path: root/librelogo/source/LibreLogo/
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Diffstat (limited to 'librelogo/source/LibreLogo/')
1 files changed, 119 insertions, 43 deletions
diff --git a/librelogo/source/LibreLogo/ b/librelogo/source/LibreLogo/
index 103b6061244e..53f62a32f199 100644
--- a/librelogo/source/LibreLogo/
+++ b/librelogo/source/LibreLogo/
@@ -1697,7 +1697,6 @@ def __loadlang__(lang, a):
[r"(?<!:)\b(?:%s)\b" % a['BACKWARD'], "\n)backward("],
[r"(?<!:)\b(?:%s)\b" % a['TURNRIGHT'], "\n)turnright("],
[r"(?<!:)\b(?:%s)\b" % a['RANDOM'], "Random"],
- [r"(?<!:)\b(?:%s)\b(?= \d)" % 'Random', "random.random()*"],
[r"(?<!:)\b(?:%s)\b" % a['SET'], "set"],
[r"(?<!:)\b(?:%s)\b" % a['RANGE'], "range"],
[r"(?<!:)\b(?:%s)\b" % a['LIST'], "list"],
@@ -1708,22 +1707,106 @@ def __loadlang__(lang, a):
[r"(?<!:)\b(?:%s)\b ?\(" % a['REFINDALL'], "re.findall('(?u)'+"],
[r"(?<!:)\b(?:%s)\b" % a['ANY'], "u'any'"],
[r"(?<!:)\b(?:%s) (\w+|[[][^\]]*])\b" % a['INPUT'], " Input(\\1)"],
- [r"(?<!:)\b(?:%s)\b" % a['PRINT'], "\n)Print("],
+ [r"(?<!:)\b(?:%s)\b" % a['PRINT'], "\nPrint"],
[r"(?<!:)\b(?:%s)\b" % a['TURNLEFT'], "\n)turnleft("],
[r"\b([0-9]+([,.][0-9]+)?)(%s)\b" % a['PT'], "\\1"],
[r"\b([0-9]+([,.][0-9]+)?)(%s)(?!\w)" % a['INCH'], lambda r: str(float(",", "."))*72)],
[r"\b([0-9]+([,.][0-9]+)?)(%s)\b" % a['MM'], lambda r: str(float(",", "."))*__MM_TO_PT__)],
[r"\b([0-9]+([,.][0-9]+)?)(%s)\b" % a['CM'], lambda r: str(float(",", "."))*__MM_TO_PT__*10)],
- [r"\b(__(?:int|float|string)__len|round|abs|sin|cos|sqrt|log10|set|list|tuple|sorted)\b ((?:\w|\d+([,.]\d+)?|0[xX][0-9a-fA-F]+|[-+*/]| )+)\)" , "\\1(\\2))" ], # fix parsing: (1 + sqrt x) -> (1 + sqrt(x))
[r"(?<=[-*/=+,]) ?\n\)(\w+)\(", "\\1()"], # read attributes, eg. x = fillcolor
[r"(?<=return) ?\n\)(\w+)\(", "\\1()"], # return + user function
- [r"(?<=(?:Print|label)\() ?\n\)(\w+)\(", "\\1()\n"] # Print/label + user function
def __concatenation__(r): # keep line positions with extra line breaks
s = re.subn("~[ \t]*\n", " ",
return s[0] + "\n" * s[1]
+# convert Logo expressions to Python ones by adding
+# missing parentheses to procedure and function calls
+# f x y z -> f(x, y, z)
+# a = [sin len f [cos 45, 6] [1, 2, 3] sin 90] ->
+# a = [sin(len(f([cos(45),6],[1, 2, 3], sin(90))]
+# NOTE: "f(45)" and "f (45)" are not the same:
+# sin(45) + cos 45 -> sin(45) + cos(45)
+# sin (45) + cos 45 -> sin(45 + cos(45))
+def __l2p__(i, par, insub, inarray):
+ first = True
+ while par["pos"] < len(i):
+ pos = par["pos"]
+ ch = i[pos]
+ ignored = False
+ # starting parenthesis
+ if ch in "([":
+ if insub and not inarray and not first and par["out"][-1:] != "]":
+ return
+ par["out"] += ch
+ par["pos"] += 1
+ __l2p__(i, par, insub, True)
+ # ending parenthesis
+ elif ch in ")]":
+ if insub and not inarray:
+ return
+ # put character before terminating spaces
+ par["out"] = re.sub("( *)$", ch + "\\1", par["out"])
+ par["pos"] += 1
+ return
+ # starting a subroutine
+ elif pos in par["sub"]:
+ if insub and not inarray and not first:
+ return
+ first = False
+ subname = i[pos:par["sub"][pos]]
+ par["pos"] += len(subname)
+ par["out"] += subname
+ # Logo syntax: add parentheses
+ # for example: foo x y z -> foo(x, y, z)
+ par["out"] += "("
+ for j in range(par["names"][subname]):
+ # add commas, except if already added, eg. with special RANGE
+ # (variable argument counts: RANGE 1 or RANGE 1 100 or RANGE 1 100 10)
+ if j > 0 and par["out"][-1] != ",":
+ par["out"] = re.sub("( *)$",",\\1", par["out"])
+ __l2p__(i, par, True, False)
+ par["out"] = re.sub("( *)$", ")\\1", par["out"])
+ # operators
+ elif pos in par["op"]:
+ op = i[pos:par["op"][pos]]
+ par["out"] += op
+ par["pos"] += len(op)
+ __l2p__(i, par, insub, False)
+ # other atoms
+ elif pos in par["atom"]:
+ if insub and not inarray and not first:
+ return
+ first = False
+ atom = i[pos:par["atom"][pos]]
+ par["out"] += atom
+ par["pos"] += len(atom)
+ # handle subroutines with explicite parentheses
+ # and array indices
+ if i[par["pos"]:par["pos"]+1] in "([":
+ first = True
+ continue
+ # optional negative or positive sign
+ elif ch in "-+":
+ if insub and not inarray and not first:
+ return
+ par["out"] += ch
+ par["pos"] += 1
+ ignored = first
+ elif ch == " ":
+ par["out"] += ch
+ par["pos"] += 1
+ ignored = first
+ elif insub and ((ch == "," and not inarray) or (ch != ",")):
+ return
+ else:
+ par["out"] += ch
+ par["pos"] += 1
+ # end of first subexpression, except in the case of ignored characters
+ if not ignored:
+ first = False
def __compil__(s):
global _, comp, __strings__, __compiled__
@@ -1749,7 +1832,6 @@ def __compil__(s):
__loadlang__(_.lng, __l12n__(_.lng))
_.decimal = __l12n__(_.lng)['DECIMAL']
- names = {}
rmsp = re.compile(r"[ ]*([=+*/]|==|<=|>=|<>|!=|-[ ]+)[ ]*")
chsp = re.compile(r"[ \t]+")
@@ -1791,6 +1873,10 @@ def __compil__(s):
subnames = re.findall(u"(?iu)(?<=__def__ )\w+", s)
globs = ""
functions = ["range", "__int__", "__float__", "Random", "Input", "__string__", "len", "round", "abs", "sin", "cos", "sqrt", "log10", "set", "list", "tuple", "re.sub", "", "re.findall", "sorted", "min", "max"]
+ defaultfunc = ["Print"] # TODO handle all default procedures
+ names ={key: 1 for key in functions + defaultfunc}
+ names["range"] = names["re.sub"] = 3
+ names[""] = names["re.findall"] = 2
if len(subnames) > 0:
globs = "global %s" % ", ".join(subnames)
@@ -1810,66 +1896,56 @@ def __compil__(s):
if len(procedures) > 0:
s = re.sub(r"(?<!__def__)(?<![-+=*/])(?<!%s)(?:^|[ \t]+)(" % ")(?<!".join(functions) + "|".join(procedures) + ")(?!\w)", r"\n\1", s)
- # compile native Logo
+ # substitute LibreLogo functions and specifiers with their Python equivalents
for i in __comp__[_.lng]:
s = re.sub(u"(?u)" + i[0], i[1], s)
- indent = 0
+ indent = 0 # Python indentation level
result = ""
func = re.compile("(?iu)(def (\w+))(\(.*\):)")
- expr = r"""(?iu)(?<!def[ ])(?<![:\w])%(name)s(?!\w)(?!\()(?![ ]\()
- (
- ([ ]+\[*([-+]|\([ ]?)*((%(functions)s)\b[ ]*\(*)*
- (?:0x[0-9a-f]+|[0-9]+([,.][0-9]+)?|:?\w+(?:[.]\w+[\(]?[\)]?)?]*|\[])]*[\)]*
- (
- (?:[ ]*([+*/,<>]|//|==|<=|>=|<>|!=)[ ]*|[ ]*-[ ]+|-|[ ]*[*][*][ ]*) # operators, eg. "**", " - ", "-", "- "
- \[*([-+]|\([ ]?)* # minus sign, parenthesis
- ((%(functions)s)\b[ ]*\(*)*(0x[0-9a-f]+|[0-9]+([.,][0-9]+)?|:?\w+(?:[.]\w+[\(]?[\)]?)?)]*
- ([ ]?\))*)*
- [\)]*){,%(repeat)s}
- )
- chargsp = re.compile(r"(?<![\(,])(?<!%s) (?!\)|,)" % ")(?<!".join(functions))
# compile to Python
- joinfunc = "|".join(functions)
- funcnames = {}
+ subroutines = re.compile(r"(?iu)(?<!def )(?<![_\w])\b(%s)\b(?![\w(])" % "|".join(subnames + functions + defaultfunc))
+ operators = re.compile(r"(?iu)(%s)" % "(?:[ ]*([+*/<>]|//|==|<=|>=|<>|!=)[ ]*|[ ]*-[ ]+|(?<! )-[ ]*|[ ]*[*][*][ ]*)") # operators, eg. " - ", "-", "- "
+ atoms = re.compile(r"(?iu)(%s)" % "[0-9]+([.,][0-9]+)?|\w+([.]\w)?")
for i in s.split("\n"):
i = i.strip()
+ # store argument numbers of subroutines in names
if i[0:4] == 'def ':
s =
if == '():':
- names[] = (0, "")
+ names[] = 0
s2 = len(chsp.findall( + 1
i = + chsp.sub(", ",
- names[] = (s2, re.compile(expr % {"name":, "functions": joinfunc, "repeat": s2}, re.X))
- for j in functions:
- if j in i:
- if not j in funcnames:
- funcnames[j] = (1, re.compile(expr % {"name": j, "functions": joinfunc, "repeat": 1 + 2 * int(j == 'range')}, re.X))
- r = funcnames[j][1].search(i)
- while r:
- i = i[:r.start()] + j + '(' + chargsp.sub(", ", rmsp.sub(lambda l:, + ')' + i[r.end():]
- i = parenfix.sub("\\1)]", i)
- r = funcnames[j][1].search(i)
- for j in names:
- if j in i:
- if names[j][0] == 0:
- if not j in functions:
- i = re.sub(r"(?iu)(?<!def )(?<![_\w])\b%s\b(?!\w)" %j, j+'()', i)
- else:
- r = names[j][1].search(i)
- if r:
- i = i[:r.start()] + j + '(' + chargsp.sub(", ", rmsp.sub(lambda l:, + ')' + i[r.end():]
- i = parenfix.sub("\\1)]", i)
+ names[] = s2
+ # convert Logo expressions to Python ones using regex based tokenization
+ # tokens: {startpos: endpos} dictionaries for subroutine names, operators and other tokens
+ # sub: subroutine tokens = positions of Logo subroutine names
+ # (without explicite parentheses, for example: "f x" or "f (x*2)", but not "f(x)")
+ sub = {key: value for (key, value) in [j.span() for j in list(subroutines.finditer(i))]}
+ if sub != {}:
+ # op: operator tokens
+ op = {key: value for (key, value) in [j.span() for j in list(operators.finditer(i))]}
+ # atom: other tokens (variable names, numbers and function names)
+ atom = {key: value for (key, value) in [j.span() for j in list(atoms.finditer(i))]}
+ par = {"pos": 0, "out": "", "sub": sub, "op": op, "atom": atom, "names": names}
+ __l2p__(i, par, False, False)
+ i = par["out"]
+ # starting program block
if i[0:1] == '[':
i = i[1:]
indent += 1
+ # check program stop, for example, in every execution of a loop
result = result + "\n" + " " * indent + "__checkhalt__()\n"
+ # fix position of ending parenthesis
if i[0:1] == ')':
i = i[1:] + ')'
result = result + "\n" + " " * indent + i
+ # ending program block
if i[0:1] == ']':
result = result[:-1]
indent -= 1