/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */ /************************************************************************* * * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. * * Copyright 2000, 2010 Oracle and/or its affiliates. * * OpenOffice.org - a multi-platform office productivity suite * * This file is part of OpenOffice.org. * * OpenOffice.org is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 * only, as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * OpenOffice.org is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 for more details * (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code). * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * version 3 along with OpenOffice.org. If not, see * * for a copy of the LGPLv3 License. * ************************************************************************/ // MARKER(update_precomp.py): autogen include statement, do not remove #include "precompiled_basic.hxx" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "runtime.hxx" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace comphelper; using namespace com::sun::star::uno; using namespace com::sun::star::lang; using namespace com::sun::star::ucb; using namespace com::sun::star::io; using namespace com::sun::star::bridge; #include "iosys.hxx" #include "sbintern.hxx" class SbiInputDialog : public ModalDialog { Edit aInput; OKButton aOk; CancelButton aCancel; String aText; DECL_LINK( Ok, Window * ); DECL_LINK( Cancel, Window * ); public: SbiInputDialog( Window*, const String& ); const String& GetInput() { return aText; } }; SbiInputDialog::SbiInputDialog( Window* pParent, const String& rPrompt ) :ModalDialog( pParent, WB_3DLOOK | WB_MOVEABLE | WB_CLOSEABLE ), aInput( this, WB_3DLOOK | WB_LEFT | WB_BORDER ), aOk( this ), aCancel( this ) { SetText( rPrompt ); aOk.SetClickHdl( LINK( this, SbiInputDialog, Ok ) ); aCancel.SetClickHdl( LINK( this, SbiInputDialog, Cancel ) ); SetMapMode( MapMode( MAP_APPFONT ) ); Point aPt = LogicToPixel( Point( 50, 50 ) ); Size aSz = LogicToPixel( Size( 145, 65 ) ); SetPosSizePixel( aPt, aSz ); aPt = LogicToPixel( Point( 10, 10 ) ); aSz = LogicToPixel( Size( 120, 12 ) ); aInput.SetPosSizePixel( aPt, aSz ); aPt = LogicToPixel( Point( 15, 30 ) ); aSz = LogicToPixel( Size( 45, 15) ); aOk.SetPosSizePixel( aPt, aSz ); aPt = LogicToPixel( Point( 80, 30 ) ); aSz = LogicToPixel( Size( 45, 15) ); aCancel.SetPosSizePixel( aPt, aSz ); aInput.Show(); aOk.Show(); aCancel.Show(); } IMPL_LINK_INLINE_START( SbiInputDialog, Ok, Window *, pWindow ) { (void)pWindow; aText = aInput.GetText(); EndDialog( 1 ); return 0; } IMPL_LINK_INLINE_END( SbiInputDialog, Ok, Window *, pWindow ) IMPL_LINK_INLINE_START( SbiInputDialog, Cancel, Window *, pWindow ) { (void)pWindow; EndDialog( 0 ); return 0; } IMPL_LINK_INLINE_END( SbiInputDialog, Cancel, Window *, pWindow ) SbiStream::SbiStream() : pStrm( 0 ) { } SbiStream::~SbiStream() { delete pStrm; } // map an SvStream-error to StarBASIC-code void SbiStream::MapError() { if( pStrm ) switch( pStrm->GetError() ) { case SVSTREAM_OK: nError = 0; break; case SVSTREAM_FILE_NOT_FOUND: nError = SbERR_FILE_NOT_FOUND; break; case SVSTREAM_PATH_NOT_FOUND: nError = SbERR_PATH_NOT_FOUND; break; case SVSTREAM_TOO_MANY_OPEN_FILES: nError = SbERR_TOO_MANY_FILES; break; case SVSTREAM_ACCESS_DENIED: nError = SbERR_ACCESS_DENIED; break; case SVSTREAM_INVALID_PARAMETER: nError = SbERR_BAD_ARGUMENT; break; case SVSTREAM_OUTOFMEMORY: nError = SbERR_NO_MEMORY; break; default: nError = SbERR_IO_ERROR; break; } } // TODO: Code is copied from daemons2/source/uno/asciiEncoder.cxx ::rtl::OUString findUserInDescription( const ::rtl::OUString& aDescription ) { ::rtl::OUString user; sal_Int32 index; sal_Int32 lastIndex = 0; do { index = aDescription.indexOf((sal_Unicode) ',', lastIndex); ::rtl::OUString token = (index == -1) ? aDescription.copy(lastIndex) : aDescription.copy(lastIndex, index - lastIndex); lastIndex = index + 1; sal_Int32 eindex = token.indexOf((sal_Unicode)'='); ::rtl::OUString left = token.copy(0, eindex).toAsciiLowerCase().trim(); ::rtl::OUString right = INetURLObject::decode( token.copy(eindex + 1).trim(), '%', INetURLObject::DECODE_WITH_CHARSET ); if(left.equals(::rtl::OUString(RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM("user")))) { user = right; break; } } while(index != -1); return user; } sal_Bool needSecurityRestrictions( void ) { static sal_Bool bNeedInit = sal_True; static sal_Bool bRetVal = sal_True; if( bNeedInit ) { bNeedInit = sal_False; // Get system user to compare to portal user oslSecurity aSecurity = osl_getCurrentSecurity(); ::rtl::OUString aSystemUser; sal_Bool bRet = osl_getUserName( aSecurity, &aSystemUser.pData ); if( !bRet ) { // No valid security! -> Secure mode! return sal_True; } Reference< XMultiServiceFactory > xSMgr = getProcessServiceFactory(); if( !xSMgr.is() ) return sal_True; Reference< XBridgeFactory > xBridgeFac( xSMgr->createInstance ( ::rtl::OUString(RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "com.sun.star.bridge.BridgeFactory" )) ), UNO_QUERY ); Sequence< Reference< XBridge > > aBridgeSeq; sal_Int32 nBridgeCount = 0; if( xBridgeFac.is() ) { aBridgeSeq = xBridgeFac->getExistingBridges(); nBridgeCount = aBridgeSeq.getLength(); } if( nBridgeCount == 0 ) { // No bridges -> local bRetVal = sal_False; return bRetVal; } // Iterate through all bridges to find (portal) user property const Reference< XBridge >* pBridges = aBridgeSeq.getConstArray(); bRetVal = sal_False; // Now only sal_True if user different from portal user is found sal_Int32 i; for( i = 0 ; i < nBridgeCount ; i++ ) { const Reference< XBridge >& rxBridge = pBridges[ i ]; ::rtl::OUString aDescription = rxBridge->getDescription(); ::rtl::OUString aPortalUser = findUserInDescription( aDescription ); if( aPortalUser.getLength() > 0 ) { // User Found, compare to system user if( aPortalUser == aSystemUser ) { // Same user -> system security is ok, bRetVal stays FALSE break; } else { // Different user -> Secure mode! bRetVal = sal_True; break; } } } // No user found or PortalUser != SystemUser -> Secure mode! (Keep default value) } return bRetVal; } // Returns sal_True if UNO is available, otherwise the old file // system implementation has to be used // #89378 New semantic: Don't just ask for UNO but for UCB sal_Bool hasUno( void ) { static sal_Bool bNeedInit = sal_True; static sal_Bool bRetVal = sal_True; if( bNeedInit ) { bNeedInit = sal_False; Reference< XMultiServiceFactory > xSMgr = getProcessServiceFactory(); if( !xSMgr.is() ) { // No service manager at all bRetVal = sal_False; } else { Reference< XContentProviderManager > xManager( xSMgr->createInstance( ::rtl::OUString(RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM ( "com.sun.star.ucb.UniversalContentBroker" )) ), UNO_QUERY ); if ( !( xManager.is() && xManager->queryContentProvider( ::rtl::OUString(RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "file:///" )) ).is() ) ) { // No UCB bRetVal = sal_False; } } } return bRetVal; } class OslStream : public SvStream { osl::File maFile; short mnStrmMode; public: OslStream( const String& rName, short nStrmMode ); ~OslStream(); virtual sal_uIntPtr GetData( void* pData, sal_uIntPtr nSize ); virtual sal_uIntPtr PutData( const void* pData, sal_uIntPtr nSize ); virtual sal_uIntPtr SeekPos( sal_uIntPtr nPos ); virtual void FlushData(); virtual void SetSize( sal_uIntPtr nSize ); }; OslStream::OslStream( const String& rName, short nStrmMode ) : maFile( rName ) , mnStrmMode( nStrmMode ) { sal_uInt32 nFlags; if( (nStrmMode & (STREAM_READ | STREAM_WRITE)) == (STREAM_READ | STREAM_WRITE) ) { nFlags = osl_File_OpenFlag_Read | osl_File_OpenFlag_Write; } else if( nStrmMode & STREAM_WRITE ) { nFlags = osl_File_OpenFlag_Write; } else //if( nStrmMode & STREAM_READ ) { nFlags = osl_File_OpenFlag_Read; } osl::FileBase::RC nRet = maFile.open( nFlags ); if( nRet == osl::FileBase::E_NOENT && nFlags != osl_File_OpenFlag_Read ) { nFlags |= osl_File_OpenFlag_Create; nRet = maFile.open( nFlags ); } if( nRet != osl::FileBase::E_None ) { SetError( ERRCODE_IO_GENERAL ); } } OslStream::~OslStream() { maFile.close(); } sal_uIntPtr OslStream::GetData( void* pData, sal_uIntPtr nSize ) { sal_uInt64 nBytesRead = nSize; maFile.read( pData, nBytesRead, nBytesRead ); return (sal_uIntPtr)nBytesRead; } sal_uIntPtr OslStream::PutData( const void* pData, sal_uIntPtr nSize ) { sal_uInt64 nBytesWritten; maFile.write( pData, (sal_uInt64)nSize, nBytesWritten ); return (sal_uIntPtr)nBytesWritten; } sal_uIntPtr OslStream::SeekPos( sal_uIntPtr nPos ) { ::osl::FileBase::RC rc = ::osl::FileBase::E_None; if( nPos == STREAM_SEEK_TO_END ) rc = maFile.setPos( osl_Pos_End, 0 ); else rc = maFile.setPos( osl_Pos_Absolut, (sal_uInt64)nPos ); OSL_VERIFY(rc == ::osl::FileBase::E_None); sal_uInt64 nRealPos(0); maFile.getPos( nRealPos ); return sal::static_int_cast(nRealPos); } void OslStream::FlushData() { } void OslStream::SetSize( sal_uIntPtr nSize ) { maFile.setSize( (sal_uInt64)nSize ); } class UCBStream : public SvStream { Reference< XInputStream > xIS; Reference< XOutputStream > xOS; Reference< XStream > xS; Reference< XSeekable > xSeek; public: UCBStream( Reference< XInputStream > & xIS ); UCBStream( Reference< XOutputStream > & xOS ); UCBStream( Reference< XStream > & xS ); ~UCBStream(); virtual sal_uIntPtr GetData( void* pData, sal_uIntPtr nSize ); virtual sal_uIntPtr PutData( const void* pData, sal_uIntPtr nSize ); virtual sal_uIntPtr SeekPos( sal_uIntPtr nPos ); virtual void FlushData(); virtual void SetSize( sal_uIntPtr nSize ); }; UCBStream::UCBStream( Reference< XInputStream > & rStm ) : xIS( rStm ) , xSeek( rStm, UNO_QUERY ) { } UCBStream::UCBStream( Reference< XOutputStream > & rStm ) : xOS( rStm ) , xSeek( rStm, UNO_QUERY ) { } UCBStream::UCBStream( Reference< XStream > & rStm ) : xS( rStm ) , xSeek( rStm, UNO_QUERY ) { } UCBStream::~UCBStream() { try { if( xIS.is() ) xIS->closeInput(); else if( xOS.is() ) xOS->closeOutput(); else if( xS.is() ) { Reference< XInputStream > xIS_ = xS->getInputStream(); if( xIS_.is() ) xIS_->closeInput(); } } catch(const Exception & ) { SetError( ERRCODE_IO_GENERAL ); } } sal_uIntPtr UCBStream::GetData( void* pData, sal_uIntPtr nSize ) { try { Reference< XInputStream > xISFromS; if( xIS.is() ) { Sequence aData; nSize = xIS->readBytes( aData, nSize ); rtl_copyMemory( pData, aData.getConstArray(), nSize ); return nSize; } else if( xS.is() && (xISFromS = xS->getInputStream()).is() ) { Sequence aData; nSize = xISFromS->readBytes( aData, nSize ); rtl_copyMemory( pData, aData.getConstArray(), nSize ); return nSize; } else SetError( ERRCODE_IO_GENERAL ); } catch(const Exception & ) { SetError( ERRCODE_IO_GENERAL ); } return 0; } sal_uIntPtr UCBStream::PutData( const void* pData, sal_uIntPtr nSize ) { try { Reference< XOutputStream > xOSFromS; if( xOS.is() ) { Sequence aData( (const sal_Int8 *)pData, nSize ); xOS->writeBytes( aData ); return nSize; } else if( xS.is() && (xOSFromS = xS->getOutputStream()).is() ) { Sequence aData( (const sal_Int8 *)pData, nSize ); xOSFromS->writeBytes( aData ); return nSize; } else SetError( ERRCODE_IO_GENERAL ); } catch(const Exception & ) { SetError( ERRCODE_IO_GENERAL ); } return 0; } sal_uIntPtr UCBStream::SeekPos( sal_uIntPtr nPos ) { try { if( xSeek.is() ) { sal_uIntPtr nLen = sal::static_int_cast( xSeek->getLength() ); if( nPos > nLen ) nPos = nLen; xSeek->seek( nPos ); return nPos; } else SetError( ERRCODE_IO_GENERAL ); } catch(const Exception & ) { SetError( ERRCODE_IO_GENERAL ); } return 0; } void UCBStream::FlushData() { try { Reference< XOutputStream > xOSFromS; if( xOS.is() ) xOS->flush(); else if( xS.is() && (xOSFromS = xS->getOutputStream()).is() ) xOSFromS->flush(); else SetError( ERRCODE_IO_GENERAL ); } catch(const Exception & ) { SetError( ERRCODE_IO_GENERAL ); } } void UCBStream::SetSize( sal_uIntPtr nSize ) { (void)nSize; OSL_FAIL( "not allowed to call from basic" ); SetError( ERRCODE_IO_GENERAL ); } SbError SbiStream::Open ( short nCh, const ByteString& rName, short nStrmMode, short nFlags, short nL ) { nMode = nFlags; nLen = nL; nChan = nCh; nLine = 0; nExpandOnWriteTo = 0; if( ( nStrmMode & ( STREAM_READ|STREAM_WRITE ) ) == STREAM_READ ) nStrmMode |= STREAM_NOCREATE; String aStr( rName, gsl_getSystemTextEncoding() ); String aNameStr = getFullPath( aStr ); if( hasUno() ) { Reference< XMultiServiceFactory > xSMgr = getProcessServiceFactory(); if( xSMgr.is() ) { Reference< XSimpleFileAccess > xSFI( xSMgr->createInstance( ::rtl::OUString(RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "com.sun.star.ucb.SimpleFileAccess" )) ), UNO_QUERY ); if( xSFI.is() ) { try { // #??? For write access delete file if it already exists (not for appending) if( (nStrmMode & STREAM_WRITE) != 0 && !IsAppend() && !IsBinary() && xSFI->exists( aNameStr ) && !xSFI->isFolder( aNameStr ) ) { xSFI->kill( aNameStr ); } if( (nStrmMode & (STREAM_READ | STREAM_WRITE)) == (STREAM_READ | STREAM_WRITE) ) { Reference< XStream > xIS = xSFI->openFileReadWrite( aNameStr ); pStrm = new UCBStream( xIS ); } else if( nStrmMode & STREAM_WRITE ) { Reference< XStream > xIS = xSFI->openFileReadWrite( aNameStr ); pStrm = new UCBStream( xIS ); } else //if( nStrmMode & STREAM_READ ) { Reference< XInputStream > xIS = xSFI->openFileRead( aNameStr ); pStrm = new UCBStream( xIS ); } } catch(const Exception & ) { nError = ERRCODE_IO_GENERAL; } } } } if( !pStrm ) { pStrm = new OslStream( aNameStr, nStrmMode ); } if( IsAppend() ) pStrm->Seek( STREAM_SEEK_TO_END ); MapError(); if( nError ) delete pStrm, pStrm = NULL; return nError; } SbError SbiStream::Close() { if( pStrm ) { MapError(); delete pStrm; pStrm = NULL; } nChan = 0; return nError; } SbError SbiStream::Read( ByteString& rBuf, sal_uInt16 n, bool bForceReadingPerByte ) { nExpandOnWriteTo = 0; if( !bForceReadingPerByte && IsText() ) { pStrm->ReadLine( rBuf ); nLine++; } else { if( !n ) n = nLen; if( !n ) return nError = SbERR_BAD_RECORD_LENGTH; rtl::OStringBuffer aBuffer(read_uInt8s_AsOString(*pStrm, n)); //Pad it out with ' ' to the requested length on short read sal_Int32 nRequested = sal::static_int_cast(n); comphelper::string::padToLength(aBuffer, nRequested, ' '); rBuf = aBuffer.makeStringAndClear(); } MapError(); if( !nError && pStrm->IsEof() ) nError = SbERR_READ_PAST_EOF; return nError; } SbError SbiStream::Read( char& ch ) { nExpandOnWriteTo = 0; if( !aLine.Len() ) { Read( aLine, 0 ); aLine += '\n'; } ch = aLine.GetBuffer()[0]; aLine.Erase( 0, 1 ); return nError; } void SbiStream::ExpandFile() { if ( nExpandOnWriteTo ) { sal_uIntPtr nCur = pStrm->Seek(STREAM_SEEK_TO_END); if( nCur < nExpandOnWriteTo ) { sal_uIntPtr nDiff = nExpandOnWriteTo - nCur; char c = 0; while( nDiff-- ) *pStrm << c; } else { pStrm->Seek( nExpandOnWriteTo ); } nExpandOnWriteTo = 0; } } SbError SbiStream::Write( const ByteString& rBuf, sal_uInt16 n ) { ExpandFile(); if( IsAppend() ) pStrm->Seek( STREAM_SEEK_TO_END ); if( IsText() ) { aLine += rBuf; // Get it out, if the end is an LF, but strip CRLF before, // because the SvStrm adds a CRLF! sal_uInt16 nLineLen = aLine.Len(); if( nLineLen && aLine.GetBuffer()[ --nLineLen ] == 0x0A ) { aLine.Erase( nLineLen ); if( nLineLen && aLine.GetBuffer()[ --nLineLen ] == 0x0D ) aLine.Erase( nLineLen ); pStrm->WriteLines( aLine ); aLine.Erase(); } } else { if( !n ) n = nLen; if( !n ) return nError = SbERR_BAD_RECORD_LENGTH; pStrm->Write( rBuf.GetBuffer(), n ); MapError(); } return nError; } SbiIoSystem* SbGetIoSystem() { SbiInstance* pInst = pINST; return pInst ? pInst->GetIoSystem() : NULL; } SbiIoSystem::SbiIoSystem() { for( short i = 0; i < CHANNELS; i++ ) pChan[ i ] = NULL; nChan = 0; nError = 0; } SbiIoSystem::~SbiIoSystem() { Shutdown(); } SbError SbiIoSystem::GetError() { SbError n = nError; nError = 0; return n; } void SbiIoSystem::Open ( short nCh, const ByteString& rName, short nMode, short nFlags, short nLen ) { nError = 0; if( nCh >= CHANNELS || !nCh ) nError = SbERR_BAD_CHANNEL; else if( pChan[ nCh ] ) nError = SbERR_FILE_ALREADY_OPEN; else { pChan[ nCh ] = new SbiStream; nError = pChan[ nCh ]->Open( nCh, rName, nMode, nFlags, nLen ); if( nError ) delete pChan[ nCh ], pChan[ nCh ] = NULL; } nChan = 0; } void SbiIoSystem::Close() { if( !nChan ) nError = SbERR_BAD_CHANNEL; else if( !pChan[ nChan ] ) nError = SbERR_BAD_CHANNEL; else { nError = pChan[ nChan ]->Close(); delete pChan[ nChan ]; pChan[ nChan ] = NULL; } nChan = 0; } void SbiIoSystem::Shutdown() { for( short i = 1; i < CHANNELS; i++ ) { if( pChan[ i ] ) { SbError n = pChan[ i ]->Close(); delete pChan[ i ]; pChan[ i ] = NULL; if( n && !nError ) nError = n; } } nChan = 0; // anything left to PRINT? if( aOut.Len() ) { String aOutStr( aOut, gsl_getSystemTextEncoding() ); #if defined GCC Window* pParent = Application::GetDefDialogParent(); MessBox( pParent, WinBits( WB_OK ), String(), aOutStr ).Execute(); #else MessBox( GetpApp()->GetDefDialogParent(), WinBits( WB_OK ), String(), aOutStr ).Execute(); #endif } aOut.Erase(); } void SbiIoSystem::Read( ByteString& rBuf, short n ) { if( !nChan ) ReadCon( rBuf ); else if( !pChan[ nChan ] ) nError = SbERR_BAD_CHANNEL; else nError = pChan[ nChan ]->Read( rBuf, n ); } char SbiIoSystem::Read() { char ch = ' '; if( !nChan ) { if( !aIn.Len() ) { ReadCon( aIn ); aIn += '\n'; } ch = aIn.GetBuffer()[0]; aIn.Erase( 0, 1 ); } else if( !pChan[ nChan ] ) nError = SbERR_BAD_CHANNEL; else nError = pChan[ nChan ]->Read( ch ); return ch; } void SbiIoSystem::Write( const ByteString& rBuf, short n ) { if( !nChan ) WriteCon( rBuf ); else if( !pChan[ nChan ] ) nError = SbERR_BAD_CHANNEL; else nError = pChan[ nChan ]->Write( rBuf, n ); } short SbiIoSystem::NextChannel() { for( short i = 1; i < CHANNELS; i++ ) { if( !pChan[ i ] ) return i; } nError = SbERR_TOO_MANY_FILES; return CHANNELS; } // nChannel == 0..CHANNELS-1 SbiStream* SbiIoSystem::GetStream( short nChannel ) const { SbiStream* pRet = 0; if( nChannel >= 0 && nChannel < CHANNELS ) pRet = pChan[ nChannel ]; return pRet; } void SbiIoSystem::CloseAll(void) { for( short i = 1; i < CHANNELS; i++ ) { if( pChan[ i ] ) { SbError n = pChan[ i ]->Close(); delete pChan[ i ]; pChan[ i ] = NULL; if( n && !nError ) nError = n; } } } /*************************************************************************** * * Console Support * ***************************************************************************/ void SbiIoSystem::ReadCon( ByteString& rIn ) { String aPromptStr( aPrompt, gsl_getSystemTextEncoding() ); SbiInputDialog aDlg( NULL, aPromptStr ); if( aDlg.Execute() ) rIn = ByteString( aDlg.GetInput(), gsl_getSystemTextEncoding() ); else nError = SbERR_USER_ABORT; aPrompt.Erase(); } // output of a MessageBox, if theres a CR in the console-buffer void SbiIoSystem::WriteCon( const ByteString& rText ) { aOut += rText; sal_uInt16 n1 = aOut.Search( '\n' ); sal_uInt16 n2 = aOut.Search( '\r' ); if( n1 != STRING_NOTFOUND || n2 != STRING_NOTFOUND ) { if( n1 == STRING_NOTFOUND ) n1 = n2; else if( n2 == STRING_NOTFOUND ) n2 = n1; if( n1 > n2 ) n1 = n2; ByteString s( aOut.Copy( 0, n1 ) ); aOut.Erase( 0, n1 ); while( aOut.GetBuffer()[0] == '\n' || aOut.GetBuffer()[0] == '\r' ) aOut.Erase( 0, 1 ); String aStr( s, gsl_getSystemTextEncoding() ); { SolarMutexGuard aSolarGuard; if( !MessBox( GetpApp()->GetDefDialogParent(), WinBits( WB_OK_CANCEL | WB_DEF_OK ), String(), aStr ).Execute() ) nError = SbERR_USER_ABORT; } } } /* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */