diff options
authorThomas Arnhold <>2012-02-21 23:16:31 +0100
committerThomas Arnhold <>2012-02-21 23:16:31 +0100
commitb1073d9fa264139333704f82553ade9979e2ca24 (patch)
parentWaE: remove variable scope (diff)
WaE: silence some documentation errors
15 files changed, 25 insertions, 26 deletions
diff --git a/cppu/inc/com/sun/star/uno/Any.h b/cppu/inc/com/sun/star/uno/Any.h
index f5f2f72be8f8..18ef5a5f3bb4 100644
--- a/cppu/inc/com/sun/star/uno/Any.h
+++ b/cppu/inc/com/sun/star/uno/Any.h
@@ -126,7 +126,7 @@ public:
{ return * reinterpret_cast< const Type * >( &pType ); }
/** Gets the type of the set value.
- @return the UNacquired type description reference of the set value
+ @return the unacquired type description reference of the set value
inline typelib_TypeDescriptionReference * SAL_CALL getValueTypeRef() const SAL_THROW(())
{ return pType; }
@@ -134,7 +134,7 @@ public:
/** Gets the type description of the set value. Provides ownership of the type description!
Call an explicit typelib_typedescription_release() to release afterwards.
- @param a pointer to type description pointer
+ @param ppTypeDescr a pointer to type description pointer
inline void SAL_CALL getValueTypeDescription( typelib_TypeDescription ** ppTypeDescr ) const SAL_THROW(())
{ ::typelib_typedescriptionreference_getDescription( ppTypeDescr, pType ); }
diff --git a/cppu/inc/com/sun/star/uno/Reference.h b/cppu/inc/com/sun/star/uno/Reference.h
index 7e75a657e66f..50c7b77e23a5 100644
--- a/cppu/inc/com/sun/star/uno/Reference.h
+++ b/cppu/inc/com/sun/star/uno/Reference.h
@@ -105,14 +105,14 @@ public:
/** Equality operator: compares two interfaces
Checks if both references are null or refer to the same object.
- @param rRef another interface
+ @param pInterface another interface
@return true if both references are null or refer to the same object, false otherwise
inline sal_Bool SAL_CALL operator == ( XInterface * pInterface ) const SAL_THROW(());
/** Unequality operator: compares two interfaces
Checks if both references are null or refer to the same object.
- @param rRef another interface
+ @param pInterface another interface
@return false if both references are null or refer to the same object, true otherwise
inline sal_Bool SAL_CALL operator != ( XInterface * pInterface ) const SAL_THROW(());
diff --git a/cppu/inc/com/sun/star/uno/Sequence.h b/cppu/inc/com/sun/star/uno/Sequence.h
index f12b7c1e3b7b..380bcb77c56c 100644
--- a/cppu/inc/com/sun/star/uno/Sequence.h
+++ b/cppu/inc/com/sun/star/uno/Sequence.h
@@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ public:
/** Constructor: Creates a copy of given elements.
- @param pElement an array of elements
+ @param pElements an array of elements
@param len length of array
inline Sequence( const E * pElements, sal_Int32 len );
diff --git a/cppu/inc/cppu/Shield.hxx b/cppu/inc/cppu/Shield.hxx
index 1e7221a210d3..f4253995e76b 100644
--- a/cppu/inc/cppu/Shield.hxx
+++ b/cppu/inc/cppu/Shield.hxx
@@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ namespace cppu
/** Maps an any from the current to the thread-safe Environment, fills the passed any.
@param any the any to be mapped
- @param the target any
+ @param res the target any
@since UDK 3.2.7
inline void shieldAny(cssu::Any const & any, cssu::Any * res)
@@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ namespace cppu
/** Maps an any from the thread-safe Environment to the current one, fills the passed any.
@param any the any to be mapped
- @param the target any
+ @param res the target any
@since UDK 3.2.7
inline void unshieldAny(cssu::Any const & any, cssu::Any * res)
diff --git a/cppu/inc/typelib/typedescription.h b/cppu/inc/typelib/typedescription.h
index 6494e7c15a89..783e3ecab212 100644
--- a/cppu/inc/typelib/typedescription.h
+++ b/cppu/inc/typelib/typedescription.h
@@ -587,7 +587,7 @@ CPPU_DLLPUBLIC void SAL_CALL typelib_typedescription_newUnion(
@param ppRet inout enum type description
@param pTypeName name of enum
- @param nDefaultEnumValue default enum value
+ @param nDefaultValue default enum value
@param nEnumValues number of enum values
@param ppEnumNames names of enum values
@param pEnumValues enum values
@@ -628,7 +628,7 @@ CPPU_DLLPUBLIC void SAL_CALL typelib_typedescription_newArray(
@param pType sequence, array: element type;
struct, Exception: base type;
@param nMembers number of members if struct, exception
- @param pMember array of members if struct, exception
+ @param pMembers array of members if struct, exception
CPPU_DLLPUBLIC void SAL_CALL typelib_typedescription_new(
typelib_TypeDescription ** ppRet,
@@ -645,7 +645,7 @@ CPPU_DLLPUBLIC void SAL_CALL typelib_typedescription_new(
@param pTypeName name of type
@param pType base type;
@param nMembers number of members
- @param pMember array of members
+ @param pMembers array of members
@since UDK 3.2.0
@@ -692,7 +692,7 @@ CPPU_DLLPUBLIC void SAL_CALL typelib_typedescription_newInterface(
@param nUik4 uik part
@param nUik5 uik part
@param nBaseInterfaces number of base interface types
- @param ppBaseInterface base interface types
+ @param ppBaseInterfaces base interface types
@param nMembers number of members
@param ppMembers members; attributes or methods
@@ -713,7 +713,7 @@ CPPU_DLLPUBLIC void SAL_CALL typelib_typedescription_newMIInterface(
@param ppRet inout method type description
@param nAbsolutePosition position of member including all members of base interfaces
@param bOneWay determines whether method is declared oneway
- @param pTypeName fully qualified name of method including interface name
+ @param pMethodName fully qualified name of method including interface name
@param eReturnTypeClass type class of return type
@param pReturnTypeName type name of the return type
@param nParams number of parameters
@@ -1132,7 +1132,7 @@ CPPU_DLLPUBLIC void SAL_CALL typelib_static_mi_interface_type_init(
@param ppRef pointer to type reference pointer
@param pTypeName name of enum
- @param nDefaultEnumValue default enum value
+ @param nDefaultValue default enum value
CPPU_DLLPUBLIC void SAL_CALL typelib_static_enum_type_init(
typelib_TypeDescriptionReference ** ppRef,
diff --git a/cppu/inc/uno/any2.h b/cppu/inc/uno/any2.h
index c40915107896..d10da63c0b42 100644
--- a/cppu/inc/uno/any2.h
+++ b/cppu/inc/uno/any2.h
@@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ CPPU_DLLPUBLIC void SAL_CALL uno_any_assign(
@param pDest pointer memory of destination any
@param pSource pointer to source value; defaults (0) to default constructed value
- @param pTypeDescr type description of value; defaults (0) to void
+ @param pType type description of value; defaults (0) to void
@param acquire function called each time an interface needs to be acquired;
defaults (0) to uno
@param release function called each time an interface needs to be released;
diff --git a/cppu/inc/uno/environment.h b/cppu/inc/uno/environment.h
index df6c35122674..5c3a7c144ebb 100644
--- a/cppu/inc/uno/environment.h
+++ b/cppu/inc/uno/environment.h
@@ -368,7 +368,7 @@ CPPU_DLLPUBLIC void SAL_CALL uno_Environment_enter(uno_Environment * pEnv)
that objects of that environment might be called.
@param pEnv the environment
- @param rtl_uString ** pReason the reason, if it is not valid
+ @param pReason the reason, if it is not valid
@return 1 == valid, 0 == invalid
@since UDK 3.2.7
diff --git a/cppu/inc/uno/environment.hxx b/cppu/inc/uno/environment.hxx
index 9acbe39f5dd4..51f2570131ed 100644
--- a/cppu/inc/uno/environment.hxx
+++ b/cppu/inc/uno/environment.hxx
@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ class Environment
/** Returns the current Environment.
- @param env_type the optional type of the Environment, falls back to "uno" in case being empty,
+ @param typeName the optional type of the Environment, falls back to "uno" in case being empty,
respectively to current C++ Environment.
@since UDK 3.2.7
diff --git a/cppu/inc/uno/mapping.hxx b/cppu/inc/uno/mapping.hxx
index 72f8b6cc9922..7afdf2768ee9 100644
--- a/cppu/inc/uno/mapping.hxx
+++ b/cppu/inc/uno/mapping.hxx
@@ -97,8 +97,8 @@ public:
/** Holds a mapping from the specified source to the specified destination
- @param from source environment
- @param to destination environment
+ @param rFrom source environment
+ @param rTo destination environment
@param rAddPurpose additional purpose
inline Mapping(const Environment & rFrom, const Environment & rTo,
diff --git a/cppuhelper/inc/cppuhelper/access_control.hxx b/cppuhelper/inc/cppuhelper/access_control.hxx
index 518f45d594a7..ba3580434f16 100644
--- a/cppuhelper/inc/cppuhelper/access_control.hxx
+++ b/cppuhelper/inc/cppuhelper/access_control.hxx
@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ public:
SAL_THROW( (::com::sun::star::uno::RuntimeException) );
/** Copy ctor.
- @param another object
+ @param ac another object
AccessControl( ::cppu::AccessControl const & ac )
SAL_THROW( (::com::sun::star::uno::RuntimeException) );
diff --git a/registry/inc/registry/reflread.hxx b/registry/inc/registry/reflread.hxx
index 9b480d57b390..37602566dfbf 100644
--- a/registry/inc/registry/reflread.hxx
+++ b/registry/inc/registry/reflread.hxx
@@ -113,7 +113,7 @@ public:
/** Constructor.
@param buffer points to the binary data block.
- @param bufferlen specifies the size of the binary data block.
+ @param bufferLen specifies the size of the binary data block.
@param copyData specifies if the data block should be copied.
The block can be copied to ensure that the data
is valid for the lifetime of this instance.
@@ -261,7 +261,7 @@ public:
/** returns the full qualified exception type of the specified exception.
@param index indicates the method
- @param paramIndex indeciates the exception which typename will be returned.
+ @param excIndex indeciates the exception which typename will be returned.
inline ::rtl::OUString getMethodExcType( sal_uInt16 index, sal_uInt16 excIndex ) const;
@@ -272,7 +272,6 @@ public:
/** returns the full qualified exception type of the specified exception.
@param index indicates the method
- @param paramIndex indeciates the exception which typename will be returned.
inline RTMethodMode getMethodMode( sal_uInt16 index ) const;
diff --git a/registry/inc/registry/reflwrit.hxx b/registry/inc/registry/reflwrit.hxx
index 2a326c5c40fb..82e40118952a 100644
--- a/registry/inc/registry/reflwrit.hxx
+++ b/registry/inc/registry/reflwrit.hxx
@@ -163,7 +163,7 @@ public:
@param index indicates the index of the method.
@param name specifies the name.
- @param typeName specifies the full qualified return typename.
+ @param returnTypeName specifies the full qualified return typename.
@param mode specifies the method mode.
@param paramCount specifies the number of parameters.
@param excCount specifies the number of exceptions.
diff --git a/registry/inc/registry/registry.h b/registry/inc/registry/registry.h
index 43d058fb2d28..c27da988c303 100644
--- a/registry/inc/registry/registry.h
+++ b/registry/inc/registry/registry.h
@@ -376,7 +376,7 @@ RegError REGISTRY_CALLTYPE reg_createRegistry(rtl_uString* registryName,
/** This function opens the root key of a registry.
- @param hReg identifies a currently open registry whose rootKey will be returned.
+ @param hRegistry identifies a currently open registry whose rootKey will be returned.
@param phRootKey points to a handle of the open root key if the function succeeds otherwise NULL.
@return REG_NO_ERROR if succeeds else an error code.
diff --git a/registry/inc/registry/registry.hxx b/registry/inc/registry/registry.hxx
index d3e8b9e9e3f0..86968deb647b 100644
--- a/registry/inc/registry/registry.hxx
+++ b/registry/inc/registry/registry.hxx
@@ -493,7 +493,7 @@ public:
If keyName is an empty string, the value will be set for the key
specified by hKey.
@param valueType specifies the type of the value.
- @param pData points to a memory block containing the data for the value.
+ @param pValue points to a memory block containing the data for the value.
@param valueSize specifies the size of pData in bytes
@return REG_NO_ERROR if succeeds else an error code.
diff --git a/store/inc/store/store.h b/store/inc/store/store.h
index b4d6626d9d1f..e609b4b4cf27 100644
--- a/store/inc/store/store.h
+++ b/store/inc/store/store.h
@@ -222,7 +222,7 @@ typedef void* storeStreamHandle;
@param hFile [in] the File Handle.
@param pPath [in] the stream path.
@param pName [in] the stream name.
- @param eAccessMode [in] the access mode.
+ @param eMode [in] the access mode.
@param phStrm [out] the Stream Handle.
@return store_E_None upon success