path: root/vcl/os2/source/app/printf.c
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diff --git a/vcl/os2/source/app/printf.c b/vcl/os2/source/app/printf.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 06e75b6b8446..000000000000
--- a/vcl/os2/source/app/printf.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,287 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
-/* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */
-/* PRINTF: diverts PRINTF calls to an OS/2 Named Queue */
-/* Copyright (c) IBM Corporation, 1991, 1992 */
-/* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */
-/* This version for OS/2 2.x, 32-bit programs. Mike Cowlishaw */
-/* */
-/* This routine, when linked into an .EXE instead of the usual C */
-/* runtime, sends the edited result string to a named queue (if */
-/* it exists). If the queue does not exist, then all printf data */
-/* are discarded (ignored). */
-/* */
-/* The result string is accumulated until a line feed (LF) character */
-/* is received; the whole line is then sent to the queue. Lines are */
-/* automatically broken at a set (tailorable) length, if necessary. */
-/* */
-/* This routine may be tailored by altering the #defines at the */
-/* top: */
-/* */
-/* PRINTFID - An ID string that is prefixed to each line of */
-/* data before being sent to the queue. This */
-/* can be any string, or the null string. */
-/* PRINTFMAXLEN - Maximum length of string that can be formatted */
-/* in a single call. */
-/* Results are unpredictable if this length is */
-/* exceeded. Default is 250. */
-/* PRINTFLINELEN - Maximum length of a line that will be sent. */
-/* This excludes the prefix and its blank. If the */
-/* calls to printf cause a line to be generated */
-/* that is longer than this, the line will be */
-/* broken at this point. */
-/* PRINTFTHREADS - Maximum number of threads expected. This may */
-/* need to be increased if the process limitation */
-/* is removed, or you can save a little storage */
-/* by decreasing it. PRINTFs from threads larger */
-/* than this number are ignored. */
-/* PRINTFQNAME - The name of the public queue that the result */
-/* is to be sent to. Normally '\QUEUES\PRINTF32'. */
-/* Note that the \QUEUES\ part is required. */
-/* */
-/* Returns: */
-/* n: Count of data characters, if successfully received */
-/* 0: If no queue existed (i.e., no server) */
-/* <0: An error occurred (e.g., out of memory) */
-/* */
-/* Restrictions: */
-/* 1. Total length of data (length of PRINTFID, + PRINTFMAXLEN) */
-/* must be less than 32K-1. */
-/* 2. This has only been tested under IBM C Set/2 compiler. It */
-/* may need modification for other compilers. */
-/* 3. This version uses a static array to point to the per-thread */
-/* data. The code could be made read-only by hanging this */
-/* array (and the other static information) off a system-owned */
-/* anchor of some kind. */
-/* 4. To use PRINTF within other than the main thread in a */
-/* program, that thread must be started with _beginthread */
-/* (not DosCreateThread). This restriction is a consequence of */
-/* the use of C library routines (sprintf) in PRINTF, and may */
-/* not apply to all compilers. */
-/* 5. If the last PRINTF done by a thread does not end in '\n' */
-/* then the final part-line may be lost, or appear later. */
-/* */
-/* Protocol: */
-/* PRINTF writes its data to the named queue using the following */
-/* protocol: */
-/* Address -- Holds the address of the string to be sent. This */
-/* is a 0-terminated string) starting at offset 0. */
-/* Length -- The length of the data, including terminator. */
-/* A negative length indicates a BELL in the data. */
-/* Request -- Timestamp (when queue was written) in C long */
-/* integer format (as returned by time()). */
-/* This may be 0L if not required. */
-/* */
-/* Notes: */
-/* 1. PMPRINTF uses a queue and shared memory messages because: */
-/* (a) It makes collection at the receiving end very easy. */
-/* (b) I wanted to experiment with queues and shared memory. */
-/* This make not be the most cost-effective method. */
-/* 2. Typical IBM C Set/2 compiler invocation: */
-/* icc /c /Gm /O+ /Q /J /Kabgop */
-/* If you get linking errors (duplicate symbols, etc.), try */
-/* recompiling PRINTF.C with the same options as you use for */
-/* your main program. */
-/* 3. PRINTF sends the timestamp across the queue as a GMT long */
-/* integer, the result from a call to the C function time(). */
-/* This will only be correct if the environment variable TZ has */
-/* been set (e.g., TZ=EST5EDT), or you are in the same time */
-/* zone as the default for your compiler. */
-/* For more information, see the tzset() function description */
-/* in your C compiler manual. */
-/* ----- Customization variables ----- */
-#define PRINTFID ""
-#define PRINTFMAXLEN 300
-#define PRINTFLINELEN 100
-/* ----- Includes and externals ----- */
-#include <stdlib.h> /* standard C functions */
-#include <stddef.h> /* .. */
-#include <string.h> /* .. */
-#include <time.h> /* .. */
-#include <stdarg.h> /* .. */
-#include <stdio.h> /* (needed to pick up real name) */
-#define INCL_DOS /* Operating system definitions */
-#include <os2.h> /* For OS/2 functions */
-#define max(a,b) (a>b ? a : b)
-/* ----- Local defines ----- */
-/* ----- Per-thread output buffer and current indices into line ---- */
-struct perthread {
- LONG lineindex; /* where next char */
- LONG tidemark; /* rightmost char */
- int bell; /* TRUE if line has bell */
- UCHAR line[PRINTFMAXBUF]; /* accumulator */
- };
-/* ----- Local static variables ----- */
-static ULONG ourpid=0; /* our process ID */
-static ULONG servepid=0; /* process IDs of the server */
-static HQUEUE qhandle=0; /* handle for the queue */
-static struct perthread *tps[PRINTFTHREADS+1]; /* -> per-thread data */
-/* ----- Local subroutine ----- */
-static int printf_(struct perthread *);
-/* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */
-/* The "printf" function. Note this has a variable number of */
-/* arguments. */
-/* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */
-int debug_printf(const char *f, ...)
- {
- TIB *ptib; /* process/thread id structures */
- PIB *ppib; /* .. */
- TID ourtid; /* thread ID */
- struct perthread *tp; /* pointer to per-thread data */
- int rc; /* returncode */
- ULONG urc; /* returncode */
- urc=DosOpenQueue(&servepid, &qhandle, PRINTFQNAME); /* Open the Q */
- /* Non-0 RC means Q does not exist or cannot be opened */
- if (urc==343) return 0; /* queue does not exist, so quit */
- if (urc!=0) return -1; /* report any other error */
- /* First determine our thread ID (and hence get access to the */
- /* correct per-thread data. If the per-thread data has not been */
- /* allocated, then allocate it now. It is never freed, once */
- /* allocated, as PRINTF is not notified of end-of-thread. */
- DosGetInfoBlocks(&ptib,&ppib); /* get process/thread info */
- ourtid=ptib->tib_ptib2->tib2_ultid; /* .. and copy TID */
- if (ourtid>PRINTFTHREADS) /* too many threads .. */
- return 0; /* .. so quit, quietly */
- tp=tps[ourtid]; /* copy to local pointer */
- if (tp==NULL) { /* uninitialized (NULL=0) */
- /* allocate a per-thread structure */
- tp=(struct perthread *)malloc(sizeof(struct perthread));
- if (tp==NULL) return -1; /* out of memory -- return error */
- tps[ourtid]=tp; /* save for future calls */
- strcpy(tp->line,PRINTFID); /* initialize: line.. */
- tp->lineindex=PRINTFIDSIZE-1; /* ..where next char */
- tp->tidemark =PRINTFIDSIZE-2; /* ..rightmost char */
- tp->bell=FALSE; /* ..if line has bell */
- if (ourpid==0) ourpid=ppib->pib_ulpid; /* save PID for all to use */
- }
- { /* Block for declarations -- only needed if queue exists, etc. */
- LONG count; /* count of characters formatted */
- UCHAR buffer[PRINTFMAXLEN+1]; /* formatting area */
- LONG i, newind; /* work */
- UCHAR ch; /* .. */
- va_list argptr; /* -> variable argument list */
- va_start(argptr, f); /* get pointer to argument list */
- count=vsprintf(buffer, f, argptr);
- va_end(argptr); /* done with variable arguments */
- if (count<0) return count-1000;/* bad start */
- if (count>PRINTFMAXLEN) {
- /* Disaster -- we are probably "dead", but just in case we */
- /* are not, carry on with truncated data. */
- }
- buffer[count]='\0'; /* ensure terminated */
- /* OK, ready to go with the data now in BUFFER */
- /* We copy from the formatted string to the output (line) buffer, */
- /* taking note of certain control characters and sending a line */
- /* the queue whenever we see a LF control, or when the line */
- /* fills (causing a forced break). */
- for (i=0; ; i++) {
- ch=buffer[i]; if (!ch) break;
- switch(ch) {
- case '\r': /* carriage return */
- tp->lineindex=PRINTFIDSIZE-1; /* back to start of line */
- break;
- case '\n': /* new line */
- case '\f': /* form feed */
- rc=printf_(tp); /* print a line */
- if (rc!=0) return rc; /* error */
- break;
- case '\t': /* tab */
- newind=tp->lineindex-PRINTFIDSIZE+1; /* offset into data */
- newind=tp->lineindex+5-newind%5; /* new index requested */
- if (newind>=PRINTFMAXBUF) newind=PRINTFMAXBUF; /* clamp */
- for (; tp->lineindex<newind; tp->lineindex++) {
- if (tp->lineindex>tp->tidemark) { /* beyond current end */
- tp->line[tp->lineindex]=' '; /* add space */
- tp->tidemark=tp->lineindex;
- }
- }
- break;
- case '\v': /* vertical tab */
- /* ignore it */
- break;
- case '\b': /* backspace */
- tp->lineindex=max(tp->lineindex-1,PRINTFIDSIZE);
- break;
- case '\a': /* alert (bell) */
- tp->bell=TRUE;
- break;
- default: /* ordinary character */
- tp->line[tp->lineindex]=ch;
- if (tp->lineindex>tp->tidemark) /* is rightmost.. */
- tp->tidemark=tp->lineindex;
- tp->lineindex++; /* step for next */
- } /* switch */
- if (tp->lineindex>=PRINTFMAXBUF) {
- rc=printf_(tp); /* print a line */
- if (rc!=0) return rc; /* error */
- }
- } /* copy loop */
- return count; /* all formatted data processed */
- } /* block */
- } /* printf */
-/* ----- printf_(tp) -- Local subroutine to send a line ------------ */
-/* A line has been completed (or overflowed): write it to the queue. */
-int printf_(struct perthread *tp) /* pointer to per-thread data */
- {
- ULONG urc; /* unsigned returncode */
- PSZ pszTo, pszFrom; /* character pointers */
- PVOID addr; /* address of output data */
- long size; /* total size of output data */
- time_t timenow; /* holds current time */
- tp->line[tp->tidemark+1]='\0'; /* add terminator */
- size=tp->tidemark+2; /* total length of data */
- /* Get some shared memory that can be given away */
- urc=DosAllocSharedMem(&addr, NULL, (unsigned)size,
- if (urc!=0) return -2; /* error */
- pszTo=addr; /* copy for clarity */
- pszFrom=&(tp->line[0]); /* pointer to source */
- strcpy(pszTo,pszFrom); /* copy the string to shared memory */
- if (ourpid!=servepid) { /* (no giveaway needed if to self) */
- urc=DosGiveSharedMem(addr, servepid, PAG_READ); /* give access */
- if (urc!=0) return -3;} /* error */
- /* Write the selector, size, and timestamp to the queue */
- if (tp->bell) size=-size; /* BELL passed by negation */
- time(&timenow); /* optional - else use 0 */
- urc=DosWriteQueue(qhandle, /* handle */
- (unsigned)timenow, /* 'request' (timestamp) */
- (unsigned)size, /* 'length' (length/bell) */
- addr, /* 'address' (address) */
- 0); /* priority (FIFO if enabled) */
- if (urc!=0) return -4; /* error */
- if (ourpid!=servepid) { /* if given away.. */
- urc=DosFreeMem(addr); /* .. *we* are done with it */
- if (urc!=0) return -5;} /* error */
- /* Reset the line buffer and indices */
- tp->lineindex=PRINTFIDSIZE-1; /* where next char */
- tp->tidemark =PRINTFIDSIZE-2; /* rightmost char */
- tp->bell =FALSE; /* true if line has bell */
- return 0; /* success! */
- } /* printf_ */
-/* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */