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1 files changed, 144 insertions, 185 deletions
diff --git a/svl/source/items/poolio.cxx b/svl/source/items/poolio.cxx
index 374a8f1175fc..bbc73f56055f 100644
--- a/svl/source/items/poolio.cxx
+++ b/svl/source/items/poolio.cxx
@@ -451,10 +451,9 @@ SvStream &SfxItemPool::Load(SvStream &rStream)
std::vector<SfxPoolItemArray_Impl*>::iterator itrItemArr = pImp->maPoolItems.begin();
for( size_t nArrCnt = GetSize_Impl(); nArrCnt; --nArrCnt, ++itrItemArr )
- // ist "uberhaupt ein Item mit dem Which-Wert da?
+ // Is there an Item with that Which value present at all?
if ( *itrItemArr )
- // Is there an item with the Which value present at all?
SfxPoolItemArrayBase_Impl::iterator ppHtArr = (*itrItemArr)->begin();
for( size_t n = (*itrItemArr)->size(); n; --n, ++ppHtArr )
if (*ppHtArr)
@@ -997,10 +996,10 @@ SvStream &SfxItemPool::Load1_Impl(SvStream &rStream)
const SfxPoolItem* SfxItemPool::LoadSurrogate
- SvStream& rStream, // vor einem Surrogat positionierter Stream
- sal_uInt16& rWhich, // Which-Id des zu ladenden <SfxPoolItem>s
- sal_uInt16 nSlotId, // Slot-Id des zu ladenden <SfxPoolItem>s
- const SfxItemPool* pRefPool // <SfxItemPool> in dem das Surrogat gilt
+ SvStream& rStream, // Stream before a surrogate
+ sal_uInt16& rWhich, // WhichId of the SfxPoolItem that is to be loaded
+ sal_uInt16 nSlotId, // SlotId of the SfxPoolItem that is to be loaded
+ const SfxItemPool* pRefPool // SfxItemPool in which the surrogate is valid
// Read the first surrogate
@@ -1018,34 +1017,35 @@ const SfxPoolItem* SfxItemPool::LoadSurrogate
return 0;
- // Bei einem identisch aufgebauten Pool (im Stream) kann das Surrogat
- // auf jeden Fall aufgel"ost werden.
+ // If the Pool in the stream has the same structure, the surrogate
+ // can be resolved in any case
if ( !pRefPool )
pRefPool = this;
bool bResolvable = !pRefPool->GetName().isEmpty();
if ( !bResolvable )
- // Bei einem anders aufgebauten Pool im Stream, mu\s die SlotId
- // aus dem Stream in eine Which-Id gemappt werden k"onnen.
+ // If the pool in the stream has a different structure, the SlotId
+ // from the stream must be mapable to a WhichId
sal_uInt16 nMappedWhich = nSlotId ? GetWhich(nSlotId, true) : 0;
if ( IsWhich(nMappedWhich) )
- // gemappte SlotId kann "ubernommen werden
+ // Mapped SlotId can be taken over
rWhich = nMappedWhich;
bResolvable = true;
- // kann Surrogat aufgel"ost werden?
+ // Can the surrogate be resolved?
if ( bResolvable )
const SfxPoolItem *pItem = 0;
for ( SfxItemPool *pTarget = this; pTarget; pTarget = pTarget->pImp->mpSecondary )
- // richtigen (Folge-) Pool gefunden?
+ // Found the right (Range-)Pool?
if ( pTarget->IsInRange(rWhich) )
- // default attribute?
+ // Default attribute?
if ( SFX_ITEMS_DEFAULT == nSurrogat )
return *(pTarget->pImp->ppStaticDefaults +
@@ -1058,15 +1058,15 @@ const SfxPoolItem* SfxItemPool::LoadSurrogate
if ( !pItem )
OSL_FAIL( "can't resolve surrogate" );
- rWhich = 0; // nur zur Sicherheit fuer richtige Stream-Pos
+ rWhich = 0; // Just to be sure; for the right StreamPos
return 0;
- // Nachladen aus Ref-Pool?
+ // Reload from RefPool?
if ( pRefPool != pImp->mpMaster )
return &pTarget->Put( *pItem );
- // Referenzen sind NICHT schon mit Pool geladen worden?
+ // References have NOT been loaded together with the pool?
if ( !pTarget->HasPersistentRefCounts() )
AddRef( *pItem, 1 );
@@ -1124,7 +1124,7 @@ sal_uInt32 SfxItemPool::GetSurrogate(const SfxPoolItem *pItem) const
SFX_ASSERT( false, pItem->Which(), "unknown Which-Id - dont ask me for surrogates" );
- // pointer on static or pool-default attribute?
+ // Pointer on static or pool-default attribute?
if( IsStaticDefaultItem(pItem) || IsPoolDefaultItem(pItem) )
@@ -1162,81 +1162,63 @@ bool SfxItemPool::IsInStoringRange( sal_uInt16 nWhich ) const
* Pool loading method.
void SfxItemPool::SetStoringRange( sal_uInt16 nFrom, sal_uInt16 nTo )
pImp->nStoringStart = nFrom;
pImp->nStoringEnd = nTo;
+ * This method allows for the creation of new and incompatible WhichId
+ * Ranges or distributions. Pools that were saved with old versions
+ * are mapped using the provided conversion table until the current
+ * version has been reached. Newer pools can be loaded, but will lose
+ * newer attributes, because the map is saved in conjunction with the pool.
+ *
+ * Precondition: Pool must not be loaded yet
+ * Postcondition: WhichIds from older versions can be mapped to version 'nVer'
+ * Runtime: 1.5 * new + 10
+ *
+ * For newer WhichRanges (nStart,nEnd) it must hold that older WhichRanges
+ * (nOldStart,nOldEnd) are completely contained in the newer WhichRange.
+ * It is valid to extend the WhichRange to both sides; also by inserting
+ * WhichIds. Moving WhichIds is not permitted.
+ * This method should only be called in or right after the ctor.
+ *
+ * The array must be static, because its not copied and resued in the
+ * copy-ctor of the SfxItemPool
+ *
+ * Example usage:
+ * Originally (version 0) the pool had the following WhichIds:
+ *
+ * 1:A, 2:B, 3:C, 4:D
+ *
+ * A newer version (version 1) is now supposed to contain two new Ids
+ * X and Y between B and C, looking like this:
+ *
+ * 1:A, 2:B, 3:X, 4:Y, 5:C, 6:D
+ *
+ * We see that the Ids 3 and 4 have changed. For the new version, we
+ * would need to set the following in the new Pool:
+ *
+ * static sal_uInt16 nVersion1Map = { 1, 2, 5, 6 };
+ * pPool->SetVersionMap( 1, 1, 4, &nVersion1Map );
+ *
+ * @see SfxItemPool::IsLoadingVersionCurrent() const
+ * @see SfxItemPool::GetNewWhich(sal_uInt16)
+ * @see SfxItemPool::GetVersion() const
+ */
void SfxItemPool::SetVersionMap
- sal_uInt16 nVer, /* neue Versionsnummer */
- sal_uInt16 nOldStart, /* alte erste Which-Id */
- sal_uInt16 nOldEnd, /* alte letzte Which-Id */
- const sal_uInt16* pOldWhichIdTab /* Array mit genau dem Aufbau der Which-Ids
- der vorhergehenden Version, in denen
- die jeweils neue Which-Id steht. */
+ sal_uInt16 nVer, // New version number
+ sal_uInt16 nOldStart, // Old first WhichId
+ sal_uInt16 nOldEnd, // Old last WhichId
+ const sal_uInt16* pOldWhichIdTab /* Array containing the structure of the WhichIds
+ of the previous version, in which the new
+ corresponding new WhichId is located */
-/* [Beschreibung]
- Mit dieser Methode k"onnen neue, inkompatible Which-Id-Folgen oder
- Verteilungen realisiert werden. Pools, die noch mit alten Versionen
- gespeichert wurden, werden dann "uber die angegebene Tabelle solange
- gemappt, bis die aktuelle Version erreicht ist. Neuere Pools k"onnen
- unter Verlust neuer Attribute geladen werden, da die Map mit dem Pool
- gespeichert wird.
- Precondition: Pool darf noch nicht geladen sein
- Postcondition: Which-Ids aus fr"uheren Versionen k"onnen bei Laden auf
- Version 'nVer' gemappt werden
- Laufzeit: 1.5 * new + 10
- [Anmerkung]
- F"ur neue Which-Ranges (nStart,nEnd) m"ssen im Vergleich zur Vorg"anger-
- Version (nOldStart,nOldEnd) immer gelten, da\s (nOldStart,nOldEnd)
- vollst"andig in (nStart,nEnd) enthalten ist. Es ist also zul"assig, den
- Which-Range in beide Richtungen zu erweitern, auch durch Einf"ugung
- von Which-Ids, nicht aber ihn zu beschneiden.
- Diese Methode sollte nur im oder direkt nach Aufruf des Konstruktors
- gerufen werden.
- Das Array mu\s statisch sein, da es nicht kopiert wird und au\serdem
- im Copy-Ctor des SfxItemPool wiederverwendet wird.
- [Beispiel]
- Urspr"unglich (Version 0) hatte der Pool folgende Which-Ids:
- 1:A, 2:B, 3:C, 4:D
- Nun soll eine neue Version (Version 1) zwei zus"atzliche Ids X und Y
- zwischen B und C erhalten, also wie folgt aussehen:
- 1:A, 2:B, 3:X, 4:Y, 5:C, 6:D
- Dabei haben sich also die Ids 3 und 4 ge"andert. F"ur die neue Version
- m"u\ste am Pool folgendes gesetzt werden:
- static sal_uInt16 nVersion1Map = { 1, 2, 5, 6 };
- pPool->SetVersionMap( 1, 1, 4, &nVersion1Map );
- [Querverweise]
- <SfxItemPool::IsLoadingVersionCurrent()const>
- <SfxItemPool::GetNewWhich(sal_uInt16)>
- <SfxItemPool::GetVersion()const>
- // create new map entry to insert
+ // Create new map entry to insert
const SfxPoolVersion_ImplPtr pVerMap = SfxPoolVersion_ImplPtr( new SfxPoolVersion_Impl(
nVer, nOldStart, nOldEnd, pOldWhichIdTab ) );
pImp->aVersions.push_back( pVerMap );
@@ -1244,7 +1226,7 @@ void SfxItemPool::SetVersionMap
DBG_ASSERT( nVer > pImp->nVersion, "Versions not sorted" );
pImp->nVersion = nVer;
- // Versions-Range anpassen
+ // Adapt version range
for ( sal_uInt16 n = 0; n < nOldEnd-nOldStart+1; ++n )
sal_uInt16 nWhich = pOldWhichIdTab[n];
@@ -1260,39 +1242,32 @@ void SfxItemPool::SetVersionMap
+ * This method converts WhichIds from a file format to the version of the
+ * current pool.
+ * If the file format is older, the conversion tables (set by the pool developer
+ * using SetVersion()) are used. If the file format is newer the conversion tables
+ * loaded from the file format are used. In this case, not every WhichId can be
+ * mapped in which case we return 0.
+ *
+ * The calculation is only defined for WhichIds supported by the corresponding
+ * file version, which is guarded by an assertion.
+ *
+ * Precondition: Pool must be loaded
+ * Postcondition: Unchanged
+ * Runtime: linear(Count of the secondary pools) +
+ * linear(Difference of the old and newer version)
+ *
+ * @see SfxItemPool::IsLoadingVersionCurrent() const
+ * @see SfxItemPool::SetVersionMap(sal_uInt16,sal_uInt16,sal_uInt16,sal_uInt16*)
+ * @see SfxItemPool::GetVersion() const
+ */
sal_uInt16 SfxItemPool::GetNewWhich
- sal_uInt16 nFileWhich // die aus dem Stream geladene Which-Id
+ sal_uInt16 nFileWhich // The WhichId loaded from the stream
) const
-/* [Beschreibung]
- Diese Methoden rechnet Which-Ids aus einem File-Format in die der
- aktuellen Pool-Version um. Ist das File-Format "alter, werden die vom
- Pool-Entwickler mit SetVersion() gesetzten Tabellen verwendet,
- ist das File-Format neuer, dann die aus dem File geladenen Tabellen.
- Im letzteren Fall kann ggf. nicht jede Which-Id gemappt werden,
- so da\s 0 zur"uckgeliefert wird.
- Die Berechnung ist nur f"ur Which-Ids definiert, die in der betreffenden
- File-Version unterst"utzt wurden. Dies ist per Assertion abgesichert.
- Precondition: Pool mu\s geladen sein
- Postcondition: unver"andert
- Laufzeit: linear(Anzahl der Sekund"arpools) +
- linear(Differenz zwischen alter und neuer Version)
- [Querverweise]
- <SfxItemPool::IsLoadingVersionCurrent()const>
- <SfxItemPool::SetVersionMap(sal_uInt16,sal_uInt16,sal_uInt16,sal_uInt16*)>
- <SfxItemPool::GetVersion()const>
- // (Sekund"ar-) Pool bestimmen
+ // Determine (secondary) Pool
if ( !IsInVersionsRange(nFileWhich) )
if ( pImp->mpSecondary )
@@ -1300,13 +1275,13 @@ sal_uInt16 SfxItemPool::GetNewWhich
SFX_ASSERT( false, nFileWhich, "unknown which in GetNewWhich()" );
- // Version neuer/gleich/"alter?
+ // Newer/the same/older version?
short nDiff = (short)pImp->nLoadingVersion - (short)pImp->nVersion;
- // Which-Id einer neueren Version?
+ // WhichId of a newer version?
if ( nDiff > 0 )
- // von der Top-Version bis runter zur File-Version stufenweise mappen
+ // Map step by step from the top version down to the file version
for ( size_t nMap = pImp->aVersions.size(); nMap > 0; --nMap )
SfxPoolVersion_ImplPtr pVerInfo = pImp->aVersions[nMap-1];
@@ -1329,10 +1304,10 @@ sal_uInt16 SfxItemPool::GetNewWhich
- // Which-Id einer neueren Version?
+ // WhichId of a newer version?
else if ( nDiff < 0 )
- // von der File-Version bis zur aktuellen Version stufenweise mappen
+ // Map step by step from the top version down to the file version
for ( size_t nMap = 0; nMap < pImp->aVersions.size(); ++nMap )
SfxPoolVersion_ImplPtr pVerInfo = pImp->aVersions[nMap];
@@ -1346,7 +1321,7 @@ sal_uInt16 SfxItemPool::GetNewWhich
- // originale (nDiff==0) bzw. gemappte (nDiff!=0) Id zur"uckliefern
+ // Return original (nDiff==0) or mapped (nDiff!=0) Id
return nFileWhich;
@@ -1359,67 +1334,53 @@ bool SfxItemPool::IsInVersionsRange( sal_uInt16 nWhich ) const
+ * This method determines whether the loaded Pool version corresponds to the
+ * currently loaded Pool structure.
+ *
+ * Precondition: Pool is loaded
+ * Postcondition: Unchanged
+ * Runtime: linear(Count of secondary pools)
+ *
+ * @see SfxItemPool::SetVersionMap(sal_uInt16,sal_uInt16,sal_uInt16,sal_uInt16*)
+ * @see SfxItemPool::GetNewWhich(sal_uInt16) const
+ * @see SfxItemPool::GetVersion() const
+ */
bool SfxItemPool::IsCurrentVersionLoading() const
-/* [Beschreibung]
- Mit dieser Methode kann festgestellt werden, ob die geladene Pool-Version
- dem aktuellen Pool-Aufbau entspricht.
- Precondition: Pool mu\s geladen sein
- Postcondition: unver"andert
- Laufzeit: linear(Anzahl der Sekund"arpools)
- [Querverweise]
- <SfxItemPool::SetVersionMap(sal_uInt16,sal_uInt16,sal_uInt16,sal_uInt16*)>
- <SfxItemPool::GetNewWhich(sal_uInt16)const>
- <SfxItemPool::GetVersion()const>
return ( pImp->nVersion == pImp->nLoadingVersion ) &&
( !pImp->mpSecondary || pImp->mpSecondary->IsCurrentVersionLoading() );
+ * Saves the SfxPoolItem 'rItem' to the SvStream 'rStream':
+ * either as a surrogate ('bDirect == sal_False') or directly with
+ * 'rItem.Store()'.
+ * Non-poolable Items are always saved directly. Items without WhichId and
+ * SID-Items as well as Items that were not yet present in the file format
+ * version (return sal_False) are not saved.
+ *
+ * The Item is saved to the Stream in the following manner:
+ * sal_uInt16 rItem.Which()
+ * sal_uInt16 GetSlotId( rItem.Which() ) or 0 if not available
+ * sal_uInt16 GetSurrogate( &rItem ) or SFX_ITEM_DIRECT fo '!SFX_ITEM_POOLBLE'
+ *
+ * Optionally (if 'bDirect == sal_True' or '!rItem.IsPoolable()':
+ * sal_uInt16 rItem.GetVersion()
+ * sal_uLong Size
+ * Size rItem.Store()
+ *
+ * @see SfxItemPool::LoadItem(SvStream&,bool) const
+ */
bool SfxItemPool::StoreItem( SvStream &rStream, const SfxPoolItem &rItem,
bool bDirect ) const
-/* [Beschreibung]
- Speichert das <SfxPoolItem> 'rItem' in den <SvStream> 'rStream'
- entweder als Surrogat ('bDirect == sal_False') oder direkt mit 'rItem.Store()'.
- Nicht poolable Items werden immer direkt gespeichert. Items ohne Which-Id,
- also SID-Items, werden nicht gespeichert, ebenso wenn Items, die in der
- File-Format-Version noch nicht vorhanden waren (return sal_False).
- Das Item wird im Stream wie folgt abgelegt:
- sal_uInt16 rItem.Which()
- sal_uInt16 GetSlotId( rItem.Which() ) bzw. 0 falls nicht verf"urbar
- sal_uInt16 GetSurrogate( &rItem ) bzw. SFX_ITEM_DIRECT bei '!SFX_ITEM_POOLBLE'
- optional (falls 'bDirect == sal_True' oder '!rItem.IsPoolable()':
- sal_uInt16 rItem.GetVersion()
- sal_uLong Size
- Size rItem.Store()
- [Querverweise]
- <SfxItemPool::LoadItem(SvStream&,bool)const>
DBG_ASSERT( !IsInvalidItem(&rItem), "cannot store invalid items" );
if ( IsSlot( rItem.Which() ) )
return false;
const SfxItemPool *pPool = this;
while ( !pPool->IsInStoringRange(rItem.Which()) )
if ( 0 == ( pPool = pPool->pImp->mpSecondary ) )
@@ -1437,7 +1398,7 @@ bool SfxItemPool::StoreItem( SvStream &rStream, const SfxPoolItem &rItem,
if ( bDirect || !pPool->StoreSurrogate( rStream, &rItem ) )
rStream.WriteUInt16( nItemVersion );
- rStream.WriteUInt32( (sal_uInt32) 0L ); // Platz fuer Laenge in Bytes
+ rStream.WriteUInt32( (sal_uInt32) 0L ); // Room for length in bytes
sal_uLong nIStart = rStream.Tell();
rItem.Store(rStream, nItemVersion);
sal_uLong nIEnd = rStream.Tell();
@@ -1450,12 +1411,11 @@ bool SfxItemPool::StoreItem( SvStream &rStream, const SfxPoolItem &rItem,
+ * If pRefPool==-1 => do not put!
+ */
const SfxPoolItem* SfxItemPool::LoadItem( SvStream &rStream, bool bDirect,
const SfxItemPool *pRefPool )
-// pRefPool==-1 => nicht putten!
sal_uInt16 nWhich(0), nSlot(0); // nSurrogate;
rStream.ReadUInt16( nWhich ).ReadUInt16( nSlot );
@@ -1464,14 +1424,14 @@ const SfxPoolItem* SfxItemPool::LoadItem( SvStream &rStream, bool bDirect,
if ( bDontPut || !pRefPool )
pRefPool = this;
- // richtigen Sekund"ar-Pool finden
+ // Find right secondary Pool
while ( !pRefPool->IsInVersionsRange(nWhich) )
if ( pRefPool->pImp->mpSecondary )
pRefPool = pRefPool->pImp->mpSecondary;
- // WID in der Version nicht vorhanden => ueberspringen
+ // WID not present in this version => skip
sal_uInt32 nSurro(0);
sal_uInt16 nVersion(0), nLen(0);
rStream.ReadUInt32( nSurro );
@@ -1484,42 +1444,41 @@ const SfxPoolItem* SfxItemPool::LoadItem( SvStream &rStream, bool bDirect,
- // wird eine andere Version geladen?
+ // Are we loading a different version?
bool bCurVersion = pRefPool->IsCurrentVersionLoading();
if ( !bCurVersion )
- // Which-Id auf neue Version mappen
- nWhich = pRefPool->GetNewWhich( nWhich );
+ nWhich = pRefPool->GetNewWhich( nWhich ); // Map WhichId to new version
DBG_ASSERT( !nWhich || !pImp->bInSetItem ||
"loading SetItem in ItemSet of SetItem" );
- // soll "uber Surrogat geladen werden?
+ // Are we loading via surrogate?
const SfxPoolItem *pItem = 0;
if ( !bDirect )
- // Which-Id in dieser Version bekannt?
+ // WhichId known in this version?
if ( nWhich )
- // Surrogat laden, reagieren falls keins vorhanden
+ // Load surrogate and react if none present
pItem = LoadSurrogate( rStream, nWhich, nSlot, pRefPool );
- // sonst "uberspringen
+ // Else skip it
rStream.SeekRel( sizeof(sal_uInt16) );
- // wird direkt, also nicht "uber Surrogat geladen?
+ // Is loaded directly (not via surrogate)?
if ( bDirect || ( nWhich && !pItem ) )
- // bDirekt bzw. nicht IsPoolable() => Item direkt laden
+ // bDirekt or not IsPoolable() => Load Item directly
sal_uInt16 nVersion(0);
sal_uInt32 nLen(0);
rStream.ReadUInt16( nVersion ).ReadUInt32( nLen );
sal_uLong nIStart = rStream.Tell();
- // Which-Id in dieser Version bekannt?
+ // WhichId known in this version?
if ( nWhich )
- // Item direkt laden
+ // Load Item directly
SfxPoolItem *pNewItem =
pRefPool->GetDefaultItem(nWhich).Create(rStream, nVersion);
if ( bDontPut )
@@ -1538,7 +1497,7 @@ const SfxPoolItem* SfxItemPool::LoadItem( SvStream &rStream, bool bDirect,
rStream.Seek( nIStart+nLen );
- // Item "uberspringen
+ // SKip Item
rStream.Seek( nIStart+nLen );