clip_path_shrink'; // ooo attributes var aOOOAttrNumberOfSlides = 'number-of-slides'; var aOOOAttrStartSlideNumber= 'start-slide-number'; var aOOOAttrNumberingType = 'page-numbering-type'; var aOOOAttrListItemNumberingType= 'numbering-type'; var aOOOAttrUsePositionedChars = 'use-positioned-chars'; var aOOOAttrSlide = 'slide'; var aOOOAttrMaster = 'master'; var aOOOAttrDisplayName = 'display-name'; var aOOOAttrSlideDuration = 'slide-duration'; var aOOOAttrHasTransition = 'has-transition'; var aOOOAttrHasCustomBackground = 'has-custom-background'; var aOOOAttrBackgroundVisibility = 'background-visibility'; var aOOOAttrMasterObjectsVisibility = 'master-objects-visibility'; var aOOOAttrPageNumberVisibility = 'page-number-visibility'; var aOOOAttrDateTimeVisibility = 'date-time-visibility'; var aOOOAttrFooterVisibility = 'footer-visibility'; var aOOOAttrHeaderVisibility = 'header-visibility'; var aOOOAttrDateTimeField = 'date-time-field'; var aOOOAttrFooterField = 'footer-field'; var aOOOAttrHeaderField = 'header-field'; var aOOOAttrDateTimeFormat = 'date-time-format'; var aOOOAttrTextAdjust = 'text-adjust'; // element class names var aClipPathGroupClassName = 'ClipPathGroup'; var aPageClassName = 'Page'; var aSlideNumberClassName = 'Slide_Number'; var aDateTimeClassName = 'Date/Time'; var aFooterClassName = 'Footer'; var aHeaderClassName = 'Header'; var aDateClassName = 'Date'; var aTimeClassName = 'Time'; var aSlideNameClassName='SlideName'; // Creating a namespace dictionary. var NSS = {}; NSS['svg']='http://www.w3.org/2000/svg'; NSS['rdf']='http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#'; NSS['xlink']='http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink'; NSS['xml']='http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace'; NSS['ooo'] = 'http://xml.openoffice.org/svg/export'; NSS['presentation'] = 'http://sun.com/xmlns/staroffice/presentation'; NSS['smil'] = 'http://www.w3.org/2001/SMIL20/'; NSS['anim'] = 'urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:animation:1.0'; // Presentation modes. var SLIDE_MODE = 1; var INDEX_MODE = 2; // Mouse handler actions. var MOUSE_UP = 1; var MOUSE_DOWN = 2; // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars var MOUSE_MOVE = 3; // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars var MOUSE_WHEEL = 4; // Key-codes. var LEFT_KEY = 37; // cursor left keycode var UP_KEY = 38; // cursor up keycode var RIGHT_KEY = 39; // cursor right keycode var DOWN_KEY = 40; // cursor down keycode var PAGE_UP_KEY = 33; // page up keycode var PAGE_DOWN_KEY = 34; // page down keycode var HOME_KEY = 36; // home keycode var END_KEY = 35; // end keycode var ENTER_KEY = 13; var SPACE_KEY = 32; var ESCAPE_KEY = 27; var Q_KEY = 81; // Visibility Values var HIDDEN = 0; var VISIBLE = 1; var INHERIT = 2; var aVisibilityAttributeValue = [ 'hidden', 'visible', 'inherit' ]; // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars var aVisibilityValue = { 'hidden' : HIDDEN, 'visible' : VISIBLE, 'inherit' : INHERIT }; // Parameters var ROOT_NODE = document.getElementsByTagNameNS( NSS['svg'], 'svg' )[0]; var WIDTH = 0; var HEIGHT = 0; var INDEX_COLUMNS_DEFAULT = 3; var INDEX_OFFSET = 0; // Initialization. var Detect = configureDetectionTools(); var theMetaDoc; var theSlideIndexPage; var currentMode = SLIDE_MODE; var processingEffect = false; var nCurSlide = undefined; var bTextHasBeenSelected = false; var sLastSelectedText = ''; // Initialize char and key code dictionaries. var charCodeDictionary = getDefaultCharCodeDictionary(); var keyCodeDictionary = getDefaultKeyCodeDictionary(); // Initialize mouse handler dictionary. var mouseHandlerDictionary = getDefaultMouseHandlerDictionary(); /*************************** ** OOP support functions ** ***************************/ function object( aObject ) { var F = function() {}; F.prototype = aObject; return new F(); } function extend( aSubType, aSuperType ) { if (!aSuperType || !aSubType) { alert('extend failed, verify dependencies'); } var OP = Object.prototype; var sp = aSuperType.prototype; var rp = object( sp ); aSubType.prototype = rp; rp.constructor = aSubType; aSubType.superclass = sp; // assign constructor property if (aSuperType != Object && sp.constructor == OP.constructor) { sp.constructor = aSuperType; } return aSubType; } function instantiate( TemplateClass, BaseType ) { if( !TemplateClass.instanceSet ) TemplateClass.instanceSet = []; var nSize = TemplateClass.instanceSet.length; for( var i = 0; i < nSize; ++i ) { if( TemplateClass.instanceSet[i].base === BaseType ) return TemplateClass.instanceSet[i].instance; } TemplateClass.instanceSet[ nSize ] = {}; TemplateClass.instanceSet[ nSize ].base = BaseType; TemplateClass.instanceSet[ nSize ].instance = TemplateClass( BaseType ); return TemplateClass.instanceSet[ nSize ].instance; } /********************************** ** Helper functions and classes ** **********************************/ function Rectangle( aSVGRectElem ) { var x = parseInt( aSVGRectElem.getAttribute( 'x' ) ); var y = parseInt( aSVGRectElem.getAttribute( 'y' ) ); var width = parseInt( aSVGRectElem.getAttribute( 'width' ) ); var height = parseInt( aSVGRectElem.getAttribute( 'height' ) ); this.left = x; this.right = x + width; this.top = y; this.bottom = y + height; } /* * Returns key corresponding to a value in object, null otherwise. * * @param Object * @param value */ function getKeyByValue(aObj, value) { for(var key in aObj) { if(aObj[key] == value) return key; } return null; } function log( message ) { if( typeof console == 'object' ) { // eslint-disable-next-line no-console console.log( message ); } else if( typeof opera == 'object' ) { opera.postError( message ); } // eslint-disable-next-line no-undef else if( typeof java == 'object' && typeof java.lang == 'object' ) { // eslint-disable-next-line no-undef java.lang.System.out.println( message ); } } function getNSAttribute( sNSPrefix, aElem, sAttrName ) { if( !aElem ) return null; if( 'getAttributeNS' in aElem ) { return aElem.getAttributeNS( NSS[sNSPrefix], sAttrName ); } else { return aElem.getAttribute( sNSPrefix + ':' + sAttrName ); } } function getOOOAttribute( aElem, sAttrName ) { return getNSAttribute( 'ooo', aElem, sAttrName ); } function setNSAttribute( sNSPrefix, aElem, sAttrName, aValue ) { if( !aElem ) return false; if( 'setAttributeNS' in aElem ) { aElem.setAttributeNS( NSS[sNSPrefix], sAttrName, aValue ); return true; } else { aElem.setAttribute(sNSPrefix + ':' + sAttrName, aValue ); return true; } } function getElementsByClassName( aElem, sClassName ) { var aElementSet = []; // not all browsers support the 'getElementsByClassName' method if( 'getElementsByClassName' in aElem ) { aElementSet = aElem.getElementsByClassName( sClassName ); } else { var aElementSetByClassProperty = getElementsByProperty( aElem, 'class' ); for( var i = 0; i < aElementSetByClassProperty.length; ++i ) { var sAttrClassName = aElementSetByClassProperty[i].getAttribute( 'class' ); if( sAttrClassName == sClassName ) { aElementSet.push( aElementSetByClassProperty[i] ); } } } return aElementSet; } function getElementByClassName( aElem, sClassName /*, sTagName */) { var aElementSet = getElementsByClassName( aElem, sClassName ); if ( aElementSet.length == 1 ) return aElementSet[0]; else return null; } function getClassAttribute( aElem ) { if( aElem ) return aElem.getAttribute( 'class' ); return ''; } function createElementGroup( aParentElement, aElementList, nFrom, nCount, sGroupClass, sGroupId ) { var nTo = nFrom + nCount; if( nCount < 1 || aElementList.length < nTo ) { log( 'createElementGroup: not enough elements available.' ); return; } var firstElement = aElementList[nFrom]; if( !firstElement ) { log( 'createElementGroup: element not found.' ); return; } var aGroupElement = document.createElementNS( NSS['svg'], 'g' ); if( sGroupId ) aGroupElement.setAttribute( 'id', sGroupId ); if( sGroupClass ) aGroupElement.setAttribute( 'class', sGroupClass ); aParentElement.insertBefore( aGroupElement, firstElement ); var i = nFrom; for( ; i < nTo; ++i ) { aParentElement.removeChild( aElementList[i] ); aGroupElement.appendChild( aElementList[i] ); } } function initVisibilityProperty( aElement ) { var nVisibility = VISIBLE; var sVisibility = aElement.getAttribute( 'visibility' ); if( sVisibility ) nVisibility = aVisibilityValue[ sVisibility ]; return nVisibility; } function getSafeIndex( nIndex, nMin, nMax ) { if( nIndex < nMin ) return nMin; else if( nIndex > nMax ) return nMax; else return nIndex; } function getUrlParameter(name) { name = name.replace(/[\[]/, '\\[').replace(/[\]]/, '\\]'); var regex = new RegExp('[\\?&]' + name + '=([^&#]*)'); var results = regex.exec(window.location.search); return results === null ? '' : decodeURIComponent(results[1].replace(/\+/g, ' ')); } /** getRandomInt * * @param nMax * @returns {number} * an integer in [0,nMax[ */ function getRandomInt( nMax ) { return Math.floor( Math.random() * nMax ); } function isTextFieldElement( aElement ) // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars { var sClassName = aElement.getAttribute( 'class' ); return ( sClassName === aSlideNumberClassName ) || ( sClassName === aFooterClassName ) || ( sClassName === aHeaderClassName ) || ( sClassName === aDateTimeClassName ); } /********************* ** Debug Utilities ** *********************/ function DebugPrinter() { this.bEnabled = false; } DebugPrinter.prototype.on = function() { this.bEnabled = true; }; DebugPrinter.prototype.off = function() { this.bEnabled = false; }; DebugPrinter.prototype.isEnabled = function() { return this.bEnabled; }; DebugPrinter.prototype.print = function( sMessage, nTime ) { if( this.isEnabled() ) { var sInfo = 'DBG: ' + sMessage; if( nTime ) sInfo += ' (at: ' + String( nTime / 1000 ) + 's)'; log( sInfo ); } }; // - Debug Printers - var aGenericDebugPrinter = new DebugPrinter(); aGenericDebugPrinter.on(); var DBGLOG = bind2( DebugPrinter.prototype.print, aGenericDebugPrinter ); var NAVDBG = new DebugPrinter(); NAVDBG.off(); var ANIMDBG = new DebugPrinter(); ANIMDBG.off(); var aRegisterEventDebugPrinter = new DebugPrinter(); aRegisterEventDebugPrinter.off(); var aTimerEventQueueDebugPrinter = new DebugPrinter(); aTimerEventQueueDebugPrinter.off(); var aEventMultiplexerDebugPrinter = new DebugPrinter(); aEventMultiplexerDebugPrinter.off(); var aNextEffectEventArrayDebugPrinter = new DebugPrinter(); aNextEffectEventArrayDebugPrinter.off(); var aActivityQueueDebugPrinter = new DebugPrinter(); aActivityQueueDebugPrinter.off(); var aAnimatedElementDebugPrinter = new DebugPrinter(); aAnimatedElementDebugPrinter.off(); /************************ *** Core Classes *** ************************/ /** Class MetaDocument * This class provides a pool of properties related to the whole presentation. * Moreover it is responsible for: * - initializing the set of MetaSlide objects that handle the meta information * for each slide; * - creating a map with key an id and value the svg element containing * the animations performed on the slide with such an id. * */ function MetaDocument() { // We look for the svg element that provides the following presentation // properties: // - the number of slides in the presentation; // - the type of numbering used in the presentation. // Moreover it wraps svg elements providing meta information on each slide // and svg elements providing content and properties of each text field. var aMetaDocElem = document.getElementById( aOOOElemMetaSlides ); assert( aMetaDocElem, 'MetaDocument: the svg element with id:' + aOOOElemMetaSlides + 'is not valid.'); // We initialize general presentation properties: // - the number of slides in the presentation; this.nNumberOfSlides = parseInt( aMetaDocElem.getAttributeNS( NSS['ooo'], aOOOAttrNumberOfSlides ) ); assert( typeof this.nNumberOfSlides == 'number' && this.nNumberOfSlides > 0, 'MetaDocument: number of slides is zero or undefined.' ); // - the index of the slide to show when the presentation starts; this.nStartSlideNumber = parseInt( aMetaDocElem.getAttributeNS( NSS['ooo'], aOOOAttrStartSlideNumber ) ) || 0; // - get the parameter StartSlideNumber in the URL for online presentation var aParmStartSlideNumber = getUrlParameter('StartSlideNumber'); if (aParmStartSlideNumber !== '') { this.nStartSlideNumber = parseInt(aParmStartSlideNumber); } // - the numbering type used in the presentation, default type is arabic. this.sPageNumberingType = aMetaDocElem.getAttributeNS( NSS['ooo'], aOOOAttrNumberingType ) || 'arabic'; // - the way text is exported this.bIsUsePositionedChars = ( aMetaDocElem.getAttributeNS( NSS['ooo'], aOOOAttrUsePositionedChars ) === 'true' ); // The element used for wrapping . this.aClipPathGroup = getElementByClassName( ROOT_NODE, aClipPathGroupClassName ); assert( this.aClipPathGroup, 'MetaDocument: the clip path group element is not valid.'); // The element used to clip all slides. this.aPresentationClipPath = document.getElementById( aPresentationClipPathId ); assert( this.aPresentationClipPath, 'MetaDocument: the presentation clip path element element is not valid.'); // The collections for handling properties of each slide, svg elements // related to master pages and content and properties of text fields. this.aMetaSlideSet = []; this.aMasterPageSet = {}; this.aTextFieldHandlerSet = {}; this.aTextFieldContentProviderSet = []; this.aSlideNumberProvider = new SlideNumberProvider( this.nStartSlideNumber + 1, this.sPageNumberingType ); this.aCurrentDateProvider = new CurrentDateTimeProvider( null, '' ); this.aCurrentTimeProvider = new CurrentDateTimeProvider( null, '