path: root/autodoc/source/ary/idl/ia_type.cxx
diff options
authorJens-Heiner Rechtien <>2007-11-02 14:49:55 +0000
committerJens-Heiner Rechtien <>2007-11-02 14:49:55 +0000
commitadbebd00ef51b0789f4f11be84421068420b5faa (patch)
tree94291a17b6bee0694b6f24975d0fc76e563514e1 /autodoc/source/ary/idl/ia_type.cxx
parentINTEGRATION: CWS adc18 (1.1.2); FILE ADDED (diff)
2007/10/19 11:50:48 np #i81775# 2007/10/18 15:08:31 np #i81775#
Diffstat (limited to 'autodoc/source/ary/idl/ia_type.cxx')
1 files changed, 350 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/autodoc/source/ary/idl/ia_type.cxx b/autodoc/source/ary/idl/ia_type.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..b5df1f7de716
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autodoc/source/ary/idl/ia_type.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,350 @@
+ *
+ * - a multi-platform office productivity suite
+ *
+ * $RCSfile: ia_type.cxx,v $
+ *
+ * $Revision: 1.2 $
+ *
+ * last change: $Author: hr $ $Date: 2007-11-02 15:49:55 $
+ *
+ * The Contents of this file are made available subject to
+ * the terms of GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1.
+ *
+ *
+ * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1
+ * =============================================
+ * Copyright 2005 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+ * 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA
+ *
+ * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
+ * MA 02111-1307 USA
+ *
+ ************************************************************************/
+#include <precomp.h>
+#include "ia_type.hxx"
+#include <ary/qualiname.hxx>
+#include <ary/idl/i_module.hxx>
+#include <ary/idl/i_type.hxx>
+#include <ary/idl/ip_ce.hxx>
+#include "ia_ce.hxx"
+#include "is_type.hxx"
+#include "it_builtin.hxx"
+#include "it_ce.hxx"
+#include "it_explicit.hxx"
+#include "it_sequence.hxx"
+#include "it_tplparam.hxx"
+#include "it_xnameroom.hxx"
+namespace ary
+namespace idl
+inline CeAdmin &
+TypeAdmin::my_Ces() const
+ { return *pCes; }
+inline void
+TypeAdmin::lhf_Put2Storage_and_AssignId( DYN Type & pass_io_rType )
+ { // This also assigns an ID to pass_io_rType:
+ Storage().Store_Entity(pass_io_rType); }
+inline Type_id
+TypeAdmin::lhf_findBuiltInType( const String & i_sName )
+ { return ary_cast<ExplicitNameRoom>(Storage()[nXNameRoom_Root])
+ .Search_Name(i_sName); }
+inline const ExplicitNameRoom &
+TypeAdmin::find_ExplicitNameRoom( Type_id i_nType ) const
+ return ary_cast<ExplicitNameRoom>(Storage()[i_nType]);
+inline ExplicitNameRoom &
+TypeAdmin::find_ExplicitNameRoom( Type_id i_nType )
+ return ary_cast<ExplicitNameRoom>(Storage()[i_nType]);
+ExplicitNameRoom &
+TypeAdmin::lhf_CheckIn_XNameRoom( const QualifiedName & i_rName,
+ Ce_id i_nModuleOfOccurrence )
+ Type_id nRoot = i_rName.IsAbsolute()
+ ? Type_id( predefined::type_GlobalXNameRoom )
+ : lhf_Get_NameRoomRoot_forModuleofOccurrence( i_nModuleOfOccurrence ).TypeId();
+ if ( i_rName.NamespaceDepth() == 0 )
+ return find_ExplicitNameRoom(nRoot);
+ QualifiedName::namespace_iterator it = i_rName.first_namespace();
+ ExplicitNameRoom *
+ ret = & find_ExplicitNameRoom(nRoot);
+ for ( ; it != i_rName.end_namespace(); ++it )
+ {
+ Type_id
+ found = ret->Search_Name(*it);
+ if (found.IsValid())
+ {
+ ret = & find_ExplicitNameRoom(found);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ExplicitNameRoom &
+ rNew = *new ExplicitNameRoom(*it, *ret);
+ lhf_Put2Storage_and_AssignId(rNew);
+ ret->Add_Name( rNew.Name(), rNew.TypeId() );
+ ret = &rNew;
+ }
+ } // end for
+ return *ret;
+TypeAdmin::lhf_CheckIn_TypeName( const String & i_sLocalName,
+ ExplicitNameRoom & io_rXNameRoom,
+ Ce_id i_nModuleOfOccurrence,
+ Type_id i_nTemplateType )
+ String sSearchLocalName( i_sLocalName );
+ if ( i_nTemplateType.IsValid() )
+ {
+ sSearchLocalName =
+ StreamLock(200)()
+ << i_sLocalName
+ << C_cTemplateDelimiter
+ << i_nTemplateType.Value()
+ << c_str;
+ }
+ Type_id
+ ret = io_rXNameRoom.Search_Name(sSearchLocalName);
+ if (NOT ret.IsValid())
+ {
+ DYN Type &
+ rNewType = *new ExplicitType( i_sLocalName,
+ io_rXNameRoom.TypeId(),
+ i_nModuleOfOccurrence,
+ i_nTemplateType );
+ lhf_Put2Storage_and_AssignId(rNewType);
+ ret = rNewType.TypeId();
+ io_rXNameRoom.Add_Name( sSearchLocalName, ret );
+ }
+ return ret;
+TypeAdmin::lhf_CheckIn_Sequence(Type_id i_nType)
+ Type_id
+ ret = Storage().Search_SequenceOf(i_nType);
+ if (NOT ret.IsValid())
+ {
+ DYN Type &
+ rNewSeq = *new Sequence(i_nType);
+ lhf_Put2Storage_and_AssignId(rNewSeq);
+ ret = rNewSeq.Id();
+ Storage().Add_Sequence(i_nType, ret);
+ }
+ return ret;
+TypeAdmin::lhf_CheckIn_BuiltInType( const char * i_sName,
+ Rid i_nId )
+ DYN BuiltInType &
+ rNewType = *new BuiltInType(i_sName);
+ Storage().Set_Reserved(i_nId, rNewType);
+ // Put them into both roots, to catch the syntactically correct
+ // (though unlikely) ::Any, ::long etc.
+ Type_id
+ nId(i_nId);
+ find_ExplicitNameRoom(nXNameRoom_Root).Add_Name(i_sName, nId);
+ find_ExplicitNameRoom(nXNameRoom_Global).Add_Name(i_sName, nId);
+ExplicitNameRoom &
+TypeAdmin::lhf_Get_NameRoomRoot_forModuleofOccurrence( Ce_id i_nModuleOfOccurrence )
+ const Type_id *
+ pFound = csv::find_in_map( aMap_ModuleOfOccurrence2NameRoomRoot,
+ i_nModuleOfOccurrence );
+ if (pFound != 0)
+ return find_ExplicitNameRoom(*pFound);
+ ExplicitNameRoom &
+ ret = *new ExplicitNameRoom;
+ lhf_Put2Storage_and_AssignId(ret);
+ aMap_ModuleOfOccurrence2NameRoomRoot.insert(std::pair< const Ce_id, Type_id>(i_nModuleOfOccurrence,ret.TypeId()));
+ return ret;
+ : pStorage(new Type_Storage),
+ pCes(0), // Needs to be set directly after creation.
+ nXNameRoom_Root( static_cast<ary::Rid>(predefined::type_Root_ofXNameRooms) ),
+ nXNameRoom_Global( static_cast<ary::Rid>(predefined::type_GlobalXNameRoom) ),
+ aMap_ModuleOfOccurrence2NameRoomRoot()
+ DYN ExplicitNameRoom &
+ drRoot = *new ExplicitNameRoom;
+ Storage().Set_Reserved( nXNameRoom_Root.Value(), drRoot );
+ DYN ExplicitNameRoom &
+ drGlobal = *new ExplicitNameRoom(String::Null_(), drRoot);
+ Storage().Set_Reserved( nXNameRoom_Global.Value(), drGlobal );
+ drRoot.Add_Name( drGlobal.Name(), nXNameRoom_Global );
+ lhf_Setup_BuildInTypes();
+ lhf_CheckIn_BuiltInType("any", predefined::type_any);
+ lhf_CheckIn_BuiltInType("boolean", predefined::type_boolean);
+ lhf_CheckIn_BuiltInType("byte", predefined::type_byte);
+ lhf_CheckIn_BuiltInType("char", predefined::type_char);
+ lhf_CheckIn_BuiltInType("double", predefined::type_double);
+ lhf_CheckIn_BuiltInType("float", predefined::type_float);
+ lhf_CheckIn_BuiltInType("hyper", predefined::type_hyper);
+ lhf_CheckIn_BuiltInType("long", predefined::type_long);
+ lhf_CheckIn_BuiltInType("short", predefined::type_short);
+ lhf_CheckIn_BuiltInType("string", predefined::type_string);
+ lhf_CheckIn_BuiltInType("type", predefined::type_type);
+ lhf_CheckIn_BuiltInType("void", predefined::type_void);
+ lhf_CheckIn_BuiltInType("unsigned hyper", predefined::type_u_hyper);
+ lhf_CheckIn_BuiltInType("unsigned long", predefined::type_u_long);
+ lhf_CheckIn_BuiltInType("unsigned short", predefined::type_u_short);
+const Type &
+TypeAdmin::CheckIn_Type( QualifiedName & i_rFullName,
+ uintt i_nSequenceCount,
+ Ce_id i_nModuleOfOccurrence,
+ Type_id i_nTemplateType )
+ // Look in built-in types:
+ Type_id
+ nType = lhf_findBuiltInType(i_rFullName.LocalName());
+ if (NOT nType.IsValid())
+ { // No built-in type:
+ ExplicitNameRoom &
+ rNameRoom = lhf_CheckIn_XNameRoom(i_rFullName,i_nModuleOfOccurrence);
+ nType = lhf_CheckIn_TypeName( i_rFullName.LocalName(),
+ rNameRoom,
+ i_nModuleOfOccurrence,
+ i_nTemplateType );
+ } // endif
+ for ( uintt s = 0; s < i_nSequenceCount; ++s )
+ {
+ nType = lhf_CheckIn_Sequence(nType);
+ }
+ return Storage()[nType];
+TemplateParamType &
+TypeAdmin::Store_TemplateParamType( String i_sName )
+ DYN TemplateParamType &
+ ret = *new TemplateParamType( i_sName );
+ lhf_Put2Storage_and_AssignId(ret);
+ return ret;
+const Type &
+TypeAdmin::Find_Type( Type_id i_nType ) const
+ return Storage()[i_nType];
+TypeAdmin::Search_LocalNameOf( Type_id i_nType ) const
+ const Type *
+ pType = Storage().Exists(i_nType)
+ ? 0
+ : & Storage()[i_nType];
+ if (pType != 0)
+ {
+ switch (pType->AryClass())
+ {
+ case Ce_Type::class_id:
+ case ExplicitType::class_id:
+ case BuiltInType::class_id:
+ return static_cast< const Named_Type& >(*pType).Name();
+ }
+ }
+ return String::Null_();
+TypeAdmin::Search_CeRelatedTo( Type_id i_nType ) const
+ const Ce_Type *
+ ret = ary_cast<Ce_Type>( & Storage()[i_nType] );
+ return ret != 0
+ ? ret->RelatedCe()
+ : Ce_id_Null();
+const ExplicitNameRoom &
+TypeAdmin::Find_XNameRoom( Type_id i_nType ) const
+ return find_ExplicitNameRoom(i_nType);
+TypeAdmin::IsBuiltInOrRelated( const Type & i_rType ) const
+ if ( is_type<BuiltInType>(i_rType) )
+ return true;
+ else
+ {
+ const Type *
+ pType = &i_rType;
+ while (is_type<Sequence>(*pType))
+ {
+ Type_id
+ nt = ary_cast<Sequence>(pType)->RelatedType();
+ if (NOT nt.IsValid())
+ return false;
+ pType = & Storage()[nt];
+ }
+ return is_type<BuiltInType>(*pType);
+ }
+} // namespace idl
+} // namespace ary