path: root/icon-themes
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authorandreas kainz <>2018-11-08 02:44:17 +0100
committerandreas_kainz <>2018-11-20 10:08:19 +0100
commit511c2d6b28f2f8a3f81558a551e8a5c04034ea74 (patch)
tree22981649cdedbba34578827c5b5b62266d745700 /icon-themes
parentZoomMode string description is now PopupLabel Label is now shorter (diff)
Sifr icon theme rework svg files
additional changes will come Change-Id: Ia7f8c7d7b3c1471a4c851d1e362f1b67ef8e413c Reviewed-on: Tested-by: Jenkins Reviewed-by: andreas_kainz <>
Diffstat (limited to 'icon-themes')
205 files changed, 1344 insertions, 30157 deletions
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index 047351ecdf48..5bc994086616 100644
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17.748151 6.9910875 17.654217 6.9992531 17.560547 7.0019531 L 15.917969 7.0019531 L 15.917969 8.8398438 C 16.148714 8.8398438 16.204807 8.8814034 16.275391 8.9433594 C 16.345971 9.0053094 16.433809 9.1346862 16.503906 9.3476562 C 16.644099 9.7735972 16.667969 10.454228 16.667969 10.960938 C 16.667969 12.096281 16.978817 12.981866 17.582031 13.533203 C 17.807779 13.739537 18.100541 13.857111 18.341797 14.001953 C 18.098825 14.14755 17.801388 14.269313 17.574219 14.476562 C 16.972397 15.02561 16.667969 15.908457 16.667969 17.041016 C 16.667969 17.528177 16.630969 18.217891 16.482422 18.654297 C 16.408142 18.8725 16.315631 19.008795 16.246094 19.070312 C 16.176554 19.131833 16.136537 19.164969 15.931641 19.162109 L 15.917969 19.162109 A 0.91937568 0.91937568 0 0 0 15.90625 21 C 15.91075 21.000063 15.913549 20.996094 15.917969 20.996094 L 15.917969 21 L 17.585938 21 C 17.786562 21 17.983022 21.023106 18.294922 20.941406 C 18.606824 20.859696 19.016173 20.526289 19.158203 20.199219 C 19.441238 19.547436 19.349661 19.072171 19.339844 18.054688 L 19.339844 18.046875 C 19.340188 16.536752 19.393384 15.824103 19.478516 15.617188 C 19.521216 15.513397 19.546235 15.476723 19.703125 15.349609 C 19.858693 15.223567 20.145356 15.041035 20.556641 14.791016 C 20.560141 14.788916 20.560953 14.789209 20.564453 14.787109 A 0.91937568 0.91937568 0 0 0 20.568359 14.785156 A 0.91937568 0.91937568 0 0 0 20.640625 14.734375 A 0.91937568 0.91937568 0 0 0 20.644531 14.732422 A 0.91937568 0.91937568 0 0 0 20.710938 14.675781 A 0.91937568 0.91937568 0 0 0 20.714844 14.673828 A 0.91937568 0.91937568 0 0 0 20.775391 14.611328 A 0.91937568 0.91937568 0 0 0 20.779297 14.607422 A 0.91937568 0.91937568 0 0 0 20.833984 14.539062 A 0.91937568 0.91937568 0 0 0 20.835938 14.535156 A 0.91937568 0.91937568 0 0 0 20.882812 14.460938 A 0.91937568 0.91937568 0 0 0 20.884766 14.457031 A 0.91937568 0.91937568 0 0 0 20.925781 14.378906 A 0.91937568 0.91937568 0 0 0 20.927734 14.375 A 0.91937568 0.91937568 0 0 0 20.958984 14.294922 A 0.91937568 0.91937568 0 0 0 20.960938 14.291016 A 0.91937568 0.91937568 0 0 0 20.984375 14.205078 A 0.91937568 0.91937568 0 0 0 20.984375 14.201172 A 0.91937568 0.91937568 0 0 0 21 14.115234 A 0.91937568 0.91937568 0 0 0 21 14.111328 A 0.91937568 0.91937568 0 0 0 21.007812 14.023438 A 0.91937568 0.91937568 0 0 0 21.007812 14.019531 A 0.91937568 0.91937568 0 0 0 21.003906 13.931641 A 0.91937568 0.91937568 0 0 0 21.003906 13.927734 A 0.91937568 0.91937568 0 0 0 20.992188 13.839844 A 0.91937568 0.91937568 0 0 0 20.992188 13.835938 A 0.91937568 0.91937568 0 0 0 20.972656 13.751953 A 0.91937568 0.91937568 0 0 0 20.970703 13.746094 A 0.91937568 0.91937568 0 0 0 20.943359 13.664062 A 0.91937568 0.91937568 0 0 0 20.941406 13.660156 A 0.91937568 0.91937568 0 0 0 20.904297 13.580078 A 0.91937568 0.91937568 0 0 0 20.902344 13.576172 A 0.91937568 0.91937568 0 0 0 20.859375 13.5 A 0.91937568 0.91937568 0 0 0 20.857422 13.498047 A 0.91937568 0.91937568 0 0 0 20.804688 13.425781 A 0.91937568 0.91937568 0 0 0 20.802734 13.423828 A 0.91937568 0.91937568 0 0 0 20.794922 13.414062 A 0.91937568 0.91937568 0 0 0 20.744141 13.357422 A 0.91937568 0.91937568 0 0 0 20.705078 13.320312 A 0.91937568 0.91937568 0 0 0 20.677734 13.294922 A 0.91937568 0.91937568 0 0 0 20.673828 13.292969 A 0.91937568 0.91937568 0 0 0 20.603516 13.240234 A 0.91937568 0.91937568 0 0 0 20.599609 13.238281 A 0.91937568 0.91937568 0 0 0 20.564453 13.214844 C 19.846782 12.778747 19.642145 12.492349 19.501953 12.066406 C 19.362274 11.642026 19.340008 10.962356 19.339844 9.9550781 L 19.339844 9.9472656 C 19.349644 8.9021996 19.435394 8.4143807 19.136719 7.7617188 C 18.986854 7.4342308 18.561532 7.1101155 18.248047 7.0390625 C 18.091303 7.0035325 17.966694 6.9932575 17.857422 6.9921875 z "
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6.1668873 12.778753 5.4492188 13.214844 A 0.91937568 0.91937568 0 0 0 5.3730469 13.267578 A 0.91937568 0.91937568 0 0 0 5.1816406 13.462891 A 0.91937568 0.91937568 0 0 0 5.1308594 13.541016 A 0.91937568 0.91937568 0 0 0 5.0546875 13.707031 A 0.91937568 0.91937568 0 0 0 5.0292969 13.796875 A 0.91937568 0.91937568 0 0 0 5.0136719 13.886719 A 0.91937568 0.91937568 0 0 0 5.0097656 14.070312 A 0.91937568 0.91937568 0 0 0 5.109375 14.421875 A 0.91937568 0.91937568 0 0 0 5.2695312 14.644531 A 0.91937568 0.91937568 0 0 0 5.4101562 14.761719 A 0.91937568 0.91937568 0 0 0 5.4453125 14.785156 A 0.91937568 0.91937568 0 0 0 5.4492188 14.787109 C 5.4531088 14.789509 5.4531513 14.788616 5.4570312 14.791016 C 5.8683251 15.041042 6.1569284 15.223564 6.3125 15.349609 C 6.4693931 15.476725 6.4924551 15.513396 6.5351562 15.617188 C 6.6205583 15.824768 6.6757812 16.534553 6.6757812 18.054688 C 6.6659612 19.072174 6.5743848 19.547434 6.8574219 20.199219 C 6.9994524 20.526291 7.4088037 20.859701 7.7207031 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19.441238 19.547436 19.349661 19.072171 19.339844 18.054688 L 19.339844 18.046875 C 19.340188 16.536752 19.393384 15.824103 19.478516 15.617188 C 19.521216 15.513396 19.546235 15.476723 19.703125 15.349609 C 19.858693 15.223567 20.145356 15.041035 20.556641 14.791016 C 20.560141 14.788916 20.560953 14.789209 20.564453 14.787109 A 0.91937568 0.91937568 0 0 0 20.568359 14.785156 A 0.91937568 0.91937568 0 0 0 20.640625 14.734375 A 0.91937568 0.91937568 0 0 0 20.644531 14.732422 A 0.91937568 0.91937568 0 0 0 20.710938 14.675781 A 0.91937568 0.91937568 0 0 0 20.714844 14.673828 A 0.91937568 0.91937568 0 0 0 20.775391 14.611328 A 0.91937568 0.91937568 0 0 0 20.779297 14.607422 A 0.91937568 0.91937568 0 0 0 20.833984 14.539062 A 0.91937568 0.91937568 0 0 0 20.835938 14.535156 A 0.91937568 0.91937568 0 0 0 20.882812 14.460938 A 0.91937568 0.91937568 0 0 0 20.884766 14.457031 A 0.91937568 0.91937568 0 0 0 20.925781 14.378906 A 0.91937568 0.91937568 0 0 0 20.927734 14.375 A 0.91937568 0.91937568 0 0 0 20.958984 14.294922 A 0.91937568 0.91937568 0 0 0 20.960938 14.291016 A 0.91937568 0.91937568 0 0 0 20.984375 14.205078 A 0.91937568 0.91937568 0 0 0 20.984375 14.201172 A 0.91937568 0.91937568 0 0 0 21 14.115234 A 0.91937568 0.91937568 0 0 0 21 14.111328 A 0.91937568 0.91937568 0 0 0 21.007812 14.023438 A 0.91937568 0.91937568 0 0 0 21.007812 14.019531 A 0.91937568 0.91937568 0 0 0 21.003906 13.931641 A 0.91937568 0.91937568 0 0 0 21.003906 13.927734 A 0.91937568 0.91937568 0 0 0 20.992188 13.839844 A 0.91937568 0.91937568 0 0 0 20.992188 13.835938 A 0.91937568 0.91937568 0 0 0 20.972656 13.751953 A 0.91937568 0.91937568 0 0 0 20.970703 13.746094 A 0.91937568 0.91937568 0 0 0 20.943359 13.664062 A 0.91937568 0.91937568 0 0 0 20.941406 13.660156 A 0.91937568 0.91937568 0 0 0 20.904297 13.580078 A 0.91937568 0.91937568 0 0 0 20.902344 13.576172 A 0.91937568 0.91937568 0 0 0 20.859375 13.5 A 0.91937568 0.91937568 0 0 0 20.857422 13.498047 A 0.91937568 0.91937568 0 0 0 20.804688 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15.609375 C 3.1537594 15.816955 3.2089844 16.52674 3.2089844 18.046875 C 3.1991844 19.064362 3.107588 19.539621 3.390625 20.191406 C 3.532655 20.518477 3.9420073 20.85189 4.2539062 20.933594 C 4.5658053 21.015294 4.7603155 20.992187 4.9609375 20.992188 L 6.6289062 20.992188 L 6.6289062 20.988281 C 6.6340062 20.988243 6.6375061 20.992288 6.6425781 20.992188 A 0.91937568 0.91937568 0 0 0 6.6289062 19.154297 L 6.6171875 19.154297 C 6.4122915 19.157197 6.3703183 19.12402 6.3007812 19.0625 C 6.2312413 19.00098 6.1387281 18.864687 6.0644531 18.646484 C 5.9159031 18.21008 5.8808594 17.520359 5.8808594 17.033203 C 5.8808594 15.900645 5.5744772 15.017798 4.9726562 14.46875 C 4.7458462 14.261827 4.4495823 14.139556 4.2070312 13.994141 C 4.4482872 13.849299 4.7410479 13.731725 4.9667969 13.525391 C 5.5700109 12.974053 5.8808594 12.08847 5.8808594 10.953125 C 5.8808594 10.446411 5.9027797 9.7657858 6.0429688 9.3398438 C 6.1130688 9.1268728 6.2009004 8.9974999 6.2714844 8.9355469 C 6.3420644 8.8735969 6.3981622 8.8320313 6.6289062 8.8320312 A 0.91937568 0.91937568 0 0 0 6.6289062 6.9941406 L 4.9882812 6.9941406 C 4.8946103 6.9914406 4.8011662 6.983335 4.6914062 6.984375 z M 14.308594 6.9941406 C 14.198835 6.9930406 14.10539 7.0012063 14.011719 7.0039062 L 12.371094 7.0039062 L 12.371094 8.8417969 C 12.601839 8.8417969 12.657932 8.8833565 12.728516 8.9453125 C 12.799096 9.0072625 12.886934 9.1366394 12.957031 9.3496094 C 13.097224 9.7755494 13.119141 10.456181 13.119141 10.962891 C 13.119141 12.098236 13.429988 12.983819 14.033203 13.535156 C 14.258794 13.741346 14.551897 13.859143 14.792969 14.003906 C 14.550602 14.149239 14.253998 14.271738 14.027344 14.478516 C 13.425522 15.027564 13.119141 15.910411 13.119141 17.042969 C 13.119141 17.53013 13.0841 18.219844 12.935547 18.65625 C 12.861267 18.874453 12.768756 19.010749 12.699219 19.072266 C 12.629679 19.133786 12.589662 19.166922 12.384766 19.164062 L 12.371094 19.164062 A 0.91937568 0.91937568 0 0 0 12.359375 21.001953 C 12.363875 21.002015 12.366674 20.998047 12.371094 20.998047 L 12.371094 21.001953 L 14.039062 21.001953 C 14.239688 21.001953 14.436146 21.025059 14.748047 20.943359 C 15.059946 20.861649 15.467345 20.528242 15.609375 20.201172 C 15.89241 19.549389 15.802786 19.074124 15.792969 18.056641 L 15.792969 18.048828 C 15.793313 16.538705 15.846509 15.826057 15.931641 15.619141 C 15.974341 15.515352 15.99936 15.478677 16.15625 15.351562 C 16.311819 15.225521 16.598481 15.042988 17.009766 14.792969 C 17.013266 14.790869 17.014078 14.791163 17.017578 14.789062 A 0.91937568 0.91937568 0 0 0 17.021484 14.787109 A 0.91937568 0.91937568 0 0 0 17.09375 14.736328 A 0.91937568 0.91937568 0 0 0 17.097656 14.734375 A 0.91937568 0.91937568 0 0 0 17.164062 14.677734 A 0.91937568 0.91937568 0 0 0 17.167969 14.675781 A 0.91937568 0.91937568 0 0 0 17.228516 14.613281 A 0.91937568 0.91937568 0 0 0 17.232422 14.609375 A 0.91937568 0.91937568 0 0 0 17.287109 14.541016 A 0.91937568 0.91937568 0 0 0 17.289062 14.537109 A 0.91937568 0.91937568 0 0 0 17.335938 14.462891 A 0.91937568 0.91937568 0 0 0 17.337891 14.458984 A 0.91937568 0.91937568 0 0 0 17.378906 14.380859 A 0.91937568 0.91937568 0 0 0 17.380859 14.376953 A 0.91937568 0.91937568 0 0 0 17.412109 14.296875 A 0.91937568 0.91937568 0 0 0 17.414062 14.292969 A 0.91937568 0.91937568 0 0 0 17.4375 14.207031 A 0.91937568 0.91937568 0 0 0 17.4375 14.203125 A 0.91937568 0.91937568 0 0 0 17.453125 14.117188 A 0.91937568 0.91937568 0 0 0 17.453125 14.113281 A 0.91937568 0.91937568 0 0 0 17.458984 14.025391 A 0.91937568 0.91937568 0 0 0 17.458984 14.021484 A 0.91937568 0.91937568 0 0 0 17.457031 13.933594 A 0.91937568 0.91937568 0 0 0 17.457031 13.929688 A 0.91937568 0.91937568 0 0 0 17.445312 13.841797 A 0.91937568 0.91937568 0 0 0 17.445312 13.837891 A 0.91937568 0.91937568 0 0 0 17.425781 13.753906 A 0.91937568 0.91937568 0 0 0 17.423828 13.748047 A 0.91937568 0.91937568 0 0 0 17.396484 13.666016 A 0.91937568 0.91937568 0 0 0 17.394531 13.662109 A 0.91937568 0.91937568 0 0 0 17.357422 13.582031 A 0.91937568 0.91937568 0 0 0 17.355469 13.578125 A 0.91937568 0.91937568 0 0 0 17.3125 13.501953 A 0.91937568 0.91937568 0 0 0 17.310547 13.5 A 0.91937568 0.91937568 0 0 0 17.257812 13.427734 A 0.91937568 0.91937568 0 0 0 17.255859 13.425781 A 0.91937568 0.91937568 0 0 0 17.197266 13.359375 A 0.91937568 0.91937568 0 0 0 17.193359 13.355469 A 0.91937568 0.91937568 0 0 0 17.128906 13.296875 A 0.91937568 0.91937568 0 0 0 17.126953 13.294922 A 0.91937568 0.91937568 0 0 0 17.056641 13.242188 A 0.91937568 0.91937568 0 0 0 17.052734 13.240234 A 0.91937568 0.91937568 0 0 0 17.017578 13.216797 C 16.299907 12.780701 16.09527 12.4943 15.955078 12.068359 C 15.815399 11.643979 15.793133 10.964308 15.792969 9.9570312 L 15.792969 9.9492188 C 15.802769 8.9041527 15.888519 8.4163349 15.589844 7.7636719 C 15.439979 7.4361849 15.01466 7.1120696 14.701172 7.0410156 C 14.54443 7.0054956 14.418354 6.9952106 14.308594 6.9941406 z "
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3.2088214 10.954543 3.186554 11.634213 3.046875 12.058594 C 2.906682 12.484537 2.7000919 12.77094 1.9824219 13.207031 A 0.91937568 0.91937568 0 0 0 1.8359375 13.318359 A 0.91937568 0.91937568 0 0 0 1.7714844 13.384766 A 0.91937568 0.91937568 0 0 0 1.7148438 13.455078 A 0.91937568 0.91937568 0 0 0 1.5898438 13.699219 A 0.91937568 0.91937568 0 0 0 1.5410156 13.970703 A 0.91937568 0.91937568 0 0 0 1.5546875 14.154297 A 0.91937568 0.91937568 0 0 0 1.6054688 14.330078 A 0.91937568 0.91937568 0 0 0 1.6425781 14.414062 A 0.91937568 0.91937568 0 0 0 1.6894531 14.494141 A 0.91937568 0.91937568 0 0 0 1.7421875 14.568359 A 0.91937568 0.91937568 0 0 0 1.8046875 14.636719 A 0.91937568 0.91937568 0 0 0 1.8710938 14.699219 A 0.91937568 0.91937568 0 0 0 1.9785156 14.777344 A 0.91937568 0.91937568 0 0 0 1.9824219 14.779297 C 1.9863219 14.781697 1.9863344 14.780803 1.9902344 14.783203 C 2.4015284 15.033229 2.6901311 15.215751 2.8457031 15.341797 C 3.0025961 15.468912 3.0256584 15.505585 3.0683594 15.609375 C 3.1537594 15.816955 3.2089844 16.52674 3.2089844 18.046875 C 3.1991844 19.064362 3.107588 19.539621 3.390625 20.191406 C 3.532655 20.518477 3.9420073 20.85189 4.2539062 20.933594 C 4.5658053 21.015294 4.7603155 20.992187 4.9609375 20.992188 L 6.6289062 20.992188 L 6.6289062 20.988281 C 6.6340062 20.988243 6.6375061 20.992287 6.6425781 20.992188 A 0.91937568 0.91937568 0 0 0 6.6289062 19.154297 L 6.6171875 19.154297 C 6.4122915 19.157197 6.3703183 19.12402 6.3007812 19.0625 C 6.2312413 19.00098 6.1387281 18.864687 6.0644531 18.646484 C 5.9159031 18.21008 5.8808594 17.520359 5.8808594 17.033203 C 5.8808594 15.900645 5.5744773 15.017798 4.9726562 14.46875 C 4.7458462 14.261827 4.4495824 14.139556 4.2070312 13.994141 C 4.4482872 13.849299 4.7410479 13.731725 4.9667969 13.525391 C 5.5700109 12.974053 5.8808594 12.08847 5.8808594 10.953125 C 5.8808594 10.446411 5.9027797 9.7657857 6.0429688 9.3398438 C 6.1130688 9.1268727 6.2009004 8.9974999 6.2714844 8.9355469 C 6.3420644 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14.537109 A 0.91937568 0.91937568 0 0 0 17.335938 14.462891 A 0.91937568 0.91937568 0 0 0 17.337891 14.458984 A 0.91937568 0.91937568 0 0 0 17.378906 14.380859 A 0.91937568 0.91937568 0 0 0 17.380859 14.376953 A 0.91937568 0.91937568 0 0 0 17.412109 14.296875 A 0.91937568 0.91937568 0 0 0 17.414062 14.292969 A 0.91937568 0.91937568 0 0 0 17.4375 14.207031 A 0.91937568 0.91937568 0 0 0 17.4375 14.203125 A 0.91937568 0.91937568 0 0 0 17.453125 14.117188 A 0.91937568 0.91937568 0 0 0 17.453125 14.113281 A 0.91937568 0.91937568 0 0 0 17.458984 14.025391 A 0.91937568 0.91937568 0 0 0 17.458984 14.021484 A 0.91937568 0.91937568 0 0 0 17.457031 13.933594 A 0.91937568 0.91937568 0 0 0 17.457031 13.929688 A 0.91937568 0.91937568 0 0 0 17.445312 13.841797 A 0.91937568 0.91937568 0 0 0 17.445312 13.837891 A 0.91937568 0.91937568 0 0 0 17.425781 13.753906 A 0.91937568 0.91937568 0 0 0 17.423828 13.748047 A 0.91937568 0.91937568 0 0 0 17.396484 13.666016 A 0.91937568 0.91937568 0 0 0 17.394531 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