path: root/testautomation/global/tools
diff options
authorJoerg Skottke [jsk] <>2010-05-28 13:04:17 +0200
committerJoerg Skottke [jsk] <>2010-05-28 13:04:17 +0200
commit7a25023879e295335dca367a84caedff9ea1dc6f (patch)
tree86f6fc198e1809664a942b4e946e57d2b1ee526f /testautomation/global/tools
parentvitomation01: #i109562 - Replaced all complex mouse operation support functio... (diff)
vitomation01: #i109562 - Replaced most functions with simpler ones, eliminated unnecessary sleeps etc.
Diffstat (limited to 'testautomation/global/tools')
1 files changed, 95 insertions, 193 deletions
diff --git a/testautomation/global/tools/includes/required/ b/testautomation/global/tools/includes/required/
index 00c584400882..42b575c1187a 100755
--- a/testautomation/global/tools/includes/required/
+++ b/testautomation/global/tools/includes/required/
@@ -31,199 +31,125 @@
-function hGrafikEinfuegen ( Grafik$ ) as Boolean
- '/// hGrafikEinfuegen hGraphicInsert
- '/// A graphic will be inserted (not linked).
- '/// <u>Input</u>: Filename with complete path
- '/// <u>Return</u>: TRUE or FALSE if the graphic could be inserted or not.
+function hGrafikEinfuegen( cFile as string ) as Boolean
- Dim DieDatei as String
- Dim IsActive as Boolean
+ hGrafikEinfuegen() = hInsertGraphic( cFile, "Static" )
+ exit function
+end function
- DieDatei = ConvertPath ( Grafik$ )
- InsertGraphicsFromFile
- WaitSlot()
+function hGrafikVerknuepftEinfuegen( cFile as string ) as Boolean
- Kontext
- If Active.Exists(1) then
- warnlog " Hinweis: " & Active.GetText
- Active.Ok
- End If
+ hGrafikVerknuepftEinfuegen() = hInsertGraphic( cFile, "Linked" )
+ exit function
+end function
- Kontext "GrafikEinfuegenDlg"
- if ( GrafikEinfuegenDlg.exists( 2 ) ) then
- Vorschau.Uncheck
- if gApplication <> "HTML" then
- Verknuepfen.UnCheck
- end if
+function hInsertGraphic( byval cFile as string, byval cMode as string ) as boolean
- Dateiname.SetText DieDatei
- DateiTyp.Select 1 ' set the filter to 'all formats'
- Oeffnen.Click
+ ' Insert a graphic file to the current document either linked or static
+ ' cFile: Fully qualified path to the file to be inserted
+ ' cMode: Supply "Linked" to link, empty string or anything else is static
- Kontext "Active"
- if Active.Exists(2) then
- Warnlog " Hinweis: " & Active.GetText
- try
- Active.OK
- catch
- try
- Active.Yes
- catch
- Active.Cancel
- endcatch
- endcatch
- Kontext "GrafikEinfuegenDlg"
- if GrafikEinfuegenDlg.Exists then
- GrafikEinfuegenDlg.Cancel
- GarfikEinfuegenDlg.notExists( 4 )
- endif
- else
- hGrafikEinfuegen = IsImageLoaded
- end if
- else
- warnlog( "Insert graphics dialog not open" )
- endif
-end function
-function hGrafikVerknuepftEinfuegen ( Grafik$ ) as Boolean
- '/// hGrafikEinfuegenEinfuegen hGraphicInsertLinked
- '/// A graphic will be inserted <b>LINKED</b>
- '/// <u>Input</u>: Filename with complete path
- '/// <u>Return</u>: TRUE or FALSE if the graphic could be inserted or not.
- Dim DieDatei as String
- Dim IsActive as Boolean
- DieDatei = ConvertPath ( Grafik$ )
- InsertGraphicsFromFile
- WaitSlot()
- Kontext
- If Active.Exists(1) then
- warnlog " Hinweis: " & Active.GetText
- Active.Ok
- End If
- Kontext "GrafikEinfuegenDlg"
- if ( GrafikEinfuegenDlg.exists( 1 ) ) then
- Vorschau.UnCheck
- if gApplication <> "HTML" AND gApplication <> "HTML" then
- Verknuepfen.Check
- end if
+ ' In difference to the older functions (GrafikEinfuegen etc.) this function
+ ' does provide a working returnvalue and does not secretly hide warnings and
+ ' errors. It does not set the file type.
- Dateiname.SetText DieDatei
- DateiTyp.Select 1 ' set the filter to 'all formats'
- Oeffnen.Click
+ ' Make hFileWait() complain about any messageboxes
+ const SHOW_WARNINGS = true
- Kontext "Active"
- if Active.Exists(2) then
- Warnlog " Hinweis: " + Active.GetText
- try
- Active.OK
- catch
- Active.Yes
- endcatch
- Kontext "GrafikEinfuegenDlg"
- if GrafikEinfuegenDlg.Exists then
- GrafikEinfuegenDlg.Cancel
+ ' Find out whether we link the file or not
+ dim bLinked as boolean : bLinked = false
+ if ( lcase( cMode ) = "linked" ) then bLinked = true
+ hInsertGraphic() = false
+ cFile = convertpath( cFile )
+ if ( FileExists( cFile ) ) then
+ InsertGraphicsFromFile
+ kontext "GrafikEinfuegenDlg"
+ if ( GrafikEinfuegenDlg.exists( 3 ) ) then
+ Vorschau.unCheck()
+ if ( Verknuepfen.isEnabled() ) then
+ if ( bLinked ) then
+ Verknuepfen.check()
+ else
+ Verknuepfen.unCheck()
+ endif
+ DateiName.setText( cFile )
+ if ( hFileWait( SHOW_WARNINGS ) >= 0 ) then hInsertGraphic() = true
- hGrafikVerknuepftEinfuegen = IsImageLoaded
- end if
+ warnlog( "hInsertGraphic(): Failed to open <Insert Graphics> dialog" )
+ endif
- 'GrafikEinfuegenDlg not open
+ warnlog( "hInsertGraphic(): File does not exist: " & cFile )
end function
-function hIsNamedDocLoaded (ShouldFile as String, optional bSilent as boolean) as Boolean
- dim sTemp as string
- '/// hIsNamedDocLoaded ///'
- '/// !fails always if a template is loaded, because you have to set a new filename in the save-dialog -> not usable in this case ! ///'
- '/// Input: name of loaded file; Output: True/False ///'
- '///+' if a doc got loaded, the filename in a 'SaveAs' Dlg is different from "" ///
- '///+' usually the file name of the loaded document with an changed extension chosen from SO ///
- if (isMissing(bSilent)) then
- bSilent = False
- endif
- hIsNamedDocLoaded = FALSE ' Let's start WorstCase :-(
- FileSaveAs
- Kontext "SpeichernDlg"
- If DateiOhneExt(DateiExtract(Dateiname.GetSelText)) = DateiOhneExt(DateiExtract(ShouldFile)) Then
- hIsNamedDocLoaded = True
- Else
- sTemp = left(right(ShouldFile,2),1) ' get the 2nd last character ' vor;dot;sti;pot;std;xlt
- if (((sTemp="o") or (sTemp="t") or (sTemp="l")) and ((left(right(ShouldFile,4),1)=".") or (left(right(ShouldFile,5),1)="."))) then
- hIsNamedDocLoaded = TRUE ' exception! for linux! and MS-Office Templates
- else
- if ((Dateiname.GetSeltext = "") and not bSilent) then
- Warnlog "Default filename is empty!"+left(right(ShouldFile,3),1)
- endif
- endif
- End If
- SpeichernDlg.Cancel
-end function
-function IsImageLoaded
+function hIsNamedDocLoaded( cFileName as string ) as boolean
-' used by:
-' - hGrafikEinfuegen = IsImageLoaded
-' - hGrafikVerknuepftEinfuegen = IsImageLoaded
+ ' Retrieve the current filename from the document properties - which in
+ ' comparision to the old approach to retrive the name from the file save
+ ' dialog - gives us the file including its extension. So we only need
+ ' to compare the last characters from a full path to be relatively
+ ' certain that we work with the correct file. There is some small margin of
+ ' error, though.
- '/// IsImageLoaded
- '/// Wait until images in document are loaded
- Dim i% : Dim Herbert as Boolean
+ const CFN = "global::tools::includes::required::hIsNamedDocumentLoaded(): "
+ const RC_FAILURE = -1
- Sleep 3
- for i%=1 to 20
- try
- Herbert = IsDocImageLoading
- catch
- Herbert = FALSE
- endcatch
- if Herbert = TRUE then
- i%=100
+ dim cDocumentName as string
+ dim iDocumentNameLength as integer
+ hIsNamedDocLoaded() = false
+ if ( hUseAsyncSlot( "FileProperties" ) <> RC_FAILURE ) then
+ kontext "TabDokument"
+ if ( TabDokument.exists( 2 ) ) then
+ cDocumentName = DokumentName.getText()
+ iDocumentNameLength = len( cDocumentName )
+ if ( GVERBOSE ) then
+ printlog( CFN & "Expected file: " & cFileName )
+ printlog( CFN & "Current file.: " & cDocumentName )
+ printlog( CFN & "Comparing last " & iDocumentNameLength & " characters" )
+ endif
+ if ( right( cFileName, iDocumentNameLength ) = cDocumentName ) then
+ if ( GVERBOSE ) then printlog( CFN & "This is the expected file" )
+ hIsNamedDocLoaded() = true
+ else
+ if ( GVERBOSE ) then printlog( CFN & "This is *not* the expected file" )
+ endif
+ hCloseDialog( TabDokument, "cancel" )
+ else
+ warnlog( CFN & "Unable to open dialog <Document Properties>" )
- Sleep (1)
- next i%
- if i<100 then
- IsImageLoaded = FALSE
- IsImageLoaded = TRUE
- end if
-end function
-function hGetUsedFilter () as string
- ' used in math and graphics modules
- '/// Get used filter for loaded file.
- try
- FileSaveAs
- Kontext "SpeichernDlg"
- hGetUsedFilter = dateityp.getseltext
- SpeichernDlg.Cancel
- catch
- hGetUsedFilter = "Not possible; try/catch fail in function"
- endcatch
+ warnlog( CFN & "Unable to execute slot <FileProperties>" )
+ endif
end function
function hExportAsPDFmulti (iTypeOfCall as integer, bExecute as boolean, sFileName as string, bAutoExtension as boolean, bOverwriteFile as boolean, iRange as integer, iConpression as integer, optional sRange as string) as boolean
'/// Export a document to PDF with various options.
'///+ INPUT
@@ -584,30 +510,6 @@ end function
-function hFileReOpen( cFile as string ) as boolean
- const CFN = " "
- dim iDocumentCount as integer : iDocumentCount = getDocumentCount
- hFileReopen() = false
- hCloseDocument()
- if ( cFile = "" ) then
- hNewDocument()
- else
- if ( FileExists( cFile ) ) then
- hFileOpen( cFile )
- else
- warnlog( CFN & "File does not exist: " & cFile )
- endif
- endif
- if ( getDocumentCount = iDocumentCount ) then hFileReOpen() = true
-end function
function hFileOpenSpecial( cFile as string, cFlag as string ) as boolean
' Open a file with some special options