path: root/testautomation/graphics/optional/includes/global/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'testautomation/graphics/optional/includes/global/')
1 files changed, 1520 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/testautomation/graphics/optional/includes/global/ b/testautomation/graphics/optional/includes/global/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..2a2cbac2020a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testautomation/graphics/optional/includes/global/
@@ -0,0 +1,1520 @@
+'encoding UTF-8 Do not remove or change this line!
+' Copyright 2000, 2010 Oracle and/or its affiliates.
+' - a multi-platform office productivity suite
+' This file is part of
+' is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+' it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3
+' only, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+' is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+' but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+' GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 for more details
+' (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code).
+' You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+' version 3 along with If not, see
+' <>
+' for a copy of the LGPLv3 License.
+'* Owner :
+'* short description : Graphics Export B-tests. (the usual suspects)
+testcase tPNG
+ dim x as integer
+ dim i as integer
+ dim iWaitIndex as integer
+ dim sFilter as string
+ dim sExt as string
+ sFilter = "PNG - Portable Network Graphic (.png)"
+ sExt = ".png"
+ hFileOpen( gTesttoolPath & "graphics\required\input\graphicexport." & ExtensionString )
+ if hCallExport (OutputGrafikTBO , sFilter ) = TRUE then
+ Kontext "PNGOptionen"
+ if PNGOptionen.Exists (2) then
+ Kompression.ToMax
+ Interlaced.UnCheck
+ PNGOptionen.OK
+ iWaitIndex = 0
+ do while PNGOptionen.Exists AND iWaitIndex < 30
+ sleep (1)
+ iWaitIndex = iWaitIndex + 1
+ loop
+ endif
+ if ( dir(OutputGrafikTBO+sExt) <> "") then
+ Printlog "Ok :-) Saved as: '" & OutputGrafikTBO+sExt & "'"
+ else
+ warnlog "File didn't get saved :-("
+ endif
+ hCloseDocument ()
+ sleep 5
+ hNewDocument()
+ sleep 5
+ Call hGrafikEinfuegen ( OutputGrafikTBO+sExt )
+ endif
+ call hCloseDocument
+endcase 'tPNG
+testcase tSVM
+ dim x as integer
+ dim i as integer
+ dim sFilter as string
+ dim sExt as string
+ dim bTemp as boolean
+ dim sX as string
+ dim sY as string
+ dim sx1 as string
+ dim sX2 as string
+ dim sY2 as string
+ dim sDocument as string
+ sFilter = "SVM - StarView Metafile (.svm)"
+ sExt = ".svm"
+ sDocument = ConvertPath ( gTesttoolPath & "graphics\required\input\graphicexport." & ExtensionString)
+ hFileOpen sDocument
+ if hCallExport (OutputGrafikTBO , sFilter ) = TRUE then
+ Kontext "SVMOptionen"
+ if SVMOptionen.Exists (2) then
+ Original.Check
+ if Breite.IsEnabled then
+ warnlog " :-("
+ endif
+ if Hoehe.IsEnabled then
+ warnlog " :-("
+ endif
+ Groesse.Check
+ Breite.More
+ Hoehe.Less
+ SVMOptionen.Cancel
+ sleep 5
+ if ( dir(OutputGrafikTBO+sExt) = "") then ' inspired by bug #99932 Graphic is exported though cancel is pressed
+ Printlog "ok :-)"
+ else
+ warnlog "dialog was canceled, but file got saved, too :-( - i35177"
+ endif
+ else
+ Warnlog "No '" & sFilter & "' -Dialog!"
+ i=5
+ end if
+ sleep 2
+ Kontext "Active"
+ if Active.Exists(2) then
+ Warnlog " '" & sFilter & "' has a problem"
+ Active.OK
+ end if
+ end if
+ if hCallExport (OutputGrafikTBO , sFilter ) = TRUE then
+ Kontext "SVMOptionen"
+ if SVMOptionen.Exists (2) then
+ Groesse.Check
+ Breite.Less
+ Hoehe.More
+ SVMOptionen.OK
+ sleep 5
+ endif
+ if ( dir(OutputGrafikTBO+sExt) <> "") then
+ Printlog "Ok :-) Saved as: '" & OutputGrafikTBO+sExt & "'"
+ else
+ warnlog "File didn't get saved :-("
+ endif
+ hCloseDocument ()
+ sleep 5
+ hNewDocument()
+ sleep 5
+ Call hGrafikEinfuegen ( OutputGrafikTBO+sExt )
+ endif
+ hCloseDocument ()
+ hFileOpen (sDocument)
+ sleep (10)
+ call fMakeDocumentWritable
+ hTypeKeys ("<escape><tab>")
+ fGetSizeXY sx1, sY, TRUE
+ if hCallExport (OutputGrafikTBO & "1" , sFilter, TRUE ) = TRUE then
+ Kontext "SVMOptionen"
+ if SVMOptionen.Exists (2) then
+ Original.Check
+ SVMOptionen.OK
+ sleep 5
+ endif
+ if ( dir(OutputGrafikTBO & "1" & sExt) <> "") then
+ Printlog "Ok :-) Saved as: '" & OutputGrafikTBO & "1" & sExt & "'"
+ else
+ warnlog "File didn't get saved :-("
+ endif
+ hCloseDocument ()
+ sleep 5
+ hNewDocument()
+ sleep 5
+ Call hGrafikEinfuegen ( OutputGrafikTBO & "1" & sExt )
+ bTemp = FALSE
+ fGetSizeXY sx1, sY, bTemp
+ if (bTemp = FALSE) then
+ warnlog "Selected original size NOT OK :-("
+ endif
+ endif
+ hCloseDocument ()
+ hNewDocument()
+ hRechteckErstellen ( 10, 10, 30, 40 )
+ if hCallExport (OutputGrafikTBO & "2" , sFilter, TRUE ) = TRUE then
+ Kontext "SVMOptionen"
+ if SVMOptionen.Exists (2) then
+ Groesse.Check
+ Breite.SetText "9"
+ Hoehe.SetText "9"
+ Groesse.Check 'Check to make settings go throught
+ sx1 = Breite.GetText
+ sY = Hoehe.GetText
+ SVMOptionen.OK
+ sleep 5
+ endif
+ if ( dir(OutputGrafikTBO & "2" & sExt) <> "") then
+ Printlog "Ok :-) Saved as: '" & OutputGrafikTBO & "2" & sExt & "'"
+ else
+ warnlog "File didn't get saved :-("
+ endif
+ hCloseDocument ()
+ sleep 5
+ hFileOpen (OutputGrafikTBO & "2" & sExt)
+ kontext "Filterauswahl"
+ if Filterauswahl.exists then
+ Warnlog "Error when loading the file. The Filter-dialogue came up. Test aborted."
+ Filterauswahl.Cancel
+ goto endsub
+ endif
+ kontext "DocumentDraw"
+ DocumentDraw.TypeKeys ("<escape><tab>")
+ ContextOriginalSize
+ bTemp = FALSE
+ fGetSizeXY sx1, sY, bTemp
+ if (bTemp = FALSE) then
+ warnlog "Selected original size NOT OK :-("
+ endif
+ endif
+ if hCallExport (OutputGrafikTBO & "3" , sFilter, TRUE ) = TRUE then
+ Kontext "SVMOptionen"
+ if SVMOptionen.Exists (2) then
+ Groesse.Check
+ sX2 = Breite.GetText
+ if (LiberalMeasurement(sx1, sX2)) <> TRUE then
+ if (val(str(StrToDouble(sx1)+5)) >= StrToDouble(sX2) ) AND (val(str(StrToDouble ( sx1 )-5)) <= StrToDouble ( sX2 )) then
+ Printlog "Width was ok. Expected: " & sx1 & "' was: '" & sX2 & "'"
+ else
+ warnLog "Width is different expected: '" & sx1 & "' is: '" & sX2 & "'"
+ endif
+ endif
+ sY2 = Hoehe.GetText
+ if (LiberalMeasurement(sY, sY2)) <> TRUE then
+ if ( val(str(StrToDouble(sY)+5)) >= StrToDouble(sY2) ) AND (val(str(StrToDouble ( sY )-5)) <= StrToDouble ( sY2 )) then
+ Printlog "Height was ok. Expected: " & sY & "' was: '" & sY2 & "'"
+ else
+ warnLog "Height is different expected: '" & sY & "' is: '" & sY2 & "'"
+ endif
+ endif
+ SVMOptionen.Cancel
+ sleep 5
+ endif
+ endif
+ call hCloseDocument
+endcase 'tSVM
+testcase tPDF
+ dim sPath as string
+ dim sTemp as string
+ dim iFileSize(12) as long
+ dim i as integer
+ '/// Export the file 12 times: ///'
+ '///+ every compression level (3) and every range (3), check if button in toolbar uses last settings (6) (-> 12) ///'
+ hFileOpen (ConvertPath ( gTesttoolPath + "graphics\required\input\graphicexport_pdf."+ExtensionString ))
+ sleep (10)
+ '---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ '###### all / Screen optimized ######
+ '/// File->Export as PDF document
+ printlog "File->Export as PDF document"
+ '///+ range = All
+ printlog " range = All"
+ '///+ compression = Screen optimized
+ printlog " compression = Screen optimized"
+ kontext "Standardbar"
+ checkexppdfwaitmax10sec
+ '--------------------------------------------------------- Output the first file ---------------------------------------------------------------
+ hExportAsPDFmulti (3, TRUE, OutputGrafikTBO + 1, TRUE, FALSE, 1, 1)
+ '/// Export using Button in toolbar
+ printlog "Export using Button in toolbar"
+ '///+ use the settings from the export before
+ printlog " use the settings from the export before"
+ kontext "Standardbar"
+ checkexppdfwaitmax10sec
+ '------------------------------------------------------- Output the second file -------------------------------------------------------------
+ hExportAsPDFmulti (1, TRUE, OutputGrafikTBO + 2, TRUE, FALSE, 1, 1) ' button in toolbar -> last settings have to be used
+ '###### range / Screen optimized ######
+ '/// File->Export as PDF document
+ printlog "File->Export as PDF document"
+ '///+ range = Range
+ printlog " range = Range"
+ '///+ compression = Screen optimized
+ printlog " compression = Screen optimized"
+ kontext "Standardbar"
+ checkexppdfwaitmax10sec
+ '--------------------------------------------------------- Output the third file ---------------------------------------------------------------
+ hExportAsPDFmulti (3, TRUE, OutputGrafikTBO + 3, TRUE, FALSE, 2, 1, "2")
+ '/// Export using Button in toolbar
+ printlog "Export using Button in toolbar"
+ '///+ use the settings from the export before
+ printlog " use the settings from the export before"
+ kontext "Standardbar"
+ checkexppdfwaitmax10sec
+ '--------------------------------------------------------- Output the fourth file -------------------------------------------------------------
+ hExportAsPDFmulti (1, TRUE, OutputGrafikTBO + 4, TRUE, FALSE, 2, 1) ' button in toolbar -> last settings have to be used
+ '###### all / Print optimized ######
+ '/// File->Export as PDF document
+ printlog "File->Export as PDF document"
+ '///+ range = all
+ printlog " range = all"
+ '///+ compression = Print optimized
+ printlog " compression = Print optimized"
+ kontext "Standardbar"
+ checkexppdfwaitmax10sec
+ '------------------------------------------------------------ Output the fifth file --------------------------------------------------------------
+ hExportAsPDFmulti (3, TRUE, OutputGrafikTBO + 5, TRUE, FALSE, 1, 2)
+ '/// Export using Button in toolbar
+ printlog "Export using Button in toolbar"
+ '///+ use the settings from the export before
+ printlog " use the settings from the export before"
+ kontext "Standardbar"
+ checkexppdfwaitmax10sec
+ '----------------------------------------------------------- Output the sixth file ---------------------------------------------------------------
+ hExportAsPDFmulti (1, TRUE, OutputGrafikTBO + 6, TRUE, FALSE, 1, 2) ' button in toolbar -> last settings have to be used
+ '###### range / Print optimized ######
+ '/// File->Export as PDF document
+ printlog "File->Export as PDF document"
+ '///+ range = Range
+ printlog " range = Range"
+ '///+ compression = Screen optimized
+ printlog " compression = Screen optimized"
+ kontext "Standardbar"
+ checkexppdfwaitmax10sec
+ '--------------------------------------------------------- Output the seventh file -------------------------------------------------------------
+ hExportAsPDFmulti (3, TRUE, OutputGrafikTBO + 7, TRUE, FALSE, 2, 2, "2")
+ '/// Export using Button in toolbar
+ printlog "Export using Button in toolbar"
+' '///+ use the settings from the export before
+ printlog " use the settings from the export before"
+ kontext "Standardbar"
+ checkexppdfwaitmax10sec
+ '------------------------------------------------------------ Output the eight file ----------------------------------------------------------------
+ hExportAsPDFmulti (1, TRUE, OutputGrafikTBO + 8, TRUE, FALSE, 2, 2) ' button in toolbar -> last settings have to be used
+ '###### all / Press optimized ######
+ '/// File->Export as PDF document ///'
+ printlog "File->Export as PDF document ///'"
+ '///+ range = all
+ printlog " range = all"
+ '///+ compression = Press optimized
+ printlog " compression = Press optimized"
+ kontext "Standardbar"
+ checkexppdfwaitmax10sec
+ '------------------------------------------------------------ Output the ninth file ----------------------------------------------------------------
+ hExportAsPDFmulti (3, TRUE, OutputGrafikTBO + 9, TRUE, FALSE, 1, 3)
+ '/// Export using Button in toolbar
+ '///+ use the settings from the export before
+ kontext "Standardbar"
+ checkexppdfwaitmax10sec
+ '------------------------------------------------------------ Output the tenth file ----------------------------------------------------------------
+ hExportAsPDFmulti (1, TRUE, OutputGrafikTBO + 10, TRUE, FALSE, 1, 3) ' button in toolbar -> last settings have to be used
+ '###### range / Press optimized ######
+ '/// File->Export as PDF document ///'
+ printlog "File->Export as PDF document ///'"
+ '///+ range = all
+ printlog " range = all"
+ '///+ compression = Press optimized
+ printlog " compression = Press optimized"
+ kontext "Standardbar"
+ checkexppdfwaitmax10sec
+ '----------------------------------------------------------- Output the eleventh file -------------------------------------------------------------
+ hExportAsPDFmulti (3, TRUE, OutputGrafikTBO + 11, TRUE, FALSE, 2, 3, "2")
+ '/// Export using Button in toolbar
+ '///+ use the settings from the export before
+ kontext "Standardbar"
+ checkexppdfwaitmax10sec
+ '------------------------------------------------------------- Output the twelfth file --------------------------------------------------------------
+ hExportAsPDFmulti (1, TRUE, OutputGrafikTBO + 12, TRUE, FALSE, 2, 3) ' button in toolbar -> last settings have to be used
+ kontext "Standardbar"
+ checkexppdfwaitmax10sec
+ '-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ for i=1 to 12
+ sPath = OutputGrafikTBO
+ sPath = sPath + i + ".pdf"
+ iFileSize(i) = app.FileLen(sPath)
+ Printlog (" - " + i + ": " + " " + iFileSize(i) + " " + sPath
+ if (dir(sPath) <> "") then
+ sleep(1)
+ '/// the first line has to be '%PDF-1.4' ///'
+ sTemp = fGetFileText(sPath, 8)
+ if (sTemp <> "%PDF-1.4") then
+ Warnlog "File doesn't start with '%PDF-1.4' it is: '" + sTemp + "'"
+ endif
+ '/// the last line has to be '%%EOF' ///'
+ sTemp = left(fGetFileText(sPath, -6),5)
+ if (sTemp <> "%%EOF") then
+ Warnlog "File doesn't end with '%%EOF' it is: '" + sTemp + "'"
+ endif
+ else
+ Warnlog "File was not exported to PDF :-( '" + sPath + "'"
+ endif
+ next i
+ ' Check if the file size is the same when exporting via toolbar and file/export
+ ' if the size different then the options are not used when exporting via the toolbar
+ if (iFileSize(1) <> iFileSize(2)) then
+ qaerrorlog "i100919: pdf export: different file size when exporting with file/export or button"
+ 'Warnlog ("Diffrence in filesize for file 1 and 2")
+ endif
+ ' print optimized
+ if (iFileSize(5) <> iFileSize(6)) then
+ qaerrorlog "i100919: pdf export: different file size when exporting with file/export or button"
+ 'Warnlog ("Difference in filesize for file 5 and 6")
+ endif
+ ' press optimized
+ if (iFileSize(9) <> iFileSize(10)) then
+ qaerrorlog "i100919: pdf export: different file size when exporting with file/export or button"
+ 'Warnlog ("Difference in filesize for file 9 and 10")
+ endif
+ if (iFileSize(1) > iFileSize(5)) then
+ qaerrorlog "i100919: pdf export: different file size when exporting with file/export or button"
+ 'Warnlog ("Filesize for file 1 is greater then for file 5. The compression level doesn't work.")
+ endif
+ if (iFileSize(5) > iFileSize(9)) then
+ Warnlog ("Filesize for file 5 is greater then for file 9. The compression level doesn't work.")
+ endif
+ call hCloseDocument()
+endcase 'tPDF
+testcase tPDF_Creator
+ dim sPath as String
+ dim sApp as String
+ dim sTemp as String
+ dim bTemp as String
+ dim sTemp2 as String
+ dim iFileSize(3) as long
+ dim iCreatorOffset as integer
+ dim i as integer
+ dim sTextFilter as String
+ dim sTextFiltername as String
+ dim sExtension() as String
+ sTemp = ConvertPath ( gTesttoolPath + "graphics\required\input\export_graphic3." + ExtensionString )
+ printlog "sTemp=" & sTemp
+ printlog "File load"
+ hFileOpen (sTemp)
+ sleep (30)
+ sPath = OutputGrafikTBO
+ sTemp = sPath
+ sPath = sPath + "L.pdf"
+ printlog "sPath : " & sPath
+ sleep(1)
+ printlog "Exporting File as pdf but with txt ending.."
+ hExportAsPDFmulti (1, TRUE, sPath, TRUE, FALSE, 1, 1)
+ name sPath as sTemp+"L.txt"
+ sleep (30)
+ iFileSize(3) = app.FileLen(sTemp+"L.txt")
+ iCreatorOffset = 0
+ sleep 5
+ printlog "load file in writer as text"
+ printlog "Load File.."
+ hFileOpen(sTemp+"L.txt")
+ printlog "If dialog 'AsciiFilterOptionen' comes up, say OK"
+ printlog "Checking for FilterDialog.."
+ Kontext "AsciiFilterOptionen"
+ If AsciiFilterOptionen.Exists(3) then
+ AsciiFilterOptionen.OK
+ endif
+ printlog "Selecting Filter.."
+ Kontext "Filterauswahl"
+ If Filterauswahl.Exists then
+ Filter.Select ( hGetUIFiltername("Text" ))
+ Filterauswahl.OK
+ End If
+ sApp = gApplication
+ gApplication = "WRITER"
+ sleep 5
+ printlog "Search in Doc for <</Creator<"
+ bTemp = hFindeImDokument ("<</Creator<",true,true)
+ if (bTemp = TRUE) then
+ Printlog "OK, found."
+ else
+ warnlog " /Creator not found in pdf file :-("
+ endif
+ printlog "getting Clipboard Text.."
+ hTypeKeys("<left><right><shift end>")
+ editcopy
+ sTemp = getClipboardText()
+ printlog "sTemp from clipboard: " & sTemp
+ sTemp = left(sTemp, inStr(sTemp, ">")-1)
+ printlog "shortened sTemp: " & sTemp
+ sTemp2 = ""
+ for i = 0 to (len(sTemp)/4)-1
+ sTemp2 = sTemp2 + chr("&H"+mid(sTemp,(i*4)+1, 4))
+ next i
+ printlog "sTemp2: " & sTemp2
+ printlog sTemp + " -- " + len(sTemp) + " ::: '" + sTemp2 + "'"
+ if (lCase(sapp) <> lCase(right(sTemp2, len(stemp2)-1))) then
+ warnlog "Application is different from Creator; is: '" + lCase(sTemp2) + "' should: '" + lCase(sapp) + "'"
+ endif
+ printlog "iCreatorOffset: " & iCreatorOffset
+ iCreatorOffset = iCreatorOffset + len(sTemp)
+ printlog "iCreatorOffset + len(sTemp): " & iCreatorOffset
+ printlog "Search for Producer.."
+ bTemp = hFindeImDokument ("/Producer<")
+ if (bTemp = TRUE) then
+ Printlog "OK, found."
+ else
+ warnlog " /Producer not found in pdf file :-("
+ endif
+ printlog "getting clipboard content.."
+ hTypeKeys("<left><right><shift end><shift down>")
+ editcopy
+ sTemp = getClipboardText()
+ printlog "sTemp from clipboard: " & sTemp
+ sTemp = left(sTemp, inStr(sTemp, ">")-1)
+ printlog "shortened sTemp: " & sTemp
+ sTemp2 = ""
+ printlog "len(sTemp): " & ((len(sTemp)/4)-1)
+ for i = 0 to (len(sTemp)/4)-1
+ sTemp2 = sTemp2 + chr("&H"+mid(sTemp,(i*4)+1, 4))
+ printlog "sTemp2: " & sTemp2
+ next i
+ printlog sTemp + " -- " + len(sTemp) + " ::: '" + sTemp2 + "'"
+ if gOOO then
+ iCreatorOffset = iCreatorOffset + len(sTemp)
+ printlog "In case of OOO iCreatorOffset is: " & iCreatorOffset
+ else
+ if bAsianLan then
+ iCreatorOffset = iCreatorOffset + 48
+ if (len(sTemp) <> 48) then
+ warnlog "Producer is different from 'StarSuite 8'; is: '" + sTemp2 + "'"
+ endif
+ else
+ printlog "iCreatorOffset:" & iCreatorOffset
+ iCreatorOffset = iCreatorOffset + 52
+ printlog "iCreatorOffset + 52:" & iCreatorOffset
+ if (len(sTemp) <> 92) then
+ warnlog "Producer is different from ''; is: '" + sTemp2 + "'"
+ endif
+ endif
+ endif
+ gApplication = sApp
+ call hCloseDocument
+ call hCloseDocument
+endcase 'tPDF_Creator
+testcase tSVG
+ dim x as integer
+ dim i as integer
+ dim sFilter as string
+ dim sExt as string
+ dim bTemp as boolean
+ dim sTemp as string
+ dim sTextFilter as string
+ dim sExtension() as string
+ dim sTextFiltername as string
+ sFilter = "SVG - Scalable Vector Graphics (.svg)"
+ sExt = ".svg"
+ hFileOpen ( gTesttoolPath & "graphics\required\input\graphicexport." & ExtensionString )
+ '------------------------\
+ if hCallExport (OutputGrafikTBO , sFilter ) = TRUE then
+ '------------------------\
+ if ( dir(OutputGrafikTBO+sExt) <> "") then
+ Printlog "Ok :-) Saved as: '" & OutputGrafikTBO+sExt & "'"
+ '------------------------\
+ if (iSprache <> 82) then
+ hCloseDocument ()
+ sleep 5
+ sTextFilter = "Text"
+ hFileOpenWithFilter (OutputGrafikTBO+sExt, sTextFiltername, FALSE)
+ printlog "if dialog 'AsciiFilterOptionen' comes up, say OK"
+ Kontext "AsciiFilterOptionen"
+ '-------------------------------\
+ If AsciiFilterOptionen.Exists(3) then
+ AsciiFilterOptionen.OK
+ else
+ warnlog "No ASCII filter Options Dialog?"
+ endif
+ '-------------------------------/
+ sTemp = gApplication
+ gApplication = "WRITER"
+ sleep 5 ' wait for document to be loaded
+ bTemp = hFindeImDokument ("<!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC " & chr(34)& "-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.1//EN" & chr(34)&" " & chr(34)&"" & chr(34)&">",true)
+ '-------------------------------\
+ if (bTemp = TRUE) then
+ Printlog "OK"
+ else
+ warnlog "DOCTYPE not found in svg file :-("
+ endif
+ '-------------------------------/
+ gApplication = sTemp
+ else
+ qaerrorlog "disabled for 82: #111017#"
+ endif
+ '--------------------------/
+ else
+ warnlog "File didn't get saved :-("
+ endif
+ '------------------------/
+ endif
+ '------------------------/
+ call hCloseDocument
+endcase 'tSVG
+testcase tBMP
+ dim x as integer
+ dim i as integer
+ dim bTemp as boolean
+ dim sX as string
+ dim sY as string
+ dim sx1 as string
+ dim sX2 as string
+ dim sY2 as string
+ dim sDocument as string
+ '/// open the document
+ sDocument = ConvertPath ( gTesttoolPath + "graphics\required\input\graphicexport."+ExtensionString)
+ hFileOpen sDocument
+ if hCallExport (OutputGrafikTBO , "BMP - Windows Bitmap (.bmp)" ) = TRUE then
+ Kontext "BMPOptionen"
+ if BMPOptionen.Exists (2) then
+ '/// check if all properties have the right count, and depend on each other ///'
+ '/// 'Color Resolution' listbox contains eight items ///'
+ x = Farbaufloesung.GetItemCount
+ if x <> 8 then warnlog "Color Resolution Count is wrong; should be:8, is:" + x
+ for i = 1 to x
+ Farbaufloesung.Select i
+ sleep 1
+ Printlog " - " + i + ": '" +Farbaufloesung.GetSelText + "'"
+ '/// checkbox RLE coding has to be enabled only for '4 and 8 bit' color palettes ///'
+ if ((i > 3) AND (i < 8)) then
+ if RLEKodierung.IsEnabled <> TRUE then warnlog "'RLE coding' is not checkable :-("
+ else
+ if RLEKodierung.IsEnabled <> FALSE then warnlog "'RLE coding' is checkable :-("
+ endif
+ next i
+ '/// if Mode 'original' is selected, DPI///'
+ Original.Check
+ if DPI.IsEnabled then warnlog " :-("
+ if Breite.IsEnabled then warnlog " :-("
+ if Hoehe.IsEnabled then warnlog " :-("
+ Aufloesung.Check
+ x = DPI.GetItemCount
+ '/// 'DPI' listbox contains eight items ///'
+ if x <> 4 then warnlog "'DPI' Count is wrong; should be:4, is:" + x
+ for i = 1 to x
+ DPI.Select i
+ Printlog " - " + i + ": '" +DPI.GetSelText + "'"
+ next i
+ if Breite.IsEnabled then warnlog " :-("
+ if Hoehe.IsEnabled then warnlog " :-("
+ Groesse.Check
+ if DPI.IsEnabled then warnlog " :-("
+ Breite.More
+ Hoehe.Less
+ Sleep 1
+ '/// leave dialog with cancel -> there has to be no file created! ///'
+ BMPOptionen.Cancel
+ sleep 5
+ if ( dir(OutputGrafikTBO+".bmp") = "") then ' inspired by bug #99932 Graphic is exported though cancel is pressed
+ Printlog "ok :-)"
+ else
+ warnlog "Dialog was canceled, but file got saved, too :-( - i35177"
+ endif
+ else
+ Warnlog "No BMP-Option-Dialog!"
+ i=5
+ end if
+ sleep 2
+ Kontext "Active"
+ if Active.Exists(2) then
+ Warnlog "BMP-Exportfilter has a problem"
+ Active.OK
+ end if
+ end if
+ Printlog "'/// now save it realy and load the file afterwards ///'"
+ if hCallExport (OutputGrafikTBO , "BMP - Windows Bitmap (.bmp)" ) = TRUE then
+ Kontext "BMPOptionen"
+ if BMPOptionen.Exists (2) then
+ Farbaufloesung.Select 7
+ RLEKodierung.Check
+ Aufloesung.Check
+ DPI.Select 3
+ BMPOptionen.OK
+ sleep 5
+ endif
+ if ( dir(OutputGrafikTBO+".bmp") <> "") then
+ Printlog "Ok :-) Saved as: '" + OutputGrafikTBO+".bmp" + "'"
+ else
+ warnlog "File didn't get saved :-("
+ endif
+ hCloseDocument ()
+ sleep 5
+ hNewDocument()
+ sleep 5
+ Call hGrafikEinfuegen ( OutputGrafikTBO+".bmp" )
+ endif
+ hCloseDocument ()
+ Printlog "'/// now save a SELECTION in ORIGINAL SIZE and load the file afterwards ///'"
+ hFileOpen (sDocument)
+ kontext "Filterauswahl"
+ if Filterauswahl.exists(10) then
+ Warnlog "Error when loading the file. The Filter-dialogue came up. Test aborted."
+ Filterauswahl.Cancel
+ goto endsub
+ endif
+ ' check if the document is writable
+ call fMakeDocumentWritable
+ hTypeKeys ("<escape><tab>")
+ fGetSizeXY sx1, sy, TRUE
+ if hCallExport (OutputGrafikTBO + "1" , "BMP - Windows Bitmap (.bmp)", TRUE ) = TRUE then
+ Kontext "BMPOptionen"
+ if BMPOptionen.Exists (2) then
+ Original.Check
+ BMPOptionen.OK
+ sleep 5
+ endif
+ if ( dir(OutputGrafikTBO + "1"+".bmp") <> "") then
+ Printlog "Ok :-) Saved as: '" + OutputGrafikTBO + "1"+".bmp" + "'"
+ else
+ warnlog "File didn't get saved :-("
+ endif
+ hCloseDocument ()
+ sleep 5
+ hNewDocument()
+ sleep 5
+ Call hGrafikEinfuegen ( OutputGrafikTBO + "1"+".bmp" )
+ bTemp = FALSE
+ fGetSizeXY sx1, sY, bTemp
+ if (bTemp = FALSE) then
+ warnlog "Selected original size NOT OK :-("
+ endif
+ endif
+ hCloseDocument ()
+ Printlog "'/// now CREATE a rectangle, select it, save it in SIZE and load the file afterwards ///'"
+ hNewDocument()
+ hTypeKeys "<TAB>"
+ gMouseClick 50, 50
+ hRechteckErstellen ( 10, 10, 30, 40 )
+ if hCallExport (OutputGrafikTBO + "2" , "BMP - Windows Bitmap (.bmp)", TRUE ) = TRUE then
+ Kontext "BMPOptionen"
+ if BMPOptionen.Exists (2) then
+ Groesse.Check
+ Breite.SetText "9"
+ Hoehe.SetText "9"
+ Groesse.Check 'Press "Size" one more time in order to make the change go through"
+ sx1 = Breite.GetText
+ sY = Hoehe.GetText
+ BMPOptionen.OK
+ sleep 5
+ endif
+ if ( dir(OutputGrafikTBO + "2"+".bmp") <> "") then
+ Printlog "Ok :-) Saved as: '" + OutputGrafikTBO + "2"+".bmp" + "'"
+ else
+ warnlog "File didn't get saved :-("
+ endif
+ hCloseDocument ()
+ sleep 5
+ hFileOpen (OutputGrafikTBO + "2"+".bmp")
+ kontext "Filterauswahl"
+ if Filterauswahl.exists then
+ Warnlog "Error when loading the file. The Filter-dialogue came up. Test aborted."
+ Filterauswahl.Cancel
+ goto endsub
+ endif
+ kontext "DocumentDraw"
+ DocumentDraw.TypeKeys ("<escape><tab>")
+ ContextOriginalSize
+ bTemp = FALSE
+ fGetSizeXY sx1, sY, bTemp
+ if (bTemp = FALSE) then
+ warnlog "Selected original size NOT OK :-("
+ endif
+ endif
+ if hCallExport (OutputGrafikTBO + "3" , "BMP - Windows Bitmap (.bmp)", TRUE ) = TRUE then
+ Kontext "BMPOptionen"
+ if BMPOptionen.Exists (2) then
+ Groesse.Check
+ sX2 = Breite.GetText
+ if (LiberalMeasurement(sx1, sX2)) <> TRUE then
+ if (val(str(StrToDouble(sx1)+5)) >= StrToDouble(sX2) ) AND (val(str(StrToDouble ( sx1 )-5)) <= StrToDouble ( sX2 )) then
+ Printlog "Width was ok. Expected: " + sx1 + "' was: '" + sX2 + "'"
+ else
+ warnLog "Width is different expected: '" + sx1 + "' is: '" + sX2 + "'"
+ endif
+ endif
+ sY2 = Hoehe.GetText
+ if (LiberalMeasurement(sY, sY2)) <> TRUE then
+ if ( val(str(StrToDouble(sY)+5)) >= StrToDouble(sY2) ) AND (val(str(StrToDouble ( sY )-5)) <= StrToDouble ( sY2 )) then
+ Printlog "Height was ok. Expected: " + sY + "' was: '" + sY2 + "'"
+ else
+ warnLog "Height is different expected: '" + sY + "' is: '" + sY2 + "'"
+ endif
+ endif
+ BMPOptionen.Cancel
+ sleep 5
+ endif
+ endif
+ call hCloseDocument
+endcase 'tBMP
+testcase tEMF
+ dim x as integer
+ dim i as integer
+ dim sFilter as string
+ dim sExt as string
+ dim bTemp as boolean
+ dim sX as string
+ dim sY as string
+ dim sx1 as string
+ dim sX2 as string
+ dim sY2 as string
+ dim sDocument as string
+ sFilter = "EMF - Enhanced Metafile (.emf)"
+ sExt = ".emf"
+ sDocument = gTesttoolPath & "graphics\required\input\graphicexport." & ExtensionString
+ hFileOpen sDocument
+ if hCallExport (OutputGrafikTBO , sFilter ) = TRUE then
+ Kontext "SVMOptionen"
+ if SVMOptionen.Exists (2) then
+ Original.Check
+ if Breite.IsEnabled then
+ warnlog " :-("
+ endif
+ if Hoehe.IsEnabled then
+ warnlog " :-("
+ endif
+ Groesse.Check
+ Breite.More
+ Hoehe.Less
+ SVMOptionen.Cancel
+ sleep 5
+ if ( dir(OutputGrafikTBO+sExt) = "") then ' inspired by bug #99932 Graphic is exported though cancel is pressed
+ Printlog "ok :-)"
+ else
+ warnlog "Dialog was canceled, but file got saved, too :-( - i35177"
+ endif
+ else
+ Warnlog "No '" & sFilter & "' -Dialog!"
+ i=5
+ end if
+ sleep 2
+ Kontext "Active"
+ if Active.Exists(2) then
+ Warnlog " '" & sFilter & "' has a problem"
+ Active.OK
+ end if
+ end if
+ if hCallExport (OutputGrafikTBO , sFilter ) = TRUE then
+ Kontext "SVMOptionen"
+ if SVMOptionen.Exists (2) then
+ Groesse.Check
+ Breite.Less
+ Hoehe.More
+ SVMOptionen.OK
+ sleep 5
+ endif
+ if ( dir(OutputGrafikTBO+sExt) <> "") then
+ Printlog "Ok :-) saved as: '" & OutputGrafikTBO+sExt & "'"
+ else
+ warnlog "File didn't get saved :-("
+ endif
+ hCloseDocument ()
+ sleep 5
+ hNewDocument()
+ sleep 5
+ Call hGrafikEinfuegen ( OutputGrafikTBO+sExt )
+ endif
+ hCloseDocument ()
+ hFileOpen (sDocument)
+ kontext "Filterauswahl"
+ if Filterauswahl.Exists(10) then
+ Warnlog "Error when loading the file. The Filter-dialogue came up. Test aborted."
+ Filterauswahl.Cancel
+ goto endsub
+ endif
+ printlog "making doc editable if it is readonly"
+ call fMakeDocumentWritable
+ hTypeKeys ("<escape><tab>")
+ fGetSizeXY sx1, sY, TRUE
+ if hCallExport (OutputGrafikTBO & "1" , sFilter, TRUE ) = TRUE then
+ Kontext "SVMOptionen"
+ if SVMOptionen.Exists (2) then
+ Original.Check
+ SVMOptionen.OK
+ sleep 5
+ endif
+ if ( dir(OutputGrafikTBO & "1" & sExt) <> "") then
+ Printlog "Ok :-) saved as: '" & OutputGrafikTBO & "1" & sExt & "'"
+ else
+ warnlog "File didn't get saved :-("
+ endif
+ hCloseDocument ()
+ sleep 5
+ hNewDocument()
+ sleep 5
+ Call hGrafikEinfuegen ( OutputGrafikTBO & "1" & sExt )
+ bTemp = FALSE
+ fGetSizeXY sx1, sY, bTemp
+ if (bTemp = FALSE) then
+ warnlog "Selected original size NOT OK :-("
+ endif
+ endif
+ hCloseDocument ()
+ hNewDocument()
+ hRechteckErstellen ( 10, 10, 30, 40 )
+ if hCallExport (OutputGrafikTBO & "2" , sFilter, TRUE ) = TRUE then
+ Kontext "SVMOptionen"
+ if SVMOptionen.Exists (2) then
+ Groesse.Check
+ Breite.SetText "9"
+ Hoehe.SetText "9"
+ Groesse.Check 'Press "Size" one more time to make the change go through"
+ sx1 = Breite.GetText
+ sY = Hoehe.GetText
+ SVMOptionen.OK
+ sleep 5
+ endif
+ if ( dir(OutputGrafikTBO & "2" & sExt) <> "") then
+ Printlog "Ok :-) saved as: '" & OutputGrafikTBO & "2" & sExt & "'"
+ else
+ warnlog "File didn't get saved :-("
+ endif
+ hCloseDocument ()
+ sleep 5
+ hFileOpen (OutputGrafikTBO & "2" & sExt)
+ kontext "DocumentDraw"
+ DocumentDraw.TypeKeys ("<escape><tab>")
+ ContextOriginalSize
+ bTemp = FALSE
+ fGetSizeXY sx1, sY, bTemp
+ if (bTemp = FALSE) then
+ warnlog "Selected original size NOT OK :-("
+ endif
+ if hCallExport (OutputGrafikTBO & "3" , sFilter, TRUE ) = TRUE then
+ Kontext "SVMOptionen"
+ if SVMOptionen.Exists (2) then
+ Groesse.Check
+ sX2 = Breite.GetText
+ if (LiberalMeasurement(sx1, sX2)) <> TRUE then
+ if (val(str(StrToDouble(sx1)+5)) >= StrToDouble(sX2) ) AND (val(str(StrToDouble ( sx1 )-5)) <= StrToDouble ( sX2 )) then
+ Printlog "Width was ok. Expected: " & sx1 & "' was: '" & sX2 & "'"
+ else
+ warnLog "Width is different expected: '" & sx1 & "' is: '" & sX2 & "'"
+ endif
+ endif
+ sY2 = Hoehe.GetText
+ if (LiberalMeasurement(sY, sY2)) <> TRUE then
+ if ( val(str(StrToDouble(sY)+5)) >= StrToDouble(sY2) ) AND (val(str(StrToDouble ( sY )-5)) <= StrToDouble ( sY2 )) then
+ Printlog "Height was ok. Expected: " & sY & "' was: '" & sY2 & "'"
+ else
+ warnLog "Height is different expected: '" & sY & "' is: '" & sY2 & "'"
+ endif
+ endif
+ SVMOptionen.Cancel
+ sleep 5
+ endif
+ endif
+ endif
+ call hCloseDocument
+endcase 'tEMF
+testcase tMET
+ dim x as integer
+ dim i as integer
+ dim iWaitIndex as integer
+ dim sFilter, sExt as string
+ dim bTemp as boolean
+ dim sX as string
+ dim sY as string
+ dim sx1 as string
+ dim sX2 as string
+ dim sY2 as string
+ dim sTemp as string
+ dim sDocument as string
+ sFilter = "MET - OS/2 Metafile (.met)"
+ sExt = ".met"
+ sDocument = gTesttoolPath & "graphics\required\input\graphicexport." & ExtensionString
+ hFileOpen sDocument
+ if hCallExport (OutputGrafikTBO , sFilter ) = TRUE then
+ Kontext "METOptionen"
+ if METOptionen.Exists (2) then
+ Original.Check
+ if Breite.IsEnabled then
+ warnlog " :-("
+ endif
+ if Hoehe.IsEnabled then
+ warnlog " :-("
+ endif
+ Groesse.Check
+ sTemp = Breite.getText
+ Breite.More
+ if (sTemp = Breite.getText) then
+ qaErrorLog "Width didn't change on pressing button 'More' #112225#"
+ Breite.setText "10"
+ Hoehe.setText "10"
+ endif
+ sTemp = Hoehe.getText
+ Hoehe.Less
+ if (sTemp = Hoehe.getText) then
+ warnlog "Height didn't change on pressing button 'Less'"
+ endif
+ METOptionen.Cancel
+ sleep 5
+ if ( dir(OutputGrafikTBO+sExt) = "") then ' inspired by bug #99932 Graphic is exported though cancel is pressed
+ Printlog "ok :-)"
+ else
+ warnlog "Dialog was canceled, but file got saved, too :-( - i35177"
+ endif
+ else
+ Warnlog "No '" & sFilter & "' -Dialog!"
+ i=5
+ end if
+ sleep 2
+ Kontext "Active"
+ if Active.Exists(2) then
+ Warnlog " '" & sFilter & "' has a problem"
+ Active.OK
+ end if
+ end if
+ if hCallExport (OutputGrafikTBO , sFilter ) = TRUE then
+ Kontext "METOptionen"
+ if METOptionen.Exists (2) then
+ Groesse.Check
+ sTemp = Breite.getText
+ Breite.Less
+ if (sTemp = Breite.getText) then
+ warnlog "Width didn't change on pressing button 'Less'"
+ endif
+ sTemp = Hoehe.getText
+ Hoehe.More
+ if (sTemp = Hoehe.getText) then
+ qaErrorLog "Height didn't change on pressing button 'More' #112225#"
+ Breite.setText "10"
+ Hoehe.setText "10"
+ endif
+ METOptionen.OK
+ iWaitIndex = 0
+ do while METOptionen.Exists AND iWaitIndex < 30
+ sleep (1)
+ iWaitIndex = iWaitIndex + 1
+ loop
+ endif
+ if ( dir(OutputGrafikTBO+sExt) <> "") then
+ Printlog "Ok :-) Saved as: '" & OutputGrafikTBO+sExt & "'"
+ else
+ warnlog "File didn't get saved :-("
+ endif
+ hCloseDocument ()
+ sleep 5
+ hNewDocument()
+ sleep 5
+ Call hGrafikEinfuegen ( OutputGrafikTBO+sExt )
+ endif
+ hCloseDocument ()
+ hFileOpen (sDocument)
+ sleep (10)
+ printlog "making doc editable if it is readonly"
+ call fMakeDocumentWritable
+ hTypeKeys ("<escape><tab>")
+ fGetSizeXY sx1, sY, TRUE
+ if hCallExport (OutputGrafikTBO & "1" , sFilter, TRUE ) = TRUE then
+ Kontext "METOptionen"
+ if METOptionen.Exists (2) then
+ Original.Check
+ METOptionen.OK
+ iWaitIndex = 0
+ do while METOptionen.Exists AND iWaitIndex < 30
+ sleep (1)
+ iWaitIndex = iWaitIndex + 1
+ loop
+ endif
+ if ( dir(OutputGrafikTBO & "1" & sExt) <> "") then
+ Printlog "Ok :-) Saved as: '" & OutputGrafikTBO & "1" & sExt & "'"
+ else
+ warnlog "File didn't get saved :-("
+ endif
+ hCloseDocument ()
+ sleep 5
+ hNewDocument()
+ sleep 5
+ Call hGrafikEinfuegen ( OutputGrafikTBO & "1" & sExt )
+ bTemp = FALSE
+ fGetSizeXY sx1, sY, bTemp
+ if (bTemp = FALSE) then
+ warnlog "Selected original size NOT OK :-("
+ endif
+ endif
+ hCloseDocument ()
+ hNewDocument()
+ hRechteckErstellen ( 10, 10, 30, 40 )
+ if hCallExport (OutputGrafikTBO & "2" , sFilter, TRUE ) = TRUE then
+ Kontext "METOptionen"
+ if METOptionen.Exists (2) then
+ Groesse.Check
+ Breite.SetText "9"
+ Hoehe.SetText "9"
+ Groesse.Check ' Click "Size" one more time to make the changes go through.
+ sx1 = Breite.GetText
+ sY = Hoehe.GetText
+ METOptionen.OK
+ iWaitIndex = 0
+ do while METOptionen.Exists AND iWaitIndex < 30
+ sleep (1)
+ iWaitIndex = iWaitIndex + 1
+ loop
+ endif
+ if ( dir(OutputGrafikTBO & "2" & sExt) <> "") then
+ Printlog "Ok :-) Saved as: '" & OutputGrafikTBO & "2" & sExt & "'"
+ else
+ warnlog "File didn't get saved :-("
+ endif
+ hCloseDocument ()
+ sleep 5
+ hFileOpen (OutputGrafikTBO & "2" & sExt)
+ kontext "DocumentDraw"
+ DocumentDraw.TypeKeys ("<escape><tab>")
+ ContextOriginalSize
+ bTemp = FALSE
+ fGetSizeXY sx1, sY, bTemp
+ if (bTemp = FALSE) then
+ warnlog "Selected original size NOT OK :-("
+ endif
+ endif
+ if hCallExport (OutputGrafikTBO & "3" , sFilter, TRUE ) = TRUE then
+ Kontext "METOptionen"
+ if METOptionen.Exists (2) then
+ Groesse.Check
+ sX2 = Breite.GetText
+ if (LiberalMeasurement(sx1, sX2)) <> TRUE then
+ if (val(str(StrToDouble(sx1)+5)) >= StrToDouble(sX2) ) AND (val(str(StrToDouble ( sx1 )-5)) <= StrToDouble ( sX2 )) then
+ Printlog "Width was ok. Expected: " & sx1 & "' was: '" & sX2 & "'"
+ else
+ warnLog "Width is different expected: '" & sx1 & "' is: '" & sX2 & "'"
+ endif
+ endif
+ sY2 = Hoehe.GetText
+ if (LiberalMeasurement(sY, sY2)) <> TRUE then
+ if ( val(str(StrToDouble(sY)+5)) >= StrToDouble(sY2) ) AND (val(str(StrToDouble ( sY )-5)) <= StrToDouble ( sY2 )) then
+ Printlog "Height was ok. Expected: " & sY & "' was: '" & sY2 & "'"
+ else
+ warnLog "Height is different expected: '" & sY & "' is: '" & sY2 & "'"
+ endif
+ endif
+ METOptionen.Cancel
+ sleep 5
+ endif
+ endif
+ call hCloseDocument
+endcase 'tMET
+testcase tSWF
+ dim sFilter as string
+ dim sExt as string
+ dim x as integer
+ dim i as integer
+ sFilter = "Macromedia Flash (SWF) (.swf)"
+ sExt = ".swf"
+ hFileOpen( gTesttoolPath & "graphics\required\input\graphicexport." & ExtensionString )
+ if hCallExport (OutputGrafikTBO , sFilter ) = TRUE then
+ if ( dir(OutputGrafikTBO+sExt) <> "") then
+ Printlog "Ok :-) Saved as: '" & OutputGrafikTBO+sExt & "'"
+ sleep 5
+ else
+ warnlog "File didn't get saved :-("
+ endif
+ endif
+ call hCloseDocument
+endcase 'tSWF
+testcase tWMF
+ dim x as integer
+ dim i as integer
+ dim iWaitIndex as integer
+ dim sFilter as string
+ dim sExt as string
+ dim bTemp as boolean
+ dim sX as string
+ dim sY as string
+ dim sx1 as string
+ dim sX2 as string
+ dim sY2 as string
+ dim sDocument as string
+ sFilter = "WMF - Windows Metafile (.wmf)"
+ sExt = ".wmf"
+ sDocument = gTesttoolPath & "graphics\required\input\graphicexport." & ExtensionString
+ hFileOpen sDocument
+ if hCallExport (OutputGrafikTBO , sFilter ) = TRUE then
+ Kontext "SVMOptionen"
+ if SVMOptionen.Exists (2) then
+ Original.Check
+ if Breite.IsEnabled then
+ warnlog " :-("
+ endif
+ if Hoehe.IsEnabled then
+ warnlog " :-("
+ endif
+ Groesse.Check
+ Breite.More
+ Hoehe.Less
+ SVMOptionen.Cancel
+ sleep 5
+ if ( dir(OutputGrafikTBO+sExt) = "") then ' inspired by bug #99932 Graphic is exported though cancel is pressed
+ Printlog "ok :-)"
+ else
+ warnlog "Dialog was canceled, but file got saved, too :-( - i35177"
+ endif
+ else
+ Warnlog "No '" & sFilter & "' -Dialog!"
+ i=5
+ end if
+ sleep 2
+ Kontext "Active"
+ if Active.Exists(2) then
+ Warnlog " '" & sFilter & "' has a problem"
+ Active.OK
+ end if
+ end if
+ if hCallExport (OutputGrafikTBO , sFilter ) = TRUE then
+ Kontext "SVMOptionen"
+ if SVMOptionen.Exists (2) then
+ Groesse.Check
+ Breite.Less
+ Hoehe.More
+ SVMOptionen.OK
+ iWaitIndex = 0
+ do while SVMOptionen.Exists AND iWaitIndex < 30
+ sleep (1)
+ iWaitIndex = iWaitIndex + 1
+ loop
+ endif
+ if ( dir(OutputGrafikTBO+sExt) <> "") then
+ Printlog "Ok :-) Saved as: '" & OutputGrafikTBO+sExt & "'"
+ else
+ warnlog "File didn't get saved :-("
+ endif
+ hCloseDocument ()
+ sleep 5
+ hNewDocument()
+ sleep 5
+ Call hGrafikEinfuegen ( OutputGrafikTBO+sExt )
+ endif
+ hCloseDocument ()
+ hFileOpen (sDocument)
+ sleep (10)
+ printlog "making doc editable if it is readonly"
+ call fMakeDocumentWritable
+ hTypeKeys ("<escape><tab>")
+ fGetSizeXY sx1, sY, TRUE
+ if hCallExport (OutputGrafikTBO & "1" , sFilter, TRUE ) = TRUE then
+ Kontext "SVMOptionen"
+ if SVMOptionen.Exists (2) then
+ Original.Check
+ SVMOptionen.OK
+ iWaitIndex = 0
+ do while SVMOptionen.Exists AND iWaitIndex < 30
+ sleep (1)
+ iWaitIndex = iWaitIndex + 1
+ loop
+ endif
+ if ( dir(OutputGrafikTBO & "1" & sExt) <> "") then
+ Printlog "Ok :-) Saved as: '" & OutputGrafikTBO & "1" & sExt & "'"
+ else
+ warnlog "File didn't get saved :-("
+ endif
+ hCloseDocument ()
+ sleep 5
+ hNewDocument()
+ sleep 5
+ Call hGrafikEinfuegen ( OutputGrafikTBO & "1" & sExt )
+ bTemp = FALSE
+ fGetSizeXY sx1, sY, bTemp
+ if (bTemp = FALSE) then
+ warnlog "Selected original size NOT OK :-("
+ endif
+ endif
+ hCloseDocument ()
+ hNewDocument()
+ hRechteckErstellen ( 10, 10, 30, 40 )
+ if hCallExport (OutputGrafikTBO & "2" , sFilter, TRUE ) = TRUE then
+ Kontext "SVMOptionen"
+ if SVMOptionen.Exists (2) then
+ Groesse.Check
+ Breite.SetText "9"
+ Hoehe.SetText "9"
+ Groesse.Check 'Check "Size" to make changes really go through.
+ sx1 = Breite.GetText
+ sY = Hoehe.GetText
+ SVMOptionen.OK
+ iWaitIndex = 0
+ do while SVMOptionen.Exists AND iWaitIndex < 30
+ sleep (1)
+ iWaitIndex = iWaitIndex + 1
+ loop
+ endif
+ if ( dir(OutputGrafikTBO & "2" & sExt) <> "") then
+ Printlog "Ok :-) Saved as: '" & OutputGrafikTBO & "2" & sExt & "'"
+ else
+ warnlog "File didn't get saved :-("
+ endif
+ hCloseDocument ()
+ sleep 5
+ hFileOpen (OutputGrafikTBO & "2" & sExt)
+ kontext "DocumentDraw"
+ DocumentDraw.TypeKeys ("<escape><tab>")
+ ContextOriginalSize
+ bTemp = FALSE
+ fGetSizeXY sx1, sY, bTemp
+ if (bTemp = FALSE) then
+ warnlog "Selected original size NOT OK :-("
+ endif
+ endif
+ if hCallExport (OutputGrafikTBO & "3" , sFilter, TRUE ) = TRUE then
+ Kontext "SVMOptionen"
+ if SVMOptionen.Exists (2) then
+ Groesse.Check
+ sX2 = Breite.GetText
+ if (LiberalMeasurement(sx1, sX2)) <> TRUE then
+ if (val(str(StrToDouble(sx1)+5)) >= StrToDouble(sX2) ) AND (val(str(StrToDouble ( sx1 )-5)) <= StrToDouble ( sX2 )) then
+ Printlog "Width was ok. Expected: " & sx1 & "' was: '" & sX2 & "'"
+ else
+ warnLog "Width is different expected: '" & sx1 & "' is: '" & sX2 & "'"
+ endif
+ endif
+ sY2 = Hoehe.GetText
+ if (LiberalMeasurement(sY, sY2)) <> TRUE then
+ if ( val(str(StrToDouble(sY)+5)) >= StrToDouble(sY2) ) AND (val(str(StrToDouble ( sY )-5)) <= StrToDouble ( sY2 )) then
+ Printlog "Height was ok. Expected: " & sY & "' was: '" & sY2 & "'"
+ else
+ warnLog "Height is different expected: '" & sY & "' is: '" & sY2 & "'"
+ endif
+ endif
+ SVMOptionen.Cancel
+ sleep 5
+ endif
+ endif
+ call hCloseDocument
+endcase 'tWMF
+function fGetFileText (sFilename as string, iCount as long) as string
+'/// This function is for getting the first or last n characters of a file
+'///+<u>Input</u>:<ul><li>filename</li><li>number</li></ul>If the number greater 0 then get n characters from start.
+'///+A number smaller 0 get from end of file.
+'///+<u>Output</u>:<ul><li>string with <b><i>n</i></b> characters</li></ul>
+ dim iFile as integer ' filehandle
+ dim iTem as integer ' get 2 bytes of the file
+ dim iTemByte(2) as integer ' move 1 byte from iTem in each item
+ dim sTemp as string ' string of file
+ dim iSize as long ' size in bytes of file
+ dim i as long ' runner :-)
+ iFile = FreeFile
+' Printlog "FreeFile: " + iFile
+ if (dir (sFilename) <> "") then
+' Printlog "FileLen: " + FileLen(sFile)
+ Open sFilename For binary access read shared As #iFile
+' Printlog "Loc: " + Loc(#iFile) ' LONG! where am i in the file?
+ iSize = Lof(#iFile) ' get size in bytes of file
+ if (iSize > 65530) then '65536 = 64kB
+ 'Warnlog "fGetFileText: file '" + sFilename + "' might get problems on reading it? size is > 65530 Byte: '" + iSize + "'"
+ else
+' printlog "iSize: " + iSize
+ endif
+ sTemp = ""
+ if (iCount >= 0) then ' get bytes from file start
+ get iFile,1,sTemp ' get max 64kByte; but not the 1st 2 bytes :-(
+ get iFile,1,iTem ' get the first 2 bytes of the file
+ iTemByte(2) = (iTem AND &H0000FF00) \ &H100 ' and seperate the bytes
+ iTemByte(1) = (iTem AND &H000000FF)
+ sTemp = chr(iTemByte(1)) + chr(iTemByte(2)) + sTemp ' put them together
+ else ' get bytes from file end
+ if ((iSize+iCount) > 0) then
+ select case (iSize+iCount)
+ case 1: get iFile,1,sTemp ' take bytes from the end of the file
+ get iFile,1,iTem ' get the first 2 bytes of the file
+ sTemp = chr(iTemByte(2)) + sTemp ' put them together
+ case else: get iFile,(iSize+iCount)-1,sTemp ' take bytes from the end of the file
+ end select
+ else
+ get iFile,1,sTemp ' take bytes from the end of the file
+ get iFile,1,iTem ' get the first 2 bytes of the file
+ iTemByte(2) = (iTem AND &H0000FF00) \ &H100 ' and seperate the bytes
+ iTemByte(1) = (iTem AND &H000000FF)
+ sTemp = chr(iTemByte(1)) + chr(iTemByte(2)) + sTemp ' put them together
+ endif
+ endif
+' printlog "'"+left(sTemp,iSize)+"'" ' gotcha!
+ if (iSize-(Abs(iCount)) >= 0) then
+ fGetFileText = left(sTemp,Abs(iCount))
+ else
+ 'Warnlog "fGetFileText: file '" + sFilename + "' isn't as big as expected; will only return '" + iSize+ "' bytes fom: " + iCount
+ fGetFileText = left(sTemp,iSize)
+ endif
+ ' debugging routine --------------------------------------
+ ' iSize = Lof(#iFile)
+ ' printlog "iSize: " + iSize
+ ' sTemp = ""
+ ' if iSize > 0 then
+ ' printlog "iSize \ 2: " + (iSize \ 2)
+ ' for i = 0 to ((iSize \ 2)-1)
+ ' get iFile,(i*2)+1,iTem
+ ' Printlog "i: " + i + ": 0x" + hex(iTem)
+ ' iTemByte(2) = (iTem AND &H0000FF00) \ &H100
+ ' iTemByte(1) = (iTem AND &H000000FF)
+ ' sTemp = sTemp + chr(iTemByte(1)) + chr(iTemByte(2))
+ ' next i
+ ' if (iSize MOD 2) = 1 then
+ ' get iFile,iSize,iTem
+ ' Printlog "i: " + iSize + ": 0x" + hex(iTem)
+ ' iTemByte(1) = (iTem AND &H000000FF)
+ ' sTemp = sTemp + chr(iTemByte(1))
+ ' endif
+ ' endif
+ ' printlog "'"+sTemp+"'"
+ ' debugging routine --------------------------------------
+ Close #iFile
+ else ' does file exist
+ Warnlog "fGetFileText: file '" + sFilename + "' doesn't exist"
+ fGetFileText = ""
+ endif
+end function