path: root/nlpsolver/ThirdParty/EvolutionarySolver/src/net/adaptivebox/global/
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Diffstat (limited to 'nlpsolver/ThirdParty/EvolutionarySolver/src/net/adaptivebox/global/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 277 deletions
diff --git a/nlpsolver/ThirdParty/EvolutionarySolver/src/net/adaptivebox/global/ b/nlpsolver/ThirdParty/EvolutionarySolver/src/net/adaptivebox/global/
deleted file mode 100644
index 707dd7e1d214..000000000000
--- a/nlpsolver/ThirdParty/EvolutionarySolver/src/net/adaptivebox/global/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,277 +0,0 @@
- * Description: Global package for file operations.
- *
- * Author Create/Modi Note
- * Xiaofeng Xie Jun 15, 2002
- *
- * @version 1.0
- * @Since MAOS1.0
- */
-import java.util.*;
-public class GlobalFile {
-// used by the createTempDir to give an index of temp number.
- private static int counter = -1;
- * Create a temp directory in the given directory.
- * @param prefix the prefix for the directory.
- * @param directory the directory that the temp dirctory placed.
- * @return If a temp directory is created, return a File Object, else
- * return null.
- */
- public static File createTempDir(String prefix, String directory)
- {
- File f = null;
- String tempDir;
- boolean isCreated = false;
- do {
- if (counter == -1) {
- counter = new Random().nextInt() & 0xffff;
- }
- counter++;
- if (prefix == null)
- throw new NullPointerException();
- if (prefix.length() < 3)
- throw new IllegalArgumentException("Prefix string too short");
- if (directory == null) {
- tempDir = prefix + counter;
- } else {
- tempDir = getFileLocation(directory, prefix + counter);
- }
- f = new File(tempDir);
- isCreated = f.mkdir();
- } while (!isCreated);
- return f;
- }
- * Add the given text string to the end of a given file.
- * @param inStr The string to be added.
- * @param fileStr the name of the file to be added.
- */
- public static void addStringToFile(String inStr, String fileStr) throws Exception {
- RandomAccessFile raFile = new RandomAccessFile(fileStr,"rw");
- raFile.writeBytes(inStr);
- raFile.close();
- }
- public static Object loadObjectFromFile(String fileName) throws Exception {
- FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(fileName);
- ObjectInputStream ois = new ObjectInputStream(fis);
- Object obj = ois.readObject();
- ois.close();
- return obj;
- }
- public static void saveObjectToFile(String fileName, Object obj) throws Exception {
- FileOutputStream ostream = new FileOutputStream(fileName);
- ObjectOutputStream p = new ObjectOutputStream(ostream);
- p.writeObject(obj);
- p.flush();
- ostream.close();
- }
- * Save the given text string to a given file.
- * @param inStr The string to be saved.
- * @param fileStr the name of the file to be saved.
- */
- public static void saveStringToFile(String inStr, String fileStr) throws Exception{
- new File(new File(fileStr).getParent()).mkdirs();
- FileOutputStream pspOutputStream = null;
- try {
- pspOutputStream = new FileOutputStream(new File(fileStr));
- pspOutputStream.write(inStr.getBytes());
- } finally {
- if (pspOutputStream != null)
- pspOutputStream.close();
- }
- }
- * Load text string from a given file.
- * @param fileStr the name of the file to be loaded.
- * @return A text string that is the content of the file. if the given file is
- * not exist, then return null.
- */
- public static String getStringFromFile(String fileStr) throws Exception {
- String getStr = null;
- FileInputStream pspInputStream = null;
- try {
- pspInputStream = new FileInputStream(fileStr);
- byte[] pspFileBuffer = new byte[pspInputStream.available()];
- getStr = new String(pspFileBuffer);
- } finally {
- if (pspInputStream != null)
- pspInputStream.close();
- }
- return getStr;
- }
- * Load curve data from a specified file.
- * @param fileName the name of the file to be loaded.
- * @return An ArrayList that include the curve data.
- */
- public static ArrayList<ArrayList<Double>> getCurveDataFromFile(String fileName) {
- File file = new File(fileName);
- if(!file.exists()){
- return null;
- }
- //open data file
- FileInputStream inStream = null;
- BufferedReader inReader = null;
- try{
- inStream = new FileInputStream(file);
- inReader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(inStream));
- }catch(Exception e){
- return null;//Data file open error.
- }
- ArrayList<Double> xaxes = new ArrayList<Double>(1);
- ArrayList<Double> yaxes = new ArrayList<Double>(1);
- try{
- StringTokenizer st;
- String s;
- boolean start = false;
- while(inReader.ready()){
- st = new StringTokenizer(inReader.readLine());
- over:{
- while(!st.hasMoreTokens()){//Justify blank lines.
- if(inReader.ready()){
- st = new StringTokenizer(inReader.readLine());
- }else
- break over;
- }
- s = st.nextToken();
- if((!start)&&(!s.startsWith("@")))
- break over;
- if(!start){
- start = true;
- break over;
- }
- if(s.startsWith("#")||s.startsWith("$")||s.startsWith("/")) break over;//Justify comment line.
- Double xaxis = null;
- Double yaxis = null;
- try{
- xaxis = Double.valueOf(s);
- xaxes.add(xaxis);
- }catch(NumberFormatException e){
- inReader.close();
- inStream.close();
- return null;//Data file data format error.
- }
- s = st.nextToken();
- try{
- yaxis = Double.valueOf(s);
- yaxes.add(yaxis);
- }catch(NumberFormatException e){
- inReader.close();
- inStream.close();
- return null;//Data file data format error.
- }
- }
- }
- inReader.close();
- }catch(Exception e){
- return null;//Uncertain data file error.
- }
- ArrayList<ArrayList<Double>> curveData = new ArrayList<ArrayList<Double>>(2);
- curveData.add(xaxes);
- curveData.add(yaxes);
- return curveData;
- }
- * Get a full path of a given file name and a directory name.
- * @param fileName the name of the file.
- * @param dir the name of directory.
- * @return The full path.
- */
- public static String getFileLocation(String dir, String fileName) {
- String realDir = dir;
- while (realDir.length()>0 && (realDir.endsWith("/")||realDir.endsWith("\\"))) {
- realDir = dir.substring(0, dir.length()-1);
- }
- return realDir+BasicTag.FILE_SEP_TAG+fileName;
- }
- public static String getFileName(String nameBody, String suffix) {
- if (suffix==null || suffix.trim().length()==0) {
- return nameBody;
- }
- String fileName = nameBody;
- if(nameBody.endsWith(".")) {
- return fileName+suffix;
- } else {
- return nameBody+"."+suffix;
- }
- }
- public static String getFileLocation(String dir, String fileNameBody, String fileNameSuffix) {
- String filename = getFileName(fileNameBody, fileNameSuffix);
- return getFileLocation(dir, filename);
- }
- public static void clear(String fileStr) throws Exception {
- File file = new File(fileStr);
- if(file.isFile()) {
- file.delete();
- return;
- }
- String[] fileNames = file.list();
- if (fileNames==null) {
- return;
- }
- for (int i=0; i<fileNames.length; i++) {
- String newFileName = GlobalFile.getFileLocation(fileStr,fileNames[i]);
- clear(newFileName);
- }
- file.delete();
- }
- public static String getFilePrefix(String fileStr) {
- int index = fileStr.lastIndexOf(BasicTag.DOT_TAG);
- if(index==-1) index = fileStr.length();
- return fileStr.substring(0, index);
- }
- public static String getFileSuffix(String fileStr) {
- String[] subNames = GlobalString.tokenize(fileStr, BasicTag.DOT_TAG);
- int subNameLen = subNames.length;
- if(subNameLen==1) return "";
- else return subNames[subNameLen-1];
- }
- public static String createTempImageFile(String origFile) throws Exception {
- return createTempImageFile(origFile, "img", ".inf");
- }
- public static String createTempImageFile(String origFile, String prefix, String suffix) throws Exception {
- File outputFile = createTempFile(prefix, suffix);
- outputFile.deleteOnExit();
- copyFile(outputFile.getAbsolutePath(), origFile);
- return outputFile.getAbsolutePath();
- }
- public static void copyFile(String imgFile, String origFile) throws Exception {
- String fileContent = GlobalFile.getStringFromFile(origFile);
- GlobalFile.saveStringToFile(fileContent, imgFile);
- }
- public static File createTempFile(String prefix, String suffix) throws Exception {
- String realSuffix = suffix;
- if (!realSuffix.startsWith(".")) realSuffix = "."+suffix;
- return File.createTempFile(prefix, realSuffix);
- }