Atari TOS specific information for dmake. This information is provided in the hope that it makes it easier to install and recompile dmake in a TOS environment. I do not own an ST. As a result I rely on others to insure that this version of dmake works as advertized. If you have any problems with it please fix them and send me the differences so that I can incorporate them into future releases and patches. 1. ENVIRONMENT VARIABLE SETTINGS Only a single set of settings is available for Atari TOS. There are no sub-selections for specific OS release and/or environment. OS - tos OSRELEASE - NULL OSENVIRONMENT - NULL 2. IMPLEMENTATION NOTES The code to compile on an Atari-ST using GCC was supplied by Edgar Roeder ( I do not have an ST on which to verify the distribution sources but I have no reason to believe them to not work. If there are any problems please let Edgar or myself know. I know of no bugs or limitation to the Atari-ST implementation. Note that it is similar to the DOS version but it does not swap itself out. This does not appear to be as much of a problem on the Atari as it is on MSDOS boxes :-). See the msdos specific info file for further information. -dennis