path: root/sc/source/ui/src/miscdlgs.src
diff options
authorHans-Joachim Lankenau <>2004-06-26 19:07:51 +0000
committerHans-Joachim Lankenau <>2004-06-26 19:07:51 +0000
commit8a6aa7c5a7b8a49e8375d7175bc36d75fb69ed77 (patch)
treedc2d52042eabb0306f4d4a9dfc91c2ee77a78db4 /sc/source/ui/src/miscdlgs.src
parentINTEGRATION: CWS mergebuild (1.27.68); FILE MERGED (diff)
INTEGRATION: CWS mergebuild (1.66.68); FILE MERGED
2004/05/21 17:41:14 hjs #i8252# fix resync problems 2004/05/18 14:45:16 hjs RESYNC: (1.67-1.68); FILE MERGED 2004/04/20 23:55:17 hjs RESYNC: (1.66-1.67); FILE MERGED 2003/12/16 16:17:27 ihi x-no-translate conversion 2003/11/11 19:20:14 ihi en -> en-US 2003/11/10 17:36:16 ihi #111234# Merge during build
Diffstat (limited to 'sc/source/ui/src/miscdlgs.src')
1 files changed, 327 insertions, 3275 deletions
diff --git a/sc/source/ui/src/miscdlgs.src b/sc/source/ui/src/miscdlgs.src
index e253422a3ce7..2617c13a999b 100644
--- a/sc/source/ui/src/miscdlgs.src
+++ b/sc/source/ui/src/miscdlgs.src
@@ -2,9 +2,9 @@
* $RCSfile: miscdlgs.src,v $
- * $Revision: 1.68 $
+ * $Revision: 1.69 $
- * last change: $Author: obo $ $Date: 2004-04-27 11:37:34 $
+ * last change: $Author: hjs $ $Date: 2004-06-26 20:07:51 $
* The Contents of this file are made available subject to the terms of
* either of the following licenses
@@ -67,19 +67,8 @@ ModalDialog RID_SCDLG_DELCELL
SVLook = TRUE ;
Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 191 , 70 ) ;
- Text = "Zellen lschen" ;
- Text [ ENGLISH ] = "Delete Cells" ;
- Text [ norwegian ] = "Delete Cells" ;
- Text [ italian ] = "Elimina celle" ;
- Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Excluir Clulas" ;
- Text [ portuguese ] = "Eliminar clulas" ;
- Text [ finnish ] = "Poista solut" ;
- Text [ danish ] = "Slet celler" ;
- Text [ french ] = "Supprimer des cellules" ;
- Text [ swedish ] = "Radera celler" ;
- Text [ dutch ] = "Cellen verwijderen" ;
- Text [ spanish ] = "Borrar celdas" ;
- Text [ english_us ] = "Delete Cells" ;
+ Text [ de ] = "Zellen lschen" ;
+ Text [ en-US ] = "Delete Cells" ;
Moveable = TRUE ;
Closeable = FALSE ;
@@ -105,204 +94,47 @@ ModalDialog RID_SCDLG_DELCELL
Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 12 , 56 ) ;
Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 114 , 10 ) ;
- Text = "Ganze ~Spalten lschen" ;
- Text [ ENGLISH ] = "Delete ~columns" ;
- Text [ norwegian ] = "Delete ~columns" ;
- Text [ italian ] = "Cancella ~colonne" ;
- Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "E~xcluir coluna(s) inteira(s)" ;
- Text [ portuguese ] = "Eliminar colunas inteiras" ;
- Text [ finnish ] = "Poista sarakkeet kokonaan" ;
- Text [ danish ] = "Slet hele kolonner" ;
- Text [ french ] = "Supprimer des ~colonnes entires" ;
- Text [ swedish ] = "Radera hela ~kolumner" ;
- Text [ dutch ] = "Hele ~kolommen verwijderen" ;
- Text [ spanish ] = "~Borrar columnas completas" ;
- Text [ english_us ] = "Delete entire ~column(s)" ;
+ Text [ de ] = "Ganze ~Spalten lschen" ;
+ Text [ en-US ] = "Delete entire ~column(s)" ;
TabStop = TRUE ;
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "删除整列(~C)";
- Text[ russian ] = " ";
- Text[ polish ] = "Usu cae ~kolumny";
- Text[ japanese ] = "列全体を削除(~C)";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "刪除整欄(~C)";
- Text[ arabic ] = " ";
- Text[ greek ] = " ";
- Text[ korean ] = "모든 열 삭제(~C)";
- Text[ turkish ] = "S~tunun tmn sil";
- Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
- Text[ catalan ] = "Suprimeix les ~columnes senceres";
- Text[ thai ] = "ลบ~คอลัมน์ทั้งหมด";
- Text[ czech ] = "Smazat sloupec nebo sloupce";
- Text[ hebrew ] = "Ganze ~Spalten löschen";
- Text[ hindi ] = "सम्पूर्ण ~स्तंभों को मिटाओ";
- Text[ slovak ] = "Zmazať ~celý stĺpec(e)";
- Text[ hungarian ] = "Egész ~oszlopot töröl";
- Text[ slovenian ] = "Izbriši celotne ~stolpce";
+ Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 12 , 42 ) ;
Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 114 , 10 ) ;
- Text = "Ganze ~Zeilen lschen" ;
- Text [ ENGLISH ] = "Delete ~rows" ;
- Text [ norwegian ] = "Delete ~rows" ;
- Text [ italian ] = "Cancella ~righe" ;
- Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Ex~cluir linha(s) inteira(s)" ;
- Text [ portuguese ] = "Eliminar linhas inteiras" ;
- Text [ finnish ] = "Poista rivit kokonaan" ;
- Text [ danish ] = "Slet hele rkker" ;
- Text [ french ] = "Supprimer des ~lignes entires" ;
- Text [ swedish ] = "Radera hela ~rader" ;
- Text [ dutch ] = "Hele ~rijen verwijderen" ;
- Text [ spanish ] = "~Borrar filas completas" ;
- Text [ english_us ] = "Delete entire ~row(s)" ;
+ Text [ de ] = "Ganze ~Zeilen lschen" ;
+ Text [ en-US ] = "Delete entire ~row(s)" ;
TabStop = TRUE ;
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "删除整行(~R)";
- Text[ russian ] = " ";
- Text[ polish ] = "Usu cae ~wiersze";
- Text[ japanese ] = "行全体を削除(~R)";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "刪除整列(~R)";
- Text[ arabic ] = " ";
- Text[ greek ] = " ";
- Text[ korean ] = "모든 행 삭제(~R)";
- Text[ turkish ] = "S~atrn tmn sil";
- Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
- Text[ catalan ] = "Suprimeix les ~files senceres";
- Text[ thai ] = "ลบแ~ถวทั้งหมด";
- Text[ czech ] = "Smazat řádek nebo řádky";
- Text[ hebrew ] = "Ganze ~Zeilen löschen";
- Text[ hindi ] = "सम्पूर्ण ~पंक्तियों को मिटाओ";
- Text[ slovak ] = "Zmazať celý ~riadok(y)";
- Text[ hungarian ] = "~Egész sort töröl";
- Text[ slovenian ] = "Izbriši cele v~rstice";
+ Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 12 , 28 ) ;
Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 114 , 10 ) ;
- Text = "Zellen nach ~links verschieben" ;
- Text [ ENGLISH ] = "Move cells ~left" ;
- Text [ norwegian ] = "Move cells ~left" ;
- Text [ italian ] = "Sposta celle a ~sinistra" ;
- Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Deslocar clulas para ~esquerda" ;
- Text [ portuguese ] = "Mover clulas para a ~esquerda" ;
- Text [ finnish ] = "Siirr solut vasemmalle" ;
- Text [ danish ] = "Flyt celler mod venstre" ;
- Text [ french ] = "Dplacer les cellules vers la g~auche" ;
- Text [ swedish ] = "Flytta celler t ~vnster" ;
- Text [ dutch ] = "Cellen naar ~links verplaatsen" ;
- Text [ spanish ] = "Despla~zar celdas a la izquierda" ;
- Text [ english_us ] = "Shift cells ~left" ;
+ Text [ de ] = "Zellen nach ~links verschieben" ;
+ Text [ en-US ] = "Shift cells ~left" ;
TabStop = TRUE ;
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "向左移动单元格(~L)";
- Text[ russian ] = " ";
- Text[ polish ] = "Przesu komrki w ~lewo";
- Text[ japanese ] = "セルを左に移動(~L)";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "向左移動儲存格(~L)";
- Text[ arabic ] = " ";
- Text[ greek ] = " ";
- Text[ korean ] = "셀 왼쪽으로 이동(~L)";
- Text[ turkish ] = "Hcreleri s~ola ta";
- Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
- Text[ catalan ] = "Desplaa les cel.les cap a ~l'esquerra";
- Text[ thai ] = "เลื่อนเซลล์ไปทาง~ซ้าย";
- Text[ czech ] = "Posunout buňky doleva";
- Text[ hebrew ] = "Zellen nach ~links verschieben";
- Text[ hindi ] = "कोष्ठों को बायाँ ओर स्थान परिवर्तन करो";
- Text[ slovak ] = "Posunúť bun~ky vľavo";
- Text[ hungarian ] = "Cellákat ~balra tolja";
- Text[ slovenian ] = "Premakni celice ~levo";
+ Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 12 , 14 ) ;
Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 114 , 10 ) ;
- Text = "Zellen nach ~oben verschieben" ;
- Text [ ENGLISH ] = "Move cells ~up" ;
- Text [ norwegian ] = "Move cells ~up" ;
- Text [ italian ] = "Sposta celle in ~alto" ;
- Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Deslocar clulas para ~cima" ;
- Text [ portuguese ] = "Mover clulas para ~cima" ;
- Text [ finnish ] = "Siirr solut yls" ;
- Text [ danish ] = "Flyt celler opad" ;
- Text [ french ] = "Dplacer les cellules vers le ~haut" ;
- Text [ swedish ] = "Flytta celler ~uppt" ;
- Text [ dutch ] = "Cellen naar b~oven verplaatsen" ;
- Text [ spanish ] = "~Desplazar celdas hacia arriba" ;
- Text [ english_us ] = "Shift cells ~up" ;
+ Text [ de ] = "Zellen nach ~oben verschieben" ;
+ Text [ en-US ] = "Shift cells ~up" ;
TabStop = TRUE ;
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "向上移动单元格(~U)";
- Text[ russian ] = " ";
- Text[ polish ] = "Przes~u komrki do gry";
- Text[ japanese ] = "セルを上に移動(~U)";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "向上移動儲存格(~U)";
- Text[ arabic ] = " ";
- Text[ greek ] = " ";
- Text[ korean ] = "셀 위쪽으로 이동(~U)";
- Text[ turkish ] = "Hcreleri y~ukarya ta";
- Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
- Text[ catalan ] = "Desplaa les cel.les cap am~unt";
- Text[ thai ] = "เลื่อนเซลล์~ขึ้น";
- Text[ czech ] = "Posunout buňky nahoru";
- Text[ hebrew ] = "Zellen nach ~oben verschieben";
- Text[ hindi ] = "कोष्ठों को ~ऊपर की ओर स्थान परिवर्तन करो";
- Text[ slovak ] = "Posunúť b~unky hore";
- Text[ hungarian ] = "Cellákat ~felfelé tolja";
- Text[ slovenian ] = "Premakni celice navz~gor";
+ Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
FixedLine FL_FRAME
Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 6 , 3 ) ;
Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 123 , 8 ) ;
- Text = "Auswahl" ;
- Text [ ENGLISH ] = "Options" ;
- Text [ norwegian ] = "Options" ;
- Text [ italian ] = "Selezione" ;
- Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Seleo" ;
- Text [ portuguese ] = "Seleco" ;
- Text [ finnish ] = "Valinta" ;
- Text [ danish ] = "Markering" ;
- Text [ french ] = "Slection" ;
- Text [ swedish ] = "Urval" ;
- Text [ dutch ] = "Selectie" ;
- Text [ spanish ] = "Seleccin" ;
- Text [ english_us ] = "Selection" ;
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "选择";
- Text[ russian ] = "";
- Text[ polish ] = "Wybr";
- Text[ japanese ] = "選択";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "選取";
- Text[ arabic ] = "";
- Text[ greek ] = "";
- Text[ korean ] = "선택";
- Text[ turkish ] = "Seim";
- Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
- Text[ catalan ] = "Opcions";
- Text[ thai ] = "เลือก";
- Text[ czech ] = "Výběr";
- Text[ hebrew ] = "‮מבחר‬";
- Text[ hindi ] = "चुनाव";
- Text[ slovak ] = "Výber";
- Text[ hungarian ] = "A törlés módja";
- Text[ slovenian ] = "Izbor";
- };
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "删除单元格";
- Text[ russian ] = " ";
- Text[ polish ] = "Usu komrki";
- Text[ japanese ] = "セルの削除";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "刪除儲存格";
- Text[ arabic ] = " ";
- Text[ greek ] = " ";
- Text[ korean ] = "셀 삭제";
- Text[ turkish ] = "Hcreleri sil";
- Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
- Text[ catalan ] = "Suprimeix les cel.les";
- Text[ thai ] = "ลบเซลล์";
- Text[ czech ] = "Odstranit buňky";
- Text[ hebrew ] = "Zellen löschen";
- Text[ hindi ] = "कोष्ठों को मिटाओ ";
- Text[ slovak ] = "Odstrániť bunky";
- Text[ hungarian ] = "Cellák törlése";
- Text[ slovenian ] = "Izbriši celice";
+ Text [ de ] = "Auswahl" ;
+ Text [ en-US ] = "Selection" ;
+ Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
+ };
+ Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
@@ -310,19 +142,8 @@ ModalDialog RID_SCDLG_INSCELL
SVLook = TRUE ;
Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 191 , 70 ) ;
- Text = "Zellen einfgen" ;
- Text [ ENGLISH ] = "Insert Cells" ;
- Text [ norwegian ] = "Insert Cells" ;
- Text [ italian ] = "Inserisci celle" ;
- Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Inserir Clulas" ;
- Text [ portuguese ] = "Inserir clulas" ;
- Text [ finnish ] = "Lis solut" ;
- Text [ danish ] = "Indst celler" ;
- Text [ french ] = "Insertion de cellules" ;
- Text [ swedish ] = "Infoga celler" ;
- Text [ dutch ] = "Cellen invoegen" ;
- Text [ spanish ] = "Insertar celdas" ;
- Text [ english_us ] = "Insert Cells" ;
+ Text [ de ] = "Zellen einfgen" ;
+ Text [ en-US ] = "Insert Cells" ;
Moveable = TRUE ;
Closeable = FALSE ;
@@ -348,204 +169,47 @@ ModalDialog RID_SCDLG_INSCELL
Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 12 , 56 ) ;
Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 114 , 10 ) ;
- Text = "Ganze ~Spalten einfgen" ;
- Text [ ENGLISH ] = "Insert ~columns" ;
- Text [ norwegian ] = "Insert ~columns" ;
- Text [ italian ] = "Inserisci ~colonne intere" ;
- Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "~Coluna inteira" ;
- Text [ portuguese ] = "Inserir ~colunas" ;
- Text [ finnish ] = "Koko sarake" ;
- Text [ danish ] = "Indst hele kolonner" ;
- Text [ french ] = "Insrer des ~colonnes entires" ;
- Text [ swedish ] = "Infoga hela ~kolumner" ;
- Text [ dutch ] = "Hele ~kolommen invoegen" ;
- Text [ spanish ] = "Insertar ~columnas completas" ;
- Text [ english_us ] = "Entire ~column" ;
+ Text [ de ] = "Ganze ~Spalten einfgen" ;
+ Text [ en-US ] = "Entire ~column" ;
TabStop = TRUE ;
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "插入整列(~C)";
- Text[ russian ] = " ";
- Text[ polish ] = "Caa ~kolumna";
- Text[ japanese ] = "列の挿入(~C)";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "插入整欄(~C)";
- Text[ arabic ] = " ";
- Text[ greek ] = " ";
- Text[ korean ] = "모든 열 삽입(~C)";
- Text[ turkish ] = "Tam s~tun ";
- Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
- Text[ catalan ] = "~Columna sencera";
- Text[ thai ] = "~คอลัมน์ทั้งหมด";
- Text[ czech ] = "Celý sloupec";
- Text[ hebrew ] = "Ganze ~Spalten einfügen";
- Text[ hindi ] = "सम्पूर्ण ~स्तंभ";
- Text[ slovak ] = "Celý stĺpe~c";
- Text[ hungarian ] = "Egész ~oszlopot szúr be";
- Text[ slovenian ] = "Celoten ~stolpec";
+ Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 12 , 42 ) ;
Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 114 , 10 ) ;
- Text = "Ganze ~Zeilen einfgen" ;
- Text [ ENGLISH ] = "Insert ~rows" ;
- Text [ norwegian ] = "Insert ~rows" ;
- Text [ italian ] = "Inserisci ~righe intere" ;
- Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "~Linha Inteira" ;
- Text [ portuguese ] = "Inserir ~linhas inteiras" ;
- Text [ finnish ] = "Koko rivi" ;
- Text [ danish ] = "Indst hele rkker" ;
- Text [ french ] = "Insrer des ~lignes entires" ;
- Text [ swedish ] = "Infoga hela ~rader" ;
- Text [ dutch ] = "~Hele rijen invoegen" ;
- Text [ spanish ] = "Insertar ~filas completas" ;
- Text [ english_us ] = "Entire ro~w" ;
+ Text [ de ] = "Ganze ~Zeilen einfgen" ;
+ Text [ en-US ] = "Entire ro~w" ;
TabStop = TRUE ;
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "插入整行(~W)";
- Text[ russian ] = " ";
- Text[ polish ] = "Cay ~wiersz";
- Text[ japanese ] = "行の挿入(~W)";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "插入整列(~W)";
- Text[ arabic ] = " ";
- Text[ greek ] = " ";
- Text[ korean ] = "모든 행 삽입(~W)";
- Text[ turkish ] = "Tam s~atr ";
- Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
- Text[ catalan ] = "~Fila sencera";
- Text[ thai ] = "แถ~วทั้งหมด";
- Text[ czech ] = "Celý řádek";
- Text[ hebrew ] = "Ganze ~Zeilen einfügen";
- Text[ hindi ] = "सम्पूर्ण पं~क्ति";
- Text[ slovak ] = "Celý ~riadok";
- Text[ hungarian ] = "~Egész sort szúr be";
- Text[ slovenian ] = "Cela vrsti~ca";
+ Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 12 , 28 ) ;
Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 114 , 10 ) ;
- Text = "Zellen nach ~rechts verschieben" ;
- Text [ ENGLISH ] = "Move cells ri~ght" ;
- Text [ norwegian ] = "Move cells ri~ght" ;
- Text [ italian ] = "Sposta celle a de~stra" ;
- Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Deslocar clulas para di~reita" ;
- Text [ portuguese ] = "Mover clulas para a ~direita" ;
- Text [ finnish ] = "Siirr solut oikealle" ;
- Text [ danish ] = "Flyt celler mod hjre" ;
- Text [ french ] = "Dplacer les cellules vers la droite" ;
- Text [ swedish ] = "Flytta celler t hg~er" ;
- Text [ dutch ] = "Cellen naar ~rechts verplaatsen" ;
- Text [ spanish ] = "Desplazar celdas hacia la ~derecha" ;
- Text [ english_us ] = "Shift cells ~right" ;
+ Text [ de ] = "Zellen nach ~rechts verschieben" ;
+ Text [ en-US ] = "Shift cells ~right" ;
TabStop = TRUE ;
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "向右移动单元格(~R)";
- Text[ russian ] = " ";
- Text[ polish ] = "Przesu komrki w p~rawo";
- Text[ japanese ] = "セルを右に移動(~R)";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "向右移動儲存格(~R)";
- Text[ arabic ] = " ";
- Text[ greek ] = " ";
- Text[ korean ] = "셀 오른쪽으로 이동(~R)";
- Text[ turkish ] = "Hcreleri s ~aa ta";
- Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
- Text[ catalan ] = "Desplaa les cel.les cap a la d~reta";
- Text[ thai ] = "เลื่อนเซลล์ไปทางข~วา";
- Text[ czech ] = "Posunout buňky vpravo";
- Text[ hebrew ] = "Zellen nach ~rechts verschieben";
- Text[ hindi ] = "कोष्ठों को ~दाहिनी ओर स्थान परिवर्तन करो";
- Text[ slovak ] = "Posunúť bunky vp~ravo";
- Text[ hungarian ] = "Cellákat ~jobbra tolja";
- Text[ slovenian ] = "Premakni celice ~desno";
+ Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 12 , 14 ) ;
Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 114 , 10 ) ;
- Text = "Zellen nach ~unten verschieben" ;
- Text [ ENGLISH ] = "Move cells ~down" ;
- Text [ norwegian ] = "Move cells ~down" ;
- Text [ italian ] = "Sposta celle in ~basso" ;
- Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Deslocar clulas para ~baixo" ;
- Text [ portuguese ] = "Mover clulas para ~baixo" ;
- Text [ finnish ] = "Siirr solut alas" ;
- Text [ danish ] = "Flyt celler nedad" ;
- Text [ french ] = "Dplacer les cellules vers le ~bas" ;
- Text [ swedish ] = "Flytta celler ne~dt" ;
- Text [ dutch ] = "Cellen naar ~beneden verplaatsen" ;
- Text [ spanish ] = "Desplazar celdas hacia a~bajo" ;
- Text [ english_us ] = "Shift cells ~down" ;
+ Text [ de ] = "Zellen nach ~unten verschieben" ;
+ Text [ en-US ] = "Shift cells ~down" ;
TabStop = TRUE ;
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "向下移动单元格(~D)";
- Text[ russian ] = " ";
- Text[ polish ] = "Przesu komrki w ~d";
- Text[ japanese ] = "セルを下に移動(~D)";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "向下移動儲存格(~D)";
- Text[ arabic ] = " ";
- Text[ greek ] = " ";
- Text[ korean ] = "셀 아래로 이동(~D)";
- Text[ turkish ] = "Hcreleri ~aa ta";
- Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
- Text[ catalan ] = "Desplaa les cel.les cap a~vall";
- Text[ thai ] = "เลื่อนเซลล์~ลง";
- Text[ czech ] = "Posunout buňky dolů";
- Text[ hebrew ] = "Zellen nach ~unten verschieben";
- Text[ hindi ] = "कोष्ठों को ~नीचे की ओर स्थान परिवर्तन करो";
- Text[ slovak ] = "Posunúť bunky ~dole";
- Text[ hungarian ] = "Cellákat ~lefelé tolja";
- Text[ slovenian ] = "Premakni celice navz~dol";
+ Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
FixedLine FL_FRAME
Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 6 , 3 ) ;
Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 123 , 8 ) ;
- Text = "Auswahl" ;
- Text [ ENGLISH ] = "Options" ;
- Text [ norwegian ] = "Options" ;
- Text [ italian ] = "Selezione" ;
- Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Seleo" ;
- Text [ portuguese ] = "Seleco" ;
- Text [ finnish ] = "Valinta" ;
- Text [ danish ] = "Markering" ;
- Text [ french ] = "Slection" ;
- Text [ swedish ] = "Urval" ;
- Text [ dutch ] = "Selectie" ;
- Text [ spanish ] = "Seleccin" ;
- Text [ english_us ] = "Selection" ;
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "选择";
- Text[ russian ] = "";
- Text[ polish ] = "Wybr";
- Text[ japanese ] = "選択";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "選取";
- Text[ arabic ] = "";
- Text[ greek ] = "";
- Text[ korean ] = "선택";
- Text[ turkish ] = "Seim";
- Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
- Text[ catalan ] = "Opcions";
- Text[ thai ] = "เลือก";
- Text[ czech ] = "Výběr";
- Text[ hebrew ] = "‮מבחר‬";
- Text[ hindi ] = "चुनाव";
- Text[ slovak ] = "Výber";
- Text[ hungarian ] = "Kijelölés";
- Text[ slovenian ] = "Izbor";
- };
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "插入单元格";
- Text[ russian ] = " ";
- Text[ polish ] = "Wstaw komrki";
- Text[ japanese ] = "セルの挿入";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "插入儲存格";
- Text[ arabic ] = " ";
- Text[ greek ] = " ";
- Text[ korean ] = "셀 삽입";
- Text[ turkish ] = "Hcre ekle";
- Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
- Text[ catalan ] = "Insereix les cel.les";
- Text[ thai ] = "แทรกเซลล์";
- Text[ czech ] = "Vložit buňky";
- Text[ hebrew ] = "Zellen einfügen";
- Text[ hindi ] = "कोष्ठों को जोड़ो";
- Text[ slovak ] = "Vložiť bunky";
- Text[ hungarian ] = "Cella beszúrása";
- Text[ slovenian ] = "Vstavi celice";
+ Text [ de ] = "Auswahl" ;
+ Text [ en-US ] = "Selection" ;
+ Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
+ };
+ Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
@@ -559,19 +223,8 @@ ModalDialog RID_SCDLG_DELCONT
SVLook = TRUE ;
Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 161 , 130 ) ;
- Text = "Inhalte lschen" ;
- Text [ ENGLISH ] = "Delete Contents" ;
- Text [ norwegian ] = "Delete Contents" ;
- Text [ italian ] = "Cancella contenuto" ;
- Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Excluir Contedo" ;
- Text [ portuguese ] = "Eliminar contedo" ;
- Text [ finnish ] = "Poista sislt" ;
- Text [ danish ] = "Slet indhold" ;
- Text [ french ] = "Supprimer du contenu" ;
- Text [ swedish ] = "Radera innehll" ;
- Text [ dutch ] = "Inhoud wissen" ;
- Text [ spanish ] = "Borrar contenido" ;
- Text [ english_us ] = "Delete Contents" ;
+ Text [ de ] = "Inhalte lschen" ;
+ Text [ en-US ] = "Delete Contents" ;
Moveable = TRUE ;
Closeable = FALSE ;
@@ -597,351 +250,83 @@ ModalDialog RID_SCDLG_DELCONT
Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 12 , 14 ) ;
Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 83 , 10 ) ;
- Text = "~Alles lschen" ;
- Text [ ENGLISH ] = "Delete ~All" ;
- Text [ norwegian ] = "Delete ~All" ;
- Text [ italian ] = "~Cancella tutto" ;
- Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Excluir t~udo" ;
- Text [ portuguese ] = "Eliminar ~tudo" ;
- Text [ finnish ] = "Poista kaikki" ;
- Text [ danish ] = "Slet alt" ;
- Text [ french ] = "Tout supprimer" ;
- Text [ swedish ] = "Radera ~allt" ;
- Text [ dutch ] = "Alles ~wissen" ;
- Text [ spanish ] = "Borrar ~todo" ;
- Text [ english_us ] = "Delete ~all" ;
+ Text [ de ] = "~Alles lschen" ;
+ Text [ en-US ] = "Delete ~all" ;
TabStop = TRUE ;
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "全部删除(~A)";
- Text[ russian ] = " ";
- Text[ polish ] = "Usu ~wszystko";
- Text[ japanese ] = "すべて削除(~A)";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "全部刪除(~A)";
- Text[ arabic ] = " ";
- Text[ greek ] = " ";
- Text[ korean ] = "모두 삭제(~A)";
- Text[ turkish ] = "~Tmn sil";
- Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
- Text[ catalan ] = "Suprimeix-les ~totes";
- Text[ thai ] = "ลบ~ทั้งหมด";
- Text[ czech ] = "Smazat vše";
- Text[ hebrew ] = "~Alles löschen";
- Text[ hindi ] = "सब ~मिटाओ";
- Text[ slovak ] = "Zm~azať všetko";
- Text[ hungarian ] = "Ö~sszes törlése";
- Text[ slovenian ] = "Izbriši ~vse";
+ Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 12 , 30 ) ;
Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 83 , 10 ) ;
- Text = "Zeichen~ketten" ;
- Text [ ENGLISH ] = "~Strings" ;
- Text [ norwegian ] = "~Strings" ;
- Text [ italian ] = "String~he" ;
- Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "~Strings" ;
- Text [ portuguese ] = "Cadeias de caracteres" ;
- Text [ finnish ] = "Merkkijonot" ;
- Text [ danish ] = "~Tekststrenge" ;
- Text [ french ] = "~Chanes de caractres" ;
- Text [ swedish ] = "Str~ngar" ;
- Text [ dutch ] = "~Tekenreeksen" ;
- Text [ spanish ] = "C~adenas de caracteres" ;
- Text [ english_us ] = "~Strings" ;
+ Text [ de ] = "Zeichen~ketten" ;
+ Text [ en-US ] = "~Strings" ;
TabStop = TRUE ;
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "字串(~S)";
- Text[ russian ] = "";
- Text[ polish ] = "~Cigi znakw";
- Text[ japanese ] = "文字列(~S)";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "字串(~S)";
- Text[ arabic ] = " ";
- Text[ greek ] = " ";
- Text[ korean ] = "문자열(~S)";
- Text[ turkish ] = "~Dizeler";
- Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
- Text[ catalan ] = "~Cadenes";
- Text[ thai ] = "~สายอักขระ";
- Text[ czech ] = "Řetězce";
- Text[ hebrew ] = "Zeichen~ketten";
- Text[ hindi ] = "~स्ट्रिंग्स";
- Text[ slovak ] = "~Reťazce";
- Text[ hungarian ] = "~Karakterláncok";
- Text[ slovenian ] = "~Nizi";
+ Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 12 , 44 ) ;
Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 83 , 10 ) ;
- Text = "~Zahlen" ;
- Text [ ENGLISH ] = "~Numbers" ;
- Text [ norwegian ] = "~Numbers" ;
- Text [ italian ] = "~Numeri" ;
- Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "~Nmeros" ;
- Text [ portuguese ] = "Nmeros" ;
- Text [ finnish ] = "Numerot" ;
- Text [ danish ] = "T~al" ;
- Text [ french ] = "Nombres" ;
- Text [ swedish ] = "~Siffror" ;
- Text [ dutch ] = "~Getallen" ;
- Text [ spanish ] = "Nm~eros" ;
- Text [ english_us ] = "~Numbers" ;
+ Text [ de ] = "~Zahlen" ;
+ Text [ en-US ] = "~Numbers" ;
TabStop = TRUE ;
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "数字(~N)";
- Text[ russian ] = "";
- Text[ polish ] = "~Liczby";
- Text[ japanese ] = "数(~N)";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "數字(~N)";
- Text[ arabic ] = "";
- Text[ greek ] = "";
- Text[ korean ] = "숫자(~N)";
- Text[ turkish ] = "~Saylar";
- Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
- Text[ catalan ] = "~Nmeros";
- Text[ thai ] = "~ตัวเลข";
- Text[ czech ] = "Čísla";
- Text[ hebrew ] = "~Zahlen";
- Text[ hindi ] = "~संख्या";
- Text[ slovak ] = "Čís~la";
- Text[ hungarian ] = "~Számok";
- Text[ slovenian ] = "Š~tevila";
+ Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 12 , 58 ) ;
Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 83 , 10 ) ;
- Text = "~Datum & Zeit" ;
- Text [ ENGLISH ] = "~Date & Time" ;
- Text [ norwegian ] = "~Date & Time" ;
- Text [ italian ] = "Data ~& Ora" ;
- Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "~Data & hora" ;
- Text [ portuguese ] = "~Data & Hora" ;
- Text [ finnish ] = "Pivmr ja kellonaika" ;
- Text [ danish ] = "~Dato og klokkeslt" ;
- Text [ french ] = "Date & heure" ;
- Text [ swedish ] = "~Datum och tid" ;
- Text [ dutch ] = "~Datum & tijd" ;
- Text [ spanish ] = "Fecha y ~hora" ;
- Text [ english_us ] = "~Date & time" ;
+ Text [ de ] = "~Datum & Zeit" ;
+ Text [ en-US ] = "~Date & time" ;
TabStop = TRUE ;
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "日期和时间(~D)";
- Text[ russian ] = " ";
- Text[ polish ] = "Data i ~godzina";
- Text[ japanese ] = "日付と時刻(~D)";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "日期和時間(~D)";
- Text[ arabic ] = " ";
- Text[ greek ] = " ";
- Text[ korean ] = "날짜 및 시간(~D)";
- Text[ turkish ] = "~Tarih & Saat";
- Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
- Text[ catalan ] = "~Dia i hora";
- Text[ thai ] = "~วันที่และเวลา";
- Text[ czech ] = "Datum a čas";
- Text[ hebrew ] = "~Datum & Zeit";
- Text[ hindi ] = "~दिनांक और समय";
- Text[ slovak ] = "~Dátum & Čas";
- Text[ hungarian ] = "~Dátum és idő";
- Text[ slovenian ] = "~Datum in čas";
+ Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 12 , 72 ) ;
Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 83 , 10 ) ;
- Text = "~Formeln" ;
- Text [ ENGLISH ] = "~Formulas" ;
- Text [ norwegian ] = "~Formulas" ;
- Text [ italian ] = "~Formule" ;
- Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "~Frmulas" ;
- Text [ portuguese ] = "~Frmulas" ;
- Text [ finnish ] = "Kaavat" ;
- Text [ danish ] = "~Formler" ;
- Text [ french ] = "~Formules" ;
- Text [ swedish ] = "~Formler" ;
- Text [ dutch ] = "~Formules" ;
- Text [ spanish ] = "Frmu~las" ;
- Text [ english_us ] = "~Formulas" ;
+ Text [ de ] = "~Formeln" ;
+ Text [ en-US ] = "~Formulas" ;
TabStop = TRUE ;
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "公式(~F)";
- Text[ russian ] = "";
- Text[ polish ] = "~Formuy";
- Text[ japanese ] = "数式(~F)";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "公式(~F)";
- Text[ arabic ] = "";
- Text[ greek ] = "";
- Text[ korean ] = "수식(~F)";
- Text[ turkish ] = "~Formller";
- Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
- Text[ catalan ] = "~Frmules";
- Text[ thai ] = "~สูตร";
- Text[ czech ] = "Vzorce";
- Text[ hebrew ] = "~Formeln";
- Text[ hindi ] = "~Formulas";
- Text[ slovak ] = "Vzorc~e";
- Text[ hungarian ] = "~Képletek";
- Text[ slovenian ] = "~Formule";
+ Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 12 , 100 ) ;
Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 83 , 10 ) ;
- Text = "Forma~te" ;
- Text [ ENGLISH ] = "Forma~ts" ;
- Text [ norwegian ] = "Forma~ts" ;
- Text [ italian ] = "Format~i" ;
- Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Forma~tos" ;
- Text [ portuguese ] = "Forma~tos" ;
- Text [ finnish ] = "Muodot" ;
- Text [ danish ] = "Forma~ter" ;
- Text [ french ] = "Formats" ;
- Text [ swedish ] = "Forma~t" ;
- Text [ dutch ] = "~Opmaakprofielen" ;
- Text [ spanish ] = "~Formatos" ;
- Text [ english_us ] = "For~mats" ;
+ Text [ de ] = "Forma~te" ;
+ Text [ en-US ] = "For~mats" ;
TabStop = TRUE ;
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "格式(~M)";
- Text[ russian ] = "";
- Text[ polish ] = "Fo~rmaty";
- Text[ japanese ] = "書式(~M)";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "格式(~M)";
- Text[ arabic ] = "";
- Text[ greek ] = "";
- Text[ korean ] = "서식(~M)";
- Text[ turkish ] = "Forma~tlar";
- Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
- Text[ catalan ] = "For~mats";
- Text[ thai ] = "รูปแ~บบ";
- Text[ czech ] = "Formáty";
- Text[ hebrew ] = "Forma~te";
- Text[ hindi ] = "रच~ना";
- Text[ slovak ] = "For~máty";
- Text[ hungarian ] = "For~mázások";
- Text[ slovenian ] = "Ob~like";
+ Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 12 , 86 ) ;
Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 83 , 10 ) ;
- Text = "~Notizen" ;
- Text [ ENGLISH ] = "N~otes" ;
- Text [ norwegian ] = "N~otes" ;
- Text [ italian ] = "N~ote" ;
- Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "A~notaes" ;
- Text [ portuguese ] = "Observaes" ;
- Text [ finnish ] = "Huomautukset" ;
- Text [ danish ] = "Not~er" ;
- Text [ french ] = "Notes" ;
- Text [ swedish ] = "A~nteckningar" ;
- Text [ dutch ] = "~Aantekeningen" ;
- Text [ spanish ] = "N~otas" ;
- Text [ english_us ] = "Not~es" ;
+ Text [ de ] = "~Notizen" ;
+ Text [ en-US ] = "Not~es" ;
TabStop = TRUE ;
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "备注(~E)";
- Text[ russian ] = "";
- Text[ polish ] = "~Notatki";
- Text[ japanese ] = "コメント(~E)";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "備註(~E)";
- Text[ arabic ] = "";
- Text[ greek ] = "";
- Text[ korean ] = "메모(~E)";
- Text[ turkish ] = "~Notlar";
- Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
- Text[ catalan ] = "Not~es";
- Text[ thai ] = "บันทึก~ย่อ";
- Text[ czech ] = "Poznámky";
- Text[ hebrew ] = "~Notizen";
- Text[ hindi ] = "टिप्प~णी";
- Text[ slovak ] = "Poz~námky";
- Text[ hungarian ] = "~Jegyzetek";
- Text[ slovenian ] = "Opom~be";
+ Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 12 , 114 ) ;
Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 83 , 10 ) ;
- Text = "~Objekte" ;
- Text [ ENGLISH ] = "~Objects" ;
- Text [ english_us ] = "~Objects" ;
+ Text [ de ] = "~Objekte" ;
+ Text [ en-US ] = "~Objects" ;
TabStop = TRUE ;
- Text [ italian ] = "O~ggetti" ;
- Text [ spanish ] = "Objeto~s" ;
- Text [ french ] = "~Objets" ;
- Text [ dutch ] = "O~bjecten" ;
- Text [ swedish ] = "~Objekt" ;
- Text [ danish ] = "O~bjekter" ;
- Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "~Objetos" ;
- Text [ portuguese ] = "Objectos" ;
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "对象(~O)";
- Text[ russian ] = "";
- Text[ polish ] = "~Obiekty";
- Text[ japanese ] = "オブジェクト(~O)";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "物件(~O)";
- Text[ arabic ] = "";
- Text[ greek ] = "";
- Text[ korean ] = "개체(~O)";
- Text[ turkish ] = "~Nesneler";
- Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
- Text[ catalan ] = "~Objectes";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Objektit";
- Text[ thai ] = "~วัตถุ";
- Text[ czech ] = "Objekty";
- Text[ hebrew ] = "~Objekte";
- Text[ hindi ] = "~वस्तु";
- Text[ slovak ] = "~Objekty";
- Text[ hungarian ] = "~Objektumok";
- Text[ slovenian ] = "~Predmeti";
+ Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
FixedLine FL_FRAME
Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 6 , 3 ) ;
Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 93 , 8 ) ;
- Text = "Auswahl" ;
- Text [ ENGLISH ] = "Options" ;
- Text [ norwegian ] = "Options" ;
- Text [ italian ] = "Selezione" ;
- Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Seleo" ;
- Text [ portuguese ] = "Seleco" ;
- Text [ finnish ] = "Valinta" ;
- Text [ danish ] = "Markering" ;
- Text [ french ] = "Slection" ;
- Text [ swedish ] = "Urval" ;
- Text [ dutch ] = "Selectie" ;
- Text [ spanish ] = "Seleccin" ;
- Text [ english_us ] = "Selection" ;
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "选择";
- Text[ russian ] = "";
- Text[ polish ] = "Wybr";
- Text[ japanese ] = "選択";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "選取";
- Text[ arabic ] = "";
- Text[ greek ] = "";
- Text[ korean ] = "선택";
- Text[ turkish ] = "Seim";
- Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
- Text[ catalan ] = "Opcions";
- Text[ thai ] = "เลือก";
- Text[ czech ] = "Výběr";
- Text[ hebrew ] = "‮מבחר‬";
- Text[ hindi ] = "चुनाव";
- Text[ slovak ] = "Výber";
- Text[ hungarian ] = "Kijelölés";
- Text[ slovenian ] = "Izbor";
- };
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "删除内容";
- Text[ russian ] = " ";
- Text[ polish ] = "Usu zawarto";
- Text[ japanese ] = "内容の削除";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "刪除內容";
- Text[ arabic ] = " ";
- Text[ greek ] = " ";
- Text[ korean ] = "내용 삭제";
- Text[ turkish ] = "erikleri sil";
- Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
- Text[ catalan ] = "Suprimeix el contingut";
- Text[ thai ] = "ลบเนื้อหา";
- Text[ czech ] = "Smazat obsah";
- Text[ hebrew ] = "Inhalte löschen";
- Text[ hindi ] = "विषयों को मिटाओ";
- Text[ slovak ] = "Zmazať obsah";
- Text[ hungarian ] = "Tartalom törlése";
- Text[ slovenian ] = "Izbriši vsebino";
+ Text [ de ] = "Auswahl" ;
+ Text [ en-US ] = "Selection" ;
+ Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
+ };
+ Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
@@ -951,19 +336,8 @@ ModalDialog RID_SCDLG_INSCONT
SVLook = TRUE ;
Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 260 , 187 ) ;
- Text = "Inhalte einfgen" ;
- Text [ ENGLISH ] = "Insert Contents" ;
- Text [ norwegian ] = "Insert Contents" ;
- Text [ italian ] = "Incolla speciale" ;
- Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Colar Especial" ;
- Text [ portuguese ] = "Inserir contedo" ;
- Text [ finnish ] = "Liit mrten" ;
- Text [ danish ] = "Indst speciel" ;
- Text [ french ] = "Collage spcial" ;
- Text [ swedish ] = "Infoga innehll" ;
- Text [ dutch ] = "Inhoud invoegen" ;
- Text [ spanish ] = "Pegado especial" ;
- Text [ english_us ] = "Paste Special" ;
+ Text [ de ] = "Inhalte einfgen" ;
+ Text [ en-US ] = "Paste Special" ;
Moveable = TRUE ;
Closeable = FALSE ;
@@ -989,821 +363,192 @@ ModalDialog RID_SCDLG_INSCONT
Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 12 , 14 ) ;
Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 84 , 10 ) ;
- Text = "~Alles einfgen" ;
- Text [ ENGLISH ] = "Insert a~ll" ;
- Text [ norwegian ] = "Insert a~ll" ;
- Text [ italian ] = "Inco~lla tutto" ;
- Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Co~lar tudo" ;
- Text [ portuguese ] = "Inserir ~tudo" ;
- Text [ finnish ] = "Liit kaikki" ;
- Text [ danish ] = "Indst ~alt" ;
- Text [ french ] = "Tout insrer" ;
- Text [ swedish ] = "Klistra in ~allt" ;
- Text [ dutch ] = "Alles ~invoegen" ;
- Text [ spanish ] = "~Pegar todo" ;
- Text [ english_us ] = "~Paste all" ;
+ Text [ de ] = "~Alles einfgen" ;
+ Text [ en-US ] = "~Paste all" ;
TabStop = TRUE ;
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "全部粘贴(~P)";
- Text[ russian ] = " ";
- Text[ polish ] = "W~klej wszystko";
- Text[ japanese ] = "すべて挿入(~P)";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "全部貼上(~P)";
- Text[ arabic ] = " ";
- Text[ greek ] = " ~";
- Text[ korean ] = "모두 붙여넣기(~P)";
- Text[ turkish ] = "~Tmn yaptr";
- Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
- Text[ catalan ] = "En~ganxa-ho tot";
- Text[ thai ] = "~วางทั้งหมด";
- Text[ czech ] = "Vložit vše";
- Text[ hebrew ] = "~Alles einfügen";
- Text[ hindi ] = "सब ~छिपकाओ";
- Text[ slovak ] = "~Vložiť všetko";
- Text[ hungarian ] = "~Mindent beilleszt";
- Text[ slovenian ] = "P~rilepi vse";
+ Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 12 , 30 ) ;
Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 84 , 10 ) ;
- Text = "Zeichen~ketten" ;
- Text [ ENGLISH ] = "~Strings" ;
- Text [ norwegian ] = "~Strings" ;
- Text [ italian ] = "String~he" ;
- Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "~Strings" ;
- Text [ portuguese ] = "~Cadeias de caracteres" ;
- Text [ finnish ] = "Merkkijonot" ;
- Text [ danish ] = "~Tekststrenge" ;
- Text [ french ] = "~Chanes de caractres" ;
- Text [ swedish ] = "Str~ngar" ;
- Text [ dutch ] = "~Tekenreeksen" ;
- Text [ spanish ] = "C~adenas de caracteres" ;
- Text [ english_us ] = "~Strings" ;
+ Text [ de ] = "Zeichen~ketten" ;
+ Text [ en-US ] = "~Strings" ;
TabStop = TRUE ;
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "字串(~S)";
- Text[ russian ] = "";
- Text[ polish ] = "~Cigi znakw";
- Text[ japanese ] = "文字列(~S)";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "字串(~S)";
- Text[ arabic ] = " ";
- Text[ greek ] = " ";
- Text[ korean ] = "문자열(~S)";
- Text[ turkish ] = "~Dizeler";
- Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
- Text[ catalan ] = "~Cadenes";
- Text[ thai ] = "~สายอักขระ";
- Text[ czech ] = "Řetězce";
- Text[ hebrew ] = "Zeichen~ketten";
- Text[ hindi ] = "~स्ट्रिंग्स";
- Text[ slovak ] = "~Reťazce";
- Text[ hungarian ] = "~Karakterláncok";
- Text[ slovenian ] = "~Nizi";
+ Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 12 , 44 ) ;
Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 84 , 10 ) ;
- Text = "~Zahlen" ;
- Text [ ENGLISH ] = "~Numbers" ;
- Text [ norwegian ] = "~Numbers" ;
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- Text [ portuguese ] = "~Nmeros" ;
- Text [ finnish ] = "Numerot" ;
- Text [ danish ] = "T~al" ;
- Text [ french ] = "Nombres" ;
- Text [ swedish ] = "~Siffror" ;
- Text [ dutch ] = "~Getallen" ;
- Text [ spanish ] = "Nm~eros" ;
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+ Text [ de ] = "~Zahlen" ;
+ Text [ en-US ] = "~Numbers" ;
TabStop = TRUE ;
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "数字(~N)";
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- Text[ japanese ] = "数(~N)";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "數字(~N)";
- Text[ arabic ] = "";
- Text[ greek ] = "";
- Text[ korean ] = "숫자(~N)";
- Text[ turkish ] = "~Saylar";
- Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
- Text[ catalan ] = "~Nmeros";
- Text[ thai ] = "~ตัวเลข";
- Text[ czech ] = "Čísla";
- Text[ hebrew ] = "~Zahlen";
- Text[ hindi ] = "~संख्या";
- Text[ slovak ] = "Čís~la";
- Text[ hungarian ] = "~Számok";
- Text[ slovenian ] = "Š~tevila";
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Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 12 , 58 ) ;
Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 84 , 10 ) ;
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- Text [ italian ] = "Data ~& Ora" ;
- Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "~Data & hora" ;
- Text [ portuguese ] = "~Data & Hora" ;
- Text [ finnish ] = "Pivmr ja kellonaika" ;
- Text [ danish ] = "~Dato og klokkeslt" ;
- Text [ french ] = "Date & heure" ;
- Text [ swedish ] = "~Datum och tid" ;
- Text [ dutch ] = "~Datum & tijd" ;
- Text [ spanish ] = "Fecha y ~hora" ;
- Text [ english_us ] = "~Date & time" ;
+ Text [ de ] = "~Datum & Zeit" ;
+ Text [ en-US ] = "~Date & time" ;
TabStop = TRUE ;
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "日期和时间(~D)";
- Text[ russian ] = " ";
- Text[ polish ] = "Data i ~godzina";
- Text[ japanese ] = "日付と時刻(~D)";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "日期和時間(~D)";
- Text[ arabic ] = " ";
- Text[ greek ] = " ";
- Text[ korean ] = "날짜 및 시간(~D)";
- Text[ turkish ] = "~Tarih & Saat";
- Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
- Text[ catalan ] = "~Dia i hora";
- Text[ thai ] = "~วันที่และเวลา";
- Text[ czech ] = "Datum a čas";
- Text[ hebrew ] = "~Datum & Zeit";
- Text[ hindi ] = "~दिनांक और समय";
- Text[ slovak ] = "~Dátum & čas";
- Text[ hungarian ] = "~Dátum és idő";
- Text[ slovenian ] = "~Datum in čas";
+ Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 12 , 72 ) ;
Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 84 , 10 ) ;
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- Text [ ENGLISH ] = "~Formulas" ;
- Text [ norwegian ] = "~Formulas" ;
- Text [ italian ] = "~Formule" ;
- Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "~Frmulas" ;
- Text [ portuguese ] = "~Frmulas" ;
- Text [ finnish ] = "Kaavat" ;
- Text [ danish ] = "~Formler" ;
- Text [ french ] = "~Formules" ;
- Text [ swedish ] = "~Formler" ;
- Text [ dutch ] = "~Formules" ;
- Text [ spanish ] = "Frmu~las" ;
- Text [ english_us ] = "~Formulas" ;
+ Text [ de ] = "~Formeln" ;
+ Text [ en-US ] = "~Formulas" ;
TabStop = TRUE ;
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "公式(~F)";
- Text[ russian ] = "";
- Text[ polish ] = "~Formuy";
- Text[ japanese ] = "数式(~F)";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "公式(~F)";
- Text[ arabic ] = "";
- Text[ greek ] = "";
- Text[ korean ] = "수식(~F)";
- Text[ turkish ] = "~Formller";
- Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
- Text[ catalan ] = "~Frmules";
- Text[ thai ] = "~สูตร";
- Text[ czech ] = "Vzorce";
- Text[ hebrew ] = "~Formeln";
- Text[ hindi ] = "~सूत्र";
- Text[ slovak ] = "Vzorc~e";
- Text[ hungarian ] = "~Képletek";
- Text[ slovenian ] = "~Formule";
+ Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 12 , 100 ) ;
Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 84 , 10 ) ;
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- Text [ norwegian ] = "Forma~ts" ;
- Text [ italian ] = "Format~i" ;
- Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Forma~tos" ;
- Text [ portuguese ] = "Forma~tos" ;
- Text [ finnish ] = "Muodot" ;
- Text [ danish ] = "Forma~ter" ;
- Text [ french ] = "Formats" ;
- Text [ swedish ] = "Forma~t" ;
- Text [ dutch ] = "~Opmaakprofielen" ;
- Text [ spanish ] = "~Formatos" ;
- Text [ english_us ] = "For~mats" ;
+ Text [ de ] = "Forma~te" ;
+ Text [ en-US ] = "For~mats" ;
TabStop = TRUE ;
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "格式(~M)";
- Text[ russian ] = "";
- Text[ polish ] = "Fo~rmaty";
- Text[ japanese ] = "書式(~M)";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "格式(~M)";
- Text[ arabic ] = "";
- Text[ greek ] = "";
- Text[ korean ] = "서식(~M)";
- Text[ turkish ] = "Forma~tlar";
- Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
- Text[ catalan ] = "For~mats";
- Text[ thai ] = "รูปแ~บบ";
- Text[ czech ] = "Formáty";
- Text[ hebrew ] = "Forma~te";
- Text[ hindi ] = "रच~ना";
- Text[ slovak ] = "For~máty";
- Text[ hungarian ] = "For~mátumok";
- Text[ slovenian ] = "Ob~like";
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Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 12 , 114 ) ;
Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 84 , 10 ) ;
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+ Text [ de ] = "O~bjekte" ;
+ Text [ en-US ] = "O~bjects" ;
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- Text[ russian ] = "O~bjects";
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- Text[ dutch ] = "O~bjects";
- Text[ french ] = "Objets";
- Text[ spanish ] = "O~bjetos";
- Text[ finnish ] = "O~bjects";
- Text[ italian ] = "Oggetti";
- Text[ danish ] = "O~bjekter";
- Text[ swedish ] = "O~bjekt";
- Text[ polish ] = "O~bjects";
- Text[ japanese ] = "オブジェクト(~B)";
- Text[ korean ] = "개체(~B)";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "对象(~B)";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "物件(~B)";
- Text[ turkish ] = "Ne~sneler";
- Text[ arabic ] = "O~bjects";
- Text[ czech ] = "Objekty";
- Text[ hebrew ] = "O~bjekte";
- Text[ catalan ] = "O~bjects";
- Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "O~bjetos";
- Text[ thai ] = "O~bjects";
- Text[ hindi ] = "O~bjects";
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- Text[ hungarian ] = "O~bjektumok";
- Text[ slovenian ] = "Pre~dmeti";
Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 12 , 86 ) ;
Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 84 , 10 ) ;
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- Text [ norwegian ] = "N~otes" ;
- Text [ italian ] = "N~ote" ;
- Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "An~otaes" ;
- Text [ portuguese ] = "~Anotaes" ;
- Text [ finnish ] = "Huomautukset" ;
- Text [ danish ] = "Not~er" ;
- Text [ french ] = "Notes" ;
- Text [ swedish ] = "Ante~ckningar" ;
- Text [ dutch ] = "~Aantekeningen" ;
- Text [ spanish ] = "N~otas" ;
- Text [ english_us ] = "N~otes" ;
+ Text [ de ] = "~Notizen" ;
+ Text [ en-US ] = "N~otes" ;
TabStop = TRUE ;
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "备注(~O)";
- Text[ russian ] = "";
- Text[ polish ] = "~Notatki";
- Text[ japanese ] = "コメント(~O)";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "備註(~O)";
- Text[ arabic ] = "";
- Text[ greek ] = "";
- Text[ korean ] = "메모(~O)";
- Text[ turkish ] = "~Notlar";
- Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
- Text[ catalan ] = "N~otes";
- Text[ thai ] = "บันทึก~ย่อ";
- Text[ czech ] = "Poznámky";
- Text[ hebrew ] = "~Notizen";
- Text[ hindi ] = "टिप्प~णी";
- Text[ slovak ] = "P~oznámky";
- Text[ hungarian ] = "~Jegyzetek";
- Text[ slovenian ] = "Op~ombe";
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FixedLine FL_FRAME
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Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 93 , 8 ) ;
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- Text [ norwegian ] = "Options" ;
- Text [ italian ] = "Selezione" ;
- Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Seleo" ;
- Text [ portuguese ] = "Seleco" ;
- Text [ finnish ] = "Valinta" ;
- Text [ danish ] = "Markering" ;
- Text [ french ] = "Slection" ;
- Text [ swedish ] = "Urval" ;
- Text [ dutch ] = "Selectie" ;
- Text [ spanish ] = "Seleccin" ;
- Text [ english_us ] = "Selection" ;
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "选择";
- Text[ russian ] = "";
- Text[ polish ] = "Wybr";
- Text[ japanese ] = "選択";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "選取";
- Text[ arabic ] = "";
- Text[ greek ] = "";
- Text[ korean ] = "선택";
- Text[ turkish ] = "Seim";
- Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
- Text[ catalan ] = "Selecci";
- Text[ thai ] = "เลือก";
- Text[ czech ] = "Výběr";
- Text[ hebrew ] = "‮מבחר‬";
- Text[ hindi ] = "चुनाव";
- Text[ slovak ] = "Výber";
- Text[ hungarian ] = "Kijelölés";
- Text[ slovenian ] = "Izbor";
+ Text [ de ] = "Auswahl" ;
+ Text [ en-US ] = "Selection" ;
+ Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
RadioButton BTN_OP_NOOP
Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 111 , 14 ) ;
Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 83 , 10 ) ;
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- Text [ dutch ] = "~Geen" ;
- Text [ english_us ] = "Non~e" ;
- Text [ italian ] = "S~enza" ;
- Text [ spanish ] = "~Ninguno" ;
- Text [ french ] = "Aucune" ;
- Text [ swedish ] = "Ing~en" ;
- Text [ danish ] = "~Ingen" ;
- Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "~Nenhum" ;
- Text [ portuguese ] = "~Nenhum" ;
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "无(~E)";
- Text[ russian ] = "";
- Text[ polish ] = "~Brak";
- Text[ japanese ] = "なし(~E)";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "無(~E)";
- Text[ arabic ] = "";
- Text[ greek ] = "";
- Text[ korean ] = "없음(~E)";
- Text[ turkish ] = "~Yok";
- Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
- Text[ catalan ] = "Ca~p";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Ei mitn";
- Text[ thai ] = "ไ~ม่มี";
- Text[ czech ] = "Žádný";
- Text[ hebrew ] = "K~eine";
- Text[ hindi ] = "कोई ~नहीं";
- Text[ slovak ] = "N~ič";
- Text[ hungarian ] = "S~emmi";
- Text[ slovenian ] = "Br~ez";
+ Text [ de ] = "K~eine" ;
+ Text [ en-US ] = "Non~e" ;
+ Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
RadioButton BTN_OP_ADD
Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 111 , 30 ) ;
Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 83 , 10 ) ;
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- Text [ ENGLISH ] = "A~dd" ;
- Text [ dutch ] = "O~ptellen" ;
- Text [ english_us ] = "~Add" ;
- Text [ italian ] = "Sommare" ;
- Text [ spanish ] = "~Sumar" ;
- Text [ french ] = "Addition" ;
- Text [ swedish ] = "Adde~ra" ;
- Text [ danish ] = "~Adder" ;
- Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "~Adicionar" ;
- Text [ portuguese ] = "~Adicionar" ;
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "加(~A)";
- Text[ russian ] = "";
- Text[ polish ] = "Doda~j";
- Text[ japanese ] = "足す(~A)";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "加(~A)";
- Text[ arabic ] = "";
- Text[ greek ] = "";
- Text[ korean ] = "더하기(~A)";
- Text[ turkish ] = "~Topla";
- Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
- Text[ catalan ] = "~Afegeix";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Lis";
- Text[ thai ] = "เ~พิ่ม";
- Text[ czech ] = "Sečíst";
- Text[ hebrew ] = "‮הוספה‬";
- Text[ hindi ] = "~जोड़ो";
- Text[ slovak ] = "Prid~ať";
- Text[ hungarian ] = "Hozzá~adás";
- Text[ slovenian ] = "~Dodaj";
+ Text [ de ] = "Addie~ren" ;
+ Text [ en-US ] = "~Add" ;
+ Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
RadioButton BTN_OP_SUB
Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 111 , 44 ) ;
Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 83 , 10 ) ;
- Text = "~Subtrahieren" ;
- Text [ ENGLISH ] = "~Subtract" ;
- Text [ dutch ] = "~Aftrekken" ;
- Text [ english_us ] = "S~ubtract" ;
- Text [ italian ] = "Sottrai" ;
- Text [ spanish ] = "~Substraer" ;
- Text [ french ] = "~Soustraction" ;
- Text [ swedish ] = "Su~btrahera" ;
- Text [ danish ] = "Subtraher" ;
- Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "~Subtrair" ;
- Text [ portuguese ] = "~Subtrair" ;
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "减(~U)";
- Text[ russian ] = "";
- Text[ polish ] = "Od~ejmij";
- Text[ japanese ] = "引く(~U)";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "減去(~U)";
- Text[ arabic ] = "";
- Text[ greek ] = "";
- Text[ korean ] = "빼기(~U)";
- Text[ turkish ] = "S~il";
- Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
- Text[ catalan ] = "~Resta";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Vhenn";
- Text[ thai ] = "ล~บ";
- Text[ czech ] = "Odečíst";
- Text[ hebrew ] = "~Subtrahieren";
- Text[ hindi ] = "घ~टाओ";
- Text[ slovak ] = "Odčí~tať";
- Text[ hungarian ] = "Ki~vonás";
- Text[ slovenian ] = "O~dštej";
+ Text [ de ] = "~Subtrahieren" ;
+ Text [ en-US ] = "S~ubtract" ;
+ Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
RadioButton BTN_OP_MUL
Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 111 , 58 ) ;
Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 83 , 10 ) ;
- Text = "~Multiplizieren" ;
- Text [ ENGLISH ] = "~Multiply" ;
- Text [ dutch ] = "~Vermenigvuldigen" ;
- Text [ english_us ] = "Multipl~y" ;
- Text [ italian ] = "Moltiplica" ;
- Text [ spanish ] = "~Multiplicar" ;
- Text [ french ] = "~Multiplication" ;
- Text [ swedish ] = "~Multiplicera" ;
- Text [ danish ] = "Multiplicer" ;
- Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "~Multiplicar" ;
- Text [ portuguese ] = "~Multiplicar" ;
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "乘(~Y)";
- Text[ russian ] = "";
- Text[ polish ] = "P~omn";
- Text[ japanese ] = "掛ける(~Y)";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "乘(~Y)";
- Text[ arabic ] = "";
- Text[ greek ] = "";
- Text[ korean ] = "곱하기(~Y)";
- Text[ turkish ] = "~arp";
- Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
- Text[ catalan ] = "M~ultiplica";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Kerro";
- Text[ thai ] = "คู~ณ";
- Text[ czech ] = "Násobit";
- Text[ hebrew ] = "~Multiplizieren";
- Text[ hindi ] = "गुण~न";
- Text[ slovak ] = "Ná~sobiť";
- Text[ hungarian ] = "~Szorzás";
- Text[ slovenian ] = "Pom~noži";
+ Text [ de ] = "~Multiplizieren" ;
+ Text [ en-US ] = "Multipl~y" ;
+ Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
RadioButton BTN_OP_DIV
Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 111 , 72 ) ;
Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 83 , 10 ) ;
- Text = "D~ividieren" ;
- Text [ ENGLISH ] = "D~ivide" ;
- Text [ dutch ] = "~Delen" ;
- Text [ english_us ] = "Di~vide" ;
- Text [ italian ] = "Dividere" ;
- Text [ spanish ] = "~Dividir" ;
- Text [ french ] = "Division" ;
- Text [ swedish ] = "Di~videra" ;
- Text [ danish ] = "Divider" ;
- Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Di~vidir" ;
- Text [ portuguese ] = "~Dividir" ;
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "除(~V)";
- Text[ russian ] = "";
- Text[ polish ] = "D~zieli";
- Text[ japanese ] = "割る(~V)";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "除(~V)";
- Text[ arabic ] = "";
- Text[ greek ] = "";
- Text[ korean ] = "나누기(~V)";
- Text[ turkish ] = "~Bl";
- Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
- Text[ catalan ] = "Di~videix";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Jaa";
- Text[ thai ] = "หา~ร";
- Text[ czech ] = "Dělit";
- Text[ hebrew ] = "D~ividieren";
- Text[ hindi ] = "भाग~गणित";
- Text[ slovak ] = "~Deliť";
- Text[ hungarian ] = "~Osztás";
- Text[ slovenian ] = "Del~i";
+ Text [ de ] = "D~ividieren" ;
+ Text [ en-US ] = "Di~vide" ;
+ Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 105 , 3 ) ;
Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 93 , 8 ) ;
- Text = "Rechenoperationen" ;
- Text [ ENGLISH ] = "???" ;
- Text [ dutch ] = "Berekeningen" ;
- Text [ english_us ] = "Operations" ;
- Text [ italian ] = "Operazioni di calcolo" ;
- Text [ spanish ] = "Operaciones" ;
- Text [ french ] = "Oprations" ;
- Text [ swedish ] = "Rkneoperationer" ;
- Text [ danish ] = "Regneoperationer" ;
- Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Operaes" ;
- Text [ portuguese ] = "Operaes de clculo" ;
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "计算";
- Text[ russian ] = "";
- Text[ polish ] = "Operacje obliczeniowe";
- Text[ japanese ] = "演算";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "計算";
- Text[ arabic ] = " ";
- Text[ greek ] = "";
- Text[ korean ] = "연산";
- Text[ turkish ] = "lemler";
- Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
- Text[ catalan ] = "Operacions";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Toiminnot";
- Text[ thai ] = "ปฏิบัติการ";
- Text[ czech ] = "Operace";
- Text[ hebrew ] = "Rechenoperationen";
- Text[ hindi ] = "कार्य";
- Text[ slovak ] = "Operácie";
- Text[ hungarian ] = "Műveletek";
- Text[ slovenian ] = "Operacije";
+ Text [ de ] = "Rechenoperationen" ;
+ Text [ en-US ] = "Operations" ;
+ Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 12 , 141 ) ;
Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 84 , 10 ) ;
- Text = "~Leerzellen berspringen" ;
- Text [ ENGLISH ] = "~Skip empty cells" ;
- Text [ dutch ] = "~Lege cellen overslaan" ;
- Text [ english_us ] = "S~kip empty cells" ;
- Text [ italian ] = "Salta righe vuote" ;
- Text [ spanish ] = "Ignorar ~celdas vacas" ;
- Text [ french ] = "Ignorer les cellules vides" ;
- Text [ swedish ] = "Ho~ppa ver tomma celler" ;
- Text [ danish ] = "Spring tomme celler over" ;
- Text [ portuguese ] = "~Saltar clulas vazias" ;
- Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Ignorar clulas ~vazias" ;
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "跳过空单元格(~K)";
- Text[ russian ] = " ";
- Text[ polish ] = "Pomi p~uste komrki";
- Text[ japanese ] = "空白のセルをとばす(~K)";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "跳過空儲存格(~K)";
- Text[ arabic ] = " ";
- Text[ greek ] = " ";
- Text[ korean ] = "빈 셀 건너뛰기(~K)";
- Text[ turkish ] = "~Bo hcreleri atla";
- Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
- Text[ catalan ] = "Ome~t les cel.les buides";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Ohita tyhjt solut";
- Text[ thai ] = "ข้า~มเซลล์ที่ว่าง";
- Text[ czech ] = "Přeskočit prázdné buňky";
- Text[ hebrew ] = "~Leerzellen überspringen";
- Text[ hindi ] = "खाली कोष्ठों को ~त्यागना";
- Text[ slovak ] = "Vynechať prázdne bun~ky";
- Text[ hungarian ] = "Ü~res cellák kihagyása";
- Text[ slovenian ] = "Pres~koči prazne celice";
+ Text [ de ] = "~Leerzellen berspringen" ;
+ Text [ en-US ] = "S~kip empty cells" ;
+ Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 12 , 155 ) ;
Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 84 , 10 ) ;
- Text = "Transp~onieren" ;
- Text [ ENGLISH ] = "~Tranpose" ;
- Text [ english_us ] = "~Transpose" ;
- Text [ italian ] = "~Trasponi" ;
- Text [ spanish ] = "~Transponer" ;
- Text [ french ] = "Transposer" ;
- Text [ dutch ] = "~Transponeren" ;
- Text [ swedish ] = "Transp~onera" ;
- Text [ danish ] = "~Transponer" ;
- Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "~Transpor" ;
- Text [ portuguese ] = "~Transpor" ;
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "行列替换(~T)";
- Text[ russian ] = "";
- Text[ polish ] = "~Transponuj";
- Text[ japanese ] = "行と列の入れ替え(~T)";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "行欄替換(~T)";
- Text[ arabic ] = " ";
- Text[ greek ] = "";
- Text[ korean ] = "바꾸기(~T)";
- Text[ turkish ] = "Dntr";
- Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
- Text[ catalan ] = "~Transposa";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Transponoi";
- Text[ thai ] = "~สลับเปลี่ยนแถวกับคอลัมน์";
- Text[ czech ] = "Transponovat";
- Text[ hebrew ] = "Transp~onieren";
- Text[ hindi ] = "~ट्रान्स्पोस";
- Text[ slovak ] = "~Transponovať";
- Text[ hungarian ] = "~Felcserélés";
- Text[ slovenian ] = "~Zamenjaj";
+ Text [ de ] = "Transp~onieren" ;
+ Text [ en-US ] = "~Transpose" ;
+ Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 12 , 169 ) ;
Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 84 , 10 ) ;
- Text = "Verkn~pfen" ;
- Text [ ENGLISH ] = "Lin~k" ;
- Text [ dutch ] = "~Koppelen" ;
- Text [ english_us ] = "~Link" ;
- Text [ italian ] = "Collega" ;
- Text [ spanish ] = "~Vincular" ;
- Text [ french ] = "~Lier" ;
- Text [ swedish ] = "~Lnka" ;
- Text [ danish ] = "~Kd" ;
- Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "~Vincular" ;
- Text [ portuguese ] = "~Ligar" ;
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "链接(~L)";
- Text[ russian ] = " ";
- Text[ polish ] = "~Pocz";
- Text[ japanese ] = "リンク(~L)";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "捷徑(~L)";
- Text[ arabic ] = "";
- Text[ greek ] = "";
- Text[ korean ] = "연결(~L)";
- Text[ turkish ] = "~Bala";
- Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
- Text[ catalan ] = "En~lla";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Linkit";
- Text[ thai ] = "เ~ชื่อมโยง";
- Text[ czech ] = "Odkaz";
- Text[ hebrew ] = "Verknü~pfen";
- Text[ hindi ] = "~लिंक";
- Text[ slovak ] = "~Odkaz";
- Text[ hungarian ] = "~Hivatkozás";
- Text[ slovenian ] = "~Povezava";
+ Text [ de ] = "Verkn~pfen" ;
+ Text [ en-US ] = "~Link" ;
+ Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 6 , 130 ) ;
Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 93 , 8 ) ;
- Text = "Optionen" ;
- Text [ ENGLISH ] = "Options" ;
- Text [ english_us ] = "Options" ;
- Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Opes" ;
- Text [ swedish ] = "Alternativ" ;
- Text [ danish ] = "Indstillinger" ;
- Text [ italian ] = "Opzioni" ;
- Text [ spanish ] = "Opciones" ;
- Text [ french ] = "Options" ;
- Text [ dutch ] = "Opties" ;
- Text [ portuguese ] = "Opes" ;
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "选项";
- Text[ russian ] = "";
- Text[ polish ] = "Opcje";
- Text[ japanese ] = "オプション";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "選項";
- Text[ arabic ] = "";
- Text[ greek ] = "";
- Text[ korean ] = "옵션";
- Text[ turkish ] = "Seenekler";
- Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
- Text[ catalan ] = "Opcions";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Asetukset";
- Text[ thai ] = "ตัวเลือก";
- Text[ czech ] = "Volby";
- Text[ hebrew ] = "‮אפשרויות‬";
- Text[ hindi ] = "विकल्प";
- Text[ slovak ] = "Nastavenia";
- Text[ hungarian ] = "Beállítások";
- Text[ slovenian ] = "Možnosti";
+ Text [ de ] = "Optionen" ;
+ Text [ en-US ] = "Options" ;
+ Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
RadioButton BTN_MV_NONE
Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 111 , 141 ) ;
Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 83 , 10 ) ;
- Text = "Nicht ~verschieben" ;
- Text [ ENGLISH ] = "~None" ;
- Text [ english_us ] = "Don't sh~ift" ;
- Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "~No deslocar" ;
- Text [ swedish ] = "Fl~ytta inte" ;
- Text [ danish ] = "Flyt ikke" ;
- Text [ italian ] = "Non ~spostare" ;
- Text [ spanish ] = "~No desplazar" ;
- Text [ french ] = "Ne pas dplacer" ;
- Text [ dutch ] = "~Niet verplaatsen" ;
- Text [ portuguese ] = "~No mover" ;
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "不移动(~I)";
- Text[ russian ] = " ";
- Text[ polish ] = "Nie prze~suwaj";
- Text[ japanese ] = "移動しない(~I)";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "不移動(~I)";
- Text[ arabic ] = " ";
- Text[ greek ] = " ";
- Text[ korean ] = "이동하지 않음(~I)";
- Text[ turkish ] = "~Tama";
- Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
- Text[ catalan ] = "No desplacis";
- Text[ finnish ] = "l siirr";
- Text[ thai ] = "ห้ามเลื่อ~น";
- Text[ czech ] = "Nepřesouvat";
- Text[ hebrew ] = "Nicht ~verschieben";
- Text[ hindi ] = "स्थान~परिवर्तन मत करो";
- Text[ slovak ] = "N~eposúvať";
- Text[ hungarian ] = "N~incs eltolás";
- Text[ slovenian ] = "Ne premakn~i";
+ Text [ de ] = "Nicht ~verschieben" ;
+ Text [ en-US ] = "Don't sh~ift" ;
+ Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
RadioButton BTN_MV_DOWN
Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 111 , 155 ) ;
Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 83 , 10 ) ;
- Text = "Nach ~unten" ;
- Text [ ENGLISH ] = "~Down" ;
- Text [ english_us ] = "Do~wn" ;
- Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "A~baixo" ;
- Text [ swedish ] = "~Nedt" ;
- Text [ danish ] = "~Nedad" ;
- Text [ italian ] = "Verso il ~basso" ;
- Text [ spanish ] = "Hacia a~bajo" ;
- Text [ french ] = "Vers le bas" ;
- Text [ dutch ] = "Naar ~beneden" ;
- Text [ portuguese ] = "Para ~baixo" ;
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "向下(~W)";
- Text[ russian ] = "";
- Text[ polish ] = "W ~d";
- Text[ japanese ] = "下に(~W)";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "向下(~W)";
- Text[ arabic ] = " ";
- Text[ greek ] = " ";
- Text[ korean ] = "아래로(~W)";
- Text[ turkish ] = "~Aa";
- Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
- Text[ catalan ] = "A~vall";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Alas";
- Text[ thai ] = "ล~ง";
- Text[ czech ] = "Dolů";
- Text[ hebrew ] = "Nach ~unten";
- Text[ hindi ] = "नी~चे";
- Text[ slovak ] = "Do~le";
- Text[ hungarian ] = "~Lefelé";
- Text[ slovenian ] = "Nav~zdol";
+ Text [ de ] = "Nach ~unten" ;
+ Text [ en-US ] = "Do~wn" ;
+ Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
RadioButton BTN_MV_RIGHT
Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 111 , 169 ) ;
Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 83 , 10 ) ;
- Text = "Nach re~chts" ;
- Text [ ENGLISH ] = "~Right" ;
- Text [ english_us ] = "~Right" ;
- Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "~Direita" ;
- Text [ swedish ] = "t h~ger" ;
- Text [ danish ] = "~Hjre" ;
- Text [ italian ] = "Verso ~destra" ;
- Text [ spanish ] = "Hacia la de~recha" ;
- Text [ french ] = "Vers la droite" ;
- Text [ dutch ] = "Naar re~chts" ;
- Text [ portuguese ] = "Para a ~direita" ;
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "向右(~R)";
- Text[ russian ] = "";
- Text[ polish ] = "~W prawo";
- Text[ japanese ] = "右に(~R)";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "向右(~R)";
- Text[ arabic ] = " ";
- Text[ greek ] = " ";
- Text[ korean ] = "오른쪽(~R)";
- Text[ turkish ] = "S~aa";
- Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
- Text[ catalan ] = "D~reta";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Oikea";
- Text[ thai ] = "~ขวา";
- Text[ czech ] = "Vpravo";
- Text[ hebrew ] = "Nach re~chts";
- Text[ hindi ] = "~दाहिना";
- Text[ slovak ] = "Vp~ravo";
- Text[ hungarian ] = "~Jobbra";
- Text[ slovenian ] = "~Desno";
+ Text [ de ] = "Nach re~chts" ;
+ Text [ en-US ] = "~Right" ;
+ Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
FixedLine FL_MOVE
Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 105 , 130 ) ;
Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 93 , 8 ) ;
- Text = "Zellen verschieben" ;
- Text [ ENGLISH ] = "Move cells" ;
- Text [ english_us ] = "Shift cells" ;
- Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Deslocar clulas" ;
- Text [ swedish ] = "Flytta celler" ;
- Text [ danish ] = "Flyt celler" ;
- Text [ italian ] = "Sposta celle" ;
- Text [ spanish ] = "Desplazar celdas" ;
- Text [ french ] = "Dplacement des cellules" ;
- Text [ dutch ] = "Cellen verplaatsen" ;
- Text [ portuguese ] = "Mover clulas" ;
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "移动单元格";
- Text[ russian ] = " ";
- Text[ polish ] = "Przesu komrki";
- Text[ japanese ] = "セルの移動";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "移動儲存格";
- Text[ arabic ] = " ";
- Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
- Text[ greek ] = " ";
- Text[ korean ] = "셀 이동";
- Text[ turkish ] = "Hcreleri kaydr";
- Text[ catalan ] = "Mou les cel.les";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Siirr solut";
- Text[ thai ] = "เลื่อนเซลล์";
- Text[ czech ] = "Posunout buňky";
- Text[ hebrew ] = "Zellen verschieben";
- Text[ hindi ] = "कोष्ठों का स्थान परिवर्तन करो";
- Text[ slovak ] = "Posunúť bunky";
- Text[ hungarian ] = "Cellák eltolása";
- Text[ slovenian ] = "Premakni celice";
+ Text [ de ] = "Zellen verschieben" ;
+ Text [ en-US ] = "Shift cells" ;
+ Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
FixedLine FL_SEP1
@@ -1815,24 +560,7 @@ ModalDialog RID_SCDLG_INSCONT
Pos = MAP_APPFONT( 102 , 127 ) ;
Size = MAP_APPFONT( 1 , 38 ) ;
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "粘贴内容";
- Text[ russian ] = " ";
- Text[ polish ] = "Wklej specjalnie";
- Text[ japanese ] = "形式を選択して貼り付け";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "貼上內容";
- Text[ arabic ] = " ";
- Text[ greek ] = " ";
- Text[ korean ] = "선택하여 붙여넣기";
- Text[ turkish ] = "zel yaptr";
- Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
- Text[ catalan ] = "Enganxament especial";
- Text[ thai ] = "วางพิเศษ";
- Text[ czech ] = "Vložit jako";
- Text[ hebrew ] = "‮הדבקה מיוחדת‬";
- Text[ hindi ] = "विशेष को छिपकाओ";
- Text[ slovak ] = "Vložiť inak";
- Text[ hungarian ] = "Irányított beillesztés";
- Text[ slovenian ] = "Posebno lepljenje";
+ Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
@@ -1840,19 +568,8 @@ ModalDialog RID_SCDLG_MOVETAB
SVLook = TRUE ;
Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 168 , 130 ) ;
- Text = "Tabelle verschieben/kopieren" ;
- Text [ ENGLISH ] = "Move/Copy table" ;
- Text [ norwegian ] = "Move/Copy table" ;
- Text [ italian ] = "Sposta o copia tabella" ;
- Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Mover/Copiar Planilha" ;
- Text [ portuguese ] = "Mover/Copiar folha" ;
- Text [ finnish ] = "Siirr/kopioi taulukko" ;
- Text [ danish ] = "Flyt/kopier ark" ;
- Text [ french ] = "Dplacer/copier la feuille" ;
- Text [ swedish ] = "Kopiera/flytta tabell" ;
- Text [ dutch ] = "Werkblad verplaatsen/kopiren" ;
- Text [ spanish ] = "Desplazar/Copiar hoja" ;
- Text [ english_us ] = "Move/Copy Sheet" ;
+ Text [ de ] = "Tabelle verschieben/kopieren" ;
+ Text [ en-US ] = "Move/Copy Sheet" ;
Moveable = TRUE ;
Closeable = FALSE ;
@@ -1878,37 +595,9 @@ ModalDialog RID_SCDLG_MOVETAB
Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 6 , 6 ) ;
Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 100 , 8 ) ;
- Text = "~Ins Dokument" ;
- Text [ ENGLISH ] = "~To Document" ;
- Text [ norwegian ] = "~To Document" ;
- Text [ italian ] = "In ~documento" ;
- Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "~Para o documento" ;
- Text [ portuguese ] = "~Para documento" ;
- Text [ finnish ] = "Asiakirjaan" ;
- Text [ danish ] = "I dokumentet" ;
- Text [ french ] = "~Vers le document" ;
- Text [ swedish ] = "T~ill dokument" ;
- Text [ dutch ] = "~Naar document" ;
- Text [ spanish ] = "~Al documento" ;
- Text [ english_us ] = "To ~document" ;
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "加入文档(~D)";
- Text[ russian ] = " ";
- Text[ polish ] = "Do dokumentu";
- Text[ japanese ] = "移動先ドキュメント名(~D)";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "加入文件(~D)";
- Text[ arabic ] = " ";
- Text[ greek ] = " ";
- Text[ korean ] = "문서로(~D)";
- Text[ turkish ] = "~Belgeye";
- Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
- Text[ catalan ] = "Al ~document";
- Text[ thai ] = "ไปยังเ~อกสาร";
- Text[ czech ] = "Do dokumentu";
- Text[ hebrew ] = "~Ins Dokument";
- Text[ hindi ] = "~लेखपत्र में";
- Text[ slovak ] = "K ~dokumentu";
- Text[ hungarian ] = "A ~dokumentumba:";
- Text[ slovenian ] = "V ~dokument";
+ Text [ de ] = "~Ins Dokument" ;
+ Text [ en-US ] = "To ~document" ;
+ Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
@@ -1922,37 +611,9 @@ ModalDialog RID_SCDLG_MOVETAB
Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 6 , 35 ) ;
Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 100 , 8 ) ;
- Text = "Ei~nfgen vor" ;
- Text [ ENGLISH ] = "I~nsert before" ;
- Text [ norwegian ] = "I~nsert before" ;
- Text [ italian ] = "Prima del foglio" ;
- Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "I~nserir antes" ;
- Text [ portuguese ] = "I~nserir antes" ;
- Text [ finnish ] = "Lis eteen" ;
- Text [ danish ] = "~Indst fr" ;
- Text [ french ] = "I~nsrer avant" ;
- Text [ swedish ] = "I~nfoga framfr" ;
- Text [ dutch ] = "~Invoegen voor" ;
- Text [ spanish ] = "Insertar ~delante de" ;
- Text [ english_us ] = "~Insert before" ;
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "前置于(~I)";
- Text[ russian ] = " ";
- Text[ polish ] = "W~staw przed";
- Text[ japanese ] = "次の表の前に挿入(~I)";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "前置於(~I)";
- Text[ arabic ] = " ";
- Text[ greek ] = " ";
- Text[ korean ] = "다음 표 앞에 삽입(~I)";
- Text[ turkish ] = "~ne ekle";
- Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
- Text[ catalan ] = "~Insereix abans de";
- Text[ thai ] = "แ~ทรกก่อน";
- Text[ czech ] = "Vložit před";
- Text[ hebrew ] = "Ei~nfügen vor";
- Text[ hindi ] = "से पहिले ~जोड़ो";
- Text[ slovak ] = "Vlož~iť pred";
- Text[ hungarian ] = "~Beszúrás elé";
- Text[ slovenian ] = "~Vstavi pred";
+ Text [ de ] = "Ei~nfgen vor" ;
+ Text [ en-US ] = "~Insert before" ;
+ Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
@@ -1965,91 +626,18 @@ ModalDialog RID_SCDLG_MOVETAB
Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 6 , 114 ) ;
Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 100 , 10 ) ;
- Text = "~kopieren" ;
- Text [ ENGLISH ] = "~Copy" ;
- Text [ norwegian ] = "~Kopier" ;
- Text [ italian ] = "~Copia" ;
- Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "~Copiar" ;
- Text [ portuguese ] = "~Copiar" ;
- Text [ finnish ] = "Kopioi" ;
- Text [ danish ] = "K~opier" ;
- Text [ french ] = "~Copier" ;
- Text [ swedish ] = "~Kopiera" ;
- Text [ dutch ] = "~Kopiren" ;
- Text [ spanish ] = "~Copiar" ;
- Text [ english_us ] = "~Copy" ;
+ Text [ de ] = "~kopieren" ;
+ Text [ en-US ] = "~Copy" ;
TabStop = TRUE ;
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "复制(~C)";
- Text[ russian ] = "";
- Text[ polish ] = "~Kopiuj";
- Text[ japanese ] = "コピー(~C)";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "複製(~C)";
- Text[ arabic ] = "";
- Text[ greek ] = "";
- Text[ korean ] = "복사(~C)";
- Text[ turkish ] = "~Kopyala";
- Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
- Text[ catalan ] = "~Copia";
- Text[ thai ] = "~คัดลอก";
- Text[ czech ] = "Kopírovat";
- Text[ hebrew ] = "‮העתקה‬";
- Text[ hindi ] = "~प्रतिलिपि";
- Text[ slovak ] = "~Kopírovať";
- Text[ hungarian ] = "~Másolás";
- Text[ slovenian ] = "Kopir~aj";
+ Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
- Text = "- neues Dokument -" ;
- Text [ ENGLISH ] = "- new document -" ;
- Text [ norwegian ] = "- new document -" ;
- Text [ italian ] = "- nuovo documento -" ;
- Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "- novo documento -" ;
- Text [ portuguese ] = "- novo documento -" ;
- Text [ finnish ] = "- uusi asiakirja -" ;
- Text [ danish ] = "- nyt dokument -" ;
- Text [ french ] = "- Nouveau document -" ;
- Text [ swedish ] = "- nytt dokument -" ;
- Text [ dutch ] = "- nieuw document -" ;
- Text [ spanish ] = "- documento nuevo -" ;
- Text [ english_us ] = "- new document -" ;
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "- 新文档 -";
- Text[ russian ] = "- -";
- Text[ polish ] = "- nowy dokument -";
- Text[ japanese ] = "-新規ドキュメント-";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "- 新文件 -";
- Text[ arabic ] = "- -";
- Text[ greek ] = "- -";
- Text[ korean ] = "-새 문서 -";
- Text[ turkish ] = "- yeni belge -";
- Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
- Text[ catalan ] = "- document nou -";
- Text[ thai ] = "- เอกสารใหม่ -";
- Text[ czech ] = "- nový dokument -";
- Text[ hebrew ] = "- neues Dokument -";
- Text[ hindi ] = "- नया लेखपत्र -";
- Text[ slovak ] = "- nový dokument -";
- Text[ hungarian ] = "- új dokumentum -";
- Text[ slovenian ] = "- nov dokument -";
- };
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "移动或复制工作表";
- Text[ russian ] = "/ ";
- Text[ polish ] = "Przenie/Kopiuj arkusz";
- Text[ japanese ] = "表の移動またはコピー";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "移動或複製工作表";
- Text[ arabic ] = "\\ ";
- Text[ greek ] = "/ ";
- Text[ korean ] = "시트 이동/복사";
- Text[ turkish ] = "Sayfay ta/kopyala";
- Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
- Text[ catalan ] = "Mou/Copia el full";
- Text[ thai ] = "ย้าย/คัดลอกแผ่นงาน";
- Text[ czech ] = "Přesunout/Kopírovat list";
- Text[ hebrew ] = "Tabelle verschieben/kopieren";
- Text[ hindi ] = "शीट् का स्थान परिवर्तन/प्रतिलिपि";
- Text[ slovak ] = "Presunúť/Kopírovať list";
- Text[ hungarian ] = "Munkalap áthelyezése/másolása";
- Text[ slovenian ] = "Premakni/Kopiraj list";
+ Text [ de ] = "- neues Dokument -" ;
+ Text [ en-US ] = "- new document -" ;
+ Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
+ };
+ Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
@@ -2139,39 +727,16 @@ ModalDialog RID_SCDLG_MTRINPUT
TabStop = TRUE ;
Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 70 , 24 ) ;
Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 58 , 10 ) ;
- Text = "~Standardwert" ;
- Text [ ENGLISH ] = "Defaul~t value" ;
- Text [ norwegian ] = "Defaul~t value" ;
- Text [ italian ] = "Valore standard" ;
- Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Defaul~t value" ;
- Text [ portuguese ] = "~Valor padro" ;
- Text [ english_us ] = "~Default value" ;
- Text [ dutch ] = "~Standaardwaarde" ;
- Text [ spanish ] = "Valor ~predeterminado" ;
- Text [ french ] = "Valeur stan~dard" ;
- Text [ swedish ] = "~Frvalt vrde" ;
- Text [ danish ] = "~Standartvrdi" ;
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "~Standardwert";
+ Text [ de ]= "~Standardwert" ;
+ Text [ en-US ] = "~Default value" ;
- Text = "Spaltenbreite" ;
- Text [ ENGLISH ] = "Column width" ;
- Text [ norwegian ] = "Bredde p kolonne " ;
- Text [ italian ] = "Larghezza colonna" ;
- Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Largura da Coluna" ;
- Text [ portuguese ] = "Largura da coluna" ;
- Text [ finnish ] = "Sarakkeen leveys" ;
- Text [ danish ] = "Kolonnebredde" ;
- Text [ french ] = "Largeur de colonne" ;
- Text [ swedish ] = "Kolumnbredd" ;
- Text [ dutch ] = "Kolombreedte" ;
- Text [ spanish ] = "Ancho de columna" ;
- Text [ english_us ] = "Column Width" ;
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "列宽";
+ Text [ de ] = "Spaltenbreite" ;
+ Text [ en-US ] = "Column Width" ;
OutputSize = TRUE ;
@@ -2202,37 +767,9 @@ ModalDialog RID_SCDLG_COL_MAN
Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 6 , 8 ) ;
Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 60 , 10 ) ;
- Text = "Breite" ;
- Text [ ENGLISH ] = "Width" ;
- Text [ norwegian ] = "Bredde " ;
- Text [ italian ] = "Larghezza" ;
- Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Largura" ;
- Text [ portuguese ] = "Largura" ;
- Text [ finnish ] = "Leveys" ;
- Text [ danish ] = "Bredde" ;
- Text [ french ] = "Largeur" ;
- Text [ swedish ] = "Bredd" ;
- Text [ dutch ] = "Breedte" ;
- Text [ spanish ] = "Ancho" ;
- Text [ english_us ] = "Width" ;
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "宽度";
- Text[ russian ] = "";
- Text[ polish ] = "Szeroko";
- Text[ japanese ] = "幅";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "寬度";
- Text[ arabic ] = "";
- Text[ greek ] = "";
- Text[ korean ] = "너비";
- Text[ turkish ] = "Genilik";
- Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
- Text[ catalan ] = "Amplada";
- Text[ thai ] = "ความกว้าง";
- Text[ czech ] = "Šířka";
- Text[ hebrew ] = "‮רוחב‬";
- Text[ hindi ] = "चौड़ाई";
- Text[ slovak ] = "Šírka";
- Text[ hungarian ] = "Szélesség";
- Text[ slovenian ] = "Širina";
+ Text [ de ] = "Breite" ;
+ Text [ en-US ] = "Width" ;
+ Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
MetricField ED_VALUE
@@ -2249,73 +786,17 @@ ModalDialog RID_SCDLG_COL_MAN
TabStop = TRUE ;
Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 70 , 24 ) ;
Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 70 , 10 ) ;
- Text = "~Standardwert" ;
- Text [ ENGLISH ] = "Defaul~t value" ;
- Text [ norwegian ] = "Defaul~t value" ;
- Text [ italian ] = "Valore standard" ;
- Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "~Valor padro" ;
- Text [ portuguese ] = "~Valor padro" ;
- Text [ english_us ] = "~Default value" ;
- Text [ dutch ] = "~Standaardwaarde" ;
- Text [ spanish ] = "Valor ~predetermin." ;
- Text [ french ] = "Valeur par dfaut" ;
- Text [ swedish ] = "~Standardvrde" ;
- Text [ danish ] = "~Standardvrdi" ;
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "默认值(~D)";
- Text[ russian ] = " ";
- Text[ polish ] = "Warto ~domylna";
- Text[ japanese ] = "標準値(~D)";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "默認值(~D)";
- Text[ arabic ] = " ";
- Text[ greek ] = " ";
- Text[ korean ] = "기본값(~D)";
- Text[ turkish ] = "~ntanml deer";
- Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
- Text[ catalan ] = "Valor per ~defecte";
- Text[ finnish ] = "~Oletusarvo";
- Text[ thai ] = "~ค่าเริ่มต้น";
- Text[ czech ] = "Výchozí hodnota";
- Text[ hebrew ] = "~Standardwert";
- Text[ hindi ] = "~अनुपस्थिति मूल्य";
- Text[ slovak ] = "Východzia ho~dnota";
- Text[ hungarian ] = "~Alapértelmezett";
- Text[ slovenian ] = "~Privzeta vrednost";
- };
- Text[ russian ] = " ";
- Text[ polish ] = "Szeroko kolumny";
- Text[ japanese ] = "列幅";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "欄寬";
- Text[ arabic ] = " ";
- Text[ greek ] = " ";
- Text[ korean ] = "열 너비";
- Text[ turkish ] = "Stun genilii";
- Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
- Text[ catalan ] = "Amplada de la columna";
- Text[ thai ] = "ความกว้างคอลัมน์";
- Text[ czech ] = "Šířka sloupce";
- Text[ hebrew ] = "Spaltenbreite";
- Text[ hindi ] = "स्तंभ चौड़ाई";
- Text[ slovak ] = "Šírka stĺpca";
- Text[ hungarian ] = "Oszlopszélesség";
- Text[ slovenian ] = "Širina stolpca";
+ Text [ de ]= "~Standardwert" ;
+ Text [ en-US ] = "~Default value" ;
+ Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
+ };
+ Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
- Text = "Optimale Spaltenbreite" ;
- Text [ ENGLISH ] = "Optimal column width" ;
- Text [ norwegian ] = "Optimal bredde p kolonne " ;
- Text [ italian ] = "Larghezza colonna ottimale" ;
- Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Otimizar Largura da Coluna" ;
- Text [ portuguese ] = "Optimizar largura da coluna" ;
- Text [ finnish ] = "Optimaalinen palstaleveys" ;
- Text [ danish ] = "Optimal kolonnebredde" ;
- Text [ french ] = "Largeur de colonne optimale" ;
- Text [ swedish ] = "Optimal kolumnbredd" ;
- Text [ dutch ] = "Optimale kolombreedte" ;
- Text [ spanish ] = "Ancho de columna ptimo" ;
- Text [ english_us ] = "Optimal Column Width" ;
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "最佳列宽";
+ Text [ de ] = "Optimale Spaltenbreite" ;
+ Text [ en-US ] = "Optimal Column Width" ;
OutputSize = TRUE ;
@@ -2346,37 +827,9 @@ ModalDialog RID_SCDLG_COL_OPT
Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 6 , 8 ) ;
Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 60 , 10 ) ;
- Text = "Extra" ;
- Text [ ENGLISH ] = "Extra" ;
- Text [ norwegian ] = "Ekstra " ;
- Text [ italian ] = "Extra" ;
- Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Adicionar" ;
- Text [ portuguese ] = "Adicional" ;
- Text [ finnish ] = "Lis" ;
- Text [ danish ] = "Tilfj" ;
- Text [ french ] = "Marges" ;
- Text [ swedish ] = "Extra" ;
- Text [ dutch ] = "Extra" ;
- Text [ spanish ] = "Adicional" ;
- Text [ english_us ] = "Add" ;
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "附加";
- Text[ russian ] = "";
- Text[ polish ] = "Dodaj";
- Text[ japanese ] = "詳細設定";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "附加";
- Text[ arabic ] = "";
- Text[ greek ] = "";
- Text[ korean ] = "추가";
- Text[ turkish ] = "Ekle";
- Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
- Text[ catalan ] = "Afegeix";
- Text[ thai ] = "เพิ่ม";
- Text[ czech ] = "Přidat";
- Text[ hebrew ] = "‮הוספה‬";
- Text[ hindi ] = "जोड़ो";
- Text[ slovak ] = "Pridať";
- Text[ hungarian ] = "A kerettől";
- Text[ slovenian ] = "Dodaj";
+ Text [ de ] = "Extra" ;
+ Text [ en-US ] = "Add" ;
+ Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
MetricField ED_VALUE
@@ -2394,73 +847,17 @@ ModalDialog RID_SCDLG_COL_OPT
TabStop = TRUE ;
Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 70 , 24 ) ;
Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 70 , 10 ) ;
- Text = "~Standardwert" ;
- Text [ ENGLISH ] = "Defaul~t value" ;
- Text [ norwegian ] = "Defaul~t value" ;
- Text [ italian ] = "Valore standard" ;
- Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "~Valor padro" ;
- Text [ portuguese ] = "~Valor padro" ;
- Text [ english_us ] = "~Default value" ;
- Text [ dutch ] = "~Standaardwaarde" ;
- Text [ spanish ] = "Valor ~predetermin." ;
- Text [ french ] = "Valeur par dfaut" ;
- Text [ swedish ] = "~Standardvrde" ;
- Text [ danish ] = "~Standardvrdi" ;
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "默认值(~D)";
- Text[ russian ] = " ";
- Text[ polish ] = "Warto ~domylna";
- Text[ japanese ] = "標準値(~D)";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "默認值(~D)";
- Text[ arabic ] = " ";
- Text[ greek ] = " ";
- Text[ korean ] = "기본값(~D)";
- Text[ turkish ] = "~Standart deer";
- Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
- Text[ catalan ] = "Valor per ~defecte";
- Text[ finnish ] = "~Oletusarvo";
- Text[ thai ] = "~ค่าเริ่มต้น";
- Text[ czech ] = "Výchozí hodnota";
- Text[ hebrew ] = "~Standardwert";
- Text[ hindi ] = "~अनुपस्थिति मूल्य";
- Text[ slovak ] = "Východzia ho~dnota";
- Text[ hungarian ] = "~Alapértelmezett érték";
- Text[ slovenian ] = "~Privzeta vrednost";
- };
- Text[ russian ] = " ";
- Text[ polish ] = "Optymalna szeroko kolumn";
- Text[ japanese ] = "最適な列幅";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "最適欄寬";
- Text[ arabic ] = " ";
- Text[ greek ] = " ";
- Text[ korean ] = "최적 열 너비";
- Text[ turkish ] = "En uygun stun genilii";
- Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
- Text[ catalan ] = "Amplada ptima de la columna";
- Text[ thai ] = "ความกว้างคอลัมน์ที่เหมาะที่สุด";
- Text[ czech ] = "Optimální šířka sloupce";
- Text[ hebrew ] = "‮רוחב טור מיטבי‬";
- Text[ hindi ] = "योग्य स्तंभ चौड़ाई";
- Text[ slovak ] = "Optimálna šírka stĺpca";
- Text[ hungarian ] = "Optimális oszlopszélesség";
- Text[ slovenian ] = "Optimalna širina stolpca";
+ Text [ de ]= "~Standardwert" ;
+ Text [ en-US ] = "~Default value" ;
+ Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
+ };
+ Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
- Text = "Zeilenhhe" ;
- Text [ ENGLISH ] = "Row height" ;
- Text [ norwegian ] = "Hyde p rad " ;
- Text [ italian ] = "Altezza riga" ;
- Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Altura da Linha" ;
- Text [ portuguese ] = "Altura da linha" ;
- Text [ finnish ] = "Rivin korkeus" ;
- Text [ danish ] = "Rkkehjde" ;
- Text [ french ] = "Hauteur de ligne" ;
- Text [ swedish ] = "Radhjd" ;
- Text [ dutch ] = "Rijhoogte" ;
- Text [ spanish ] = "Altura de fila" ;
- Text [ english_us ] = "Row Height" ;
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "行高";
+ Text [ de ] = "Zeilenhhe" ;
+ Text [ en-US ] = "Row Height" ;
OutputSize = TRUE ;
@@ -2491,37 +888,9 @@ ModalDialog RID_SCDLG_ROW_MAN
Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 6 , 8 ) ;
Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 60 , 10 ) ;
- Text = "Hhe" ;
- Text [ ENGLISH ] = "Height" ;
- Text [ norwegian ] = "Hyde " ;
- Text [ italian ] = "Altezza" ;
- Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Altura" ;
- Text [ portuguese ] = "Altura" ;
- Text [ finnish ] = "Korkeus" ;
- Text [ danish ] = "Hjde" ;
- Text [ french ] = "Hauteur" ;
- Text [ swedish ] = "Hjd" ;
- Text [ dutch ] = "Hoogte" ;
- Text [ spanish ] = "Altura" ;
- Text [ english_us ] = "Height" ;
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "高度";
- Text[ russian ] = "";
- Text[ polish ] = "Wysoko";
- Text[ japanese ] = "高さ";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "高度";
- Text[ arabic ] = "";
- Text[ greek ] = "";
- Text[ korean ] = "높이";
- Text[ turkish ] = "Ykseklik";
- Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
- Text[ catalan ] = "Alada";
- Text[ thai ] = "ความสูง";
- Text[ czech ] = "Výška";
- Text[ hebrew ] = "‮גובה‬";
- Text[ hindi ] = "ऊँचाई";
- Text[ slovak ] = "Výška";
- Text[ hungarian ] = "Magasság";
- Text[ slovenian ] = "Višina";
+ Text [ de ] = "Hhe" ;
+ Text [ en-US ] = "Height" ;
+ Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
MetricField ED_VALUE
@@ -2539,73 +908,17 @@ ModalDialog RID_SCDLG_ROW_MAN
TabStop = TRUE ;
Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 70 , 24 ) ;
Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 70 , 10 ) ;
- Text = "~Standardwert" ;
- Text [ ENGLISH ] = "Defaul~t value" ;
- Text [ norwegian ] = "Defaul~t value" ;
- Text [ italian ] = "Valore standard" ;
- Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "~Valor padro" ;
- Text [ portuguese ] = "~Valor padro" ;
- Text [ english_us ] = "~Default value" ;
- Text [ dutch ] = "~Standaardwaarde" ;
- Text [ spanish ] = "Valor ~predetermin." ;
- Text [ french ] = "Valeur par dfaut" ;
- Text [ swedish ] = "~Standardvrde" ;
- Text [ danish ] = "~Standardvrdi" ;
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "默认值(~D)";
- Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
- Text[ russian ] = " ";
- Text[ polish ] = "Warto ~domylna";
- Text[ japanese ] = "標準値(~D)";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "默認值(~D)";
- Text[ arabic ] = " ";
- Text[ greek ] = " ";
- Text[ korean ] = "기본값(~D)";
- Text[ turkish ] = "~ntanml deer";
- Text[ catalan ] = "Valor per ~defecte";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Oletusarvo";
- Text[ thai ] = "~ค่าเริ่มต้น";
- Text[ czech ] = "Výchozí hodnota";
- Text[ hebrew ] = "~Standardwert";
- Text[ hindi ] = "~अनुपस्थिति मूल्य";
- Text[ slovak ] = "Východzia ho~dnota";
- Text[ hungarian ] = "~Alapértelmezett";
- Text[ slovenian ] = "~Privzeta vrednost";
- };
- Text[ russian ] = " ";
- Text[ polish ] = "Wysoko wierszy";
- Text[ japanese ] = "行の高さ";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "列高";
- Text[ arabic ] = " ";
- Text[ greek ] = " ";
- Text[ korean ] = "행 높이";
- Text[ turkish ] = "Satr ykseklii";
- Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
- Text[ catalan ] = "Alada de la fila";
- Text[ thai ] = "ความยาวแถว";
- Text[ czech ] = "Výška řádku";
- Text[ hebrew ] = "‮גובה שורה‬";
- Text[ hindi ] = "पंक्ति की ऊँचाई";
- Text[ slovak ] = "Výška riadku";
- Text[ hungarian ] = "Sormagasság";
- Text[ slovenian ] = "Višina vrstice";
+ Text [ de ]= "~Standardwert" ;
+ Text [ en-US ] = "~Default value" ;
+ Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
+ };
+ Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
- Text = "Optimale Zeilenhhe" ;
- Text [ ENGLISH ] = "Optimal row height" ;
- Text [ norwegian ] = "Optimal hyde p rad " ;
- Text [ italian ] = "Altezza riga ottimale" ;
- Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Otimizar Altura da Linha" ;
- Text [ portuguese ] = "Optimizar altura da linha" ;
- Text [ finnish ] = "Optimaalinen rivikorkeus" ;
- Text [ danish ] = "Optimal rkkehjde" ;
- Text [ french ] = "Hauteur de ligne optimale" ;
- Text [ swedish ] = "Optimal radhjd" ;
- Text [ dutch ] = "Optimale rijhoogte" ;
- Text [ spanish ] = "Altura ptima de fila" ;
- Text [ english_us ] = "Optimal Row Height" ;
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "最佳行高";
+ Text [ de ] = "Optimale Zeilenhhe" ;
+ Text [ en-US ] = "Optimal Row Height" ;
OutputSize = TRUE ;
@@ -2636,37 +949,9 @@ ModalDialog RID_SCDLG_ROW_OPT
Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 6 , 8 ) ;
Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 60 , 10 ) ;
- Text = "Extra" ;
- Text [ ENGLISH ] = "Extra" ;
- Text [ norwegian ] = "Ekstra " ;
- Text [ italian ] = "Extra" ;
- Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Adicionar" ;
- Text [ portuguese ] = "Adicional" ;
- Text [ finnish ] = "Lis" ;
- Text [ danish ] = "Tilfj" ;
- Text [ french ] = "Marges" ;
- Text [ swedish ] = "Extra" ;
- Text [ dutch ] = "Extra" ;
- Text [ spanish ] = "Adicional" ;
- Text [ english_us ] = "Add" ;
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "附加";
- Text[ russian ] = "";
- Text[ polish ] = "Dodaj";
- Text[ japanese ] = "詳細設定";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "附加";
- Text[ arabic ] = "";
- Text[ greek ] = "";
- Text[ korean ] = "추가";
- Text[ turkish ] = "Ekle";
- Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
- Text[ catalan ] = "Afegeix";
- Text[ thai ] = "เพิ่ม";
- Text[ czech ] = "Přidat";
- Text[ hebrew ] = "‮הוספה‬";
- Text[ hindi ] = "जोड़ो";
- Text[ slovak ] = "Pridať";
- Text[ hungarian ] = "A kerettől";
- Text[ slovenian ] = "Dodaj";
+ Text [ de ] = "Extra" ;
+ Text [ en-US ] = "Add" ;
+ Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
MetricField ED_VALUE
@@ -2683,55 +968,11 @@ ModalDialog RID_SCDLG_ROW_OPT
TabStop = TRUE ;
Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 70 , 24 ) ;
Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 70 , 10 ) ;
- Text = "~Standardwert" ;
- Text [ ENGLISH ] = "Defaul~t value" ;
- Text [ norwegian ] = "Defaul~t value" ;
- Text [ italian ] = "Valore standard" ;
- Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "~Valor padro" ;
- Text [ portuguese ] = "~Valor padro" ;
- Text [ english_us ] = "~Default value" ;
- Text [ dutch ] = "~Standaardwaarde" ;
- Text [ spanish ] = "Valor ~predetermin." ;
- Text [ french ] = "Valeur par dfaut" ;
- Text [ swedish ] = "~Standardvrde" ;
- Text [ danish ] = "~Standardvrdi" ;
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "默认值(~D)";
- Text[ russian ] = " ";
- Text[ polish ] = "Warto ~domylna";
- Text[ japanese ] = "標準値(~D)";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "默認值(~D)";
- Text[ arabic ] = " ";
- Text[ greek ] = " ";
- Text[ korean ] = "기본값(~D)";
- Text[ turkish ] = "~ntanml deer";
- Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
- Text[ catalan ] = "Valor per ~defecte";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Oletusarvo";
- Text[ thai ] = "~ค่าเริ่มต้น";
- Text[ czech ] = "Výchozí hodnota";
- Text[ hebrew ] = "~Standardwert";
- Text[ hindi ] = "~अनुपस्थिति मूल्य";
- Text[ slovak ] = "Východzia ho~dnota";
- Text[ hungarian ] = "~Alapértelmezett érték";
- Text[ slovenian ] = "~Privzeta vrednost";
- };
- Text[ russian ] = " ";
- Text[ polish ] = "Optymalna wysoko wierszy";
- Text[ japanese ] = "最適な行の高さ";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "最適列高";
- Text[ arabic ] = " ";
- Text[ greek ] = " ";
- Text[ korean ] = "최적 행 높이";
- Text[ turkish ] = "En uygun satr ykseklii";
- Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
- Text[ catalan ] = "Alada ptima de la fila";
- Text[ thai ] = "ความยาวแถวที่เหมาะที่สุด";
- Text[ czech ] = "Optimální výška řádku";
- Text[ hebrew ] = "‮גובה שורה מיטבי‬";
- Text[ hindi ] = "योग्य पंक्ति की ऊँचाई";
- Text[ slovak ] = "Optimálna výška riadku";
- Text[ hungarian ] = "Optimális sormagasság";
- Text[ slovenian ] = "Optimalna višina vrstice";
+ Text [ de ]= "~Standardwert" ;
+ Text [ en-US ] = "~Default value" ;
+ Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
+ };
+ Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
@@ -2744,19 +985,8 @@ ModalDialog RID_SCDLG_SELECTDB
OutputSize = TRUE ;
SVLook = TRUE ;
Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 168 , 100 ) ;
- Text = "~Auswahl" ;
- Text [ ENGLISH ] = "~Select" ;
- Text [ norwegian ] = "Options" ;
- Text [ italian ] = "Selezione" ;
- Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Selecionar" ;
- Text [ portuguese ] = "~Seleco" ;
- Text [ finnish ] = "Valitse" ;
- Text [ danish ] = "Marker" ;
- Text [ french ] = "~Slection" ;
- Text [ swedish ] = "Urv~al" ;
- Text [ dutch ] = "~Selectie" ;
- Text [ spanish ] = "Seleccin" ;
- Text [ english_us ] = "Select" ;
+ Text [ de ] = "~Auswahl" ;
+ Text [ en-US ] = "Select" ;
Moveable = TRUE ;
Closeable = FALSE ;
@@ -2793,24 +1023,7 @@ ModalDialog RID_SCDLG_SELECTDB
Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 6 , 3 ) ;
Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 100 , 8 ) ;
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "选择";
- Text[ russian ] = "";
- Text[ polish ] = "Wybierz";
- Text[ japanese ] = "選択";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "選擇";
- Text[ arabic ] = "";
- Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
- Text[ greek ] = "";
- Text[ korean ] = "선정";
- Text[ turkish ] = "Se";
- Text[ catalan ] = "Selecciona";
- Text[ thai ] = "เลือก";
- Text[ czech ] = "Vybrat";
- Text[ hebrew ] = "‮בחירה‬l";
- Text[ hindi ] = "चुनो";
- Text[ slovak ] = "Vybrať";
- Text[ hungarian ] = "Kijelölés";
- Text[ slovenian ] = "Izberi";
+ Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
@@ -2819,19 +1032,8 @@ ModalDialog RID_SCDLG_SHOW_TAB
OutputSize = TRUE ;
SVLook = TRUE ;
Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 168 , 100 ) ;
- Text = "Tabelle einblenden" ;
- Text [ ENGLISH ] = "Show table" ;
- Text [ norwegian ] = "Vis tabell" ;
- Text [ italian ] = "Mostra tabella" ;
- Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Mostrar Planilha" ;
- Text [ portuguese ] = "Mostrar folha" ;
- Text [ finnish ] = "Nyt taulukko" ;
- Text [ danish ] = "Vis ark" ;
- Text [ french ] = "Afficher la feuille" ;
- Text [ swedish ] = "Visa tabell" ;
- Text [ dutch ] = "Werkblad weergeven" ;
- Text [ spanish ] = "Mostrar hoja de clculo" ;
- Text [ english_us ] = "Show Sheet" ;
+ Text [ de ] = "Tabelle einblenden" ;
+ Text [ en-US ] = "Show Sheet" ;
Moveable = TRUE ;
Closeable = FALSE ;
@@ -2866,56 +1068,11 @@ ModalDialog RID_SCDLG_SHOW_TAB
Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 6 , 6 ) ;
Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 90 , 10 ) ;
- Text = "Ausgeblendete Tabellen" ;
- Text [ ENGLISH ] = "Hidden tables" ;
- Text [ norwegian ] = "Skjulte tabeller" ;
- Text [ italian ] = "Tabelle nascoste" ;
- Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Planilhas ocultas" ;
- Text [ portuguese ] = "Folhas ocultas" ;
- Text [ finnish ] = "Piilotetut taulukot" ;
- Text [ danish ] = "Skjulte ark" ;
- Text [ french ] = "Feuilles masques" ;
- Text [ swedish ] = "Dolda tabeller" ;
- Text [ dutch ] = "Verborgen werkbladen" ;
- Text [ spanish ] = "Hojas ocultas" ;
- Text [ english_us ] = "Hidden sheets" ;
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "隐入的工作表";
- Text[ russian ] = " ";
- Text[ polish ] = "Ukryte arkusze";
- Text[ japanese ] = "表示されていない表";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "隱入的工作表";
- Text[ arabic ] = " ";
- Text[ greek ] = " ";
- Text[ korean ] = "숨겨진 시트";
- Text[ turkish ] = "Gizlenmi tablolar";
- Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
- Text[ catalan ] = "Fulls ocults";
- Text[ thai ] = "ซ่อนแผ่นงาน";
- Text[ czech ] = "Skryté listy";
- Text[ hebrew ] = "Ausgeblendete Tabellen";
- Text[ hindi ] = "छिपा हुआ शीट्";
- Text[ slovak ] = "Skryté listy";
- Text[ hungarian ] = "Rejtett munkalapok";
- Text[ slovenian ] = "Skriti listi";
- };
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "显示工作表";
- Text[ russian ] = " ";
- Text[ polish ] = "Poka arkusz";
- Text[ japanese ] = "表の表示";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "顯示工作表";
- Text[ arabic ] = " ";
- Text[ greek ] = " ";
- Text[ korean ] = "시트 표시";
- Text[ turkish ] = "alma sayfasn gster";
- Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
- Text[ catalan ] = "Mostra el full";
- Text[ thai ] = "แสดงแผ่นงาน";
- Text[ czech ] = "Zobrazit list";
- Text[ hebrew ] = "Tabelle einblenden";
- Text[ hindi ] = "शीट् दिखाओ";
- Text[ slovak ] = "Zobraziť list";
- Text[ hungarian ] = "Munkalap megjelenítése";
- Text[ slovenian ] = "Pokaži list";
+ Text [ de ] = "Ausgeblendete Tabellen" ;
+ Text [ en-US ] = "Hidden sheets" ;
+ Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
+ };
+ Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
@@ -2925,572 +1082,141 @@ ModalDialog RID_SCDLG_FILLSERIES
SVLook = TRUE ;
Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 290 , 122 ) ;
- Text = "Reihe fllen" ;
- Text [ ENGLISH ] = "Fill Series" ;
- Text [ norwegian ] = "Fill Series" ;
- Text [ italian ] = "Serie" ;
- Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Preencher Srie" ;
- Text [ portuguese ] = "Preencher sries" ;
- Text [ finnish ] = "Sarjat" ;
- Text [ danish ] = "Fyld serier" ;
- Text [ french ] = "Remplir la srie" ;
- Text [ swedish ] = "Fyll serie" ;
- Text [ dutch ] = "Reeksen invullen" ;
- Text [ spanish ] = "Rellenar series" ;
- Text [ english_us ] = "Fill Series" ;
+ Text [ de ] = "Reihe fllen" ;
+ Text [ en-US ] = "Fill Series" ;
Moveable = TRUE ;
Closeable = FALSE ;
RadioButton BTN_DAY
Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 159 , 14 ) ;
Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 66 , 10 ) ;
- Text = "~Tag" ;
- Text [ ENGLISH ] = "~Day" ;
- Text [ norwegian ] = "~Day" ;
- Text [ italian ] = "~Giorno" ;
- Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "~Dia" ;
- Text [ portuguese ] = "~Dia" ;
- Text [ finnish ] = "Piv" ;
- Text [ danish ] = "~Dag" ;
- Text [ french ] = "~Jour" ;
- Text [ swedish ] = "~Dag" ;
- Text [ dutch ] = "~Dag" ;
- Text [ spanish ] = "~Da" ;
- Text [ english_us ] = "Da~y" ;
+ Text [ de ] = "~Tag" ;
+ Text [ en-US ] = "Da~y" ;
TabStop = TRUE ;
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "天(~Y)";
- Text[ russian ] = "";
- Text[ polish ] = "~Dzie";
- Text[ japanese ] = "日(~Y)";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "天(~Y)";
- Text[ arabic ] = "";
- Text[ greek ] = "";
- Text[ korean ] = "일(~Y)";
- Text[ turkish ] = "~Gn";
- Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
- Text[ catalan ] = "D~ia";
- Text[ thai ] = "Da~y";
- Text[ czech ] = "Den";
- Text[ hebrew ] = "~Tag";
- Text[ hindi ] = "दि~न";
- Text[ slovak ] = "~Deň";
- Text[ hungarian ] = "Na~p";
- Text[ slovenian ] = "Da~n";
+ Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 159 , 28 ) ;
Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 66 , 10 ) ;
- Text = "~Wochentag" ;
- Text [ ENGLISH ] = "Day of ~Week" ;
- Text [ norwegian ] = "Day of ~Week" ;
- Text [ italian ] = "Giorno feriale" ;
- Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Dia da ~Semana" ;
- Text [ portuguese ] = "Dia da ~semana" ;
- Text [ finnish ] = "Viikonpiv" ;
- Text [ danish ] = "~Ugedag" ;
- Text [ french ] = "Jour de la semaine" ;
- Text [ swedish ] = "Vec~kodag" ;
- Text [ dutch ] = "~Dag van de week" ;
- Text [ spanish ] = "Da de la s~emana" ;
- Text [ english_us ] = "~Weekday" ;
+ Text [ de ] = "~Wochentag" ;
+ Text [ en-US ] = "~Weekday" ;
TabStop = TRUE ;
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "工作日(~W)";
- Text[ russian ] = " ";
- Text[ polish ] = "Dzie tyg~odnia";
- Text[ japanese ] = "平日(~W)";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "工作日(~W)";
- Text[ arabic ] = " ";
- Text[ greek ] = " ";
- Text[ korean ] = "평일(~W)";
- Text[ turkish ] = "~ gn";
- Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
- Text[ catalan ] = "Dia de la ~setmana";
- Text[ thai ] = "~Weekday";
- Text[ czech ] = "Den v týdnu";
- Text[ hebrew ] = "~Wochentag";
- Text[ hindi ] = "~सप्ताह का कोई दिन";
- Text[ slovak ] = "Praco~vný deň";
- Text[ hungarian ] = "Hétkö~znap";
- Text[ slovenian ] = "Del~avnik";
+ Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
RadioButton BTN_MONTH
Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 159 , 42 ) ;
Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 66 , 10 ) ;
- Text = "~Monat" ;
- Text [ ENGLISH ] = "~Month" ;
- Text [ norwegian ] = "~Month" ;
- Text [ italian ] = "~Mese" ;
- Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "~Ms" ;
- Text [ portuguese ] = "~Ms" ;
- Text [ finnish ] = "Kuukausi" ;
- Text [ danish ] = "~Mned" ;
- Text [ french ] = "Mois" ;
- Text [ swedish ] = "~Mnad" ;
- Text [ dutch ] = "~Maand" ;
- Text [ spanish ] = "~Mes" ;
- Text [ english_us ] = "~Month" ;
+ Text [ de ] = "~Monat" ;
+ Text [ en-US ] = "~Month" ;
TabStop = TRUE ;
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "月(~M)";
- Text[ russian ] = "";
- Text[ polish ] = "M~iesic";
- Text[ japanese ] = "月(~M)";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "月(~M)";
- Text[ arabic ] = "";
- Text[ greek ] = "";
- Text[ korean ] = "월(~M)";
- Text[ turkish ] = "A~y";
- Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
- Text[ catalan ] = "~Mes";
- Text[ thai ] = "~Month";
- Text[ czech ] = "Měsíc";
- Text[ hebrew ] = "~Monat";
- Text[ hindi ] = "~मास";
- Text[ slovak ] = "~Mesiac";
- Text[ hungarian ] = "~Hónap";
- Text[ slovenian ] = "~Mesec";
+ Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
RadioButton BTN_YEAR
Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 159 , 56 ) ;
Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 66 , 10 ) ;
- Text = "~Jahr" ;
- Text [ ENGLISH ] = "~Year" ;
- Text [ norwegian ] = "~Year" ;
- Text [ italian ] = "A~nno" ;
- Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "~Ano" ;
- Text [ portuguese ] = "~Ano" ;
- Text [ finnish ] = "Vuosi" ;
- Text [ danish ] = "~r" ;
- Text [ french ] = "Anne" ;
- Text [ swedish ] = "~r" ;
- Text [ dutch ] = "~Jaar" ;
- Text [ spanish ] = "Ao" ;
- Text [ english_us ] = "Y~ear" ;
+ Text [ de ] = "~Jahr" ;
+ Text [ en-US ] = "Y~ear" ;
TabStop = TRUE ;
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "年(~E)";
- Text[ russian ] = "";
- Text[ polish ] = "Rok";
- Text[ japanese ] = "年(~E)";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "年(~E)";
- Text[ arabic ] = "";
- Text[ greek ] = "";
- Text[ korean ] = "년(~E)";
- Text[ turkish ] = "Y~l";
- Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
- Text[ catalan ] = "An~y";
- Text[ thai ] = "Y~ear";
- Text[ czech ] = "Rok";
- Text[ hebrew ] = "~Jahr";
- Text[ hindi ] = "व~र्ष";
- Text[ slovak ] = "~Rok";
- Text[ hungarian ] = "É~v";
- Text[ slovenian ] = "L~eto";
+ Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 153 , 3 ) ;
Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 75 , 8 ) ;
- Text = "Zeiteinheit" ;
- Text [ ENGLISH ] = "Date Unit" ;
- Text [ norwegian ] = "Date Unit" ;
- Text [ italian ] = "Unit di data" ;
- Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Unidade de tempo" ;
- Text [ portuguese ] = "Unidade de tempo" ;
- Text [ finnish ] = "Aikayksikk" ;
- Text [ danish ] = "Tidsenhed" ;
- Text [ french ] = "Unit de temps" ;
- Text [ swedish ] = "Tidsenhet" ;
- Text [ dutch ] = "Tijdeenheid" ;
- Text [ spanish ] = "Unidad de tiempo" ;
- Text [ english_us ] = "Time unit" ;
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "时间单位";
- Text[ russian ] = " ";
- Text[ polish ] = "Jednostka czasu";
- Text[ japanese ] = "時間の単位";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "時間單位";
- Text[ arabic ] = " ";
- Text[ greek ] = " ";
- Text[ korean ] = "시간 단위";
- Text[ turkish ] = "Zaman birimi";
- Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
- Text[ catalan ] = "Unitat de temps";
- Text[ thai ] = "หน่วยเวลา";
- Text[ czech ] = "Jednotka času";
- Text[ hebrew ] = "Zeiteinheit";
- Text[ hindi ] = "समय यूनिट्";
- Text[ slovak ] = "Jednotka času";
- Text[ hungarian ] = "Időegység";
- Text[ slovenian ] = "Časovna enota";
+ Text [ de ] = "Zeiteinheit" ;
+ Text [ en-US ] = "Time unit" ;
+ Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
RadioButton BTN_RIGHT
Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 12 , 28 ) ;
Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 51 , 10 ) ;
- Text = "~Rechts" ;
- Text [ ENGLISH ] = "~Right" ;
- Text [ norwegian ] = "~Right" ;
- Text [ italian ] = "A dest~ra" ;
- Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "~Direita" ;
- Text [ portuguese ] = "~Direita" ;
- Text [ finnish ] = "Oikea" ;
- Text [ danish ] = "~Hjre" ;
- Text [ french ] = " droite" ;
- Text [ swedish ] = "H~ger" ;
- Text [ dutch ] = "~Rechts" ;
- Text [ spanish ] = "Derecha" ;
- Text [ english_us ] = "~Right" ;
+ Text [ de ] = "~Rechts" ;
+ Text [ en-US ] = "~Right" ;
TabStop = TRUE ;
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "向右(~R)";
- Text[ russian ] = "";
- Text[ polish ] = "W ~prawo";
- Text[ japanese ] = "右へ(~R)";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "右(~R)";
- Text[ arabic ] = "";
- Text[ greek ] = "";
- Text[ korean ] = "오른쪽(~R)";
- Text[ turkish ] = "S~a";
- Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
- Text[ catalan ] = "A la d~reta";
- Text[ thai ] = "~ขวา";
- Text[ czech ] = "Vpravo";
- Text[ hebrew ] = "~Rechts";
- Text[ hindi ] = "~दाहिना";
- Text[ slovak ] = "Vp~ravo";
- Text[ hungarian ] = "~Jobbra";
- Text[ slovenian ] = "~Desno";
+ Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
RadioButton BTN_LEFT
Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 12 , 56 ) ;
Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 51 , 10 ) ;
- Text = "~Links" ;
- Text [ ENGLISH ] = "~Left" ;
- Text [ norwegian ] = "~Left" ;
- Text [ italian ] = "A ~sinistra" ;
- Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "~Esquerda" ;
- Text [ portuguese ] = "~Esquerda" ;
- Text [ finnish ] = "Vasen" ;
- Text [ danish ] = "~Venstre" ;
- Text [ french ] = " gauche" ;
- Text [ swedish ] = "~Vnster" ;
- Text [ dutch ] = "~Links" ;
- Text [ spanish ] = "Izquierda" ;
- Text [ english_us ] = "~Left" ;
+ Text [ de ] = "~Links" ;
+ Text [ en-US ] = "~Left" ;
TabStop = TRUE ;
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "向左(~L)";
- Text[ russian ] = "";
- Text[ polish ] = "W ~lewo";
- Text[ japanese ] = "左へ(~L)";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "左(~L)";
- Text[ arabic ] = "";
- Text[ greek ] = "";
- Text[ korean ] = "왼쪽(~L)";
- Text[ turkish ] = "S~ol";
- Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
- Text[ catalan ] = "A l'~esquerra";
- Text[ thai ] = "~ซ้าย";
- Text[ czech ] = "Vlevo";
- Text[ hebrew ] = "~Links";
- Text[ hindi ] = "~बायाँ";
- Text[ slovak ] = "Vľ~avo";
- Text[ hungarian ] = "~Balra";
- Text[ slovenian ] = "~Levo";
+ Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
RadioButton BTN_TOP
Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 12 , 42 ) ;
Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 51 , 10 ) ;
- Text = "~Oben" ;
- Text [ ENGLISH ] = "~Up" ;
- Text [ norwegian ] = "~Up" ;
- Text [ italian ] = "In alto" ;
- Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "~Para Cima" ;
- Text [ portuguese ] = "~Superior" ;
- Text [ finnish ] = "Yls" ;
- Text [ danish ] = "~Opad" ;
- Text [ french ] = "En haut" ;
- Text [ swedish ] = "~Uppt" ;
- Text [ dutch ] = "~Boven" ;
- Text [ spanish ] = "Arriba" ;
- Text [ english_us ] = "~Up" ;
+ Text [ de ] = "~Oben" ;
+ Text [ en-US ] = "~Up" ;
TabStop = TRUE ;
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "向上(~U)";
- Text[ russian ] = "";
- Text[ polish ] = "W ~gr";
- Text[ japanese ] = "上へ(~U)";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "上(~U)";
- Text[ arabic ] = "";
- Text[ greek ] = "";
- Text[ korean ] = "위로(~U)";
- Text[ turkish ] = "~Yukar";
- Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
- Text[ catalan ] = "Am~unt";
- Text[ thai ] = "~ขึ้น";
- Text[ czech ] = "Nahoru";
- Text[ hebrew ] = "~Oben";
- Text[ hindi ] = "~ऊपर";
- Text[ slovak ] = "H~ore";
- Text[ hungarian ] = "~Fel";
- Text[ slovenian ] = "Navz~gor";
+ Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
RadioButton BTN_BOTTOM
Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 12 , 14 ) ;
Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 51 , 10 ) ;
- Text = "~Unten" ;
- Text [ ENGLISH ] = "D~own" ;
- Text [ norwegian ] = "D~own" ;
- Text [ italian ] = "In basso" ;
- Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Para B~aixo" ;
- Text [ portuguese ] = "~Inferior" ;
- Text [ finnish ] = "Alas" ;
- Text [ danish ] = "~Nedad" ;
- Text [ french ] = "En bas" ;
- Text [ swedish ] = "~Nedt" ;
- Text [ dutch ] = "~Onder" ;
- Text [ spanish ] = "A~bajo" ;
- Text [ english_us ] = "~Down" ;
+ Text [ de ] = "~Unten" ;
+ Text [ en-US ] = "~Down" ;
TabStop = TRUE ;
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "向下(~D)";
- Text[ russian ] = "";
- Text[ polish ] = "~W d";
- Text[ japanese ] = "下へ(~D)";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "下(~D)";
- Text[ arabic ] = "";
- Text[ greek ] = "";
- Text[ korean ] = "아래로(~D)";
- Text[ turkish ] = "~Aa";
- Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
- Text[ catalan ] = "A~vall";
- Text[ thai ] = "~ลง";
- Text[ czech ] = "Dolů";
- Text[ hebrew ] = "~Unten";
- Text[ hindi ] = "~नीचे";
- Text[ slovak ] = "~Dole";
- Text[ hungarian ] = "~Le";
- Text[ slovenian ] = "Navz~dol";
+ Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 6 , 3 ) ;
Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 60 , 8 ) ;
- Text = "Richtung" ;
- Text [ ENGLISH ] = "Fill Direction" ;
- Text [ norwegian ] = "Fill Direction" ;
- Text [ italian ] = "Direzione" ;
- Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Direo do Preenchimento" ;
- Text [ portuguese ] = "Direco" ;
- Text [ finnish ] = "Suunta" ;
- Text [ danish ] = "Retning" ;
- Text [ french ] = "Direction" ;
- Text [ swedish ] = "Riktning" ;
- Text [ dutch ] = "Richting" ;
- Text [ spanish ] = "Direccin" ;
- Text [ english_us ] = "Direction" ;
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "方向";
- Text[ russian ] = "";
- Text[ polish ] = "Kierunek";
- Text[ japanese ] = "方向";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "方向";
- Text[ arabic ] = "";
- Text[ greek ] = "";
- Text[ korean ] = "방향";
- Text[ turkish ] = "stikamet";
- Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
- Text[ catalan ] = "Direcci";
- Text[ thai ] = "ทิศทาง";
- Text[ czech ] = "Směr";
- Text[ hebrew ] = "Richtung";
- Text[ hindi ] = "दिशा";
- Text[ slovak ] = "Smer";
- Text[ hungarian ] = "Irány";
- Text[ slovenian ] = "Smer";
+ Text [ de ] = "Richtung" ;
+ Text [ en-US ] = "Direction" ;
+ Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 78 , 14 ) ;
Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 69 , 10 ) ;
- Text = "~Arithmetisch" ;
- Text [ ENGLISH ] = "~Linear" ;
- Text [ norwegian ] = "~Linear" ;
- Text [ italian ] = "~Aritmetico" ;
- Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "~Linear" ;
- Text [ portuguese ] = "~Aritmtico" ;
- Text [ finnish ] = "Lineaarinen" ;
- Text [ danish ] = "Liner" ;
- Text [ french ] = "Arithmtique" ;
- Text [ swedish ] = "~Aritmetisk" ;
- Text [ dutch ] = "~Rekenkundig" ;
- Text [ spanish ] = "Aritmtic~o" ;
- Text [ english_us ] = "Li~near" ;
+ Text [ de ] = "~Arithmetisch" ;
+ Text [ en-US ] = "Li~near" ;
TabStop = TRUE ;
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "线性(~N)";
- Text[ russian ] = "";
- Text[ polish ] = "Liniowo";
- Text[ japanese ] = "足し算(~N)";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "直線(~N)";
- Text[ arabic ] = "";
- Text[ greek ] = "~";
- Text[ korean ] = "산술(~N)";
- Text[ turkish ] = "~Aritmetik";
- Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
- Text[ catalan ] = "Li~neal";
- Text[ thai ] = "Li~near";
- Text[ czech ] = "Lineární";
- Text[ hebrew ] = "~Arithmetisch";
- Text[ hindi ] = "संकु~चित";
- Text[ slovak ] = "Li~neárny";
- Text[ hungarian ] = "L~ineáris";
- Text[ slovenian ] = "Li~nearno";
+ Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 78 , 28 ) ;
Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 69 , 10 ) ;
- Text = "~Geometrisch" ;
- Text [ ENGLISH ] = "~Growth" ;
- Text [ norwegian ] = "~Growth" ;
- Text [ italian ] = "~Esponenziale" ;
- Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "~Crescimento" ;
- Text [ portuguese ] = "~Geomtrico" ;
- Text [ finnish ] = "Kasvu" ;
- Text [ danish ] = "~Forgelse" ;
- Text [ french ] = "~Gomtrique" ;
- Text [ swedish ] = "Ge~ometrisk" ;
- Text [ dutch ] = "~Meetkundig" ;
- Text [ spanish ] = "~Geomtrico" ;
- Text [ english_us ] = "~Growth" ;
+ Text [ de ] = "~Geometrisch" ;
+ Text [ en-US ] = "~Growth" ;
TabStop = TRUE ;
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "等比序列(~G)";
- Text[ russian ] = "";
- Text[ polish ] = "W~zrost";
- Text[ japanese ] = "掛け算(~G)";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "等比序列(~G)";
- Text[ arabic ] = "";
- Text[ greek ] = "";
- Text[ korean ] = "기하학적(~G)";
- Text[ turkish ] = "~Art";
- Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
- Text[ catalan ] = "~Creixement";
- Text[ thai ] = "~Growth";
- Text[ czech ] = "Růst";
- Text[ hebrew ] = "~Geometrisch";
- Text[ hindi ] = "~विकास";
- Text[ slovak ] = "R~ast";
- Text[ hungarian ] = "~Növelés";
- Text[ slovenian ] = "~Rast";
+ Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
RadioButton BTN_DATE
Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 78 , 42 ) ;
Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 69 , 10 ) ;
- Text = "~Datum" ;
- Text [ ENGLISH ] = "Da~te" ;
- Text [ norwegian ] = "Da~te" ;
- Text [ italian ] = "Data" ;
- Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Da~ta" ;
- Text [ portuguese ] = "Da~ta" ;
- Text [ finnish ] = "Pivmr" ;
- Text [ danish ] = "Da~to" ;
- Text [ french ] = "Date" ;
- Text [ swedish ] = "Da~tum" ;
- Text [ dutch ] = "~Datum" ;
- Text [ spanish ] = "Fecha" ;
- Text [ english_us ] = "Da~te" ;
+ Text [ de ] = "~Datum" ;
+ Text [ en-US ] = "Da~te" ;
TabStop = TRUE ;
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "日期(~T)";
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- Text[ polish ] = "Da~ta";
- Text[ japanese ] = "日付(~T)";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "日期(~T)";
- Text[ arabic ] = "";
- Text[ greek ] = "";
- Text[ korean ] = "날짜(~T)";
- Text[ turkish ] = "~Tarih";
- Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
- Text[ catalan ] = "Da~ta";
- Text[ thai ] = "Da~te";
- Text[ czech ] = "Datum";
- Text[ hebrew ] = "~Datum";
- Text[ hindi ] = "दिनां~क";
- Text[ slovak ] = "Dá~tum";
- Text[ hungarian ] = "Dá~tum";
- Text[ slovenian ] = "Da~tum";
+ Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 78 , 56 ) ;
Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 69 , 10 ) ;
- Text = "Auto-Aus~fllen" ;
- Text [ ENGLISH ] = "~Autofill" ;
- Text [ norwegian ] = "~Autofill" ;
- Text [ italian ] = "Compila~zione autom." ;
- Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "~AutoPreenchimento" ;
- Text [ portuguese ] = "AutoPreenchimento" ;
- Text [ finnish ] = "Automaattinen tytt" ;
- Text [ danish ] = "~Udfyld automatisk" ;
- Text [ french ] = "Remplissage automatique" ;
- Text [ swedish ] = "Auto~Fyll" ;
- Text [ dutch ] = "~Automatisch invullen" ;
- Text [ spanish ] = "~Relleno automtico" ;
- Text [ english_us ] = "~AutoFill" ;
+ Text [ de ] = "Auto-Aus~fllen" ;
+ Text [ en-US ] = "~AutoFill" ;
TabStop = TRUE ;
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "自动充填(~A)";
- Text[ russian ] = "";
- Text[ polish ] = "~Autowypenianie";
- Text[ japanese ] = "オートコンプリート(~A)";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "自動填入(~A)";
- Text[ arabic ] = " ";
- Text[ greek ] = " ";
- Text[ korean ] = "자동 채우기(~A)";
- Text[ turkish ] = "Otomatik~Doldur";
- Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
- Text[ catalan ] = "Compleci ~automtica";
- Text[ thai ] = "~AutoFill";
- Text[ czech ] = "Automatické vyplnění";
- Text[ hebrew ] = "Auto-Aus~füllen";
- Text[ hindi ] = "~स्वयं भरो";
- Text[ slovak ] = "~Automatické vyplňovanie";
- Text[ hungarian ] = "~Automatikus kitöltés";
- Text[ slovenian ] = "S~amozapolni";
+ Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
FixedLine FL_TYPE
Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 72 , 3 ) ;
Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 75 , 8 ) ;
- Text = "Reihentyp" ;
- Text [ ENGLISH ] = "Type" ;
- Text [ norwegian ] = "Type" ;
- Text [ italian ] = "Tipo" ;
- Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Tipo da srie" ;
- Text [ portuguese ] = "Tipo de srie" ;
- Text [ finnish ] = "Sarjatyyppi" ;
- Text [ danish ] = "Serietype" ;
- Text [ french ] = "Type" ;
- Text [ swedish ] = "Serietyp" ;
- Text [ dutch ] = "Reekstype" ;
- Text [ spanish ] = "Tipo" ;
- Text [ english_us ] = "Series type" ;
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "系列类型";
- Text[ russian ] = " ";
- Text[ polish ] = "Typ serii";
- Text[ japanese ] = "連続データの種類";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "排列類型";
- Text[ arabic ] = " ";
- Text[ greek ] = " ";
- Text[ korean ] = "연속 데이터 유형";
- Text[ turkish ] = "Seriler tr";
- Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
- Text[ catalan ] = "Tipus";
- Text[ thai ] = "ชนิดชุดข้อมูล";
- Text[ czech ] = "Typ posloupnosti";
- Text[ hebrew ] = "Reihentyp";
- Text[ hindi ] = "श्रृंखला वर्ग";
- Text[ slovak ] = "Druh postupnosti";
- Text[ hungarian ] = "Sorozattípus";
- Text[ slovenian ] = "Vrsta niza";
+ Text [ de ] = "Reihentyp" ;
+ Text [ en-US ] = "Series type" ;
+ Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
FixedLine FL_SEP1
@@ -3506,36 +1232,9 @@ ModalDialog RID_SCDLG_FILLSERIES
Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 6 , 74 ) ;
Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 45 , 8 ) ;
- Text = "~Startwert" ;
- Text [ english ] = "~Min. value" ;
- Text [ english_us ] = "~Start value" ;
- Text [ FRENCH ] = "Valeur initiale" ;
- Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Valor ~inicial" ;
- Text [ swedish ] = "~Startvrde" ;
- Text [ danish ] = "~Startvrdi" ;
- Text [ italian ] = "~Valore iniziale" ;
- Text [ spanish ] = "Valor inicial" ;
- Text [ dutch ] = "~Beginwaarde" ;
- Text [ portuguese ] = "~Valor inicial" ;
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "起始值(~S)";
- Text[ russian ] = ". ";
- Text[ polish ] = "Na po~cztku";
- Text[ japanese ] = "開始値(~S)";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "起始值(~S)";
- Text[ arabic ] = " ";
- Text[ greek ] = " ";
- Text[ korean ] = "시작값(~S)";
- Text[ turkish ] = "~Balang deeri";
- Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
- Text[ catalan ] = "Valor ~inicial";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Aloitusarvo";
- Text[ thai ] = "เ~ริ่มค่า";
- Text[ czech ] = "Počáteční hodnota";
- Text[ hebrew ] = "~Startwert";
- Text[ hindi ] = "~प्रारंभ मूल्य";
- Text[ slovak ] = "~Počiatočná hodnota";
- Text[ hungarian ] = "~Kezdőérték";
- Text[ slovenian ] = "~Začetna vrednost";
+ Text [ de ] = "~Startwert" ;
+ Text [ en-US ] = "~Start value" ;
+ Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
@@ -3548,37 +1247,9 @@ ModalDialog RID_SCDLG_FILLSERIES
Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 6 , 90 ) ;
Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 45 , 8 ) ;
- Text = "~Endwert" ;
- Text [ ENGLISH ] = "Max. Value" ;
- Text [ NORWEGIAN ] = "Max. Value" ;
- Text [ DANISH ] = "Slutvrdi" ;
- Text [ ENGLISH_US ] = "End ~value" ;
- Text [ SPANISH ] = "Valor ~final" ;
- Text [ FINNISH ] = "Lopetusarvo" ;
- Text [ FRENCH ] = "Valeur finale" ;
- Text [ ITALIAN ] = "Valore limite" ;
- Text [ DUTCH ] = "~Eindwaarde" ;
- Text [ PORTUGUESE_BRAZILIAN ] = "Valor ~final" ;
- Text [ SWEDISH ] = "Ma~xvrde" ;
- Text [ PORTUGUESE ] = "Valor ~final" ;
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "最终数值(~V)";
- Text[ russian ] = ". ";
- Text[ polish ] = "Na ~kocu";
- Text[ japanese ] = "停止値(~V)";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "最終數值(~V)";
- Text[ arabic ] = " ";
- Text[ greek ] = " ";
- Text[ korean ] = "종료값(~V)";
- Text[ turkish ] = "~Biti deeri";
- Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
- Text[ catalan ] = "~Valor final";
- Text[ thai ] = "จบ~ค่า";
- Text[ czech ] = "Koncová hodnota";
- Text[ hebrew ] = "~Endwert";
- Text[ hindi ] = "अंतिम ~मूल्य";
- Text[ slovak ] = "Konečná hodno~ta";
- Text[ hungarian ] = "Vé~gső érték";
- Text[ slovenian ] = "Končna ~vrednost";
+ Text [ de ] = "~Endwert" ;
+ Text [ en-US ] = "End ~value" ;
+ Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
@@ -3591,37 +1262,9 @@ ModalDialog RID_SCDLG_FILLSERIES
Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 6 , 106 ) ;
Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 45 , 8 ) ;
- Text = "~Inkrement" ;
- Text [ ENGLISH ] = "In~crement" ;
- Text [ NORWEGIAN ] = "In~crement" ;
- Text [ DANISH ] = "~Forgelse" ;
- Text [ ENGLISH_US ] = "In~crement" ;
- Text [ SPANISH ] = "I~ncremento" ;
- Text [ FINNISH ] = "Lisys" ;
- Text [ FRENCH ] = "In~crment" ;
- Text [ ITALIAN ] = "In~cremento" ;
- Text [ DUTCH ] = "~Stap" ;
- Text [ PORTUGUESE_BRAZILIAN ] = "In~cremento" ;
- Text [ SWEDISH ] = "~Inkrement" ;
- Text [ PORTUGUESE ] = "In~cremento" ;
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "递增(~C)";
- Text[ russian ] = "";
- Text[ polish ] = "Przyro~st";
- Text[ japanese ] = "増分値(~C)";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "遞增(~C)";
- Text[ arabic ] = "";
- Text[ greek ] = "";
- Text[ korean ] = "증가(~C)";
- Text[ turkish ] = "~Artan";
- Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
- Text[ catalan ] = "Au~gment";
- Text[ thai ] = "ส่ว~นเพิ่ม";
- Text[ czech ] = "Přírůstek";
- Text[ hebrew ] = "~Inkrement";
- Text[ hindi ] = "ब~ढ़ती";
- Text[ slovak ] = "Prír~astok";
- Text[ hungarian ] = "Növ~ekmény";
- Text[ slovenian ] = "Priras~tek";
+ Text [ de ] = "~Inkrement" ;
+ Text [ en-US ] = "In~crement" ;
+ Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
@@ -3632,37 +1275,9 @@ ModalDialog RID_SCDLG_FILLSERIES
- Text = "Ungltiger Wert" ;
- Text [ ENGLISH ] = "Invalid value" ;
- Text [ norwegian ] = "Invalid value" ;
- Text [ italian ] = "Numero non valido" ;
- Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Valor invlido" ;
- Text [ portuguese ] = "Valor incorrecto" ;
- Text [ finnish ] = "Virheellinen arvo" ;
- Text [ danish ] = "Ugyldig vrdi" ;
- Text [ french ] = "Valeur incorrecte" ;
- Text [ swedish ] = "Ogiltigt vrde" ;
- Text [ dutch ] = "Ongeldige waarde" ;
- Text [ spanish ] = "Valor no vlido" ;
- Text [ english_us ] = "Invalid value" ;
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "无效值";
- Text[ russian ] = " ";
- Text[ polish ] = "Nieprawidowa warto";
- Text[ japanese ] = "無効な数値";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "無效值";
- Text[ arabic ] = " ";
- Text[ greek ] = " ";
- Text[ korean ] = "잘못된 값";
- Text[ turkish ] = "Geersiz deer";
- Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
- Text[ catalan ] = "El valor no s vlid";
- Text[ thai ] = "ค่าไม่ถูกต้อง";
- Text[ czech ] = "Neplatná hodnota";
- Text[ hebrew ] = "Ungültiger Wert";
- Text[ hindi ] = "अमान्य मूल्य";
- Text[ slovak ] = "Neplatná hodnota";
- Text[ hungarian ] = "Helytelen érték";
- Text[ slovenian ] = "Neveljavna vrednost";
+ Text [ de ] = "Ungltiger Wert" ;
+ Text [ en-US ] = "Invalid value" ;
+ Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
@@ -3683,92 +1298,19 @@ ModalDialog RID_SCDLG_FILLSERIES
Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 50 , 14 ) ;
TabStop = TRUE ;
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "充填系列";
- Text[ russian ] = " ";
- Text[ polish ] = "Wypenij seri";
- Text[ japanese ] = "連続データ";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "充填序列";
- Text[ arabic ] = " ";
- Text[ greek ] = " ";
- Text[ korean ] = "연속으로 채우기";
- Text[ turkish ] = "Sray doldur";
- Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
- Text[ catalan ] = "Emplena les sries";
- Text[ thai ] = "เติมชุดข้อมูล";
- Text[ czech ] = "Vyplnit posloupnost";
- Text[ hebrew ] = "Reihe füllen";
- Text[ hindi ] = "श्रृंखला भरो";
- Text[ slovak ] = "Vyplniť postupnosti";
- Text[ hungarian ] = "Kitöltés sorozattal";
- Text[ slovenian ] = "Zapolni nize";
+ Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
#define TXT_COLS \
- Text = "~Spalten" ; \
- Text [ ENGLISH ] = "~Columns" ; \
- Text [ norwegian ] = "~Columns" ; \
- Text [ italian ] = "~Colonne" ; \
- Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "~Colunas" ; \
- Text [ portuguese ] = "~Colunas" ; \
- Text [ finnish ] = "~Sarakkeet" ; \
- Text [ danish ] = "~Kolonner" ; \
- Text [ french ] = "Colo~nnes" ; \
- Text [ swedish ] = "~Kolumner" ; \
- Text [ dutch ] = "~Kolommen" ; \
- Text [ spanish ] = "~Columnas" ; \
- Text [ english_us ] = "~Columns" ; \
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "列(~C)"; \
- Text[ russian ] = ""; \
- Text[ polish ] = "~Kolumny" ;\
- Text[ japanese ] = "列(~C)"; \
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "欄(~C)"; \
- Text[ arabic ] = ""; \
- Text[ greek ] = "~"; \
- Text[ korean ] = "열(~C)"; \
- Text[ turkish ] = "~Stun"; \
- Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; \
- Text[ catalan ] = "~Columnes"; \
- Text[ thai ] = "~คอลัมน์"; \
- Text[ czech ] = "Sloupce"; \
- Text[ hebrew ] = "‮טורים‬"; \
- Text[ hindi ] = "~स्तंभें"; \
- Text[ slovak ] = "Stĺp~ce"; \
- Text[ hungarian ] = "~Oszlopok"; \
- Text[ slovenian ] = "~Stolpci";
+ Text [ de ] = "~Spalten" ; \
+ Text [ en-US ] = "~Columns" ; \
+ Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
#define TXT_ROWS \
- Text = "Z~eilen" ; \
- Text [ ENGLISH ] = "~Rows" ; \
- Text [ norwegian ] = "~Rows" ; \
- Text [ italian ] = "Righe" ; \
- Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "~Linhas" ; \
- Text [ portuguese ] = "~Linhas" ; \
- Text [ finnish ] = "~Rivit" ; \
- Text [ danish ] = "~Rkker" ; \
- Text [ french ] = "~Lignes" ; \
- Text [ swedish ] = "Rad~er" ; \
- Text [ dutch ] = "~Rijen" ; \
- Text [ spanish ] = "~Filas" ; \
- Text [ english_us ] = "~Rows" ; \
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "行(~R)"; \
- Text[ russian ] = "" ;\
- Text[ polish ] = "~Wierszy" ;\
- Text[ japanese ] = "行(~R)"; \
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "列(~R)"; \
- Text[ arabic ] = ""; \
- Text[ greek ] = "~"; \
- Text[ korean ] = "행(~R)"; \
- Text[ turkish ] = "S~atr"; \
- Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; \
- Text[ catalan ] = "~Files"; \
- Text[ thai ] = "แ~ถว"; \
- Text[ czech ] = "Řádky"; \
- Text[ hebrew ] = "Z~eilen"; \
- Text[ hindi ] = "~पंक्तियाँ"; \
- Text[ slovak ] = "~Riadky"; \
- Text[ hungarian ] = "~Sorok"; \
- Text[ slovenian ] = "V~rstice";
+ Text [ de ] = "Z~eilen" ; \
+ Text [ en-US ] = "~Rows" ; \
+ Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
@@ -3823,103 +1365,19 @@ ModalDialog RID_SCDLG_GROUP
- Text = "Aktivieren fr" ;
- Text [ ENGLISH ] = "Activate on" ;
- Text [ norwegian ] = "Activate on" ;
- Text [ italian ] = "Attiva per" ;
- Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Incluir" ;
- Text [ portuguese ] = "Activar para" ;
- Text [ finnish ] = "Sisllyt" ;
- Text [ danish ] = "Aktiver for" ;
- Text [ french ] = "Activer pour" ;
- Text [ swedish ] = "Aktivera fr" ;
- Text [ dutch ] = "Activeren voor" ;
- Text [ spanish ] = "Activar para" ;
- Text [ english_us ] = "Include" ;
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "包括";
- Text[ russian ] = "";
- Text[ polish ] = "Docz";
- Text[ japanese ] = "グループ化する対象";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "啟動用於";
- Text[ arabic ] = " ";
- Text[ greek ] = " ";
- Text[ korean ] = "활성화 대상";
- Text[ turkish ] = "unun iin etkinletir:";
- Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
- Text[ catalan ] = "Inclou";
- Text[ thai ] = "รวม";
- Text[ czech ] = "Zahrnout";
- Text[ hebrew ] = "Aktivieren für";
- Text[ hindi ] = "सम्मिलित करो";
- Text[ slovak ] = "Zahrnúť";
- Text[ hungarian ] = "Hatókör";
- Text[ slovenian ] = "Vključi";
+ Text [ de ] = "Aktivieren fr" ;
+ Text [ en-US ] = "Include" ;
+ Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
- Text = "Aufheben fr" ;
- Text [ ENGLISH ] = "Deactivate on" ;
- Text [ norwegian ] = "Deactivate on" ;
- Text [ italian ] = "Disattiva per" ;
- Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Desativar para" ;
- Text [ portuguese ] = "Desactivar para" ;
- Text [ finnish ] = "Poista kytst" ;
- Text [ danish ] = "Ophv for" ;
- Text [ french ] = "Dsactiver pour" ;
- Text [ swedish ] = "Upphv fr" ;
- Text [ dutch ] = "Deactiveren voor" ;
- Text [ spanish ] = "Desactivar para" ;
- Text [ english_us ] = "Deactivate for" ;
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "取消分组";
- Text[ russian ] = " ";
- Text[ polish ] = "Dezaktywuj dla";
- Text[ japanese ] = "グループ解除する対象";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "取消群組";
- Text[ arabic ] = " ";
- Text[ greek ] = " ";
- Text[ korean ] = "그룹 해제 대상";
- Text[ turkish ] = "unun iin etkinliini kaldr:";
- Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
- Text[ catalan ] = "Desactiva durant";
- Text[ thai ] = "ไม่เรียกใช้เพื่อ";
- Text[ czech ] = "Deaktivovat pro";
- Text[ hebrew ] = "Aufheben für";
- Text[ hindi ] = "केलिए निष्क्रिय करो";
- Text[ slovak ] = "Deaktivovať pre";
- Text[ hungarian ] = "Kikapcsolás:";
- Text[ slovenian ] = "Deaktiviraj za";
- };
- Text = "Gruppierung" ;
- Text [ ENGLISH ] = "Group" ;
- Text [ norwegian ] = "Gruppe" ;
- Text [ italian ] = "Raggruppa" ;
- Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Grupo" ;
- Text [ portuguese ] = "Grupo" ;
- Text [ finnish ] = "Ryhm" ;
- Text [ danish ] = "Gruppering" ;
- Text [ french ] = "Grouper" ;
- Text [ swedish ] = "Gruppering" ;
- Text [ dutch ] = "Groep" ;
- Text [ spanish ] = "Agrupar" ;
- Text [ english_us ] = "Group" ;
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "分组";
- Text[ russian ] = "";
- Text[ polish ] = "Grupuj";
- Text[ japanese ] = "グループ化";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "群組";
- Text[ arabic ] = "";
- Text[ greek ] = "";
- Text[ korean ] = "그룹";
- Text[ turkish ] = "Grup";
- Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
- Text[ catalan ] = "Grup";
- Text[ thai ] = "จัดกลุ่ม";
- Text[ czech ] = "Seskupit";
- Text[ hebrew ] = "Gruppierung";
- Text[ hindi ] = "समूह";
- Text[ slovak ] = "Zoskupiť";
- Text[ hungarian ] = "Csoport";
- Text[ slovenian ] = "Združi";
+ Text [ de ] = "Aufheben fr" ;
+ Text [ en-US ] = "Deactivate for" ;
+ Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
+ };
+ Text [ de ] = "Gruppierung" ;
+ Text [ en-US ] = "Group" ;
+ Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
// Ableitungen
@@ -3987,144 +1445,34 @@ ModalDialog RID_SCDLG_NAMES_CREATE
Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 12 , 14 ) ;
Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 93 , 10 ) ;
TabStop = TRUE ;
- Text = "~Oberer Zeile" ;
- Text [ ENGLISH ] = "First row" ;
- Text [ dutch ] = "~Koptekst" ;
- Text [ english_us ] = "~Top row" ;
- Text [ italian ] = "Riga superiore" ;
- Text [ spanish ] = "~Fila superior" ;
- Text [ french ] = "Ligne suprieure" ;
- Text [ swedish ] = "~versta raden" ;
- Text [ danish ] = "~verste rkke" ;
- Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "~Cabealho" ;
- Text [ portuguese ] = "~Cabealho" ;
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "首行";
- Text[ russian ] = " ";
- Text[ polish ] = "N~agwek";
- Text[ japanese ] = "上端行(~T)";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "首列(~T)";
- Text[ arabic ] = " ";
- Text[ greek ] = "";
- Text[ korean ] = "맨위 행(~T)";
- Text[ turkish ] = "~En st satr";
- Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
- Text[ catalan ] = "Capa~lera";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Otsikko";
- Text[ thai ] = "หั~วกระดาษ";
- Text[ czech ] = "Záhlaví";
- Text[ hebrew ] = "~Oberer Zeile";
- Text[ hindi ] = "पृष्ठ के ~ऊपर की टीका";
- Text[ slovak ] = "Záhlavi~e";
- Text[ hungarian ] = "~Felső sor";
- Text[ slovenian ] = "~Zgornja vrstica";
+ Text [ de ] = "~Oberer Zeile" ;
+ Text [ en-US ] = "~Top row" ;
Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 12 , 28 ) ;
Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 93 , 10 ) ;
TabStop = TRUE ;
- Text = "~Linker Spalte" ;
- Text [ ENGLISH ] = "First column" ;
- Text [ dutch ] = "~Linkerkolom" ;
- Text [ english_us ] = "~Left column" ;
- Text [ italian ] = "Colonna sinistra" ;
- Text [ spanish ] = "Columna ~izquierda" ;
- Text [ french ] = "Colonne ~gauche" ;
- Text [ swedish ] = "Vnstra ko~lumnen" ;
- Text [ danish ] = "~Venstre kolonne" ;
- Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Coluna ~esquerda" ;
- Text [ portuguese ] = "Coluna ~esquerda" ;
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "左列(~L)";
- Text[ russian ] = " ";
- Text[ polish ] = "~lewej kolumny";
- Text[ japanese ] = "左端列(~L)";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "左欄(~L)";
- Text[ arabic ] = " ";
- Text[ greek ] = " ";
- Text[ korean ] = "왼쪽 단(~L)";
- Text[ turkish ] = "~Sol stun";
- Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
- Text[ catalan ] = "Columna es~querra";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Vasen sarake";
- Text[ thai ] = "คอลัมน์~ซ้าย";
- Text[ czech ] = "Levý sloupec";
- Text[ hebrew ] = "~Linker Spalte";
- Text[ hindi ] = "~बायाँ स्तंभ";
- Text[ slovak ] = "Ľavý stĺp~ec";
- Text[ hungarian ] = "~Bal oldali oszlop";
- Text[ slovenian ] = "~Levi stolpec";
+ Text [ de ] = "~Linker Spalte" ;
+ Text [ en-US ] = "~Left column" ;
+ Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 12 , 42 ) ;
Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 93 , 10 ) ;
TabStop = TRUE ;
- Text = "~Unterer Zeile" ;
- Text [ ENGLISH ] = "Last row" ;
- Text [ dutch ] = "~Voettekst" ;
- Text [ english_us ] = "~Bottom row" ;
- Text [ italian ] = "Riga inferiore" ;
- Text [ spanish ] = "~Fila inferior" ;
- Text [ french ] = "Ligne infrieure" ;
- Text [ swedish ] = "N~edersta raden" ;
- Text [ danish ] = "~Nederste rkke" ;
- Text [ portuguese ] = "~Rodap" ;
- Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "~Rodap" ;
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "末行";
- Text[ russian ] = " ";
- Text[ polish ] = "~Stopka";
- Text[ japanese ] = "最下行(~B)";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "末列(~B)";
- Text[ arabic ] = " ";
- Text[ greek ] = "";
- Text[ korean ] = "맨아래 행(~B)";
- Text[ turkish ] = "~Alt satr";
- Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
- Text[ catalan ] = "~Peu de pgina";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Alatunniste";
- Text[ thai ] = "~ท้ายกระดาษ";
- Text[ czech ] = "Zápatí";
- Text[ hebrew ] = "~Unterer Zeile";
- Text[ hindi ] = "~पृष्ठ के अधोभाग की टीका";
- Text[ slovak ] = "Zá~pätie";
- Text[ hungarian ] = "~Alsó sor";
- Text[ slovenian ] = "~Spodnja vrstica";
+ Text [ de ] = "~Unterer Zeile" ;
+ Text [ en-US ] = "~Bottom row" ;
Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 12 , 56 ) ;
Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 93 , 10 ) ;
TabStop = TRUE ;
- Text = "~Rechter Spalte" ;
- Text [ ENGLISH ] = "Last column" ;
- Text [ english_us ] = "~Right column" ;
- Text [ italian ] = "Colonna destra" ;
- Text [ spanish ] = "Columna ~derecha" ;
- Text [ french ] = "Colonne droite" ;
- Text [ dutch ] = "~Rechterkolom" ;
- Text [ swedish ] = "Hg~ra kolumnen" ;
- Text [ danish ] = "~Hjre kolonne" ;
- Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Coluna ~direita" ;
- Text [ portuguese ] = "Coluna ~direita" ;
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "右列(~R)";
- Text[ russian ] = " ";
- Text[ polish ] = "~prawej kolumny";
- Text[ japanese ] = "右端列(~R)";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "右欄(~R)";
- Text[ arabic ] = " ";
- Text[ greek ] = " ";
- Text[ korean ] = "오른쪽 열(~R)";
- Text[ turkish ] = "~Sa stun";
- Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
- Text[ catalan ] = "Columna ~dreta";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Oikea sarake";
- Text[ thai ] = "คอลัมน์~ขวา";
- Text[ czech ] = "Pravý sloupec";
- Text[ hebrew ] = "~Rechter Spalte";
- Text[ hindi ] = "~दाहिना स्तंभ";
- Text[ slovak ] = "P~ravý stĺpec";
- Text[ hungarian ] = "~Jobb oldali oszlop";
- Text[ slovenian ] = "~Desni stolpec";
+ Text [ de ] = "~Rechter Spalte" ;
+ Text [ en-US ] = "~Right column" ;
+ Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
@@ -4149,67 +1497,13 @@ ModalDialog RID_SCDLG_NAMES_CREATE
Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 6 , 3 ) ;
Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 104 , 8 ) ;
- Text = "Namen erzeugen aus" ;
- Text [ ENGLISH ] = "Create names from" ;
- Text [ english_us ] = "Create names from" ;
- Text [ italian ] = "Generare i nomi da" ;
- Text [ spanish ] = "Nombre a partir de" ;
- Text [ french ] = "Crer un nom partir de" ;
- Text [ dutch ] = "Namen definiren uit" ;
- Text [ swedish ] = "Skapa namn frn" ;
- Text [ danish ] = "Opret navn ud fra" ;
- Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Criar nomes a partir de" ;
- Text [ portuguese ] = "Criar nomes a partir de" ;
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "创建名称来源";
- Text[ russian ] = " ";
- Text[ polish ] = "Utwrz nazw z";
- Text[ japanese ] = "適用する名前の位置";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "新建名稱從";
- Text[ arabic ] = " ";
- Text[ greek ] = " ";
- Text[ korean ] = "적용할 이름의 위치";
- Text[ turkish ] = "smi burdan yarat";
- Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
- Text[ catalan ] = "Nom a partir de ";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Luo nimi kohteesta";
- Text[ thai ] = "สร้างชื่อจาก";
- Text[ czech ] = "Vytvořit jméno z";
- Text[ hebrew ] = "Namen erzeugen aus";
- Text[ hindi ] = "से नाम उत्पन्न करो";
- Text[ slovak ] = "Vytvoriť názov z";
- Text[ hungarian ] = "Nevek létrehozása a következőből:";
- Text[ slovenian ] = "Ustvari imena iz";
- };
- Text = "Namen erzeugen" ;
- Text [ ENGLISH ] = "Create Names" ;
- Text [ dutch ] = "Namen definiren" ;
- Text [ english_us ] = "Create Names" ;
- Text [ italian ] = "Creare nomi" ;
- Text [ spanish ] = "Crear nombre" ;
- Text [ french ] = "Crer un nom" ;
- Text [ swedish ] = "Skapa namn" ;
- Text [ danish ] = "Opret navn" ;
- Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Criar Nomes" ;
- Text [ portuguese ] = "Criar nomes" ;
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "创建名称";
- Text[ russian ] = " ";
- Text[ polish ] = "Utwrz nazwy";
- Text[ japanese ] = "名前の適用";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "產生名稱";
- Text[ arabic ] = " ";
- Text[ greek ] = " ";
- Text[ korean ] = "이름 만들기";
- Text[ turkish ] = "Ad olutur";
- Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
- Text[ catalan ] = "Crea els noms";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Luo nimet";
- Text[ thai ] = "สร้างชื่อ";
- Text[ czech ] = "Vytvořit jména";
- Text[ hebrew ] = "Namen erzeugen";
- Text[ hindi ] = "नामों को उत्पन्न करो";
- Text[ slovak ] = "Vytvoriť názvy";
- Text[ hungarian ] = "Nevek létrehozása";
- Text[ slovenian ] = "Ustvari imena";
+ Text [ de ] = "Namen erzeugen aus" ;
+ Text [ en-US ] = "Create names from" ;
+ Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
+ };
+ Text [ de ] = "Namen erzeugen" ;
+ Text [ en-US ] = "Create Names" ;
+ Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
@@ -4223,36 +1517,8 @@ ModalDialog RID_SCDLG_NAMES_PASTE
Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 6 , 3 ) ;
Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 156 , 10 ) ;
- Text = "Namen einfgen" ;
- Text [ ENGLISH ] = "Paste name" ;
- Text [ dutch ] = "Naam invoegen" ;
- Text [ english_us ] = "Insert name" ;
- Text [ italian ] = "Inserisci nomi" ;
- Text [ spanish ] = "Insertar nombre" ;
- Text [ french ] = "Insrer un nom" ;
- Text [ swedish ] = "Infoga namn" ;
- Text [ danish ] = "Indst navn" ;
- Text [ portuguese ] = "Inserir nomes" ;
- Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Colar nome" ;
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "插入名称";
- Text[ russian ] = " ";
- Text[ polish ] = "Wklej nazw";
- Text[ japanese ] = "名前の挿入";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "貼上名稱";
- Text[ arabic ] = " ";
- Text[ greek ] = " ";
- Text[ korean ] = "이름 붙여넣기";
- Text[ turkish ] = "Ad yaptr";
- Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
- Text[ catalan ] = "Enganxa el nom";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Liit nimi";
- Text[ thai ] = "วางชื่อ";
- Text[ czech ] = "Vložit název";
- Text[ hebrew ] = "Namen einfügen";
- Text[ hindi ] = "नाम छिपकाओ";
- Text[ slovak ] = "Vložiť názov";
- Text[ hungarian ] = "Név beszúrása";
- Text[ slovenian ] = "Vstavi ime";
+ Text [ de ] = "Namen einfgen" ;
+ Text [ en-US ] = "Insert name" ;
@@ -4287,67 +1553,13 @@ ModalDialog RID_SCDLG_NAMES_PASTE
Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 172 , 66 ) ;
Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 50 , 14 ) ;
TabStop = TRUE ;
- Text = "~Alle einfgen" ;
- Text [ ENGLISH ] = "List" ;
- Text [ english_us ] = "Insert ~All" ;
- Text [ italian ] = "Inserici tutto" ;
- Text [ spanish ] = "~Insertar todo" ;
- Text [ french ] = "Tout insrer" ;
- Text [ dutch ] = "~Lijst" ;
- Text [ swedish ] = "Infoga ~alla" ;
- Text [ danish ] = "Indst ~alle" ;
- Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Colar ~Lista" ;
- Text [ portuguese ] = "~Lista" ;
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "全部插入(~A)";
- Text[ russian ] = " ";
- Text[ polish ] = "Wklej ~list";
- Text[ japanese ] = "すべてを挿入(~A)";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "全部插入(~A)";
- Text[ arabic ] = "";
- Text[ greek ] = "";
- Text[ korean ] = "모두 삽입(~A)";
- Text[ turkish ] = "~Hepsini ekle";
- Text[ language_user1 ] = "; EM Sept 2002: Has nothing to do with the Clipboard.";
- Text[ catalan ] = "Enganxa la ~llista";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Liit luettelo";
- Text[ thai ] = "วาง~รายการ";
- Text[ czech ] = "Vložit seznam";
- Text[ hebrew ] = "~Alle einfügen";
- Text[ hindi ] = "~सूची छिपकाओ";
- Text[ slovak ] = "V~ložiť zoznam";
- Text[ hungarian ] = "~Mindent beszúr";
- Text[ slovenian ] = "Vstavi ~vse";
- };
- Text = "Namen einfgen" ;
- Text [ ENGLISH ] = "Paste Name" ;
- Text [ english_us ] = "Insert Name" ;
- Text [ italian ] = "Inserisci nomi" ;
- Text [ spanish ] = "Insertar nombre" ;
- Text [ french ] = "Insrer un nom" ;
- Text [ dutch ] = "Naam invoegen" ;
- Text [ swedish ] = "Infoga namn" ;
- Text [ danish ] = "Indst navn" ;
- Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Colar nome" ;
- Text [ portuguese ] = "Inserir nomes" ;
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "粘贴名称";
- Text[ russian ] = " ";
- Text[ polish ] = "Wklej nazw";
- Text[ japanese ] = "名前の挿入";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "貼上名稱";
- Text[ arabic ] = " ";
- Text[ greek ] = " ";
- Text[ korean ] = "이름 붙여넣기";
- Text[ turkish ] = "Ad yaptr";
- Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
- Text[ catalan ] = "Enganxa el nom";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Liit nimi";
- Text[ thai ] = "วางชื่อ";
- Text[ czech ] = "Vložit jméno";
- Text[ hebrew ] = "Namen einfügen";
- Text[ hindi ] = "नाम छिपकाओ";
- Text[ slovak ] = "Vložiť názov";
- Text[ hungarian ] = "Név beszúrása";
- Text[ slovenian ] = "Vstavi ime";
+ Text [ de ] = "~Alle einfgen" ;
+ Text [ en-US ] = "Insert ~All" ;
+ Text [ x-comment ] = "; EM Sept 2002: Has nothing to do with the Clipboard.";
+ };
+ Text [ de ] = "Namen einfgen" ;
+ Text [ en-US ] = "Insert Name" ;
+ Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
FloatingWindow RID_SCDLG_TEAM
@@ -4359,36 +1571,9 @@ FloatingWindow RID_SCDLG_TEAM
Closeable = TRUE ;
Zoomable = TRUE ;
FixedBitmap 1 { Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 1 , 1 ) ; };
- Text = "Das %PRODUCTNAME Calc Team" ;
- Text [ ENGLISH ] = "The %PRODUCTNAME Calc Team" ;
- Text [ ENGLISH_US ] = "The %PRODUCTNAME Calc Team" ;
- Text [ italian ] = "Il team %PRODUCTNAME Calc" ;
- Text [ spanish ] = "El equipo de %PRODUCTNAME Calc" ;
- Text [ french ] = "L'quipe de %PRODUCTNAME Calc" ;
- Text [ dutch ] = "Het %PRODUCTNAME Calc Team" ;
- Text [ swedish ] = "%PRODUCTNAME Calc-teamet" ;
- Text [ danish ] = "Holdet bag %PRODUCTNAME Calc" ;
- Text [ portuguese ] = "A equipa do %PRODUCTNAME Calc" ;
- Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "A equipe do %PRODUCTNAME Calc" ;
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "%PRODUCTNAME Calc 工作组";
- Text[ russian ] = " %PRODUCTNAME Calc";
- Text[ polish ] = "Zesp %PRODUCTNAME Calc";
- Text[ japanese ] = "%PRODUCTNAME Calc チーム";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "%PRODUCTNAME Calc 工作組";
- Text[ arabic ] = " %PRODUCTNAME Calc";
- Text[ greek ] = " %PRODUCTNAME Calc";
- Text[ korean ] = "%PRODUCTNAME Calc Team";
- Text[ turkish ] = "%PRODUCTNAME Calc Ekibi";
- Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
- Text[ catalan ] = "L'equip %PRODUCTNAME Calc";
- Text[ finnish ] = "%PRODUCTNAME Calc -ryhm";
- Text[ thai ] = "ทีม %PRODUCTNAME Calc ";
- Text[ czech ] = "Tým %PRODUCTNAME Calc";
- Text[ hebrew ] = "Das %PRODUCTNAME Calc Team";
- Text[ hindi ] = "%PRODUCTNAME गणना टीम";
- Text[ slovak ] = "%PRODUCTNAME Calc Team";
- Text[ hungarian ] = "Az %PRODUCTNAME Calc csapata";
- Text[ slovenian ] = "%PRODUCTNAME Calc ekipa";
+ Text [ de ] = "Das %PRODUCTNAME Calc Team" ;
+ Text [ en-US ] = "The %PRODUCTNAME Calc Team" ;
+ Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
@@ -4401,106 +1586,25 @@ ModalDialog RID_SCDLG_CHARTCOLROW
Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 12 , 28 ) ;
Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 114 , 10 ) ;
- Text = "Erste ~Spalte als Beschriftung" ;
- Text [ ENGLISH ] = "First ~column as label" ;
- Text [ ENGLISH_US ] = "First ~column as label" ;
- Text [ dutch ] = "Ee~rste kolom als kop" ;
- Text [ italian ] = "Prima colonna come dicitura" ;
- Text [ spanish ] = "Primera c~olumna como etiqueta" ;
- Text [ french ] = "Premire colonne comme tiquette" ;
- Text [ swedish ] = "Frsta kolumn ~som etikett" ;
- Text [ danish ] = "Frste ~kolonne som etiket" ;
- Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Primeira ~coluna como rtulo" ;
- Text [ portuguese ] = "Primeira ~coluna como legenda" ;
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "将第一个列当作数据标志(~C)";
- Text[ russian ] = " ";
- Text[ polish ] = "Pierwsza ~kolumna jako etykieta";
- Text[ japanese ] = "最初の列を項目名に引用(~C)";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "將第一欄當作標題(~C)";
- Text[ arabic ] = " ";
- Text[ greek ] = " ";
- Text[ korean ] = "첫 열을 레이블로(~C)";
- Text[ turkish ] = "Etiket olarak ilk~stun";
- Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
- Text[ catalan ] = "La primera ~columna com a etiqueta";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Ensimminen ~sarake selitteen";
- Text[ thai ] = "~คอลัมน์แรกเป็นป้ายชื่อ";
- Text[ czech ] = "První sloupec obsahuje popisky";
- Text[ hebrew ] = "Erste ~Spalte als Beschriftung";
- Text[ hindi ] = "पहिला ~स्तंभ लेबिल जैसे";
- Text[ slovak ] = "Prvý stĺpe~c ako popis";
- Text[ hungarian ] = "Az első ~oszlop legyen címke";
- Text[ slovenian ] = "Prvi ~stolpec kot oznaka";
+ Text [ de ] = "Erste ~Spalte als Beschriftung" ;
+ Text [ en-US ] = "First ~column as label" ;
+ Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
CheckBox 2
Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 12 , 14 ) ;
Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 114 , 10 ) ;
- Text = "Erste ~Zeile als Beschriftung" ;
- Text [ ENGLISH ] = "First ~row as label" ;
- Text [ ENGLISH_US ] = "First ~row as label" ;
- Text [ italian ] = "Prima riga come dicitura" ;
- Text [ spanish ] = "Primera ~fila como etiqueta" ;
- Text [ french ] = "Premire ligne comme tiquette" ;
- Text [ dutch ] = "Eerste rij als ~kop" ;
- Text [ swedish ] = "Frsta ~rad som etikett" ;
- Text [ danish ] = "Frste ~rkke som etiket" ;
- Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Primeira ~linha como rtulo" ;
- Text [ portuguese ] = "Primeira ~fila como legenda" ;
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "第一行当作数据标志(~R)";
- Text[ russian ] = " ";
- Text[ polish ] = "Pierwszy ~wiersz jako etykieta";
- Text[ japanese ] = "最初の行を項目名に引用(~R)";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "第一列當作標題(~R)";
- Text[ arabic ] = " ";
- Text[ greek ] = " ";
- Text[ korean ] = "첫 행을 레이블로(~R)";
- Text[ turkish ] = "Etiket olarak ilk~satr";
- Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
- Text[ catalan ] = "La primera ~fila com a etiqueta";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Ensimminen ~rivi selitteen";
- Text[ thai ] = "แ~ถวแรกเป็นป้ายชื่อ";
- Text[ czech ] = "První řádek obsahuje popisky";
- Text[ hebrew ] = "Erste ~Zeile als Beschriftung";
- Text[ hindi ] = "पहिला ~पंक्ति लेबिल जैसे";
- Text[ slovak ] = "Prvý ~riadok ako popis";
- Text[ hungarian ] = "Az ~első sor legyen címke";
- Text[ slovenian ] = "Prva v~rstica kot oznaka";
+ Text [ de ] = "Erste ~Zeile als Beschriftung" ;
+ Text [ en-US ] = "First ~row as label" ;
+ Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
FixedLine 6
Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 6 , 3 ) ;
Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 123 , 8 ) ;
- Text = "Beschriftung" ;
- Text [ ENGLISH ] = "Labels" ;
- Text [ ENGLISH_US ] = "Labels" ;
- Text [ italian ] = "Dicitura" ;
- Text [ spanish ] = "Etiqueta" ;
- Text [ french ] = "tiquette" ;
- Text [ dutch ] = "Kop" ;
- Text [ swedish ] = "Etikett" ;
- Text [ danish ] = "Etiketter" ;
- Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Rtulos" ;
- Text [ portuguese ] = "Legenda" ;
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "数据标志";
- Text[ russian ] = "";
- Text[ polish ] = "Etykiety";
- Text[ japanese ] = "ラベル";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "標籤";
- Text[ arabic ] = "";
- Text[ greek ] = "";
- Text[ korean ] = "레이블";
- Text[ turkish ] = "Etiketler";
- Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
- Text[ catalan ] = "Etiqueta";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Selitteet";
- Text[ thai ] = "ป้ายชื่อ";
- Text[ czech ] = "Popisky";
- Text[ hebrew ] = "‮מדבקות‬";
- Text[ hindi ] = "लेबिलें";
- Text[ slovak ] = "Popisky";
- Text[ hungarian ] = "Címkék";
- Text[ slovenian ] = "Oznake";
+ Text [ de ] = "Beschriftung" ;
+ Text [ en-US ] = "Labels" ;
+ Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
OKButton 3
@@ -4518,62 +1622,10 @@ ModalDialog RID_SCDLG_CHARTCOLROW
Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 135 , 43 ) ;
Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 50 , 14 ) ;
- Text = "Quelldatenbereich ndern" ;
- Text [ ENGLISH ] = "Change Chart Data" ;
- Text [ ENGLISH_US ] = "Change Source Data Range" ;
- Text [ dutch ] = "Brongegevensbereik wijzigen" ;
- Text [ italian ] = "Modifica area dati di sorgente" ;
- Text [ spanish ] = "Modificar datos fuente" ;
- Text [ french ] = "Modifier la plage des donnes source" ;
- Text [ swedish ] = "ndra klldataomrde" ;
- Text [ danish ] = "Modificer kildedataomrde" ;
- Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Alterar Intervalo dos Dados da Origem" ;
- Text [ portuguese ] = "Alterar dados fonte" ;
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "更改源数据区域";
- Text[ russian ] = " ";
- Text[ polish ] = "Zmie zakres danych rdowych";
- Text[ japanese ] = "ソースデータ範囲の変更";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "變更源資料區域";
- Text[ arabic ] = " ";
- Text[ greek ] = " ";
- Text[ korean ] = "원본 데이터 범위 변경";
- Text[ turkish ] = "Kaynak verileri araln deitir";
- Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
- Text[ catalan ] = "Modifica les dades font";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Vaihda lhdetietoalue";
- Text[ thai ] = "เปลี่ยนช่วงแหล่งข้อมูล";
- Text[ czech ] = "Změnit zdrojovou oblast dat";
- Text[ hebrew ] = "Quelldatenbereich ändern";
- Text[ hindi ] = "मूल ड़ॉटा फैलाव को बदलो";
- Text[ slovak ] = "Zmeniť zdrojovú dátovú oblasť";
- Text[ hungarian ] = "Forrásadat-tartomány módosítása";
- Text[ slovenian ] = "Spremeni obseg izvornih podatkov";
+ Text [ de ] = "Quelldatenbereich ndern" ;
+ Text [ en-US ] = "Change Source Data Range" ;
+ Text [ x-comment ] = " ";