path: root/wizards/source/webwizard/HtmlAutoPilotBasic.xba
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'wizards/source/webwizard/HtmlAutoPilotBasic.xba')
1 files changed, 436 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/wizards/source/webwizard/HtmlAutoPilotBasic.xba b/wizards/source/webwizard/HtmlAutoPilotBasic.xba
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..00675bbf0c74
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wizards/source/webwizard/HtmlAutoPilotBasic.xba
@@ -0,0 +1,436 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<!DOCTYPE script:module PUBLIC "-// OfficeDocument 1.0//EN" "module.dtd">
+<script:module xmlns:script="" script:name="HtmlAutoPilotBasic" script:language="StarBasic">&apos; Variables must be declared
+Option Explicit
+Public CurDocIndex as Integer
+Public CurWebPageIndex as Integer
+Public bWithBackGraphic as Boolean
+Public oStyle as Object
+&apos; Maximum number of content templates, style templates and bullets
+Const MaxLayouts = 50
+Const MaxStyles = 100
+Const MaxBullets = 10
+&apos;Public NumberOfLayouts%, NumberOfStyles%
+&apos; Filled with title, previous, next, home, top, bullet, background, file name
+Public Style(MaxStyles, 8) as String
+Public Layout$(MaxLayouts, 2)
+Public TextureDir$, BulletDir$, GraphicsDir$, GalleryDir$, PhotosDir$
+Public SOBitmapPath as String
+Public CurrentBullet$, CurrentPrev$, CurrentNext$, CurrentHome$, CurrentTop$
+Public FileStr as String
+Public WebWiz_gWizardName$, WebWiz_gErrContentNotFound$, WebWiz_gErrStyleNotFound$
+Public WebWiz_gErrMainTemplateError$, WebWiz_gErrWhileReloading$
+Public WebWiz_gErrWhileLoadStyles$, WebWiz_gErrMsg$, WebWiz_gErrMainDocumentError$
+Public ProgressBar as Object
+Public ProgressValue As Long
+Public oBaseDocument as Object
+Public oViewCursor as Object
+Public oViewSettings as Object
+Public NoArgs() as New
+Public oCursor as Object
+Public oBookmarks as Object
+Public oBookMark as Object
+Public oUcb as Object
+Public MainDialog as Object
+Public DialogModel as Object
+Sub Main
+Dim RetValue
+On Local Error Goto GlobalErrorHandler
+ BasicLibraries.LoadLibrary(&quot;Tools&quot;)
+ oUcb = createUnoService(&quot;;)
+ oBaseDocument = StarDesktop.LoadComponentFromURL(&quot;private:factory/swriter/web&quot;, &quot;_default&quot;, 0, NoArgs())
+ oViewSettings = oBaseDocument.CurrentController.ViewSettings
+ oViewCursor = oBaseDocument.GetCurrentController.ViewCursor
+ CurWebPageIndex = -1
+ ProgressBar = oBaseDocument.GetCurrentController.GetFrame.CreateStatusIndicator
+ ProgressBar.Start(&quot;&quot;, 100)
+ SetProgressValue(2)
+ oBaseDocument.LockControllers
+ oViewSettings.ShowTableBoundaries = False
+ If Not GetWebWizardPaths() Then
+ Exit Sub
+ End If
+ LoadLanguage
+ SetProgressValue(10)
+ Layout() = getListBoxArrays(oUcb, &quot;/cnt&quot;)
+ GetCurIndex(DialogModel, Layout(),2)
+ SetProgressValue(30)
+ oCursor = oBasedocument.Text.CreateTextCursor
+ oCursor.InsertDocumentfromURL(FileStr, NoArgs())
+ SetProgressValue(50)
+ Style() = getListBoxArrays(oUcb, &quot;/stl&quot;)
+ SetProgressValue(70)
+ LoadWebPageStyles(oBaseDocument)
+ SetProgressValue(90)
+ oBaseDocument.UnlockControllers
+ OpenWebDialog()
+ SetProgressValue(98)
+ SetProgressValue(0)
+ MainDialog.Model.ImagePreview.BackGroundColor = RGB(0, 60,126)
+ RetValue = MainDialog.Execute
+ Select Case RetValue
+ Case 0
+ MainDialog.Dispose()
+ DisposeDocument(oBaseDocument)
+ Case 1
+ EndDialog()
+ MainDialog.Dispose()
+ End Select
+ If Err &lt;&gt; 0 Then
+ MsgBox (WebWiz_gErrMsg$, 16, WebWiz_gWizardName$)
+ DisposeDocument(oBaseDocument)
+ End If
+End Sub
+Function SetProgressValue(iValue as Integer)
+ If iValue = 0 Then
+ ProgressBar.End
+ End If
+ ProgressValue = iValue
+ ProgressBar.Value = iValue
+End Function
+Sub ReloadCurrentDocument()
+Dim OldDocIndex as Integer
+On Local Error Goto ErrorOcurred
+ OldDocIndex = CurDocIndex
+ CurDocIndex = GetCurIndex(DialogModel.lbTemplate, Layout(), 2)
+ If OldDocIndex &lt;&gt; CurDocIndex Then
+ oBaseDocument.LockControllers
+ ToggleDialogControls(False)
+ oCursor = oBaseDocument.Text.CreateTextCursor()
+ oCursor.GotoStart(False)
+ oCursor.GotoEnd(True)
+ oCursor.SetAllPropertiesToDefault()
+ oCursor.InsertDocumentfromURL(FileStr, NoArgs())
+ SetBulletAndGraphics
+ CheckControls(oBaseDocument.DrawPage)
+ ErrorOcurred:
+ If Err &lt;&gt; 0 Then
+ MsgBox(WebWiz_gErrWhileReloading$, 16, WebWiz_gWizardName$)
+ End If
+ oBaseDocument.UnlockControllers
+ oViewCursor.GotoStart(False)
+ ToggleDialogControls(True, &quot;lbTemplate&quot;)
+ End If
+End Sub
+Sub LoadWebPageStyles(aEvent as Object, Optional bStartUp as Boolean)
+Dim OldWebPageIndex as Integer
+ OldWebPageIndex = CurWebPageIndex
+ If IsNull(DialogModel) Then
+ CurWebPageIndex = GetCurIndex(DialogModel, Style(), 8)
+ Else
+ CurWebPageIndex = GetCurIndex(DialogModel.lbStyles, Style(), 8)
+ End If
+ If OldWebPageIndex &lt;&gt; CurWebPageIndex Then
+ ToggleDialogControls(False)
+ oBaseDocument.LockControllers
+ bWithBackGraphic = LoadNewStyles(oBaseDocument, DialogModel, CurWebPageIndex, FileStr, Style(), TextureDir)
+ CurrentBullet$ = BulletDir + Style(CurWebPageIndex, 6)
+ CurrentPrev$ = GraphicsDir + Style(CurWebPageIndex, 2)
+ CurrentNext$ = GraphicsDir + Style(CurWebPageIndex, 3)
+ CurrentHome$ = GraphicsDir + Style(CurWebPageIndex, 4)
+ CurrentTop$ = GraphicsDir + Style(CurWebPageIndex, 5)
+ With oBaseDocument.DocumentProperties.UserDefinedProperties
+ .AutoPilotName1 = ExtractGraphicNames(CurWebPageIndex,2)
+ .AutoPilotName2 = ExtractGraphicNames(CurWebPageIndex, 4)
+ .AutoPilotBullet = Style(CurWebPageIndex, 6)
+ .AutoPilotBackground = Style(CurWebPageIndex, 7)
+ End With
+ SetBulletAndGraphics()
+ CheckControls(oBaseDocument.DrawPage)
+ oViewCursor.GotoStart(False)
+ oBaseDocument.UnlockControllers
+ ToggleDialogControls(True, &quot;lbStyles&quot;)
+ End If
+End Sub
+Function ExtractGraphicNames(CurIndex as Integer, i as Integer) as String
+Dim FieldValue as String
+ FieldValue = GetFileNameWithoutExtension(Style(CurIndex, i))
+ FieldValue = FieldValue &amp; &quot; &quot; &amp; GetFileNameWithoutExtension(Style(CurIndex, i+1))
+ ExtractGraphicNames = FieldValue
+End Function
+Sub SetBulletAndGraphics
+ SetGraphic(&quot;Prev&quot;, CurrentPrev)
+ SetGraphic(&quot;Next&quot;, CurrentNext)
+ SetGraphic(&quot;Home&quot;, CurrentHome)
+ SetGraphic(&quot;Top&quot;, CurrentTop)
+ SetBulletGraphics(CurrentBullet)
+ SetGraphicsToOriginalSize()
+End Sub
+Sub SetGraphicsToOriginalSize()
+Dim oGraphics as Object
+Dim oGraphic as Object
+Dim i as Integer
+Dim aActSize as New
+ oGraphics = oBaseDocument.GraphicObjects
+ For i = 0 To oGraphics.Count-1
+ oGraphic = oGraphics.GetByIndex(i)
+ aActSize = oGraphic.ActualSize
+ If aActSize.Height &gt; 0 And aActSize.Width &gt; 0 Then
+ oGraphic.SetSize(aActSize)
+ End If
+ Next i
+End Sub
+Sub EndDialog()
+ If DialogModel.chkSaveasTemplate.State = 1 Then
+ &apos; Generating template? Set events later!
+ AttachBasicMacroToEvent(oBaseDocument,&quot;OnNew&quot;, &quot;WebWizard.HtmlAutoPilotBasic.SetEvent()&quot;)
+ &apos; Call the Store template dialog
+ DispatchSlot(5538)
+ AttachBasicMacroToEvent(oBaseDocument,&quot;OnNew&quot;, &quot;&quot;)
+ End If
+ SetEvent()
+End Sub
+Sub SetEvent()
+Dim oDocument as Object
+&apos; This sub links the events OnSaveDone and OnSaveAsDone to the procedure
+&apos; CopyGraphics. It is invoked when a document is created, either directly
+&apos; from the AutoPilot or from a template. It is not possible to set these
+&apos; links for the template created by the AutoPilot because then it is not
+&apos; possible to modify the template.
+ BasicLibraries.LoadLibrary(&quot;Tools&quot;)
+ oDocument = ThisComponent
+ AttachBasicMacroToEvent(oDocument,&quot;OnSaveDone&quot;, &quot;WebWizard.HtmlAutoPilotBasic.CopyGraphics()&quot;)
+ AttachBasicMacroToEvent(oDocument,&quot;OnSaveAsDone&quot;, &quot;WebWizard.HtmlAutoPilotBasic.CopyGraphics()&quot;)
+End Sub
+Sub CopyGraphics
+&apos; This sub copies all the graphics used in the document to the same directory the
+&apos; document has been copied into and changes the graphics links in the document.
+Dim oGraphicObjects as Object
+Dim oGraphic as Object
+Dim i as Integer
+Dim udProps as Object
+Dim SavePath as String
+ BasicLibraries.LoadLibrary(&quot;Tools&quot;)
+ oUcb = createUnoService(&quot;;)
+ GetWebWizardPaths()
+ oBaseDocument = ThisComponent
+&apos; oBaseDocument.LockControllers()
+ &apos; Note: The sub DirectoryNameoutofPath should be change, so that the last character is a slash
+ SavePath = DirectoryNameoutofPath(oBaseDocument.Url, &quot;/&quot;) &amp; &quot;/&quot;
+ oGraphicObjects = oBaseDocument.GraphicObjects
+ For i = 0 to oGraphicObjects.Count-1
+ oGraphic = oGraphicObjects.GetbyIndex(i)
+ oGraphic.GraphicUrl = CopyFile(oGraphic.GraphicURL, SavePath)
+ Next i
+ ChangeBackGraphicUrl(SavePath)
+ BulletUrlsToSavePath(SavePath)
+ udProps = oBaseDocument.DocumentProperties.UserDefinedProperties
+ udProps.addProperty(&quot;AutoPilotName1&quot;, 0, &quot;&quot;)
+ udProps.addProperty(&quot;AutoPilotName2&quot;, 0, &quot;&quot;)
+ udProps.addProperty(&quot;AutoPilotBullet&quot;, 0, &quot;&quot;)
+ udProps.addProperty(&quot;AutoPilotBackground&quot;, 0, &quot;&quot;)
+ AttachBasicMacroToEvent(oBaseDocument,&quot;OnSaveDone&quot;, &quot;&quot;)
+ AttachBasicMacroToEvent(oBaseDocument,&quot;OnSaveAsDone&quot;, &quot;&quot;)
+ AttachBasicMacroToEvent(oBaseDocument,&quot;OnNew&quot;, &quot;&quot;)
+ oBaseDocument.Store
+&apos; oBaseDocument.UnlockControllers()
+End Sub
+Function CopyFile(ByVal SourceUrl as String, TargetDir as String)
+Dim sFileName as String
+Dim sNewFileUrl as String
+ If oUcb.Exists(TargetDir) Then
+ If Len(TargetDir) &gt; 2 Then
+ sFileName = FileNameoutofPath(SourceUrl)
+ sNewFileUrl = TargetDir &amp; sFileName
+ oUcb.Copy(SourceUrl, sNewFileUrl)
+ CopyFile() = sNewFileUrl
+ End If
+ End If
+End Function
+Function getListBoxArrays(oUcb as Object, sFileFilter as String)
+Dim oDocProps as Object
+Dim oListboxControl as Object
+Dim Description as String
+Dim sField as String
+Dim sFieldList() as String
+Dim bItemFound as Boolean
+Dim MaxIndex as Integer
+Dim DirContent() as String
+Dim FileName as String
+Dim TemplatePath as String
+Dim FilterLen as Integer
+Dim i as Integer
+Dim m as Integer
+Dim n as Integer
+Dim s as Integer
+Dim a as Integer
+Dim LocMaxIndex as Integer
+Dim Properties()
+Dim DimCount as Integer
+Dim sExtension as String
+ oDocProps = CreateUnoService(&quot;;)
+ FilterLen = Len(sFileFilter)
+ bItemFound = False
+ &apos; It has to be made sure that the TemplatePath &lt;&gt; &quot;&quot;
+ TemplatePath = GetOfficeSubPath(&quot;Template&quot;, &quot;wizard/web/&quot;)
+ If TemplatePath = &quot;&quot; Then
+ Dim NullList()
+ getListBoxArrays() = NullList()
+ Exit Function
+ End If
+ DirContent() = oUcb.GetFolderContents(TemplatePath,True)
+ If sFileFilter = &quot;/cnt&quot; Then
+ DimCount = 2
+ Else
+ DimCount = 8
+ End If
+ LocMaxIndex = Ubound(DirContent())
+ Dim List(LocMaxIndex, DimCount) as String
+ Dim SortList(LocMaxIndex,1)
+ For i = 0 to LocMaxIndex
+ SortList(i,0) = DirContent(i)
+ SortList(i,1) = RetrieveDocTitle(oDocProps, DirContent(i))
+ Next i
+ SortList() = BubbleSortList(SortList(),True)
+ For i = 0 to LocMaxIndex
+ DirContent(i) = SortList(i,0)
+ Next i
+ a = 0
+ For i = 0 To LocMaxIndex
+ FileName = DirContent(i)
+ sExtension = Ucase(GetFileNameExtension(FileName))
+ If Instr(1,Filename, sFileFilter) And sExtension = &quot;STW&quot; Then
+ bItemFound = True
+ Description = RetrieveDocTitle(oDocProps, FileName)
+ Properties = oDocProps.UserDefinedProperties.PropertyValues
+ List(a,1) = Description
+ If sFileFilter = &quot;/cnt&quot; Then
+ List(a,2) = Filename
+ Else
+ m = 2
+ For n = 0 To 3
+ sField = Properties(n).Value
+ sFieldList() = ArrayoutofString(sField, &quot; &quot;, MaxIndex)
+ For s = 0 To MaxIndex
+ If m &lt; 6 Then
+ List(a,m) = sFieldList(s) &amp; &quot;.gif&quot;
+ Else
+ List(a,m) = sFieldList(s)
+ End If
+ m = m + 1
+ Next s
+ Next n
+ List(a,8) = FileName
+ End If
+ a = a + 1
+ End If
+ Next i
+ If sFileFilter = &quot;/cnt&quot; Then
+ ReDim Preserve List(a-1,2) as String
+ Else
+ ReDim Preserve List(a-1,8) as String
+ End If
+ If Not bItemfound Then
+ MsgBox(WebWiz_gErrContentNotFound$, 16, WebWiz_gWizardName$)
+ DisposeDocument(oBaseDocument)
+ Stop
+ End If
+ getListBoxArrays = List()
+End Function
+Sub SetGraphic(sWhich, sGraphicText as String)
+Dim oLocCursor as Object
+Dim oGraphic as Object
+Dim bGetGraphic as Boolean
+ oBookmarks = oBaseDocument.BookMarks
+ If oBookmarks.HasbyName(sWhich)Then
+ oBookMark = oBookmarks.GetbyName(sWhich)
+ oLocCursor = oBookMark.Anchor.Text.CreateTextCursorByRange(oBookMark.Anchor)
+ oGraphic = oBaseDocument.CreateInstance(&quot;;)
+ oLocCursor.GoRight(3,True)
+ oGraphic.AnchorType = 1
+ oGraphic.GraphicURL = ConverttoURL(sGraphicText)
+ oLocCursor.Text.InsertTextContent(oLocCursor, oGraphic, True)
+ oGraphic.Name = sWhich
+ ElseIf oBaseDocument.GraphicObjects.HasbyName(sWhich) Then
+ oGraphic = oBaseDocument.GraphicObjects.GetByName(sWhich)
+ oGraphic.GraphicUrl = sGraphicText
+ End If
+End Sub
+Sub CheckControls(oDrawPage as Object)
+Dim aForm as Object
+Dim m,n as integer
+Dim lColor as Long
+Dim oControl as Object
+ lColor = oBaseDocument.StyleFamilies.GetbyName(&quot;ParagraphStyles&quot;).GetByName(&quot;Standard&quot;).CharColor
+ &apos;SearchFor all possible Controls
+ For n = 0 to oDrawPage.Forms.Count - 1
+ aForm = oDrawPage.Forms(n)
+ For m = 0 to aForm.Count-1
+ oControl = aForm.GetbyIndex(m)
+ oControl.TextColor = lColor
+ Next
+ Next
+End Sub
+Sub RepaintHeaderPreview()
+Dim Bitmap As Object
+Dim sBitmapPath as String
+ sBitmapPath = SOBitmapPath &amp; &quot;webwizard.bmp&quot;
+ WebWzrd.ImagePreview.ImageURL = sBitmapPath
+End Sub
+Sub ToggleDialogControls(ByVal bDoEnable as Boolean, Optional FocusControlName as String)
+ If Not IsNull(DialogModel) Then
+ DialogModel.Enabled = bDoEnable
+ If bDoEnable Then
+ &apos; Enable Controls referring to Background graphic only when this Property is set
+ bDoEnable = bWithBackGraphic
+ ToggleOptionButtons(DialogModel, bDoEnable)
+ MainDialog.GetControl(FocusControlName).SetFocus()
+ End If
+ End If
+End Sub