/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */ /************************************************************************* * * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. * * Copyright 2000, 2010 Oracle and/or its affiliates. * * OpenOffice.org - a multi-platform office productivity suite * * This file is part of OpenOffice.org. * * OpenOffice.org is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 * only, as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * OpenOffice.org is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 for more details * (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code). * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * version 3 along with OpenOffice.org. If not, see * * for a copy of the LGPLv3 License. * ************************************************************************/ // MARKER(update_precomp.py): autogen include statement, do not remove #include "precompiled_dbaccess.hxx" #include "dbfindex.hxx" #include #include #include "moduledbu.hxx" #include "dbu_dlg.hrc" #include "dbfindex.hrc" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include //......................................................................... namespace dbaui { //......................................................................... using namespace ::com::sun::star::uno; using namespace ::com::sun::star::ucb; using namespace ::svt; const ByteString aGroupIdent("dBase III"); ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Klasse ODbaseIndexDialog DBG_NAME(ODbaseIndexDialog) //------------------------------------------------------------------------- ODbaseIndexDialog::ODbaseIndexDialog( Window * pParent, String aDataSrcName ) : ModalDialog( pParent, ModuleRes(DLG_DBASE_INDEXES) ), aPB_OK( this, ModuleRes( PB_OK ) ), aPB_CANCEL( this, ModuleRes( PB_CANCEL ) ), aPB_HELP( this, ModuleRes( PB_HELP ) ), m_FT_Tables( this, ModuleRes( FT_TABLES ) ), aCB_Tables( this, ModuleRes( CB_TABLES ) ), m_FL_Indexes( this, ModuleRes( FL_INDEXES ) ), m_FT_TableIndexes( this, ModuleRes( FT_TABLEINDEXES ) ), aLB_TableIndexes( this, ModuleRes( LB_TABLEINDEXES ) ), m_FT_AllIndexes( this, ModuleRes( FT_ALLINDEXES ) ), aLB_FreeIndexes( this, ModuleRes( LB_FREEINDEXES ) ), aIB_Add( this, ModuleRes( IB_ADD ) ), aIB_Remove( this, ModuleRes( IB_REMOVE ) ), aIB_AddAll( this, ModuleRes( IB_ADDALL ) ), aIB_RemoveAll( this, ModuleRes( IB_REMOVEALL ) ), m_aDSN(aDataSrcName), m_bCaseSensitiv(sal_True) { DBG_CTOR(ODbaseIndexDialog,NULL); aCB_Tables.SetSelectHdl( LINK(this, ODbaseIndexDialog, TableSelectHdl) ); aIB_Add.SetClickHdl( LINK(this, ODbaseIndexDialog, AddClickHdl) ); aIB_Remove.SetClickHdl( LINK(this, ODbaseIndexDialog, RemoveClickHdl) ); aIB_AddAll.SetClickHdl( LINK(this, ODbaseIndexDialog, AddAllClickHdl) ); aIB_RemoveAll.SetClickHdl( LINK(this, ODbaseIndexDialog, RemoveAllClickHdl) ); aPB_OK.SetClickHdl( LINK(this, ODbaseIndexDialog, OKClickHdl) ); aLB_FreeIndexes.SetSelectHdl( LINK(this, ODbaseIndexDialog, OnListEntrySelected) ); aLB_TableIndexes.SetSelectHdl( LINK(this, ODbaseIndexDialog, OnListEntrySelected) ); aCB_Tables.SetDropDownLineCount(8); Init(); SetCtrls(); FreeResource(); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- ODbaseIndexDialog::~ODbaseIndexDialog() { DBG_DTOR(ODbaseIndexDialog,NULL); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- sal_Bool ODbaseIndexDialog::GetTable(const String& _rName, TableInfoListIterator& _rPosition) { for ( _rPosition = m_aTableInfoList.begin(); _rPosition != m_aTableInfoList.end(); ++_rPosition ) { if (m_bCaseSensitiv) { if (_rPosition->aTableName.Equals(_rName)) return sal_True; } else { if (_rPosition->aTableName.EqualsIgnoreCaseAscii(_rName)) return sal_True; } } return sal_False; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- void ODbaseIndexDialog::checkButtons() { aIB_Add.Enable(0 != aLB_FreeIndexes.GetSelectEntryCount()); aIB_AddAll.Enable(0 != aLB_FreeIndexes.GetEntryCount()); aIB_Remove.Enable(0 != aLB_TableIndexes.GetSelectEntryCount()); aIB_RemoveAll.Enable(0 != aLB_TableIndexes.GetEntryCount()); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- OTableIndex ODbaseIndexDialog::implRemoveIndex(const String& _rName, TableIndexList& _rList, ListBox& _rDisplay, sal_Bool _bMustExist) { OTableIndex aReturn; sal_Int32 nPos = 0; TableIndexListIterator aSearch; for ( aSearch = _rList.begin(); aSearch != _rList.end(); ++aSearch, ++nPos ) { if ( m_bCaseSensitiv ? aSearch->GetIndexFileName().Equals(_rName) : aSearch->GetIndexFileName().EqualsIgnoreCaseAscii(_rName) ) { aReturn = *aSearch; _rList.erase(aSearch); _rDisplay.RemoveEntry( _rName ); // adjust selection if necessary if ((sal_uInt32)nPos == _rList.size()) _rDisplay.SelectEntryPos((sal_uInt16)nPos-1); else _rDisplay.SelectEntryPos((sal_uInt16)nPos); break; } } (void)_bMustExist; OSL_ENSURE(!_bMustExist || (aSearch != _rList.end()), "ODbaseIndexDialog::implRemoveIndex : did not find the index!"); return aReturn; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- void ODbaseIndexDialog::implInsertIndex(const OTableIndex& _rIndex, TableIndexList& _rList, ListBox& _rDisplay) { _rList.push_front( _rIndex ); _rDisplay.InsertEntry( _rIndex.GetIndexFileName() ); _rDisplay.SelectEntryPos(0); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- OTableIndex ODbaseIndexDialog::RemoveTableIndex( const String& _rTableName, const String& _rIndexName, sal_Bool _bMustExist ) { OTableIndex aReturn; // does the table exist ? TableInfoListIterator aTablePos; if (!GetTable(_rTableName, aTablePos)) return aReturn; return implRemoveIndex(_rIndexName, aTablePos->aIndexList, aLB_TableIndexes, _bMustExist); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- void ODbaseIndexDialog::InsertTableIndex( const String& _rTableName, const OTableIndex& _rIndex) { TableInfoListIterator aTablePos; if (!GetTable(_rTableName, aTablePos)) return; implInsertIndex(_rIndex, aTablePos->aIndexList, aLB_TableIndexes); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- IMPL_LINK( ODbaseIndexDialog, OKClickHdl, PushButton*, /*pButton*/ ) { // let all tables write their INF file for ( ConstTableInfoListIterator aLoop = m_aTableInfoList.begin(); aLoop != m_aTableInfoList.end(); ++aLoop ) aLoop->WriteInfFile(m_aDSN); EndDialog(); return 0; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- IMPL_LINK( ODbaseIndexDialog, AddClickHdl, PushButton*, /*pButton*/ ) { String aSelection = aLB_FreeIndexes.GetSelectEntry(); String aTableName = aCB_Tables.GetText(); OTableIndex aIndex = RemoveFreeIndex( aSelection, sal_True ); InsertTableIndex( aTableName, aIndex ); checkButtons(); return 0; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- IMPL_LINK( ODbaseIndexDialog, RemoveClickHdl, PushButton*, /*pButton*/ ) { String aSelection = aLB_TableIndexes.GetSelectEntry(); String aTableName = aCB_Tables.GetText(); OTableIndex aIndex = RemoveTableIndex( aTableName, aSelection, sal_True ); InsertFreeIndex( aIndex ); checkButtons(); return 0; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- IMPL_LINK( ODbaseIndexDialog, AddAllClickHdl, PushButton*, /*pButton*/ ) { sal_uInt16 nCnt = aLB_FreeIndexes.GetEntryCount(); String aTableName = aCB_Tables.GetText(); String aEntry; for( sal_uInt16 nPos = 0; nPos < nCnt; ++nPos ) InsertTableIndex( aTableName, RemoveFreeIndex( aLB_FreeIndexes.GetEntry(0), sal_True ) ); checkButtons(); return 0; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- IMPL_LINK( ODbaseIndexDialog, RemoveAllClickHdl, PushButton*, /*pButton*/ ) { sal_uInt16 nCnt = aLB_TableIndexes.GetEntryCount(); String aTableName = aCB_Tables.GetText(); String aEntry; for( sal_uInt16 nPos = 0; nPos < nCnt; ++nPos ) InsertFreeIndex( RemoveTableIndex( aTableName, aLB_TableIndexes.GetEntry(0), sal_True ) ); checkButtons(); return 0; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- IMPL_LINK( ODbaseIndexDialog, OnListEntrySelected, ListBox*, /*NOTINTERESTEDIN*/ ) { checkButtons(); return 0; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- IMPL_LINK( ODbaseIndexDialog, TableSelectHdl, ComboBox*, pComboBox ) { // search the table TableInfoListIterator aTablePos; if (!GetTable(pComboBox->GetText(), aTablePos)) return 0L; // fill the listbox for the indexes aLB_TableIndexes.Clear(); for ( ConstTableIndexListIterator aLoop = aTablePos->aIndexList.begin(); aLoop != aTablePos->aIndexList.end(); ++aLoop ) aLB_TableIndexes.InsertEntry( aLoop->GetIndexFileName() ); if ( aTablePos->aIndexList.size() ) aLB_TableIndexes.SelectEntryPos(0); checkButtons(); return 0; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- void ODbaseIndexDialog::Init() { aPB_OK.Disable(); m_FL_Indexes.Disable(); m_FT_TableIndexes.Disable(); aLB_TableIndexes.Disable(); m_FT_AllIndexes.Disable(); aLB_FreeIndexes.Disable(); aIB_Add.Disable(); aIB_Remove.Disable(); aIB_AddAll.Disable(); aIB_RemoveAll.Disable(); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Alle Indizes werden erst einmal zur Liste der freien Indizes hinzugefuegt. // Dann wird fuer jede Tabelle in der Inf-Datei nachgeschaut, welche Indizes sie besitzt. // Diese Indizes werden aus der Liste der freien Indizes entfernt // und in die Indexliste der Tabelle eingetragen /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // if the string does not contain a path, cut the string INetURLObject aURL; aURL.SetSmartProtocol(INET_PROT_FILE); { SvtPathOptions aPathOptions; m_aDSN = aPathOptions.SubstituteVariable(m_aDSN); } aURL.SetSmartURL(m_aDSN); // String aFileName = aURL.PathToFileName(); m_aDSN = aURL.GetMainURL(INetURLObject::NO_DECODE); ::ucbhelper::Content aFile; sal_Bool bFolder=sal_True; try { aFile = ::ucbhelper::Content(m_aDSN,Reference< ::com::sun::star::ucb::XCommandEnvironment >()); bFolder = aFile.isFolder(); } catch(Exception&) { return; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // first assume for all indexes they're free Sequence< ::rtl::OUString> aFolderContent( ::utl::LocalFileHelper::GetFolderContents(m_aDSN,bFolder)); ::rtl::OUString aIndexExt(RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM("ndx")); ::rtl::OUString aTableExt(RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM("dbf")); ::std::vector< String > aUsedIndexes; String aExt; const ::rtl::OUString *pBegin = aFolderContent.getConstArray(); const ::rtl::OUString *pEnd = pBegin + aFolderContent.getLength(); aURL.SetSmartProtocol(INET_PROT_FILE); for(;pBegin != pEnd;++pBegin) { String aName; ::utl::LocalFileHelper::ConvertURLToPhysicalName(pBegin->getStr(),aName); aURL.SetSmartURL(aName); aExt = aURL.getExtension(); if(aExt == aIndexExt.getStr()) { m_aFreeIndexList.push_back( OTableIndex(aURL.getName()) ); } else if(aExt == aTableExt.getStr()) { m_aTableInfoList.push_back( OTableInfo(aURL.getName()) ); OTableInfo& rTabInfo = m_aTableInfoList.back(); // open the INF file aURL.setExtension(String::CreateFromAscii("inf")); OFileNotation aTransformer(aURL.GetURLNoPass(), OFileNotation::N_URL); Config aInfFile( aTransformer.get(OFileNotation::N_SYSTEM) ); aInfFile.SetGroup( aGroupIdent ); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // fill the indexes list ByteString aNDX; sal_uInt16 nKeyCnt = aInfFile.GetKeyCount(); ByteString aKeyName; String aEntry; for( sal_uInt16 nKey = 0; nKey < nKeyCnt; nKey++ ) { // does the key point to an index file ? aKeyName = aInfFile.GetKeyName( nKey ); aNDX = aKeyName.Copy(0,3); // yes -> add to the tables index list if (aNDX == "NDX" ) { aEntry = rtl::OStringToOUString(aInfFile.ReadKey(aKeyName), gsl_getSystemTextEncoding()); rTabInfo.aIndexList.push_back( OTableIndex( aEntry ) ); // and remove it from the free index list aUsedIndexes.push_back(aEntry); // do this later below. We may not have encountered the index file, yet, thus we may not // know the index as beeing free, yet } } } } for ( ::std::vector< String >::const_iterator aUsedIndex = aUsedIndexes.begin(); aUsedIndex != aUsedIndexes.end(); ++aUsedIndex ) RemoveFreeIndex( *aUsedIndex, sal_False ); if (m_aTableInfoList.size()) { aPB_OK.Enable(); m_FL_Indexes.Enable(); m_FT_TableIndexes.Enable(); aLB_TableIndexes.Enable(); m_FT_AllIndexes.Enable(); aLB_FreeIndexes.Enable(); } checkButtons(); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- void ODbaseIndexDialog::SetCtrls() { // ComboBox Tabellen for ( ConstTableInfoListIterator aLoop = m_aTableInfoList.begin(); aLoop != m_aTableInfoList.end(); ++aLoop ) aCB_Tables.InsertEntry( aLoop->aTableName ); // Den ersten Datensatz ins Edit stellen if( m_aTableInfoList.size() ) { const OTableInfo& rTabInfo = m_aTableInfoList.front(); aCB_Tables.SetText( rTabInfo.aTableName ); // ListBox der Tabellenindizes aufbauen for ( ConstTableIndexListIterator aIndex = rTabInfo.aIndexList.begin(); aIndex != rTabInfo.aIndexList.end(); ++aIndex ) aLB_TableIndexes.InsertEntry( aIndex->GetIndexFileName() ); if( rTabInfo.aIndexList.size() ) aLB_TableIndexes.SelectEntryPos( 0 ); } // ListBox freie Indizes for ( ConstTableIndexListIterator aFree = m_aFreeIndexList.begin(); aFree != m_aFreeIndexList.end(); ++aFree ) aLB_FreeIndexes.InsertEntry( aFree->GetIndexFileName() ); if( m_aFreeIndexList.size() ) aLB_FreeIndexes.SelectEntryPos( 0 ); TableSelectHdl(&aCB_Tables); checkButtons(); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Klasse OTableInfo //------------------------------------------------------------------------- void OTableInfo::WriteInfFile( const String& rDSN ) const { // INF-Datei oeffnen INetURLObject aURL; aURL.SetSmartProtocol(INET_PROT_FILE); String aDsn = rDSN; { SvtPathOptions aPathOptions; aDsn = aPathOptions.SubstituteVariable(aDsn); } aURL.SetSmartURL(aDsn); aURL.Append(aTableName); aURL.setExtension(String::CreateFromAscii("inf")); OFileNotation aTransformer(aURL.GetURLNoPass(), OFileNotation::N_URL); Config aInfFile( aTransformer.get(OFileNotation::N_SYSTEM) ); aInfFile.SetGroup( aGroupIdent ); // Erst einmal alle Tabellenindizes loeschen ByteString aNDX; sal_uInt16 nKeyCnt = aInfFile.GetKeyCount(); ByteString aEntry; sal_uInt16 nKey = 0; while( nKey < nKeyCnt ) { // Verweist der Key auf ein Indexfile?... ByteString aKeyName = aInfFile.GetKeyName( nKey ); aNDX = aKeyName.Copy(0,3); //...wenn ja, Indexfile loeschen, nKey steht dann auf nachfolgendem Key if( aNDX == "NDX" ) { aInfFile.DeleteKey(aKeyName); nKeyCnt--; } else nKey++; } // Jetzt alle gespeicherten Indizes hinzufuegen sal_uInt16 nPos = 0; for ( ConstTableIndexListIterator aIndex = aIndexList.begin(); aIndex != aIndexList.end(); ++aIndex, ++nPos ) { rtl::OStringBuffer aKeyName(RTL_CONSTASCII_STRINGPARAM("NDX")); if( nPos > 0 ) // Erster Index erhaelt keine Ziffer aKeyName.append(static_cast(nPos)); aInfFile.WriteKey( aKeyName.makeStringAndClear(), rtl::OUStringToOString(aIndex->GetIndexFileName(), gsl_getSystemTextEncoding())); } aInfFile.Flush(); // Falls nur noch [dbase] in INF-File steht, Datei loeschen if(!nPos) { try { ::ucbhelper::Content aContent(aURL.GetURLNoPass(),Reference()); aContent.executeCommand( rtl::OUString(RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM("delete")),makeAny( sal_Bool( sal_True ) ) ); } catch (const Exception& e ) { (void)e; // make compiler happy // simply silent this. The strange algorithm here does a lot of things even if no files at all were // created or accessed, so it's possible that the file we're trying to delete does not even exist, // and this is a valid condition. } } } //......................................................................... } // namespace dbaui //......................................................................... /* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */