path: root/dbaccess/source/ui/dlg/dlgsave.src
diff options
authorKurt Zenker <>2002-09-05 12:46:01 +0000
committerKurt Zenker <>2002-09-05 12:46:01 +0000
commit6746f51645857636180ad29894bfdecb9e68d097 (patch)
tree1369c1faaa37cfc7675d28858d61d3597af0269d /dbaccess/source/ui/dlg/dlgsave.src
parentMerge SRX643: 05.09.02 - 15:42:09 (diff)
Merge SRX643: 05.09.02 - 15:42:41
Diffstat (limited to 'dbaccess/source/ui/dlg/dlgsave.src')
1 files changed, 97 insertions, 85 deletions
diff --git a/dbaccess/source/ui/dlg/dlgsave.src b/dbaccess/source/ui/dlg/dlgsave.src
index 5083a411b047..e2fd3ee44897 100644
--- a/dbaccess/source/ui/dlg/dlgsave.src
+++ b/dbaccess/source/ui/dlg/dlgsave.src
@@ -2,9 +2,9 @@
* $RCSfile: dlgsave.src,v $
- * $Revision: 1.26 $
+ * $Revision: 1.27 $
- * last change: $Author: oj $ $Date: 2002-08-19 07:47:21 $
+ * last change: $Author: kz $ $Date: 2002-09-05 13:46:01 $
* The Contents of this file are made available subject to the terms of
* either of the following licenses
@@ -95,18 +95,19 @@ ModalDialog DLG_SAVE_AS
Text[ french ] = "Saisissez un nom pour l'objet crer :";
Text[ spanish ] = "Indique un nombre para el objeto a crear:";
Text[ italian ] = "Indicate il nome dell'oggetto da creare:";
- Text[ danish ] = "Please enter the name of the object to be created:";
+ Text[ danish ] = "Angiv et navn p det objekt, der skal oprettes:";
Text[ swedish ] = "Ange ett namn fr objektet som ska skapas:";
Text[ polish ] = "Podaj nazw obiektu, ktry zostanie utworzony:";
Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Please enter the name of the object to be created:";
- Text[ japanese ] = "i[޼ުĂ̖O͂Ă:";
- Text[ korean ] = "ؾ ϴ ü ̸ ԷϽʽÿ:";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "һҪ½ƣ";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "бzJ@ӭnsت󪺦W١G";
+ Text[ japanese ] = "格納するオブジェクトの名前を入力してください:";
+ Text[ korean ] = "생성하려는 개체의 이름을 입력하십시오:";
+ Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "请您输入一个要新建对象的名称:";
+ Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "請您輸入一個要新建物件的名稱:";
Text[ turkish ] = "Please enter the name of the object to be created:";
Text[ arabic ] = " :";
- Text[ catalan ] = "Please enter the name of the object to be created:";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Bitte geben Sie einen Namen fr das anzulegende Object an:";
+ Text[ catalan ] = "Introduu un nom per a l'objecte que s'ha de crear:";
+ Text[ finnish ] = "Kirjoita luotavan objektin nimi:";
+ Text[ thai ] = "กรุณาใส่ชื่อให้กับวัตถุที่สร้างขึ้น:";
@@ -123,18 +124,19 @@ ModalDialog DLG_SAVE_AS
Text[ french ] = "~Catalogue";
Text[ spanish ] = "~Catlogo";
Text[ italian ] = "~Catalogo";
- Text[ danish ] = "~Catalog";
+ Text[ danish ] = "~Bibliotek";
Text[ swedish ] = "~Katalog";
Text[ polish ] = "Katalog";
Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "~Catalog";
- Text[ japanese ] = "۸(~C)";
- Text[ korean ] = "īŸα(~C)";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "(~C)";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "(~C)";
+ Text[ japanese ] = "カタログ(~C)";
+ Text[ korean ] = "카탈로그(~C)";
+ Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "分类(~C)";
+ Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "分類(~C)";
Text[ turkish ] = "~Catalog";
Text[ arabic ] = "";
- Text[ catalan ] = "~Catlogo";
- Text[ finnish ] = "~Catalog";
+ Text[ catalan ] = "~Catleg";
+ Text[ finnish ] = "~Luettelo";
+ Text[ thai ] = "ส่วนแสดง~รายการ";
@@ -160,18 +162,19 @@ ModalDialog DLG_SAVE_AS
Text[ french ] = "~Schma";
Text[ spanish ] = "~Esquema";
Text[ italian ] = "~Schema";
- Text[ danish ] = "~Schema";
+ Text[ danish ] = "~Skema";
Text[ swedish ] = "~Schema";
Text[ polish ] = "~Schemat";
Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "~Schema";
- Text[ japanese ] = "ЂȌ^(~S)";
- Text[ korean ] = "(~S)";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ͼ(~S)";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "(~S)";
+ Text[ japanese ] = "ひな型(~S)";
+ Text[ korean ] = "구성표(~S)";
+ Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "略图(~S)";
+ Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "略圖(~S)";
Text[ turkish ] = "~Schema";
Text[ arabic ] = "";
Text[ catalan ] = "~Esquema";
- Text[ finnish ] = "~Schema";
+ Text[ finnish ] = "~Rakenne";
+ Text[ thai ] = "แ~บบแผน";
@@ -225,22 +228,23 @@ ModalDialog DLG_SAVE_AS
Text [ portuguese ] = "~Nome da tabela" ;
Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Name der Tabelle" ;
Text [ swedish ] = "~Namn p tabell" ;
- Text [ danish ] = "Tabellens navn" ;
+ Text [ danish ] = "~Navn p tabel" ;
Text [ italian ] = "~Nome della tabella" ;
Text [ spanish ] = "~Nombre de la tabla" ;
Text [ french ] = "~Nom de la table" ;
Text [ dutch ] = "~Naam van de tabel" ;
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "(~T)";
+ Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "表格名称(~T)";
Text[ russian ] = " ";
Text[ polish ] = "Nazwa tabeli";
- Text[ japanese ] = "ðٖ(~T)";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "W(~T)";
+ Text[ japanese ] = "テーブル名(~T)";
+ Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "表格名稱(~T)";
Text[ arabic ] = " ";
Text[ greek ] = "~ ";
- Text[ korean ] = "̺ ̸(~T)";
+ Text[ korean ] = "시트 이름(~T)";
Text[ turkish ] = "Tablo ad";
- Text[ catalan ] = "~Nombre de la tabla";
- Text[ finnish ] = "~Name der Tabelle";
+ Text[ catalan ] = "Nom de la ~taula";
+ Text[ finnish ] = "~Taulukon nimi";
+ Text[ thai ] = "ชื่อ~ตาราง";
@@ -249,23 +253,24 @@ ModalDialog DLG_SAVE_AS
Text [ english_us ] = "~Name of table view" ;
Text [ portuguese ] = "Nome da ~vista de tabela" ;
Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Name der Tabellensicht" ;
- Text [ swedish ] = "~Namn p tabellvisning" ;
- Text [ danish ] = "Tabelvisningens navn" ;
+ Text [ swedish ] = "~Namn p tabellvy" ;
+ Text [ danish ] = "~Navn p tabelvisning" ;
Text [ italian ] = "Nome della ~vista tabella" ;
Text [ spanish ] = "Nombre del ~modo tabla" ;
Text [ french ] = "~Nom de la vue" ;
Text [ dutch ] = "~Naam van de tabelmodus" ;
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ͼ(~N)";
+ Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "表格视图名称(~N)";
Text[ russian ] = " ";
Text[ polish ] = "Nazwa widoku tabeli";
- Text[ japanese ] = "ðޭ̖O(~N)";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "˵W(~N)";
+ Text[ japanese ] = "テーブルビューの名前(~N)";
+ Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "表格檢視名稱(~N)";
Text[ arabic ] = " ";
Text[ greek ] = "~ ";
- Text[ korean ] = "̺ ̸(~N)";
+ Text[ korean ] = "시트 보기 이름(~N)";
Text[ turkish ] = "Tablo grnm ad";
- Text[ catalan ] = "Nombre del ~modo tabla";
- Text[ finnish ] = "~Name der Tabellensicht";
+ Text[ catalan ] = "~Nom de la vista de la taula";
+ Text[ finnish ] = "~Taulukkonkymn nimi";
+ Text[ thai ] = "~ชื่อมุมมองตาราง";
@@ -275,22 +280,23 @@ ModalDialog DLG_SAVE_AS
Text [ portuguese ] = "Nome da ~consulta" ;
Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Name der Abfrage" ;
Text [ swedish ] = "~Namn p skning" ;
- Text [ danish ] = "Foresprgslens navn" ;
+ Text [ danish ] = "~Navn p foresprgsel" ;
Text [ italian ] = "Nome della ~ricerca" ;
Text [ spanish ] = "Nombre de la ~consulta" ;
Text [ french ] = "~Nom de la requte" ;
Text [ dutch ] = "~Naam van de query" ;
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ѯ(~Q)";
+ Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "查询名称(~Q)";
Text[ russian ] = " ";
Text[ polish ] = "Nazwa kwerendy";
- Text[ japanese ] = "ذ(~Q)";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "dߦW(~Q)";
+ Text[ japanese ] = "クエリー名(~Q)";
+ Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "查詢名稱(~Q)";
Text[ arabic ] = " ";
Text[ greek ] = "~ ";
- Text[ korean ] = " ̸(~Q)";
+ Text[ korean ] = "질의 이름(~Q)";
Text[ turkish ] = "Sorgu ad";
- Text[ catalan ] = "Nombre de la ~consulta";
- Text[ finnish ] = "~Name der Abfrage";
+ Text[ catalan ] = "Nom de la ~consulta";
+ Text[ finnish ] = "~Kyselyn nimi";
+ Text[ thai ] = "~ชื่อแบบสอบถาม";
@@ -300,22 +306,23 @@ ModalDialog DLG_SAVE_AS
Text [ portuguese ] = "Nome do ~formulrio" ;
Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Name des Formulars" ;
Text [ swedish ] = "~Namn p formulr" ;
- Text [ danish ] = "Formularens navn" ;
+ Text [ danish ] = "~Navn p formular" ;
Text [ italian ] = "Nome del ~formulario" ;
Text [ spanish ] = "Nombre del form~ulario" ;
Text [ french ] = "~Nom du formulaire" ;
Text [ dutch ] = "~Naam van het formulier" ;
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "(~O)";
+ Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "表单名称(~O)";
Text[ russian ] = " ";
Text[ polish ] = "Nazwa formularza";
- Text[ japanese ] = "̫і(~O)";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "W(~O)";
+ Text[ japanese ] = "フォーム名(~O)";
+ Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "表單名稱(~O)";
Text[ arabic ] = " ";
Text[ greek ] = "~ ";
- Text[ korean ] = " ̸(~O)";
+ Text[ korean ] = "양식 이름(~O)";
Text[ turkish ] = "Form ad";
- Text[ catalan ] = "Nombre del form~ulario";
- Text[ finnish ] = "~Name des Formulars";
+ Text[ catalan ] = "Nom del f~ormulari";
+ Text[ finnish ] = "~Lomakkeen nimi";
+ Text[ thai ] = "ชื่อแ~บบฟอร์ม";
@@ -325,22 +332,23 @@ ModalDialog DLG_SAVE_AS
Text [ portuguese ] = "Nome do ~relatrio" ;
Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Name des Berichts" ;
Text [ swedish ] = "~Namn p rapport" ;
- Text [ danish ] = "Rapportens navn" ;
+ Text [ danish ] = "~Navn p rapport" ;
Text [ italian ] = "Nome del ra~pporto" ;
Text [ spanish ] = "Nombre del inform~e" ;
Text [ french ] = "~Nom de l'tat" ;
Text [ dutch ] = "~Naam van het bericht" ;
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "(~R)";
+ Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "报表名称(~R)";
Text[ russian ] = " ";
Text[ polish ] = "Nazwa raportu";
- Text[ japanese ] = "߰Ė(~R)";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "W(~R)";
+ Text[ japanese ] = "レポート名(~R)";
+ Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "報表名稱(~R)";
Text[ arabic ] = " ";
Text[ greek ] = "o~ ";
- Text[ korean ] = " ̸(~R)";
+ Text[ korean ] = "보고서 이름(~R)";
Text[ turkish ] = "Rapor ad";
- Text[ catalan ] = "Nombre del inform~e";
- Text[ finnish ] = "~Name des Berichts";
+ Text[ catalan ] = "Nom de l'~informe";
+ Text[ finnish ] = "~Raportin nimi";
+ Text[ thai ] = "ชื่อ~รายงาน";
@@ -355,18 +363,19 @@ ModalDialog DLG_SAVE_AS
Text[ french ] = "Le nom '$Name: not supported by cvs2svn $' existe dj.\nIndiquez-en un autre !";
Text[ spanish ] = "Ya existe el nombre '$Name: not supported by cvs2svn $'.\nIntroduzca otro.";
Text[ italian ] = "Il nome '$Name: not supported by cvs2svn $' esiste gi.\nSceglietene un altro.";
- Text[ danish ] = "The name '$Name: not supported by cvs2svn $' already exists.\nPlease enter a new name.";
+ Text[ danish ] = "Navnet '$Name: not supported by cvs2svn $' findes allerede.\nAngiv et andet navn.";
Text[ swedish ] = "Namnet '$Name: not supported by cvs2svn $' finns redan.\nAnge ett annat namn.";
Text[ polish ] = "Nazwa '$Name: not supported by cvs2svn $' ju istnieje.\nWpisz inn nazw.";
Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "The name '$Name: not supported by cvs2svn $' already exists.\nPlease enter a new name.";
- Text[ japanese ] = "'$Name: not supported by cvs2svn $' ̖O͂łɂ܂B\nVO͂ĂB";
- Text[ korean ] = "'$Name: not supported by cvs2svn $'̸ ̹ մϴ.\nٸ ̸ ԷϽʽÿ.";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = " '$Name: not supported by cvs2svn $' Ѿڡ\nһЧơ";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "oӦW'$Name: not supported by cvs2svn $' wgsbCбzJ@ӦĦW١C";
+ Text[ japanese ] = "'$Name: not supported by cvs2svn $' の名前はすでにあります。\n新しい名前を入力してください。";
+ Text[ korean ] = "'$Name: not supported by cvs2svn $'이름은 이미 존재합니다.\n다른 이름을 입력하십시오.";
+ Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "这个名称 '$Name: not supported by cvs2svn $' 已经存在。\n请输入一个有效的名称。";
+ Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "這個名稱<$Name: not supported by cvs2svn $>已經存在。請您輸入一個有效名稱。";
Text[ turkish ] = "The name '$Name: not supported by cvs2svn $' already exists.\nPlease enter a new name.";
Text[ arabic ] = "'$Name: not supported by cvs2svn $' .\n .";
- Text[ catalan ] = "Ya existe el nombre '$Name: not supported by cvs2svn $'.\nIntroduzca otro.";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Der Name '$Name: not supported by cvs2svn $' existiert bereits.\nBitte geben Sie einen neuen Namen an.";
+ Text[ catalan ] = "El nom '$Name: not supported by cvs2svn $' ja existeix.\nIntroduu-ne un altre.";
+ Text[ finnish ] = "Nimi '$Name: not supported by cvs2svn $' on jo kytss.\nSyt toinen nimi.";
+ Text[ thai ] = "มีชื่อ '$Name: not supported by cvs2svn $' อยู่แล้ว\nกรุณาใส่ชื่ออื่น";
@@ -381,18 +390,19 @@ ModalDialog DLG_SAVE_AS
Text[ french ] = "Le nom '$Name: not supported by cvs2svn $' existe dj.\nVoulez-vous l'craser ?";
Text[ spanish ] = "El nombre '$Name: not supported by cvs2svn $' existe ya.\nDesea sobrescribirlo?";
Text[ italian ] = "Il nome '$Name: not supported by cvs2svn $' esiste gi.\nVolete soprascriverlo?";
- Text[ danish ] = "The name '$Name: not supported by cvs2svn $' already exists.\nDo you want to overwrite it?";
+ Text[ danish ] = "Navnet '$Name: not supported by cvs2svn $' findes allerede.\nVil du overskrive det?";
Text[ swedish ] = "Namnet '$Name: not supported by cvs2svn $' finns redan.\nVill du skriva ver det?";
Text[ polish ] = "Nazwa '$Name: not supported by cvs2svn $' ju istnieje.\nSkasowa j przez zapisanie?";
Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "The name '$Name: not supported by cvs2svn $' already exists.\nDo you want to overwrite it?";
- Text[ japanese ] = "'$Name: not supported by cvs2svn $' ̖O͂łɂ܂B\n㏑܂B";
- Text[ korean ] = "̸ '$Name: not supported by cvs2svn $'() ̹ մϴ.\nðڽϱ?";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = " '$Name: not supported by cvs2svn $' Ѿڡ\nҪд";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "oӦW '$Name: not supported by cvs2svn $' wgsbC\nnмgH";
+ Text[ japanese ] = "'$Name: not supported by cvs2svn $' の名前はすでにあります。\n上書きしますか。";
+ Text[ korean ] = "이름 '$Name: not supported by cvs2svn $'이(가) 이미 존재합니다.\n덮어쓰겠습니까?";
+ Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "这个名称 '$Name: not supported by cvs2svn $' 已经存在。\n要改写?";
+ Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "這個名稱<$Name: not supported by cvs2svn $>已經存在。\n要覆寫?";
Text[ turkish ] = "The name '$Name: not supported by cvs2svn $' already exists.\nDo you want to overwrite it?";
Text[ arabic ] = " '$Name: not supported by cvs2svn $' .\n ";
- Text[ catalan ] = "El nombre '$Name: not supported by cvs2svn $' existe ya.\nDesea sobrescribirlo?";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Der Name '$Name: not supported by cvs2svn $' existiert bereits.\nWollen Sie es berschreiben?";
+ Text[ catalan ] = "El nom '$Name: not supported by cvs2svn $' ja existeix.\nVoleu sobreescriure'l?";
+ Text[ finnish ] = "Nimi '$Name: not supported by cvs2svn $' on jo kytss.\nHaluatko korvata sen?";
+ Text[ thai ] = "The name '$Name: not supported by cvs2svn $' already exists.\nDo you want to overwrite it?";
@@ -406,38 +416,40 @@ ModalDialog DLG_SAVE_AS
Text[ french ] = "Insrer comme";
Text[ spanish ] = "Pegar como";
Text[ italian ] = "Incolla come";
- Text[ danish ] = "Paste as";
+ Text[ danish ] = "Indst som";
Text[ swedish ] = "Klistra in som";
Text[ polish ] = "Wstaw jako";
Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Paste as";
- Text[ japanese ] = "\\t";
- Text[ korean ] = " ";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "뷽ʽΪ";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "J覡";
+ Text[ japanese ] = "名前を付けて挿入";
+ Text[ korean ] = "삽입 형식";
+ Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "插入方式为";
+ Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "插入方式為";
Text[ turkish ] = "Paste as";
Text[ arabic ] = " ";
- Text[ catalan ] = "Paste as";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Einfgen als";
+ Text[ catalan ] = "Insereix com a";
+ Text[ finnish ] = "Lis nimell";
+ Text[ thai ] = "แทรกเป็น";
Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Speichern unter" ;
Text [ swedish ] = "Spara som" ;
- Text [ danish ] = "Gem som" ;
+ Text [ danish ] = "Gem under" ;
Text [ italian ] = "Salva con nome" ;
Text [ spanish ] = "Guardar como" ;
Text [ french ] = "Enregistrer sous" ;
Text [ dutch ] = "Opslaan als" ;
Text [ portuguese ] = "Guardar como" ;
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Ϊ";
+ Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "另存为";
Text[ russian ] = " ";
Text[ polish ] = "Zapisz jako";
- Text[ japanese ] = "Otĕۑ";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "tss";
+ Text[ japanese ] = "名前を付けて保存";
+ Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "另存新檔";
Text[ arabic ] = " ";
Text[ greek ] = " ";
- Text[ korean ] = "ٸ ̸ ";
+ Text[ korean ] = "다른 이름으로 저장";
Text[ turkish ] = "Farkl kaydet";
- Text[ catalan ] = "Guardar como";
+ Text[ catalan ] = "Anomena i desa";
Text[ finnish ] = "Tallenna nimell";
+ Text[ thai ] = "บันทึกเป็น";