path: root/testautomation/graphics/required/includes/global/
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Diffstat (limited to 'testautomation/graphics/required/includes/global/')
1 files changed, 475 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/testautomation/graphics/required/includes/global/ b/testautomation/graphics/required/includes/global/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..57990c2a16b0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testautomation/graphics/required/includes/global/
@@ -0,0 +1,475 @@
+'encoding UTF-8 Do not remove or change this line!
+' Copyright 2000, 2010 Oracle and/or its affiliates.
+' - a multi-platform office productivity suite
+' This file is part of
+' is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+' it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3
+' only, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+' is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+' but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+' GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 for more details
+' (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code).
+' You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+' version 3 along with If not, see
+' <>
+' for a copy of the LGPLv3 License.
+'* Owner :
+'* short description :
+sub id_Tools
+ printLog "--------- id_006 ----------"
+ call tiToolsSpellchecking
+ call tiToolsSpellcheckingAutomatic
+ call tiToolsThesaurus
+ call tiToolsHyphenation
+ call tiToolsAutoCorrect
+ call tChineseTranslation
+ call tiToolsMacro
+ call tiToolsGallery
+ call tiToolsEyedropper
+ call tToolsOptionsTest ' global one
+end sub
+testcase tiToolsSpellchecking
+ if not gOOO then ' Spellcheck doesn't work in OOo builds.
+ '/// open application ///'
+ Call hNewDocument
+ WaitSlot (2000) 'sleep 2
+ '/// call subroutine 'hSetSpellHypLanguage' for setting the default language in th eoptions, to enable it for languages, which don't provide a dictionary (usually asian ones) ///'
+ call hSetSpellHypLanguage
+ '/// create textframe with content ///'
+ Call hTextrahmenErstellen ("Whaaaat", 10, 10, 30, 40)
+ sleep 1
+ '/// Tools->Spellcheck->Check ///'
+ ToolsSpellCheck
+ WaitSlot (1000) 'sleep 1
+ Kontext "MessageBox"
+ if MessageBox.exists(2) then
+ qaerrorlog "Messagebox : " + MessageBox.gettext() + " appear."
+ qaerrorlog "Maybe no spellchecking for this languages is available."
+ MessageBox.OK
+ else
+ Kontext "Rechtschreibung"
+ if Rechtschreibung.exists then
+ Call DialogTest ( Rechtschreibung )
+ '/// close dialog 'Spellcheck' ///'
+ Rechtschreibung.Close
+ else
+ warnlog " Spellcheck dialog didn't came up :-("
+ end if
+ end if
+ sleep 1
+ '/// say OK to messagebox about 'Spellcheck has been completed' ///'
+ Kontext "Messagebox"
+ if Messagebox.exists (5) then
+ warnlog "Shouldn't be any messagebox after pressing close in spellchecker"
+ Messagebox.OK
+ sleep (2)
+ Kontext
+ end if
+ '/// close application ///'
+ Call hCloseDocument
+ else goto endsub
+ endif
+testcase tiToolsSpellcheckingAutomatic
+ '/// open application ///'
+ Call hNewDocument
+ '/// Tools->Spellcheck->AutoSpellcheck ///'
+ ToolsSpellcheckAutoSpellcheck
+ '/// create textframe with text ///'
+ Call hTextrahmenErstellen ("What", 10, 10, 30, 40)
+ sleep 2
+ '/// Tools->Spellcheck->AutoSpellcheck ///'
+ ToolsSpellcheckAutoSpellcheck
+ '/// close application ///'
+ Call hCloseDocument
+testcase tiToolsThesaurus
+ Dim sWord as string
+ Dim sExt as string
+ Dim sFileName as string
+ 'for normal text, the thesaurus is enabled,
+ 'if the format->character->language of the word has a thesaurus
+ 'unfortunately in textboxes this doesn't work, you can give the word a langauge,
+ 'but this is been ignored by our thesaurus
+ 'so especially for asian languages you have to set a default language in the options,
+ 'to be able to use the thesaurus there - fallback to englisch,
+ 'because there is no thesaurus for cjk languages
+ 'As long as OOo has no modules for that, disabled
+ if gOOO = True then
+ printlog "No spellchecking in OOo"
+ goto endsub
+ endif
+ 'First we make sure we test a language where Thesaurus
+ select case iSprache
+ case 01 : sWord = "Hello"
+ case 03 : sWord = "Alo"
+ case 07 : printlog "- No Thesaur for Russian available"
+ goto endsub
+ case 30 : Printlog "- No Thesaurus available !"
+ goto endsub
+ case 31 : sWord = "Guiten"
+ case 33 : sWord = "Bonjour"
+ case 34 : sWord = "Hola"
+ case 35 : Printlog "- No Thesaurus available !"
+ goto endsub
+ case 36 : Printlog "- No Thesaurus available !"
+ goto endsub
+ case 37 : Printlog "- No Thesaurus available !"
+ goto endsub
+ case 39 : sWord = "Ciao"
+ case 42 : Printlog "- No Thesaurus available !"
+ goto endsub
+ case 45 : sWord = "Hej"
+ case 46 : sWord = "Välkommen"
+ case 47 : Printlog "- No Thesaurus available !"
+ goto endsub
+ case 48 : Printlog "- No Thesaurus in Polish!"
+ goto endsub
+ case 49 : sWord = "Hallo"
+ case 50 : sWord = "Prosojnica"
+ case 51 : Printlog "- No Thesaurus available !"
+ goto endsub
+ case 55 : Printlog "- No Thesaurus in Brazilian!"
+ goto endsub
+ case 90 : Printlog "- No Thesaurus available !"
+ goto endsub
+ case else : if bAsianLan then
+ hSetSpellHypLanguage
+ sWord = "Hello"
+ else
+ Warnlog "For the language " + iSprache +" nothing is prepared yet: insert text here"
+ sWord = "Hello"
+ endif
+ end select
+ PrintLog "Thesaurus with 1 word: " + sWord
+ if( Ucase(gApplication) = "DRAW" ) then
+ sExt = ".odg"
+ elseif( Ucase(gApplication) = "IMPRESS" ) then
+ sExt = ".odp"
+ endif
+ Call hFileOpen (gTesttoolpath + "graphics\required\input\recht_" + iSprache + sExt)
+ Call sMakeReadOnlyDocumentEditable()
+ Call hTextrahmenErstellen (sWord,20,20,50,30)
+ sleep 1
+ printlog "select the word"
+ hTypeKeys "<Home><SHIFT END>"
+ try
+ ExtrasThesaurusDraw
+ catch
+ warnlog "No Thesaurus available."
+ hCloseDocument()
+ goto endsub
+ endcatch
+ Kontext "Thesaurus"
+ if Thesaurus.Exists(3) then
+ Thesaurus.Cancel
+ else
+ warnlog "the thesaurus does not appear"
+ end if
+ Call hCloseDocument
+testcase tiToolsHyphenation
+ '/// open application ///'
+ Call hNewDocument
+ '/// Tools->Hyphenation ///'
+ ToolsLanguageHyphenationDraw
+ WaitSlot (2000) 'sleep 2
+ '/// Tools->Hyphenation ///'
+ ToolsLanguageHyphenationDraw
+ '/// close application ///'
+ Call hCloseDocument
+testcase tiToolsAutoCorrect
+ dim iLanguage as integer ' for resetting the language
+ '/// open application ///'
+ Call hNewDocument
+ WaitSlot (1000) 'sleep 1
+ '/// Tools->Autocorrect ///'
+ ToolsAutocorrect
+ WaitSlot (2000) 'sleep 1
+ Kontext
+ '/// select tabpage 'Replace' ///'
+ Messagebox.SetPage TabErsetzung
+ Kontext "TabErsetzung"
+ Call DialogTest ( TabErsetzung )
+ '/// remember the language, that is selected in the 'Replacements and exceptions for Language' Listbox ///'
+ iLanguage = WelcheSprache.GetSelIndex
+ '///+ change the language to the 1st from the top ///'
+ WelcheSprache.Select 1 ' select language with empty list
+ '///+ type something into the field 'replace' ///'
+ Kuerzel.SetText "a"
+ '///+ type something into the field 'with' ///'
+ ErsetzenDurch.SetText "b"
+ '///+ click button 'new' ///'
+ Neu.Click
+ sleep 1
+ '///+ click button 'delete' ///'
+ Loeschen.Click
+ sleep 1
+ try
+ '///+ click button 'delete' again ///'
+ Loeschen.Click
+ catch
+ printlog "ok was CRASH before" '#
+ endcatch
+ '///+ if nothing happens it is ok, was a Crash before :-( ///'
+ '///+ restore cthe remembered language ///'
+ (iLanguage)
+ Kontext
+ '/// select tabpage 'Exception' ///'
+ Messagebox.SetPage TabAusnahmen
+ Kontext "TabAusnahmen"
+ Call DialogTest ( TabAusnahmen )
+ '/// type something into the field 'Abbreviations' ///'
+ Abkuerzungen.settext "Lala"
+ '///+ click button 'new' in 'Abbreviations' ///'
+ '///+ click button 'delete' in 'Abbreviations' ///'
+ '/// type something into the field 'Word with TWo INitial CApitals' ///'
+ Woerter.settext "LALA"
+ '///+ check the checkbox 'AutoInclude' in 'Word with TWo INitial CApitals' ///'
+ WoerterAutomatisch.Check
+ '///+ click button 'new' in 'Word with TWo INitial CApitals' ///'
+ '///+ click button 'delete' in 'Word with TWo INitial CApitals' ///'
+ '///+ UNcheck the checkbox 'AutoInclude' in 'Word with TWo INitial CApitals' ///'
+ WoerterAutomatisch.UnCheck
+ Kontext
+ '/// select tabpage 'Options' ///'
+ Messagebox.SetPage TabOptionen
+ Kontext "TabOptionen"
+ Call DialogTest ( TabOptionen )
+ Kontext
+ '/// select tabpage 'Custom Quotes' ///'
+ Messagebox.SetPage TabLocalizedOptions
+ Kontext "TabLocalizedOptions" ' 1a
+ '/// in the part of 'single quotes': ///'
+ '///+ check 'replace' ///'
+ '///+ click 'start quote' ///'
+ SingleQuotesReplace.Check
+ SingleQuotesStart.Click
+ Kontext "Sonderzeichen"
+ Call DialogTest ( Sonderzeichen, 1 )
+ '///+ cancel dialog 'start quote' ///'
+ Sonderzeichen.Cancel
+ Kontext "TabLocalizedOptions" ' 1b
+ '///+ click 'end quote' ///'
+ SingleQuotesEnd.Click
+ Kontext "Sonderzeichen"
+ Call DialogTest ( Sonderzeichen, 2 )
+ '///+ cancel dialog 'end quote' ///'
+ Sonderzeichen.Cancel
+ Kontext "TabLocalizedOptions" ' 1s
+ '///+ click button 'default' ///'
+ SingleQuotesDefault.Click
+ Kontext "TabLocalizedOptions" ' 2a
+ '/// in the part of 'double quotes': ///'
+ '///+ click 'start quote' ///'
+ DoubleQuotesStart.Click
+ Kontext "Sonderzeichen"
+ Call DialogTest ( Sonderzeichen, 3 )
+ '///+ cancel dialog 'start quote' ///'
+ Sonderzeichen.Cancel
+ Kontext "TabLocalizedOptions" ' 2b
+ '///+ click 'end quote' ///'
+ DoubleQuotesEnd.Click
+ Kontext "Sonderzeichen"
+ Call DialogTest ( Sonderzeichen, 4 )
+ '///+ cancel dialog 'end quote' ///'
+ Sonderzeichen.Cancel
+ Kontext "TabLocalizedOptions" ' 2s
+ '///+ click button 'default' ///'
+ DoubleQuotesDefault.Click
+ '///+ UNcheck 'replace' ///'
+ SingleQuotesReplace.UnCheck
+ '/// cancel dialog 'AtorCorrect' ///'
+ TabLocalizedOptions.cancel
+ '/// close application ///'
+ Call hCloseDocument
+testcase tChineseTranslation
+ qaerrorlog( "#i89634# - Chinese Translation dialog does not close" )
+ goto endsub
+ dim sFileName as string
+ dim bSavedAsianSupport as boolean
+ if uCase(gApplication) = "IMPRESS" then
+ sFileName = "graphics\required\input\tchinese.odp"
+ else
+ sFileName = "graphics\required\input\tchinese.odg"
+ end if
+ '/// Open application ///'
+ Call hNewDocument
+ WaitSlot (2000) 'sleep 1
+ '/// Save old state and Activate Support for Asian language ///'
+ bSavedAsianSupport = ActiveDeactivateAsianSupport(TRUE)
+ '/// Open Document ///'
+ Call hFileOpen ( ConvertPath(gTesttoolPath + sFileName) )
+ '/// If write-protected - open as Temp-file ///'
+ sleep (2)
+ Kontext "Standardbar"
+ if Bearbeiten.GetState(2) <> 1 then
+ Bearbeiten.Click '0 = not pressed. 1 = pressed.
+ Kontext
+ if Active.Exists(1) then
+ Active.Yes
+ else
+ warnlog "No messagebox after making document editable? - Test canceled here"
+ goto endsub
+ end if
+ end if
+ if uCase(gApplication) = "IMPRESS" then
+ Kontext "DocumentImpress"
+ else
+ Kontext "DocumentDraw"
+ end if
+ '/// Select all, Press RETURN to enter text in Editmode ///'
+ '/// Move marker to top of the text, go two steps right, mark two characters ///'
+ EditSelectAll
+ hTypeKeys "<RETURN>"
+ '/// Open Chinesetranslation ///'
+ ToolsChineseTranslation
+ WaitSlot (2000) 'sleep 1
+ kontext "ChineseTranslation"
+ '/// Check if everything is there ///'
+ Call DialogTest ( ChineseTranslation )
+ '/// Click on EditTerms ///'
+ EditTerms.Click
+ kontext "ChineseDictionary"
+ '/// Check if everything is there ///'
+ Call DialogTest ( ChineseDictionary )
+ '/// Close dialog 'ChineseDictionary' with 'OK' ///'
+ ChineseDictionary.Ok
+ kontext "ChineseTranslation"
+ '/// Close dialog 'Chinese' with 'OK' ///'
+ ChineseTranslation.OK
+ kontext
+ '/// if messagebox exist, say OK; ('Spellcheck completed' or 'Word not found') ///'
+ if Messagebox.exists (5) then
+ printlog "Messagebox: "+Messagebox.gettext+"'"
+ Messagebox.ok
+ end if
+ '/// Restore old state for Asian language ///'
+ ActiveDeactivateAsianSupport(bSavedAsianSupport)
+ '/// Close application ///'
+ Call hCloseDocument
+testcase tiToolsMacro
+ '/// open application ///'
+ Call hNewDocument
+ WaitSlot (2000) 'sleep 2
+ '/// Tools->Macro ///'
+ ToolsMacro
+ Kontext "Makro"
+ Call DialogTest ( Makro )
+ '/// click button 'organizer...' ///'
+ Verwalten.Click
+ Kontext
+ '/// switch to tabpage 'Modules' ///'
+ Messagebox.SetPage TabModule
+ Kontext "TabModule"
+ Call DialogTest ( TabModule )
+ Kontext
+ '/// switch to tabpage 'Libraries' ///'
+ Messagebox.SetPage TabBibliotheken
+ Kontext "TabBibliotheken"
+ Call DialogTest ( TabBibliotheken )
+ '/// click lbutton 'append' ///'
+ Hinzufuegen.Click
+ Kontext "Messagebox"
+ if Messagebox.Exists (5) then
+ if Messagebox.GetRT = 304 then
+ Warnlog Messagebox.Gettext
+ Messagebox.Ok
+ end if
+ end if
+ Kontext "OeffnenDlg"
+ '/// cancel dialog 'append libraries' ///'
+ OeffnenDlg.Cancel
+ Kontext "TabBibliotheken"
+ '/// click button 'new' ///'
+ Neu.Click
+ kontext "NeueBibliothek"
+ sleep 1 'Bibliotheksname
+ '/// cancel dialog 'new library' ///'
+ NeueBibliothek.cancel
+ Kontext "TabBibliotheken"
+ '/// close dialog 'macro organizer' ///'
+ TabBibliotheken.Close
+ Kontext "Makro"
+ '/// close dialog 'macro' ///'
+ Makro.Cancel
+ '/// close application ///'
+ Call hCloseDocument
+testcase tiToolsGallery
+ '/// open application ///'
+ Call hNewDocument
+ '/// Tools->Gallery ///'
+ ToolsGallery
+ WaitSlot (2000) 'sleep 1
+ '/// Tools->Gallery ///'
+ ToolsGallery
+ '/// close application ///'
+ Call hCloseDocument
+testcase tiToolsEyedropper
+ '/// open application ///'
+ Call hNewDocument
+ '/// Tools->Eyedropper ///'
+ ToolsEyedropper
+ Kontext "Pipette"
+ Call DialogTest (Pipette)
+ '/// close dialog 'Eyedropper' ///'
+ Pipette.Close
+ sleep 1
+ '/// close application ///'
+ Call hCloseDocument