path: root/dbaccess/source/ui/dlg/indexdialog.src
diff options
authorJens-Heiner Rechtien <>2003-03-19 16:57:12 +0000
committerJens-Heiner Rechtien <>2003-03-19 16:57:12 +0000
commit2facbebb88fe72614d566c3187c8f86c5c61f8bd (patch)
tree911e686d46d917817914961e4fb3e00a89371174 /dbaccess/source/ui/dlg/indexdialog.src
parent#i4082# impl debug feature for parse nodes (diff)
MWS_SRX644: migrate branch mws_srx644 -> HEAD
Diffstat (limited to 'dbaccess/source/ui/dlg/indexdialog.src')
1 files changed, 47 insertions, 21 deletions
diff --git a/dbaccess/source/ui/dlg/indexdialog.src b/dbaccess/source/ui/dlg/indexdialog.src
index a03155d00e94..02d6777ad286 100644
--- a/dbaccess/source/ui/dlg/indexdialog.src
+++ b/dbaccess/source/ui/dlg/indexdialog.src
@@ -2,9 +2,9 @@
* $RCSfile: indexdialog.src,v $
- * $Revision: 1.31 $
+ * $Revision: 1.32 $
- * last change: $Author: kz $ $Date: 2002-12-05 10:33:17 $
+ * last change: $Author: hr $ $Date: 2003-03-19 17:52:25 $
* The Contents of this file are made available subject to the terms of
* either of the following licenses
@@ -181,14 +181,14 @@ ModalDialog DLG_INDEXDESIGN
Text[ greek ] = " ";
Text[ dutch ] = "nieuwe index";
Text[ french ] = "Nouvel index";
- Text[ spanish ] = "nuevo ndice";
+ Text[ spanish ] = "ndice nuevo";
Text[ italian ] = "Nuovo indice";
Text[ danish ] = "Nyt indeks";
Text[ swedish ] = "Nytt index";
Text[ polish ] = "Nowy indeks";
Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "new index";
Text[ japanese ] = "新規作成インデックス";
- Text[ korean ] = "새로운 색인";
+ Text[ korean ] = "새 색인";
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "新建索引";
Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "開啟新索引";
Text[ turkish ] = "new index";
@@ -210,14 +210,14 @@ ModalDialog DLG_INDEXDESIGN
Text[ greek ] = " ";
Text[ dutch ] = "Huidig register wissen";
Text[ french ] = "Supprimer l'index actif";
- Text[ spanish ] = "Eliminar el ndice actual";
+ Text[ spanish ] = "Borrar el ndice actual";
Text[ italian ] = "Elimina l'indice attuale";
Text[ danish ] = "Slet aktuelt indeks";
Text[ swedish ] = "Radera aktuellt index";
Text[ polish ] = "Usu biecy indeks";
Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "drop current index";
Text[ japanese ] = "現在のインデックスの削除";
- Text[ korean ] = "현재의 색인 삭제";
+ Text[ korean ] = "현재 색인 삭제";
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "删除当前的索引";
Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "刪除目前的索引";
Text[ turkish ] = "drop current index";
@@ -246,7 +246,7 @@ ModalDialog DLG_INDEXDESIGN
Text[ polish ] = "Zmie nazw biecego indeksu";
Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "rename current index";
Text[ japanese ] = "現在のインデックスの名前を変更";
- Text[ korean ] = "현재의 색인 이름 바꾸기";
+ Text[ korean ] = "현재 색인 이름 바꾸기";
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "重命名当前的索引";
Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "重新命名目前的索引";
Text[ turkish ] = "rename current index";
@@ -275,7 +275,7 @@ ModalDialog DLG_INDEXDESIGN
Text[ polish ] = "Zapisz biecy indeks";
Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "save current index";
Text[ japanese ] = "現在のインデックスの保存";
- Text[ korean ] = "현재의 색인 저장";
+ Text[ korean ] = "현재 색인 저장";
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "存盘当前的索引";
Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "儲存目前的索引";
Text[ turkish ] = "save current index";
@@ -304,7 +304,7 @@ ModalDialog DLG_INDEXDESIGN
Text[ polish ] = "Zresetuj biecy indeks";
Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "reset current index";
Text[ japanese ] = "現在のインデックスを元に戻す";
- Text[ korean ] = "현재의 색인 리셋";
+ Text[ korean ] = "현재 색인을 원래대로";
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "重设当前的索引";
Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "重設目前的索引";
Text[ turkish ] = "reset current index";
@@ -333,7 +333,7 @@ ModalDialog DLG_INDEXDESIGN
Text [ english ] = "Index details";
Text [ english_us ] = "Index details";
Text[ portuguese ] = "ndice: detalhes";
- Text[ russian ] = " ";
+ Text[ russian ] = "";
Text[ greek ] = " ";
Text[ dutch ] = "Indexdetails";
Text[ french ] = "Index : dtails";
@@ -344,7 +344,7 @@ ModalDialog DLG_INDEXDESIGN
Text[ polish ] = "Szczegy indeksu";
Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Index details";
Text[ japanese ] = "インデックスの詳細";
- Text[ korean ] = "색인 세부사항";
+ Text[ korean ] = "색인 세부 정보";
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "索引细节";
Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "索引細節";
Text[ turkish ] = "Index details";
@@ -369,7 +369,7 @@ ModalDialog DLG_INDEXDESIGN
Text [ dutch ] = "Indexidentificator:";
Text [ portuguese ] = "Identificador de ndice:";
Text [ chinese_simplified ] = "索引标志:";
- Text [ russian ] = " :";
+ Text [ russian ] = ":";
Text [ polish ] = "Identyfikator indeksu:";
Text [ japanese ] = "インデックス ID:";
Text [ chinese_traditional ] = "索引標誌:";
@@ -397,7 +397,7 @@ ModalDialog DLG_INDEXDESIGN
Text [ english ] = "~Unique";
Text [ english_us ] = "~Unique";
Text[ portuguese ] = "~nico";
- Text[ russian ] = "";
+ Text[ russian ] = "";
Text[ greek ] = "";
Text[ dutch ] = "~Duidelijk";
Text[ french ] = "~Unique";
@@ -408,7 +408,7 @@ ModalDialog DLG_INDEXDESIGN
Text[ polish ] = "Unikatowy";
Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Unique";
Text[ japanese ] = "固有(~U)";
- Text[ korean ] = "단일(~U)";
+ Text[ korean ] = "고유(~U)";
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "明确的(~U)";
Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "明確的(~U)";
Text[ turkish ] = "Unique";
@@ -533,7 +533,7 @@ String STR_TAB_INDEX_SORTORDER
Text [ dutch ] = "Sorteervolgorde";
Text [ chinese_simplified ] = "排序规则";
Text [ greek ] = " ";
- Text [ korean ] = "정렬순서";
+ Text [ korean ] = "정렬 순서";
Text[ turkish ] = "Sort order";
Text[ catalan ] = "Ordenaci";
Text[ finnish ] = "Lajittelujrjestys";
@@ -632,14 +632,14 @@ String STR_CONFIRM_DROP_INDEX
Text[ greek ] = " '$name$';";
Text[ dutch ] = "Wilt u de index '$name$' werkelijk wissen?";
Text[ french ] = "Voulez-vous vraiment supprimer l'index '$name$' ?";
- Text[ spanish ] = "Desea eliminar realmente el ndice '$name$'?";
+ Text[ spanish ] = "Desea borrar realmente el ndice '$name$'?";
Text[ italian ] = "Volete davvero eliminare l'indice '$name$'?";
Text[ danish ] = "Er du sikker p, at du vil slette indekset '$name$'?";
Text[ swedish ] = "Vill du verkligen radera indexet '$name$'?";
Text[ polish ] = "Na pewno usun indeks '$name$'?";
Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Do you really want to drop the index '$name$'?";
Text[ japanese ] = "インデックス '$name$' を削除しますか。";
- Text[ korean ] = "색인 '$name$'(을)를 정말 삭제하겠습니까?";
+ Text[ korean ] = "색인 '$name$'(을)를 정말로 삭제하시겠습니까?";
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "真要删除索引'$name$'?";
Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "真要刪除索引<$name$>?";
Text[ turkish ] = "Do you really want to drop the index '$name$'?";
@@ -710,7 +710,7 @@ ErrorBox ERR_NEED_INDEX_FIELDS
Message[ polish ] = "Indeks musi zawiera co najmniej jedno pole.";
Message[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Der Index mu? mindestens ein Feld enthalten.";
Message[ japanese ] = "インデックスにはフィールドが最低1つは必要です。";
- Message[ korean ] = "색인에 최소 하나의 필드를 포함해야 합니다.";
+ Message[ korean ] = "색인에 최소한 하나의 필드를 포함해야 합니다.";
Message[ chinese_simplified ] = "索引必须至少含有一个字段。";
Message[ chinese_traditional ] = "索引必須至少含有一個欄位。";
Message[ turkish ] = "Der Index mu mindestens ein Feld enthalten.";
@@ -764,7 +764,7 @@ QueryBox QUERY_SAVE_CURRENT_INDEX
Message[ polish ] = "Zapisa modyfikacje biecego indeksu?";
Message[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Do you want to save the changes made on the current index?";
Message[ japanese ] = "現在のインデックスで行った変更を保存しますか。";
- Message[ korean ] = "현재 색인의 변경된 사항을 저장하겠습니까?";
+ Message[ korean ] = "현재 색인의 변경된 내용을 저장하시겠습니까?";
Message[ chinese_simplified ] = "要存盘当前索引的修改内容?";
Message[ chinese_traditional ] = "要儲存目前索引的變更內容?";
Message[ turkish ] = "Do you want to save the changes made on the current index?";
@@ -811,7 +811,7 @@ String STR_INDEX_NAME_ALREADY_USED
Text[ polish ] = "Istnieje ju inny indeks o nazwie \"$name$\".";
Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "There's already another index named \"$name$\".";
Text[ japanese ] = "\"$name$\" のインデックス名はすでにあります。";
- Text[ korean ] = "이미 \"$name$\"라는 다른 색인 이름이 존재합니다";
+ Text[ korean ] = "\"$name$\"의 색인 이름이 이미 있습니다.";
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "There's already another index named \"$name$\".";
Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "已經存在一個索引<$name$>。";
Text[ turkish ] = "There's already another index named \"$name$\".";
Text[ polish ] = "Uye dwa razy kolumny \"$name$\" - uwzgldnij, e pojedyncze kolumny tabeli wystpowa mog w definicji indeksu tylko raz!";
Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "In a index definition, every table column may occur at most once, but you entered column \"$name$\" twice.";
Text[ japanese ] = "インデックスの定義では、テーブルの列の見出しは各一回ずつしか使えません。列の見出し \"$name$\" は、二回目の入力です。";
- Text[ korean ] = "색인 정의에 따라 각 시트의 열을 한 번만 입력할 수 있는데 사용자가 열 \"$name$\"(을)를 두 번 입력하였습니다.";
+ Text[ korean ] = "색인 정의에 따라 각 테이블의 열을 한 번만 지정할 수 있습니다. 열 \"$name$\"은(는) 두 번 지정되었습니다.";
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "在一个索引定义之中仅允许一次使用一个列名称。但是您第二次使用列名称 \"$name$\" 。";
Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "在一個索引定義之中僅允許最多一次使用一個欄名稱。但現在是第二次使用欄名稱<$name$>。";
Text[ turkish ] = "In a index definition, every table column may occur at most once, but you entered column \"$name$\" twice.";
@@ -852,6 +852,26 @@ String STR_INDEXDESIGN_DOUBLE_COLUMN_NAME
* history:
* $Log: not supported by cvs2svn $
+ * Revision 2003/02/23 12:01:01 nf
+ * trasnlation 6.1 Beta / OOo 1.1 Beta / final wave
+ *
+ * Revision 2003/02/23 11:00:53 nf
+ * 6.1 Beta 1/OOo 1.1 Beta translation, second wave
+ *
+ * Revision 2003/02/22 15:48:39 hr
+ * INTEGRATION: CWS mergep (1.31.20); FILE MERGED
+ * 2003/02/22 10:44:30 nf #107113# localization of StarOffice 6.1 Beta/ 1.1 Beta. Represents content of translation database of 02/21/2003. Translation up to date for SUN big rules languages
+ * 2003/01/31 12:51:14 hjs #107113# merge on SRX644p
+ *
+ * Revision 2003/02/22 10:44:30 nf
+ * #107113# localization of StarOffice 6.1 Beta/ 1.1 Beta. Represents content of translation database of 02/21/2003. Translation up to date for SUN big rules languages
+ *
+ * Revision 2003/01/31 12:51:14 hjs
+ * #107113# merge on SRX644p
+ *
+ * Revision 1.31 2002/12/05 10:33:17 kz
+ * Merge SRX644: 12/05/02 - 11:29:20
+ *
* Revision 1.30 2002/11/25 15:14:27 kz
* Merge SRX644: 25.11.02 - 16:10:35