path: root/autodoc/source/parser/cpp/cx_c_std.cxx
diff options
authorNikolai Pretzell <>2002-03-08 13:45:36 +0000
committerNikolai Pretzell <>2002-03-08 13:45:36 +0000
commitd566f38f8a38739595fd8edb89eaa48c1c4b8f9b (patch)
treecbf47b13e83d60334fcd68872bd4c26791a39a0e /autodoc/source/parser/cpp/cx_c_std.cxx
parentMoving Autodoc to, module udm: UnifiedDataModel (diff)
Moving Autodoc to, module autodoc: sourcecode repository and documentation generator
Diffstat (limited to 'autodoc/source/parser/cpp/cx_c_std.cxx')
1 files changed, 564 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/autodoc/source/parser/cpp/cx_c_std.cxx b/autodoc/source/parser/cpp/cx_c_std.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..586021b0b27a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autodoc/source/parser/cpp/cx_c_std.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,564 @@
+ *
+ * $RCSfile: cx_c_std.cxx,v $
+ *
+ * $Revision: $
+ *
+ * last change: $Author: np $ $Date: 2002-03-08 14:45:29 $
+ *
+ * The Contents of this file are made available subject to the terms of
+ * either of the following licenses
+ *
+ * - GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1
+ * - Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1
+ *
+ * Sun Microsystems Inc., October, 2000
+ *
+ * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1
+ * =============================================
+ * Copyright 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+ * 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA
+ *
+ * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
+ * MA 02111-1307 USA
+ *
+ *
+ * Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1
+ * =================================================
+ * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Industry Standards
+ * Source License Version 1.1 (the "License"); You may not use this file
+ * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the
+ * License at
+ *
+ * Software provided under this License is provided on an "AS IS" basis,
+ * See the License for the specific provisions governing your rights and
+ * obligations concerning the Software.
+ *
+ * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is: Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+ *
+ * Copyright: 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+ *
+ * All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * Contributor(s): _______________________________________
+ *
+ *
+ ************************************************************************/
+#include <precomp.h>
+#include "cx_c_std.hxx"
+#include "all_toks.hxx"
+#include "cx_c_pp.hxx"
+#include "cx_c_sub.hxx"
+#include <tools/tkpchars.hxx>
+#include <tokens/tkpstama.hxx>
+#include <x_parse.hxx>
+#include "c_dealer.hxx"
+namespace cpp {
+const intt C_nCppInitialNrOfStati = 600;
+const intt C_nStatusSize = 128;
+const uintt nF_fin_Error = 1;
+const uintt nF_fin_CreateWithoutText = 2;
+const uintt nF_fin_CreateWithText = 3;
+const uintt nF_fin_Ignore = 4;
+const uintt nF_fin_EOL = 5;
+const uintt nF_fin_EOF = 6;
+const uintt nF_fin_Bezeichner = 7;
+const uintt nF_goto_Preprocessor = 10;
+const uintt nF_goto_Comment = 11;
+const uintt nF_goto_Docu = 12;
+const uintt nF_goto_Const = 13;
+const uintt nF_goto_UnblockMacro = 14;
+// Token create functions for the state machine:
+DYN TextToken * TCF_Identifier(const char * text) { return new Tok_Identifier(text); }
+DYN TextToken * TCF_operator(const char *) { return new Tok_operator; }
+DYN TextToken * TCF_class(const char *) { return new Tok_class; }
+DYN TextToken * TCF_struct(const char *) { return new Tok_struct; }
+DYN TextToken * TCF_union(const char *) { return new Tok_union; }
+DYN TextToken * TCF_enum(const char *) { return new Tok_enum; }
+DYN TextToken * TCF_typedef(const char *) { return new Tok_typedef; }
+DYN TextToken * TCF_public(const char *) { return new Tok_public; }
+DYN TextToken * TCF_protected(const char *) { return new Tok_protected; }
+DYN TextToken * TCF_private(const char *) { return new Tok_private; }
+DYN TextToken * TCF_template(const char *) { return new Tok_template; }
+DYN TextToken * TCF_virtual(const char *) { return new Tok_virtual; }
+DYN TextToken * TCF_friend(const char *) { return new Tok_friend; }
+DYN TextToken * TCF_Tilde(const char *) { return new Tok_Tilde; }
+DYN TextToken * TCF_const(const char *) { return new Tok_const; }
+DYN TextToken * TCF_volatile(const char *) { return new Tok_volatile; }
+DYN TextToken * TCF_extern(const char *) { return new Tok_extern; }
+DYN TextToken * TCF_static(const char *) { return new Tok_static; }
+DYN TextToken * TCF_mutable(const char *) { return new Tok_mutable; }
+DYN TextToken * TCF_register(const char *) { return new Tok_register; }
+DYN TextToken * TCF_inline(const char *) { return new Tok_inline; }
+DYN TextToken * TCF_explicit(const char *) { return new Tok_explicit; }
+DYN TextToken * TCF_namespace(const char *) { return new Tok_namespace; }
+DYN TextToken * TCF_using(const char *) { return new Tok_using; }
+DYN TextToken * TCF_throw(const char *) { return new Tok_throw; }
+DYN TextToken * TCF_SwBracketOpen(const char *) { return new Tok_SwBracket_Left; }
+DYN TextToken * TCF_SwBracketClose(const char *) { return new Tok_SwBracket_Right; }
+DYN TextToken * TCF_ArBracketOpen(const char *) { return new Tok_ArrayBracket_Left; }
+DYN TextToken * TCF_ArBracketClose(const char *) { return new Tok_ArrayBracket_Right; }
+DYN TextToken * TCF_BracketOpen(const char *) { return new Tok_Bracket_Left; }
+DYN TextToken * TCF_BracketClose(const char *) { return new Tok_Bracket_Right; }
+DYN TextToken * TCF_DblColon(const char *) { return new Tok_DoubleColon; }
+DYN TextToken * TCF_Semikolon(const char *) { return new Tok_Semicolon; }
+DYN TextToken * TCF_Komma(const char *) { return new Tok_Comma; }
+DYN TextToken * TCF_Colon(const char *) { return new Tok_Colon; }
+DYN TextToken * TCF_Zuweisung(const char *) { return new Tok_Assign; }
+DYN TextToken * TCF_Smaller(const char *) { return new Tok_Less; }
+DYN TextToken * TCF_Bigger(const char *) { return new Tok_Greater; }
+DYN TextToken * TCF_Stern(const char *) { return new Tok_Asterix; }
+DYN TextToken * TCF_Ampersand(const char *) { return new Tok_AmpersAnd; }
+DYN TextToken * TCF_Ellipse(const char *) { return new Tok_Ellipse; }
+ // Operators
+DYN TextToken * TCF_Operator(const char * text) { return new Tok_Operator(text); }
+DYN TextToken * TCF_BuiltInType(const char * text) { return new Tok_BuiltInType(text); }
+DYN TextToken * TCF_TypeModifier(const char * text) { return new Tok_TypeSpecializer(text); }
+DYN TextToken * TCF_Eof(const char *) { return new Tok_Eof; }
+Context_CppStd::Context_CppStd( DYN autodoc::TkpDocuContext & let_drContext_Docu )
+ : Cx_Base(0),
+ aStateMachine(C_nStatusSize,C_nCppInitialNrOfStati),
+ pDocuContext(&let_drContext_Docu),
+ pContext_Comment(0),
+ pContext_Preprocessor(0),
+ pContext_ConstString(0),
+ pContext_ConstChar(0),
+ pContext_ConstNumeric(0),
+ pContext_UnblockMacro(0)
+ pDocuContext->SetParentContext(*this,"*/");
+ pContext_Comment = new Context_Comment(*this);
+ pContext_Preprocessor = new Context_Preprocessor(*this);
+ pContext_ConstString = new Context_ConstString(*this);
+ pContext_ConstChar = new Context_ConstChar(*this);
+ pContext_ConstNumeric = new Context_ConstNumeric(*this);
+ pContext_UnblockMacro = new Context_UnblockMacro(*this);
+ SetupStateMachine();
+Context_CppStd::ReadCharChain( CharacterSource & io_rText )
+ SetNewToken(0);
+ TextToken::F_CRTOK fTokenCreateFunction = 0;
+ StmBoundsStatus & rBound = aStateMachine.GetCharChain(fTokenCreateFunction, io_rText);
+ // !!!
+ // The order of the next two lines is essential, because
+ // pFollowUpContext may be changed by PerformStatusFunction() also,
+ // which then MUST override the previous assignment.
+ SetFollowUpContext(rBound.FollowUpContext());
+ PerformStatusFunction(rBound.StatusFunctionNr(), fTokenCreateFunction, io_rText);
+Context_CppStd::AssignDealer( Distributor & o_rDealer )
+ Cx_Base::AssignDealer(o_rDealer);
+ pDocuContext->AssignDealer(o_rDealer);
+ pContext_Comment->AssignDealer(o_rDealer);
+ pContext_Preprocessor->AssignDealer(o_rDealer);
+ pContext_ConstString->AssignDealer(o_rDealer);
+ pContext_ConstChar->AssignDealer(o_rDealer);
+ pContext_ConstNumeric->AssignDealer(o_rDealer);
+ pContext_UnblockMacro->AssignDealer(o_rDealer);
+Context_CppStd::PerformStatusFunction( uintt i_nStatusSignal,
+ F_CRTOK i_fTokenCreateFunction,
+ CharacterSource & io_rText )
+ switch (i_nStatusSignal)
+ {
+ case nF_fin_CreateWithoutText:
+ io_rText.CutToken();
+ csv_assert(i_fTokenCreateFunction != 0);
+ SetNewToken( (*i_fTokenCreateFunction)(0) );
+ break;
+ case nF_fin_CreateWithText:
+ csv_assert(i_fTokenCreateFunction != 0);
+ SetNewToken( (*i_fTokenCreateFunction)(io_rText.CutToken()) );
+ break;
+ case nF_fin_Ignore:
+ io_rText.CutToken();
+ SetNewToken(0);
+ break;
+ case nF_fin_EOL:
+ io_rText.CutToken();
+ SetNewToken(0);
+ Dealer().Deal_Eol();
+ break;
+ case nF_fin_EOF:
+ io_rText.CutToken();
+ SetNewToken( TCF_Eof(0) );
+ break;
+ case nF_fin_Bezeichner:
+ SetNewToken( TCF_Identifier(io_rText.CutToken()) );
+ break;
+ case nF_goto_Preprocessor:
+ io_rText.CutToken();
+ SetNewToken(0);
+ break;
+ case nF_goto_Comment:
+ SetNewToken(0);
+ pContext_Comment->SetMode_IsMultiLine( io_rText.CutToken()[1] == '*' );
+ break;
+ case nF_goto_Docu:
+ SetNewToken(0);
+ pDocuContext->SetMode_IsMultiLine( io_rText.CutToken()[1] == '*' );
+ break;
+ case nF_goto_Const:
+ SetNewToken(0);
+ break;
+ case nF_goto_UnblockMacro:
+ SetNewToken(0);
+ break;
+ case nF_fin_Error:
+ default:
+ {
+ udmstri sCurChar( &io_rText.CurChar(), 1 );
+ throw X_Parser( X_Parser::x_InvalidChar, sCurChar, udmstri::Null_(), 0 );
+ }
+ } // end switch (i_nStatusSignal)
+ // Besondere Array-Stati (kein Tokenabschluss oder Kontextwechsel):
+ const INT16 top = 0; // Top-Status
+ const INT16 wht = 1; // Whitespace-überlese-Status
+ const INT16 bez = 2; // Bezeichner-lese-Status
+ // Tokenfinish-Stati:
+ const INT16 finError = 3;
+ const INT16 finIgnore = 4;
+ const INT16 finBezeichner = 5;
+ const INT16 finKeyword = 6;
+ const INT16 finPunctuation = 7;
+ const INT16 finBiType = 8;
+ const INT16 finTypeModifier = 9;
+ const INT16 finEOL = 10;
+ const INT16 finEOF = 11;
+ // Kontextwechsel-Stati:
+ const INT16 gotoComment = 12;
+ const INT16 gotoDocu = 13;
+ const INT16 gotoPreprocessor = 14;
+ const INT16 gotoConstString = 15;
+ const INT16 gotoConstChar = 16;
+ const INT16 gotoConstNumeric = 17;
+ const INT16 gotoUnblockMacro = 18;
+ // Abbreviations to be used in status tables:
+ const INT16 err = finError;
+ const INT16 fig = finIgnore;
+ const INT16 fbz = finBezeichner;
+ const INT16 fof = finEOF;
+ const INT16 cst = gotoConstString;
+ const INT16 cch = gotoConstChar;
+ const INT16 cnr = gotoConstNumeric;
+ /// Zeros - '0' - will be replaced by AddToken().
+ const INT16 A_nTopStatus[C_nStatusSize] =
+ // 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
+ {fof,err,err,err,err,err,err,err,err,wht, 0,wht,wht, 0,err,err,
+ err,err,err,err,err,err,err,err,err,err,fof,err,err,err,err,err, // 16 ...
+ wht, 0,cst, 0,err, 0, 0,cch, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
+ cnr,cnr,cnr,cnr,cnr,cnr,cnr,cnr,cnr,cnr, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, // 48 ...
+ 0,bez,bez,bez,bez,bez,bez,bez,bez,bez,bez,bez,bez,bez,bez,bez,
+ bez,bez,bez,bez,bez,bez,bez,bez,bez,bez,bez, 0, 0, 0, 0,bez, // 80 ...
+ 0,bez,bez,bez,bez,bez,bez,bez,bez,bez,bez,bez,bez,bez,bez,bez,
+ bez,bez,bez,bez,bez,bez,bez,bez,bez,bez,bez, 0, 0, 0, 0,err, // 80 ...
+ };
+ const INT16 A_nWhitespaceStatus[C_nStatusSize] =
+ // 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
+ {fof,err,err,err,err,err,err,err,err,wht,fig,wht,wht,fig,err,err,
+ err,err,err,err,err,err,err,err,err,err,fof,err,err,err,err,err, // 16 ...
+ wht,fig,fig,fig,fig,fig,fig,fig,fig,fig,fig,fig,fig,fig,fig,fig,
+ fig,fig,fig,fig,fig,fig,fig,fig,fig,fig,fig,fig,fig,fig,fig,fig, // 48 ...
+ fig,fig,fig,fig,fig,fig,fig,fig,fig,fig,fig,fig,fig,fig,fig,fig,
+ fig,fig,fig,fig,fig,fig,fig,fig,fig,fig,fig,fig,fig,fig,fig,fig, // 80 ...
+ fig,fig,fig,fig,fig,fig,fig,fig,fig,fig,fig,fig,fig,fig,fig,fig,
+ fig,fig,fig,fig,fig,fig,fig,fig,fig,fig,fig,fig,fig,fig,fig,err
+ };
+ const INT16 A_nBezeichnerStatus[C_nStatusSize] =
+ // 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
+ {fbz,err,err,err,err,err,err,err,err,fbz,fbz,fbz,fbz,fbz,err,err,
+ err,err,err,err,err,err,err,err,err,err,fbz,err,err,err,err,err, // 16 ...
+ fbz,fbz,fbz,fbz,fbz,fbz,fbz,fbz,fbz,fbz,fbz,fbz,fbz,fbz,fbz,fbz,
+ bez,bez,bez,bez,bez,bez,bez,bez,bez,bez,fbz,fbz,fbz,fbz,fbz,fbz, // 48 ...
+ fbz,bez,bez,bez,bez,bez,bez,bez,bez,bez,bez,bez,bez,bez,bez,bez,
+ bez,bez,bez,bez,bez,bez,bez,bez,bez,bez,bez,fbz,fbz,fbz,fbz,bez, // 80 ...
+ fbz,bez,bez,bez,bez,bez,bez,bez,bez,bez,bez,bez,bez,bez,bez,bez,
+ bez,bez,bez,bez,bez,bez,bez,bez,bez,bez,bez,fbz,fbz,fbz,fbz,err
+ };
+ const INT16 A_nOperatorDefStatus[C_nStatusSize] =
+ // 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
+ {err,err,err,err,err,err,err,err,err,err,err,err,err,err,err,err,
+ err,err,err,err,err,err,err,err,err,err,err,err,err,err,err,err, // 16 ...
+ err,err,err,err,err,err,err,err,err,err,err,err,err,err,err,err,
+ err,err,err,err,err,err,err,err,err,err,err,err,err,err,err,err, // 48 ...
+ err,err,err,err,err,err,err,err,err,err,err,err,err,err,err,err,
+ err,err,err,err,err,err,err,err,err,err,err,err,err,err,err,err, // 80 ...
+ err,err,err,err,err,err,err,err,err,err,err,err,err,err,err,err,
+ err,err,err,err,err,err,err,err,err,err,err,err,err,err,err,err
+ };
+ const INT16 A_nBezDefStatus[C_nStatusSize] =
+ // 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
+ {fbz,err,err,err,err,err,err,err,err,fbz,fbz,fbz,fbz,fbz,err,err,
+ err,err,err,err,err,err,err,err,err,err,fbz,err,err,err,err,err, // 16 ...
+ fbz,fbz,fbz,fbz,fbz,fbz,fbz,fbz,fbz,fbz,fbz,fbz,fbz,fbz,fbz,fbz,
+ bez,bez,bez,bez,bez,bez,bez,bez,bez,bez,fbz,fbz,fbz,fbz,fbz,fbz, // 48 ...
+ fbz,bez,bez,bez,bez,bez,bez,bez,bez,bez,bez,bez,bez,bez,bez,bez,
+ bez,bez,bez,bez,bez,bez,bez,bez,bez,bez,bez,fbz,fbz,fbz,fbz,bez, // 80 ...
+ fbz,bez,bez,bez,bez,bez,bez,bez,bez,bez,bez,bez,bez,bez,bez,bez,
+ bez,bez,bez,bez,bez,bez,bez,bez,bez,bez,bez,fbz,fbz,fbz,fbz,err
+ };
+ DYN StmArrayStatus * dpStatusTop
+ = new StmArrayStatus( C_nStatusSize, A_nTopStatus, 0, true);
+ DYN StmArrayStatus * dpStatusWhite
+ = new StmArrayStatus( C_nStatusSize, A_nWhitespaceStatus, 0, true);
+ DYN StmArrayStatus * dpStatusBez
+ = new StmArrayStatus( C_nStatusSize, A_nBezeichnerStatus, TCF_Identifier, true);
+ DYN StmBoundsStatus * dpBst_finError
+ = new StmBoundsStatus( *this, TkpContext::Null_(), nF_fin_Error, true );
+ DYN StmBoundsStatus * dpBst_finIgnore
+ = new StmBoundsStatus( *this, *this, nF_fin_Ignore, true );
+ DYN StmBoundsStatus * dpBst_finBezeichner
+ = new StmBoundsStatus( *this, *this, nF_fin_Bezeichner, true );
+ DYN StmBoundsStatus * dpBst_finKeyword
+ = new StmBoundsStatus( *this, *this, nF_fin_CreateWithoutText, false );
+ DYN StmBoundsStatus * dpBst_finPunctuation
+ = new StmBoundsStatus( *this, *this, nF_fin_CreateWithText, false );
+ DYN StmBoundsStatus * dpBst_finBiType
+ = new StmBoundsStatus( *this, *this, nF_fin_CreateWithText, false );
+ DYN StmBoundsStatus * dpBst_finTypeModifier
+ = new StmBoundsStatus( *this, *this, nF_fin_CreateWithText, false );
+ DYN StmBoundsStatus * dpBst_finEOL
+ = new StmBoundsStatus( *this, *this, nF_fin_EOL, false );
+ DYN StmBoundsStatus * dpBst_finEOF
+ = new StmBoundsStatus( *this, TkpContext::Null_(), nF_fin_EOF, false );
+ DYN StmBoundsStatus * dpBst_gotoComment
+ = new StmBoundsStatus( *this, *pContext_Comment, nF_goto_Comment, false );
+ DYN StmBoundsStatus * dpBst_gotoDocu
+ = new StmBoundsStatus( *this, *pDocuContext, nF_goto_Docu, false );
+ DYN StmBoundsStatus * dpBst_gotoPreprocessor
+ = new StmBoundsStatus( *this, *pContext_Preprocessor, nF_goto_Preprocessor, false );
+ DYN StmBoundsStatus * dpBst_gotoConstString
+ = new StmBoundsStatus( *this, *pContext_ConstString, nF_goto_Const, false );
+ DYN StmBoundsStatus * dpBst_gotoConstChar
+ = new StmBoundsStatus( *this, *pContext_ConstChar, nF_goto_Const, false );
+ DYN StmBoundsStatus * dpBst_gotoConstNumeric
+ = new StmBoundsStatus( *this, *pContext_ConstNumeric, nF_goto_Const, false );
+ DYN StmBoundsStatus * dpBst_gotoUnblockMacro
+ = new StmBoundsStatus( *this, *pContext_UnblockMacro, nF_goto_UnblockMacro, false );
+ // dpMain aufbauen:
+ aStateMachine.AddStatus(dpStatusTop);
+ aStateMachine.AddStatus(dpStatusWhite);
+ aStateMachine.AddStatus(dpStatusBez);
+ aStateMachine.AddStatus(dpBst_finError);
+ aStateMachine.AddStatus(dpBst_finIgnore);
+ aStateMachine.AddStatus(dpBst_finBezeichner);
+ aStateMachine.AddStatus(dpBst_finKeyword);
+ aStateMachine.AddStatus(dpBst_finPunctuation);
+ aStateMachine.AddStatus(dpBst_finBiType);
+ aStateMachine.AddStatus(dpBst_finTypeModifier);
+ aStateMachine.AddStatus(dpBst_finEOL);
+ aStateMachine.AddStatus(dpBst_finEOF);
+ aStateMachine.AddStatus(dpBst_gotoComment);
+ aStateMachine.AddStatus(dpBst_gotoDocu);
+ aStateMachine.AddStatus(dpBst_gotoPreprocessor);
+ aStateMachine.AddStatus(dpBst_gotoConstString);
+ aStateMachine.AddStatus(dpBst_gotoConstChar);
+ aStateMachine.AddStatus(dpBst_gotoConstNumeric);
+ aStateMachine.AddStatus(dpBst_gotoUnblockMacro);
+ // Identifier
+ // Keywords and other unique Tokens
+ aStateMachine.AddToken("operator",TCF_operator,A_nBezDefStatus,finKeyword);
+ aStateMachine.AddToken("class",TCF_class,A_nBezDefStatus,finKeyword);
+ aStateMachine.AddToken("struct",TCF_struct,A_nBezDefStatus,finKeyword);
+ aStateMachine.AddToken("union",TCF_union,A_nBezDefStatus,finKeyword);
+ aStateMachine.AddToken("enum",TCF_enum,A_nBezDefStatus,finKeyword);
+ aStateMachine.AddToken("typedef",TCF_typedef,A_nBezDefStatus,finKeyword);
+ aStateMachine.AddToken("public",TCF_public,A_nBezDefStatus,finKeyword);
+ aStateMachine.AddToken("protected",TCF_protected,A_nBezDefStatus,finKeyword);
+ aStateMachine.AddToken("private",TCF_private,A_nBezDefStatus,finKeyword);
+ aStateMachine.AddToken("template",TCF_template,A_nBezDefStatus,finKeyword);
+ aStateMachine.AddToken("virtual",TCF_virtual,A_nBezDefStatus,finKeyword);
+ aStateMachine.AddToken("friend",TCF_friend,A_nBezDefStatus,finKeyword);
+ aStateMachine.AddToken("~",TCF_Tilde,A_nOperatorDefStatus,finKeyword);
+ aStateMachine.AddToken("const",TCF_const,A_nBezDefStatus,finKeyword);
+ aStateMachine.AddToken("volatile",TCF_volatile,A_nBezDefStatus,finKeyword);
+ aStateMachine.AddToken("extern",TCF_extern,A_nBezDefStatus,finKeyword);
+ aStateMachine.AddToken("static",TCF_static,A_nBezDefStatus,finKeyword);
+ aStateMachine.AddToken("mutable",TCF_mutable,A_nBezDefStatus,finKeyword);
+ aStateMachine.AddToken("register",TCF_register,A_nBezDefStatus,finKeyword);
+ aStateMachine.AddToken("inline",TCF_inline,A_nBezDefStatus,finKeyword);
+ aStateMachine.AddToken("explicit",TCF_explicit,A_nBezDefStatus,finKeyword);
+ aStateMachine.AddToken("namespace",TCF_namespace,A_nBezDefStatus,finKeyword);
+ aStateMachine.AddToken("using",TCF_using,A_nBezDefStatus,finKeyword);
+ aStateMachine.AddToken("throw",TCF_throw,A_nBezDefStatus,finKeyword);
+ aStateMachine.AddToken("{",TCF_SwBracketOpen,A_nOperatorDefStatus,finKeyword);
+ aStateMachine.AddToken("}",TCF_SwBracketClose,A_nOperatorDefStatus,finKeyword);
+ aStateMachine.AddToken("[",TCF_ArBracketOpen,A_nOperatorDefStatus,finKeyword);
+ aStateMachine.AddToken("]",TCF_ArBracketClose,A_nOperatorDefStatus,finKeyword);
+ aStateMachine.AddToken("(",TCF_BracketOpen,A_nOperatorDefStatus,finKeyword);
+ aStateMachine.AddToken(")",TCF_BracketClose,A_nOperatorDefStatus,finKeyword);
+ aStateMachine.AddToken("::",TCF_DblColon,A_nOperatorDefStatus,finKeyword);
+ aStateMachine.AddToken(";",TCF_Semikolon,A_nOperatorDefStatus,finKeyword);
+ aStateMachine.AddToken(",",TCF_Komma,A_nOperatorDefStatus,finKeyword);
+ aStateMachine.AddToken(":",TCF_Colon,A_nOperatorDefStatus,finKeyword);
+ aStateMachine.AddToken("=",TCF_Zuweisung,A_nOperatorDefStatus,finKeyword);
+ aStateMachine.AddToken("<",TCF_Smaller,A_nOperatorDefStatus,finKeyword);
+ aStateMachine.AddToken(">",TCF_Bigger,A_nOperatorDefStatus,finKeyword);
+ aStateMachine.AddToken("*",TCF_Stern,A_nOperatorDefStatus,finKeyword);
+ aStateMachine.AddToken("&",TCF_Ampersand,A_nOperatorDefStatus,finKeyword);
+ aStateMachine.AddToken("...",TCF_Ellipse,A_nOperatorDefStatus,finKeyword);
+ // Operators
+ aStateMachine.AddToken("==",TCF_Operator,A_nOperatorDefStatus,finPunctuation);
+ aStateMachine.AddToken("!=",TCF_Operator,A_nOperatorDefStatus,finPunctuation);
+ aStateMachine.AddToken("<=",TCF_Operator,A_nOperatorDefStatus,finPunctuation);
+ aStateMachine.AddToken(">=",TCF_Operator,A_nOperatorDefStatus,finPunctuation);
+ aStateMachine.AddToken("&&",TCF_Operator,A_nOperatorDefStatus,finPunctuation);
+ aStateMachine.AddToken("||",TCF_Operator,A_nOperatorDefStatus,finPunctuation);
+ aStateMachine.AddToken("!",TCF_Operator,A_nOperatorDefStatus,finPunctuation);
+ aStateMachine.AddToken("new",TCF_Operator,A_nBezDefStatus,finPunctuation);
+ aStateMachine.AddToken("delete",TCF_Operator,A_nBezDefStatus,finPunctuation);
+ aStateMachine.AddToken("sizeof",TCF_Operator,A_nBezDefStatus,finPunctuation);
+ aStateMachine.AddToken("typeid",TCF_Operator,A_nBezDefStatus,finPunctuation);
+ aStateMachine.AddToken("+",TCF_Operator,A_nOperatorDefStatus,finPunctuation);
+ aStateMachine.AddToken("-",TCF_Operator,A_nOperatorDefStatus,finPunctuation);
+ aStateMachine.AddToken("/",TCF_Operator,A_nOperatorDefStatus,finPunctuation);
+ aStateMachine.AddToken("%",TCF_Operator,A_nOperatorDefStatus,finPunctuation);
+ aStateMachine.AddToken("^",TCF_Operator,A_nOperatorDefStatus,finPunctuation);
+ aStateMachine.AddToken("|",TCF_Operator,A_nOperatorDefStatus,finPunctuation);
+ aStateMachine.AddToken("<<",TCF_Operator,A_nOperatorDefStatus,finPunctuation);
+ aStateMachine.AddToken(">>",TCF_Operator,A_nOperatorDefStatus,finPunctuation);
+ aStateMachine.AddToken(".",TCF_Operator,A_nOperatorDefStatus,finPunctuation);
+ aStateMachine.AddToken("->",TCF_Operator,A_nOperatorDefStatus,finPunctuation);
+ aStateMachine.AddToken("?",TCF_Operator,A_nOperatorDefStatus,finPunctuation);
+ aStateMachine.AddToken("+=",TCF_Operator,A_nOperatorDefStatus,finPunctuation);
+ aStateMachine.AddToken("-=",TCF_Operator,A_nOperatorDefStatus,finPunctuation);
+ aStateMachine.AddToken("*=",TCF_Operator,A_nOperatorDefStatus,finPunctuation);
+ aStateMachine.AddToken("/=",TCF_Operator,A_nOperatorDefStatus,finPunctuation);
+ aStateMachine.AddToken("%=",TCF_Operator,A_nOperatorDefStatus,finPunctuation);
+ aStateMachine.AddToken("&=",TCF_Operator,A_nOperatorDefStatus,finPunctuation);
+ aStateMachine.AddToken("|=",TCF_Operator,A_nOperatorDefStatus,finPunctuation);
+ aStateMachine.AddToken("^=",TCF_Operator,A_nOperatorDefStatus,finPunctuation);
+ aStateMachine.AddToken("<<=",TCF_Operator,A_nOperatorDefStatus,finPunctuation);
+ aStateMachine.AddToken(">>=",TCF_Operator,A_nOperatorDefStatus,finPunctuation);
+ // Builtin types
+ aStateMachine.AddToken("char", TCF_BuiltInType, A_nBezDefStatus, finBiType);
+ aStateMachine.AddToken("short", TCF_BuiltInType, A_nBezDefStatus, finBiType);
+ aStateMachine.AddToken("int", TCF_BuiltInType, A_nBezDefStatus, finBiType);
+ aStateMachine.AddToken("long", TCF_BuiltInType, A_nBezDefStatus, finBiType);
+ aStateMachine.AddToken("float", TCF_BuiltInType, A_nBezDefStatus, finBiType);
+ aStateMachine.AddToken("double",TCF_BuiltInType, A_nBezDefStatus, finBiType);
+ aStateMachine.AddToken("wchar_t",TCF_BuiltInType, A_nBezDefStatus, finBiType);
+ aStateMachine.AddToken("size_t",TCF_BuiltInType, A_nBezDefStatus, finBiType);
+ // Type modifiers
+ aStateMachine.AddToken("signed", TCF_TypeModifier, A_nBezDefStatus, finTypeModifier);
+ aStateMachine.AddToken("unsigned", TCF_TypeModifier, A_nBezDefStatus, finTypeModifier);
+ // To ignore
+ aStateMachine.AddToken("auto", 0, A_nBezDefStatus, finIgnore);
+ aStateMachine.AddToken("typename", 0, A_nBezDefStatus, finIgnore);
+ aStateMachine.AddToken("_cdecl", 0, A_nBezDefStatus, finIgnore);
+ aStateMachine.AddToken("__cdecl", 0, A_nBezDefStatus, finIgnore);
+ aStateMachine.AddToken("__stdcall", 0, A_nBezDefStatus, finIgnore);
+ aStateMachine.AddToken("__fastcall",0, A_nBezDefStatus, finIgnore);
+ aStateMachine.AddToken("/**/", 0, A_nOperatorDefStatus,finIgnore);
+ // Context changers
+ aStateMachine.AddToken("#", 0, A_nOperatorDefStatus, gotoPreprocessor);
+ aStateMachine.AddToken("#undef",0, A_nOperatorDefStatus, gotoPreprocessor);
+ aStateMachine.AddToken("#unblock-",
+ 0, A_nOperatorDefStatus, gotoUnblockMacro);
+ aStateMachine.AddToken("/*", 0, A_nOperatorDefStatus, gotoComment);
+ aStateMachine.AddToken("//", 0, A_nOperatorDefStatus, gotoComment);
+ aStateMachine.AddToken("/**", 0, A_nOperatorDefStatus, gotoDocu);
+ aStateMachine.AddToken("///", 0, A_nOperatorDefStatus, gotoDocu);
+ // Line ends
+ // regular
+ aStateMachine.AddToken("\r\n", 0, A_nOperatorDefStatus, finEOL);
+ aStateMachine.AddToken("\n", 0, A_nOperatorDefStatus, finEOL);
+ aStateMachine.AddToken("\r", 0, A_nOperatorDefStatus, finEOL);
+ // To ignore in some cases(may be only at preprocessor?), but
+ // linecount has to be incremented.
+ aStateMachine.AddToken("\\\r\n",0, A_nOperatorDefStatus, finEOL);
+ aStateMachine.AddToken("\\\n", 0, A_nOperatorDefStatus, finEOL);
+ aStateMachine.AddToken("\\\r", 0, A_nOperatorDefStatus, finEOL);
+} // namespace cpp