path: root/include/registry/registry.hxx
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1 files changed, 1257 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/include/registry/registry.hxx b/include/registry/registry.hxx
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+/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
+ * This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
+ *
+ * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at
+ *
+ * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice:
+ *
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+ * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
+ * with this work for additional information regarding copyright
+ * ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
+ * License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
+ * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
+ * the License at .
+ */
+#include <registry/regdllapi.h>
+#include <registry/regtype.h>
+#include <rtl/ustring.hxx>
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+/** specifies a collection of function pointers which represents the complete registry C-API.
+ This funtions pointers are used by the C++ wrapper to call the C-API.
+struct Registry_Api
+ void (REGISTRY_CALLTYPE *acquire) (RegHandle);
+ void (REGISTRY_CALLTYPE *release) (RegHandle);
+ sal_Bool (REGISTRY_CALLTYPE *isReadOnly) (RegHandle);
+ RegError (REGISTRY_CALLTYPE *openRootKey) (RegHandle, RegKeyHandle*);
+ RegError (REGISTRY_CALLTYPE *getName) (RegHandle, rtl_uString**);
+ RegError (REGISTRY_CALLTYPE *createRegistry) (rtl_uString*, RegHandle*);
+ RegError (REGISTRY_CALLTYPE *openRegistry) (rtl_uString*, RegHandle*, RegAccessMode);
+ RegError (REGISTRY_CALLTYPE *closeRegistry) (RegHandle);
+ RegError (REGISTRY_CALLTYPE *destroyRegistry) (RegHandle, rtl_uString*);
+ RegError (REGISTRY_CALLTYPE *loadKey) (RegHandle, RegKeyHandle, rtl_uString*, rtl_uString*);
+ RegError (REGISTRY_CALLTYPE *saveKey) (RegHandle, RegKeyHandle, rtl_uString*, rtl_uString*);
+ RegError (REGISTRY_CALLTYPE *mergeKey) (RegHandle, RegKeyHandle, rtl_uString*, rtl_uString*, sal_Bool, sal_Bool);
+ RegError (REGISTRY_CALLTYPE *dumpRegistry) (RegHandle, RegKeyHandle);
+ void (REGISTRY_CALLTYPE *acquireKey) (RegKeyHandle);
+ void (REGISTRY_CALLTYPE *releaseKey) (RegKeyHandle);
+ sal_Bool (REGISTRY_CALLTYPE *isKeyReadOnly) (RegKeyHandle);
+ RegError (REGISTRY_CALLTYPE *getKeyName) (RegKeyHandle, rtl_uString**);
+ RegError (REGISTRY_CALLTYPE *createKey) (RegKeyHandle, rtl_uString*, RegKeyHandle*);
+ RegError (REGISTRY_CALLTYPE *openKey) (RegKeyHandle, rtl_uString*, RegKeyHandle*);
+ RegError (REGISTRY_CALLTYPE *openSubKeys) (RegKeyHandle, rtl_uString*, RegKeyHandle**, sal_uInt32*);
+ RegError (REGISTRY_CALLTYPE *closeSubKeys) (RegKeyHandle*, sal_uInt32);
+ RegError (REGISTRY_CALLTYPE *deleteKey) (RegKeyHandle, rtl_uString*);
+ RegError (REGISTRY_CALLTYPE *closeKey) (RegKeyHandle);
+ RegError (REGISTRY_CALLTYPE *setValue) (RegKeyHandle, rtl_uString*, RegValueType, RegValue, sal_uInt32);
+ RegError (REGISTRY_CALLTYPE *setLongListValue) (RegKeyHandle, rtl_uString*, sal_Int32*, sal_uInt32);
+ RegError (REGISTRY_CALLTYPE *setStringListValue) (RegKeyHandle, rtl_uString*, sal_Char**, sal_uInt32);
+ RegError (REGISTRY_CALLTYPE *setUnicodeListValue)(RegKeyHandle, rtl_uString*, sal_Unicode**, sal_uInt32);
+ RegError (REGISTRY_CALLTYPE *getValueInfo) (RegKeyHandle, rtl_uString*, RegValueType*, sal_uInt32*);
+ RegError (REGISTRY_CALLTYPE *getValue) (RegKeyHandle, rtl_uString*, RegValue);
+ RegError (REGISTRY_CALLTYPE *getLongListValue) (RegKeyHandle, rtl_uString*, sal_Int32**, sal_uInt32*);
+ RegError (REGISTRY_CALLTYPE *getStringListValue) (RegKeyHandle, rtl_uString*, sal_Char***, sal_uInt32*);
+ RegError (REGISTRY_CALLTYPE *getUnicodeListValue)(RegKeyHandle, rtl_uString*, sal_Unicode***, sal_uInt32*);
+ RegError (REGISTRY_CALLTYPE *freeValueList) (RegValueType, RegValue, sal_uInt32);
+ RegError (REGISTRY_CALLTYPE *createLink) (RegKeyHandle, rtl_uString*, rtl_uString*);
+ RegError (REGISTRY_CALLTYPE *deleteLink) (RegKeyHandle, rtl_uString*);
+ RegError (REGISTRY_CALLTYPE *getKeyType) (RegKeyHandle, rtl_uString*, RegKeyType*);
+ RegError (REGISTRY_CALLTYPE *getLinkTarget) (RegKeyHandle, rtl_uString*, rtl_uString**);
+ RegError (REGISTRY_CALLTYPE *getResolvedKeyName) (RegKeyHandle, rtl_uString*, sal_Bool, rtl_uString**);
+ RegError (REGISTRY_CALLTYPE *getKeyNames) (RegKeyHandle, rtl_uString*, rtl_uString***, sal_uInt32*);
+ RegError (REGISTRY_CALLTYPE *freeKeyNames) (rtl_uString**, sal_uInt32);
+/** the API initialization function.
+REG_DLLPUBLIC Registry_Api* REGISTRY_CALLTYPE initRegistry_Api(void);
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+class RegistryKey;
+/** The Registry provides the functionality to read and write information in a registry file.
+ The class is implemented inline and use a C-Api.
+class Registry
+ /** Default constructor.
+ */
+ inline Registry();
+ /// Copy constructcor
+ inline Registry(const Registry& toCopy);
+ /// Destructor. The Destructor close the registry if it is open.
+ inline ~Registry();
+ /// Assign operator
+ inline Registry& operator = (const Registry& toAssign);
+ /// checks if the registry points to a valid registry data file.
+ inline sal_Bool isValid() const;
+ /** returns the access mode of the registry.
+ @return TRUE if the access mode is readonly else FALSE.
+ */
+ inline sal_Bool isReadOnly() const;
+ /** opens the root key of the registry.
+ @param rRootKey reference to a RegistryKey which is filled with the rootkey.
+ @return REG_NO_ERROR if succeeds else an error code.
+ */
+ inline RegError openRootKey(RegistryKey& rRootKey);
+ /// returns the name of the current registry data file.
+ inline OUString getName();
+ /** creates a new registry with the specified name and creates a root key.
+ @param registryName specifies the name of the new registry.
+ @return REG_NO_ERROR if succeeds else an error code.
+ */
+ inline RegError create(const OUString& registryName);
+ /** opens a registry with the specified name.
+ If the registry already points to a valid registry, the old registry will be closed.
+ @param registryName specifies a registry name.
+ @param accessMode specifies the access mode for the registry, REG_READONLY or REG_READWRITE.
+ @return REG_NO_ERROR if succeeds else an error code.
+ */
+ inline RegError open(const OUString& registryName,
+ RegAccessMode accessMode);
+ /// closes explicitly the current registry data file.
+ inline RegError close();
+ /** destroys a registry.
+ @param registryName specifies a registry name, if the name is an empty string the registry
+ itselfs will be destroyed.
+ @return REG_NO_ERROR if succeeds else an error code.
+ */
+ inline RegError destroy(const OUString& registryName);
+ /** loads registry information from a specified file and save it under the
+ specified keyName.
+ @param rKey references a currently open key. The key which should store the registry information
+ is a subkey of this key.
+ @param keyName specifies the name of the key which stores the registry information. If keyName is
+ is an empty string the registry information will be saved under the key specified
+ by rKey.
+ @param regFileName specifies the file containing the registry information.
+ @return REG_NO_ERROR if succeeds else an error code.
+ */
+ inline RegError loadKey(RegistryKey& rKey,
+ const OUString& keyName,
+ const OUString& regFileName);
+ /** saves the registry information of the specified key and all subkeys and save
+ it in the specified file.
+ @param rKey references a currently open key. The key which information is saved by this
+ function is a subkey of this key.
+ @param keyName specifies the name of the key which information should be stored.
+ If keyName is an empty string the registry information under the key specified
+ by rKey is saved in the specified file.
+ @param regFileName specifies the file containing the registry information.
+ @return REG_NO_ERROR if succeeds else an error code.
+ */
+ inline RegError saveKey(RegistryKey& rKey,
+ const OUString& keyName,
+ const OUString& regFileName);
+ /** merges the registry information of the specified key with the registry
+ information of the specified file.
+ All existing keys will be extended and existing key values will be overwritten.
+ @param rKey references a currently open key. The key which information is merged by this
+ function is a subkey of this key
+ @param keyName specifies the name of the key which will be merged.
+ If keyName is an empty string the registry information under the key specified
+ by rKey is merged with the information from the specified file.
+ @param regFileName specifies the file containing the registry information.
+ @param bWarnings if TRUE the function returns an error if a key already exists.
+ @param bReport if TRUE the function reports warnings on stdout if a key already exists.
+ @return REG_NO_ERROR if succeeds else an error code. If it returns an error the registry will
+ restore the state before merging.
+ */
+ inline RegError mergeKey(RegistryKey& rKey,
+ const OUString& keyName,
+ const OUString& regFileName,
+ sal_Bool bWarnings = sal_False,
+ sal_Bool bReport = sal_False);
+ /** This function reports the complete registry information of a key and all of its subkeys.
+ All information which are available (keynames, value types, values, ...)
+ will be printed to stdout for report issues only.
+ @param rKey references a currently open key which content will be reported.
+ @return REG_NO_ERROR if succeeds else an error code.
+ */
+ inline RegError dumpRegistry(RegistryKey& rKey);
+ friend class RegistryKey;
+ friend class RegistryKeyArray;
+ friend class RegistryKeyNames;
+ /// returns the used registry Api.
+ const Registry_Api* getApi() { return m_pApi; }
+ /// stores the used and initialized registry Api.
+ const Registry_Api* m_pApi;
+ /// stores the handle of the underlying registry file on which most of the functions work.
+ RegHandle m_hImpl;
+/** RegistryKeyArray represents an array of open keys.
+ RegistryKeyArray is a helper class to work with an array of keys.
+class RegistryKeyArray
+ /// Default constructor
+ inline RegistryKeyArray();
+ /// Destructor, all subkeys will be closed.
+ inline ~RegistryKeyArray();
+ /// returns the open key specified by index.
+ inline RegistryKey getElement(sal_uInt32 index);
+ /// returns the length of the array.
+ inline sal_uInt32 getLength();
+ friend class RegistryKey;
+ /** sets the data of the key array.
+ @param registry specifies the registry files where the keys are located.
+ @param phKeys points to an array of open keys.
+ @param length specifies the length of the array specified by phKeys.
+ */
+ inline void setKeyHandles(Registry& registry, RegKeyHandle* phKeys, sal_uInt32 length);
+ /// close all subkeys
+ inline RegError closeKeyHandles();
+ /// stores the number of open subkeys, the number of elements.
+ sal_uInt32 m_length;
+ /// stores an array of open subkeys.
+ RegKeyHandle* m_phKeys;
+ /// stores the handle to the registry file where the appropriate keys are located.
+ Registry m_registry;
+/** RegistryKeyNames represents an array of key names.
+ RegistryKeyNames is a helper class to work with an array of key names.
+class RegistryKeyNames
+ /// Default constructor
+ inline RegistryKeyNames();
+ /// Destructor, the internal array with key names will be deleted.
+ inline ~RegistryKeyNames();
+ /// returns the name of the key sepecified by index.
+ inline OUString getElement(sal_uInt32 index);
+ /// returns the length of the array.
+ inline sal_uInt32 getLength();
+ friend class RegistryKey;
+ /** sets the data of the array.
+ @param registry specifies the registry files where the keys are located.
+ @param pKeyNames points to an array of key names.
+ @param length specifies the length of the array specified by pKeyNames.
+ */
+ inline void setKeyNames(Registry& registry, rtl_uString** pKeyNames, sal_uInt32 length);
+ /// delete the array of key names.
+ inline RegError freeKeyNames();
+ /// stores the number of key names, the number of elements.
+ sal_uInt32 m_length;
+ /// stores an array of key names.
+ rtl_uString** m_pKeyNames;
+ /// stores the handle to the registry file where the appropriate keys are located.
+ Registry m_registry;
+/** RegistryValueList represents a value list of the specified type.
+ RegistryValueList is a helper class to work with a list value.
+template<class ValueType>
+class RegistryValueList
+ /// Default constructor
+ RegistryValueList()
+ : m_length(0)
+ , m_pValueList(NULL)
+ {}
+ /// Destructor, the internal value list will be freed.
+ ~RegistryValueList()
+ {
+ if (m_pValueList)
+ {
+ m_registry.getApi()->freeValueList(m_valueType, m_pValueList, m_length);
+ }
+ }
+ /// returns the value of the list specified by index.
+ ValueType getElement(sal_uInt32 index)
+ {
+ if (m_registry.isValid() && index < m_length)
+ {
+ return m_pValueList[index];
+ } else
+ {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ }
+ /// returns the length of the list.
+ sal_uInt32 getLength()
+ {
+ return m_length;
+ }
+ friend class RegistryKey;
+ /** sets the data of the value list.
+ @param registry specifies the registry files where the appropriate key is located.
+ @param valueType specifies the type of the list values.
+ @param pValueList points to a value list.
+ @param length specifies the length of the list.
+ */
+ void setValueList(Registry& registry, RegValueType valueType,
+ ValueType* pValueList, sal_uInt32 length)
+ {
+ m_length = length;
+ m_pValueList = pValueList;
+ m_valueType = valueType;
+ m_registry = registry;
+ }
+ /// stores the length of the list, the number of elements.
+ sal_uInt32 m_length;
+ /// stores the value list.
+ ValueType* m_pValueList;
+ /// stores the type of the list elements
+ RegValueType m_valueType;
+ /** stores the handle to the registry file where the appropriate key to this
+ value is located.
+ */
+ Registry m_registry;
+/** RegistryKey reads or writes information of the underlying key in a registry.
+ Class is inline and use a load on call C-Api.
+class RegistryKey
+ /// Default constructor
+ inline RegistryKey();
+ /// Copy constructor
+ inline RegistryKey(const RegistryKey& toCopy);
+ /// Destructor, close the key if it references an open one.
+ inline ~RegistryKey();
+ /// Assign operator
+ inline RegistryKey& operator = (const RegistryKey& toAssign);
+ /// checks if the key points to a valid registry key.
+ inline sal_Bool isValid() const;
+ /** returns the access mode of the key.
+ @return TRUE if access mode is read only else FALSE.
+ */
+ inline sal_Bool isReadOnly() const;
+ /// returns the full qualified name of the key beginning with the rootkey.
+ inline OUString getName();
+ /** creates a new key or opens a key if the specified key already exists.
+ The specified keyname is relativ to this key.
+ @param keyName specifies the name of the key which will be opened or created.
+ @param rNewKey references a RegistryKey which will be filled with the new or open key.
+ @return REG_NO_ERROR if succeeds else an error code.
+ */
+ inline RegError createKey(const OUString& keyName,
+ RegistryKey& rNewKey);
+ /** opens the specified key.
+ The specified keyname is relativ to this key.
+ @param keyName specifies the name of the key which will be opened.
+ @param rOpenKey references a RegistryKey which will be filled with the open key.
+ @return REG_NO_ERROR if succeeds else an error code.
+ */
+ inline RegError openKey(const OUString& keyName,
+ RegistryKey& rOpenKey);
+ /** opens all subkeys of the specified key.
+ The specified keyname is relativ to this key.
+ @param keyName specifies the name of the key which subkeys will be opened.
+ @param rSubKeys reference a RegistryKeyArray which will be filled with the open subkeys.
+ @return REG_NO_ERROR if succeeds else an error code.
+ */
+ inline RegError openSubKeys(const OUString& keyName,
+ RegistryKeyArray& rSubKeys);
+ /** returns an array with the names of all subkeys of the specified key.
+ The specified keyname is relativ to this key.
+ @param keyName specifies the name of the key which subkey names will be returned.
+ @param rSubKeyNames reference a RegistryKeyNames array which will be filled with the subkey names.
+ @return REG_NO_ERROR if succeeds else an error code.
+ */
+ inline RegError getKeyNames(const OUString& keyName,
+ RegistryKeyNames& rSubKeyNames);
+ /** closes all keys specified in the array.
+ @param rSubKeys reference a RegistryKeyArray which contains the open keys.
+ @return REG_NO_ERROR if succeeds else an error code.
+ */
+ inline RegError closeSubKeys(RegistryKeyArray& rSubKeys);
+ /** deletes the specified key.
+ @param keyName specifies the name of the key which will be deleted.
+ @return REG_NO_ERROR if succeeds else an error code.
+ */
+ inline RegError deleteKey(const OUString& keyName);
+ /// closes explicitly the current key
+ inline RegError closeKey();
+ /// releases the current key
+ inline void releaseKey();
+ /** sets a value of a key.
+ @param keyName specifies the name of the key which value will be set.
+ If keyName is an empty string, the value will be set for the key
+ specified by hKey.
+ @param valueType specifies the type of the value.
+ @param pValue points to a memory block containing the data for the value.
+ @param valueSize specifies the size of pData in bytes
+ @return REG_NO_ERROR if succeeds else an error code.
+ */
+ inline RegError setValue(const OUString& keyName,
+ RegValueType valueType,
+ RegValue pValue,
+ sal_uInt32 valueSize);
+ /** sets a long list value of a key.
+ @param keyName specifies the name of the key which value will be set.
+ If keyName is an empty string, the value will be set for the key
+ specified by hKey.
+ @param pValueList points to an array of longs containing the data for the value.
+ @param len specifies the length of the list (the array referenced by pValueList).
+ @return REG_NO_ERROR if succeeds else an error code.
+ */
+ inline RegError setLongListValue(const OUString& keyName,
+ sal_Int32* pValueList,
+ sal_uInt32 len);
+ /** sets an ascii list value of a key.
+ @param keyName specifies the name of the key which value will be set.
+ If keyName is an empty string, the value will be set for the key
+ specified by hKey.
+ @param pValueList points to an array of sal_Char* containing the data for the value.
+ @param len specifies the length of the list (the array referenced by pValueList).
+ @return REG_NO_ERROR if succeeds else an error code.
+ */
+ inline RegError setStringListValue(const OUString& keyName,
+ sal_Char** pValueList,
+ sal_uInt32 len);
+ /** sets an unicode string list value of a key.
+ @param keyName specifies the name of the key which value will be set.
+ If keyName is an empty string, the value will be set for the key
+ specified by hKey.
+ @param pValueList points to an array of sal_Unicode* containing the data for the value.
+ @param len specifies the length of the list (the array referenced by pValueList).
+ @return REG_NO_ERROR if succeeds else an error code.
+ */
+ inline RegError setUnicodeListValue(const OUString& keyName,
+ sal_Unicode** pValueList,
+ sal_uInt32 len);
+ /** gets info about type and size of a value.
+ @param keyName specifies the name of the key which value info will be returned.
+ If keyName is an empty string, the value info of the key
+ specified by hKey will be returned.
+ @param pValueType returns the type of the value.
+ @param pValueSize returns the size of the value in bytes or the length of a list value.
+ @return REG_NO_ERROR if succeeds else an error code.
+ */
+ inline RegError getValueInfo(const OUString& keyName,
+ RegValueType* pValueType,
+ sal_uInt32* pValueSize);
+ /** gets the value of a key.
+ @param keyName specifies the name of the key which value will be returned.
+ If keyName is an empty string, the value is get from the key
+ specified by hKey.
+ @param pValue points to an allocated memory block receiving the data of the value.
+ @return REG_NO_ERROR if succeeds else an error code.
+ */
+ inline RegError getValue(const OUString& keyName,
+ RegValue pValue);
+ /** gets a long list value of a key.
+ @param keyName specifies the name of the key which value will be returned.
+ If keyName is an empty string, the value is get from the key
+ specified by hKey.
+ @param rValueList references a RegistryValueList which will be filled with the long values.
+ @return REG_NO_ERROR if succeeds else an error code.
+ */
+ inline RegError getLongListValue(const OUString& keyName,
+ RegistryValueList<sal_Int32>& rValueList);
+ /** gets an ascii list value of a key.
+ @param keyName specifies the name of the key which value will be returned.
+ If keyName is an empty string, the value is get from the key
+ specified by hKey.
+ @param rValueList references a RegistryValueList which will be filled with the ascii values.
+ @return REG_NO_ERROR if succeeds else an error code.
+ */
+ inline RegError getStringListValue(const OUString& keyName,
+ RegistryValueList<sal_Char*>& rValueList);
+ /** gets a unicode value of a key.
+ @param keyName specifies the name of the key which value will be returned.
+ If keyName is an empty string, the value is get from the key
+ specified by hKey.
+ @param rValueList reference a RegistryValueList which will be filled with the unicode values.
+ @return REG_NO_ERROR if succeeds else an error code.
+ */
+ inline RegError getUnicodeListValue(const OUString& keyName,
+ RegistryValueList<sal_Unicode*>& rValueList);
+ /** used to create a link.
+ @deprecated Links are no longer supported.
+ */
+ inline RegError createLink(const OUString& linkName,
+ const OUString& linkTarget);
+ /** used to delete a link.
+ @deprecated Links are no longer supported.
+ */
+ inline RegError deleteLink(const OUString& linkName);
+ /** returns the type of the specified key.
+ @param name specifies the name of the key or link.
+ @param pKeyType returns the type of the key (always RG_KEYTYPE).
+ @return REG_NO_ERROR if succeeds else an error code.
+ */
+ inline RegError getKeyType(const OUString& name,
+ RegKeyType* pKeyType) const;
+ /** used to return the target of a link.
+ @deprecated Links are no longer supported.
+ */
+ inline RegError getLinkTarget(const OUString& linkName,
+ OUString& rLinkTarget) const;
+ /** resolves a keyname.
+ @param[in] keyName specifies the name of the key which will be resolved relative to this key.
+ The resolved name will be prefixed with the name of this key.
+ @param[in] firstLinkOnly ignored
+ @param[out] rResolvedName the resolved name.
+ @return REG_NO_ERROR if succeeds else an error code.
+ */
+ inline RegError getResolvedKeyName(const OUString& keyName,
+ sal_Bool firstLinkOnly,
+ OUString& rResolvedName) const;
+ /// returns the name of the registry in which the key is defined.
+ inline OUString getRegistryName();
+ /// returns the registry in which the key is defined.
+ Registry getRegistry() const { return m_registry; }
+ friend class Registry;
+ /// @cond INTERNAL
+ /** Constructor, which initialize a RegistryKey with registry and an valid key handle.
+ This constructor is internal only.
+ */
+ inline RegistryKey(Registry& registry,
+ RegKeyHandle hKey);
+ /** returns the internal key handle.
+ */
+ RegKeyHandle getKeyHandle() const { return m_hImpl; }
+ /** sets the internal registry on which this key should work.
+ */
+ inline void setRegistry(Registry& registry);
+ /// @endcond
+ /// stores the registry on which this key works
+ Registry m_registry;
+ /// stores the current key handle of this key
+ RegKeyHandle m_hImpl;
+inline RegistryKeyArray::RegistryKeyArray()
+ : m_length(0)
+ , m_phKeys(NULL)
+inline RegistryKeyArray::~RegistryKeyArray()
+ if (m_phKeys)
+ m_registry.m_pApi->closeSubKeys(m_phKeys, m_length);
+inline RegistryKey RegistryKeyArray::getElement(sal_uInt32 index)
+ if (m_registry.isValid() && index < m_length)
+ return RegistryKey(m_registry, m_phKeys[index]);
+ else
+ return RegistryKey();
+inline sal_uInt32 RegistryKeyArray::getLength()
+ return m_length;
+inline void RegistryKeyArray::setKeyHandles(Registry& registry,
+ RegKeyHandle* phKeys,
+ sal_uInt32 length)
+ m_phKeys = phKeys;
+ m_length = length;
+ m_registry = registry;
+inline RegError RegistryKeyArray::closeKeyHandles()
+ if (m_registry.isValid() && m_phKeys)
+ {
+ RegError ret;
+ ret = m_registry.m_pApi->closeSubKeys(m_phKeys, m_length);
+ m_registry = Registry();
+ m_length = 0;
+ m_phKeys = NULL;
+ return ret;
+ } else
+ return(REG_INVALID_KEY);
+inline RegistryKeyNames::RegistryKeyNames()
+ : m_length(0)
+ , m_pKeyNames(NULL)
+inline RegistryKeyNames::~RegistryKeyNames()
+ if (m_pKeyNames)
+ m_registry.m_pApi->freeKeyNames(m_pKeyNames, m_length);
+inline OUString RegistryKeyNames::getElement(sal_uInt32 index)
+ if (m_pKeyNames && index < m_length)
+ return m_pKeyNames[index];
+ else
+ return OUString();
+inline sal_uInt32 RegistryKeyNames::getLength()
+ return m_length;
+inline void RegistryKeyNames::setKeyNames(Registry& registry,
+ rtl_uString** pKeyNames,
+ sal_uInt32 length)
+ m_pKeyNames = pKeyNames;
+ m_length = length;
+ m_registry = registry;
+inline RegError RegistryKeyNames::freeKeyNames()
+ if (m_registry.isValid() && m_pKeyNames)
+ {
+ RegError ret = REG_NO_ERROR;
+ ret = m_registry.m_pApi->freeKeyNames(m_pKeyNames, m_length);
+ m_registry = Registry();
+ m_length = 0;
+ m_pKeyNames = NULL;
+ return ret;
+ } else
+inline RegistryKey::RegistryKey()
+ : m_hImpl(NULL)
+ { }
+/// @cond INTERNAL
+inline RegistryKey::RegistryKey(Registry& registry, RegKeyHandle hKey)
+ : m_registry(registry)
+ , m_hImpl(hKey)
+ {
+ if (m_hImpl)
+ m_registry.m_pApi->acquireKey(m_hImpl);
+ }
+/// @endcond
+inline RegistryKey::RegistryKey(const RegistryKey& toCopy)
+ : m_registry(toCopy.m_registry)
+ , m_hImpl(toCopy.m_hImpl)
+ {
+ if (m_hImpl)
+ m_registry.m_pApi->acquireKey(m_hImpl);
+ }
+/// @cond INTERNAL
+inline void RegistryKey::setRegistry(Registry& registry)
+ {
+ m_registry = registry;
+ }
+/// @endcond
+inline RegistryKey::~RegistryKey()
+ {
+ if (m_hImpl)
+ m_registry.m_pApi->releaseKey(m_hImpl);
+ }
+inline RegistryKey& RegistryKey::operator = (const RegistryKey& toAssign)
+ m_registry = toAssign.m_registry;
+ if (toAssign.m_hImpl)
+ m_registry.m_pApi->acquireKey(toAssign.m_hImpl);
+ if (m_hImpl)
+ m_registry.m_pApi->releaseKey(m_hImpl);
+ m_hImpl = toAssign.m_hImpl;
+ return *this;
+inline sal_Bool RegistryKey::isValid() const
+ { return (m_hImpl != NULL); }
+inline sal_Bool RegistryKey::isReadOnly() const
+ {
+ if (m_registry.isValid())
+ return (m_registry.m_pApi)->isKeyReadOnly(m_hImpl);
+ else
+ return sal_False;
+ }
+inline OUString RegistryKey::getName()
+ {
+ OUString sRet;
+ if (m_registry.isValid())
+ m_registry.m_pApi->getKeyName(m_hImpl, &sRet.pData);
+ return sRet;
+ }
+inline RegError RegistryKey::createKey(const OUString& keyName,
+ RegistryKey& rNewKey)
+ {
+ if (rNewKey.isValid()) rNewKey.closeKey();
+ if (m_registry.isValid())
+ {
+ RegError ret = m_registry.m_pApi->createKey(m_hImpl, keyName.pData, &rNewKey.m_hImpl);
+ if (!ret) rNewKey.setRegistry(m_registry);
+ return ret;
+ } else
+ }
+inline RegError RegistryKey::openKey(const OUString& keyName,
+ RegistryKey& rOpenKey)
+ {
+ if (rOpenKey.isValid()) rOpenKey.closeKey();
+ if (m_registry.isValid())
+ {
+ RegError ret = m_registry.m_pApi->openKey(m_hImpl, keyName.pData,
+ &rOpenKey.m_hImpl);
+ if (!ret) rOpenKey.setRegistry(m_registry);
+ return ret;
+ } else
+ }
+inline RegError RegistryKey::openSubKeys(const OUString& keyName,
+ RegistryKeyArray& rSubKeys)
+ {
+ if (m_registry.isValid())
+ {
+ RegError ret = REG_NO_ERROR;
+ RegKeyHandle* pSubKeys;
+ sal_uInt32 nSubKeys;
+ ret = m_registry.m_pApi->openSubKeys(m_hImpl, keyName.pData,
+ &pSubKeys, &nSubKeys);
+ if ( ret )
+ {
+ return ret;
+ } else
+ {
+ rSubKeys.setKeyHandles(m_registry, pSubKeys, nSubKeys);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ } else
+ }
+inline RegError RegistryKey::getKeyNames(const OUString& keyName,
+ RegistryKeyNames& rSubKeyNames)
+ {
+ if (m_registry.isValid())
+ {
+ RegError ret = REG_NO_ERROR;
+ rtl_uString** pSubKeyNames;
+ sal_uInt32 nSubKeys;
+ ret = m_registry.m_pApi->getKeyNames(m_hImpl, keyName.pData,
+ &pSubKeyNames, &nSubKeys);
+ if ( ret )
+ {
+ return ret;
+ } else
+ {
+ rSubKeyNames.setKeyNames(m_registry, pSubKeyNames, nSubKeys);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ } else
+ }
+inline RegError RegistryKey::closeSubKeys(RegistryKeyArray& rSubKeys)
+ {
+ if (m_registry.isValid())
+ return rSubKeys.closeKeyHandles();
+ else
+ }
+inline RegError RegistryKey::deleteKey(const OUString& keyName)
+ {
+ if (m_registry.isValid())
+ return m_registry.m_pApi->deleteKey(m_hImpl, keyName.pData);
+ else
+ }
+inline RegError RegistryKey::closeKey()
+ {
+ if (m_registry.isValid())
+ {
+ RegError ret = m_registry.m_pApi->closeKey(m_hImpl);
+ if (!ret)
+ {
+ m_hImpl = NULL;
+ m_registry = Registry();
+ }
+ return ret;
+ } else
+ }
+inline void RegistryKey::releaseKey()
+ if (m_registry.isValid() && (m_hImpl != 0))
+ {
+ m_registry.m_pApi->releaseKey(m_hImpl), m_hImpl = 0;
+ }
+inline RegError RegistryKey::setValue(const OUString& keyName,
+ RegValueType valueType,
+ RegValue pValue,
+ sal_uInt32 valueSize)
+ {
+ if (m_registry.isValid())
+ return m_registry.m_pApi->setValue(m_hImpl, keyName.pData, valueType,
+ pValue, valueSize);
+ else
+ }
+inline RegError RegistryKey::setLongListValue(const OUString& keyName,
+ sal_Int32* pValueList,
+ sal_uInt32 len)
+ {
+ if (m_registry.isValid())
+ return m_registry.m_pApi->setLongListValue(m_hImpl, keyName.pData,
+ pValueList, len);
+ else
+ }
+inline RegError RegistryKey::setStringListValue(const OUString& keyName,
+ sal_Char** pValueList,
+ sal_uInt32 len)
+ {
+ if (m_registry.isValid())
+ return m_registry.m_pApi->setStringListValue(m_hImpl, keyName.pData,
+ pValueList, len);
+ else
+ }
+inline RegError RegistryKey::setUnicodeListValue(const OUString& keyName,
+ sal_Unicode** pValueList,
+ sal_uInt32 len)
+ {
+ if (m_registry.isValid())
+ return m_registry.m_pApi->setUnicodeListValue(m_hImpl, keyName.pData,
+ pValueList, len);
+ else
+ }
+inline RegError RegistryKey::getValueInfo(const OUString& keyName,
+ RegValueType* pValueType,
+ sal_uInt32* pValueSize)
+ {
+ if (m_registry.isValid())
+ return m_registry.m_pApi->getValueInfo(m_hImpl, keyName.pData, pValueType, pValueSize);
+ else
+ }
+inline RegError RegistryKey::getValue(const OUString& keyName,
+ RegValue pValue)
+ {
+ if (m_registry.isValid())
+ return m_registry.m_pApi->getValue(m_hImpl, keyName.pData, pValue);
+ else
+ }
+inline RegError RegistryKey::getLongListValue(const OUString& keyName,
+ RegistryValueList<sal_Int32>& rValueList)
+ {
+ if (m_registry.isValid())
+ {
+ RegError ret = REG_NO_ERROR;
+ sal_Int32* pValueList;
+ sal_uInt32 length;
+ ret = m_registry.m_pApi->getLongListValue(m_hImpl, keyName.pData,
+ &pValueList, &length);
+ if ( ret )
+ {
+ return ret;
+ } else
+ {
+ rValueList.setValueList(m_registry, RG_VALUETYPE_LONGLIST,
+ pValueList, length);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ } else
+ }
+inline RegError RegistryKey::getStringListValue(const OUString& keyName,
+ RegistryValueList<sal_Char*>& rValueList)
+ {
+ if (m_registry.isValid())
+ {
+ RegError ret = REG_NO_ERROR;
+ sal_Char** pValueList;
+ sal_uInt32 length;
+ ret = m_registry.m_pApi->getStringListValue(m_hImpl, keyName.pData,
+ &pValueList, &length);
+ if ( ret )
+ {
+ return ret;
+ } else
+ {
+ rValueList.setValueList(m_registry, RG_VALUETYPE_STRINGLIST,
+ pValueList, length);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ } else
+ }
+inline RegError RegistryKey::getUnicodeListValue(const OUString& keyName,
+ RegistryValueList<sal_Unicode*>& rValueList)
+ {
+ if (m_registry.isValid())
+ {
+ RegError ret = REG_NO_ERROR;
+ sal_Unicode** pValueList;
+ sal_uInt32 length;
+ ret = m_registry.m_pApi->getUnicodeListValue(m_hImpl, keyName.pData,
+ &pValueList, &length);
+ if ( ret )
+ {
+ return ret;
+ } else
+ {
+ rValueList.setValueList(m_registry, RG_VALUETYPE_UNICODELIST,
+ pValueList, length);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ } else
+ }
+inline RegError RegistryKey::createLink(const OUString& linkName,
+ const OUString& linkTarget)
+ {
+ if (m_registry.isValid())
+ return m_registry.m_pApi->createLink(m_hImpl, linkName.pData, linkTarget.pData);
+ else
+ }
+inline RegError RegistryKey::deleteLink(const OUString& linkName)
+ {
+ if (m_registry.isValid())
+ return m_registry.m_pApi->deleteLink(m_hImpl, linkName.pData);
+ else
+ }
+inline RegError RegistryKey::getKeyType(const OUString& keyName,
+ RegKeyType* pKeyType) const
+ {
+ if (m_registry.isValid())
+ return m_registry.m_pApi->getKeyType(m_hImpl, keyName.pData, pKeyType);
+ else
+ }
+inline RegError RegistryKey::getLinkTarget(const OUString& linkName,
+ OUString& rLinkTarget) const
+ {
+ if (m_registry.isValid())
+ {
+ return m_registry.m_pApi->getLinkTarget(m_hImpl,
+ linkName.pData,
+ &rLinkTarget.pData);
+ } else
+ }
+inline RegError RegistryKey::getResolvedKeyName(const OUString& keyName,
+ sal_Bool firstLinkOnly,
+ OUString& rResolvedName) const
+ {
+ if (m_registry.isValid())
+ return m_registry.m_pApi->getResolvedKeyName(m_hImpl,
+ keyName.pData,
+ firstLinkOnly,
+ &rResolvedName.pData);
+ else
+ }
+inline OUString RegistryKey::getRegistryName()
+ {
+ if (m_registry.isValid())
+ {
+ return m_registry.getName();
+ } else
+ return OUString();
+ }
+inline Registry::Registry()
+ : m_pApi(initRegistry_Api())
+ , m_hImpl(NULL)
+ { }
+inline Registry::Registry(const Registry& toCopy)
+ : m_pApi(toCopy.m_pApi)
+ , m_hImpl(toCopy.m_hImpl)
+ {
+ if (m_hImpl)
+ m_pApi->acquire(m_hImpl);
+ }
+inline Registry::~Registry()
+ {
+ if (m_hImpl)
+ m_pApi->release(m_hImpl);
+ }
+inline Registry& Registry::operator = (const Registry& toAssign)
+ if (toAssign.m_hImpl)
+ toAssign.m_pApi->acquire(toAssign.m_hImpl);
+ if (m_hImpl)
+ m_pApi->release(m_hImpl);
+ m_pApi = toAssign.m_pApi;
+ m_hImpl = toAssign.m_hImpl;
+ return *this;
+inline sal_Bool Registry::isValid() const
+ { return ( m_hImpl != NULL ); }
+inline sal_Bool Registry::isReadOnly() const
+ { return m_pApi->isReadOnly(m_hImpl); }
+inline RegError Registry::openRootKey(RegistryKey& rRootKey)
+ {
+ rRootKey.setRegistry(*this);
+ return m_pApi->openRootKey(m_hImpl, &rRootKey.m_hImpl);
+ }
+inline OUString Registry::getName()
+ {
+ OUString sRet;
+ m_pApi->getName(m_hImpl, &sRet.pData);
+ return sRet;
+ }
+inline RegError Registry::create(const OUString& registryName)
+ {
+ if (m_hImpl)
+ m_pApi->release(m_hImpl);
+ return m_pApi->createRegistry(registryName.pData, &m_hImpl);
+ }
+inline RegError Registry::open(const OUString& registryName,
+ RegAccessMode accessMode)
+ {
+ if (m_hImpl)
+ m_pApi->release(m_hImpl);
+ return m_pApi->openRegistry(registryName.pData, &m_hImpl, accessMode);
+ }
+inline RegError Registry::close()
+ {
+ RegError ret = m_pApi->closeRegistry(m_hImpl);
+ if (!ret)
+ m_hImpl = NULL;
+ return ret;
+ }
+inline RegError Registry::destroy(const OUString& registryName)
+ {
+ RegError ret = m_pApi->destroyRegistry(m_hImpl, registryName.pData);
+ if ( !ret && registryName.isEmpty() )
+ m_hImpl = NULL;
+ return ret;
+ }
+inline RegError Registry::loadKey(RegistryKey& rKey,
+ const OUString& keyName,
+ const OUString& regFileName)
+ { return m_pApi->loadKey(m_hImpl, rKey.m_hImpl, keyName.pData, regFileName.pData); }
+inline RegError Registry::saveKey(RegistryKey& rKey,
+ const OUString& keyName,
+ const OUString& regFileName)
+ { return m_pApi->saveKey(m_hImpl, rKey.m_hImpl, keyName.pData, regFileName.pData); }
+inline RegError Registry::mergeKey(RegistryKey& rKey,
+ const OUString& keyName,
+ const OUString& regFileName,
+ sal_Bool bWarnings,
+ sal_Bool bReport)
+ { return m_pApi->mergeKey(m_hImpl, rKey.m_hImpl, keyName.pData, regFileName.pData, bWarnings, bReport); }
+inline RegError Registry::dumpRegistry(RegistryKey& rKey)
+ { return m_pApi->dumpRegistry(m_hImpl, rKey.m_hImpl); }
+/* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */